Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mortality risk in a birth cohort of commuter air carrier and air taxi pilots,2003,45,12,1297-1302,Qiang An estimate of the U.S. government's undercount of nonfatal occupational injuries,2004,46,1,10-18,Marcin Ranking occupations based upon the costs of job-related injuries and diseases,1997,39,12,1170-1182,Miller An epidemiological study of roadway fatalities related to farm vehicles: United States 1988 to 1993,1996,38,11,1135-1140,Robertson Workplace accommodations for people with disabilities: National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement 1994-1995,2003,45,5,517-525,Wallace Workforce participation by persons with disabilities: the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement 1994 to 1995,2002,44,4,358-364,Wallace Risk factors for work-related injury among male farmers in Iowa: a prospective cohort study,2001,43,6,542-547,Burmeister Farm-related dermatoses in Iowa male farmers and wives of farmers: a cross-sectional analysis of the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Project,2001,43,4,364-369,Burmeister Occupational injuries among older workers with visual auditory and other impairments. a validation study,1998,40,8,720-723,Whitten Injuries among construction workers in rural Iowa: emergency department surveillance,1996,38,7,698-704,Lynch Work-related deaths in West Virginia from July 1996 through June 1999: surveillance investigation and prevention,2000,42,2,156-162,Helmkamp Nonfatal logging-related injuries in West Virginia,1999,41,11,967-972,Helmkamp Machinery-related occupational fatalities in the United States 1980 to 1989,1996,38,1,70-76,Helmkamp Safety practices neurological symptoms and pesticide poisoning,2003,45,10,1079-1086,Stallones Workplace-violence investigations by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health 1993-1996,1999,41,8,647-653,Howard Surveillance of non-fatal workplace assault injuries using police and employers' reports,1998,40,8,707-713,Kraus Incidence of non-fatal workplace assault injuries determined from employer's reports in California,1997,39,1,44-50,Kraus A case-site/control-site study of workplace violent injury,2002,44,11,1018-1026,Kraus Convenience store robberies in selected metropolitan areas. risk factors for employee injury,1997,39,5,442-447,Weiss Analysis of text from injury reports improves understanding of construction falls,2004,46,11,1166-1173,Glazner Violence in healthcare facilities: lessons from the Veterans Health Administration (USA),2004,46,11,1158-1165,Hodgson Preventing disability from occupational musculoskeletal injuries in an urban acute and tertiary care hospital: results from a prevention and early active return-to-work safely program,2004,46,12,1253-1262,Davis Effects of Safety and Health Training on Work-Related Injury Among Construction Laborers,2004,46,12,1222-1228,Dong Costs of occupational injury and illness across states,2004,46,10,1084-1095,Waehrer Occupational medicine practice in the United States since the industrial revolution,2005,47,2,115-131,Gochfeld Occupational injuries among urban recyclers,1997,39,7,672-675,Rendleman Source routes and frequency of pesticide exposure among farmers,1998,40,8,697-701,Layde Impact of a modern firefighting protective uniform on the incidence and severity of burn injuries in New York City firefighters,1999,41,6,469-479,Prezant A thermal physiological comparison of two HAZMAT protective ensembles with and without active convective cooling,1999,41,6,453-463,Williamson Impact of a design modification in modern firefighting uniforms on burn prevention outcomes in New York City firefighters,2000,42,8,827-834,Prezant Effect of firefighter masks on monocular and binocular peripheral vision,2003,45,4,428-432,Samo Fire- and flame-related occupational fatalities in the United States 1980-1994,2000,42,4,430-437,Biddle Depression and Occupational Injury: Results of a Pilot Investigation,2005,47,4,424-427,Peele Occupational injury among Rhode Island adolescents: an analysis of workers' compensation claims 1998 to 2002,2005,47,5,473-481,Horwitz Adequacy of health and safety training among young Latino construction workers,2005,47,3,272-277,Schulman Characterizing the burden of occupational injury and disease,2005,47,6,607-622,Schulte Incident-level risk factors for firefighter injuries at structural fires,2002,44,11,1059-1063,Strotmeyer Postural Balance Changes in On-Duty Firefighters: Effect of Gear and Long Work