Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do moms demand action on guns? Parenthood and gun policy attitudes,2022,32,3,655-673,Greene Moderating effect of partisanship on personal experience with sexual harassment and gender discrimination on the evaluation of political figures,2022,32,3,674-694,Hui Do disasters affect policy priorities? Evidence from the 2010 Chilean Earthquake,2022,32,3,695-706,Visconti Legalize cannabis? Effects of party cues on attitudes to a controversial policy proposal,2022,32,2,489-500,Bäck Crisis and extremism. How does an extreme far right emerge in a modern democracy? Evidence from Greece's Golden Dawn,2022,32,1,107-128,Christodoulakis Increasing the cost of female representation? The gendered effects of harassment abuse and intimidation towards Parliamentary candidates in the UK,2021,31,4,429-449,Rüdig Populist anger Donald Trump and the 2016 election,2021,31,1,33-58,Rudolph Born to run: where rebel parties participate in post-conflict local elections,2023,33,1,74-93,Ishiyama Conspiratorial thinking and foreign policy views: evidence from Central Europe,2023,33,2,182-196,Onderco Are former rebel parties more likely to engage in electoral violence in Africa?,2023,33,2,278-299,Ishiyama Ballots bombs and bullets: the effects of mass shootings and terrorist attacks on electoral behavior,2023,33,3,419-440,Kantack Too incivil to polarize: the effects of exposure to mediatized interparty violence on affective polarization,2023,33,3,441-461,Bosilkov Breaking through: how anti-immigrant parties establish themselves and the implications for their study,2023,33,4,519-537,Koning