Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Adolescents' Implicit Theories of Maturity: Ages of Adulthood Freedom and Fun,2005,20,5,557-576,Galambos Risk Taking as Developmentally Appropriate Experimentation for College Students,2005,20,2,219-241,Dworkin Latino High School Students' Perceptions of Gangs and Crews,2006,21,3,299-318,Lopez The Impact of Violence on Urban Adolescents: Longitudinal Effects of Perceived School Connection and Family Support,2005,20,2,167-192,Ozer Physical Intimacy and Sexual Coercion Among Adolescent Intimate Partners in the Philippines,2005,20,4,476-496,Serquina-Ramiro Increasing Parent Limits on Novice Young Drivers: Cognitive Mediation of the Effect of Persuasive Messages,2006,21,1,83-105,Simons-Morton Early Childbearing and Educational Attainment Among Mainland Puerto Rican Teens,2010,25,5,690-715,Diez Parents' and Sons' Perspectives on Video Game Play,2008,23,1,76-96,Olson “Running a Train”,2008,23,1,97-113,Reed Adolescent Dating Violence Victimization and Psychological Well-Being,2003,18,6,664-681,Callahan Relationships Between Future Orientation Impulsive Sensation Seeking and Risk Behavior Among Adjudicated Adolescents,2004,19,4,428-445,Robbins Does the Adolescent Brain Make Risk Taking Inevitable?,2009,24,1,3-20,Males "I'm Not Going to Be a Girl",2009,24,2,218-241,Oransky Gene—Environment Interplay and Delinquent Involvement,2009,24,2,147-168,Beaver "You're Only Young Once",2009,24,3,376-396,Ravert Reentry of Emerging Adults,2009,24,4,453-476,Inderbitzin Giving Up Something Good for Something Better,2009,24,6,691-725,Dollahite From "Rebel" to "Returnee",2009,24,6,639-667,Annan Adolescent Hopefulness in Tanzania,2009,24,6,668-690,Nalkur Nature and Nurture by Definition Means Both: A Response to Males,2010,25,1,24-30,Beaver The Gift and the Trap: Working the "Teen Brain" Into Our Concept of Youth,2010,25,1,31-47,Sercombe Neuromaturation and Adolescent Risk Taking: Why Development Is Not Determinism,2010,25,1,4-23,Sudhinaraset Is Jumping off the Roof Always a Bad Idea? A Rejoinder on Risk Taking and the Adolescent Brain,2010,25,1,48-63,Males Parenting and Adult Criminality: An Examination of Direct and Indirect Effects by Race,2010,25,1,64-98,Schroeder It’s "Mean" But What Does It Mean to Adolescents? Relational Aggression Described by Victims Aggressors and Their Peers,2010,25,2,175-204,Zimmer-Gembeck Skate Parks as a Context for Adolescent Development,2010,25,2,288-323,Bradley Living With the Sins of Their Fathers: An Analysis of Self-Representation of Adolescents Born of War Rape,2010,25,3,359-386,Erjavec "We Were Best Friends But . . . ": Two Studies of Antipathetic Relationships Emerging From Broken Friendships,2010,25,4,499-526,Card Adolescent Mothers in a Transitional Living Facility,2004,19,1,85-112,Downs Adolescent Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization,2002,17,6,586-603,Zweig "The Only 13-Year-Old on Planet Earth Without a Cell Phone": Meanings of Cell Phones in Early Adolescents’ Everyday Lives,2011,26,2,155-177,Fletcher "Guys She’s Humongous!": Gender and Weight-Based Teasing in Adolescence,2011,26,2,178-199,Taylor The Role of Romantic Partners Family and Peer Networks in Dating Couples’ Views About Cohabitation,2011,26,1,115-149,Manning Environmental Moderators of Genetic Influences on Adolescent Delinquent Involvement and Victimization,2011,26,1,84-114,Beaver An Examination of Emerging Adulthood in College Students and Nonstudents in India,2011,26,4,506-536,Nelson Adolescent school experiences and dropout adolescent pregnancy and young adult deviant behavior,1998,13,1,49-72,Brook God Forbids or Mom Disapproves? Religious Beliefs That Prevent Drug Use Among Youth,2011,26,5,591-616,Sanchez Diverse Patterns in the Development of Depressive Symptoms Among Emerging Adults,2011,26,5,570-590,Frye 'We Are Not Sad At All': Adolescents Talk About Their 'City of Sadness' Through Photovoice,2011,26,6,727-765,Ho "Then It Will Be Good": Negative Life Events and Resilience in Ugandan Youth,2011,26,6,766-796,Eisenberg Motivations for Gang Membership in Lagos Nigeria: Challenge and