Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Costs associated with gunshot wounds in Canada in 1991,1995,153,9,1261-1268,Miller Northern Ontario MDs seek solution to region's huge accidental-death toll,1996,155,1,101-102,Spears Snowmobile-related deaths in Ontario: a 5-year review,1992,146,2,147-152,Rowe Butting heads over bicycle helmets,2002,167,4,337; author reply 338-9,DeMarco Butting heads over bicycle helmets,2002,167,4,337; author reply 338-9,Kreyes Hats off (or not?) to helmet legislation,2002,166,5,602,Chipman Gun control,1979,120,6,640 642,MacKay Gun control,1979,120,4,408 411,Sim Effect of new federal gun-control law on physicians,1978,119,12,1386-1388,Hayes New federal gun-control law takes a scattergun approach,1978,119,4,361 380,Geekie Support for gun-control legislation,1996,154,11,1619,Bell Gun control,1996,154,1,11-2; author reply 12-3,Bodley Gun control,1996,154,1,11; author reply 12-3,Sobrian Gun control,1995,153,7,880,Kane Physicians among many participants in midst of Canada's emotional gun-control debate,1995,152,12,2024-2027,LeBourdais Gun control,1995,152,11,1748-1749,Lamontagne The medical profession sets its sights on the gun-control issue,1991,145,10,1332-6 1339-40,Trent Firearm-related injuries in Canada: issues for prevention,1991,145,10,1217-1223,Chapdelaine Prevention of firearm-related injuries in Canada,1991,145,10,1211-1213,Chapdelaine Debating gun registration,2003,168,10,1241,Gimbarzevsky Reasonable control: gun registration in Canada,2003,168,4,389 391, Eye injuries in canadian hockey. phase ii,1977,117,6,671-2 677-8,Pashby National survey of spinal injuries in hockey players,1984,130,7,875-880,Edmonds Bicycle helmet subsidy program,1989,141,8,765,Morris Bicycle helmets not the only answer,1994,150,6,820,Stewart Mandatory bicycle helmets?,1993,149,11,1622; author reply 1624,Rieder The use of bicycle helmets should not be mandatory,1993,149,3,342-344,De Marco Bicycle helmets: effective protection,1992,147,11,1631,Waugh Bicycle helmets: effective protection,1992,147,11,1631,Hu Make helmet use mandatory for all bicyclists CMA recommends,1992,147,7,1058-1060,Sullivan Hockey helmets instead?,1992,146,12,2141,Clarke Trends in bicycle helmet use in Ottawa from 1988 to 1991,1992,146,9,1581-1585,Cushman CMA launches bicycle helmet campaign hopes to reduce roadside carnage,1991,144,11,1498-1499,Blair Bicycle-related injuries: a survey in a pediatric emergency department,1990,143,2,108-112,Cushman Bicyclist and environmental factors associated with fatal bicycle-related trauma in Ontario,1995,152,1,45-53,Rowe Patients who leave the pediatric emergency department without being seen: a case-control study,2005,172,1,39-43,Macpherson Effectiveness of a home-based balance-training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2005,172,6,749-754,Rowe Head injuries related to the use of baby walkers,1984,131,6,573-575,Stoffman Automobile restraints for children: a review for clinicians,2002,167,7,769-773,Howard Drowning deaths in people with epilepsy,1993,148,5,781-784,Ryan Drowning deaths in people with epilepsy,1993,149,3,270,Dooley Letter: Hazardous seats for babies,1976,114,5,409-412,Strickler Childhood injury prevention,1997,156,4,480-481,Wing Combating car accidents by examining the causes,2000,163,1,75,Kent Use of back belts to prevent occupational low-back pain. Recommendation statement from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care,2003,169,3,213-214,Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care Head injuries in nursery rhymes: evidence of a dangerous subtext in children's literature,2003,169,12,1294-1296,Giles Drowning in Canada,2000,162,13,1867,Weir Change in design of life preservers may save lives,1979,120,2,132,Edmonds Change in design of life preservers may save lives,1978,119,4,308,Garb Changing drinking-and-driving behaviour: the effects of Ontario's administrative driver's licence suspension law,2000,162,8,1141-1142,Stoduto Blood alcohol limit: the CMA is right on,2002,167,7,740,Wigmore Collisions with wildlife: the rising toll,2002,166,6,775,Weir Daytime vehicle lights,1986,135,11,1248,Frizzell The epidemiology and prevention of traffic accidents involving child pedestrians,1963,89,,687-701,Readtest Violence in advertising,2005,172,7,858,Shepherd Violence in advertising,2005,172,7,858,Huss Epidemiology of severe trauma among status Aboriginal Canadians: a population-based study,2005,172,8,1007-1011,Karmali Preventing violence in youth,2005,172,10,1291-1292,Weir Privacy versus public safety: reporting of gunshot wounds,2005,172,3,320,Gregoire The effect of safer play equipment on playground injury rates among school children,2005,172,11,1443-1446,Macpherson Fitness to drive,2006,175,6,575,Butcher Driving retirement: the role of the physician,2006,175,6,601,Carr Cycling safety and accident prevention,1995,152,7,1044,Russell Public health and head injuries due to road accidents,1953,68,5,475-479,Elliott Injuries in children wearing seat belts,1986,134,4,308-309,Cameron Hospitals' response to the buckle-up baby legislation in Ontario,1986,135,10,1131-1136,Lawee Seat-belt legislation: buckling down on traffic injuries,1980,122,9,1066-1070,Henry Seat belts: is freedom of choice worth 800 deaths a year?,1974,110,12,1418-22 passim,Hauser Safety belts,1970,102,10,1107 passim,Rosenow Lap-belt injury could result from improper use,1995,152,3,328,Singleton Seat-belt exemptions: "just say no" experts tell MDs,1990,142,6,622 624,Sullivan Restricted driver licensing for medical impairments: does it work?,2002,167,7,747-751,Marshall Color-blind drivers and traffic signals,1993,149,11,1630,Whillans False dogma about drivers with poor color vision,1989,140,1,12-13,Whillans Color-blind drivers of motor vehicles,1980,122,6,638,Howard Blood alcohol testing and the driver's "health",1986,134,6,577-578,Murphy Drinking cannabis use and driving among Ontario students,2003,168,5,565-566,Mann Determining medical fitness to drive: Physicians' responsibilities in Canada,1989,140,4,375-378,Coopersmith Detecting and managing elder abuse: challenges in primary care. The research subcommittee of the elder abuse and self-neglect task force of Hamilton-Wentworth,1997,157,8,1095-1100,Krueger MDs should consider "the public good is the higher law" when determining fitness to drive,1981,124,11,1518-1521,Ghent Smoke alarms in the home: what every physician should know,1985,133,12,1207-1210,Sultan Plastic helmet for head protection in children,1955,73,11,899,McLennan Global injury and violence,2006,174,5,620-621,Murray Work by Alberta researchers may free MDs from awkward fitness-to-drive decisions,1997,157,11,1593-1594,Cairney Pediatric safety on farms: redefining the unacceptable,2006,174,12,1731,Day Fatal agricultural injuries in preschool children: risks injury patterns and strategies for prevention,2006,174,12,1723-1726,Berg Heat injuries in Canadian mass participation runs,1980,122,10,1141-1142,Thomson Predicting outcome after childhood brain injury,2012,184,11,1257-1264,Forsyth National incidence study of child abuse and neglect,1998,159,5,446,Phaneuf Studying child abuse and neglect in Canada: we are just at the beginning,2003,169,9,919-920,Bennett Childhood injury prevention: time for tougher measures,1996,155,10,1429-1431,Pless Head injuries in childhood,1983,129,6,532,Ciastko Cycling safety and accident prevention,1995,152,7,1044,Mai Attempts to improve rail safety run head on into CMA concerns,1989,140,4,430-434,Trent Carbon monoxide in the modern society,1978,118,7,758-760,Murray Inconsistencies in bicycle helmet campaign,1991,145,11,1421,No Author(s) Listed Bicycle helmet campaign,1991,145,8,921-923, Cycling safety and accident prevention,1995,152,7,1044,MacMillan Should bodychecking be allowed in minor hockey?,2006,175,2,163,King Effect of bodychecking on injury rates among minor ice hockey players,2006,175,2,155-160,Rowe Child abuse: a community problem,1998,158,10,1301-1302,MacMillan Neuropsychological effects of marijuana,1973,108,2,150-6 passim,Klonoff Fitness to drive and emotional disorders,1989,140,11,1259-1260,Jacob Novice drivers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,2007,176,12,1735,Jerome Home safety measures and the risk of unintentional injury among young children: a multicentre case--control study,2006,175,8,883,King Canada gets a marginal grade on childhood injury,2006,175,8,845,Stanwick Trends in rates of death from unintentional injury among Canadian children in urban areas: influence of socioeconomic status,2006,175,8,867,Parkin Injury in childhood: a vexingly simple problem,2006,175,8,899,Howard Taking risks with injury prevention,2002,167,7,767-768,Pless A reply from SMARTRISK,2003,168,8,963-6; aut,Jardine The use of antidepressants to treat depression in children and adolescents,2006,174,2,193-200,Cheung Completed suicides among the Inuit of northern Quebec 1982-1996: a case-control study,2001,165,6,749-755,Hodgins Suicide among Manitoba's aboriginal people 1988 to 1994,1997,156,8,1133-1138,Cox Deaths and injuries from road rage: cases in Canadian newspapers,2002,167,7,761-762,Mann Cycling without a helmet,2006,175,11,1407,Giles Alkali burns from wet cement,1984,130,7,902-904,Peters Hot tap water scalds in Canadian children,1981,125,11,1250-1253,Stanwick Epidemiology of Head