Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessing psychiatric patients for violence,2004,40,4,379-399,Bell A Resident's Experience in Cross Cultural/Community Psychiatry,2005,41,5,599-611,Krishnan Psychiatric disorders among victims of a courthouse shooting spree: a three-year follow-up study,2002,38,3,181-94; discussion 195-7,North Estimating the Prevalence of Severe Mental Illness in Mental Health Services in Lombardy (Italy),2007,43,4,341-357,Lora Teenagers Response to Threat of War and Terror: Gender and the Role of Social Systems,2007,43,4,359-374,Shamai Violent and destructive behavior among the severely mentally ill in rural areas: evidence from Arkansas' community mental health system,1994,30,5,495-504,Cuffel Family violence: contemporary research findings and practice issues,1992,28,6,519-530,Yegidis Unmet Needs for Mental Health Services for Latino Older Adults: Perspectives from Consumers Family Members Advocates and Service Providers,2008,44,1,57-74,Palinkas Effect of Community-based Intervention Using Depression Screening on Elderly Suicide Risk: A Meta-analysis of the Evidence from Japan,2008,44,5,311-320,Ono Prevalence of Suicide Thoughts Plans and Attempts in a Community Sample from Karaj Iran,2009,45,1,37-41,De Leo A Longitudinal Analysis of Depressive Symptoms among Asian and Pacific Islander Mothers At-Risk for Child Maltreatment,2009,45,1,42-55,Gielen Postwar Winners and Losers in the Long Run: Determinants of War Related Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth,2010,46,1,10-19,Kimhi Identifying Persons at Risk for PTSD After Trauma with TSQ in The Netherlands,2010,46,1,20-25,Olff A Survey of Street Children in Northern Tanzania: How Abuse or Support Factors May Influence Migration to the Street,2010,46,1,26-32,Mueller Rural African-American women who use cocaine: needs and future aspirations related to their mothering role,2006,42,1,65-76,Brown Psychological symptomatology among Palestinian male and female adolescents living under political violence 2004-2005,2007,43,1,49-56,Al-Krenawi Prevalence of depressive symptoms and related risk factors for depressive symptoms among elderly persons living in a rural Japanese community: a cross-sectional study,2007,43,6,583-590,Motohashi Characteristics of calls to the Israeli hotline during the Intifada,2007,43,4,401-420,Latzer Patterns of Injury and Childhood Psychiatric Disorder in a Low-Income Population,2010,46,3,221-230,MacIntyre Barriers to and Supports of Family Participation in a Rural System of Care for Children with Serious Emotional Problems,2010,46,3,211-220,Heflinger Children's Enduring PTSD Symptoms are Related to Their Family's Adaptability and Cohesion,2009,45,4,290-299,Klein Pilot Testing and Preliminary Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention Education Program for Emergency Department Personnel,2010,46,6,585-590,Compton Chronic callers to a suicide prevention center,1970,6,3,246-250,Lester Disaster in Context: The Effects of 9/11 on Youth Distant from the Attacks,2010,46,6,601-611,Mijanovich Administrative responses to racial conflict in a high school,1970,6,6,470-482,Ochberg Mental health services for American Indians and Eskimos,1970,6,6,455-463,Torrey A fifteen-year follow-up study of community guidance clinic clients,1970,6,4,319-324,Sindberg Patients with repeated admissions to a psychiatric emergency service,1970,6,4,313-318,Raphling The evaluation of a program of special classes for "disruptive children" in an urban school system,1970,6,4,276-284,Allen Effects of community follow-up on post-hospital adjustment of psychiatric patients,1970,6,5,374-382,Purvis A psycho-educational model for school mental health planning,1970,6,1,31-39,Rubin Racial differences in the use of antidepressants and counseling for depression among homeless women,2006,42,1,77-85,Jackson Clinical characteristics and service utilization patterns of clients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders in public residential detoxification settings,2006,42,2,131-142,Alvidrez Postpartum stress as a predictor of women's minor psychiatric morbidity,2007,43,1,1-12,Hung Are the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales a valid and practical instrument to measure outcomes in North America? A three-site evaluation across Nova Scotia,2007,43,2,91-107,Campbell Telephone monitoring and support for veterans with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study,2006,42,5,501-508,Gusman Treating homeless clients with severe mental illness and substance use disorders: costs and outcomes,2006,42,4,377-404,Drake Problems of communication in the field of community psychiatry; based on services in the Hospital for Mental Diseases Selkirk Manitoba Canada,1971,7,4,272-279,Kreyes A mental health consultation service to neighborhood organizations in an inner city area,1971,7,4,264-271,Scheidlinger Integration or segregation of deviants? The physically handicapped child,1971,7,3,227-235,Dibner Mental health and the community: a case study,1971,7,2,161-168,Jones The role of law enforcement in the helping system,1971,7,2,151-160,Bard Establishing a mental health consultation program with a police department,1971,7,2,118-126,Mann Mental health planning and Model Cities: "Hamlet" or "Hellzapoppin",1971,7,1,39-49,Warren Disaster alert and the community mental health center,1971,7,1,24-28,Vosburg Crisis theory: Critique and reformulation,1971,7,1,13-23,Taplin Mental health training for county welfare social work personnel: an exercise in education and community organization,1971,7,1,29-38,Polley Methods of measuring citizen board accomplishment in mental health and retardation,1972,8,4,313-320,Hutcheson Community mental health and the schools: perceptions of educational personnel,1972,8,2,87-91,Ryker Wives' needs as related to perceptions of their husbands' post-mental hospital behavior,1972,8,2,120-129,Urban Anomia socioeconomic status and mental disturbance,1972,8,2,109-119,Reinhardt An examination of the relevance for mental health of selected anti-poverty programs for children and youth,1972,8,1,8-16,Scherl Kindergarten entry: a preventive approach to community mental health,1972,8,1,60-70,Signell A conceptual model for a program of community psychiatry for a deaf population,1972,8,1,47-59,Schlesinger The public health nurse as an effective therapist-behavior modifier of preschool play behavior,1972,8,1,3-7,Barnes Possible community consequences of attitudes toward and models of deviant behavior,1972,8,1,38-46,Sieveking The Community-Oriented Programs Environment Scale: a methodology for the facilitation and evaluation of social change,1972,8,1,28-37,Moos Patterns of community mental health development in major American cities,1972,8,1,17-27,McGee Letter to the editor: the route to primary prevention,1973,9,2,178-183,Goldston Toward a new philosophy of care: perspectives on prevention,1973,9,2,99-107,Foley A note on nonprofessional judgments of mental health,1973,9,2,169-177,Chapman An educational program in mental health statistics,1973,9,1,68-78,Frogan A behavioral revolution in community mental health,1974,10,2,228-235,MacDonald A-B type and the relationship between police officers and ghetto citizens,1974,10,4,434-440,Lynch The use of intensive individual designs in community research,1974,10,4,418-425,Bath Initial evaluation of hot-line telephone crisis centers,1974,10,4,387-394,Bleach Factors affecting outcome in a school mental health service,1974,10,1,24-32,Safer A computerized program audit for community mental health clinics,1974,10,1,102-110,Nelson People in crisis. An experimental group,1974,10,1,3-8,Walsh Neighborhood psychiatry: new community approach,1974,10,1,77-83,Sharfstein Differences in perceptions of the seriousness of various behavior descriptors among mental health staff and others,1974,10,1,93-101,Auger In-service training for campus police,1974,10,2,180-184,Kramer Community attitudes toward suicide,1974,10,3,301-308,Farberow A sleeping epidemic among first-grade children: crisis intervention,1974,10,3,332-336,Shows Self-termination from a child guidance center,1975,11,3,325-334,Peterson Police training in domestic crises: a suburban approach,1975,11,3,301-306,Walsh Role of behavior modification in community mental health,1975,11,3,307-315,Gambrill The crisis scale: a factor analysis and revision,1975,11,3,295-300,Halpern Multiple views of a school mental health project: a needed focus in community programs,1975,11,2,203-207,Lorion Drug and risk perception on ninth-grade students: sex differences and similarities,1975,11,2,184-194,Schuman A psychotherapeutic approach with elementary school teachers,1975,11,2,122-128,Multari Mental health training and consultation with suburban police,1975,11,2,115-121,Teese The problem is outside: staff and client behavior as a function of external events,1975,11,1,91-100,Reppucci Crimes in New York and Tokyo: sociocultural perspectives,1975,11,1,19-26,Smith Antisocial children in a summer camp environment: a time-sampling study,1975,11,1,10-18,Wodarski "Mental illness" and "disease": outmoded concepts in alcohol and drug rehabilitation,1975,11,4,418-429,Carroll Community mental health ideology scale: social work norms,1976,12,2,211-214,Schulberg Crisis intervention: effects of crisis intervention on family survivors of sudden death situations,1976,12,2,128-136,Lee Training crisis intervention specialists and peer group counselors as therapeutic agents in the gay community,1976,12,4,383-391,Enright Program evaluation in the public interest: a new research methodology,1976,12,3,291-300,Krause The mental health center's role in school consultation: toward a new model,1976,12,1,83-88,Anderson Family therapy research in applied community settings,1976,12,1,61-71,Malouf Contracting in crisis intervention,1976,12,1,37-44,Nelson A psychodynamic approach to suicide prevention,1976,12,4,376-382,Draper Patient dissatisfaction and attempted suicide,1976,12,3,301-305,Richman Based on cultural strengths a school primary prevention program for Asian-American youth,1977,13,3,239-248,Yee The bartender as a mental health service gatekeeper: a role analysis,1977,13,1,92-99,Bissonette The effect of newspaper publicity on a mental health center's community visibility,1977,13,1,58-62,Libow Development of an information system for the child abuse and neglect service system,1977,13,4,333-342,Bommer A comparison of the community psychology and medical models: teaching attitudes toward deviance to high school students,1977,13,3,268-276,Gardner The principles and problems of evaluation,1977,13,2,175-187,Bolman Counseling juvenile offenders: An experimental evaluation of Project Crest,1978,14,4,267-271,Lee Child abuse training: a community-based interdisciplinary program,1978,14,3,179-189,Elmer Community mental health services in rural areas: some practical issues,1978,14,1,54-62,Jeffrey How therapists perceive and treat suicidal patients,1978,14,1,3-13,Gurrister Women's attitudes toward forcible rape,1978,14,2,116-122,Tolor Crisis intervention in the court room: the case of the night prosecutor,1979,15,3,237-247,Fraser Relationship of sociodemographic and drinking variables to differentiated subgroups of alcoholics,1979,15,1,47-57,Hart Results of a pilot management-by-objectives program for a community mental health outpatient service,1980,16,2,121-129,Garrison A typology for the classification of disasters,1980,16,2,103-111,Berren Change and psychopathology: epidemiologic considerations,1981,17,3,203-213,Bell Community mental health ideology presented in high school health textbooks: a content analysis,1982,18,4,286-296,Tolan Group home parenting: an examination of the role,1982,18,4,274-285,Sarata Identifying school children with behavior disorders,1982,18,4,249-256,Fox Study of behavioral factors associated with psychiatric rehospitalization,1982,18,3,190-199,Levine A typology for the classification of disasters: implications for intervention,1982,18,2,120-134,Barker Resources rural consumers indicate they would use for mental health problems,1982,18,2,107-119,Flaskerud Impact of federally mandated program evaluation,1982,18,1,56-71,Flaherty An analysis of the concept of competence in individuals and social systems,1982,18,1,34-45,Adler Evaluating an intervention program for the elderly,1982,18,1,21-33,Rosen The crisis of rape: a community response,1983,19,3,227-230,Fiedler Myths of mid-winter depression,1983,19,3,177-186,Christensen Boom areas: implications for mental health care systems,1983,19,4,243-252,Rosenberg Overview of the Community Mental Health Centers Program from an evaluation perspective,1983,19,2,95-128,Dowell Starting prevention work,1983,19,2,144-163,Signell On vagrancy and psychosis,1983,19,1,27-41,Harding Staffing patterns in rural health services for children and adolescents,1984,20,3,212-222,Jerrell A study of mental health administrators and systems utilizing a four-part rural/urban taxonomy,1984,20,3,202-211,Perlman Emotional support providers and psychological distress among Anglo- and Mexican Americans,1984,20,3,182-201,Griffith The distribution of psychiatric morbidity in black Americans: a review and suggestions for research,1984,20,3,169-181,Neighbors Telephone surveys of mental health need and the unlisted subscriber,1984,20,2,146-154,Stefl Availability of comparable data in state mental health programs,1984,20,1,14-26,Zinober Developing self-esteem in urban youth,1984,20,4,318-322,Sells The "Feelings just are" children's television project,1986,22,1,56-60,McAbee Seeking professional help for personal problems: black Americans' use of health and mental health services,1985,21,3,156-166,Neighbors "Mind control" and the battering of women,1985,21,2,109-118,Andersen Preventive strategies for dealing with violence among blacks,1987,23,3,217-228,Bell Community factors influencing psychiatric hospital utilization in rural and urban Ireland,1987,23,3,192-203,Keatinge Tolerance of deviance and the community adjustment of the mentally ill,1987,23,3,159-172,Sommers Early adolescent alcohol abuse in rural northern Michigan,1987,23,3,183-191,Sarvela Culture-specific substance abuse prevention for blacks,1987,23,2,135-139,Anderson Characteristics of the homeless mentally disordered population in Fresno County,1987,23,2,114-119,Phillips An evaluation of a communications training program within a self-help group for sexually abusive families,1988,24,3,229-235,Wollert Influence of feminism and professional status upon service options for the battered woman,1988,24,1,52-64,Bentzel Mental health professionals and suspected cases of child abuse: an investigation of factors influencing reporting,1988,24,1,43-51,Kalichman Youth suicide in California: a comparative study of perceived causes and interventions,1988,24,1,31-42,Litman Schizophrenia and social network patterns: a survey of black inner-city outpatients,1989,25,3,197-207,Cohen The relation of rural alcoholism to farm economy,1989,25,4,341-347,Sharma The prevention of psychopathology in African Americans: an epidemiologic