Shifts,2006,48,1,68-75,Sobeih Characterizing the burden of occupational injury and disease,2006,48,3,233,Charles Reply: characterizing the burden of occupational injury and disease,2006,48,3,233-234,Schulte How Much Work-Related Injury and Illness is Missed By the Current National Surveillance System?,2006,48,4,357-365,Reilly Fatal farm injuries: A five-year study utilizing a unique surveillance approach to investigate the concordance of reporting between two data sources,1995,37,5,571-577,Maldonado Indoor use of concrete saws and other gas-powered equipment. Analysis of reported carbon monoxide poisoning cases in Colorado,1998,40,1,49-54,Hoffman Occupational carbon monoxide poisoning among West Virginia workers' compensation claims: diagnosis treatment duration and utilization,2004,46,6,577-583,Islam Fall-Related Injuries Among Agricultural Household Members: Regional Rural Injury Study II (RRIS-II),2006,48,9,959-968,French Underreporting of work-related injury or illness to workers' compensation: individual and industry factors,2006,48,9,914-922,Silverstein An Investigation of the Effects of a Healthcare Provider Network on Costs and Lost Time in Workers' Compensation,2006,48,9,873-882,Tao Depression and Pesticide Exposures in Female Spouses of Licensed Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study Cohort,2006,48,10,1005-1013,Alavanja Evaluation of a Comprehensive Integrated Workplace-Based Program to Reduce Occupational Musculoskeletal Injury and Its Associated Morbidity in a Large Hospital,2006,48,11,1159-1165,Badii Occupational burns in Washington State 1989-1993,1998,40,12,1083-1089,Henderson Do Long Workhours Impact Health Safety and Productivity at a Heavy Manufacturer?,2007,49,2,148-171,Allen Associations Between Self-Reported Working Conditions and Registered Health and Safety Results,2007,49,2,139-147,Moen Wage compensation data and the natural history of work injury,2007,49,2,109-110,Oleinick Barriers to at-home-preparedness in public health employees: implications for disaster preparedness training,2007,49,3,318-326,Blessman Pediatric fall injuries in agricultural settings: a new look at a common injury control problem,2007,49,4,461-468,Berg Occupational injury surveillance of traumatic injuries in Illinois using the Illinois Trauma Registry: 1995-2003,2007,49,4,401-410,Forst A 26-year cohort mortality study of French construction workers aged 20 to 64 years,2007,49,5,546-556,Thuret Sleep apnea and commercial motor vehicle operators: statement from the joint Task Force of the American College of Chest Physicians American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the National Sleep Foundation,2006,48,9 Suppl,S4-37,Rosekind Truckers with OSA should they be driving?,2006,48,9,871-872,Phillips What are the current guidelines on the use of implantable defibrillators in transportation safety critical work?,2005,47,7,752-755,Hartenbaum Determinants of Escalating Costs in Low Risk Workers' Compensation Claims,2007,49,7,780-790,Bernacki Impact of an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Curriculum on Lost Workdays,2007,49,7,771-775,Rohrer Question: What criteria are disqualifying for a driver undergoing a Department of Transportation medical evaluation?,2004,46,7,755-756, Public health risks of railroad hazardous substance emergency events,2001,43,9,738-740,Fronczak Screening for color vision testing should be black or white but screening should not constitute the final answer,2001,43,3,197-198,Hartenbaum Public health risks of railroad hazardous substance emergency events,2001,43,2,94-100,Kaye Daytime changes in postural stability and repeatability of posturographic measurements,2007,49,6,591-596,Toppila Mapping safety interventions in metalworking shops,2007,49,3,338-345,Brosseau An interfaith workers' center approach to workplace rights: implications for workplace safety and health,2007,49,3,275-281,Zanoni Severe Illness in Furniture Makers Using a New Glue: 1-Bromopropane Toxicity Confounded by Arsenic,2007,49,9,1009-1019,Raymond A group method for medical evaluation of commercial drivers,2003,45,9,911-912,Harrison Health effects in New York State personnel who responded to the World Trade Center disaster,2007,49,11,1197-1205,Carlson Occupational Injury Costs and Alternative Employment in Construction Trades,2007,49,11,1218-1227,Waehrer Satisfaction With Care and Perceptions of Quality Among Injured Workers in California's Workers' Compensation System,2007,49,11,1249-1256,Cameron Medical costs and sources