Injuries in Children - A Pilot Study,1967,96,19,1308-1311,Klonoff Graduated driver licensing in Canada: Slowly but surely,2007,176,6,752,Sibbald What's killing and maiming Canada's youth?,2007,176,6,737 739,Yanchar It's no accident,2004,170,2,173-4; author reply 174,Shepherd ADHD and driving safety,2003,169,1,16,Jerome Drawing blood from unconscious accident victims now legal in UK,2003,168,3,331,Spooner Drinking and driving,2003,168,3,313,Maskalyk MDs still the key to eliminating unfit drivers jury decides,2002,166,9,1196,Sullivan Blood-alcohol levels: show me the evidence,2002,166,9,1132; author reply 1132 1134,Dyack Blood-alcohol levels: show me the evidence,2002,166,9,1131-2; author reply 1132 1134,Emson Car phones and car crashes: some popular misconceptions,2001,164,11,1581-1582,Redelmeier Driving and our aging population,2000,163,9,1130-1132,Byszewski The hazards of Halloween,2000,163,8,1046,Weir MDs' bid to raise drinking age meets opposition,2000,162,11,1599-1600,Square CMA driver's guide,2007,177,1,64; author reply 65,Gross Debate about parents' right to spank causes divisions among MDs,1995,153,1,73-75,Cohen Firearms law raises issue of MDs' duty to predict and report potentially violent patients,1995,152,8,1300-1302,Capen Psychopathic patients pose dilemma for physicians and society,1995,152,8,1314-1317,Davis-Barron Intervention in elder abuse: a swift blade or a dull-edged saw?,1995,152,7,1121-1123,Curtin Potential for violence causing fear among Canadian doctors who perform abortions,1995,152,6,927-932,LeBourdais Physicians targeted as abortion debate in US turns violent,1995,152,5,727-730,Korcok Sleep apnea a risk factor for poor driving,1995,153,8,1063,Kryger The impact of unemployment on health: a review of the evidence,1995,153,5,529-540,Jin Nonfatal childhood injuries: a survey at the Children's Hospital of eastern Ontario,1992,146,3,361-365,Shanon No such thing as nonaccidental injury,1994,151,7,913-914,Finkel Difficulties in addressing abuse and neglect in elderly patients,1994,151,10,1401-1403,Kozak Incidence of postpartum abuse in women with a history of abuse during pregnancy,1994,151,11,1601-1604,Stewart Violence in the workplace,1994,151,9,1243-1246,Liss Gun ownership and crime,1993,149,12,1774; author reply 1775-6,Stopps In Medellin the drug wars mean that emergency physicians are always busy,1993,149,10,1516-1520,Castonguay Physical abuse in pregnancy: what can we do about it?,1993,149,9,1237-1238,Rae-Grant Physical abuse in pregnancy,1993,149,9,1257-1263,Stewart Failure to report drivers' medical problems could have serious legal consequences for MDs,1993,149,3,322-325,Johnston Childhood sexual abuse,1993,149,4,394 396,Murphy International correlations between gun ownership and rates of homicide and suicide,1993,148,10,1721-1725,Killias Sexual assault tracking study: Who gets lost to follow-up?,1992,147,8,1177-1184,Herbert Bombing of Toronto abortion clinic raises stakes in bitter debate,1992,147,10,1528-1533,Bagley Women can abuse too,1992,147,12,1748-1749,Hay Women can abuse too,1992,147,2,152,Burgener Why are there so many injuries? why aren't we stopping them?,1991,144,4,412,Geekie Number of traffic deaths plummets experts say MDs can help trend continue,1991,145,3,249,Sullivan Risks on the roads,2006,174,12,1743,Desapriya Risks on the roads,2006,174,12,1743-1746,Mitchell Acute Boracic Acid Poisoning (Fatal),1924,14,,419-420,Bazin Poisoning From the External Use of Resorcin,1922,7,,730-732,Graham Trinitrotoluene Poisoning,1919,9,,63-71,Odland The Pathogenesis and Prevention of Suicide,1937,37,,139-143,Franks Accidental Poisoning in Young Children,1954,71,5,498-499,No Author(s) Listed Traffic Fatalities,1953,69,6,636-637,No Author(s) Listed Public Health and Head Injuries (Due to Road Accidents),1953,68,5,475-479,Elliott Accidents in Children,1951,65,6,531-535,Collinswilliams Doctors Drugs and Automobiles,1949,61,6,635-635,Thomson Alcohol and Automobile Driving,1940,43,,46-52,Cameron Fractures Pertaining to the Motor Accident,1929,21,,567-569,Ramsay Automobile Accidents and the Hospitals,1928,19,,611-612,Kirkland Sleepy older drivers,2007,177,4,376-377,Kryger Sharing the responsibility for assessing the risk of the driver with dementia,2007,177,6,599-601,Molnar Accident Proneness,1964,90,10,646,No Author(s) Listed Accidents in Childhood: A Report on 17141 Accidents,1964,91,13,675,Keddy Attempted Suicide,1962,87,12,676,No Author(s) Listed Cars for Safety,1963,89,25,1296,No Author(s) Listed Early Signs of Impending Breakdown in Flight Personnel: Practising Physicians Contribution to Commercial Flying Safety,1961,84,3,149,Phillips Epidemiology and Prevention of Traffic Accidents Involving Child Pedestrians,1963,89,14,687,Bradley Epidemiology and Traffic Accidents,1962,86,6,291,No Author(s) Listed Interest of Organized Medicine in Traffic Accidents,1961,84,14,785,Peart Safety Caps for Medicine Bottles,1962,86,16,751,Kopp Traffic accidents,1961,84,16,909,No Author(s) Listed Traffic Accidents: Epidemiology and the Medical Aspects of Prevention,1964,91,4,183,Williams Traffic Accidents: Epidemiology and the Medical Aspects of Prevention,1964,90,19,1099,Williams Youth and suicide,2008,178,3,286,Kutcher Youth suicide prevention,2008,178,3,282-285,Kutcher Nonsuicidal self-harm in youth: a population-based survey,2008,178,3,306-312,Cloutier Suicide fad threatens neighbours rescuers,2008,179,4,312-313,Truscott Gun ownership and crime,1993,149,12,1775; author reply 1775-6,Muckle There's nothing accidental about most injuries founder of injury-prevention foundation says,1994,150,5,756-757,Williams Alcohol "on board" man overboard -- boating fatalities in Canada,1998,159,3,259-260,Chochinov The effect of traumatic brain injury on the health of homeless people,2008,179,8,779-784,Levinson Fatal asphyxiations in children involving drawstrings on clothing,1996,155,10,1417-1419,Francescutti Factors associated with suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault,2009,180,5,513-519,Cohen Drug-facilitated sexual assault,2009,180,5,493-494,Welch Generalized tonic-clonic seizure after a taser shot to the head,2009,180,6,625-626,Wennberg The good the bad and the ugly. Association between car colour and bicycle passing space,1998,159,12,1461-1462,Hurst The safety of older drivers,2007,177,11,1392,Desapriya Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of suicide: a systematic review of observational studies,2009,180,3,291-297,Cipriani Proper studies of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are needed for youth with depression,2009,180,3,270-271,Mann Health advisories: when good intentions go bad,2008,178,8,1025-1026,Mamdani Effect of regulatory warnings on antidepressant prescription rates use of health services and outcomes among children adolescents and young adults,2008,178,8,1005-1011,Cox Searching for solutions to the North's quiet epidemic,2007,177,12,1488,Dunleavy Preventing head trauma from abuse in infants,2009,180,7,703-704,Jenny Patterns of death among avalanche fatalities: a 21-year review,2009,180,5,507-512,Butt Should strategies for care of avalanche victims change?,2009,180,5,491-492,Brugger Perpetration of violence against intimate partners: health care implications from global data,2008,179,6,511-512,Campbell Dangers for children in the care of drug users,2008,179,2,164,Bellemare Congo cease fire brings little relief for women,2008,179,2,133-134,Truscott Medical isotope production and nuclear terrorism,2008,179,1,54-55,Covington When healers become killers: the doctor as terrorist,2007,177,6,688,Sibley The long-term health consequences of disasters and mass traumas,2007,176,9,1293-1294,Galea The influence of a disaster on the health of rescue workers: a longitudinal study,2007,176,9,1279-1283,Dirkzwager Driving and dementia,2007,176,3,351,O'neill Origin of heroes program,1994,150,12,1941 1944,Francescutti A broader context for maternal mortality,2006,174,3,302-303,Stewart Seasonality of mortality: the September phenomenon in Mediterranean countries,2009,181,8,484-486,Falagas Medical faculties decimated by violence in Iraq,2009,181,9,576-578,Webster Injuries associated with off-road vehicles among children,1986,135,12,1365-1366,Wiley Changing motivation in severely suicidal patients,1986,135,12,1361-1363,Adam The dangers of off-road vehicles to young drivers,1986,135,12,1345-1346,Wiley Legal implications of premenstrual syndrome: a Canadian perspective,1986,135,12,1340-1341,Robinson Doctors and torture: a tortuous issue,1986,135,11,1305-1308,Gilmore Death due to salicylate poisoning in Ontario,1986,135,8,891-894,McGuigan Hemingway: could his suicide have been prevented?,1986,135,8,933-934,Trent Suicide: many questions but no easy answers,1986,135,7,801-806,Trent Genital molluscum contagiosum in children: evidence of sexual abuse?,1986,135,5,432-433,Bargman Capital punishment: answer to violence and crime?,1986,135,2,106-107, Waging the war against alcohol abuse,1986,134,12,1401-1404,Korcok Sexual abuse and sexually transmitted disease in children,1986,134,11,1272-1273, Hinton pulls together to handle train crash victims,1986,134,9,1061 1064-5 1067,Keenan Runaways often sexually abused: symposium,1986,134,8,944-6 948,Swartz Medical response to a natural disaster: the Barrie tornado,1986,134,7,767-769,Morris ATVs: a new safety hazard?,1986,134,5,540-542,Michaels How safe are three-wheeled recreational vehicles?,1986,134,1,15-16,Hardy Drinking and driving,1985,133,8,806A 806B, Danger of three-wheeled recreational vehicles,1985,133,6,555,Jeffery Eye injuries associated with war games,1985,133,5,415-7 419,Pashby Wife-beating: how to handle the assailant,1985,133,5,355 358,Jackson The seat-belt syndrome,1987,137,11,1023-1024,O'Connor Accidents involving off-road motor vehicles in a northern community,1987,137,7,630-632,Hasselback Sexual abuse of children: an update,1987,137,7,592,Wilson Injuries and deaths associated with off-road recreational vehicles among children in Manitoba,1987,137,4,297-300,Moffatt Central cord syndrome resulting from near-hanging injury,1987,137,3,221-222,Ahuja Responding to disaster: Canada and the Mexico City earthquake,1987,137,1,68-70,Montoya Is psychiatry being harmed by involuntary hospitalization and treatment?,1987,137,1,17-20,Hoffman Physicians' guide to driver examination,1987,,Suppl,1-44, Sexual abuse of children: an update,1987,136,3,245-252,Finkel Two- three- and four-wheel unlicensed off-road vehicles. Accident Prevention Committee Canadian Paediatric Society,1987,136,2,119-120, Free-alcohol policy on airlines,1988,139,11,1051,Swann Preventing CAN deaths,1988,139,10,934,Greenland Investigating presumed child abuse,1988,139,1,8,Eby Abuse of elderly subject of Toronto conference,1988,138,3,261-262,Swartz Assault and abuse of health care workers in a large teaching hospital,1994,151,9,1273-1279,Yassi Substance abuse and driving: the physician's role,1989,141,12,1218 1220,Poole Examination of sexually abused children,1989,141,8,767,Jacobs Low-level flying in Labrador: does it pose a health risk?,1989,141,7,714-717,Goldman Fitness to drive,1989,141,7,662-663,Duquette The Medical Network: saying "no" to human rights abuses,1989,141,3,234-238,Payne Sexual abuse of children and sexually transmitted diseases: implications for physicians,1989,140,10,1139-1140,Finkel Premenstrual syndrome: current knowledge and management,1989,140,6,605-611,Robinson Coin rolling misdiagnosed as child abuse,1989,140,4,417,Rosenblat Free-alcohol policy on airlines,1989,140,2,116,Block Carbon monoxide levels in indoor tractor-pull events--Manitoba,1990,143,7,647-648, Preventing suicide,1990,143,7,609-610, NB physicians sent hard-hitting discussion paper on wife abuse,1990,143,3,218-219,Sullivan Suicide among teenagers,1990,142,12,1362,Holland Periodic health examination 1990 update: 2. Early detection of depression and prevention of suicide. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination,1990,142,11,1233-1238, Prevention of suicide,1990,142,11,1223-1230,Offord Incest can have devastating emotional and physical consequences women physicians told,1991,145,8,1020-1025,Lechky Wearing a wife-assault-prevention button: impact on a family practice,1991,145,8,1005-1012,White Wife assault: physicians cannot ignore it,1991,145,2,102 104,Jacobs Physicians' guide to driver examination. Fifth edition,1991,1991,Suppl,1-64, Compulsory reporting changing MDs' role in sexual-abuse cases,1991,144,9,1162-1164,Johnston Alberta making major effort to overcome high suicide rate,1991,144,8,1050-1 1054,Sutherland Court human-rights rulings cause change in CMA advice on diabetic drivers,1991,144,8,1042-3 1045,Sullivan Wife assault: physicians cannot ignore it,1991,144,3,283-284,Bain Sexual abuse: Ottawa hospital tries to brush cobwebs from a murky ill-defined world,1991,144,2,222-4 226,Trent Night myopia may place many young drivers at risk MD says,1992,147,12,1834-1835,Ryosa Is abuse a feminist issue?,1992,147,11,1630,Filanti Garage door injuries in children,1992,147,8,1187-1189,Macnab A serious issue,1992,147,6,842-843,Alibhai A serious issue,1992,147,6,842,Ackermann Women can abuse too,1992,147,2,152,Lyons Researchers fear "Magic Mint" ban could slow studies,2009,181,11,782-783,Collier The literary horrors of childhood,1993,149,12,1777,Hay Gun ownership and crime,1993,149,12,1773; author reply 1775-6,Mauser Mandatory bicycle helmets?,1993,149,11,1622; author reply 1624,Rieder Age and driving,1993,149,11,1630-1631,Hussey Mandatory bicycle helmets?,1993,149,11,1624,Quinn Mandatory bicycle helmets?,1993,149,11,1624,Colby Mandatory bicycle helmets?,1993,149,11,1622 1624,Forster Mandatory bicycle helmets?,1993,149,11,1622; author reply 1624,Mackie Cairo residents find signs of hope in wake of city's worst natural disaster,1993,148,2,262-264,Dickinson Periodic health examination 1993 update: 1. Primary prevention of child maltreatment. The Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination,1993,148,2,151-163,MacMillan Childhood injuries,1992,146,10,1691-1692,Finkel Mandatory drug testing: boon for public safety or launch of a witch-hunt?,1992,146,7,1215-1220,Sutherland Sport and safety,1992,146,6,818,Foster A need for population-based studies of health and safety risks in Canadian agriculture,1991,145,7,773-775,Dosman Why are there so many injuries? Why aren't we stopping them?,1991,144,6,641,Morris Why are there so many injuries? Why aren't we stopping them?,1991,144,1,57-8 60-1,Francescutti Malawi health workers grapple with rising incidence of rape,2009,181,12,E279-80,Glauser Self-harm and risk of motor vehicle crashes among young drivers: findings from the DRIVE Study,2009,181,11,807-812,Patton Inuit health system must move past suicide prevention to "unlock a better reality" conference told,2010,182,1,E46,Silversides The effect of helmets on the risk of head and neck injuries among skiers and snowboarders: a meta-analysis,2010,182,4,333-340,Hagel Association between parity and risk of suicide among parous women,2010,182,6,569-572,Yang Fracture risk among First Nations people: a retrospective matched cohort study,2004,171,8,869-873,Leslie Violence in the health care workplace,2000,162,4,490 492,Liss Violence in the emergency department: a survey of health care workers,1999,161,10,1245-1248,Fernandes US report on violence in the medical workplace may hold lessons for Canadian MDs,1995,153,11,1651-1652,Grant Risk factors for extended disruption of family function after severe injury to a child,1993,149,4,421-427,Kenney A clinical trial gone awry: the Chocolate Happiness Undergoing More Pleasantness (CHUMP) study,2007,177,12,1539-1541,Chan Public health and nutrition advocates fear regulatory inaction has become the norm,2010,182,10,E465-6,Vogel Gun ownership and crime,1993,149,12,1774-5; author reply 1775-6,Loveridge Gun ownership and crime,1993,149,12,1773-4; author reply 1775-6,Kleck CMA proposals designed to bring criminal code in line with medical advances,1993,148,2,278-279,Sullivan Renal failure after eating "magic" mushrooms,1993,148,4,492,Lindsay Avoidable injuries,1993,148,5,716,Ernest Controlled-drinking advocates challenge use of abstinence model in treatment of addiction,1993,149,5,706-7 710-3,Cohen British nurse gets life sentence after conviction for work-related murders,1993,149,5,684-686,Richmond Carbon monoxide poisoning,1993,149,10,1382,Dolan Baby walkers and the premature infant,1988,139,7,609-610,Inwood Despite new regulations caution a must when baby walkers are used,1988,139,1,73-74,James Methanol poisoning,1993,149,2,134 136,Fraser Abstinence or controlled drinking?,1994,150,4,462-463,Garlick Abstinence or controlled drinking?,1994,150,4,462,Taylor Abstinence or controlled drinking?,1994,150,4,461-2; author reply 463,Jacyk Abstinence or controlled drinking?,1994,150,4,461,Wilson Abstinence or controlled drinking?,1994,150,4,460-461,Simpson Toronto psychiatrist a world leader in study treatment of torture victims,1994,150,3,408-410,Martin Vancouver psychiatrist's experiences lead to work with torture victims,1994,150,3,406-407,Godley Medical condition while driving,1994,150,3,326,Hirsch Are your patients fit to drive?,1994,150,6,988-990,Capen Psychiatrist's release of confidential information causes controversy in Halifax,1994,150,6,960-962,Melanson Nurses face widespread abuse at work research team says,1994,150,5,737-9 742,Lechky How much fire under the smoke? The effects of exposure to cocaine on the fetus,1994,151,11,1567-1569,Rieder Suicide in a world that is unsure how to value life,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deshauer Occupational injuries illness affect 1 in 13 Canadians,1995,153,12,1782-1783,Martin Could changes in the wheelchair delivery system improve safety?,1995,153,11,1585-1591,Kirby Chronic aftershocks of an earthquake on the well-being of children in Haiti: violence psychosocial health and slavery,2010,182,18,1997-1999,Gupta Truth first casualty at Dieppe,1996,154,2,143,Smith On-campus physicians witnessing changes in medical problems faced by university students,1996,154,1,77-79,Thorne Antenatal psychosocial risk factors associated with adverse postpartum family outcomes,1996,154,6,785-799,Stewart Wheelchair drivers sidewalk menace?,1996,154,6,762 764,Godfrey Violence sells,1996,154,6,756 758,Soltan Showdown over costs of gunshot wounds,1996,154,5,628-9; author reply 629-31,Suter Showdown over costs of gunshot wounds,1996,154,5,628; author reply 629-31,Sobrian Showdown over costs of gunshot wounds,1996,154,5,627-8; author reply 629-31,Rosenberg Showdown over costs of gunshot wounds,1996,154,5,627; author reply 629-31,Smart Sleep stages memory and learning,1996,154,8,1193-1196,Dotto Prevention. How much harm? How much benefit? 