Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Testing for the Effects of Concealed Weapons Laws: Specification Errors and Robustness,2001,44,2,799-813,Moody Does religion really reduce crime?,2006,49,1,147-172,Heaton Guns crime and safety: Introduction,2001,44,2,605-614,Lott Safe-storage gun laws: accidental deaths suicides and crime,2001,44,2,659-689,Lott Drinking Driving and Deterrence - the Effectiveness and Social Costs of Alternative Policies,1993,36,2,877-913,Kenkel Effects of Tort-Liability and Insurance on Heavy Drinking and Drinking and Driving,1995,38,1,49-77,Sloan The response of criminals and noncriminals to fines,2004,47,1,1-17,Bar-Ilan The Economic Epidemiology of Crime,1996,39,2,405-433,Philipson Using Sentence Enhancements to Distinguish Between Deterrence and Incapacitation,1999,42,1,343-363,Kessler The Impact of Banning Juvenile Gun Possession,2001,44,2,691-713,Marvell Right-to-carry concealed weapon laws and homicide in large U.S. counties: the effect on weapon types victim characteristics and victim-offender relationships,2001,44,2,747-770,Olson Violence Guns and Drugs: A Cross-Country Analysis,2001,44,2,615-633,Miron The Impact of Gun Laws on Police Deaths,2001,44,2,635-657,Mustard Trading with bandits,2007,50,2,303-321,Leeson Tort reform and accidental deaths,2007,50,2,221-238,Shepherd The Impact of Post‐9/11 Airport Security Measures on the Demand for Air Travel,2007,50,4,731-755,Simon Red ink in the rearview mirror: local fiscal conditions and the issuance of traffic tickets,2009,52,1,71-90,Wagner Quality and the commons: the surf gangs of California,2009,52,4,727-743,Kaffine More time less crime? Estimating the incapacitative effect of sentence enhancements,2009,52,3,551-579,Owens Liability regulation and endogenous risk: the incidence and severity of escaped prescribed fires in the United States,2008,51,2,297-325,Yoder Juvenile jails: a path to the straight and narrow or to hardened criminality?,2009,52,4,779-809,Hjalmarsson Is crime contagious?,2007,50,3,491-518,Ludwig Heavy alcohol use and crime: evidence from underage drunk-driving laws,2007,50,3,539-557,Carpenter Guns and Juvenile Crime,2006,49,2,507-531,Mocan Does social capital reduce crime?,2009,52,1,145-170,Buonanno Do teen births keep american crime high?,2006,49,2,533-566,Hunt Arrest avoidance: law enforcement and the price of cocaine,2009,52,1,19-40,Freeborn Abortion legalization and adolescent substance use,2006,49,2,481-505,Charles The Economics of the Marriage Contract: Theories and Evidence,2008,51,1,59-110,Matouschek Does Terrorism Threaten Human Rights? Evidence from Panel Data,2010,53,1,65-93,Dreher The market for new handguns: an empirical investigation,2002,45,1,251-265,Bice Right‐to‐Carry Concealed Weapon Laws and Homicide in Large U.S. Counties: The Effect on Weapon Types Victim Characteristics and Victim‐Offender Relationships,2001,44,S2,747-770,Olson Guns Crime and Academics: Some Reflections on the Gun Control Debate,2001,44,S2,715-723,Parker Sex under the influence: the effect of alcohol policy on sexually transmitted disease rates in the United States,2000,43,1,215-238,Harrison Effects of Tort Liability and Insurance on Heavy Drinking and Drinking and Driving,1995,38,1,49-77,Sloan Externalities in Automobile Insurance and the Underinsured Driver Problem,1984,27,1,149-179,Keeton Killing or Wounding to Protect a Property Interest,1971,14,1,201-232,Posner The Aggregate Burden of Crime,1999,42,2,611-642,Anderson The Effect of Automobile Insurance and Accident Liability Laws on Traffic Fatalities,2004,47,2,357-393,Cohen The Effects of Price Regulation in the Automobile Insurance Industry,1979,22,1,55-89,Ippolito The Incentive Effects of No‐Fault Automobile Insurance,2001,44,2,427-464,Cummins Effects of alcoholic beverage prices and legal drinking ages on youth alcohol use,1988,31,1,145-171,Grossman Rates of Time Preference and Consumer Valuations of Automobile Safety and Fuel Efficiency,1995,38,1,79-105,Viscusi The "arms race" on american roads: the effect of sport utility vehicles and pickup trucks on traffic safety,2004,47,2,333-355,White Using terror alert levels to estimate the effect of police on crime,2005,48,1,267-279,Klick Racial ethnic and gender disparities in sentencing: evidence from the U.S. Federal Courts,2001,44,1,285-314,Mustard An empirical test of the offset hypothesis,2001,44,2,481-510,Sen The effects of fuel economy standards on automobile safety,1989,32,1,97-118,Graham Video games and adolescent fighting,2010,53,3,611-628,Ward Transnational trafficking law enforcement and victim protection: a middleman trafficker's perspective,2014,57,2,349-386,Akee Medical marijuana laws traffic fatalities and alcohol consumption,2013,56,2,333-369,Hansen Intended and unintended consequences of youth bicycle helmet laws,2011,54,2,305-324,Carpenter The effects of naloxone access laws on opioid abuse mortality and crime,2022,65,2,211-238,Doleac Pounds that save: the role of preferences for safety in demand for large vehicles,2022,65,3,555-579,Scott Safe-storage gun laws: Accidental deaths suicides and crime,2001,44,3,659-689,Lott Jr. The impact of banning juvenile gun possession,2001,44,3,691-713,Marvell Firearms and Lynching,2023,66,2,259-278,Makowsky