of payment for work-related injuries among Hispanic construction workers,2007,49,12,1367-1375,Dong An epidemiological and risk analysis of Virginia workers' compensation burn claims 1999 to 2002: identifying and prioritizing preventive workplace interventions,2007,49,12,1376-1385,Horwitz Criminal prosecution of a driver with sleep apnea,2008,50,1,1,Parmet Ethnic disparities in traumatic occupational injury,2008,50,3,350-358,Forst Return to Work and Degree of Recovery Among Injured Workers in California's Workers' Compensation System,2008,50,3,296-305,Kominski A De-Gloving Injury in a Hispanic Pressman,2008,50,3,247-248,Forst Mental Health Outcomes in Police Personnel After Hurricane Katrina,2008,50,6,689-695,Mueller Occupational injuries among workers with diabetes: the National Health Interview Survey 1997-2005,2008,50,7,804-808,Whitten The effect of occupation and industry on the injury risks from demanding work schedules,2008,50,10,1185-1194,Dembe The prognosis of burnout and prolonged fatigue in the working population: a comparison,2008,50,10,1195-1202,Knottnerus Safety Factors Predictive of Job Satisfaction and Job Retention Among Home Healthcare Aides,2008,50,12,1430-1441,Gershon A Study of the Effectiveness of a Workplace Violence Intervention for Small Retail and Service Establishments,2008,50,12,1365-1370,Kraus Temperature extremes and health: Impacts of climate variability and change in the United States,2009,51,1,13-25,Ebi Climate Change Extreme Weather Events and US Health Impacts: What Can We Say?,2009,51,1,26-32,Mills Urban-Rural Differences in Work Disability Following Occupational Injury: Are They Related to Differences in Healthcare Utilization?,2009,51,2,204-212,Young Health and Safety Protection for Chemical Industry Employees in a Rotating Shift System: Program Design and Acute Injury and Illness Experience at Work,2009,51,2,221-231,Lang Race Racial Discrimination and the Risk of Work-Related Illness Injury or Assault: Findings From a National Study,2009,51,4,441-448,Rospenda Alleged daytime somnolence in a professional driver: approaching the fitness for duty determination,2008,50,9,1086-1088, Impact of a hypertension management/health promotion program on commercial driver's license employees of a self-insured utility company,2008,50,3,359-365,Brown Consensus criteria for screening commercial drivers for obstructive sleep apnea: evidence of efficacy,2008,50,3,324-329,Talmage How a health and safety management training program may improve the working environment in small- and medium-sized companies,2008,50,3,263-271,Torp Workplace violence prevention programs in hospital emergency departments,2007,49,7,756-763,Gillen Occupational Injuries Among Emergency Medical Service Providers in the United States,2009,51,8,963-968,Peek-Asa Identification and Measurement of Work-Related Psychological Injury: Piloting the Psychological Injury Risk Indicator Among Frontline Police,2009,51,9,1057-1065,Peters A Systematic Review of Occupational Health and Safety Interventions With Economic Analyses,2009,51,9,1004-1023,Tompa Workers' Compensation Costs Among Construction Workers: A Robust Regression Analysis,2009,51,11,1306-1313,Friedman Classifying deaths as on the job,1995,37,2,124-125,Harshbarger Mortality Patterns and Trends Among 127266 U.S.-Based Men in a Petroleum Company: Update 1979-2000,2009,51,11,1333-1348,Huebner The Association Between Beliefs About Low Back Pain and Work Presenteeism,2009,51,11,1256-1266,Horisberger The Effect of Individual Job Coaching and Use of Health Threat in a Job-Specific Occupational Health Education Program on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Back Injury,2009,51,12,1413-1421,Cheng The Impact of Self-Insuring for Workers' Compensation on the Incidence Rates of Worker Injury and Illness,2009,51,12,1466-1473,Pana-Cryan A safe route to work? Accident experience of world bank group bike commuters,2009,51,12,1358-1361,Ye A Health Hazard Evaluation of Antimony Exposure in Fire Fighters,2010,52,1,81-84,de Perio How clean is "clean"? Regulations and standards for workplace clothing and personal protective equipment,2010,52,2,190-196,Borak Implementation of a Physician-Organized Wellness Regime (POWR) Enforcing the 2007 NFPA Standard 1582: Injury Rate Reduction and Associated Cost Savings,2010,52,3,336-339,Leffer Acute Changes in Heart Rate Variability in Subjects With Diabetes Following a Highway Traffic Exposure,2010,52,3,324-331,Schneider Washington State's late night retail worker