Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Impact of violence against children in the family related to Law Number 23 year 2004 concerning deletion of violence in household,2020,3,1,348-358,Rizal The effect analysis of emotional intelligence and work environment on employee performance with organizational commitment as intervening variables in PT Berkat Bima Sentana,2020,3,3,1552-1563,Edward The analysis of infant death determinants in Aceh Besar Regency of 2019,2020,3,3,1570-1583,Nilawati The views of NU Ulama in Medan about polygamy,2020,3,3,2551-2559,Siregar Dynamics of clan based conflicts in Wajir County Kenya,2020,3,2,692-702,Karienye Model of building institutional networks in early prevention of social conflicts in urban area of Bekasi,2020,3,2,703-711,Sopandi The potentials of goodness and badness in humans on the Qur'an and Hadith,2020,3,2,718-728,Nuraini Effect of work safety and work healthy towards employee's productivity in PT. Sisirau Aceh Tamiang,2020,3,2,753-760,Mora Juridical analysis of the occupational safety and health management system in the company,2020,3,2,895-901,Marbun Awareness of Medan area students in demanding against the law of drug abuse the prevention of radicalism and terrorism,2020,3,2,1239-1250,S Handling cases of sexual violence against children in North Aceh Regency (Overview: Law Number 23 Year 2002 and Aceh Qanun Number 11 Year 2008 Concerning Children Protection),2020,3,1,182-197,Abdullah Communication strategy of professional investigators and safeguards (propam) in interrogating police problems in the police Medan city,2020,3,1,396-402,Kholil Legal protection on sinking victims of KM. Sinar Bangun Ship at Toba Lake in the criminal law perspective,2020,3,1,437-451,Munthe Handling of narcotics child victims in child special coaching institutions Class I Tanjung Gusta Medan,2019,2,4,50-55,Tumanggor The socioeconomic determinants of crime in Pakistan,2019,2,3,1-6,Umair Family communication patterns of abuser and victim in sexual abuse case resolutions towards children in Medan city resort police,2019,2,3,144-154,Kholil Colonial structure chinese minority and racial violence in Indonesia: a social reflection,2019,2,2,209-221,Sahrasad The construction of the reality of coverage media television about the Islamic Defenders Front,2019,2,2,254-266,Kholil Terrorist demonstration of Islam in daily news in Riau,2019,2,1,119-128,Kholil The state of river transportation after the development of land transport in East Sumatera 1900-1942,2019,2,1,232-237,Sumarno Exploitation and marginalization of women in online media news,2020,3,4,3540-3548,Putri Polyandry marriage in criminal law studies in Indonesia,2020,3,4,3670-3674,Asmuni The study of the local wisdom existence in the land system in forest and land fire control in Kurun District Gunung Mas Regency,2020,3,4,3720-3729,Berkat Criminal action on traffic accident-causing death case study decision number 101/Pid.B/2020/PN. Cirebon,2022,5,2,17250-17256,Sulistyo