Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Situation quality of life and treatment of people discharged from the forensic psychiatric hospital of Reggio Emilia. Two years follow-up,2017,11,3,193-202,Moretti The psychological autopsy: Contradictio in adiecto?,2017,11,2,84-95,Merzagora Experience of crime and rule of consciousness: Maupassant tells how the crime,2015,9,1,21-28,Barbieri New fighters: Personality and identity features of islamic terrorists,2016,10,3,177-186,Merzagora War is over. War psychopathologies and violent behaviors in veterans,2016,10,3,219-229,Corsa An attempt of psychological autopsy in historical case: The death of Roberto Calvi,2018,12,4,328-338,Merzagora Psychiatric illness in incarcerated population,2018,12,3,225-230,di Giacomo The suicidal or offender psychiatric patient. Contents and limits in duties care,2018,12,2,96-104,Pellegrini Death of michele sindona: Psychological autopsy as a resource in a historical case,2019,13,2,112-120,Merzagora "I escape jumping from the window": suicide attempted suicide or just desire to return home? considerations on a series of cases in healthcare residences,2019,13,4,268-277,Birkhoff Some reflections on the so-called narcissistic crime,2019,13,4,257-267,Catanesi Revenge porn in the Italian regulatory and social context: new crime or old blackmail?,2022,16,3,201-210,Ricci Tenchini's legacy as a starting point for the reconstruction of the history of a criminal in the 19th century,2022,16,1,6-11,Cecchi