perspective,1990,26,2,167-179,Neighbors Conjugal violence: changing attitudes in two northern native communities,1991,27,5,359-373,Durst Attitudes of African American adults toward treatment in cases of rape,1992,28,6,531-536,Thompson Suicide in a community based case management service,1992,28,6,483-489,Pyke The quality assurance dilemma in psychiatry: a sociological perspective,1992,28,5,453-459,Byalin Alcohol problems in later life: evaluation of a model community education program,1992,28,4,327-335,Pratt Assessing and responding to suicidal jail inmates,1992,28,4,317-326,Winkler Service needs of youths released from a state psychiatric facility as perceived by service providers and families,1992,28,4,305-315,Solomon Ethnic differences in emergency psychiatric care and hospitalization in a program for the severely mentally ill,1992,28,4,281-291,Snowden A collaborative model of a county crisis intervention team: the Lake County experience,1992,28,3,249-256,Goldstein How treatment of persons with serious mental illness is portrayed in undergraduate psychology textbooks,1992,28,1,29-42,Halter Mental illness topics in popular periodicals,1992,28,1,21-28,Wahl "Aggressive" and "problem-focused" models of case management for the severely mentally ill,1993,29,5,449-458,Corrigan Counseling Army reservists and their families during Operation Desert Shield/Storm,1993,29,5,441-447,Wieseler Potential risk factors for rape in three ethnic groups,1993,29,2,133-141,Scott Sexual assault history in a community mental health center clinical population,1993,29,1,59-63,Dutton Recidivism and mental illness: the role of communities,1993,29,1,3-14,Wan The Impact of the Chi-Chi Earthquake on the Incidence of Hospitalizations for Schizophrenia and on Concomitant Hospital Choice,2010,46,1,93-101,Subramanian Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration by Puerto Rican Women with Severe Mental Illnesses,2011,47,2,156-163,Friedman The Association Between Disaster-Related Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes Among Drug Using African American Hurricane Katrina Evacuees,2010,46,6,612-620,Valdez The Role of Marital Status Literacy and Urbanity in Suicidal Behavior by Burns in the Province of Khorasan Iran,2011,47,2,181-185,Alaghehbandan School violence reduction: a model Jamaican secondary school program,1997,33,3,229-234,Twemlow School-based mental health services in the United States: history current models and needs,1996,32,4,341-352,Weist Treatment outcome of school-based mental health services for urban teenagers,1996,32,2,149-157,Weist Psychosocial adjustment in middle eastern adolescents: the relative impact of violent vs. non-violent social disorganization,1998,34,2,191-205,Stern Community service utilization by youths hospitalized in a state psychiatric facility,1993,29,4,333-346,Solomon Constraints perceived by psychiatrists working in community mental health services. Development and pilot study of a novel instrument,2007,43,6,609-618,Mackinnon Suicidal Ideation Plans and Attempts Among Rural Young Chinese: The Effect of Suicide Death by a Family Member or Friend,2011,47,5,506-512,Zhou Structuring and limit setting as techniques in the group treatment of adolescent delinquents,1967,3,3,237-244,Jacobs Black Americans' and White Americans' views of the etiology and treatment of mental health problems,1996,32,3,235-242,Millet Perceived experiences of racism as stressful life events,1996,32,3,223-233,Thompson HMOs and the seriously mentally ill--a view from the trenches,1996,32,3,213-8; discussion 219-22,Riggs Genes and behavior: will genetic information change the way we see ourselves?,1996,32,3,205-209,Backlar The impact of the Massachusetts Managed Mental Health/Substance Abuse Program on outpatient mental health clinics,1997,33,5,377-385,Beinecke Screening for postpartum depression in a rural community,2008,44,3,171-180,Baker Crisis Visits and Psychiatric Hospitalizations Among Patients Attending a Community Clinic in Rural Southern California,2012,48,2,133-137,Simmons Assessing Aggression Risks in Patients of the Ambulatory Mental Health Crisis Team,2011,47,4,463-471,Nijman Psychiatric and psychosocial correlates of sexual risk behavior among adults with severe mental illness,2007,43,2,153-169,Sikkema The violence of despair: consultation to a HeadStart program following the Los Angeles uprising of 1992,1997,33,3,235-241,Pynoos The development and implementation of a rural consortium program to provide early preventive school mental health services,1986,22,2,94-103,Smith Swiss psychiatrists beliefs and attitudes about cannabis risks in psychiatric patients: ideologically determined or evidence-based?,2008,44,2,86-96,Broers Should we adopt the Dutch version of ACT? Commentary on "FACT: a Dutch version of ACT",2007,43,4,435-438,Bond FACT: a Dutch version of ACT,2007,43,4,421-433,van Veldhuizen Who is Prone to React to Coinciding Threats of Terrorism and War? Exploring Vulnerability Through Global Versus Differential Reactivity,2011,47,1,35-46,Shmotkin Violence prevention and safety training for case management services,2002,38,4,339-348,Lamberti Domestic violence intervention in an urban Indian health center,1997,33,4,331-337,Manson Effect of Depression on Recovery from PTSD,2012,48,2,161-166,Tural Disaster and mental health intervention,1973,9,2,151-157,Tuckman Criminal Justice System Involvement Among People with Schizophrenia,2011,47,6,727-736,Rosenheck The Importance of Consumer Perceived Criticism on Clinical Outcomes for Outpatient African Americans with Schizophrenia,2011,47,6,637-645,Guada An Exploration of Perceptions of Possible Depression Prevention Services for Caregivers of Elderly or Chronically Ill Adults in Rural Georgia,2012,48,2,167-178,Compton Evaluation of the Suicide Prevention Program in Kaohsiung City Taiwan Using the CIPP Evaluation Model,2011,47,5,542-550,Lee Direct and Indirect Effects of Childhood Adversity on Adult Depression,2012,48,2,187-192,Lanoue Recent Findings in the Effectiveness Testing of an Interdisciplinary Training Program in Mental Health Promotion,2011,47,5,498-505,Tomcsányi How Family Factors Impact Psychosocial Functioning for African American Consumers with Schizophrenia,2012,48,1,45-55,Guada Mental Health and Substance Abuse Characteristics Among a Clinical Sample of Urban American Indian/Alaska Native Youths in a Large California Metropolitan Area: a Descriptive Study,2012,48,1,56-62,Dickerson What are the predictors of work impairment in Iranian patients with depressive disorders?,2009,45,6,453-462,Yousefy Factors associated with use of mental health services for depressed and/or suicidal youth aged 15-24,2009,45,4,300-306,Schaffer Anatomy of psychiatric consultation to rural Indians,1972,8,3,196-207,Pattison Child Welfare Involvement of Mothers with Mental Health Issues,2012,48,1,29-37,McConnell Resilience and Distress: Israelis Respond to the Disengagement from Gaza and the Second Lebanese War,2011,47,5,551-559,Ben-Zur Development and Validation of the Mental Health Attitude Survey for Police,2011,47,6,742-751,Grudzinskas Neighborhood Environment and Internalizing Problems in African American Children,2012,48,1,39-44,Leaf Barriers and Facilitators of Treatment for Depression in a Latino Community: A Focus Group Study,2012,48,1,114-126,Miller Community Mental Health Allies: Referral Behavior Among Asian American Immigrant Christian Clergy,2012,48,1,107-113,Yamada Targeting Criminal Recidivism in Mentally Ill Offenders: Structured Clinical Approaches,2011,47,6,723-726,Rotter Extent of sexual abuse,1997,33,4,371,Berman Evaluation of brain injury related behavioral disturbances in community mental health centers,1997,33,4,341-58; discussion 359-64,McAllister Racial Differences in Satisfaction with Mental Health Services Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence,2012,48,1,84-90,Cho Perceptions of Mental Health and Help-Seeking Behavior in an Urban Community in Vietnam: An Explorative Study,2011,47,5,574-582,Broerse Investigating Adherence Promoters in Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions with Children and Adolescents,2012,48,1,63-70,Schwalbe Mental Health Status and Related Characteristics of Chinese Male Rural-Urban Migrant Workers,2012,48,3,342-351,Rockett Adverse life events and pediatric bipolar disorder in a community mental health setting,2005,41,1,67-75,Marchand The experiences of Project Liberty crisis counselors in the Bronx,2005,41,6,665-673,Levine A non-randomized open study with aripiprazole and ziprasidone for the treatment of aggressive behavior in youth in a community clinic,2009,45,1,73-77,Bastiaens Diagnostic practices for traumatized youths: do clinicians incorporate symptom scale results?,2009,45,6,497-507,de Arellano Reassessing the High Proportion of Involuntary Psychiatric Hospital Admissions in South Korea,2011,47,5,603-606,Bola New directions for treatment research on sequelae of sexual abuse in persons with severe mental illness,1996,32,4,387-400,Drake Treating sexual abuse trauma with dually diagnosed women,1996,32,4,371-385,Harris Is stealing a gateway crime?,2001,37,4,347-358,Kelly Physician unwitting participation in abuse and neglect of persons with developmental disabilities,2001,37,6,499-509,Ryan The legislative tenets of client's right to treatment in the least restrictive environment and freedom from harm: implications for community providers,2000,36,6,545-556,Marty Women with schizophrenia and co-occurring substance use disorders: an increased risk for violent victimization and HIV,1999,35,5,401-419,Bellack "We're working in a trauma avoidant culture": a qualitative study exploring assertive community treatment providers' perspectives on working with trauma and PTSD in people with severe mental illness,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farrell Military Mental Health Professionals On Operational Deployment: An Exploratory Study,2012,48,2,238-248,McCauley The Effects of Assertive 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Youths,2012,48,4,490-502,Ferguson A comparison study of psychological family function marital and life satisfactions of polygamous and monogamous women in Jordan,2011,47,5,594-602,Al-Krenawi Attitudes toward help-seeking and duration of untreated mental disorders in a sectorized Athens area of Greece,2011,47,5,583-593,Madianos Erratum to: The Conceptual Model and Guiding Principles of a Supported-Education Program for Orthodox Jewish Persons with Severe Mental Illness,2011,47,5,573,Shor The conceptual model and guiding principles of a supported-education program for Orthodox Jewish persons with severe mental illness,2011,47,5,568-572,Shor The Long-term Outcomes and Unmet Needs of a Cohort of Former Long-Stay Patients in Melbourne Australia,2011,47,5,531-541,Chopra Relationship between positive self-recognition of maternal role and psychosocial factors in Japanese mothers with severe mental illness,2011,47,5,520-530,Kamibeppu Interaction between pre- and post-migration factors on depressive symptoms in new migrants to Hong Kong from mainland China,2011,47,5,560-567,Chou Review: Community-based participatory research approach to address mental health in minority populations,2011,47,5,489-497,Shattell Seven Key Strategies that Work Together to Create Recovery Based Transformation,2012,48,3,294-301,Olmos-Gallo Consumer and Practitioner Perceptions of the Harm Reduction Approach in a Community Mental Health Setting,2013,49,1,14-24,Mancini Psychometric Properties of a Chinese Version of the Medical Outcomes Study Family and Marital Functioning Measures in Hong Kong Chinese Childbearing Families,2012,48,5,634-642,Ngai Psychiatrist Liability and Treatment Planning in Outpatient Clinic Services: Commentary,2013,49,1,47-49,Oren Factors in the Neighborhood as Risks of Suicide in Rural China: A Multilevel Analysis,2012,48,5,627-633,Zhang Family Support in Assertive Community Treatment: An Analysis of Client Outcomes,2012,48,4,463-470,Sono Mental Health Problems and Satisfaction with Amount of State Compensation for Intentional Violent Crime Victimization in The Netherlands,2012,48,4,527-534,Kunst "I Hope I Can Make it Out There": Perceptions of Women with Severe Mental Illness on the Transition from Hospital to Community,2012,48,3,302-308,Herman Depression Care Management for Chinese Americans in Primary Care: A Feasibility Pilot Study,2013,49,2,157-165,Chung Mobilizing in response to a major disaster,1975,11,2,136-144,Okura A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers Challenges and Successes in Meeting the Needs of Hurricane Katrina Evacuee Families,2012,48,6,729-740,Vernberg Case-Control Study of the Relationship of Functioning to Suicide in a Community-Based Sample of Individuals with Schizophrenia in China,2012,48,3,317-320,Phillips The Impact of Stigma of Mental Illness in a Canadian Community: A Survey of Patients Experiences,2013,49,1,127-132,Tempier The adjunct consumer group,1976,12,1,52-60,Berger Causal Beliefs and Effects upon Mental Illness Identification Among Chinese Immigrant Relatives of Individuals with Psychosis,2012,48,4,471-476,Yang Gender and Age Differences Among Youth in Utilization of Mental Health Services in the Year Preceding Suicide in Taiwan,2012,48,6,771-780,Chang The Pathway of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Childhood to Adolescence: A Prospective Study from Age 7 to 14-16 in Korea,2012,48,3,384-391,Lim Parenting Children with Conduct Disorder in Israel: Caregiver Burden and the Sense of Coherence,2012,48,6,781-785,Manor-Binyamini Relationships Between Youth and Caregiver Strengths and Mental Health Outcomes in Community Based Public Mental Health Services,2013,49,5,499-506,Radigan Development of a Recovery Manual for Suicidal Patients with Schizophrenia: Consumer Feedback,2012,48,5,564-567,Haas Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention Training Program for Mental Health Services Staff,2013,49,1,86-94,Bush Effectiveness of a High End Users Program for Persons with Psychiatric Disorders,2012,48,5,598-603,Zubritsky The Factors Influencing Decision Making on Children's Psychiatric Hospitalization: A Retrospective Chart Review,2013,49,1,73-78,Weizman Random Sampling for a Mental Health Survey in a Deprived Multi-Ethnic Area of Berlin,2012,48,6,792-797,Heinz Help-Seeking for Emotional Problems in Major Depression : Findings of the 2006 Estonian Health Survey,2013,49,4,427-432,Aluoja The Alabama Coalition for a Healthier Black Belt: A Proof of Concept Project,2013,49,1,79-85,Savage Community-Based Case Management for the Prevention of Suicide Reattempts in Kaohsiung Taiwan,2012,48,6,786-791,Lee The Epidemiology of Finding a Dead Body: Reports from Inner-City Baltimore Maryland US,2013,49,1,106-109,Latkin Underserved Women in a Women's Health Clinic Describe Their Experiences of Depressive Symptoms and Why They Have Low Uptake of Psychotherapy,2013,49,1,50-60,Kearney The Impact of War on Puerto Rican Families: Challenges and Strengthened Family Relationships,2013,49,4,466-476,Magaly Freytes The