1. Influence of reporting methods on perception of benefits,1996,154,10,1493-1499,Marshall The practitioner the patient and resistance to change: recent ideas on compliance,1996,154,9,1357-1362,Butler Sex lies and androgen insensitivity syndrome,1996,154,12,1829 1832; author reply 1833,Groveman Physician-patient privilege: the legal assault continues,1996,154,11,1760-1763,McPhedran Conflict of interest physicians and physiotherapy,1996,154,11,1737-1739,Waldman Residents' experiences of abuse discrimination and sexual harassment during residency training. McMaster University Residency Training Programs,1996,154,11,1657-1665,Cook Toxic effects from nitrogen dioxide in ice-skating arenas,1993,148,7,1181-1182,Soparkar Childproof containers,1993,148,10,1674-1675,Armstrong Firearms control,1993,148,9,1443,Klein MDs have key role in bringing ugly secret of wife abuse out of closet,1997,157,11,1579-1581,Baer More than meets the eye: recognizing and responding to spousal abuse,1997,157,11,1555-1558,Martin Responding to our abused patients,1997,157,11,1539-1540,Lent Alcohol disorders in Canada as indicated by the CAGE questionnaire,1997,157,11,1529-1535,Poulin Widespread variations exist in bike helmet laws across Canada,2010,182,13,E635-6,Casey Current and projected rates of hip fracture in Canada,1997,157,10,1357-1363,Papadimitropoulos The effect of publication on Internet-based solicitation of personal-injury litigants,2007,177,11,1369-1370,Juurlink Penetrating pharyngeal injury in an infant,2007,177,11,1351-1352,Lim TASER safety,2008,179,7,677-678,Graham Reed Elsevier's arms business,2007,177,6,606,Armstrong Bodychecking in hockey,2004,170,1,15-6; author reply 16 18,Shaw Heat and light in the childhood spanking debate,2000,162,6,757; author reply 764-6,Smith Evidence-based morality,1999,161,3,229 231, Physical abuse during pregnancy: a significant threat to maternal and child health,1999,160,7,1022-1023,MacMillan Signs of physical abuse or evidence of moxibustion cupping or coining?,1999,160,6,785-786,Wong Physician-led committee tackles youth-violence problem in one of Canada's fastest-growing cities,1995,152,1,98-99,O'Brien-Bell Physicians must help diagnose prevent family violence Newfoundland MDs say,1994,151,3,362-363,Muzychka Healers who harm: Ontario college takes aim at physicians who abuse patients,1991,144,10,1298-1300,Gray First Nations health data,2010,182,3,281,Desapriya Prevention of violence against women: recommendation statement from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care,2003,169,6,582-584,MacMillan Violence against women: integrating the evidence into clinical practice,2003,169,6,570-571,MacMillan Determinants of violence in the psychiatric emergency service,2001,164,1,32-33,Oster Wife assault in Canada,2000,163,3,328,Weir Abuse against women a public health issue: MD,2000,162,6,848,Swanson Abuse of emergency department workers: an inherent career risk or a barometer of the evolving health care system?,1999,161,10,1262-1263,Morrison Our violent workplaces,1999,160,8,1127,Noone Familial abuse: a multifaceted problem,1998,158,7,867-868,McRae Wife abuse: universal screening,1997,157,4,367-369,Grunfeld Post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth: the phenomenon of traumatic birth,1997,156,6,831-835,Reynolds BCMA becomes first Canadian medical group to form Committee on Violence,1996,155,10,1477-1479,LeBourdais Failure to pursue indications of spousal abuse could lead to tragedy physicians warned,1995,152,9,1488-1491,Williams MDs call for new safety features after death in school bus crash,2003,169,9,951,Sibbald The whiplash debate,2003,169,8,753; author reply 753-5,Merskey Lawnmower neuritis: an unusual occupational hazard,2005,172,10,1273,Low Health of rural Canadians lags behind urban counterparts,2006,175,10,1195,Kondro More casualties in Vietnam,2008,178,11,1416,Mukhida Widened mediastinum in a child with severe trauma,2007,177,10,1181-1182,Buffo-Sequeira Keeping children safe: rethinking how we design our surroundings,2010,182,6,573-578,Howard Making room for driver error?,1999,161,11,1373 1375, Easier-to-use fitness-to-drive guide on way from CMA,1999,160,12,1752,Sibbald Cost of seat-belt-related whiplash injuries rising,1999,160,10,1425,LeBourdais The accidental patient,1997,157,12,1661-1662,Brison Promoting the health of senior citizens,1997,157,8,1107-1113,Patterson Princess Diana's tragic legacy,1998,158,7,866,Cusimano Fitness to drive: duties of physicians,1995,152,1,12,McFarthing Unfit drivers,1994,151,1,12-13,Craven Unfit drivers,1994,151,1,12,Whillans Mortality rates among employees potentially exposed to chrysotile asbestos at two automotive parts factories,1989,141,2,125-130,Finkelstein The year of living cautiously,1989,140,3,313,Waugh Motor vehicle accidents in northeastern Ontario: are preadmission deaths inevitable?,1986,134,12,1369-1372,Bota Spectator events: medical preparation a must,1988,138,2,164-165,Goldman Israel criticized after Palestinian MDs shot killed by soldiers in West Bank,2002,166,13,1705,Sullivan Cell phone regulation,2002,166,1,14-15,Pless MDs and compulsory blood alcohol testing: it's now law,1985,133,11,1154-1156, Canada suicide prevention efforts lagging experts say,2011,183,1,E27-8,Vogel Cigarette smoking: an underused tool in high-performance endurance training,2010,182,18,E867-9,Myers Why do women commit arson?,1988,139,2,103-104,Wilson Why do women commit arson?,1988,138,8,745 747,Trent Independent external validation of nomograms for predicting risk of low-trauma fracture and hip fracture,2011,183,2,E107-14,Adachi The role of nurses in physician-assisted deaths in Belgium,2010,182,9,905-910,Bilsen Facing the evidence: antidepressant treatment in children and adolescents,2004,170,4,489-491,Garland Antidepressants and adverse effects in young patients: uncovering the evidence,2004,170,4,487-489,Herxheimer UK psychiatrists question SSRI warnings for under-18s,2004,170,4,455,Meek Paroxetine (Paxil Seroxat): increased risk of suicide in pediatric patients,2003,169,5,446,Wooltorton The pharmacology and toxicology of "ecstasy" (MDMA) and related drugs,2001,165,7,917-928,Kalant Intentional iron overdose: an institutional review,1994,150,1,45-48,Kroeker The health of children of low-income families,1987,137,6,485-490,Shah Helping children cope with death,1985,133,11,1157-1161,Trent Binge drinking: all too prevalent and hazardous,2011,183,4,411,Flegel "Sport" and "non-sport" concussions,2011,183,8,887-888,Sojka Binge drinking,2011,183,3,348,Thomas Binge drinking,2011,183,3,348,Davis The forensic odontologist: a different kind of sleuth,1987,137,3,237-239,Trent Bathtub near-drowning of an infant in a flotation device,1987,136,8,843-844,Linwood Trauma kits on trains lack equipment,1995,152,11,1749-1750,Skidmore Women's health: time for a redefinition,1995,152,4,477-479,Simkin Cycling safety and accident prevention,1995,152,7,1044-1045,Finkel BC Court of Appeal provides guidelines for disclosure of medical psychiatric records,1994,151,6,847-848,Capen Periodic health examination 1994 update: 4. Secondary prevention of elder abuse and mistreatment. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination,1994,151,10,1413-1420, Medical examiners may face demanding tasks Nova Scotia physician discovers,1994,151,9,1315,Sullivan Confronting despair: the Holocaust survivor's struggle with ordinary life and ordinary death,1997,157,6,741-744,Krell Spirometric testing and the breathalyser,1997,157,5,510,Wigmore Hospital evacuated mental-health issues dominated as Manitoba coped with flood of century,1997,156,12,1742-1745,Square An impaired judicial system,1997,156,12,1698,Workman Manitoba suicides force consideration of stresses facing medical residents,1997,156,11,1599-1602,Williams Reducing the harm of adolescent substance use,1997,156,10,1397-1399,Erickson Alcohol tobacco and cannabis use among Nova Scotia adolescents: implications for prevention and harm reduction,1997,156,10,1387-1393,Poulin Childproof caps open Pandora's box,1997,156,9,1268-1269,Tenenbein Documenting wife abuse: a guide for physicians,1997,156,7,1015-1022,Ferris Disclosure and independent medical examinations,1997,156,7,977,Potter Reducing the incidence of tap-water scalds: strategies for physicians,1997,156,6,841-844,Corkum Characteristics of pregnant women who engage in binge alcohol consumption,1997,156,6,789-794,Levy Childhood injury prevention,1997,156,4,479-480,Tonkin Repressed memories: middle ground or no man's land?,1997,156,3,344-345,Mak Repressed memories: middle ground or no man's land?,1997,156,3,344; author reply 345,Tyroler Underground and under steam: liquor smuggling during Prohibition,1997,156,1,19,Robinson Ocular alkali burn associated with automobile air-bag activation,1995,153,7,933-934,Nowak Gun control,1995,153,7,879-880,Leonard Gun control,1995,153,7,879,Fox Murder-suicide a crisis not an ethical issue,1995,153,6,739,Workman New Brunswick overhauls trauma services,2010,182,7,E279-80,Casey National trauma divide must be narrowed,2010,182,7,E295-6,Casey Telemedicine and rural care,2005,173,2,127,MacLellan Fatal work-related farm injuries in Canada 1991-1995. Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program,1999,160,13,1843-1848,Guernsey Penetrating sledding injuries to the lower torso--2 case reports,1999,160,3,353-354,O'Brien Firearms injury prevention and gun control in Canada,1996,155,9,1285-1289,Chapdelaine Snowboarding injuries: an analysis and comparison with alpine skiing injuries,1991,145,9,1097-1103,Abu-Laban Child automobile restraints,2011,183,9,1049,Howard Violence and abortions: what's a doctor to do?,2005,172,5,653-654,Phillips Bad Moon Rising: the persistent belief in lunar connections to madness,2005,173,12,1498-1500,Ballon Fixing the fatal flaw in emergency planning,2009,181,10,661,Macdonald Here be dragons?,2009,180,6,647,Bellemare The overnight smackdown: avoiding on-call arguments,2009,180,2,252,Baerlocher Familial abuse: a multifaceted problem,1998,158,7,866-7; author reply 868,Rudrick Comparison of avalanche survival patterns in Canada and Switzerland,2011,183,7,789-795,Brugger Lessons learned from avalanche survival patterns,2011,183,7,E366-7,Grissom A prospective study of concussions among National Hockey League players during regular season games: the NHL-NHLPA Concussion Program,2011,183,8,905-911,Benson A framework for research ethics review during public emergencies,2010,182,14,1533-1537,Lavery Human rights group alleges Bush administration and physicians conducted illegal medical research on detainees,2010,182,11,E497-8,Benac "Democracy was never intended for degenerates": Alberta's flirtation with eugenics comes back to haunt it,1996,155,6,789-792,Cairney The repressed memory controversy: is there middle ground?,1996,155,6,647-653,Penfold Abuse during pregnancy: a quintessential threat to maternal and child health--so when do we start to act?,2001,164,11,1578-1579,Campbell Abuse: a risk factor for low birth weight? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2001,164,11,1567-1572,Schei A population-based study of potential brain injuries requiring emergency care,2001,165,3,288-292,Brison The health impact of bullying,2001,165,9,1249,Weir Lessons Canada learned in Swissair crash being applied in New York,2001,165,9,1243,Silversides Anthrax: walking the fine line between precaution and panic,2001,165,11,1528,Weir Practising sound medicine in the absence of evidence,2004,170,5,767; author reply 767-8,Kouyoumdjian Community health programs in Canada,2002,166,5,579,Le Riche The most compelling lesson of September 11,2002,166,6,707,Marshall Getting on track: how scientific journals and mainstream journalists could do a better job of communicating with the public,2002,166,9,1153-1154,Picard A medical early warning system,2002,166,9,1151-1152,Kassirer Clinicians' role in responding to bullying,2002,166,7,885,Storch Conclusions from McMaster's peace conference "ludicrous and bizarre",2002,166,7,883,Kolbasnik Are the troubles the source of Northern Ireland's heavy prescribing?,2002,167,6,682,Spooner Death behind bars,2002,167,10,1127-1128,Fruehwald Causes of death among people in custody in Ontario 1990-1999,2002,167,10,1109-1113,Wobeser Preventive health care 2000 update: prevention of child maltreatment,2000,163,11,1451-1458,MacMillan Misdiagnosis of abuse,2003,169,7,651-2; author reply 652,Walter Nature and severity of physical harm caused by child abuse and neglect: results from the Canadian Incidence Study,2003,169,9,911-915,Trocme Violence in Liberia,2003,169,8,755,Cole Israel assumes unwanted role as world leader in disaster management,2003,169,11,1198,Silversides Nova Scotia launches assault on assault,2000,162,10,1465,Moulton A central theme of the Beijing +5 conference,2000,163,3,253 255, Kuwaiti physicians hospitals witnessed atrocities before after liberation,1991,144,11,1500 1502 1504-5,Baggs Women's health studies at Queen's bring feminist perspective to family practice,1992,146,10,1815-6 1819,Thorne Art therapy can shine a light into the dark history of a child's sexual abuse,1992,146,8,1412-8 1422,Trent Health care a casualty in Kenyan crisis,2008,178,7,818-819,Wakabi Risks unavoidable and worth taking,2008,178,12,1533,Saguil Health infrastructure a casualty of war on terror within Pakistan,2008,179,9,889-890,Yusufzai Emergency medical response strategy proved critical to sustaining Georgia's health infrastructure,2008,179,8,762-763,Mason Physical violence against intimate partners and related exposures to violence among South African men,2008,179,6,535-541,Stein Physical abuse during pregnancy: prevalence and risk factors,1999,160,7,1007-1011,D'Arcy Do physicians assess lifestyle health risks during general medical examinations? A survey of general practitioners and obstetrician-gynecologists in Quebec,1999,160,13,1830-1834,Maheux Demystifying radiation disaster preparedness,2011,183,9,1002-1003,Collier Researchers fail to dig out enough avalanche data,2011,183,8,934,Röggla Researchers fail to dig out enough avalanche data,2011,183,8,934,Haegeli Despite warnings lure of steroids too strong for some young Canadians,1994,151,6,844-846,Newman Physician characteristics and prescribing for elderly people in New Brunswick: relation to patient outcomes,1995,152,8,1227-1234,Bédard The medical hazards of television sports,1995,152,8,1189-1190,Trott Murder-suicide involving BC doctor raises troubling questions about euthanasia,1995,152,11,1855-1856,Wilson Suicide totals for MDs sad reminder of stresses facing medicine conference told,1996,155,1,109-111,Johnston Treatment of psychiatric problems a growth industry in midst of Chile's booming economy,1996,155,1,103-105,Sagaris Age physical trauma and care,1995,152,9,1453-1455,Robinson Abortion: a violent procedure?,1995,152,9,1376,Shamess Abortion: legal but right or wrong?,1995,152,9,1375-1376,Lafrance Self-injury rates indicate Canadian mental health services are inadequate,2011,183,10,E615-6,Collier Prohibition and the meaning of legislation,1996,155,7,860-861,Latowsky Risk of injury associated with bodychecking experience among youth hockey players,2011,183,11,1249-1256,Hagel Reducing lifelong disability from sports injuries in children,2011,183,11,1235,Ackery "Sorry doc I forgot all about that",2000,162,5,632,Harris After Swissair 111 the helpers needed help,1999,160,3,394,Robb Winter can be fun until the injuries start,1999,160,3,302,Sibbald Royal College debates whether MDs should promote moderate consumption of alcohol,1998,159,10,1289-1290,Harrison A new approach to suicide,1998,159,8,923,Milliken Our worst public health evil,1998,159,8,921 923,McCormick Superwarfarin ingestion,1992,146,1,34-35,Murphy The deadly effects of violence against medical workers in war zones,2011,183,13,E981-2,Webster The explosion at a Glock Plant in Georgia,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Charach Memory loss and pneumonitis after anaphylaxis due to an insect sting,1991,144,2,175-176,Mazza The accidental cell phone user,2001,165,4,397,Therien Sports MDs seek CMA support in bid to make hockey safer,1990,142,2,157-159,Sullivan Wrist cutting: a dare game among adolescents,1990,142,2,131-132,Lena Pediatric trauma: differences in pathophysiology injury patterns and treatment compared with adult trauma,1990,142,1,27-34,Kissoon Hazard of yawning,1990,142,1,15,Lal Withdrawing life-sustaining therapy for patients with severe traumatic brain injury,2011,183,14,1570-1571,Livingston Mortality associated with withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy for patients with severe traumatic brain injury: A Canadian multicentre cohort study,2011,183,14,1581-1588,Turgeon Quebec's ice storm '98: "all cards wild all rules broken" in Quebec's shell-shocked hospitals,1998,158,4,520-525,Hamilton Suicide and life: the ultimate juxtaposition,1998,158,4,514-515,Links Debating the management of osteoporosis risk,1998,158,5,586-587,Sovereign Cameras becoming ER physicians' courts' allies,1998,158,9,1181,Kent Wrestling hyperthermia and dehydration,1998,158,9,1171-1172,Hoey Injuries associated with the farm harvest in Canada,1998,158,11,1493-1496, Before lightning strikes,1998,159,2,163,Hoey Suicide and suicide attempts in children and adolescents in the child welfare system,2011,183,17,1977-1981,Enns The role of physicians in advocating for a national strategy for suicide prevention,2011,183,17,1987-1990,Links Suicide and language,1998,159,3,239-240,Sommer-Rotenberg Blind to the danger?,1998,159,3,217-218,Yee Childhood aggression withdrawal and likeability and the use of health care later: A longitudinal study,2011,183,18,2095-2101,Schwartzman Driving for safety on our roads,1999,161,6,687-688,Sharma Much ado about Furbies,2000,162,1,18,Ewing Unexpected death related to restraint for excited delirium: a retrospective study of deaths in police custody and in the community,1998,158,12,1603-1607,Young Snowboarding injuries: hitting the slopes,2001,164,1,88,Weir The epidemiology of murder: UK physician responsible for 345 deaths?,2001,164,4,535,Sibbald The double-edged blade of recreational hockey,2002,166,3,331-332,Mittleman Cardiovascular effects of strenuous exercise in adult recreational hockey: the Hockey Heart Study,2002,166,3,303-307,Porter The staggering cost of illness and injury,2003,168,3,332,Martin Childhood aggression: response to commentary,2011,183,18,2147,Temcheff Drawing policy conclusions from uncontrolled studies,2004,170,3,317; author reply 