Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Criminal liability of a doctor due to handing over of lethal drugs for suicide,2017,35,2,139-145,No Author(s) Listed Unsuccessful application on the renewal of a lawsuit against an assisted-suicide criminal prohibition,2009,27,9,550-556,Hübner Limitation of compulsory guarantor through freely and responsibly prepared suicide notes,2011,29,5,291-293,Duttge Assisted suicide - Basically "not a medical task"?,2012,30,5,283-289,Strátling Remuneration for psychiatric treatment after attempted suicide,2015,33,11,826-827, Unsuccessful application for interim measures against the criminal liability of business-like promotion of suicide,2016,34,9,714-716,Fateh-Moghadam Assisted suicide in Germany. The perspective of penology,2018,36,10,741-749,Hoven Criminal liability of a doctor due to assisted suicide,2018,36,6,421-426,Hillenkamp Criminal liability of a doctor due to assisted suicide - Will the Wittig decision be taken (Federal Court of Justice in Criminal Affairs 32 367)?: Comments on the decision of the State Court Hamburg dated November 8 2017 - 619 KLs 7/16 (in this issue page 421),2018,36,6,379-383,Hillenkamp Suicide and assisted suicide as legal problem,2018,36,2,76-82,Weilert Criminalized handling of suicide preparations,2019,37,6,450-456,Oglakcioglu Prohibition of business-like promotion of suicide in the constitution? - Likewise a comment on the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court dated February 26 2020 - 2 BvR 2347/15 651/16 1261/16 1593/16 2354/16 2527/16,2020,38,7,527-531,Lindner On the importance of free responsibility for the rescue obligation and guarantor's obligation respectively in the case of a suicide,2020,38,2,120-124, Rescue obligation in the case of suicide - History and current development of the adjudication from a medical-psychiatric point of view: Likewise comment on the resolution of the Federal Court of Justice dated July 3 2019 - 5 Criminal Law 132/18 MedR 2020 124 (in this issue),2020,38,2,101-105,Spittler Unconstitutionality of the prohibition of the business-like promotion of suicide (§217 of the Criminal Code),2020,38,7,563-570, Authorization to acquire pentobarbital sodium for the purpose of suicide,2021,39,10,928-929, "Assisted suicide in Germany - What's next?": Conference at the University of Augsburg on April 8 2021,2021,39,6,535-536,Berndt Indirect assisted suicide at the hands of a member of the nursing staff,2021,39,8,728-730, Opinion on the new legal regulation of assisted suicide,2021,39,6,536-537, Right to aid for suicide: The Austrian Constitutional Court sets new criteria,2021,39,6,529-534,Bernat Assisted suicide between self-determination and bureaucracy: Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on §217 of the Criminal Code - New draft bills,2022,40,6,455-465,Eberbach No entitlement to acquisition approval of narcotics for suicide,2022,40,6,505-512, On the question whether the preservation of autonomous decision for suicide of a prisoner for reasons which in his subjected status under the institution's administration exhaust him may be inhibited,2022,40,5,400-402,