Evolution of a Community-Based Telepsychiatry Program in Rural Alabama: Lessons Learned-A Brief Report,2013,49,1,101-105,Ulzen Siblings of People Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder and Posttraumatic Growth,2013,49,5,554-559,Sanders Treatment dropouts from a community mental health center,1973,9,4,354-360,King The Impact of Psychiatric Disorders on Employment: Results from a National Survey (NESARC),2013,49,3,303-310,Ilgen Perinatal Depression Screening in Healthy Start: An Evaluation of the Acceptability of Technical Assistance Consultation,2013,49,4,407-411,Segre Suicidality and Associated Factors in Pregnant Women in Brazil,2012,48,3,392-395,Jansen The Association of Tattooing/Body Piercing and Psychopathology in Adolescents: A Community Based Study from Istanbul,2012,48,6,798-803,Sabuncuoglu Negative Affect Predicts Adults' Ratings of the Current but Not Childhood Impact of Adverse Childhood Events,2013,49,5,560-566,Fawcett The Cost of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Primary Care Settings: Results of the ANCORA Study,2012,48,3,372-383,Rovira A Cross-cultural Study of Recovery for People with Psychiatric Disabilities Between U.S. and Japan,2012,48,6,804-812,Rapp Loss stress and mental health,1990,26,1,27-48,Caplan Adolescent psychotherapy outcomes in community mental health: how do symptoms align with target complaints and perceived change?,2013,49,5,540-552,Owens Impact of adulthood trauma on homeless mothers,2007,43,1,13-32,Zlotnick Family practice enhancements for patients with severe mental illness,2013,49,2,172-177,Homish Course and predictors of physical aggressive behaviour after discharge from a psychiatric inpatient unit: 1 year follow-up,2013,49,4,451-456,Amore Depressive symptoms among Jordanian youth: results of a national survey,2013,49,1,133-140,El-Bassel Crisis intervention team (CIT) programs in rural communities: a focus group study,2013,49,6,756-764,Ritter Predictors of community functioning in schizophrenia and substance use disorder patients,2013,49,3,317-322,Lipp Characteristics of Northern Plains American Indians seeking substance abuse treatment in an urban non-tribal clinic: a descriptive study,2013,49,6,714-721,Lewis 'Individualism-collectivism' as an explanatory device for mental illness stigma,2013,49,3,270-280,Foster Housing and Home-Leaving Experiences of Young Adults with Psychotic Disorders: A Comparative Qualitative Study,2013,49,5,515-527,Rousseau The effects of cumulative risk and protection on problem behaviors for youth in an urban school-based system of care,2013,49,5,576-586,Whitson Combining evidence-based practices for improved behavioral outcomes: a demonstration project,2013,49,4,396-400,Dziadosz Barriers to depression treatment among low-income Latino emergency department patients,2013,49,4,412-418,Palinkas Evaluation of a university-community partnership to provide home-based mental health services for children from families living in poverty,2013,49,5,599-610,Fox Prevalence of depressive symptoms and related factors in Japanese employees as measured by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D),2013,49,2,236-242,Fushimi Posttraumatic stress disorder and use of psychiatric and alcohol related services: the effect of the 2004-2005 Florida hurricane seasons on veterans,2013,49,6,636-642,Brown Erratum to: Adolescent psychotherapy outcomes in community mental health: how do symptoms align with target complaints and perceived change?,2013,49,5,553,Owens Perspectives of people who are deaf and hard of hearing on mental health recovery and peer support,2013,49,6,649-657,Savageau Posttraumatic stress disorder and its comorbidities among American Indian veterans,2013,49,6,704-708,Westermeyer Social Support Resources and Post-Acute Recovery for Older Adults with Major Depression,2013,49,4,419-426,Morrow-Howell The effect of waiting time on youth engagement to evidence based treatments,2014,50,2,221-228,Barksdale A cross-sectional study on risk factors of depression severity among survivors of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake,2013,49,6,847-856,Xu Online screening and referral for postpartum depression: an exploratory study,2014,50,3,305-311,Drake What influences perceptions of procedural justice among people with mental illness regarding their interactions with the police?,2014,50,3,281-287,Greaves Impact of socio-economic status in meeting the needs of people with mental illness; human rights perspective,2014,50,3,245-250,Math Access to and utilization of health services as pathway to racial disparities in serious mental illness,2014,50,3,251-257,Lo Development of telehealth dialogues for monitoring suicidal patients with schizophrenia: consumer feedback,2014,50,3,339-342,Kasckow Symptoms of depression and successful drug court completion,2013,49,6,787-792,Trinidad Who cares for former child soldiers? Mental health systems of care in Sierra Leone,2013,49,5,615-624,Song Perceived school safety is strongly associated with adolescent mental health problems,2014,50,2,127-134,Burger Landlords' experiences of housing tenants suffering from severe mental illness: a Swedish empirical study,2014,50,1,111-119,Bengtsson-Tops Factors associated with mental health service utilization among Korean American immigrants,2013,49,6,765-773,Park Factors associated with poor mental health status among homeless women with and without dependent children,2014,50,5,553-559,Levinson Children's responses to natural technological and na-tech disasters,2004,40,2,167-175,Angelique An implementation evaluation of the community engagement and planning intervention in the CPIC Depression Care Improvement Trial,2014,50,3,312-324,Dixon Trust training and the school dropout's world view,1968,4,5,369-375,Krause Civil rights of the mentally III-A review of the issues,1968,4,3,244-250,Ginsberg Characteristics of homeless adults with serious mental illness served by a state mental health transitional shelter,2014,50,5,560-565,Freudenreich Social characteristics of psychological distress in a disadvantaged urban area of Kazakhstan,2014,50,1,120-125,Heinz Incarceration histories of homeless veterans and progression through a national supported housing program,2014,50,5,514-519,Tejani Community resilience and sense of coherence as protective factors in explaining stress reactions: comparing cities and rural communities during missiles attacks,2014,50,2,229-234,Braun-Lewensohn Psychometric investigation of a brief measure of outcomes in children's mental health,2014,50,2,204-208,Stein "Straight Up": Enhancing Rapport and Therapeutic Alliance with Previously-Detained Youth in the Delivery of Mental Health Services,2014,50,2,193-203,Aalsma Assertive community treatment and associations with substance abuse problems,2014,50,4,460-465,Delespaul Healing the social self: How parents whose children were killed in terror attacks construct the experience of help,2014,50,4,487-496,Shamai Risk of future offense among probationers with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders,2014,50,3,288-295,Cardarelli Lifetime trauma subjective distress substance use and PTSD symptoms in people with severe mental illness: comparisons among four diagnostic groups,2013,49,6,728-732,O'Hare The state of readiness of Lagos state primary health care physicians to embrace the care of depression in Nigeria,2014,50,2,239-244,Adewuya Medical diplomacy and global mental health: From community and national institutions to regional centers of excellence,2013,49,6,805-814,Kohrt Racial/ethnic differences in the association between symptoms of depression and self-rated mental health among older adults,2014,50,3,325-330,Chiriboga Change patterns of homeless individuals with mental illness: A multiple case study,2014,50,5,531-537,Helfrich Theory Meets Practice: The Localization of Wraparound Services for Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance,2013,49,6,793-804,Kapp Peer-led and professional-led group interventions for people with co-occurring disorders: A qualitative study,2014,50,4,388-394,Balachandra Seasonality of Depression Referrals in Older People,2014,50,3,336-338,Holloway Cultural variations in interpretation of postnatal illness: Jinn possession amongst Muslim communities,2014,50,3,348-353,Brown Staff Perception of Aggressive Behaviour in Community Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities,2014,50,6,743-751,Dewa The impact of ongoing national terror on the community of hospital nurses in Israel,2014,50,3,354-361,Shamai The impact of personality disorders on legally supervised community treatment: A systematic literature review,2013,50,6,664-672,Carr Evaluation of a community-based behavior modification program for prevention of delinquency: The failure of success,1977,13,4,296-306,Davidson Are Jails Replacing the Mental Health System for the Homeless Mentally Ill?,1988,24,3,185-195,Belcher A cross-cultural format for national mental health program analysis,1969,5,3,227-232,Bloom Community involvement in mental health programs: The Wyandotte County Mental Health and Guidance Center,1969,5,1,82-87,Murrell Principles of community mental health in a rural setting: The Halifax County program,1968,4,3,211-220,Eisdorfer RSVP: An experimental organization,1967,3,3,276-278,Oram Identification of mental illness: Its consequences for rejection,1967,3,3,262-266,Phillips Suicide,1967,3,3,259-261,Feinstein Multiple suicide attempts,1968,4,2,164-170,Tuckman Community organization and the public interest,1969,5,3,233-239,Gaupp The role of nonprofessional volunteers in a Suicide Prevention Center,1968,4,4,287-295,Shneidman Mental health knowledge among student teachers,1968,4,2,171-176,Yamamoto Analysis of readmissions to a community mental health center,1966,2,1,22-26,McPartland Crisis intervention and social work models,1966,2,1,13-21,Porter Young children and the Watts revolt,1968,4,3,201-210,Dunlap Effecting a continuum of care: An exploitation of the crisis of psychiatric hospital release,1968,4,1,63-73,Wolkon The Multiproblem Neighborhood project,1968,4,1,3-12,Rhodes Clergymen as psychotherapists: Problems in interrole communication,1968,4,6,482-491,Brodsky Suicide prevention: A view from the bridge,1968,4,6,469-474,Farberow The evaluation of statewide mental health programs: A systems approach,1968,4,4,340-349,Levy Some basic considerations in crisis intervention,1968,4,4,319-325,McGee Residential change and school adjustment,1966,2,1,61-69,Levine Guidance and the teaching of high school psychology,1966,2,1,41-46,Belenky The "true prevalence" of mental illness in a new england state,1966,2,1,35-40,Phillips Preventive psychiatry on the college campus,1966,2,1,27-34,Kysar Communications as a basic tool in promoting utilization of research findings,1966,2,3,231-236,Halpert Community mental health concepts as demonstrated by suicide prevention programs in Florida,1968,4,2,144-152,McGee Problems of ethics in community mental health: A survey of community psychologists,1969,5,6,452-460,Shore An experiment in police-community relations: A small group approach,1969,5,2,172-179,Lipsitt A developmental view of the comprehensive community mental health concept,1969,5,2,156-163,Austin Police as a community mental health resource,1969,5,2,111-120,Liberman The concept of mental illness: A new look at some old assumptions,1968,4,5,417-424,Margolin The development of a community mental health ideology scale,1967,3,3,216-225,Baker Incidence and treatment variations between negroes and caucasians in mental illness,1967,3,1,61-65,Maas The psychiatrist as court consultant: A challenge to community psychiatry,1967,3,4,396-398,Goldin Superpatriot opposition to community mental health programs,1967,3,4,382-388,Schmuck Treatment for delinquent girls: The adolescent self-concept group,1967,3,4,377-381,Oetting The impact of alcoholism on a community general hospital,1967,3,4,373-376,Kearney The psychopathology and measurement of environmental stress,1967,3,4,358-372,Kurland A systematic approach to brief therapy for patients from a low socioeconomic community,1967,3,4,349-354,Normand The relative effectiveness of two models for scoring the mid-town psychological disorder index,1967,3,4,335-342,Haese Training police as specialists in family crisis intervention: A community psychology action program,1967,3,4,315-317,Berkowitz Comments by the American Civil Liberties Union on "demagogues and mental health",1966,2,2,156,Reitman Social distance and the dying,1966,2,2,152-155,Kalish A cohort study of school withdrawals with implications for mental health,1966,2,2,146-151,Mannino School psychology and comprehensive community mental health planning,1966,2,2,142-145,Osterweil Psychology medicine and the human condition known as mental health,1966,2,2,129-134,Arbuckle Relationships between problem labelling and treatment referrals by laymen,1966,2,2,114-120,Zolik Providing school psychological service through a Community Mental Health Center,1966,2,1,82-85,Condell A note on judgment and insight in psychiatric disability,1966,2,1,70-72,Lerner The emerging role of the social worker in a psychiatric emergency service,1969,5,1,55-61,Golan A critical review of alcohol education for adolescents,1966,2,3,222-230,Freeman Delinquents and nondelinquents in depressed areas: Some guidelines for community preventive action,1966,2,3,213-218,Glueck The relationship between socioeconomic variables and major mental illness in the counties of a midwestern state,1966,2,3,211-212,Vail Personal responsibility and psychoactive drug taking behavior in discharged mental patients,1966,2,3,202-204,Nickerson Safe to be touched; how safe to be exposed?,1966,2,1,93-96,Mason Depressive symptoms among help-seeking Latinas in a disadvantaged urban northeastern community mental health center,2014,50,3,331-335,Liefland Spiritual assessment in mental health recovery,2014,50,4,447-453,Gomi Problem oriented political science in mental health,1966,2,2,109-113,Straetz Mobilization of community resources in the outpatient treatment of adolescent delinquent boys: A case report,1966,2,4,329-332,Shore Social structure and crisis: A study of nursing organization and patient adjustment,1966,2,4,285-292,Turner The challenge of community child psychiatry,1966,2,4,281-284,Newman Barriers and facilitators of a healthy lifestyle among persons with serious and persistent mental illness: Perspectives of community mental health providers,2014,50,5,566-576,Lee A Retrospective Quasi-Experimental Study of a Transitional Housing Program for Patients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness,2014,50,5,538-547,Pirkis Lifetime trauma and suicide attempts in people with severe mental illness,2014,50,6,673-680,Shen Prevalence and predictors of suicidal behavior among Mongolian high school students,2014,50,3,362-372,Altangerel Association of strength of community service to personal wellbeing,2014,50,5,577-582,Macilvaine Shifting the odds of lifelong mental illness through an understanding of the profiles of adolescents and young adults with