317-8,Tsai Stop the violence and play hockey,2011,184,3,275,Kale Tighten Ontario's methadone program states inquest,2005,172,3,319-320,Sibbald Military metaphors and friendly fire,2012,184,1,144,Slobod Canada's low-risk drinking guidelines,2012,184,1,75,Stockwell Factors predicting coroners' decisions to hold discretionary inquests,2012,184,5,521-528,Bugeja Yes to ski helmets but buyer beware,2012,184,6,627,Sibbald Injuries in minor hockey,2012,184,3,325,Fisher Injuries in minor hockey,2012,184,3,325,Bowering How many concussions are too many?,1999,160,6,884,Kent The language of suicide,1999,160,7,986,O'Reilly The recognition assessment and management of dementing disorders: conclusions from the Canadian Consensus Conference on Dementia,1999,160,12 Suppl,S1-15,Patterson The impact of a split-second error,1999,160,9,1351,Thompson Examination for sexual assault: is the documentation of physical injury associated with the laying of charges? A retrospective cohort study,1999,160,11,1565-1569,Marion Saskatchewan physicians' attitudes and knowledge regarding assessment of medical fitness to drive,1999,160,12,1701-1704,Marshall Swissair disaster taught medical examiners a lesson in logistical challenges,1999,161,6,743,Grant Furby does not interfere with medical devices,1999,161,8,971,Tan Ball rolling on research into heading injuries,1999,161,11,1434,Kent Médecins sans frontières: bearing witness,1999,161,10,1221 1223, Two unusual penetrating injuries from playing ice hockey,1999,161,12,1535-1536,Barter Whither preventive medicine?,2003,168,1,11-2; author reply 12,Taylor Edmonton tackles shaken baby syndrome,2003,168,2,207,Kent Pink ladies: mercury poisoning in twin girls,2003,168,2,201,Weinstein Shaken baby syndrome in Canada: clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospital cases,2003,168,2,155-159,King Standards for helmets,2012,184,6,678,Fry Suicide among children and adolescents in Canada: trends and sex differences 1980-2008,2012,184,9,1029-1034,McFaull Changing patterns in suicide among young people,2012,184,9,1015-1016,Kirmayer Plastic bread-bag clips in the gastrointestinal tract: report of 5 cases and review of the literature,2000,162,4,527-529,Taylor Hockey concussion: is it child abuse?,2012,184,8,861-862,Hemond Nail gun,2002,166,6,778,Wooltorton Listening to injured workers: how recovery expectations predict outcomes--a prospective study,2002,166,6,749-754,Cole Keeping kids away from guns,1997,156,11,1534-1535,Leonard Whiplash cultures,1999,161,4,368,Ferrari Driven to distraction: cellular phones and traffic accidents,2001,164,11,1557 1559, Hazard of yawning,1990,142,6,533, Accidental strangulation by window-blind cords,1990,142,5,436,Yee Alcohol consumption and the use of antidepressants,2007,176,5,633-637,Graham Risk of death associated with the use of conventional versus atypical antipsychotic drugs among elderly patients,2007,176,5,627-632,Wang Alcohol use and misuse,2007,176,5,621-622,George Can hockey playoffs harm your hearing?,2006,175,12,1541-1542,Hodgetts Beware the mistletoe,2006,175,12,1523-1524,Courtemanche Afghanistan war poses unique challenges for military MDs,2006,175,11,1357,McLauchlin Nonuse of bicycle helmets and risk of fatal head injury: a proportional mortality case-control study,2012,184,17,E921-3,Persaud Senior suicide: The tricky task of treatment,2012,184,17,E887-8,Monette Senior suicide: An overlooked problem,2012,184,17,E885-6,Monette Effectiveness of interventions to reduce aggression and injuries among ice hockey players: a systematic review,2013,185,1,E57-69,Cusimano Nonsuicidal self-injury,2013,185,6,505,Heath Bodychecking in hockey,2004,170,1,16; author reply 16 18,Anderson Bodychecking in hockey,2004,170,1,15; author reply 16 18,Ross Bodychecking in hockey,2004,170,1,15; author reply 16 18,Juckes Bodychecking in hockey,2004,170,1,14-5; author reply 16 18,van Reekum Does the treatment of dyslipidemia affect the risk of depression or suicidal behaviour?,2004,170,2,192,Juurlink Gunshot wounds: the new public health issue,2004,170,5,780,Mackay Mandatory reporting of gunshot wounds: rebuttal,2004,170,8,1258,Pauls Why mandatory reporting of gunshot wounds is necessary: a response from the OMA's Executive of the Section on Emergency Medicine,2004,170,8,1256-1257,Ovens Shooting ourselves in the foot: why mandatory reporting of gunshot wounds is a bad idea,2004,170,8,1255-1256,Pauls Child's play,2004,170,8,1211,Howington Child's play,2004,170,8,1210-1211,Bartlett Child's play,2004,170,8,1210,Barlow National consumer drug safety network launched,2005,172,9,1168,Priest Getting to the root of trauma in Canada's Aboriginal population,2005,172,8,1023-1024,Caron Debate over credibility of natural health product claims,2005,172,8,983,Kondro US government targets gun research,2013,185,9,E371-2,Bawagan Physiological studies in experimental drowning,1938,39,,226-228,Janes Drowning and diving reflex,1973,108,10,1209, Recommendations on screening for depression in adults,2013,185,9,775-782,Joffres Suicide "contagion": what we know and what we need to find out,2013,185,10,861-862,Bohanna Association between exposure to suicide and suicidality outcomes in youth,2013,185,10,870-877,Colman Hospitalizations for self-harm higher among people from poorer neighbourhoods,2013,185,10,E449-50,Eggertson Nunavut youth saturated in the realities of suicide,2013,185,11,943-944,Eggertson Is there a doctor in the court?,1991,144,5,544,Wigmore Lest we forget: Why the use of chemical weapons must not go unchallenged,2013,185,15,1299,Flegel Rare recovery for acid attack victim in Cambodia,2013,185,15,E714,Brady It's time to put maternal suicide under the microscope,2013,185,13,1115,Patrick Risk of suicide 40 times higher for Inuit boys,2013,185,15,E701-2,Eggertson Suicide prevention training saves lives in Nunavut,2013,185,15,1306-1307,Eggertson Inuit leaders announce national Inuit suicide-prevention strategy,2013,185,15,E703-4,Eggertson New WHO guidelines on intimate-partner violence,2013,185,16,E743-4,Eggertson Prevalence of and factors associated with head impact during falls in older adults in long-term care,2013,185,17,E803-10,Feldman Aboriginal populations and youth suicide,2013,185,15,1347,Colman Aboriginal populations and youth suicide,2013,185,15,1347,Orkin Reducing missed orthopedic injuries in the ER,2014,186,1,E18,Cross Medical interventions to reduce motor vehicle collisions,2014,186,2,118-124,Redelmeier Carbon monoxide poisoning,2014,186,8,611,Juurlink Nunavut calls inquest into record number of suicides,2014,186,3,E109-10,Eggertson Address extreme violence in Central African Republic now: MSF,2014,186,5,335-336,Sibbald Antiparkinsonian drugs and "sleep attacks",2001,164,7,1038-9 1042-3,Möller Effectiveness of training family physicians to deliver a brief intervention to address excessive substance use among young patients: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2014,186,8,E263-72,Haller Opal fuel dramatically reduces gas-sniffing and suicides in Australia,2014,186,8,E229-30,Eggertson Nunavut extends implementation of suicide prevention plan,2014,186,8,E226,Eggertson Child abuse and mental disorders in Canada,2014,186,9,E324-32,MacMillan Is a woman responsible for being pregnant? Another discussion about the morality of abortion,1992,146,4,600-1 604-7,McEvoy Pregnancy and the risk of a traffic crash,2014,186,10,742-750,Thiruchelvam High risk of traffic crashes in pregnancy: Are there any explanations?,2014,186,10,733-734,McCall Nicotine poisoning increase due to e-cigs,2014,186,10,E367,Miller Assessment and management of falls in older people,2014,186,16,E610-21,Straus Mengele's conduct: who was responsible?,1986,134,4,305,Godfrey Scarves and engines,1986,134,3,245-246,Mitchell Moderate drinking: safety and morality,1986,134,3,212-213,Miller Massive overdose of colchicine,1988,138,4,335-336,Morgan Loonie dilemma,1988,138,4,302,Lane Murder mayhem and medicine topics as forensic scientists meet,1987,136,1,64-66,Trent Agricultural medicine: fighting health hazards down on the farm,1988,138,2,168-169,Dundas Preparing for the worst: medical services at the Calgary Olympics,1988,138,2,151-3 156,McCaffery Spinal injuries due to front-end bale loaders,1988,138,1,43-46,Ekong Suicide report indicates shift at WHO,2014,186,14,E532,Shuchman Pregnancy and risk of a traffic crash,2014,186,15,1169,Thiruchelvam Pregnancy and risk of a traffic crash,2014,186,15,1169,Ray Pregnancy and risk of a traffic crash,2014,186,15,1169,McKillop Getting help for depressed colleagues,1989,140,6,588,Lattey Preventing polydipsia in psychiatric patients,1989,140,5,497,Bhopal Fatal accident with weight-lifting equipment: implications for safety standards,1989,140,8,925-926,Wright Occupational death due to heat stroke: report of two cases,1989,140,9,1057-1058,Dowling UFOs and cancer?,1989,140,11,1258-1259,Rutkowski Genital injuries in sexual assault victims,1991,144,6,644 647,Wiebe Serious childhood injuries caused by air guns,1991,144,6,723-725,Shanon Characteristics of pregnant women exposed to cocaine in Toronto between 1985 and 1990,1991,144,5,563-568,Koren Time trends in symptoms of mental illness in children and adolescents in Canada,2014,186,18,E672-8,Colman Production of clinical notes in personal injury litigation in Ontario,1988,138,6,513-515,Fiorini