Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Grieving while driving,2004,28,7,679-686,Rosenblatt Attitudes toward suicide and suicidal risk among younger and older persons,2004,28,7,671-678,Segal A comparison of three sources of data on child homicide,2004,28,7,659-669,McGwin Understanding the declining Canadian homicide rate: a test of Holinger's relative cohort size hypothesis,2004,28,3,263-265,Lester Death on campuses: common postvention strategies in higher education,2004,28,2,151-172,Streufert Predictors of suicidal behavior in a sample of Turkish suicide attempters,2004,28,2,137-150,Sayar Attitudes toward life and death among Chinese adolescents: the Chinese version of the multi-attitude suicide tendency scale,2004,28,2,91-110,Wong The impact of gun control (Bill C-51) on suicide in Canada,2003,27,2,103-124,Lester The child suicide risk assessment: a screening measure of suicide risk in pre-adolescents,2004,28,9,809-827,Larzelere Responding to suicidal calls: does trait anxiety hinder or help?,2005,29,3,207-216,Brown Confirmatory factor analysis of the Trinity Inventory of Precursors to Suicide (TIPS) and its relationship to hopelessness and depression,2005,29,4,333-350,Smyth An application of Durkheim's theory of suicide to prison suicide rates in the United States,2005,29,5,413-422,Lester Risk factors of violent death in rural Bangladesh 1990-1999,2005,29,6,559-572,Hadi Gender differences in suicide risk by socio-demographic factors in Hong Kong,2005,29,7,645-663,Kwan Breaking the cycles of violence,2005,29,7,585-600,Weiss Suicide prevention: critical elements for managing suicidal clients and counselor liability without the use of a no-suicide contract,2005,29,9,847-865,Lee Terrorism and resilience: adolescents' and teachers' responses to September 11 2001,2006,30,1,41-60,Noppe Characteristics of Chinese suicide attempters: an emergency room study,2006,30,3,259-268,Jiang Recognition of suicide risk according to the characteristics of the suicide process,2006,30,3,269-279,Oravecz Sense of belonging as a predictor of reasons for living in older adults,2006,30,3,243-258,McLaren Body modification and suicidal behavior,2006,30,4,351-363,Lester Smart and suicidal? The social ecology of intelligence and suicide in Austria,2006,30,5,471-485,Voracek Thoughts of death and suicidal ideation in nonpsychiatric human immunodeficiency virus seropositive individuals,2006,30,5,455-469,Robertson Sense-making grief and the experience of violent loss: toward a mediational model,2006,30,5,403-428,Neimeyer Characteristics of suicide from 1998-2001 in metropolitan area,2006,30,9,859-871,Bull College student suicide: a call to action,2006,30,10,931-956,Westefeld The need for improved operational definition of suicide attempts: Illustrations from the case of street youth,2003,27,5,449-455,Kidd Many helping hearts: An evaluation of peer gatekeeper training in suicide risk assessment,2003,27,4,321-333,Stuart Bereaved parents' outcomes 4 to 60 months after their children's deaths by accident suicide or homicide: a comparative study demonstrating differences,2003,27,1,39-61,Fan No-suicide agreements: high school students' perspectives,2002,26,10,851-857,Range Elevated suicide rates on the first workday: a replication in Israel,2002,26,8,681-688,Weinberg Music preferences and suicidality: a comment on Stack,2002,26,6,501-504,Lester College students' perceptions of suicide: the role of empathy on attitudes evaluation and responsiveness,2002,26,4,325-341,Mueller No-suicide contracts: an overview and recommendations,2002,26,1,51-74,Campbell A comparison of suicidal thinking and reasons for living among younger and older adults,2001,25,4,357-365,Segal Suicide risk factors for young adults: testing a model across ethnicities,2001,25,4,319-340,Gutierrez Psychometric properties of the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire,1995,19,4,391-397,Range Suicidality hopelessness and attitudes toward life and death in clinical and nonclinical adolescents,1996,20,6,601-610,Range Family environment attitudes toward life and death depression and suicidality in elementary-school children,1996,20,5,481-494,Range Parents' evaluation of a preventive intervention following the sudden violent deaths of their children,1996,20,5,453-468,Murphy Parent bereavement stress and preventive intervention following the violent deaths of adolescent or young adult children,1996,20,5,441-452,Murphy The escape theory of suicide and perfectionism in college students,1996,20,4,415-424,Dean Tolerance for physical pain in suicidal subjects,1996,20,4,327-341,Orbach The role of drugs and alcohol in urban minority adolescent suicide attempts,1997,21,2,189-202,Jones Methods for suicide in mainland China,1998,22,6,571-579,Lester Content analysis of previously suicidal college students' experiences,1998,22,2,171-180,Range Suicidality in parentally bereaved adolescents,1999,23,4,359-370,Gutierrez Are teachers of children and young adolescents responsive to suicide prevention training modules? Yes,1999,23,1,61-71,Davidson Exploration of the relationship between physical and/or sexual abuse attitudes about life and death and suicidal ideation in young women,2000,24,8,675-688,Gutierrez Does writing about the bereavement lessen grief following sudden unintentional death?,2000,24,2,115-134,Marion Children who lost a parent as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001: registry construction and population description,2007,31,1,87-100,Laraque Suicidality and migration among adolescents in Hong Kong,2007,31,1,45-66,Kwan Implications of parental suicide and violent death for promotion of resilience of parentally-bereaved children,2007,31,4,301-335,Tein Societal economic costs and benefits from death: another look,2007,31,4,363-372,Stack Recalculating the economic cost of suicide,2007,31,4,351-361,Lester Hope theory: a framework for understanding suicidal action,2007,31,2,131-154,Porter Suicide and suicidal-related behaviors among indigenous Pacific Islanders in the United States,2007,31,5,479-501,Andrade Reviewing suicide in Native American communities: situating risk and protective factors within a transactional-ecological framework,2007,31,5,457-477,Alcantara Suicide behavior among Latino and Latina adolescents: conceptual and methodological issues,2007,31,5,435-455,Duarté-Vélez Suicide among Asian Americans: What do we know? What do we need to know?,2007,31,5,417-434,Yeh A re-examination of cultural factors that mitigate risk and promote resilience in relation to African American suicide: a review of the literature and recommendations for future research,2007,31,5,393-398,Utsey Authority from grief presence and place in the making of roadside memorials,2006,30,6,579-599,Clark Reckless driving and gender: an examination of a terror management theory explanation,2003,27,7,603-618,Taubman - Ben-Ari Examination of proposed criteria for complicated grief in people confronted with violent or non-violent loss,2007,31,2,155-164,van den Bout Letters from a suicide,2007,31,7,671-678,Lester Adaptive characteristics and suicidal behavior: A gender comparison of young adults,2007,31,9,845-854,Ellis A chronological perspective on suicide--the last days of life,2007,31,10,909-932,Orbach Assessing protection from suicidal risk: psychometric properties of the suicide resilience inventory,2008,32,2,142-153,Osman Assessment of requests for assisted suicide by a Swiss right-to-die society,2008,32,7,646-657,Bär Lethal locations: an application of opportunity theory to motel suicide a research note,2008,32,8,757-767,Stack Religiousness and non-hopeless suicide ideation,2008,32,10,951-960,Simonson Psychometric properties of the revised facts on suicide quiz on Austrian medical and psychology undergraduates,2008,32,10,937-950,Voracek A psychometric investigation of the suicide opinion questionnaire,2008,32,10,924-936,Lester Suicide notes in Hong Kong in 2000,2009,33,4,372-381,Yip The costs of suicide and sudden death within an organization,2009,33,5,411-419,Cooper Resilience among men farmers: the protective roles of social support and sense of belonging in the depression-suicidal ideation relation,2009,33,3,262-276,McLaren Reasons for living and alcohol use among college students,2009,33,3,277-286,Dula The impact of circumstances surrounding the death of a child on parents' grief,2008,32,3,237-252,van den Bout Risk-taking and reasons for living in non-clinical Italian university students,2007,31,8,751-762,Lester An exploration of gender differences on the reasons for living inventory among older adults,2007,31,6,573-581,Segal Impact of patient suicide on front-line staff in Ireland,2009,33,7,639-656,Collins Stigmatization and suicide bereavement,2009,33,7,591-608,Feigelman Trauma grief and depression in Nairobi children after the 1998 bombing of the American Embassy,2006,30,6,561-577,Pynoos Can suicide be a good death? A reply,2006,30,6,555-560,Lester People who have committed a certain sin ought to be dead,2006,30,6,539-553,Leenaars Can suicide be ethical? A utilitarian perspective on the appropriateness of choosing to die,2006,30,6,529-538,Feldman Can suicide be a good death?,2006,30,6,511-527,Lester Department of law and ethics,1986,10,3,301-304,Zucker Self-reported history of sexual coercion and rape negatively impacts resilience to suicide among women students,2009,33,9,848-855,Segal Suicidality problem-solving skills attachment style and hopelessness in Turkish students,2009,33,9,815-827,Lester Comprehending childhood bereavement by parental suicide: a critical review of research on outcomes grief processes and interventions,2009,33,9,781-814,Hung Cognitive predictors of suicide risk among hospitalized psychiatric patients: a prospective study,1993,17,2,103-124,Neimeyer The study of personal constructs of death and fear of death among Taiwanese adolescents,2009,33,10,913-940,Yang The factorial structure of the revised Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale,2004,28,8,795-798,Lester The factorial structure of the Arabic version of the revised Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale,2004,28,8,787-793,Lester Death obsession in Kuwaiti and American college students,2003,27,6,541-553,Lester The Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale: a correction,2003,27,1,81-85,Lester Regional studies of homicide: a meta-analysis,2001,25,8,705-708,Lester Shame and suicide: a case study,2000,24,2,157-162,Lester Theories of suicidal behavior applied to Sylvia Plath,1998,22,7,655-666,Lester The ethics of suicide and suicide prevention,1996,20,2,163-184,Lester Challenges in preventing suicide (1994),1994,18,6,623-639,Lester Finding meaning in a child's violent death: a five-year prospective analysis of parents' personal narratives and