crime protection regulation. Relationships with employer practices,1997,39,12,1233-1239,Mendoza Whiplash Injury is More Than Neck Pain: A Population-Based Study of Pain Localization After Traffic Injury,2010,52,4,434-440,Cote Epidemiology in the Courtroom: An Evidence-Based Paradigm for the Determination of Causation in Compensation Environments,2010,52,4,456-461,Sinclair Neck Injuries Among Electric Utility Workers 1995-2007,2010,52,4,441-449,Fordyce A Survey of Injury Claims Data After Introduction of Injury Care Protocols in Alberta Canada,2010,52,4,450-455,Sulzenko-Laurie High-pressure injection injury in a furniture repairman--an outwardly minor injury with the potential for a devastating outcome,2009,51,9,1105-1107,Kohli The impact of early workplace-based return-to-work strategies on work absence duration: a 6-month longitudinal study following an occupational musculoskeletal injury,2007,49,9,960-974,Cote A cross-sectional study of risk factors for musculoskeletal symptoms in the workplace using data from the General Social Survey (GSS),2007,49,2,172-184,Waters Prioritizing industries for occupational injury and illness prevention and research Washington State Workers' compensation claims 1999-2003,2006,48,8,840-851,Bonauto Workplace violence in Oregon: an analysis using workers' compensation claims from 1990-1997,2004,46,4,357-366,Horwitz Effects of firm size on risks and reporting of elevation fall injury in construction trades,2003,45,10,1074-1078,Mikkelsen The changing organization of work and the safety and health of working people: a commentary,2003,45,1,61-72,Landsbergis Work-related burns in Washington State 1994 to 1998,2002,44,7,692-699,Silverstein Toxic inhalation fatalities of US construction workers 1990 to 1999,2002,44,7,657-662,Forst Acute traumatic occupational hand injuries: type location and severity,2002,44,4,345-351,Sorock Deep body core temperatures in industrial workers under thermal stress,2002,44,2,125-135,Bates Updated mortality study of workers at a petroleum refinery in Torrance California 1959 to 1997,2001,43,12,1089-1102,Harris The utility of Poison Control Center data for assessing toxic occupational exposures among young workers,2001,43,5,463-466,Bresnitz The military environment: risk factors for women's non-fatal assaults,2001,43,4,325-334,Torner Modified work: prevalence and characteristics in a sample of workers with soft-tissue injuries,2001,43,3,276-284,Smith Risk of injury in African American hospital workers,2000,42,10,1035-1040,Severson Epidemiology of compensable work-related ocular injuries and illnesses: incidence and risk factors,2000,42,6,575-581,Islam Injury and employment patterns among Hispanic construction workers,2000,42,2,176-186,Hunting Adolescent occupational injuries in fast food restaurants: an examination of the problem from a national perspective,1999,41,12,1146-1153,Hendricks An analysis of occupational homicides involving workers 19 years old and younger,1999,41,12,1140-1145,Janicak The organizational context of non-lethal workplace violence: its interpersonal temporal and spatial correlates,1999,41,7,567-581,Brown Impact of traumatic events and organizational response. A study of bank robberies,1999,41,2,73-83,Miller-Burke The impact of occupational medicine specialty practice on the injury rate and lost-time incidence in industry of a community,1999,41,1,1-2,Ramphal Risk differences in fatal occupational injuries among construction laborers in the United States 1980-1992,1997,39,9,832-843,Stout Workplace violence: preventive and interventive strategies,1996,38,10,993-1006,Messite Electrical fatalities among U.S. construction workers,1996,38,6,587-592,Ore Occupational injury and stress,1995,37,10,1199-1203,Johnston Suicide and occupation: a review of the literature,1995,37,4,442-452,Swanson Young Adults Mortality and Employment,2010,52,5,501-504,Goodman The Long-Term Health Plan and Disability Cost Benefit of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment in a Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Population,2010,52,5,473-477,Hoffman Salivary Measures of Stress and Immunity in Police Officers Engaged in Simulated Critical Incident Scenarios,2010,52,6,595-602,Murphy Examining the Comparative Incidence and Costs of Physical and Mental Health-Related Disabilities in an Employed Population,2010,52,7,758-762,Dewa Occupational injuries in a poor inner-city population,1995,37,12,1374-1382,Holmes Occupational mortality among firefighters: assessing