Loxoscelism in Canada,1988,138,6,521-522,Smith Lavage fluid in sexual-assault examination,1988,138,5,400,Dunn Suicide rate lower among boys in Iqaluit,2014,186,18,E665-6,Eggertson Doctors prepare for tight security at Sochi Olympics,2014,186,5,E165-6,Vogel Stopping cyberbullying requires a combined societal effort,2014,186,7,483,Stanbrook Afghan people risk their lives to obtain health care: MSF,2014,186,6,411,Vogel UK proposes ban on smoking in cars carrying children,2014,186,6,E187,Chanchlani Heavy hitting: concussions and safety law,2012,184,12,E641-2,Monette Heavy hitting: concussions and the courts,2012,184,12,E639-40,Monette "A plane just crashed": medical teams must be able to improvise,1988,138,7,652-653,Goldman Risk of adverse events among older adults following co-prescription of clarithromycin and statins not metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4,2014,187,3,174-180,Juurlink A 15-year-old rugby player with a head injury,2015,187,3,200-202,Zemek A systemic failure to address at-risk drinking and alcohol use disorders: the Canadian story,2015,187,7,479-480,Spithoff Medical aid adapts to increasing violence,2015,187,6,397,Vogel Regulating prescription drugs for patient safety: does Bill C-17 go far enough?,2014,186,8,E287-92,Mintzes Enjoyment of life and declining physical function at older ages: a longitudinal cohort study,2014,186,4,E150-6,Demakakos Regulating electronic cigarettes: finding the balance between precaution and harm reduction,2015,187,12,862-864,Labonté Rise in violence against doctors in Turkey elsewhere,2015,187,9,643,Smith Aboriginal youth suicide rises in Northern Ontario,2015,187,11,E335-6,Eggertson Social media embraces suicide prevention,2015,187,11,E333,Eggertson Tianjin chemical clean-up after explosion,2015,187,13,E404,Xu Derivation and validation of a clinical decision rule to identify young children with skull fracture following isolated head trauma,2015,187,16,1202-1208,Gravel Nunavut suicide inquest: the tragedy of an 11-year-old's death,2015,187,15,1118,Eggertson Child sexual abuse in Nunavut linked to suicide,2015,187,16,E463-4,Eggertson Nunavut suicides a "public health emergency",2015,187,16,E462,Eggertson Convulsions in a 17-year-old boy after a head injury sustained while playing hockey,2015,188,6,443-445,Wennberg Minister in charge of suicide prevention knows the crisis intimately,2015,187,18,E503-4,Eggertson Nunavut acts on recommendations for suicide prevention,2015,187,18,1346,Eggertson Trafficking in women: The Canadian perspective,2005,173,1,25-26,Gajic-Veljanoski Intimate partner violence,2015,187,17,1312,House Risk of suicide after a concussion,2016,188,7,497-504,Thiruchelvam Two cases of cardiac glycoside poisoning from accidental foxglove ingestion,2016,188,10,747-750,Janssen Winter road safety is no accident,2016,188,4,241,Redelmeier Advocates seek $100 million for youth suicide prevention,2016,188,6,411,Eggertson Nunavut's new suicide prevention strategy,2016,188,7,E116,Eggertson Ciguatera fish poisoning after Caribbean travel,2016,189,1,E19-E21,Boggild Concussions and suicide,2016,188,8,605,Redelmeier Concussions and suicide,2016,188,8,605,Speidel Child pedestrians,2010,182,1,65,Desapriya Health benefits of physical activity,2006,175,7,776; author reply 777,Desapriya Promotion of traditional lifestyles,2006,175,8,919-922,Desapriya Climate change and health,2005,173,4,339-40; author reply 340,Desapriya New tool evaluates risk of patient aggression,2016,188,10,E200,Vogel Neurobiological mechanisms in major depressive disorder,2009,180,3,305-313,Charney Inuit suicide prevention strategy strives to save lives,2016,188,12,861-862,Eggertson Suicide rate higher for indigenous people in Labrador,2016,188,12,E275,Moulton Canada needs a national suicide prevention strategy,2016,188,13,E309-10,Eggertson Suicide prevention,2016,188,16,1181,Bradley Seniors and self-harm factor in the opioid crisis,2016,189,1,E42-E43,Vogel Federal suicide prevention framework underwhelms,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eggertson PHAC and a national suicide prevention strategy,2017,189,4,E169,Lesage Risk of firearm injuries among children and youth of immigrant families,2017,189,12,E452-E458,Guttmann A place for pot in sports?,2017,189,11,E448-E449,Collier An opportunity for pharmacists and physicians to collaborate to prevent violence,2017,189,17,E644,Murphy More on firearm injuries among children and youth,2017,189,21,E754,Midroni The authors respond to: "Questions on analysis of firearm injuries study",2017,189,21,E753,Guttmann Questions on analysis of firearm injuries study,2017,189,21,e752,McGuffin Perinatal suicide in Ontario Canada: a 15-year population-based study,2017,189,34,E1085-E1092,Rhodes Supporting Bill S-206 protects Canadian children from violence,2017,189,35,E1119,Freeman Doctors dissect medicine's bullying problem,2017,189,36,E1161-E1162,Vogel 16 hospitalizations daily for opioid poisoning,2017,189,39,E1248,Collier Physician suicide too often "brushed under the rug",2017,189,39,E1240-E1241,Collier A 26-year-old competitive soccer player with syncope,2015,187,16,1225-1228,Dorian Saskatchewan First Nations drafts suicide prevention plan,2017,189,41,E1295-E1296,Eggertson The Cedar Project: mortality among young Indigenous people who use drugs in British Columbia,2017,189,44,E1352-E1359,Schechter Direct medical costs of motorcycle crashes in Ontario,2017,189,46,E1410-E1415,Nathens Mental health care and suicide in pregnancy and postpartum,2017,189,48,E1498,Mintzes Could changes in pharmacotherapy peripregnancy contribute to the shift in means of suicide?,2017,189,48,E1497,Leong Payment incentives for community-based psychiatric care in Ontario Canada,2017,189,49,E1509-E1516,de Oliveira Peripartum suicide: additional considerations,2018,190,2,E57,Sharma AI opens new frontier for suicide prevention,2018,190,4,E119,Vogel Eye complications from self-injury in a child,2018,190,4,E114,Mireskandari Injury prevention: the time has come,1995,152,1,21-23,Cushman Reducing physician suicides requires system change not just self-care tips,2018,190,14,E447-E448,Vogel Recent opioid use and fall-related injury among older patients with trauma,2018,190,16,e500-e506,Emond That's "not medicine" - when doctors advocate for safer roads gun bans or reducing poverty,2018,190,17,E548-E849,Motluk Effects of helmet use on costs of motorcycle crashes,2018,190,20,E626,Desapriya Has suicide become an occupational hazard of practising medicine?,2018,190,24,E752-E753,Vogel Trends in suicidal behaviour and use of mental health services in Canadian military and civilian populations,2016,188,11,E261-7,Turner The association between suicide deaths and putatively harmful and protective factors in media reports,2018,190,30,E900-E907,Pirkis Responsible reporting to prevent suicide contagion,2018,190,30,E898-E899,Colman Many Canadian health facilities unprepared for disasters,2018,190,35,E1057,Vogel Influence of socioeconomic events on cause-specific mortality in urban Shanghai China from 1974 to 2015: a population-based longitudinal study,2018,190,39,E1153-E1161,Yang Global Burden of Disease Study trends for Canada from 1990 to 2016,2018,190,44,E1296-E1304,Orpana Patient engagement in pediatric concussion research,2018,190,Suppl,S28-S30,Reed Involving people with lived experience in research on suicide prevention,2018,190,Suppl,S13-S14,Hatcher Mental health outcomes after major trauma in Ontario: a population-based analysis,2018,190,45,E1319-E1327,Nathens Physicians not immune to intimate partner violence,2018,190,46,E1372-E1373,Brown Culture of bullying in medicine starts at the top,2018,190,49,E1459-E1460,Vogel Media reporting of suicide,2018,190,49,E1458,Hofmeister US doctors call for tracking of suicides among medical trainees,2019,191,1,E26,Vogel Gun violence is an epidemic and "we solve epidemics with medicine not politics",2019,191,2,E59-E60,Owens Hydrofluoric acid burn,2019,191,11,E314,Wang Socioeconomic inequalities in psychological distress and suicidal behaviours among Indigenous peoples living off-reserve in Canada,2019,191,12,E325-E336,Hajizadeh Gun control: a health issue for which physicians rightfully advocate,2019,191,16,E434-E435,Stanbrook Suicides among medical trainees,2019,191,18,E510,Hofmeister Physician suicide,2019,191,18,E505,Albuquerque The role of physicians in the violence epidemic,2019,191,23,E644,Hassan Suicide risk: automated underwriting versus medical experts,2019,191,23,E640-E641,Deshauer Factors influencing decisions by critical care physicians to withdraw life-sustaining treatments in critically ill adult patients with severe traumatic brain injury,2019,191,24,E652-E663,Lacroix Pediatricians urge federal action on pharmacare and gun control,2019,191,28,E799-E800,Vogel Request for medical assistance in dying after a suicide attempt in a 75-year-old man with pancreatic adenocarcinoma,2019,191,30,E838-E840,Nayyar Gun control: a health issue a legal issue or both,2019,191,34,E948,Goldlist Tighter gun control laws are unlikely to prevent shootings,2019,191,34,E947,Scanlon Health outcomes associated with emergency department visits by adolescents for self-harm: a propensity-matched cohort study,2019,191,44,E1207-E1216,Gardner What really happened after Colorado legalized marijuana?,2018,190,41,E1237-E1238,Vogel