empirical data,2003,27,5,381-404,Murphy Perceived income inequality and suicide rates in Central/Eastern European countries and Western countries 1990-1993,2003,27,1,63-80,Fernquist Blues fans and suicide acceptability,2000,24,3,223-231,Stack Suicide in the world: toward a population increase theory of suicide,1998,22,6,525-539,Zhang Suicide among the elderly in Israel,1997,21,4,361-375,Sharlin Older adults' attitudes toward suicide: are there race and gender differences?,1997,21,3,289-298,Demi Attitudes toward suicidal behavior: a review of the literature,1992,16,1,31-43,Ellis Regulation and legislation of the dying process: views of health care professionals,1994,18,2,167-181,Kelner Evaluation of suicide intervention effectiveness,1994,18,2,131-166,Neimeyer Mortality awareness and risk-taking in late adolescence,1996,20,2,133-148,Word Psychological defenses against death anxiety: integrating Terror Management Theory and Firestone's Separation Theory,2007,31,8,727-750,Bassett Profiles of posttraumatic growth following an unjust loss,2007,31,8,693-712,Davis A cross marks the spot: a study of roadside death memorials in Texas and Oklahoma,2001,25,4,341-356,Reid Friendship and Suicidality among Mexican-American Adolescent Girls and Boys,2010,34,7,641-660,Canetto Breaking Cycles of Violence,2005,29,7,585-600, Using drugs to end life without an explicit request of the patient,2007,31,3,205-221,van der Wal Predictors of psychosocial distress after suicide SIDS and accidents,2003,27,2,143-165,Dyregrov Assistance from local authorities versus survivors' needs for support after suicide,2002,26,8,647-668,Dyregrov The role of gender and suicide precipitant in attitudes toward nonfatal suicide behavior,2002,26,2,99-116,Dahlen Assessment of suicidal ideation in young men and women: the incremental validity of the MMPI-2 content scales,2001,25,7,593-607,Barrios The use of research findings in bereavement programs: a case study,2000,24,7,585-602,Murphy Grief and school communities: the impact of social context a comparison between Australia and England,2000,24,1,35-50,Holland Changes in parents' mental distress after the violent death of an adolescent or young adult child: a longitudinal prospective analysis,1999,23,2,129-159,Cain Broad-spectrum group treatment for parents bereaved by the violent deaths of their 12- to 28-year-old children: a randomized controlled trial,1998,22,3,209-235,Cain Attitudes of college students about physician-assisted suicide: the influence of life experiences religiosity and belief in autonomy,1996,20,6,587-599,Weiss Comparative study of suicide potential among pakistani and american psychiatric patients,2004,28,1,19-46,Farooqi Managing suicidal inpatients,1994,18,5,471-482,Sederer Hospitalization of the suicidal patient,1994,18,5,453-469,Goldblatt Death and dying in four Asian American cultures: a descriptive study,1997,21,4,327-359,Braun Evolving meanings of death during early middle and later adolescence,1997,21,3,253-275,Noppe The Suicide Intervention Response Inventory: a revision and validation,1997,21,1,59-81,Neimeyer Twenty suicide assessment instruments: evaluation and recommendations,1997,21,1,25-58,Range Crisis centers and their role in treatment: suicide prevention versus health promotion,1994,18,4,327-339,Frankish The narrative labyrinth of violent dying,2005,29,4,351-360,Rynearson Death writ large,2004,28,4,375-392,Kastenbaum Young Israelis' reactions to the Rabin assassination: two perspectives,2002,26,10,815-835,Raviv Rates and risks of complicated grief among psychiatric clinic patients in Karachi Pakistan,2002,26,10,781-792,Kasl Service and science in times of crisis: developing planning and implementing a clinical research program for children traumatically bereaved after 9/11,2008,32,2,154-180,Goodman Death of an abuser: does the memory linger on?,2003,27,7,641-651,Monahan Parents' health health care utilization and health behaviors following the violent deaths of their 12- to 28-year-old children: a prospective longitudinal analysis,1999,23,7,589-616,Cain The (Re)Construction of Self after the Death of a Partner to HIV/AIDS,2007,31,6,537-548,Cadell Acts of Resistance: Breaking the Silence of Grief Following Traffic Crash Fatalities,2010,34,1,30,Breen Continuing Bonds Risk Factors for Complicated Grief and Adjustment to Bereavement,2010,34,1,1,Field Essential clinical and legal issues when working with the suicidal patient,1994,18,5,529-548,Bongar Calculated risk taking in the treatment of suicidal patients: ethical and legal problems,1994,18,5,439-452,Maltsberger Elderly suicide mental health professionals and the clergy: a need for clinical collaboration training and research,1996,20,5,495-508,Koenig Suicide in relation to AIDS,1995,19,3,223-234,Beckerman "This is not death it is something safer": a psychodynamic approach to Sylvia Plath,1998,22,8,735-761,Gerisch The treatment of Sylvia Plath,1998,22,7,667-692,Firestone Suicide and creativity: the case of Sylvia Plath,1998,22,7,637-654,Runco Sylvia Plath: a protocol analysis of her last poems,1998,22,7,615-635,Wenckstern Vulnerability factors in Sylvia Plath's suicide,1998,22,7,597-613,Shulman A model of survivors' psychological responses following a residential fire,1998,22,1,43-60,Keane Adults mourning suicide: self-reported concerns about bereavement needs for assistance and help-seeking behavior,2000,24,1,1-19,Pfeffer Israeli children's reactions to the assassination of the Prime Minister,2001,25,1,33-49,Klingman Gender differences in the willingness to engage in risky behavior: a terror management perspective,2002,26,2,117-141,Mikulincer Intentions of burial: mourning politics and memorials following the massacre at Srebrenica,2003,27,2,125-142,Pollack Death anxiety as a predictor of posttraumatic stress levels among individuals with spinal cord injuries,2004,28,1,1-17,Martz Personal suicidality in reception and identification with suicidal film characters,2013,37,4,383-392,Sonneck Adolescents and death on television: a follow-up study,1989,13,2,161-173,Wass Googling for suicide in Croatia: a mixed-methods study,2022,46,8,1946-1953,Bojanić Depressed adolescents' exposure to suicide attempts and suicide loss,2022,46,8,1862-1869,Overholser Suicide notes from India and the United States: a thematic comparison,2010,34,5,426-440,Wenckstern Athletes doctors and lawyers with first names beginning with "D" die sooner,2010,34,1,71-81,Abel The reasons for suicide: an analysis of the diary of Arthur Inman,2010,34,1,54-70,Lester Acts of resistance: Breaking the silence of grief following traffic crash fatalities,2010,34,1,30-53,Breen Predictors of complicated grief after a natural disaster: a population study two years after the 2004 South-East Asian tsunami,2010,34,2,137-150,Heir Effects of contingent self-esteem on depressive symptoms and suicidal behavior,2014,38,9,563-570,Hirsch The experiences of mothers bereaved by suicide: An exploratory study,2014,38,2,118-124,McGilloway The willingness to intervene against suicide questionnaire,2014,38,2,100-108,Cerel Traumatic and complicated grief among children: One or two constructs?,2014,38,2,69-78,McClatchey University students' perspectives on a psychology of death and dying course: Exploring motivation to enroll goals and impact,2013,37,9,866-882,Buckle Suicide proneness in American and Japanese college students: Associations with suicide acceptability and emotional expressivity,2013,37,9,848-865,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Unanticipated death of a partner: The loss experience of bereaved girlfriends of fallen Israeli soldiers,2013,37,9,803-829,Leichtentritt Associations among aspects of meaning in life and death anxiety in young adults,2013,37,5,471-482,Lyke A pilot study of physiological reactivity in children and maternal figures who lost relatives in a terrorist attack,2013,37,5,395-412,Pfefferbaum The effects of trait self-esteem and death cognitions on worldview defense and search for meaning,2014,38,1,62-68,Routledge "Second class loss": Political culture as a recovery barrier-the families of terrorist casualties' struggle for national honors recognition and belonging,2014,38,1,9-19,Lebel Reflections of older adults on the process preceding their suicide attempt: A qualitative approach,2014,38,9,612-618,Shah Researcher effects on mortality salience research: A meta-analytic moderator analysis,2013,37,7,636-652,Cheng Religious views on suicide among the Baganda Uganda: A qualitative study,2013,37,4,343-361,Hjelmeland Cause of death and the quest for meaning after the loss of a child,2013,37,4,311-342,Neimeyer Genetic and nonshared environmental factors predict handgun ownership in early adulthood,2014,38,3,156-164,Beaver Complicated spiritual grief I: relation to complicated grief symptomatology following violent death bereavement,2014,38,4,259-267,Neimeyer Restorative retelling for violent loss: an open clinical trial,2014,38,4,251-258,Rheingold The meaning of loss codebook: construction of a system for analyzing meanings made in bereavement,2014,38,4,207-216,Neimeyer Examining suicide protective factors among Black college students,2013,37,3,228-247,Wang Refining the Assessment of Hopelessness: An Improved Way to Look to the Future,2013,37,3,212-227,Overholser "Women...mourn and men carry on": African women storying mourning practices: a South African example,2012,36,8,742-766,Kotzé Validation of reasons for living and their relationship with suicidal ideation in Korean college students,2012,36,8,712-722,Lee Psychometric characteristics of the Duke Social Support Index in a young rural Chinese population,2012,36,9,858-869,Zhang Experiences of causing an accidental death: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2012,36,9,832-857,Rassool The effect of mortality salience on implicit bias,2012,36,9,819-831,Bradley Do reincarnation beliefs protect older adult Chinese Buddhists against personal death anxiety?,2012,36,10,949-958,Hui Continuing bonds after suicide bereavement in childhood,2012,36,10,873-898,Wood Visiting the site of death: experiences of the bereaved after the 2004 Southeast Asian Tsunami,2012,36,5,462-476,Heir A nationwide random sampling survey of potential complicated grief in Japan,2012,36,5,447-461,Kishimoto A life history of a Korean adolescent girl who attempted suicide,2012,36,3,253-269,Yang Validation of a new measure of the concept of good death among Taiwanese children,2012,36,3,228-252,Yang Suicide bulletin board systems comparison between Japan and Germany,2012,36,6,565-580,Eichenberg A traumatic death support group program: applying an integrated conceptual framework,2012,36,2,152-181,Walijarvi A phenomenological study of family needs following the suicide of a teenager,2012,36,2,118-133,Springer Reflections