Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The experience of domestic violence survivors in the US family courts: gender bias in the court,2021,3,1,43-53,Fischel-Wolovick Restoring what no longer exists: therapeutic and cultural issues regarding female genital mutilation/cutting,2021,3,1,14-26,Coho Kill or be killed: living in fear,2021,3,1,27-34,Orrell A strange case of gendercide: fascination psychotic features archaic elements and phantasmatic metamorphosis,2021,3,1,35-42,Spadaro Terror and wonder: whose choice is it anyway?,2020,2,2,147-156,Mundici Sadism: a history of non-consensual sexual cruelty,2020,2,1,1-12,Bourke Self-cannibalism and cannibalism: a perverse defence against depression,2020,2,1,42-51,Lingam "Let the great axe fall": from ancient Babylonian torture to modern forensic psychotherapy Freud Welldon and the humanisation of criminality,2022,4,2,89-118,Kahr On patients who explode: surviving petrifying psychotherapeutic experiences,2021,3,2,93-112,Kahr Fuses igniting in the consulting room,2021,3,2,113-122,Minne A commentary on "On patients who explode: surviving petrifying psychotherapeutic experiences" by Brett Kahr,2021,3,2,141-145,Zavodnova A day in the life ... defusing the situation: an interview with two bomb disposal specialists,2021,3,2,146-152,Sherry A commentary on "Fuses igniting in the consulting room" by Carine Minne,2022,4,1,21-23,Nemirovskiy Defence mechanisms in crime narratives of psychopathic violent offenders,2022,4,1,37-51,Willemsen What is forensic psychotherapy and why is it so important?,2022,4,2,119-130,Gilligan Bringing our light out from under the bushel: the unrealised potential of forensic psychotherapy,2022,4,2,131-143,Keogh The roots of evil: why ordinary people commit atrocities,2022,4,2,144-155,Nemirovskiy Female aggression: a family conundrum,2022,4,2,176-183,Doctor Societal disorder as a precursor to dangerous minds in politics,2022,4,2,184-191,Lee Can a focus on the importance of relationships help us address the pandemic of violence?,2022,4,2,192-207,Lord Alderdice World War 3.0,2022,4,2,208-211,Setterberg