serious mental health conditions,2014,50,2,216-220,Spooner Leadership organizational climate and working alliance in a children's mental health service system,2013,50,7,771-777,Aarons Explaining homeless youths' criminal justice interactions: Childhood trauma or surviving life on the streets?,2014,50,2,135-144,Ferguson Prevalence and correlates of criminal victimization among new admissions to outpatient mental health services in Hawaii,2014,50,3,296-304,Frueh Anxiety depression and suicidal ideation in Lebanese patients undergoing hemodialysis,2014,50,2,235-238,Macaron Humour-related interventions for people with mental illness: A randomized controlled pilot study,2014,50,6,737-742,Kohn School-related and social-emotional outcomes of providing mental health services in schools,2014,50,2,145-149,Sander Psychiatric morbidity phenomenology and management in hospitalized female foreign domestic workers in Lebanon,2014,50,5,619-628,Kazour Factors influencing report of common mental health problems among psychologically distressed adults,2014,50,5,597-603,Legleye Informal home care for elderly in belgium: A study on the features and challenges of informal care at local level,2014,50,7,848-853,Criel "I just have to stick with it and it'll work": experiences of adolescents and young adults with mental health concerns,2014,50,7,778-786,Osuch Prevalence and characteristics of intimate partner violence against women with severe mental illness: A prevalence study in Spain,2014,50,7,841-847,González Cases Religious participation and substance use behaviors in a Canadian sample of homeless people,2014,50,7,862-869,Torchalla Youth and caregiver access to peer advocates and satisfaction with mental health services,2014,50,8,915-921,Radigan People Living in Community with a Severe Mental Illness: Utilization and Satisfaction with Care and Support,2014,50,8,926-931,Ostman Use of Structured Clinical Documentation to Identify Patients' Parental Concerns and Their Childrens' Wellbeing,2014,50,6,646-655,Liangas Erratum to: identification and treatment of TBI and co-occurring psychiatric symptoms among OEF/OIF/OND veterans seeking mental health services within the state of Colorado: establishing consensus for best practices,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brenner Homelessness behavioral health disorders and intimate partner violence: Barriers to services for women,2014,50,7,831-840,Ponce Social Inequalities in Psychological Well-Being: A European Comparison,2014,50,8,987-990,Chastang Trust Deals and Authority: Community Mental Health Professionals' Experiences of Influencing Reluctant Patients,2014,50,8,886-895,Burns Factors associated with mental health service use among Latino and Asian Americans,2014,50,8,906-907,Cho Mental Health Correlates of Past Homelessness in Latinos and Asians,2014,50,8,953-959,Devylder The use of the Burden Assessment Scale with families of a pediatric population,2014,50,6,703-710,Murdoch General self-efficacy and its relationship to self-reported mental illness and barriers to care: a general population study,2014,50,6,721-728,Krantz Relationships of Mental Health Problems with Stress Among Civil Servants in Guangzhou China,2014,50,8,991-996,Jiang Evaluation of different approaches for confounding in nonrandomised observational data: a case-study of antipsychotics treatment,2014,50,6,711-720,Toumi Community mental health concepts and methadone maintenance: are they compatible?,1974,10,4,426-433,Zimmerman Cannabis use is a better indicator of poor mental health in women than in men: a cross-sectional study in young adults from the general population,2014,50,7,823-830,Kahn Psychosocial well-being construct in people with severe mental disorders enrolled in supported employment programs,2014,50,8,932-942,Corbière Reactions and attitudes to postpartal mental symptoms in a rural community,2014,50,7,800-810,Kähärä Racial/Ethnic Match and Treatment Outcomes for Women with PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Receiving Community-Based Treatment,2014,50,7,811-822,Chang Posttraumatic recovery to distress symptoms ratio: a mediator of the links between gender exposure to fire economic condition and three indices of resilience to fire disaster,2014,50,8,997-1003,Eshel Coping resources as explanatory factors of stress reactions during missile attacks: comparing Jewish and Arab adolescents in Israel,2011,47,3,300-310,Braun-Lewensohn Mental disorders and mental health service use across Asian American subethnic groups in the United States,2014,51,2,153-160,Martins Does context matter? Examining the mental health among homeless people,2014,51,2,215-221,Miller Incidence and risk of depression associated with diabetes in adults: evidence from longitudinal studies,2014,51,2,204-210,Mamun Social perceptions about community life with people with mental illness: study of a discharge program in Buenos Aires Province Argentina,2014,51,1,103-110,Ardila-Gómez Community collaboration as a disaster mental health competency: a systematic literature review,2014,51,2,125-131,Lebowitz Prediction of multiple visits by a community mental health center's psychiatric emergency home visiting team,1979,15,3,214-218,Steer Mental Health of Children Born to Immigrant Parents in Ireland: A Pilot Study,2014,51,1,97-102,Masaud Exploring the Role of Ethnic Media and the Community Readiness to Combat Stigma Attached to Mental Illness Among Vietnamese Immigrants: The Pilot Project Tam An (Inner Peace in Vietnamese),2014,51,1,63-70,Anton Predicting Initial Client Engagement with Community Mental Health Services by Routinely Measured Data,2014,51,1,71-78,Garretsen Erratum to: Posttraumatic Recovery to Distress Symptoms Ratio: A Mediator of the Links Between Gender Exposure to Fire Economic Condition and Three Indices of Resilience to Fire Disaster,2014,51,1,96,Eshel Acceptability of a web-based community reinforcement approach for substance use disorders with treatment-seeking American Indians/Alaska Natives,2014,51,4,393-403,Miele Cumulative effects of childhood traumas: polytraumatization dissociation and schizophrenia,2014,51,1,54-62,Álvarez High school dropouts in emerging adulthood: substance use mental health problems and crime,2014,51,3,289-299,Vaughn Relationship between the public's belief in recovery level of mental illness stigma and previous contact,2014,51,1,38-47,Barczyk Modified assertive community treatment: effectiveness on hospitalization and length of stay,2014,51,2,171-174,Razali Suicide risk and mental health co-morbidities in a probationer population,2014,51,2,145-152,Cardarelli Recovery resources and psychiatric severity among persons with substance use disorders,2014,51,4,437-444,Jason The responses of young people to their experiences of first-episode psychosis: harnessing resilience,2014,51,3,322-328,Henderson Community-based relapse prevention for opiate dependents: a randomized community controlled trial,2014,51,1,21-29,Maarefvand Improvement in depressive symptoms among Hispanic/Latinos receiving a culturally tailored impact and problem-solving intervention in a community health center,2014,51,4,385-392,Buelna Child attention deficit hyperactive disorder co-morbidities on family stress: effect of medication,2014,51,3,347-353,Bower Rural Latinos' mental wellbeing: a mixed-methods pilot study of family environment and social isolation factors,2014,51,4,404-413,Cottler Life span history of non-fatal suicidal behaviours in a large sample of general practitioners' patients: data from Rovigo northern Italy,2014,50,8,981-986,Baldo Youth with mental illness: attitudes towards and therapeutic benefits of residential stepped care,2014,51,3,338-346,Magor-Blatch Self-reported Barriers to Treatment Engagement: Adolescent Perspectives from the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A),2014,51,7,775-781,Coker Rapid Follow-Up for Patients After Psychiatric Crisis,2014,51,2,139-144,Cropsey The plight of chronic self-mutilators,1988,24,1,22-30,Favazza Collectivistic orientation acculturative stress cultural self-efficacy and depression: a longitudinal study among Chinese internal migrants,2014,51,2,239-248,Li Family influence in recovery from severe mental illness,2014,51,4,467-476,Whitley A community long-term hotline therapeutic intervention model for coping with the threat and trauma of war and terror,2014,51,2,249-255,Gelkopf Implementation of an evidence based guideline for assessment and documentation of the civil commitment process,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perrigo The effect of parent and peer attachment on suicidality: the mediation effect of self-control and anomie,2014,51,3,359-364,Heydari Utilization of psychiatric services by postpartum women in a predominantly minority low-socioeconomic-status urban population,2014,51,3,275-280,Kunik Factors influencing time lag between initial parental concern and first visit to child psychiatric services among ADHD children in Japan,2014,51,7,857-861,Fujiwara Individual peer support: a qualitative study of mechanisms of its effectiveness,2014,51,4,445-452,Gidugu Exploring factors associated with the psychosocial impact of stigma among people with schizophrenia or affective disorders,2014,52,3,370-378,Świtaj The Relationship Between the Perceived Risk of Harm by a Family Member with Mental Illness and the Family Experience,2014,51,7,790-799,Katz Evaluating explicit and implicit stigma of mental illness in mental health professionals and medical students,2014,51,5,628-634,Wojnar Risk Factors of High Burden Caregivers of Dementia Patients Institutionalized at Day-Care Centres,2014,51,6,753-759,Maseda Predictors of serious psychological distress in an urban population,2014,51,6,708-714,Linder Community mental health service utilization after the l'Aquila earthquake,2014,51,4,504-508,Rossi The moderating effect of social support on the relationship between impulsivity and suicide in rural China,2014,51,5,585-590,Lin Implementing the Regional Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (REOW) in the state of Oklahoma for substance abuse prevention: an ODMHSAS project,2014,51,5,535-539,Gurganus Attributions of mental illness: an ethnically diverse community perspective,2014,51,5,540-545,Vaughn Don't step on the tiger's tail: a mixed methods study of the relationship between adult impact of childhood adversity and use of coping strategies,2014,51,7,768-774,Helitzer Examining undetermined and accidental deaths as source of 'under-reported-suicide' by age and sex in twenty western countries,2014,51,3,365-376,Hansen Socio-demographic and health behavioral correlates of depressive symptoms among Korean Americans,2014,51,4,414-423,Cho Impact of community-based programs on incarceration outcomes among gay and bisexual stimulant-using homeless adults,2017,52,8,1037-1042,Shoptaw The effects of maternal depression on child mental health problems based on gender of the child,2015,51,3,354-358,Cho Previous homelessness as a risk factor for recovery from serious mental illnesses,2015,51,6,674-684,Kloos The role of gender and income in predicting barriers to mental health care in Canada,2015,51,5,621-627,Slaunwhite Effects of home visit intervention on re-hospitalization rates in psychiatric patients,2015,51,5,598-605,Chou Hospital readmission rates and emergency department visits for mental health and substance abuse conditions,2015,51,2,190-197,Smith Examining the latent structure of acute stress disorder symptoms in Filipino-victims of a flashflood disaster,2015,51,5,613-620,Mordeno Homeless children and their families' perspectives of agency services,2015,51,7,800-808,Grothaus The Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the ISMI Scale,2015,51,5,606-612,Esteves Screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse in older adults: training outcomes among physicians and other healthcare practitioners in community-based settings,2015,51,5,546-553,Coogle Outcomes of FLEXIBLE Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) implementation: a prospective real life study,2015,52,8,898-907,Nugter Factors associated with depression among male casual laborers in urban Vietnam,2015,51,5,575-584,Dunne Experiences of a mental health first aid training program in Sweden: a descriptive qualitative study,2015,51,4,497-503,Svensson Counselor attitudes of effectiveness with sexually abused men,2015,52,8,1057-1063,Paul An examination of perceptions in integrated care practice,2015,51,8,949-961,Satcher Integration of Peer Specialists Working in Mental Health Service Settings,2015,51,4,453-458,Kuhn Escape from discrepancy: self-esteem and quality of life as predictors of current suicidal ideation among individuals with schizophrenia,2015,51,6,654-662,Brekke A specialized treatment court for veterans with trauma exposure: implications for the field,2015,52,2,127-135,Knudsen Quality of life in psychosis: prevalence and associated factors in a Nigerian clinical population,2015,51,4,491-496,Owoaje Working Alliance in Patients with Severe Mental Illness Who Need a Crisis Intervention Plan,2015,52,1,102-108,Kamperman Not just horsing around: the impact of equine-assisted learning on levels of hope and depression in at-risk adolescents,2015,51,7,809-817,Lanning Neighborhood Social Environment and Patterns of Depressive Symptoms Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,2015,51,8,978-986,Wiebe Socio-demographic characteristics of individuals with history of crack cocaine use in the US general population,2015,52,8,1043-1046,Yur'yev Access to and use of the internet by veterans with serious mental illness,2015,52,2,136-141,Medoff An exploratory factor analysis of coping styles and relationship to depression among a sample of homeless youth,2015,51,7,818-827,Ferguson Knowing What to Do and Being Able to Do It: Influences on Parent Choice and Use of Practices to Support Young People Living with Mental Illness,2015,51,7,841-851,Llewellyn Managing Life Motherhood and Mental Health After Discharge from a Mother-Baby Unit: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis,2015,52,8,954-963,Roberts Suicide attempts and associated factors in male and female Korean adolescents: a population-based cross-sectional survey,2015,51,7,862-866,Chin Psychopathology and Related Psychosocial Factors in Children with Office Discipline Referrals at School: Evidence from a Developing Country,2015,51,7,867-878,Acemoglu A Care Planning Strategy for Traumatic Life Events in Community Mental Health and Inpatient Psychiatry Based on the InterRAI Assessment Instruments,2010,46,6,621-627,Hirdes Characteristics of patients referred to psychiatric emergency services by crisis intervention team police officers,2010,46,6,579-584,Compton Treatment satisfaction among patients taking antidepressant medication,2015,52,6,738-745,Párraga Martínez Factors influencing suicidal ideation among Korean adults by age: results of the 2010-2011 Korean Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2015,51,8,987-993,Lee Attitudes toward mental health services among American Indians