Resilience,2011,26,6,701-726,Salaam State Patty's Day: College Student Drinking and Local Crime Increased on a Student-constructed Holiday,2012,27,3,323-350,Patrick Defining adult experiences: perspectives of a diverse sample of young adults,2013,28,1,31-68,Rhodes "My son is reliable" young drivers' parents' optimism and views on the norms of parental involvement in youth driving,2013,28,2,241-268,Guttman Latino parent and adolescent perceptions of hoped-for and feared possible selves for adolescents,2013,28,2,209-240,Corona Merging basic with practical research to enhance the adolescent experience,1990,5,2,254-262,Jones Prevention Effects of the Child Development Project: Early Findings from an Ongoing Multisite Demonstration Trial,1996,11,1,12-35,Battistich Effects of Crime and Violence in Neighborhoods and Schools on the School Behavior and Performance of Adolescents,1999,14,3,319-342,Bowen The (Un)Acceptability of Violence Against Peers and Dates,2000,15,6,652-673,Cauffman Student Perceptions of School Violence: Could it Happen Here?,2004,19,3,360-376,Chapin The Impact of Not on Tobacco on Teen Smoking Cessation: End-of-Program Evaluation Results 1998 to 2003,2005,20,6,640-661,Horn Internal and External Developmental Assets Among African American Male Gang Members,2004,19,3,303-322,von Eye Adolescent alcohol abuse: subgroup differences and relationships to other problem behaviors,1986,1,1,79-94,Welte Egocentrism and depressive symptomatology in adolescents,1986,1,4,431-437,Baron A revision of the extended version of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status: an identity instrument for use with late adolescents,1986,1,2,183-197,Adams Means-ends thinking in public school maladjusted adolescents,1987,2,1,75-84,Beveridge Rites of passage at adolescence: a ritual process paradigm,1986,1,2,139-153,Dunham The relationship between identity development and self-esteem during the late adolescent years: sex differences,1986,1,3,251-265,Dusek Social networks in male and female adolescents,1986,1,1,1-14,Fischer Divorce/divorce potential and interparental conflict: the relationship to early adolescent social and cognitive functioning,1986,1,4,389-397,Forehand Our youth-our secondary schools,1986,1,2,155-162,Georgiades Concepts of sexual behaviour: construction and validation of a developmental model,1986,1,3,327-347,Gfellner Changing psychopathology in female adolescent inpatients: 1973 versus 1983,1986,1,4,439-448,Grob Assessment of identity development: current issues and future directions,1986,1,2,175-181,Grotevant Sex-role attitudes of senior high school 4-H members regarding careers and employment,1986,1,3,267-276,Burts Young adolescents' human figure drawings as indicators of psychopathology,1987,2,1,69-74,Kurdek Adolescents' views on issues related to divorce,1986,1,4,373-387,Kurdek Sex differences in the relationship of young adolescents' social inferencing and characteristic social conduct,1986,1,3,303-314,Mergendoller Dating age and stage as correlates of adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior,1986,1,3,361-371,McCoy Family variation in parent-adolescent storm and stress,1986,1,1,15-31,Montemayor Parent-youth power dimensions and the behavioral autonomy of adolescents,1986,1,2,231-249,Peterson Reassessing the dimensions of temperamental individuality across the life span: the Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS-R),1986,1,2,213-229,Windle Stressful life events general mental health and temperament among late adolescent females,1987,2,1,13-31,Windle Toward an understanding of suicide risks in young Hispanic females,1987,2,1,1-11,Zayas Interpersonal problem solving and its relation to adolescent mothering behaviors,1989,4,1,63-74,Panzarine Self-evaluation questionnaire of social skills for adolescents in high school,1989,4,1,75-91,Loranger Parental power bases and processes as predictors of adolescent conformity,1989,4,1,15-32,Henry Self-esteem and appraisals of parental behavior,1989,4,1,33-49,Buri Depressive symptoms in adolescents as a function of perceived parental behavior,1989,4,1,50-62,Baron