the association,1995,37,12,1348-1356,Guidotti Bicycle commute: bike paths unlikely riskier than roadways,2010,52,7,671,Lohiya Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Among Japanese Public Transportation Drivers Engaged in Shiftwork,2010,52,8,813-818,Inoue Employee Assistance Program Services for Intimate Partner Violence and Client Satisfaction With These Services,2010,52,8,819-826,Grisso Balancing cost and precision in exposure assessment studies,1996,38,1,39-45,Shukla Incidence and treatment of heat stroke,1996,38,1,16,Coles Heat-related illnesses: opportunities for prevention,2010,52,8,844-845,Bray Epidemiology of hazardous materials responses by Massachusetts district HAZMAT teams,1996,38,4,394-400,Kales Patterns and risk factors for sprains and strain in Ontario Canada 1990: an analysis of the Workplace Health and Safety Agency data base,1996,38,4,379-389,Choi Personal health-risk predictors of occupational injury among 3415 municipal employees,1996,38,5,515-521,Phillips Evidence for work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a scientific counterargument,1996,38,5,477-484,Silverstein Confined space hazards: combined exposure to styrene fiberglass and silica,1995,37,2,185-188,McCunney Mortality in agricultural workers after compensation claims for respiratory disease pesticide illness and injury,1995,37,2,160-169,Beaumont Establishing guidelines for the identification of occupational injuries: a systematic appraisal,1995,37,2,151-159,Rubens Electrothermal ring burn,1995,37,2,124 126,Kelafant Medical surveillance of HAZMAT response fire fighters,1997,39,12,1135-1136,Tubbs Medical surveillance often precedes suicide among female physicians in Finland. A case-control study,1997,39,11,1115-1117,Lönnqvist Cardiovascular evaluation of electronic control device exposure in law enforcement trainees: a multisite study,2010,52,2,197-201,VanMeenen Back Injury Trajectories in Heavy Industries: Defining Outcomes for Epidemiological Research,2010,52,9,908-912,Koehoorn Accidental hazardous material releases with human impacts in the United States: exploration of geographical distribution and temporal trends,2010,52,9,920-925,Santella Job strain life events and sickness absence: a longitudinal cohort study in a random population sample,2007,49,9,990-996,Helenius Surveillance of workers responding under the National Response Plan,2007,49,8,922-927,Mitchell Truncating the dose range for methacholine challenge tests: three occupational studies,2003,45,8,841-847,Wegman Mortality among hourly motor vehicle manufacturing workers,2003,45,8,813-830,Delzell Mortality in the motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts industry,2003,45,8,789-792,Mirer The impact of social and organizational factors on workers' use of personal protective equipment: a multilevel approach,2005,47,8,829-837,Moen High gasoline prices and mortality from motor vehicle crashes and air pollution,2008,50,3,249-254,Leigh Hypertension and road traffic noise exposure,2007,49,5,484-492,de Kluizenaar Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged type 2 diabetic automobile employees assessed at the workplace--the Praeford study,2007,49,5,481-483,Schneider Correlation between screening for obstructive sleep apnea using a portable device versus polysomnography testing in a commercial driving population,2009,51,10,1145-1150,Talmage Obstructive sleep apnea screening during commercial driver medical examinations: a survey of ACOEM members,2009,51,10,1220-1226,Durand Terrorism preparedness training for occupational health professionals,2004,46,12,1204-1209,Gershon Experience in the medical management of potential laboratory exposures to agents of bioterrorism on the basis of risk assessment at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID),2004,46,8,801-811,Rusnak Management guidelines for laboratory exposures to agents of bioterrorism,2004,46,8,791-800,Rusnak Unexplained symptoms after terrorism and war: an expert consensus statement,2003,45,10,1040-1048,Clauw An evaluation of peer and professional trainers in a union-based occupational health and safety training program,1997,39,7,661-671,Schork A population-based study of tractor-related injuries: Regional Rural Injury Study-I (RRIS-I),1996,38,8,782-793,Lee Workplace Violence: Prevalence and Risk Factors in the Safe at Work Study,2011,53,1,82-89,Campbell Factors Associated With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers,2011,53,2,169-173,Talmage The Genetics of Altitude