by two age groups,2015,51,8,970-977,Lee Religious coping among adults caring for family members with serious mental illness,2015,52,2,194-202,Pearce Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness,2015,52,7,851-858,Saavedra Rebranding "community mental health",2015,51,4,383-384,Minkoff Family recovery,2015,51,7,761-767,Nelson Continuing education on suicide assessment and crisis intervention: what can we learn about the needs of mental health professionals in community practice?,2015,52,5,501-510,Mirick Depression among people who inject drugs and their intimate partners in Kazakhstan,2015,52,8,1047-1056,El-Bassel Does gender explain the relationship between occupation and suicide? Findings from a meta-analytic study,2015,52,5,568-573,Pirkis Impact of the Syrian crisis on the hospitalization of Syrians in a psychiatric setting,2015,52,1,84-93,Lama Translating cognitive behavioral therapy for anxious youth to rural-community settings via tele-psychiatry,2015,51,7,852-856,Bennett Indo-Canadian Collaboration for Suicide Prevention: training needs assessment for healthcare professionals in India,2015,52,5,511-518,Eynan Interactive effect of child maltreatment and substance use on depressed mood among adolescents presenting to community-based substance use treatment,2015,51,7,833-840,Spirito Coping styles among individuals with severe mental illness and comorbid PTSD,2015,51,6,663-673,Galovski Challenges for transformation: a situational analysis of mental health care services in Sehore District Madhya Pradesh,2015,51,8,903-912,Patel Exploring psychological distress in Burundi during and after the armed conflict,2015,52,1,32-38,Familiar Delivering CBT to rural Latino children with anxiety disorders: a qualitative study,2015,53,1,53-61,Chavira How long do adolescents wait for psychiatry appointments?,2015,51,7,782-789,Steinman Application of SCOPE-C to measure social inclusion among mental health services users in Hong Kong,2015,52,8,1113-1117,Chiu Do negative changes in worldview mediate links between mass trauma and reckless behavior? A longitudinal exploratory study,2015,52,1,10-17,Jones Predictors of clinical outcome of assertive community treatment (ACT) in a rural area in Denmark: an observational study with a two-year follow-up,2015,52,8,908-913,Aagaard How people with depression receive and perceive mental illness information: findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2015,51,8,994-1001,Hasking Suicidal ideation among adults with disability in western Canada: a brief report,2015,52,5,519-526,McConnell Why do mental health consumers who receive rehabilitation services are not using them? A qualitative investigation of users' perspectives in Israel,2015,52,7,859-872,Moran Psychopharmacologic services for homeless veterans: comparing psychotropic prescription fills among homeless and non-homeless veterans with serious mental illness,2015,52,2,142-147,Rosenheck Unsheltered homelessness among veterans: correlates and profiles,2015,52,2,148-157,Fargo Mental health beliefs amongst Emirati female college students,2015,52,2,233-238,Al-Darmaki Predictors of outreach meetings among substance using homeless youth,2015,53,1,62-71,Slesnick Gender differences related to attitudes toward suicide and suicidal behavior,2015,52,2,228-232,Math An integrated model of suicidal ideation in transcultural populations of Chinese adolescents,2015,52,5,574-581,Kwok A comparison of self-rated and female partner-rated scales in the assessment of paternal prenatal depression,2015,52,8,983-988,Hashimoto Barriers and facilitators in providing community mental health care to returning veterans with a history of traumatic brain injury and co-occurring mental health symptoms,2015,52,2,158-164,Brenner Burnout and psychiatric distress in local caregivers two years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster,2015,52,1,39-45,Katz Risk factors for inpatient psychiatric readmission: are there gender differences?,2015,52,6,675-682,Watanabe-Galloway Heavy drinking and social and health factors in university students from 24 low middle income and emerging economy countries,2015,52,2,239-244,Peltzer Self-determination theory and outpatient follow-up after psychiatric hospitalization,2015,52,6,662-666,Valenstein "Sometimes what they think is helpful is not really helpful": understanding engagement in the program of assertive community treatment (PACT),2015,52,8,882-890,Manuel Implementing a nation-wide mental health care reform: an analysis of stakeholders' priorities,2015,52,3,343-352,Lorant Using mental health outreach teams in the emergency department to improve engagement in treatment,2015,52,8,1009-1014,Jones Treatment processes of counseling for children in South Sudan: a multiple n=1 design,2013,49,3,354-367,Komproe Practice-driven evaluation of a multi-layered psychosocial care package for children in areas of armed conflict,2011,47,3,267-277,Komproe Serious suicide attempts: evidence on variables to manage and prevent this phenomenon,2015,52,5,582-588,Mento Patient perceptions of prejudice and discrimination by health care providers and its relationship with mental disorders: results from the 2012 Canadian Community Health-Mental Health Survey data,2015,52,3,294-301,Oviedo-Joekes Mental health service need and use in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy: findings in a population-based sample of New York city residents,2015,52,1,25-31,Galea The consequences of official labels: an examination of the rights lost by the mentally ill and mentally incompetent since 1989,2015,52,3,272-280,Stohr Suicide risk of heroin dependent subjects in Lebanon,2015,52,5,589-596,Kazour Crisis Reliability Indicators Supporting Emergency Services (CRISES): a framework for developing performance measures for behavioral health crisis and psychiatric emergency programs,2015,52,1,1-9,Balfour Contact in the classroom: developing a program model for youth mental health contact-based anti-stigma education,2015,52,3,281-293,Stuart Health literacy among people with serious mental illness,2015,52,4,399-405,Watanabe-Galloway Implementation and outcomes of forensic Housing First programs,2015,52,1,46-55,Kriegel Perceived social support and mental health problems among Pakistani university students,2015,52,8,1004-1008,Jibeen Community resilience of civilians at war: a new perspective,2015,52,1,109-117,Kimhi The effects and stigma of mental illness in Turkey,2015,52,3,353-360,Sarıkoç Problem-solving coping and social support as mediators of academic stress and suicidal ideation among Malaysian and Indian adolescents,2015,52,2,245-250,Ahmad Needs assessment of hurricane Katrina evacuees residing temporarily in Dallas,2015,52,1,18-24,North Effects of community mental health service in subjects with early psychosis: one-year prospective follow up,2015,52,6,724-730,Kang Disease burden among individuals with severe mental illness in a community setting,2015,52,4,424-432,Ritter Imprisoned husbands: Palestinian wives and experiences of difficulties,2015,52,1,118-125,Derluyn Children in the blind spot of social medical concerns: supporting children with mentally ill parents in Korea,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Im Predictors of depression symptoms among low-income women exposed to perinatal intimate partner violence (IPV),2015,52,6,683-690,Sharps How can community religious groups aid recovery for individuals with psychotic illnesses?,2015,52,7,775-780,Compton Improving quality of emergency care through integration of mental health,2015,52,3,332-342,Satcher Ameliorating psychosocial risk among mothers with intellectual impairment,2015,52,8,944-953,McConnell Child mental health services and psychotherapy attitudes among Asian Indian parents: an exploratory study,2015,52,8,989-997,Turner Mental health and associated sexual health behaviours in a sample of young people attending a music festival in melbourne victoria,2016,52,8,1082-1088,Lim Stigma in male depression and suicide: a Canadian sex comparison study,2016,52,3,302-310,Ogrodniczuk Utilization of professional mental health services related to population-level screening for anxiety depression and post-traumatic stress disorder among public high school students,2016,52,6,691-700,Baillargeon Suicidal individuals and mental health treatment: a novel approach to engagement,2016,52,5,527-533,Alonzo Developing a community-based participatory research approach to understanding of the repeat use of psychiatric emergency services,2016,52,8,1015-1021,Lincoln US veterans' court programs: an inventory and analysis of national survey data,2016,52,2,180-186,Graham The relationship between suicide ideation behavioral health and college academic performance,2016,52,5,534-540,De Luca The child and adolescent needs and strengths as an outcome measure in community mental health: factor analysis and a validation of the short form,2016,52,8,1118-1122,Alamdari Peer support and outcome for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a residential rehabilitation program,2016,52,8,1089-1092,Rosen Erratum to: Impact of the Syrian crisis on the hospitalization of Syrians in a psychiatric setting,2016,52,4,499,Kazour Are users satisfied with assertive community treatment in spite of personal restrictions?,2016,52,8,891-897,Ruud Participants' assessment of the impact of behavioral health self-direction on recovery,2016,52,7,781-792,Parish Perception of mattering and suicide ideation in the Australian working population: evidence from a cross-sectional survey,2016,52,5,615-621,Milner Cognitive function and quality of life in community-dwelling seniors with mild cognitive impairment in Taiwan,2016,52,4,493-498,Wang What can influence Iranian suicide attempters to go through the process of non-fatal suicide act once again? A preliminary report,2016,52,5,597-608,Toudehskchuie Client contextual and program elements influencing supported employment: a literature review,2016,52,7,809-820,Kirsh A randomized controlled trial of a patient-centered approach to improve screening for the metabolic side effects of antipsychotic medications,2016,53,2,163-175,Medoff A pilot study of a novel method of measuring stigma about depression developed for Latinos in the faith-based setting,2016,52,6,701-709,Caplan Suicide loss survivors' experiences with therapy: implications for clinical practice,2016,52,5,551-558,Cerel "What's wrong with the seed?" a comparative examination of an empowering community-centered approach to recovery in community mental health,2016,52,7,821-833,Jorge-Monteiro Passive suicidal ideation and community mental health resources in South Africa,2016,52,5,541-550,Pillai Experiences of social support among Chinese immigrant mental health consumers with psychosis,2016,52,6,643-650,Cheng Youth perspectives on the mental health treatment process: what helps what hinders?,2016,53,1,72-78,Osuch Treating veterans and military families: evidence based practices and training needs among community clinicians,2016,53,2,215-223,Bui Psychosocial factors associated with suicide re-attempts in persons with chronic mental disabilities in Korea,2016,52,5,609-614,Yim Only making things worse: a qualitative study of the impact of wrongly removing disability benefits from people with mental illness,2016,52,7,834-841,Henderson Community restructuring and depressive symptoms of rural mature and elderly adults: a multilevel analysis based on a national dataset in China,2016,53,1,34-38,Lou Quality of life stigma and burden perception among family caregivers and patients with psychiatric illnesses in Jordan,2016,53,3,266-274,Dalky The relationship between background characteristics and death anxiety in times of war: a comparison between three generations Arab and Jewish families in Israel,2016,52,8,1123-1132,Ron Comorbid depression and other predictors of PTSD severity in urban public transit employees,2016,53,2,224-232,Eynan Difficulties experienced by university students with severe mental illness who participate in supported education programs,2016,53,3,281-287,Shor Longitudinal trajectory of adolescent exposure to community violence and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults: understanding the effect of mental health service usage,2016,53,1,39-52,Chen Housing as a resource for justice-involved women,2016,53,3,340-343,Jason Factors associated with perceived depression of Korean adults: secondary data from the Korean Community Health Survey,2016,53,3,288-296,Choi Comorbid moderate-severe depressive symptoms and their association with quality of life in Chinese patients with schizophrenia treated in primary care,2016,52,8,921-926,Hall Medicaid expenditures for fee-for-service enrollees with behavioral diagnoses: findings from a 50 state claims analysis,2016,53,1,1-7,Druss Clinicians' beliefs observations and treatment effectiveness regarding clients' sexual addiction and internet pornography use,2016,52,8,1070-1081,Short Analysis of the association of clubhouse membership with overall costs of care for mental health treatment,2016,53,1,102-106,Eaton Substance use disorders and poverty as prospective predictors of adult first-time suicide ideation or attempt in the united states,2016,53,3,324-333,Hasin Prediction of mental health services use one year after regular referral to specialized care versus referral to stepped collaborative care,2016,53,3,316-323,Spinhoven Forensic assertive community treatment: a review of the literature,2016,52,8,873-881,Sabbe Do place and time make a difference? Examining quality of life among homeless persons in Northwest Arkansas and Birmingham,2016,53,3,334-339,Fitzpatrick A longitudinal study of financial difficulties and mental health in a national sample of British undergraduate students,2016,53,3,344-352,Elliott Racial/ethnic differences in emotional health: a longitudinal study of immigrants' adolescent children,2016,53,1,92-101,Lo An evidence-based review of early intervention and prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder,2016,53,2,183-201,Davis Presentation of coping strategies associated with physical and mental health during health check-ups,2016,53,3,297-305,Ito Measuring and facilitating client engagement with financial incentives: implications for improving clinical outcomes in a mental health setting,2016,53,5,501-509,Harvey Cultural psychiatry: a spotlight on the experience of clinical social workers' encounter with Jewish ultra-orthodox mental health clients,2016,53,5,613-625,Band-Winterstein Predictors of postpartum depression in partnered mothers and fathers from a longitudinal cohort,2016,53,4,420-431,Giesbrecht OCD taboo thoughts and stigmatizing attitudes in clinicians,2016,53,3,275-280,Wetterneck Medical co-morbidities among patients with severe mental illnesses in a community health facility in Nigeria,2016,53,6,736-746,Lasebikan Interactive effect of immigration-related factors with legal and discrimination acculturative stress in predicting depression among Asian American immigrants,2016,53,6,638-646,Neighbors Brief report: a