Employment of adolescents while in high school: employment intensity interference with schoolwork and normative approval,1988,3,1,97-105,Wirtz Vlidity and utility of wais-r and wisc-r short forms with adolescents recovering from closed head injury,1988,3,2,217-225,Slater Adolescents' honesty in a survey of sexual behavior,1988,3,3-4,419-423,Newcomer Adolescent male sexuality and heterosexual masculinity: a conceptual model and review,1988,3,3-4,285-303,Marsiglio Analysis of the timing of transition to sexual intercourse for black adolescent females,1988,3,3-4,333-344,Leigh Conceptual changes during adolescence and effects upon parent-child relationships,1988,3,2,119-139,Collins Relations between sexual attitudes gender and sexual behaviour concepts of older adolescents,1988,3,3-4,305-316,Gfellner Explanations of sexual assault among violent delinquents,1988,3,3-4,363-385,Fagan A pattern analysis of adolescent abusive behavior toward parents,1988,3,2,201-216,Evans Diversity in reported motivations for substance use as a function of ego-identity development,1988,3,2,141-152,Jones Adolescent male sexuality: a developmental perspective,1988,3,3-4,259-273,Bolton Differentiation and individuation as mediators of identity and intimacy in adolescence,1988,3,1,1-16,Sabatelli Loneliness in late adolescence: a social skills training study,1988,3,1,81-96,Adams A conceptualization of transition to nonvirginity in adolescent females,1987,2,4,331-348,Fabes Familial factors in delinquency: a developmental perspective,1987,2,3,255-268,Steinberg Adolescent coping style as a function of perceived family climate,1987,2,4,367-381,Seiffge-Krenke An ethological perspective on homosexuality during adolescence,1987,2,3,283-302,Savin-Williams Role transitions and role identities during adolescence: a symbolic interactionist view,1987,2,3,237-254,Peterson Theories of adolescent heterosexual behavior,1987,2,3,269-282,Fox The importance of school in the life course: results from the bielefeld study on school-related problems in adolescence,1987,2,2,111-126,Hurrelmann Substance use in West German youth: a longitudinal study of adolescents' use of alcohol and tobacco,1987,2,2,161-174,Galambos The association between identity development and intimacy during adolescence: a theoretical treatise,1987,2,3,223-235,Adams Congruence between objective and self-report data in a sample of young adolescents,1987,2,4,383-392,Schulenberg Sociometric status among emotionally disturbed adolescents in a residential treatment program,1987,2,4,411-421,Connolly The role of violent video game content in adolescent development: boys' perspectives,2008,23,1,55-75,Olson Predictors of Transience among Homeless Emerging Adults,2014,29,2,213-240,Ferguson Teenagers' high arrest rates: features of young age or youth poverty?,2014,29,1,3-24,Males The meaning of respect in romantic relationships among low-income African American adolescents,2014,29,5,639-662,Catania Do video games promote positive youth development?,2013,28,2,155-165,Willoughby A mistaken account of the age-crime curve: response to Males and Brown (2013),2014,29,1,25-34,Steinberg Coping with sexual stigma: emerging adults with lesbian parents reflect on the impact of heterosexism and homophobia during their adolescence,2014,29,2,241-270,Kuvalanka Authors' rejoinder to respondents (Shulman Steinberg & Piquero 2013),2014,29,1,35-44,Males 5-HTTLPR suicidal behavior by others depression and criminal behavior during adolescence,2015,30,6,800-820,Watts "Cause that's the only skills in school you need" a qualitative analysis of revenge goals in poor urban youth,2016,31,1,32-58,Kliewer "That's just how it is": a gendered analysis of masculinity and femininity ideologies in adolescent girls' and boys' heterosexual relationships,2016,31,1,3-31,Tolman Factors associated with truancy: emerging adults' recollections of skipping school,2016,31,1,119-138,Dahl Gender differences in desistance from crime: how do social bonds operate among formerly incarcerated emerging adults?,2018,33,1,34-57,Abrams Feeling safe in a dangerous place: exploring