on jokes and cartoons about suicide,2012,36,7,664-674,Lester Self-injurious behavior and suicide attempts among Indonesian college students,2012,36,7,627-639,Tresno Psychological autopsy studies as diagnostic tools: are they methodologically flawed?,2012,36,7,605-626,Dieserud Death and television: terror management theory and themes of law and justice on television,2012,36,4,340-359,Taylor Psychometric properties of a suicide screen for adjudicated youth in residential care,2012,36,4,323-339,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Massive violent death and contested national mourning in post-authoritarian Chile and Argentina: a sociocultural application of the dual process model,2014,38,5,335-345,Robben Patient suicide in institutions: emotional responses and traumatic impact on Swiss mental health professionals,2014,38,5,315-321,Seguin Remarriage of war and terror widows: a triadic relationship,2014,38,6-10,672-677,Bokek-Cohen Positive experiences for participants in suicide bereavement groups: a grounded theory model,2013,37,1,1-24,Shakespeare-Finch Self-related consequences of death fear and death denial,2014,38,6,418-422,Cozzolino Terror management theory applied clinically: implications for existential-integrative psychotherapy,2014,38,6,412-417,Lewis Suicidal and online: how do online behaviors inform us of this high-risk population?,2014,38,6,387-394,McLean Switching suicide methods in order to achieve lethality: a study of Greek suicide victims,2014,38,7,438-442,Paraschakis Two perspectives on the needs of individuals bereaved by suicide,2014,38,7,430-437,Gall Barriers to care and service satisfaction following homicide loss: associations with mental health outcomes,2014,39,1,12-18,Rheingold Life meaning is associated with suicidal ideation among depressed veterans,2014,39,1,24-29,Braden Methods of committing suicide among 2347 people in Ohio,2014,39,1,39-43,Overholser Of broken bonds and bondage: an analysis of loss in the Slave Narrative Collection,2010,34,3,221-256,Neimeyer Existential threat or dissociative response? Examining defensive avoidance of point-of-care testing devices through a terror management theory framework,2014,39,1,30-38,Dunne Exploring vulnerability to suicide in the developmental history of young men: a psychological autopsy study,2014,38,9,549-556,Dieserud Death thoughts and images in treatment-seekers after violent loss,2014,39,2,84-91,Rheingold Empowering people at work in the face of death and bereavement,2009,33,5,420-436,Charles-Edwards Armed Conflict: A Model for Understanding and Intervention,2013,37,1,61-88, Suicide-bereaved siblings' perception of health services,2014,39,6,323-331,Dyregrov Psychopathy depression and anxiety as predictors of suicidal ideation in offenders,2014,39,5,288-295,Cramer Interpersonal violence alcohol use and acquired capability for suicide,2014,39,4,234-241,Stuart Bereavement postdisaster trauma and behavioral changes in tsunami survivors,2014,39,4,226-233,Suar Rescue volunteers' posttraumatic symptoms distress and fear of death: attachment insecurity moderates,2014,39,3,121-127,Berant Suicidal ideation and distress in family members bereaved by suicide in Portugal,2014,39,6,332-341,Santos Attachment continuing bonds and complicated grief following violent loss: testing a moderated model,2014,39,4,201-210,Neimeyer Attempted suicide in Ghana: motivation stigma and coping,2015,39,5,274-280,Akotia The experience of death anxiety in Iranian War veterans: a phenomenology study,2015,39,5,281-287,Ebadi The taunting of parentally bereaved children: an exploratory study,2015,39,4,219-225,Cain From a cracking façade to a total escape. Maladaptive perfectionism and suicide,2015,39,5,316-322,Dieserud Grit and perseverance in suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury,2015,39,4,211-218,Anestis Effect of patient and therapist factors on suicide risk assessment,2015,39,7,433-441,Wilhelm What constitutes a good and bad death?: perspectives of homeless older adults,2015,39,7,422-432,Nelson-Becker Suicidal Asian American college students' perceptions of protective factors: a qualitative study,2015,39,8,500-507,Wong Beck hopelessness scale: psychometric properties among rural Chinese suicide attempters and non-attempters,2015,39,7,442-446,Jia Reckless driving and gender: an examination of a terror management theory explanation,2003,27,7,603-618,Taubman-Ben-Ari The Lifekeeper Memory Quilt: evaluation of a suicide postvention program,2015,39,6,353-359,Peters Death anxiety and education: a comparison among undergraduate and graduate students,2015,39,8,483-490,Nienaber Representations of African Americans in the grief and mourning literature from 1998-2014: a systematic review,2015,39,10,605-632,Granek Racial differences in adolescents' answering questions about suicide,2015,39,10,600-604,Anderson A cross-cultural investigation of suicidal disclosures and attitudes in Austrian and Turkish university students,2015,39,10,584-591,Voracek Physical disability and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide,2015,39,10,641-646,Cukrowicz Befriending death: a mindfulness-based approach to cultivating self-awareness in counselling students,2015,40,1,32-39,Stella Symptoms moderating the association between recent suicide attempts and trauma levels: fan-shaped effects,2015,39,10,654-662,Birmes Personal stigma in suicide attempters,2015,39,10,592-599,De Leo Perceptions of a good death among German medical students,2015,39,5,307-315,Stößel Individual and psychosocial mechanisms of adaptive functioning in parentally bereaved children,2015,39,5,296-306,Kaplow Publication trends in thanatology: an analysis of leading journals,2015,39,8,453-462,Neimeyer The economic cost of bereavement in Scotland,2015,39,3,151-157,Petrie Dyadic coping of parents after the death of a child,2015,39,3,128-138,Landolt The Persistent Complex Bereavement Inventory: a measure based on the DSM-5,2015,39,7,399-410,Lee The wellbeing of bereaved parents in an only-child society,2015,40,1,22-31,Wei Factorial validity of the Death Obsession Scale in African university students,2015,40,1,40-45,Makhubela Ideological meaning making after the loss of a child: the case of Israeli bereaved parents,2015,39,6,360-368,Leichtentritt Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Death Depression Scale among nurses,2015,39,6,342-346,Rajabi On social death: ostracism and the accessibility of death thoughts,2015,39,1,19-23,Castano Reconstructing meaning with others in loss: a feasibility pilot randomized controlled trial of a bereavement group,2015,39,7,411-421,Chochinov Stress and resilience in military mortuary workers: care of the dead from battlefield to home,2015,39,2,92-98,McCarroll Internalized and externalized continuing bonds in bereaved parents: their relationship with grief intensity and personal growth,2015,39,2,75-83,Scholtes Spirituality moderates hopelessness and suicidal ideation among Iranian depressed adolescents,2015,39,10,579-583,Talib Always with me: understanding experiences of bereaved children whose baby sibling died,2015,39,4,242-251,Granek Older widowers and postdeath encounters: a qualitative investigation,2014,38,6-10,637-647,Troyer Cultural variances in composition of biological and supernatural concepts of death: a content analysis of children's literature,2014,38,6-10,538-545,Kim A spiritual journey - influence of Hannelore,2015,39,9,570-571,Harper Hannelore Wass: the lasting impact of a death educator scholar mentor and friend,2015,39,9,558-562,Sofka The impact of practical support on parental bereavement: reflections from a study involving parents bereaved through military death,2015,40,2,88-101,Harper Effect of a legal prime on clinician's assessment of suicide risk,2015,40,1,61-67,Wilhelm Responding to a suicidal friend or family member: a qualitative study of college students,2015,40,2,80-87,Garcia-Williams Holding on to hope: a review of the literature exploring missing persons hope and ambiguous loss,2015,40,1,54-60,Maple Hannelore Wass: Death Education - An Enduring Legacy,2015,39,9,545-548,Doka Remembrances of Hannelore Wass,2015,39,9,522-523,Siegel In the wake of suicide: developing guidelines for suicide postvention in fire service,2015,40,2,121-128,Cammarata A comparison of suicide notes written by men and women,2015,40,3,201-203,Lester How do clinicians and suicide attempters understand suicide attempt impulsivity? A qualitative study,2015,40,3,139-146,De Leo College student suicidal ideation: perceived burdensomeness thwarted belongingness and meaning made of stress,2015,40,3,154-164,Servaty-Seib Ambivalence in grief therapy: the interplay between change and self-stability,2015,40,2,129-138,Fernandez-Navarro Hannelore Wass: insights into creative teaching and other ways of knowing when facing aging and mortality,2015,39,9,537-544,Bertman Telephone versus in-person intake assessment for bereavement intervention: does efficiency come at a cost?,2015,40,2,71-79,Stroebe Hanging suicides in Northern Finland: a descriptive epidemiological study,2015,40,4,205-210,Hakko Bereaved families and the coronial response to traumatic workplace fatalities: organisational perspectives,2015,40,3,191-200,Matthews Prediction of individual differences in adjustment to loss: acceptance and valued-living as critical appraisal and coping strengths,2015,40,4,211-222,Deane A new model of Social Support in Bereavement (SSB): an empirical investigation with a Chinese sample,2015,40,4,223-228,Li Reliability generalization of the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (TRIG),2015,40,4,256-262,Lewey Pre- and post-loss features of adolescent suicide bereavement: findings from a systematic review of the literature,2015,40,4,229-246,Andriessen Clinical decision making regarding suicide risk: effect of patient and clinician age,2015,40,5,269-274,Wilhelm Willingness to pay for suicide prevention in Japan,2015,40,5,283-289,Sueki Psychological adaptation to spousal bereavement in old age. The role of trait resilience marital history and context of death,2016,40,3,182-190,Spahni The case for a sociology of dying death and bereavement,2016,40,3,172-181,Granek How personality coping styles and perceived closeness influence help-seeking attitudes in suicide-bereaved adults,2016,40,3,165-171,Cerel Procrastination and suicide proneness: a moderated-mediation model for cognitive schemas and gender,2016,40,6,350-357,Klibert Constructing the dead: retrospective sensemaking in eulogies,2016,40,5,316-328,Quinlan Grief following pet and human loss: closeness is key,2016,40,5,275-282,Eckerd Impact of economic fluctuations on suicide mortality in Canada (1926-2008): testing the Durkheim Ginsberg and Henry and Short theories,2016,40,5,305-315,Thibodeau Intelligence and