Tolerance: The Evidence for Inherited Susceptibility to Acute Mountain Sickness,2011,53,2,159-168,Macinnis Fatal harmful substances or environmental exposures in agriculture 1992 to 1996,1999,41,8,699-705,Adekoya A 23-year-old maintenance employee in a fertilizer manufacturing plant was exposed to a high concentration of ammonia vapor after a pipe ruptured,1995,37,10,1187-1188, A comprehensive initiative to manage the incidence and cost of occupational injury and illness. Report of an outcomes analysis,1995,37,11,1263-1268,Tsai Occupational injury record keeping guidelines,1995,37,11,1261,Hall Medical surveillance practices of blue collar and white collar hazardous waste workers,1995,37,5,578-582,Rosen Deaths from acute exposure to trichloroethylene,1995,37,6,749-754,Rhodes A 25-year-old farmer developed disorientation and collapsed after entering a manure pit on his dairy farm. Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful. What are the risks associated with this exposure and how can they be prevented?,1995,37,6,656-660, Mortality of iron foundry workers: IV. Analysis of a subcohort exposed to formaldehyde,1995,37,7,826-837,Andjelkovich Violence Against Educators: A Population-Based Study,2011,53,3,294-302,Ryan Socioeconomic Factors and Suicide: An Analysis of 18 Industrialized Countries for the Years 1983 Through 2007,2011,53,3,313-317,Barth Occupational physicians in Israel: work structure job and personal characteristics and job satisfaction,1997,39,9,874-881,Kushnir A descriptive analysis of nonfatal occupational injuries to older workers using a national probability sample of hospital emergency departments,1997,39,9,855-865,Landen Occupational fatalities among older workers in the United States: 1980-1991,1997,39,8,715-721,Pratt Occupational fatalities caused by contact with overhead power lines in the construction industry,1997,39,4,328-332,Janicak Medical surveillance of hazardous materials response fire fighters: a two-year prospective study,1997,39,3,238-247,Kales Defining total corporate health and safety costs--significance and impact. Review and recommendations,1997,39,3,224-231,Bass Prognostic factors of long-term disability in a workers' compensation system,2007,49,1,31-40,Wickizer The art of perpetuating a public health hazard,2005,47,2,137-144,Greenberg Disease and illness in U.S. mining 1983-2001,2004,46,12,1272-1277,Grayson Evaluation of the North Country on the Job Network: a model of facilitated care for injured workers in rural upstate New York,2002,44,3,246-257,Lipscomb Incidence and risk of work-related fracture injuries: experience of a state-managed workers' compensation system,2001,43,2,140-146,Islam Reported health status among farmers and nonfarmers in nine rural districts,1998,40,10,917-924,Thelin An Item Response Theory Analysis of Safety Knowledge in Colorado Farm Residents,2011,53,4,388-395,Stallones Chronic Diseases and Functional Limitations Among Older Construction Workers in the United States: A 10-Year Follow-up Study,2011,53,4,372-380,Ringen Non-fatal workplace violence workers' compensation claims (1993-1996),1998,40,6,561-567,Webster A preliminary study on delayed vestibulo-cerebellar effects of Tokyo Subway Sarin Poisoning in relation to gender difference: frequency analysis of postural sway,1998,40,1,17-21,Murata Work-related physical assault,1998,40,4,317-324,Gerberich Evolution of lower respiratory symptoms in New York police officers after 9/11: a prospective longitudinal study,2007,49,3,310-317,Buyantseva Organizational factors and office workers' health after the World Trade Center terrorist attacks: long-term physical symptoms psychological distress and work productivity,2008,50,2,112-125,Kipen Reflux symptoms and disorders and pulmonary disease in former World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers and volunteers,2008,50,12,1351-1354,Herbert Health care and social issues of immigrant rescue and recovery workers at the World Trade Center site,2008,50,12,1329-1334,Herbert Shift Work and Sleep: Optimizing Health Safety and Performance,2011,53,5 Suppl,S1-S10, Assault rates and implementation of a workplace violence prevention program in the veterans health care administration,2011,53,5,511-516,Hodgson Employee Well-being and Sick Leave Occupational Accident and Disability Pension: A Cohort Study of Civil Servants,2011,53,6,633-640,Kuoppala Employee injuries and convenience store robberies in selected metropolitan areas,1996,38,7,714-720,Block Risk of heat-related