the neighborhood safety perceptions of low-income African American youth,2018,33,1,90-116,Zuberi First semester college students' definitions of and expectations for engaging in hookups,2018,33,3,275-305,Olmstead Moral identity among low-socioeconomic status adolescents: stressful events and family relationships considered,2018,33,4,395-415,Streit "I do want to stop at least I think I do": an international comparison of recovery from nonsuicidal self-injury among young people,2018,33,4,416-441,Hasking "I learned who I am": young people born from genocide rape in Rwanda and their experiences of disclosure,2018,33,5,549-570,Hogwood Promoting positive youth development through teenagers-as-teachers programs,2019,34,1,30-54,Worker "I didn't come to school for this": a qualitative examination of experiences with race-related stressors and coping responses among Black students attending a predominantly White institution,2019,34,2,115-139,Hurd The characteristics of Chinese adolescents with suicidal ideation: a mixed-methods approach,2019,34,2,201-230,Li Self-compassion from the adolescent perspective: a qualitative study,2019,34,3,323-346,Klingle Assessing assets among street-connected youth: new angles with participatory methods in Tanzania,2019,34,5,619-651,Drescher "The power of me": the role of agency in the resilience processes of adolescent African girls who have been sexually abused,2019,34,6,683-712,Theron Beyond parental control: designing adolescent online safety apps using value sensitive design,2020,35,1,147-175,Badillo-Urquiola Dimensions of adolescent civic reasoning: an examination of individual differences,2020,35,3,309-340,Metzger Ethnically diverse adolescents recount third-party actions that amplify their anger and calm their emotions after perceived victimization,2020,35,4,461-488,Frey Discovering one's own way: adolescent girls' different pathways into and out of self-harm,2020,35,5,605-634,Haavind "Anger detracts from beauty": gender differences in adolescents' narratives about anger,2020,35,5,635-664,Hansen Adult reflection on engaging youth of color in research and action: a case study from five U.S. cities,2020,35,6,699-727,Zaff "They try and break us but they can't": the cultural ethos youth of color engage and rely on to persevere and navigate racial stressors in the U.S. public education system,2021,36,1,68-97,Henderson Engage ignore stand up: exploring how (and why) early adolescents respond to sexual harassment,2021,36,3,219-246,Brown "I've seen my friend get chopped": the influence of peer networks on exposure to violence among homeless young adults,2021,36,3,247-273,Heerde Youth drug use in Barbados and England: correlates with online peer influences,2021,36,3,274-310,Maynard Doing anti-racist scholarship with adolescents: empirical examples and lessons learned,2021,36,5,427-436,Rogers Gender and sexual identity in adolescence: a mixed-methods study of labeling in diverse community settings,2022,37,2,167-220,Hammack What do peers think about sexting? Adolescents' views of the norms guiding sexting behavior,2022,37,2,221-249,Lunde "That's just a part of growing up": a study of non-formal educators' lay theories of adolescence,2022,37,5,714-742,Davis Colombian adolescents' perceptions of violence and opportunities for safe spaces across community settings,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frazier But he loves me: teens' comments about healthy and unhealthy romantic relationships,2023,38,4,632-665,Brady Predictors of suicide attempts among gay lesbian and bisexual youth,1997,12,4,477-497,Hershberger An ecological risk-factor examination of suicide ideation and behavior of adolescents,2002,17,1,3-26,Perkins Being in the safety zone: Emotional experiences of suicidal adolescents and emerging adults,2006,21,4,370-392,Paulson "They might think I was crazy": Young American Indians' reasons for not seeking help when suicidal,2007,22,1,58-77,Stiffman Adolescent Reasoning about Drug Use,1991,6,3,336-356,Killen Peer Survivors of Adolescent Suicide: Perspectives on Grieving and Postvention,1991,6,1,113-131,Weber