early life mortality: findings from a longitudinal sample of youth,2016,40,5,298-304,Beaver Emotional dysregulation internalizing symptoms and self-injurious and suicidal behavior: structural equation modeling analysis,2016,40,6,358-366,Anestis Suicidality among immigrants: application of the interpersonal-psychological theory,2016,40,6,373-382,Brabeck Geographic variation in suicide rates in Australian farmers: why is the problem more frequent in Queensland Than in New South Wales?,2016,40,6,367-372,Kelly Self-report depressive symptoms do not directly predict suicidality in nonclinical individuals: contributions toward a more psychosocial approach to suicide risk,2016,40,6,335-349,Holden The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish Death Anxiety Scale (TDAS),2016,40,7,419-431,Baloglu To share or not to share? The contribution of self-disclosure to stress-related growth among suicide survivors,2016,40,7,405-413,Levi-Belz Teacher ratings of resilience and peer relationships of preschoolers whose fathers died unexpectedly,2016,40,7,414-418,Gülay Ogelman Extreme measures: a personal story of letting go,2006,30,2,177-186,Crow Bereavement and mourning in pediatric rehabilitation settings,1993,17,6,517-27,Donders Can preferences in information processing aid in understanding suicide risk among emerging adults?,2016,40,6,383-391,Cramer Posttraumatic growth in aging individuals who have lost their only child in China,2016,40,7,395-404,Li The bright and dark side of Joseph Fenton: an analysis of narratives describing the man known as Sudharman,2016,40,7,445-453,LeBlanc Deliberate self-harm among younger and older adults,2016,40,7,440-444,Segal Life experiences and the acquired capability for suicide in incarcerated men,2016,40,7,432-439,Smith Daily life stressors and coping strategies during widowhood: a diary study after one year of bereavement,2016,40,8,461-478,Zech Assisted suicide for prisoners? Stakeholder and prisoner perspectives,2016,40,8,479-485,Shaw College and the grieving student: a mixed-methods analysis,2016,40,8,494-506,Servaty-Seib Military suicide coverage: AP News Wire and suicide guidelines,2016,40,9,570-577,Barnes Too strong? Barriers from getting support before a suicide attempt in Lithuania,2016,40,8,507-512,Gailiené Blurred world view: a study on the relationship between television viewing and the perception of the justice system,2016,40,9,538-546,Niederkrotenthaler "A recipe for elder abuse:" from sin to risk in anti-euthanasia activism,2016,40,9,578-588,Gandsman School and religious factors impact the neuroticism-grief link in adolescents,2016,40,10,601-606,Gibbons Death across the lifespan: age differences in death-related thoughts and anxiety,2016,41,2,69-77,Chopik The Presence and Predictors of Complicated Grief Symptoms in Perinatally-bereaved Mothers from a Bereavement Support Organization,2016,41,2,112-117,Mullan The body of knowledge in thanatology: an outline,2016,41,2,118-125,Chapple Development and validation of the Chinese Death Metaphors Scale-Revised,2016,41,2,87-92,He Translation and validation of the Chinese versions of the Suicidal Ideation Attributes Scale Stigma of Suicide Scale and Literacy of Suicide Scale,2016,41,3,173-179,van Spijker Validity of the Frequency of Suicidal Ideation Inventory in Hungarian adults,2016,41,4,236-240,Chang Health conditions physical disabilities perceived burdensomeness and depressive symptoms influence suicidal ideation,2016,41,4,220-225,Cukrowicz Does psychache mediate the relationship between general distress and suicide ideation?,2016,41,4,241-245,Holden Examining longer-term effects of parental death in adolescents and young adults: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult Health,2016,41,3,133-143,Feigelman Deaths due to carbon monoxide poisoning in Aydin Western Turkey,2016,41,4,246-250,Dirlik Bereavement: an anthropological approach,2016,41,1,61-67,Souza Between east and west: a diachronic overview of finnish death culture,2016,41,1,51-60,Butters Complicated grief after suicide bereavement and other causes of death,2016,41,5,267-275,Reynolds Reexamining the relationship between mortality salience and prosocial behavior in Chinese context,2016,41,4,251-255,Zhu Future orientation and suicide risk in Hungarian college students: burdensomeness and belongingness as mediators,2016,41,5,284-290,Chang The trend in suicide methods in South Korea in 1997-2015,2016,41,5,303-310,Sohn Quality of life and burden in family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer in active treatment settings and hospice care: a comparative study,2016,41,5,276-283,Violani The ecstasy of death,2016,41,4,261-263,Estey Criticism critique and opportunities for suicide research and prevention,2016,41,2,126-128,Callisen Circumstances preceding the suicide of Asian Pacific Islander Americans and White Americans,2016,41,5,311-317,Wong Towards a model of loss navigation in adolescence,2017,41,5,291-302,Lytje Parental bereavement: looking beyond grief,2017,41,5,318-327,Brandon Maladaptive schemas mediate poor parental attachment and suicidality in college students,2017,41,6,337-344,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Opportunities to intervene? "warning signs" for suicide in the days before dying,2017,41,6,368-375,Ramchand Connecting with suicidal patients in psychiatric wards: therapist challenges,2017,41,6,360-367,Hjelmeland Relationship with the deceased as facilitator of post-traumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors,2017,41,6,376-384,Levi-Belz Characterization of end of life electroencephalographic surges in critically ill patients,2017,41,6,385-392,Chawla Context and goals: suicide notes from a linguistic point of view,2017,41,7,461-462,Galasiński Hope and hopelessness as predictors of suicide ideation in Hungarian college students,2017,41,7,455-460,Chang Regaining my new life: daily lives of suicide-bereaved individuals,2017,41,7,447-454,Kamibeppu Gratitude psychological well-being and perceptions of posttraumatic growth in adults who lost a parent in childhood,2017,41,7,436-446,Greene Meaning making after a near-death experience: the relevance of intrapsychic and interpersonal dynamics,2017,41,9,562-573,Palmieri Traumatic brain injury and lifetime suicidality: applying the interpersonal-psychological theory perspective,2017,41,7,399-405,Cramer The transformation of the meaning of death in complicated grief group therapy for survivors of suicide: a treatment process analysis using the meaning of loss codebook,2017,41,9,553-561,Supiano Bereavement of Israeli Arab Muslim widows: determinants of adjustment and supporting attributes,2018,42,1,52-62,Eshel Barriers towards help-seeking among young men prior to suicide,2018,42,2,96-103,Dieserud What determines supportive behaviours following bereavement? A systematic review and call to action,2018,42,2,104-114,Breen What can critical suicidology do?,2017,41,8,472-480,White Construction of suicidal ideation in medical records,2017,41,8,493-501,Galasiński Suicide and mental disorders: a discourse of politics power and vested interests,2017,41,8,481-492,Hjelmeland A suicide research agenda for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds,2017,41,8,502-511,Colucci The cultural turn in critical suicidology: what can we claim and what do we know?,2017,41,8,512-520,Swartz Reflections on moral care when conducting qualitative research about suicide in the United States military,2017,41,8,521-531,Polanco Suicide and sensibility,2017,41,8,542-550,Tatz From condemnation to understanding: views on suicidal behavior in Ghana in transition,2017,41,8,532-541,Hjelmeland Siblings' voices: a prospective investigation of experiences with a dying child,2018,42,3,184-194,Cadell Materialism moderates the impact of mortality salience on impulsive tendencies toward luxury brands,2018,42,2,115-122,Cheval Concern and death anxiety during an ongoing terror wave: the moderating role of direct vs. indirect exposure,2018,42,3,195-203,Ben-Ezra Meaning-making after partner suicide: a narrative exploration using the meaning of loss codebook,2018,42,1,35-44,Buckle After suicide: coming together in kindness and support,2017,41,10,635-638,Walker Recommendations for research on suicide loss: a commentary,2017,41,10,673-679,Neimeyer An evidence- and practice-informed approach to implementing peer suicide grief support systematically in the United States,2017,41,10,648-658,Langford Surviving suicide: a psychiatrist's journey,2017,41,10,629-634,Roston Executive summary and goals & objectives of the U.S. National Postvention Guidelines,2017,41,10,622-628,James Cook An exploratory analysis of the notable activities of U.S. child death review teams,2018,42,4,239-246,Douglas Military personnel compared to multiple suicide attempters: interpersonal theory of suicide constructs,2018,42,2,123-129,Anestis Postvention is prevention - the case for suicide postvention,2017,41,10,614-621,Jordan Clinical work with suicide loss survivors: implications of the U.S. postvention guidelines,2017,41,10,659-672,Jordan Key concepts in the national guidelines: "suicide exposure" and "levels of care",2017,41,10,680-684,Cook Understanding death suicide and self-injury among adherents of the EMO youth subculture: a qualitative study,2018,42,6,337-345,Tavel Responding to a suicide death: the role of first responders,2017,41,10,639-647,Norton Does optimism weaken the negative effects of being lonely on suicide risk?,2018,42,1,63-68,Chang Voices that want to be heard - using bereaved danish students suggestions to update school bereavement response plans,2018,42,4,254-267,Lytje Seeing suicidology in a new light,2017,41,8,469-471,Kral I've changed but I'm not less happy: interview study among nonclinical relatives of long-term missing persons,2018,42,6,346-355,Boelen Are shame and self-esteem risk factors in prolonged grief after death of a spouse?,2018,42,6,371-382,Dellmann Adolescents' trajectory through peer loss after a road traffic accident,2018,42,6,383-391,Papadatou The poetics of mourning and faith-based intervention in maladaptive grieving processes in Ethiopia,2018,42,7,432-445,Hussein Advocacy and luck: Australian healthcare experiences following a suicide attempt,2018,42,6,392-399,McKay Restoration and loss after disaster: applying the dual process model of coping in bereavement,2018,42,7,405-414,Walter Childhood bereavement: the role of the surviving parent and the continuing bond with the deceased,2018,42,7,415-425,Karydi TAPS Suicide Postvention Model(tm): a comprehensive framework of healing and growth,2022,46,8,1897-1908,Carroll Social support following bereavement: the role of beliefs expectations and support intentions,2018,42,8,471-482,Breen Bereavement grief: a population-based