Drugged driving: Canada's laws lag behind,2015,187,8,E235-E236,Wanniarachige Drugged driving: how much is too much?,2015,187,6,E187,Wanniarachige Drugged-driving: putting the brakes on pot use,2015,187,5,315,Wanniarachige Drugged driving,2015,187,9,681,Jerome Spike in e-scooter injuries linked to ride-share boom,2020,192,8,E195-E196,Basky Health care providers must be alert for violence against children during the pandemic,2020,192,28,e814,Kang Magnet ingestion by a 3-year-old boy,2013,185,11,972-974,Strickland Edible cannabis,2020,192,7,E162-E162,Zipursky Firearm-related injuries and deaths in Ontario Canada 2002-2016: a population-based study,2020,192,42,E1253-E1263,Ahmed Correction to Firearm-related injuries and deaths in Ontario Canada 2002-2016: a population-based study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,No Author(s) Listed Mortality among patients with frequent emergency department use for alcohol-related reasons in Ontario: a population-based cohort study,2020,192,47,E1522-E1531,Kurdyak Codesigning a public health approach to preventing firearm-related suicide deaths with rural communities (Letter),2020,192,50,E1811,Wilson Canada will have three-digit suicide prevention hotline by 2023,2021,193,3,E106-E107,Basky Changes over time in means of suicide in Canada: an analysis of mortality data from 1981 to 2018,2021,193,10,E331-E338,Tonmyr Impaired driving and legalization of recreational cannabis,2021,193,14,E481-E485,Filion When antivaccine sentiment turned violent: the Montréal Vaccine Riot of 1885,2021,193,14,E490-E492,Berman Determining intent behind poisoning suicides,2021,193,17,E622,Ray Correction to "Changes over time in means of suicide in Canada: an analysis of mortality data from 1981 to 2018",2021,193,34,E1359,The editors Segregated bike lanes are safest for cyclists,2013,185,10,E443-E444,Cohen Policy in focus: Is psilocybin the next cannabis?,2021,193,45,E1741-E1742,Basky Escalating violence against health workers prompts calls for action,2021,193,49,E1896,Vogel Intracranial hemorrhage after head injury among older patients on anticoagulation seen in the emergency department: a population-based cohort study,2021,193,40,E1561-E1567,Austin The link between medical conditions and fatal drownings in Canada: a 10-year cross-sectional analysis,2022,194,18,E637-E644,Clemens Suicidality among sexual minority and transgender adolescents: a nationally representative population-based study of youth in Canada,2022,194,22,E767-E774,Colman Bodychecking experience and rates of injury among ice hockey players aged 15-17 years,2022,194,24,E834-E842,Emery A low-barrier flexible safe supply program to prevent deaths from overdose,2022,194,19,E674-E676,Kerr Did the COVID-19 pandemic cause the predicted "tsunami" of mental health crises?,2022,194,26,E919-E920,Duong Troubling rise in suicides linked with common food preservative,2022,194,30,E1070-E1071,Duong "We are desensitized": violence escalating in struggling emergency departments,2022,194,35,E1216-E1217,Vogel Mass poisoning in Markham highlights wolfsbane risk,2022,194,36,E1255,Vogel Clinical outcomes and health care costs among people entering a safer opioid supply program in Ontario,2022,194,36,E1233-E1242,Gomes High time? Psychedelics on cannabis-like fast track to legalization,2022,194,49,E1695-E1696,Zannese Traumatic brain and spinal injuries in a pedestrian struck by an electric scooter,2023,195,7,E271-E273,Cusimano Risk of interpersonal violence during and after pregnancy among people with schizophrenia: a population-based cohort study,2023,195,9,E322-E329,Ray Acute care related to cannabis use during pregnancy after the legalization of nonmedical cannabis in Ontario,2023,195,20,E699-E708,Tanuseputro Potential toxicity of topical ocular solutions,2019,191,32,E898,Cimolai Violent behaviour during sleep,2023,195,27,E932,Cuperfain Diagnosis and management of toxicity associated with the recreational use of nitrous oxide,2023,195,32,E1075-E1081,Juurlink Self-harm among youth during the first 28 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario Canada: a population-based study,2023,195,36,E1210-E1220,Guttmann Emergency department visits and hospital admissions for suicidal ideation self-poisoning and self-harm among adolescents in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,195,36,E1221-E1230,Jabbour Correction to "Bodychecking experience and rates of injury among ice hockey players aged 15-17 years",2023,195,37,e1276,The editors Outcomes associated with nonmedical cannabis legalization policy in Canada: taking stock at the 5-year mark,2023,195,39,E1351-E1353,Hall Vigilance needed with methamphetamine-associated psychosis,2023,195,39,E1356,Nolan Initiation of opioid agonist therapy after hospital visits for opioid poisonings in Ontario,2023,195,49,E1709-E1717,Juurlink An old idea repackaged,2000,163,3,313-314,Links Suicide and psychiatry [3] (multiple letters),2001,164,12,1663-1664,Latowsky The only truly important problem,2000,162,6,745 747,No Author(s) Listed Physicians with depression [3] (multiple letters),2004,170,12,e1774,Verma Assisted death without consent? [4],2010,182,12,e1331,Deliens The Rocky Mountain Spartans,2020,192,13,E347-E348,Hagens A 53-year-old woman with a suspected drug overdose,2022,194,5,E163-E166,Wu Management of intentional overdose of low-molecular-weight heparin,2022,194,4,E122-E125,Lu Let's talk about the "S" word,2020,192,42,E1272-E1273,Warren Death where is thy sting?,1995,153,1,e80,Waugh Providing mental health services in northern Newfoundland Labrador a unique challenge,1992,147,8,1209 1212,Gojer Nancy B.: the criminal code and decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment,1992,147,5,637-642,Fish Recession has taken more than an economic toll physicians report,1992,147,5,741-744 747-751,Trent The death of a doctor,1993,148,11,1994-1997,Sullivan Mixed reaction to suicide of terminally ill woman,1995,153,9,1225-1226,Gugliotta Mixed reaction to suicide of terminally ill woman,1995,153,9,e1226,Harding WHO launches school health plan,1995,153,10,e1484, Assisting suicide,1990,143,9,e836,Gutowski Assisting suicide,1990,143,3,e168,Lazar Resuscitation from hypothermia-induced cardiac arrest,1990,142,12,e1361,Campbell Resuscitation from hypothermia-induced cardiac arrest (I: Reply),1990,142,12,e1361,Bristow Letter to the editor,1990,143,7,e610,Yates Letter to the editor (Reply),1990,143,7,e610,Holland The creative mind and suicide,1990,142,9,e929,Cox Preventing suicide (I),1990,143,7,e609,Holden A friend looks at euthanasia and suicide of BC couple,1996,154,11,1620-1621,Sowerby Letter to an ethicist: resuscitative interventions,1996,154,6,887-888,Cook Learning from Amy. A remarkable patient provokes anguished debate about rationality autonomy and the right to die,1997,156,2,229-231,Cameron Lessons from Amy,1997,157,1,13; author reply 14,Watler Lessons from Amy,1997,157,1,13-14,Gervais Mad cows and Englishmen: the aftermath of a BSE scare,1997,156,7,1043-1044,Richmond Touched and troubled by Amy,1997,156,8,1116 1118,Gutowski When death is no longer the enemy,1999,161,2,e176,McCutcheon Show some compassion,2001,164,7,e965,Mah Suicide: the hidden epidemic,2001,165,5,634 636,Weir Suicidal stab wound with a butter knife,2002,167,8,e899,Chui Suicide claiming more British Falkland veterans than fighting did,2002,166,11,e1453,Spooner Death in our prisons,2003,168,7,829-830; author reply 831,Moloughney Death in our prisons,2003,168,7,830; author reply 831,Daigle FDA urges "black box" warning on pediatric antidepressants,2004,171,8,837-838,Kondro UK bans Health Canada warns about antidepressants,2004,171,1,e23,Kondro Borderline personality disorder,2005,172,12,1579-1583,Paris Suicidal ideation among children taking atomoxetine (Strattera),2005,173,12,e1447,Wooltorton Governments' conflict of interest in treating problem gamblers,2006,175,10,e1191,Andresen Accuracy of point-of-care measurements,2007,177,9,e1070,Jorens CT findings in methanol intoxication,2007,176,5,e620,Almansori Falsely elevated point-of-care lactate measurement after ingestion of ethylene glycol,2007,176,8,1097-1099,Brindley Qallunaat,2007,177,9,e1018,Kovesi Shelter from the mental storm,2007,177,9,e1015,Eggertson Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for unipolar depression: a systematic review of classic long-term randomized controlled trials,2008,178,10,1293-1301,Moher Mental disorders seek space at the global health table,2010,182,17,E767-768,Kondro China struggles to rebuild mental health programs,2011,183,2,E89-90,Ma Tailored treatment for postpartum depression,2011,183,16,E1163-1164,Vogel Doctors dissatisfied with medical careers at high risk of burnout,2019,191,47,E1318,Vogel We must also think about trainees and the role of culture in physician mental health,2019,191,36,E1009,Kalaichandran Variegated racism: exploring experiences of anti-Black racism and their progression in medical education,2024,196,22,E751-E759,Alhassan SOGC urges national enquiry into maternal deaths,2017,189,29,E975-E976,Vogel Opioid prescribing requirements to minimize unused medications after an emergency department visit for acute pain: a prospective cohort study,2024,196,25,E866-E874,Emond Physical activity as a treatment for depression,2024,196,26,E916-E917,Fabiano