randomized control trial assessing the influence of a telephone-based intervention on readmissions for patients with severe mental illness in a developing country,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niehaus Work accommodations and natural supports for employees with severe mental illness in social businesses: an international comparison,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Corbière Profile and determinants of disability in psychotic disorders in Nigeria,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lasebikan Veteran status sociodemographic characteristics and healthcare factors associated with visiting a mental health professional,2016,53,5,515-524,Kramarow Clinical factors associated with successful discharge from assertive community treatment,2017,53,8,916-921,Whelan Mental health and pain in older adults: findings from Urban HEART-2,2017,53,6,719-724,Asadi-Lari Besides depression number of physiological diseases is more important than physical function on mental health of elderly adults in Taiwan,2018,54,2,204-210,Li Adapting and validating the family resilience assessment scale in an Afrikaans rural community in South Africa,2018,54,1,73-83,Savahl Correlates and predictors of well-being in Montreal,2017,53,5,560-567,Caron The impact of criminal justice involvement and housing outcomes among homeless persons with co-occurring disorders,2017,53,8,901-904,Clark The relationship between perceived family support and depressive symptoms in adolescence: what is the moderating role of coping strategies and gender?,2017,53,4,474-481,Dooley Experts by experience: peer support and its use with the homeless,2017,53,5,598-612,Barker Ptsd and depression among museum workers after the March 18 Bardo Museum terrorist attack,2017,53,7,852-858,Fekih-Romdhane Post-traumatic stress and trauma-related subjective distress: comparisons among Hispanics African-Americans and Whites with severe mental illness,2017,53,7,778-781,Shen Association between resilience and quality of life in Wenchuan Earthquake Shidu parents: the mediating role of social support,2017,53,7,859-863,Xu Dimension and socio-demographic correlates of domestic violence: a study from Northeast India,2017,53,4,496-499,Borah Beliefs and prejudices versus knowledge and awareness: how to cope stigma against mental illness. A college staff e-survey,2017,53,5,589-597,Buizza The role of partner support among women with depressive symptoms,2017,53,4,415-419,Latkin Common factors in community mental health intervention: a scoping review,2017,53,6,627-637,Kidd Mountaintop removal coal mining and emergent cases of psychological disorder in Kentucky,2017,53,7,802-810,Jameson Reincarceration risk among men with mental illnesses leaving prison: a risk environment analysis,2017,53,8,883-892,Herman Preventing youth from falling through the cracks between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: a systematic review of models of care,2017,53,4,375-382,Direzze Translating interventions that target criminogenic risk factors for use in community based mental health settings,2017,53,8,893-900,Wilson Reducing length of acute inpatient hospitalization using a residential step down model for patients with serious mental illness,2018,54,2,180-183,Sheitman The effects of direct-to-consumer-advertising on mental illness beliefs and stigma,2017,53,5,534-541,Brown The challenges of using self-report measures with people with severe mental illness: four participants' experiences of the research process,2017,53,6,747-754,McFerran The impact of daily sleep hours on the health of Korean middle-aged women,2018,54,2,166-170,Ha Process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of group support psychotherapy for depression treatment among people with HIV/AIDS in Northern Uganda,2017,53,8,991-1004,Musisi Emotional health and self-esteem among adolescents in Malaysian orphanages,2018,54,1,117-125,Awang Interactive effect of parent and adolescent psychiatric symptoms on substance use among adolescents in community treatment,2017,53,4,383-393,Spirito Homecoming of citizen soldiers: postdeployment problems and service use among Army National Guard soldiers,2017,53,7,766-777,Griffith Providers' behaviors and beliefs on prescribing antipsychotic medication to children: a qualitative study,2018,54,1,17-26,Liu Incorporating patients' social determinants of health into hypertension and depression care: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2017,53,6,703-710,Bogner Associations among depressive symptoms wellness patient involvement provider cultural competency and treatment nonadherence: a pilot study among community patients seen at a university medical center,2018,54,2,138-148,Hooper A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on family caregivers of patients with mental disorders,2018,54,2,211-217,Tomasi An exploratory analysis of unhealthy and abusive relationships for adults with serious mental illnesses living in supportive housing,2017,53,6,679-687,Bermea Resilience and depressive symptoms among Korean Americans with history of traumatic life experience,2017,53,7,793-801,Bernstein An exploration of factors that effect the implementation of peer support services in community mental health settings,2018,54,2,127-137,Mancini Inpatient profile of patients with major depression in Portuguese National Health System hospitals in 2008 and 2013: variation in a time of economic crisis,2018,54,2,224-235,Nunes Money social relationships and the sense of self: the consequences of an improved financial situation for persons suffering from serious mental illness,2017,53,7,823-831,Topor Prevalence and associated factors of the severity of depression anxiety and stress among low-income community-dwelling adults in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordin Prior experiences of behavioral health treatment among uninsured young adults served in a psychiatric crisis setting,2017,53,7,782-792,Wagner Measuring recurring stigma in the lives of individuals with mental illness,2018,54,1,27-32,Link Long-term effectiveness of the Question Persuade Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program: lessons from Missouri,2018,54,3,282-292,Sale Do direct survivors of terrorism remaining in the disaster community show better long-term outcome than survivors who relocate?,2018,54,4,429-437,Pfefferbaum Risk factors for and consequences of substance use in post-conflict Liberia: a qualitative study,2018,54,4,438-449,Hansen Transitions from assertive community treatment among urban and rural teams: identifying barriers service options and strategies,2018,54,4,469-479,Cuddeback The associations of area-level violent crime rates and self-reported violent crime exposure with adolescent behavioral health,2018,54,3,252-258,Ettner Are indigenous determinants of health associated with self-reported health professional-diagnosed anxiety disorders among Canadian First Nations adults?: findings from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey,2018,54,4,460-468,Wilk The possible protective effect of marital status in quality of life among elders in a U.S.-Mexico border city,2018,54,4,480-484,Gutiérrez-Vega The (surprising) impact of televised antidepressant direct-to-consumer advertising on the stigmatization of mental illness,2018,54,3,267-275,Niederdeppe The effectiveness of a knowledge translation cognitive-educational intervention for family members of persons coping with severe mental illness,2018,54,4,485-495,Weiss A mixed-method assessment of a pilot peer advocate intervention for rural gender and sexual minorities,2018,54,4,395-409,Hokanson Neighborhood effects on PND symptom severity for women enrolled in a home visiting program,2018,54,4,420-428,Ammerman Mental health consumers' motives for seeking advocacy support: a qualitative exploration,2018,54,5,607-615,Morrison Emergency department staff beliefs about self-harm: a thematic framework analysis,2018,54,6,814-822,Tuffin Families in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams in Norway: a cross-sectional study on relatives' experiences of involvement and alienation,2018,54,5,686-697,Israel The association between social network factors with depression and anxiety at different life stages,2018,54,6,842-854,Wilson Association between employment and mental health service use among justice-involved individuals,2018,54,5,634-640,Lee Preferences for depression help-seeking among Vietnamese American adults,2018,54,6,748-756,Gildengorin Increasing rate of psychological distress in urban households: how does income matter?,2018,54,5,641-648,Firdaus Comparing perceived adequacy of help received among different classes of individuals with severe mental disorders at five-year follow-up: a longitudinal cluster analysis,2018,54,5,540-554,Bamvita Probable post-traumatic stress disorder and self-harming behaviour: potential barriers to employment?,2018,54,6,823-830,Simonsen A comparison of vocational engagement among young people with psychosis depression and borderline personality pathology,2018,54,6,831-841,Cotton Lifetime trauma and depressive symptomatology among older American Indians: the Native Elder Care Study,2018,54,6,740-747,Goins Effects of exercise on depression and anxiety. A comparison to transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy,2018,54,6,855-859,Kristjánsdóttir Stigma towards depression in rural Ireland: a qualitative exploration,2018,54,3,334-342,Kennedy Cost analysis of community based family support of patients with severe mental illness,2018,54,5,625-633,Aagaard Intimate partner violence cumulative violence exposure and mental health service use,2018,54,3,259-266,Cho Recovery in psychosis from a service user perspective: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of current qualitative evidence,2018,54,6,793-804,Wood Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM): an evaluation of a suicide prevention means restriction training program for mental health providers,2018,54,3,293-301,McCudden Key ingredients-target groups methods and messages and evaluation-of local-level public interventions to counter stigma and discrimination: a lived experience informed selective narrative literature review,2018,54,3,312-333,Ashton Mental health needs and psychoactive drug use in a user population of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Ribeirão Preto São Paulo Brazil,2018,54,5,664-671,de Souza Prevalence of mental disorders among children and adolescents of parents with self-reported mental health problems,2018,54,6,884-897,Zubrick Socioeconomic disparities and metabolic risk in veterans with serious mental illness,2018,54,6,725-734,Rajagopalan What role can community health workers play in connecting rural women with depression to the "de facto" mental health care system?,2019,55,1,63-73,Snell-Rood Do providers know what they do not know? A correlational study of knowledge acquisition and person-centered care,2018,54,5,514-520,Stanhope Implementing a violence risk screening protocol in a civil psychiatric setting: preliminary results and clinical policy implications,2018,54,3,245-251,Rosenfeld Sexual and reproductive health education needs gender roles attitudes and acceptance of couple violence according to engaged men and women,2018,54,3,354-360,Guvenc A pilot evaluation of the rapid response program: a home based family therapy,2018,54,3,302-311,Clossey "I believe I know better even than the psychiatrists what caused it": exploring the development of causal beliefs in people experiencing psychosis,2018,54,6,805-813,Read Acceptability of mental health services for anxiety and depression in an Arab sample,2018,54,6,875-883,Titov Public awareness and attitude towards depression: a community based study among an adult population in Ile-Ife South-Western Nigeria,2018,54,6,866-874,Aloba Validation of the Community Integration Scale for Adults with Psychiatric Disorders (CIS-APP-34),2018,54,5,673-681,Carvalho Examining the impact of This Is My Brave on mental illness stigma and willingness to seek help: a pilot study,2018,54,3,276-281,Marshall "Psychological boarding" and community-based behavioral health crisis stabilization,2019,55,3,375-384,Mukherjee Domestic violence victims in shelters: what do we know about their mental health?,2018,54,3,361-369,Tabo Prevalence of trauma in an Australian inner city mental health service consumer population,2019,55,3,487-492,Molloy Small things micro-affirmations and helpful professionals everyday recovery-orientated practices according to persons with mental health problems,2018,54,8,1212-1220,Larsen Factors associated with changes in community ability and recovery after psychiatric rehabilitation: a retrospective study,2018,54,8,1221-1227,Ng Prevalence of childhood mental disorders among school children of Kashmir Valley,2019,55,6,1031-1037,Paul The roles of socioeconomic status occupational health and job rank on the epidemiology of different psychiatric symptoms in a sample of UK workers,2019,55,2,336-349,Lopes Risk factors of post-traumatic stress and depressive disorders in longmenshan adolescents after the 2013 Lushan earthquake,2019,55,3,497-506,Xu "Pushing the boat out": a meta-synthesis of how members staff and family experience the clubhouse model,2018,54,8,1199-1211,Tanaka Integrating a co-occurring disorders intervention in drug courts: an open pilot trial,2019,55,2,222-231,Pinals A preliminary exploration of the barriers to delivering (and receiving) exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in adult community mental health settings,2018,54,7,899-911,Chung An examination of peer-delivered parenting skills programs across New York state,2018,54,8,1163-1171,Acri Trauma discrimination and psychological distress across Vietnamese refugees and immigrants: a life course perspective,2019,55,3,385-393,Kim Risk factors for suicide in older inpatient veterans with schizophrenia,2019,55,2,267-270,Kasckow Differences in use of government subsidised mental health services by men and women with psychological distress: a study of 229628 Australians aged 45 years and over,2018,54,7,1008-1018,Loxton Long-term effects of chemical warfare on post-traumatic stress disorder depression and chronic medical conditions in veterans,2019,55,3,493-496,Safi-Aghdam Stigma and attitude of mental health help-seeking among a sample of working versus non-working egyptian women,2019,55,3,519-526,Zalat Willingness to ask tor help among persons with severe mental illness: call for research,2019,55,2,249-256,Prince Forgiveness and blame among suicide survivors: a qualitative analysis on reports of 4-year self-help-group meetings,2019,55,2,360-368,De Leo Veteran coffee socials: a community-building strategy for enhancing community reintegration of veterans,2018,54,8,1189-1197,Scoglio Experience focussed counselling with voice hearers as a trauma-sensitive approach. Results of a qualitative thematic enquiry,2018,54,7,997-1007,Fleming Correction to: Veteran coffee socials: a community-building strategy for enhancing