foundational evidence study,2018,42,7,463-469,Wilson Disclosure in traumatic deaths as correlates of differential mental health outcomes,2018,42,7,456-462,Cerel Interpersonal needs and psychological pain: the role of brooding and rejection sensitivity,2018,42,8,521-528,Pepper Suicide rates and information seeking via search engines: a cross-national correlational approach,2018,42,8,508-512,Arendt Spirituality/religiosity's influence on college students' adjustment to bereavement: a systematic review,2018,42,8,513-520,Franklin "The deceased has left; the alive has to move on": Experiences of Chinese widows in the UK,2018,42,8,498-507,Roper The risks and rewards of speed: restorative retelling compressed into a three-day retreat,2018,42,1,9-15,Blakley Survivors' perspectives on a modular approach to traumatic grief treatment,2018,42,3,155-163,Rheingold Grief poetry and the sweet unexpected,2018,42,1,16-25,Jordan Surviving families of military suicide loss: exploring postvention peer support,2018,42,3,143-154,Jordan Disabling reenactment imagery after violent dying,2018,42,1,4-8,Rynearson Peer support for bereaved children: setting eyes on children's views through an educational action research project,2018,42,7,446-455,Zembylas Pathfinders: promoting healthy adjustment in bereaved children and families,2018,42,3,134-142,Farro Introduction to the special section: Integrative approaches for treating violent loss survivors,2018,42,3,131-133,Rheingold Enfranchising grief following suicide: a case study of an Israeli social organization,2018,42,9,548-554,Gazit Presence of trauma and suicide risk: personal control as a moderator,2018,42,8,529-533,Hirsch Reflections on the development of a therapeutic recreation-based bereavement camp for families whose child has died from serious illness,2018,42,9,593-603,Guerin Death rituals religious beliefs and grief of Turkish women,2018,42,9,579-592,Erdur-Baker An examination of the latent factor structure and construct validity of the stigma of suicide scale-short form,2018,42,10,616-626,Cero "Don't bother about me". The grief and mental health of bereaved adolescents,2018,42,10,607-615,Andriessen Suicide attempters in Abu Dhabi: is criminal prosecution associated with patients' guardedness?,2018,42,10,636-639,Shahrour Suicide among men in Ghana: the burden of masculinity,2018,42,10,658-666,Hjelmeland Cultural versus classic risk and protective factors for suicide,2019,43,1,56-61,Bongar The effect of time since loss on grief resilience and depression among bereaved emerging adults,2018,42,9,537-547,Howell Psychometrics of the PTSD and depression screener for bereaved youth,2019,43,1,20-31,Goodman Change in death metaphors among university students in Hong Kong from 2004 to 2016,2019,43,1,32-40,Ho Help-seeking experiences of bereaved adolescents: a qualitative study,2019,43,1,1-8,Andriessen The association of sense of coherence and supernatural beliefs with death anxiety and death depression among Romanian cancer patients,2019,43,1,9-19,Roxana An exploratory study of metacognitive beliefs about coping processes in prolonged grief symptomatology,2019,43,3,143-153,Breen Suicide assessment and treatment: gaps between theory research and practice,2019,43,3,164-172,Kene The five-factor model in bereaved adults with and without complicated grief,2019,43,3,204-209,Bui The metaphorical zombie a review of zombie theory: a reader edited by Sarah Juliet Lauro,2018,ePub,ePub,1-4,Daugherty Lived experience of young widowed individuals: a qualitative study,2019,43,3,183-192,Oka Assessing posttraumatic growth complicated grief and psychological distress in bereaved atheists and believers,2019,43,4,224-234,Sawyer Does knowing that a suicide was "rational" influence grief?,2019,43,4,235-239,Range Dead on the table: a theoretical expansion of the vicarious trauma that operating room clinicians experience when their patients die,2019,43,5,301-310,Hartley Losing a partner: do continuing bonds bring solace or sorrow?,2019,43,5,281-291,Florczak End-of-life trends and patterns among children in the US foster care system: 2005-2015,2019,43,4,248-259,Slayter How religious and spiritual beliefs explain prolonged grief disorder symptoms,2019,43,5,316-323,Breen A phenomenological study of siblings bereaved by suicide: a shared experience,2019,43,5,324-332,Kolves Stigma and suicidality among suicide attempt survivors: a qualitative study,2019,43,6,381-388,Rüsch Death certificate errors in one Saudi Arabian hospital,2019,43,5,311-315,Aljerian Bereavement hallucinations after the loss of a spouse: associations with psychopathological measures personality and coping style,2019,43,4,260-269,Moskowitz Daily life and maternal mourning: a pilot study,2019,43,5,292-300,Nunes The Social Meaning in Life Events Scale (SMILES): a preliminary psychometric evaluation in a bereaved sample,2019,43,2,103-112,Neimeyer Suicide contagion gender and suicide attempts among adolescents,2019,43,6,365-371,Solakoglu It's okay to talk about death: exploring the end-of-life wishes of healthy young adults,2019,43,6,389-396,Sanders Perceptions of good and bad death among Korean social workers in elderly long-term care facilities,2019,43,5,343-350,Kim The concept of death in children aged from 9 to 11 years: evidences through inductive and deductive analysis of drawings,2018,ePub,ePub,1-11,Martí-García Further validation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report (TGI-SR): a measure of persistent complex bereavement disorder and prolonged grief disorder,2019,43,6,351-364,Boelen Death anxiety in Lebanese college students in 1998 and 2015,2018,ePub,ePub,1-5,Abdel-Khalek Emotional security theory: an application to sibling bereavement,2018,ePub,ePub,1-9,Jobe-Shields Grief severity: a comparison between human and companion animal death,2018,ePub,ePub,1-6,Lavorgna Assessing psychache as a suicide risk variable: data with the Portuguese version of the psychache scale,2018,ePub,ePub,1-7,Holden "Why did he choose to die?": a meaning-searching approach to parental suicide bereavement in youth,2019,43,2,113-121,Silvén Hagström Grief in a biography of losses: meaning-making in hard drug users' grief narratives on drug-related death,2019,43,2,122-132,Wojtkowiak Distinguishing the meaning making processes of survivors of suicide loss: an expansion of the meaning of loss codebook,2019,43,2,92-102,Neimeyer Therapeutic gardening: a counseling approach for bereavement from suicide,2018,ePub,ePub,1-5,Machado Narrative medicine: a comparison of terminal cancer patients' stories from a Dutch hospice with those of Anatole Broyard and Christopher Hitchens,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Florijn Professional caregivers' bereavement after patients' deaths: a scoping review of quantitative studies,2018,ePub,ePub,1-9,Tang Self-compassion as a buffer against concrete but not abstract threat,2018,ePub,ePub,1-8,Anaki Is there a role for the funeral service provider in bereavement support within the context of compassionate communities?,2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Aoun Males tend to die females tend to pass away,2018,ePub,ePub,1-3,Ferraro Submitting to god's will: attitudes and beliefs of Moroccan muslim women regarding mourning and remembrance,2018,ePub,ePub,1-11,Van den Branden Supporting bereaved students at university: balancing institutional standards and reputation alongside individual compassion and care,2018,ePub,ePub,1-13,Valentine Do criminal associates impact psychiatric inpatients' social support and interpersonal needs?,2018,ePub,ePub,1-7,Cukrowicz Interpersonal theory dimensions facilitate posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors: an attachment perspective,2018,ePub,ePub,1-9,Levi-Belz Exploring suicide-related disclosure motivation and the impact on mechanisms linked to suicide,2018,ePub,ePub,1-8,Frey Parenting school-aged children after the death of a child: a qualitative study on victims' families of the Sewol ferry disaster in South Korea,2018,ePub,ePub,1-11,Lee Perceived suicide stigma secrecy about suicide loss and mental health outcomes,2018,ePub,ePub,1-8,Feigelman Suicide mental and physical health condition stigma in medical students,2018,ePub,ePub,1-7,Batterham Calculating the incidence rate of sibling bereavement among children and adolescents across the United States: a proposed method,2018,ePub,ePub,1-9,Gaffney Conservation of resources and suicide proneness after oilrig disaster,2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Langhinrichsen-Rohling The Unfinished Business in Bereavement Scale (UBBS): development and psychometric evaluation,2018,ePub,ePub,1-13,Neimeyer States of mourning: a quantitative analysis of national mournings across european countries,2018,ePub,ePub,1-13,Rusu Future orientation depression suicidality and interpersonal needs in primary care outpatients,2018,ePub,ePub,1-7,Hirsch "I just might kill myself": suicide expressions on Twitter,2020,44,3,189-194,Ye Is my grief too public for you? The digitalization of grief on Facebook™,2018,ePub,ePub,1-9,Moyer Suicide ideation among Southern U.S. sexual minority college students,2018,ePub,ePub,1-7,Stuart "I wish they could have answered their phones": mobile communication in mass shootings,2019,43,7,414-425,Hjorth Investigating risk for grief severity: attachment to the deceased and relationship quality,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Neimeyer Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in Korean college students: psychometric properties and cultural considerations for the interpersonal needs Questionnaire-10,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Seo Denial of disordered eating behaviors suicide and non-suicidal self-injury in young women,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Cramer Digital legacy: designing with things,2019,43,7,426-434,Pitsillides Suicide exposure and impact within a non-representative Australian community sample,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Maple Can grief be a mental disorder? An online survey on public opinion in mainland China,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Prigerson The effect of death education on fear of death amongst Italian adolescents: a nonrandomized controlled study,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Testoni The emperor's new clothes? A critical look at the interpersonal theory of suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Hjelmeland Case report on the multiple pathways to posttraumatic stress disorder following suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Cardoso Grief intensity coping and psychological health among family members and friends following a terrorist attack,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Zara