Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Client violence towards social workers in spain: a systematic review,2023,12,1,69-92,Vidal- Martí Discourse analysis of policies to prevent violent radicalization in ten European countries and their impact on educational systems,2023,12,1,93-119,Alda Social dance in support groups for female victims of male violence against women,2022,11,3,27-59,Iranzo-Domingo Radicalisation in immigrant youth: differential influence analysis of psychosocial factors,2022,11,2,1-29,León Violence against men in heterosexual couples in the Latin American context: a review of the main findings and methodological aspects,2022,11,2,30-59,Rojas-Solís Promoting admiration of Foucault hiding his defense of rape and pederasty,2022,11,1,1-26,Valls Politicians and racism on Twitter: citizen reactions and new forms of social participation,2022,11,1,82-103,Alcaraz Spanish minors' perception of their parents' role in their use of social media networks ... Percepción de los menores españoles sobre el papel de sus padres en su uso de redes sociales,2023,12,2,157-182,Feijoo Behind closed doors: exploring the consequences of parents staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence of parental violence against children,2023,12,3,260-284,Elsayed