injury to disaster relief workers in a slow-onset flood disaster,1996,38,7,689-692,Kachur The increased incidence on Mondays of work-related sprains and strains,1996,38,7,681-688,Shepherd Employee attitudes toward work-site alcohol testing,1996,38,10,1041-1046,Lee Tool-related injuries among amateur and professional woodworkers,1996,38,10,1032-1035,Becker Effects of a hydrochloric acid spill on neurobehavioral and pulmonary function,1996,38,10,1018-1025,Kilburn Disabling occupational morbidity in the United States. An alternative way of seeing the Bureau of Labor Statistics' data,1999,41,1,60-69,Courtney Injuries and illnesses among hospital workers in Ohio. A study of workers' compensation claims from 1993 to 1996,1999,41,1,53-59,Khuder A national survey of regional poison control centers' management of occupational exposure calls,1999,41,2,93-99,Bresnitz Injuries to volunteer fire fighters in West Virginia,1999,41,2,104-110,Wyant Illness and injury among female employees at the US Department of Energy,1998,40,11,994-998,Richter Fitness for duty evaluations in hazardous materials firefighters,1998,40,10,925-931,Kales A comparison of work-related injury visits and other injury visits to emergency departments in the United States 1995-1996,1998,40,10,870-875,Burt Methyl isocyanate exposure,1998,40,1,11-12,Cullinan Workplace Assault Is Independently Associated With Mortality: A National Trauma Data Bank Analysis,2011,53,8,879-883,Inaba Reducing Lost Workdays After Work-related Injuries: The Utilization of Athletic Trainers in a Health System Transitional Work Program,2011,53,10,1199-1204,Renier An examination of occupational fatalities involving impact-related head injuries in the construction industry,1998,40,4,347-350,Janicak Risk of job-related injury among construction laborers with a diagnosis of substance abuse,1998,40,6,573-577,Franklin Comparison of workers' compensation costs for two cohorts of injured workers before and after the introduction of managed care,1998,40,6,568-572,Green-McKenzie An Assessment of the Occupational Hazards Related to Medical Lasers,2011,53,11,1302-1309,Pierce Occupational Injury Surveillance Using the Washington State Trauma Registry,2011,53,11,1243-1250,Bowman Are Occupational Factors and Mental Difficulty Associated With Occupational Injury?,2011,53,12,1452-1459,Legleye Hazardous materials events: an industrial comparison,2000,42,5,546-553,Thompson Mercury toxicity due to use of a cosmetic cream,2000,42,1,4-7,Boyer Dangerous Dining: Health and Safety in the New York City Restaurant Industry,2011,53,12,1418-1424,Markowitz Health safety and productivity in a manufacturing environment,2001,43,1,47-55,Bunn The impact of psychosocial work factors on musculoskeletal pain: a prospective study,2001,43,2,120-126,Riise Phosgene exposure: mechanisms of injury and treatment strategies,2001,43,2,110-119,Diller Work stress in aging police officers,2002,44,2,160-167,Gershon Hazardous ammonia releases: public health consequences and risk factors for evacuation and injury United States 1993-1998,2003,45,2,197-204,Weisskopf A petroleum company's experience in implementing a comprehensive medical fitness for duty program for professional truck drivers,2003,45,2,185-196,Kashima Burnout and Behavior-Related Health Risk Factors: Results From the Population-Based Finnish Health 2000 Study,2011,54,1,17-22,Lonnqvist Occupational Injuries Illnesses and Fatalities Among Workers in the Services Sector Industries: 2003 to 2007,2011,54,1,31-41,Charles A case-crossover study of risk factors for occupational eye injuries,2012,54,1,42-47,McGwin Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance and Research Using Workers' Compensation Data,2012,54,2,171-176,Amick The impact of aging on work disability and return to work: insights from workers' compensation claim records,2012,54,3,318-327,McClure Identification of Work-Related Injuries in a State Trauma Registry,2012,54,3,356-362,Bowman Fitness for duty evaluations of firefighters,1999,41,4,213-215,Samo A state trauma registry as a tool for occupational injury surveillance,1999,41,6,514-520,Hryhorczuk Correlates of body mass index in hazardous materials firefighters,1999,41,7,589-595,Kales Distinctive emergency department usage for injury for workers' compensation cases in Utah in 1996,1999,41,8,686-692,Reading Occupational injuries reported to insurance companies in Norway from 1991 to 1996,1999,41,9,788-793,Riise A matched case-control study of convenience store robbery risk