Miles over mind: transnational death and its association with psychological distress among undocumented Mexican immigrants,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Klonoff Identifying suicide risk among college students: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Li The Collett-Lester fear of death scale: the original version and a revision,1990,14,5,451-468,Lester Comparison of suicide notes and parasuicide notes,1992,16,4,331-342,Lester The suicide attitude vignette experience (SAVE): a search for sexual stereotypes in the perception of suicidal behavior,1991,15,5,435-441,Lester Protective factors for older suicide attempters: finding reasons and experiences to live,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Evans Associations between dimensions of religiousness and psychosocial functioning among bereaved youth,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Kaplow Psychological pain and suicidal ideation in undergraduates: the role of pain avoidance,2019,ePub,ePub,1-4,Holden Meaning differentiates depression and grief among suicide survivors,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Hibberd Information needs of bereaved families following fatal work incidents,2019,ePub,ePub,1-12,Quinlan Depressive symptoms and age of alcohol use onset interact to predict suicidal ideation,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Cropsey Socio-ecological context and the interpersonal theory of suicide: a response to Hjelmeland & Knizek,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Smith Transgender and gender non-conforming bereavement (TGNC): a case study on complicated grief experienced and the effect of partner suicide on interpersonal relationships and subsequent partnerships of the bereaved,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Nolan The role of theory for understanding and preventing suicide (but not predicting it): a commentary on Hjelmeland and Knizek,2019,ePub,ePub,1-4,Klonsky Suicide hotspots interventions and future areas of work at a Californian university,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Waalen Abusive supervision and suicidal ideation: the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Liu Emotional reactivity to grief-related expressive writing,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Telch Epistemological differences in the discussion of the interpersonal theory of suicide: a reply to the response,2019,ePub,ePub,1-3,Hjelmeland What's in a word? Clarifying terminology on suicide-related communication,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Frey Are youth suicide memorial sites on Facebook different from those for other sudden deaths?,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Scourfield Differential psychological reactions to grief: the role of childhood adversity for depression symptoms among bereaved and non-bereaved adults,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Murdock Sociocultural factors associated with attitudes toward suicide in Australia,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Batterham Depressive mood and its risk factors and persistent complex bereavement disorder among caregivers who received hospice care: a longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Fan To grieve or not to grieve (online)? Interactions with deceased Facebook friends,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Sharman The construction of people in suicide prevention documents,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,East Assessing responsible reporting on suicide in the nineteenth century: evidence for a high quantity of low-quality news,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Arendt Hypno-death-experiences: death experiences during hypnotic life regressions,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Tressoldi Inscriptions on roadside memorials in Poland,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Przybylska The relation between mortality salience traffic locus of control and risky driving behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Havarneanu Development and testing of the Hogan Inventory of Bereavement short form for children and adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Compas Bereavement among widowed Latinos in the United States: a systematic review of methodology and findings,2019,ePub,ePub,1-12,Fagundes Meanings attributed by bereaved unmarried intimate partners of fallen soldiers to their loss,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Hamama-Raz Toward a robust science of suicide: epistemological theoretical and methodological considerations in advancing suicidology,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abrutyn "Death from a broken heart": A systematic review of the relationship between spousal bereavement and physical and physiological health outcomes,2021,45,7,538-551,Ennis The suicidal behaviors questionnaire-revised. Spanish form,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tomás-Sábado "I was their worst nightmare": the identity challenges of military widows,2021,45,8,583-593,Wehrman Validation of a Chinese Version of the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Changes in prospective helpline volunteers' suicide intervention skills throughout the initial training,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skruibis Writing about suicide in graduation exam essays in Slovenia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roskar "They brought my smile back": a phenomenological description of widows' experiences of psychosocial support,2021,45,8,603-612,van der Wath Is suicidality a mental disorder? Applying DSM-5 guidelines for new diagnoses,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Obegi Evaluating the role of interpersonal hopelessness in the interpersonal theory of suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mandracchia Events surrounding stillbirth and their effect on symptoms of depression among mothers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Range Impact of maternal education on under-five mortality of children in India: insights from the National Family Health Survey 2005-2006 and 2015-2016,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Mandal Storybooks to facilitate children's communication following parental suicide: paraprofessional counselors' perceptions,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson New adolescent grief scales open new research possibilities: a commentary,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Andriessen Investigating suspected suicides: New Zealand coroners' experiences,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collings Masculine gender-related personality traits and acquired capability for suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pepper Continuing bonds and dreams following violent loss among Cambodian survivors of the pol pot era,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Field How an academic's death by suicide impacts coworkers and an organization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sever Survivors' perceptions of support following a parent's suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heath Clinging to power clinging to life: rightwing authoritarianism social dominance orientation and attitudes toward life extension,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barnett Epidemiology of non-fatal suicidal behavior among first-year university students in South Africa,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stein Risk factors for suicide attempts among rural youth with a history of suicidal ideation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lamis Does the source matter? Social support and suicide attempts among homeless youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Negriff A pilot study of a new bereavement program for children: Lionheart Camp for Kids,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Breen Grief memoirs: the familiarity of helping professionals with the genre and its potential incorporation into grief therapy,2022,46,4,842-850,Bottomley Posttraumatic growth in parentally bereaved children and adolescents: a systematic review,2022,46,1,111-123,Buldukoglu Expanding our paradigms: intersectional and socioecological approaches to suicide prevention,2022,26,1,224-232,Standley Retirement anxiety and depressive symptoms among middle-aged adults: an indirect effect through death anxiety,2022,46,1,245-249,Bergman Parental death due to natural death causes during childhood abbreviates the time to a diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder in the offspring: a follow-up study,2022,46,1,168-177,Miettunen Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: new psychometric evidence for the Spanish version based on CFA and IRT models in a Peruvian sample,2022,46,5,1090-1099,White "You did not desert me my brothers in arms": the continuing bond experience of men who have lost a brother in arms,2020,46,2,415-424,Hamama-Raz Internalized versus externalized continuing bonds: relations to grief trauma attachment openness to experience and posttraumatic growth,2022,46,2,399-414,Black Why do humans pursue higher social class? Death anxiety matters,2022,46,2,434-441,Li Relationship between Beck Hopelessness Scale and suicidal ideation: a short-term longitudinal study,2022,46,2,467-472,Sueki Does it get easier over time? Psychologists' experiences of working with suicidal patients,2022,46,2,458-466,Stige Sexual minorities and teen suicide attempts in a southeastern state with prominent exclusionary policies,2022,46,2,495-500,Hales Intensive outpatient treatment of PTSD and complicated grief in suicide-bereaved military widows,2022,46,2,501-507,Bui Learning from clinicians' positive inclination to suicidal patients: a grounded theory model,2022,46,2,485-494,Levack Complicated grief knowledge attitudes skills and training among mental health professionals: a qualitative exploration,2022,46,2,473-484,Guerin Depression and alcohol use disorders as precursors to death by suicide,2022,46,3,619-627,Overholser Transcultural adaptation and psychometric properties of Chinese version of Death Depression Scale-Revised among nursing students,2022,46,3,658-665,Chen Validation of the Prolonged Grief Scale (PG-13) and investigation of the prevalence and risk factors of prolonged grief disorder in Turkish bereaved samples,2022,46,3,628-638,Prigerson Suicide deaths following police contact: a review of coronial inquest findings,2022,46,3,675-683,Grech "If you die a bad death we give you a bad burial:" mortuary practices and "bad death" among the Akan in Ghana,2022,46,3,695-707,Adinkrah Effects