community reintegration of veterans,2018,54,8,1198,Scoglio Community mental health provider responses to a competency-based training in suicide risk assessment and prevention,2019,55,2,257-266,Cramer Should traffic offenders undergo compulsory "mental test": a study of mental health and crash involvement among commercial motorcyclists in Ibadan Nigeria?,2019,55,1,180-187,Lasebikan Assessing acceptability of the term: "psychopathology" among youth aged 18-25,2019,55,3,463-466,Weist Beliefs supporting violence attitudes and aggressive behavior among school adolescents in rural Delhi,2019,55,4,693-701,Kishore Impact of conventional beliefs and social stigma on attitude towards access to mental health services in Pakistan,2019,55,3,527-533,Hallahan 'It's like you do it without knowing that you're doing it': practitioner experiences with ACT implementation,2019,55,3,448-453,Fenwick Development and validation of the Therapist Barriers to Engaging Parents (TBEP) measure,2018,54,7,967-977,Tompsett A path analysis of self-determination and resiliency for consumers living with mental illness,2018,54,8,1239-1244,Moxham Fundamental characteristics attitudes and behaviors regarding substance use focusing on cannabis: findings from the General Population Survey in Turkey 2011,2019,55,4,709-713,İlhan Adverse childhood experiences and their relation to parenting stress and parenting practices,2019,55,4,651-662,Smith Italian investigation on mental health workers' attitudes regarding personal recovery from mental illness,2019,55,4,680-685,Casacchia A three stage model for mental health treatment court: a qualitative analysis of graduates' perspectives,2019,55,4,590-598,Eschbach Experiences and perceptions of abused Turkish women regarding violence against women,2019,55,4,686-692,Öz Abuse and effects of salvia divinorum in a sample of patients hospitalized for substance dependence,2019,55,4,702-708,Kazour Factors of mental health service utilization by community-dwelling adults in Shanghai China,2019,55,1,161-167,He Predictors of mental health recovery in homeless adults with mental illness,2019,55,4,631-640,Schütz Perspectives on a stage-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder among dialectical behavior therapy consumers in public mental health settings,2019,55,3,409-419,Harned National resilience: a new self-report assessment scale,2019,55,4,721-731,Kimhi Perspectives on suicide prevention amongst members of Christian faith-based organizations,2019,55,5,831-839,Bazley PTSD symptoms vicarious traumatization and burnout in front line workers in the homeless sector,2019,55,3,454-462,Waegemakers Schiff Brief implicit association tests of stigmatizing attitudes awareness of mental distress and label-avoidance: a study in people with depressive symptoms,2019,55,3,507-518,Schmidt An assessment of the New York State Behavioral Health System's readiness to transition to medicaid managed care,2019,55,4,599-607,Connolly Criminal justice professionals' attitudes toward mental illness and substance use,2019,55,3,428-439,Lowder Prevalence and determinants of PTSD 3 years after an earthquake in Iran,2019,55,3,542-547,Rafiey The cost-effectiveness of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme in severe mental illness: a decision analytical model using routine data,2019,55,5,873-883,McCrone Suicide risk and depression in individuals with chronic illness,2019,55,5,840-848,Gürhan Suicide attempt trends in Central Texas youth,2019,55,5,798-803,Lawson Relationship between marital quality social support and mental health during pregnancy,2019,55,6,1064-1070,Kazemi Social support networks and symptom severity among patients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders,2019,55,5,768-776,Ilgen The prevalence and predictors of suicidal ideation among Slovene adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roskar Association between earthquake exposures and mental health outcomes in Phulpingdanda Village after the 2015 Nepal earthquakes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Parenting styles and aggression among young adolescents: a systematic review of literature,2019,55,6,1015-1030,Masud Self-reported pain intensity and depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mpofu A place to call home: hearing the perspectives of people living with homelessness and mental illness through service evaluation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuipers How to measure knowledge about mental disorders? Validation of the Italian version of the MAKS,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pingani A scoping review of evidence-based interventions for adolescents with depression and suicide related behaviors in low and middle income countries,2019,55,6,954-972,Ravindran Use of smartphones computers and social media among people with SMI: opportunity for intervention,2019,55,6,973-978,Brunette The social support buffering effect in the relationship between perceived stress and alcohol use among Brazilian women,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pillon The effectiveness of mental health courts in reducing recidivism and police contact: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dewa Consumers' suggestions for improving the mental healthcare system: options autonomy and respect,2019,55,6,916-923,Borba Effect of brief cognitive behavioral counseling and debriefing on the prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder in traumatic birth: a randomized clinical trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mousavi Trashing property: characteristics of psychiatric patients who engage in domestic property damaging,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Havenaar The effect of counselling on depression and anxiety of women with unplanned pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial,2019,55,6,1047-1056,Mirghafourvand Significance of leaders for sustained use of evidence-based practices: a qualitative focus-group study with mental health practitioners,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruud Investigation of problematic mobile phones use and fear of missing out (FoMO) level in adolescents,2019,55,6,1004-1014,Karayagiz Muslu Socio-demographic correlates of child marriages: a study from Turkey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duran Stigma and discrimination towards mental illness: translation and validation of the Turkish version of the Attribution Questionnaire-27 (AQ-27-T),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Akyurek With small power comes great responsibility: lessons learned from an evaluation of veteran and military mental health public awareness campaigns,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schell Changing rates of mental health disorders among veterans treated in the VHA during troop drawdown 2007-2013,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bromley Attitudes of community-leading occupational groups towards mental illnesses: the sample of a city in western Turkey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karaca Perceived barriers to mental health services among Canadian sexual and gender minorities with depression and at risk of suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ogrodniczuk "Not just one it's both of us": low-income mothers' perceptions of structural family therapy delivered in a semi-rural community mental health center,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fusco Effectiveness of peer-delivered trauma treatment in a rural community: a randomized non-inferiority trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crisanti Is religiosity related to suicidal ideation among Tunisian Muslim youth after the January 14th revolution?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fekih-Romdhane Are the "right" people selected for first disclosures about suicidal thoughts? Exploring what we know about advance care planning in the context of safety planning,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frey Empathy experience and cultural beliefs determine the attitudes towards depression among Pakistani medical students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naveed Barriers to seeking and accepting treatment for perinatal depression: a qualitative study in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baldisserotto Immigration and language factors related to depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in Asian American adolescents and young adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Prevalence and predictors of symptoms of depression among individuals seeking treatment from Australian drug and alcohol outpatient clinics,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanson-Fisher Sex differences on quality of life and mental health outcomes when using a brief cognitive-behavioral skill building intervention with adolescent Syrian refugees: a secondary analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Doumit Psychological security psychological loneliness and age as the predictors of cyber-bullying among university students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al Qudah A single-item Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) measure for assessing depression among college students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kohler Prevalence and predictors of mental health disorder among the adolescent living in the slums of Lucknow India: a cross-sectional study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chauhan Neighborhood social cohesion and serious psychological distress among Brazilian immigrants in Boston,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes A systematic review of parent and caregiver mental health literacy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen The psychometric properties of the Chinese Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in Taiwanese adolescents: Taiwan Birth Cohort Study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lung Effect of positive psychotherapy on psychological well-being happiness life expectancy and depression among retired teachers with depression: a randomized controlled trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taghvaienia Associations of adverse childhood experiences to smoking and nicotine dependence among adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hakko Questions and emotions of minors after terrorist attacks: a qualitative study using data from a Belgian youth-helpline,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vesentini Stigmatizing beliefs about depression in diverse ethnic groups of Asian Americans,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jung Depression anxiety and stress among young farmers and ranchers: a pilot study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolphi A promising route towards improvement of homeless young people's access to mental health services: the creation and evolution of an outreach service network in Montréal,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malla Small area estimation of mental distress among United States Military Veterans in Illinois,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maddock Evaluation of a crisis intervention team pilot program: results from Baltimore MD,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crifasi Perception of community pharmacists in Malaysia about mental healthcare and barriers to providing pharmaceutical care services to patients with mental disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ab Rahman Mothers' perceptions of help-seeking for depression in Head Start: a thematic discourse analysis by language group,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mennen The effectiveness of two potential mass media interventions on stigma: video-recorded social contact and audio/visual simulations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Psychoeducation and problem-solving therapy as an integrative model of mutual-help groups for people with severe mental disorders: a report from Brazil,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keusen Hospitalization and some sociodemographic characteristics of patients registered with a community mental health center,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Erşan Psychometric properties of the Suicide Acceptance Questionnaire,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gmitrowicz Can we develop a risk map for suicide rates? An ecological study in Portugal,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunes Mental health recovery: the effectiveness of peer services in the community,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kowalski Assertive community programs for patients with severe mental disorders: are benefits sustained after discharge?