of bereavement groups-a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,46,3,708-718,Wagner Social support as a protective factor against the effect of grief reactions on depression for bereaved single older adults,2022,46,3,756-763,Chen Living dead: suspended lives during/after gender violence,2020,44,11,718-726,Martínez Risk factors for suicide in chronic fatigue syndrome,2022,46,3,738-744,Jason Stolen lives: what the dead teach us,2020,44,11,736-745,Fregoso Learning from suicide deaths in Harris County Texas,2022,46,3,745-755,Holcomb How to deal with the suffering: utility of an emotional containment strategy to collect data for verbal autopsies in Mexico,2022,46,4,1015-1020,Treviño-Siller Suicide risk during the lockdown due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Colombia,2022,46,4,885-890,Campo-Arias General practitioners' reported application of DSM major depressive disorder criteria after removal of the bereavement exclusion criterion,2022,46,3,764-771,Chen Psychache unmet interpersonal needs childhood trauma and suicide ideation in young adults,2022,46,4,930-939,Holden Reasons for living among those with lived experience entering the suicide prevention workforce,2022,46,4,1009-1014,Hawgood Death thoughts predict increased depression for those with low self-worth,2022,46,6,1021-1026,Juhl Suicide loss in the modern era: an exploration of digital suicide loss obituaries,2022,46,4,940-948,Carmon Professional quality of life depression and meaning in life among helping professionals: the moderating role of self-competence in death work,2022,46,4,958-968,Chan "Like climbing a glass wall": suicide survivors in an Italian province,2022,46,4,987-995,Tosini Death certificate errors in three teaching hospitals of Zahedan southeast of Iran,2022,46,5,1157-1165,Alipour Perceptions of mental health nurses toward caring for suicidal hospital inpatients in Saudi Arabia,2022,46,5,1166-1175,Alhamidi Those left behind: a scoping review of the effects of suicide exposure on veterans service members and military families,2022,46,5,1176-1185,Bozzay Ethnic variations in suicide method and location: an analysis of decedent data,2022,46,5,1282-1286,Chu Interventions for child and adolescent survivors of intrafamilial homicide: a review of the literature,2022,46,5,1206-1218,Rheingold Bereavement and coping following the death of a personally significant popular musician,2022,46,5,1234-1242,Wong Loss and lastingness? Further exploring the relationship between the death of a close other belief in an everlasting soul and terror management processes,2022,46,6,1508-1517,Greenberg Bereavement among Israeli parents who lost children in military service: protective factors for coping with loss,2022,46,5,1266-1275,Schiff What do teachers think of death education?,2022,46,6,1518-1528,Rodríguez Herrero Prevalence and predictors of prolonged grief symptoms among those bereaved from a drug-related death in a convenience sample of Norwegian parents: a cross-sectional study,2022,46,6,1354-1363,Dyregrov Validity of the Frequency of Suicidal Ideation Inventory in Brazilian adults,2022,46,8,1840-1844,Chang Relations between multidimensional attitude toward death and psychological distress in firefighters,2022,46,7,1768-1772,Marchewka Subjective vitality and loneliness explain how coronavirus anxiety increases rumination among college students,2022,46,5,1042-1051,Arslan "Have you heard about X?": (mis)management of mortality in academia,2022,46,7,1678-1688,Małecka How relatives look back at suicide risk after their close one's death by suicide,2022,46,8,1832-1839,Gailiené A comparative study of death metaphors in Han and Tibetan ethnic groups,2022,46,7,1697-1705,He Perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness influence the childhood polyvictimization and suicide ideation association among Hispanic undergraduates,2022,46,8,1792-1800,Hovey Examining the interpersonal theory of suicide in acutely suicidal psychiatric inpatients,2022,46,8,1785-1791,Smith Bodily grief work meets Christian interiority: the Meru case,2021,45,1,51-60,Haram Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters suicidal ideation and social support in a clinical adolescent sample,2022,46,8,1814-1822,Esposito-Smythers Implicit measure of suicidal ideation in patients with depression,2022,46,8,1807-1813,Lei Shock anger and bad deaths in Lihir: a reanalysis of grieving in Papua New Guinea,2021,45,1,40-50,Hemer Do interpersonal events buffer or worsen depressive and grief related symptoms in people bereaved through suicide?,2022,46,6,1344-1353,Scocco The "men in grief" phenomenon among suicide bereaved Chinese men in Hong Kong,2022,46,8,1845-1852,Cheung Forgive but not forget: from self-forgiveness to posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors,2022,46,8,1870-1879,Feigelman Rurality reasons for living and suicidal ideation among Australian men,2022,46,8,1853-1861,McLaren The existential dimension of the pandemic: death attitudes personal worldview and coronavirus anxiety,2022,46,5,1031-1041,Schnell Is perceived burdensomeness present in the lives of famous suicides? A lack of support for the interpersonal theory of suicide,2022,46,8,1801-1806,Lester Effectiveness of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in Lithuania,2022,46,8,2018-2024,Skruibis "I grieve because I loved her:" bereaved parents' perceptions of a mindfulness-based retreat,2022,46,8,1992-2002,Cacciatore Dispositional optimism and suicide among trans and gender diverse adults,2022,46,8,1954-1962,McLaren Investigating the applicability of the Two-Track Model of Bereavement to a Southern sample of African American adults,2022,46,9,2056-2069,Allen Do fear of COVID-19 and religious coping predict depression anxiety and stress among the Arab population during health crisis?,2022,46,9,2070-2076,Arslan Non-disclosure of suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients: rates and correlates,2022,46,8,1823-1831,Vaaler Operationalizing strategic objectives of suicide prevention policy: police-led LOSST LIFFE model,2022,46,9,2077-2084,O'Reilly Death certification status in Eastern Mediterranean Region: a systematic review,2022,46,9,2100-2109,Abed Alah Suicidality among college students in Spain: prevalence and associations with substance use social support and resilience,2022,46,8,2025-2030,Taliaferro Paying your respects: transgender women and detransitioning after death,2020,44,1,58-64,Weaver The stigmatization of suicide: a study of stories told by college students in China,2022,46,9,2035-2045,Tang The role of pre-sleep arousal in the connection between insomnia and suicide risk,2022,46,10,2523-2529,Smith "Finding a safe space": a qualitative study of what makes help helpful for adolescents bereaved by suicide,2022,46,10,2456-2466,Pirkis Funeral arrangements requested by suicide decedents in Shanghai and Wuhan China,2023,47,3,348-353,Li The COVID-19 pandemic has changed dying and grief: will there be a surge of complicated grief?,2022,46,1,84-90,Jordan The relationship between fear of COVID-19 and mental health problems: a meta-analysis,2022,46,3,515-523,Griffiths Development of the Bereavement and Interpersonal Domains codebook,2022,46,4,949-957,Rasmussen Prolonged grief disorder among bereaved survivors after the 2011 Van Earthquake in Turkey,2022,46,6,1364-1371,Ergün To share or not to share? Evaluation of a strategic disclosure program for suicide attempt survivors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oexle Key issues challenges and preferred supports for those bereaved by suicide: Insights from postvention experts,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maple The presence of death in Spanish education law (1812-2006),2022,46,10,2354-2365,Rodríguez Herrero Suicidal ideation in university students in Lithuania amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective study with pre-pandemic measures,2022,46,10,2395-2403,Margraf Psychometric validation of the French version of the Suicidal Ideation Attributes Scale (SIDAS-FR),2022,46,10,2404-2412,Bardon Family group conferences for suicidal adolescents: promising results from naturalistic case study research,2022,46,10,2445-2455,Vermeiren The suicide of Private Danny Chen: an interpersonal theory perspective,2022,46,10,2467-2476,Flaherty Emotion regulation deficits across the spectrum of self-harm,2022,46,10,2477-2484,Clapham Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil,2022,46,10,2498-2506,Faro Who is really at risk? The contribution of death anxiety in suicide risk and loneliness among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,46,10,2517-2522,Levi-Belz Mortality salience in an offline and online setting,2022,46,9,2085-2092,Chew Grieving the loss of a pet: a qualitative systematic review,2022,46,9,2167-2178,Cleary When college students grieve: new insights into the effects of loss during emerging adulthood,2022,46,9,2123-2133,Cupit Predictive factors associated with death depression in women with breast cancer,2022,46,8,1880-1890,Soleimani Suicide among the elderly in France and Switzerland: what does the societal context tell us about the place of relatives?,2022,46,7,1583-1592,Yampolsky Methodological weakness of the death-word-fragment task: alternative implicit death anxiety measures,2022,46,7,1706-1715,Glendon Outcomes of the grief and communication family support intervention on parent and child psychological health and communication,2022,46,7,1750-1761,Salloum "Remarried military widows" grief in light of social policy upheavals,2022,46,6,1381-1389,Dekel Worldviews about the self mediate the impact of immature and mature defense styles on posttraumatic symptoms in bereaved parents,2022,46,6,1390-1400,Ferrajão Quality of life of older adults with complicated grief: a thematic analysis,2022,46,6,1424-1432,Szalacha Overwhelming and unjust: a qualitative study of fathers' experiences of grief following neonatal death,2022,46,6,1443-1454,Oxlad COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh and associated psychological problems: an online survey,2022,46,5,1080-1089,Jobe How collective and personal mortality salience impacts antagonism against worldview-threatening others,2022,46,5,1276-1281,Kugihara The value of implementation science in bridging the evidence gap in bereavement care,2022,46,3,639-647,Breen A call for epidemiology and thanatology to address the dying death and grief pipeline among Blacks in the United States,2022,46,1,140-147,Jones-Eversley Cultural responses to loss and grief among Black Americans: theory and practice implications for clinicians,2022,46,1,189-199,Moore Social stigma of suicide in South Korea: a cultural perspective,2023,47,3,259-267,Lee The first 72 hours: suicide loss survivor experiences with early responders,2023,47,3,354-359,Peterson Thinking for healing: the role of mentalization deficits as moderator in the link between complicated grief and suicide ideation among suicide-loss survivors,2023,47,3,360-369,Levi-Belz Resilience among bereaved college students: indicators facilitators and barriers,2023,47,2,121-129,Plocha Turkish version of the Pet Bereavement Questionnaire: validity reliability and psychometric properties,2023,47,2,130-138,Yüksel Validating the Suicide Behavior Questionnaire-Revised among Filipino adults during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,47,2,159-163,Mordeno Factors associated with suicidal ideation among medical students during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru: a multicenter study,2023,47,2,183-191,Huarcaya-Victoria What predicts suicidality among psychologists? An examination of risk and resilience,2023,47,2,192-203,Lightsey Embodied meaning making: memorial tattoos as a visual expression of grief,2023,47,1,1-9,Buckle Application of an accident approach to the study of acute suicidal episodes through repeated in-depth interviews,2023,47,1,75-83,Waern Exploring interpersonal theory of suicide typologies in patients with cancer: a latent profile analysis,2023,47,1,84-93,Smith Forgiveness as a component of spiritual change after the murder of a loved one,2023,47,1,94-104,Johnson Examining the shadow: gifted children respond to the nuclear threat,1986,10,1,27-41,Stillion Challenger 10 and our schoolchildren: reflections on the catastrophe,1986,10,2,95-118,Blume Death themes in music-resources and research opportunities for death educators,1986,10,3,239-263,Pacholski Relationships between suicide attitudes and indicators of mental health among adolescents,1986,10,3,289-296,Smith Stress coping and mental health outcomes following a natural disaster: bereaved family members and friends compared,1986,10,5,411-429,Murphy Personal mortality versus nuclear peril,1986,10,6,479-490,Killilea Children's reactions to the space shuttle tragedy,1986,10,6,491-505,No Author(s) Listed The shuttle tragedy "community grief" and the schools,1986,10,6,507-518,Stevenson Survivor grief following a drunk-driving crash,1987,11,6,413-435,Lord Silent sorrow: grief and the loss of significant others,1987,11,6,455-469,Doka Special issues in the grief of parents of murdered children,1987,11,2,81-88,Klass Suicide risk among gay men and lesbians: A review,1987,11,1,1-23,Valente Suicide bereaved parents: emotional distress and physical health problems,1988,12,4,297-307,Demi Facts and myths of suicide in Canada,1988,12,3,195-206,Wenckstern Dimensions of the shadow: children of six nations respond to the nuclear threat,1988,12,3,227-251,Klingman Should a christian endorse suicide in extreme cases?,1988,12,2,147-171,Brodie Grief reactions among suicide survivors: an exploratory comparison of relationships,1988,12,1,21-39,McIntosh Juvenile suicides in secure detention facilities: Correction of published rates,1989,13,5,455-463,Memory Characteristics of suicidal individuals: A review,1989,13,5,485-500,Ellis Ageism and sexism in suicide attitudes,1989,13,3,247-261,Stillion School-based emergency intervention following an Adolescent's suicide,1989,13,3,263-274,Klingman Trends in racial differences in U.S. suicide statistics,1989,13,3,275-286,McIntosh Factors affecting Adolescents' behavior and attitudes toward destructive rock lyrics,1989,13,3,287-303,Wass Evaluation of people bereaved by suicide,1989,13,2,119-126,Robertson Teaching nuclear holocaust the basic thanatological topic,1989,13,2,175-183,Pacholski Suicide: the ultimate escape,1989,13,2,185-190,Barry Long-Term bereavement from suicide homicide accidents and natural deaths,1990,14,5,423-433,Range Suicide prevention in schools: an introduction,1990,14,4,297-302,Wenckstern Promotion of self-esteem in the prevention of suicide,1990,14,4,303-327,Stivers Suicide prevention in elementary schools,1990,14,4,329-346,Sattem Comprehensive school suicide prevention programs,1990,14,4,347-370,Ramsay Suicide awareness education in schools: the development of a core program and subsequent modifications for special populations or institutions,1990,14,4,371-390,Ryerson Sex differences and their relevance to primary prevention of adolescent suicide,1990,14,4,391-402,Spirito Death education and grief/suicide intervention in the public schools,1990,14,3,253-268,Wass Reactions to suicide: Does age of the victim make a difference?,1990,14,3,269-275,Goggin Crisis-care in critical incident debriefing,1990,14,2,121-133,Walker Teachers' death anxiety ability to cope with death and perceived ability to aid bereaved students,1990,14,2,147-160,Cullinan What characteristics of suicide notes are salient for people to allow perception of a suicide note as genuine?,1990,14,1,25-30,Lester Changing death anxiety through death education in the public schools,1990,14,1,31-52,Glass Life after parental death: monitoring a child's self-concept before and after family violence,1991,15,6,577-586,Ziller The climate of urban areas in the United States and their rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide),1991,15,6,611-616,Lester Capital crimes: suicides in jail,1991,15,5,417-433,Haycock Examining suicide from a life span perspective,1991,15,4,327-354,Stillion Parental depression following the death of a child,1991,15,3,259-267,Davies Use of the risk-rescue rating scale with adolescent suicide attempters: a cautionary note,1991,15,3,269-280,Spirito Myths about suicide notes,1991,15,3,303-308,Lester Sibling death adolescent bereavement and religion,1991,15,1,1-20,Balk Middle-age suicide: a literature review and epidemiological study,1991,15,1,21-37,McIntosh Risk factor profile for bereaved spouses,1992,16,5,387-399,Steele Comparison of rates and patterns of suicide in Canada and the United States 1960-1988,1992,16,5,417-430,Lester Understanding the development of the concept of suicide through the use of early memory technique,1992,16,4,299-316,Clark Suicide ideas: Relationship to personality disorders on the MCMI,1992,16,4,371-375,Goggin Effects of a child's death on the marital relationship: a preliminary study,1992,16,2,141-154,Schwab Loneliness and depression related to reasons for living in military personnel,1992,16,2,183-189,Range Reliability and validity of the suicide intervention response inventory,1992,16,1,79-86,Range Bereavement and mourning in pediatric rehabilitation settings,1993,17,6,517-527,Donders Time-series versus regional correlates of rates of personal violence,1993,17,6,529-534,Lester Suicides in young prisoners: A summary,1993,17,5,381-407,Liebling Social support as an intervention withbereaved college students,1993,17,5,427-450,Balk Death threat parental loss and interpersonal style: a personal construct investigation,1993,17,4,319-332,Meshot Social context of postsuicide bereavement,1993,17,2,125-141,Van Dongen College students' hypothetical responses to suicidal individuals who are HIV positive substance abusing depressed or anxious,1993,17,2,143-149,Range Trauma and suicide in our schools,1993,17,2,151-171,Wenckstern Coping with suicide: beyond the five-day bereavement leave policy,1993,17,2,173-177,Krysinski How do people perceive the different methods for suicide?,1993,17,2,179-184,Lester Suicidality hopelessness and attitudes toward life and death in children,1993,17,2,185-191,Range Educating air force mortuary officers: confronting death anxiety,1993,17,1,85-91,Giles The stress of homicide investigations,1994,18,6,565-582,Sewell Self-blame other blame and desire for revenge: factors in recovery from bereavement,1994,18,6,583-593,Weinberg Status of suicide prevention in California schools,1994,18,6,595-608,Sandoval Psychopharmacotherapy of suicide,1994,18,5,483-495,Slaby Suicide and terminal illness,1994,18,5,497-512,Marzuk Gender issues in the treatment of suicidal individuals,1994,18,5,513-527,Canetto Clinical model for suicide risk assessment,1994,18,4,311-326,Kral Crisis intervention with highly lethal suicidal people,1994,18,4,341-360,Leenaars Psychotherapy for suicidal clients,1994,18,4,361-374,Lester Treatment of the suicidal adolescent,1994,18,4,375-389,Jobes Psychotherapy with suicidal older adults,1994,18,4,391-408,Richman Family therapy for suicidal people,1994,18,4,409-426,Taylor Adult children of dysfunctional families: treatment from a disenfranchised grief perspective,1994,18,2,183-195,Zupanick Defining the family after the death of a child,1994,18,2,197-206,Forsyth Organizational responses to death in the military,1994,18,1,25-39,Bartone Adolescents' response to unconventional war threat prior to the Gulf War,1994,18,1,75-82,Klingman Attitudes toward life and death and suicidality in young adults,1995,19,6,559-569,Range Death threat with young adults who have lost a parent to death,1995,19,6,571-582,Meshot Attitudes toward suicide among English-speaking urban Canadians,1995,19,5,489-500,Leenaars The ontology of disaster,1995,19,5,501-510,Thompson Long-term effects of a family history of traumatic death on adolescent individuation,1995,19,4,315-336,Jordan Situational analysis of attitudes toward suicide behavior,1995,19,3,269-275,Ellis Reacting to AIDS-related suicide: does time since diagnosis matter?,1995,19,3,277-282,Range Bereavement research using control groups: ethical obligations and questions,1995,19,2,123-138,Balk Ethics of qualitative interviewing with grieving families,1995,19,2,139-155,Rosenblatt Guidelines for conducting ethical bereavement research,1995,19,2,171-181,Parkes A heuristic model of grieving after high-grief deaths,1995,19,1,21-31,Horacek Rational suicide reconsidered: AIDS as an impetus for change,1995,19,1,65-80,Werth Structure of the Collett-Lester fear of death and dying scale,1996,20,6,577-586,Loo Models for understanding adolescent coping with bereavement,1996,20,4,367-387,Balk Family environment depression attitudes toward life and death and suicidality in young adults,1996,20,3,237-246,Range Effect of female labor force participation on female suicide attitudes,1996,20,3,285-291,Stack Predictors of husbands' and wives' grief reactions following infant death: the role of marital intimacy,1996,20,1,33-57,Gottlieb Examining grieving problem correlates of anticipation of the death vs. shock among overdose death and suicide bereaved adults,2023,47,4,400-409,Feigelman Understanding public reactions to state security officials' suicide cases in online news comments,2023,47,4,499-508,Ittefaq A 4-month prospective study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and suicide ideation in Spanish adolescents: the mediating role of positive and negative affect,2023,47,4,509-513,Neto Grief Impairment Scale: a 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