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huguelet Symptomatic and functional remission in young adults with a psychotic disorder in a rehabilitation focused team,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwakernaak State of mental health among transgender individuals in Pakistan: psychological resilience and self-esteem,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Akhtar Temperament styles of children from Egypt and the United States: a cross-cultural examination,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oakland Posttraumatic stress disorder social support and coping among Afghan refugees in Canada,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Othman Barriers to and facilitators of mental health treatment engagement among Latina adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Draucker Mental health professionals' attitudes to severe mental illness and its correlates in psychiatric hospitals of Attica: the role of workers' empathy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Economou Sociodemographic characteristics financial worries and serious psychological distress in U.S. adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mann Adherence to antidepressants in underserved communities: a comparison of electronic monitoring and self-report measures,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bogner The positive and negative experiences of 342 antidepressant users,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Prevalence and correlates of psychotic like experiences in a large community sample of young adults in Tunisia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fekih-Romdhane Social networks community integration and recovery for individuals with severe mental illnesses in India and the U.S.: a comparative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pahwa Mental illness public stigma and generational differences among Vietnamese Americans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nguyen Associations of suicidality with adverse life events psychological distress and somatic complaints in a Chinese medical student sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Exposure to racism and other adverse childhood experiences among perinatal women with moderate to severe mental illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim The experiences of youth mental health peer workers over time: a qualitative study with longitudinal analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simmons Medications for opioid use disorder utilization among Oxford House residents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jason Methamphetamine abuse trends in psychiatric emergency services: a retrospective analysis using big data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cruz Embedding a co-occurring disorders rehabilitation intervention in veterans courts: a pilot study with male veterans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pinals Mental health stigma: the impact of age and gender on attitudes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradbury Development of an after-school day treatment program for children with severe emotional/behavioral disturbances,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Row Recovery in supported accommodations: a scoping review and synthesis of interventions for people with severe mental illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Nieuwenhuizen Intimate partnerships suicidal ideation and suicide-related hospitalization among young Kenyan men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodman The views of non-psychiatric medical specialists about people with schizophrenia and depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Factors Affecting Happiness Among Rural Residents: A Cross Sectional Survey,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jo Utilization of mental health services among older Chinese immigrants in New York City,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Health and social care diversity among individuals with longstanding physical and psychological health problems: pooled repeated cross sectional analyses,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kingdon Experiences of Parachute NY C: an integration of open dialogue and intentional peer support,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Novel insights into autism knowledge and stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illness in Dutch youth and family center physicians,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Berckelaer-Onnes Comparing suicide attempters with and without mental disorders: a study of young adults in rural China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Counseling on access to lethal means in the emergency department: a script for improved comfort,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mueller What do adults think about their adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and does it matter?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Helitzer Symptom severity self-efficacy and treatment-seeking for mental health among US Iraq/Afghanistan Military Veterans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Castro The relationship between maternal self-confidence and postpartum depression in primipara mothers: a follow-up study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aydemir Postpartum depression in the Portuguese population: the role of knowledge attitudes and help-seeking propensity in intention to recommend professional help-seeking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canavarro Follow-up care after behavioral health-related hospitalization for children and adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Examining psychological distress across intersections of immigrant generational status race poverty and gender,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Evaluation on efficacy of psychological and behavioral intercession and its implications on people with schizophrenia: a novel approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahmad Predictors of national and community resilience of Israeli border inhabitants threatened by war and terror,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimhi Psychological well-being among internally displaced adolescents and the effect of psychopathology on PTSD scores depends on gender,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gönüllü Implementation of individual placement and support in Italy: the Reggio Emilia experience,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fioritti Understanding individual and family experiences associated with DUP: lessons from the Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) program in Oregon USA,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Melton Age-period-cohort analysis of trends in mental health mortality in India from 2001 to 2015,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eliyas Childhood adversity proximal stressors and PTSD among people with severe mental illness: an exploratory study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ritter Assessing front office staff awareness on mental health resources at youth friendly clinics in Los Angeles County,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seu Suicide in older adults in Ohio: characteristics precipitants and mental health service utilization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fontanella Self-destigmatization process? Experiences of persons living with bipolar disorder: a qualitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Favre Home treatment for acute mental healthcare: who benefits most?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hepp A pilot study of racial and ethnic differences in mental health outcomes during the first 6 weeks of trauma-focused treatment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ghafoori An assessment of the utility of the youth mental health first aid training: effectiveness satisfaction and universality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Childs Key barriers to the provision and utilization of mental health services in low-and middle-income countries: a scope study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarikhani Youth experiencing homelessness with suicidal ideation: understanding risk associated with peer and family social networks,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slesnick Characteristics of eating alone affecting the stress depression and suicidal ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee COVID-19 epidemic peer support and crisis intervention via social media,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang How early life adversities influence later life family interactions for individuals with schizophrenia in outpatient treatment: a qualitative analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koenen Social prescribing for individuals living with mental illness in an Australian community setting: a pilot study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aggar A context-specific instrument to record drinking behaviour: a pilot study on implications of identifying the context of risky drinking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conigrave Predicting hallucination proneness based on mindfulness in university students: the mediating role of mental distress,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hosseini Engaging community networks to improve depression services: a cluster-randomized trial of a community engagement and planning intervention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dixon Effectiveness of a module based training on nurses' attitude towards social norms and beliefs that support abuse among women with mental illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vijayalakshmi Break the silence: knowledge and attitude towards sexual and reproductive health among Egyptian youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menshawy Access of mental health services by the adult population in metropolitan Lima Peru: characteristics perceptions and need for care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saavedra The link between major life events and quality of life: the role of compassionate abilities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oliveira Violence against women with mental illness and social norms and beliefs: nursing professional perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vijayalakshmi Factors associated with depressive symptoms among rural residents from remote areas,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borçoi The effects of an enhanced primary care model for patients with serious mental illness on emergency department utilization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheitman The association between substance use and violence: results from a nationally representative sample of high school students in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jiang Psychosocial and clinical profiles of the cases visiting the emergency department due to accidental self-harm and suicide attempts in Doha Qatar: a retrospective study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ghuloum The effect of mindfulness-based psychosocial skills training on functioning and insight level in patients with schizophrenia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bahadir-Yilmaz Acculturative stress among female Saudi college students in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elbedour The relationship between the perceived social support and psychological resilience in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lök Mitigating psychological impact: the experience of Korean disaster management,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ha Violent victimization stressful events and depression: a longitudinal study of young adults in the US,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lo An evaluation of a community-based mobile crisis intervention team in a small Canadian police service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bennell Multilevel effect of neighborhood social cohesion and characteristics on suicidal ideation among Korean older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim A study on the psycho-social factors associated with the mental health of uniformed personnel in internally displaced persons' camps in Nigeria,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawrence Mental health physical health and cultural characteristics among American Indians/Alaska Natives seeking substance use treatment in an urban setting: a descriptive study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,D'Amico Community violence PTSD hopelessness substance use and perpetuation of violence in an urban environment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kennedy Psychological impacts of the CoViD-19 pandemic on the public in Egypt,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arafa Intergenerational trauma and its relationship to mental health care: a qualitative inquiry,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Foster "Mental health is for crazy people": perceptions and barriers to mental health service use among refugees from Burma,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Inspiring Muslim minds: evaluating a spiritually adapted psycho-educational program on addiction to overcome stigma in Canadian Muslim communities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hassan Internet addiction sleep quality and depressive symptoms amongst medical students in Delhi India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gupta Associations between parole probation arrest and self-reported suicide attempts,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Piel Pilot community mental health awareness campaign improves service coverage in India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gaiha Prevalence psychological responses and associated correlates of depression anxiety and stress in a global population during the coronavirus disease (CoViD-19) pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shah Randomized controlled trial of an integrated family-based treatment for adolescents presenting to community mental health centers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCart Caught by connections: the mediating roles of social and community support after interpersonal violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hetzel-Riggin Choosing life in the Black community achieving the dream: a traumatic stress curriculum pilot study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Continuity of mental health care at community health centers and reduced emergency department visits for suicidal ideation/self-harm,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruckner The Stockholm Follow-up Study of Users Diagnosed with Psychosis (SUPP): a 10-year follow-up 2004-2013,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulow The relationship between acculturative stress and postmigration mental health in Iraqi refugee women resettled in San Diego California,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahmed Let go and let God: a study of religiosity and depressive symptoms in the Black church,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McClintock Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEW) intervention for mental health promotion among resettled Bhutanese adults in Massachusetts,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Poudel-Tandukar Medicaid waivers for youth with severe emotional disturbance: associations with public health coverage unmet mental health needs & adequacy of health coverage,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snowden Enhancing mental health services for survivors of intimate partner violence: a stage one pilot,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Benuto Tele-mental health utilization among people with mental illness to access care during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davidson "I see your punitive measure and I raise you a person-centered bar": supervisory strategies to promote adoption of person-centered care,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choy-Brown Peer support formation and the promotion of recovery among people using psychiatric day care in Japan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoshino Rising mental health incidence among adolescents in Westchester NY,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chhabra Correction to: Development of an intervention aimed at increasing awareness and acknowledgement of victimisation and its consequences among people with severe mental illness,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Weeghel Ethnicity and self-reported depression among Hispanic immigrants in the U.S.,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lo An examination of crisis intervention teams in rural 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