factors,1999,41,11,995-1004,Landsittel Effects of fire fighting uniform (modern modified modern and traditional) design changes on exercise duration in New York City Firefighters,1999,41,12,1104-1115,Malley Fatal injuries in the United States construction industry involving cranes 1984-1994,1999,41,12,1052-1058,Suruda FMCSA's Medical Review Board: Five Years of Progress in Commercial Driver Medical Examinations,2012,54,4,424-430,Phillips Natural History of Opioid Dosage Escalation Post-Injury: A Cohort Study of Injured Workers in the State of Louisiana,2012,54,4,439-444,Tao An exploratory investigation of suicide and occupational exposure,2003,45,1,96-101,van Wijngaarden Further Validation of the Psychological Injury Risk Indicator Scale,2012,54,4,478-484,Dollard Workers' Compensation Benefits and Shifting Costs for Occupational Injury and Illness,2012,54,4,445-450,Marcin Multisource Surveillance System for Work-Related Burns,2012,54,5,642-647,Kica Risk Communication in Deployment-Related Exposure Concerns,2012,54,6,752-759,dos Santos Body mass index as a predictor of firefighter injury and workers' compensation claims,2012,54,5,579-582,Mackinnon Predictors of the willingness and the ability to continue working until the age of 65 years,2012,54,5,572-578,Koppes Prevalence of Environmental and Other Military Exposure Concerns in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans,2012,54,6,659-664,Engel Analysis of ethnic disparities in workers' compensation claims using data linkage,2012,54,10,1246-1252,Forst The PHLAME (Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: Alternative Models' Effects) firefighter study: outcomes of two models of behavior change,2007,49,2,204-213,Elliot Incidence and cost of depression after occupational injury,2012,54,9,1086-1091,Asfaw Overlooked diagnoses in chronic pain: analysis of survivors of electric shock and lightning strike,2005,47,8,796-805,Hendler Trends in the disproportionate burden of work-related traumatic injuries sustained by Latinos,2012,54,10,1239-1245,Bowman An examination of strategies for preventing workplace homicides committed by perpetrators that have a prior relationship with the workplace or its employees,2012,54,12,1533-1538,Casteel Effectiveness of pesticide safety training and knowledge about pesticide exposure among Hispanic farmworkers,2012,54,12,1550-1556,Arif Characteristics of workplace threats requiring response from a university threat assessment team,2013,55,1,45-51,Peek-Asa Initial evaluation of patients reporting a work-related stress or bullying,2012,54,12,1439-1440,Descatha Psychosocial work factors and sick leave occupational accident and disability pension: a cohort study of civil servants,2013,55,2,191-197,Kuoppala American Medical Association impairment ratings and earnings losses due to disability,2013,55,3,286-291,Seabury Subjective and objective evaluation of sleep and performance in daytime versus nighttime sleep in extended-hours shift-workers at an underground mine,2004,46,3,212-226,Kayumov The Impact of Various Work Schedules on Sleep Complaints and Minor Accidents During Work or Leisure Time: Evidence From a National Survey,2013,55,3,325-330,Chiu Michigan work-related amputations 2008,2013,55,3,280-285,Largo Upper and Lower Airways Obstruction Following an Inhalation Injury,2013,55,5,594-596,Brooks Aging sex and cost of medical treatment,2013,55,5,572-578,Moline Case identification of work-related traumatic brain injury using the occupational injury and illness classification system,2013,55,5,507-513,Bowman The need for industry and occupation standards in hospital discharge data,2013,55,5,495-499,Taylor Work-related injuries involving a hand or fingers among union carpenters in Washington state 1989 to 2008,2013,55,7,832-838,Lipscomb Hearing loss and use of hearing protection among career firefighters in the United States,2013,55,8,960-965,Samo Gender differences in the relationship between shiftwork and work injury: Examining the influence of dependent children,2013,55,8,932-936,Smith Nonwage losses associated with occupational injury among health care workers,2013,55,8,910-916,Koehoorn Construction workers struggle with a high prevalence of mental distress and this is associated with their pain and injuries,2013,55,10,1197-1204,Caban-Martinez Pesticide risk perception and biomarkers of exposure in Florida female farmworkers,2013,55,11,1286-1292,McCauley Factors associated with fatal mining injuries among contractors and operators,2013,55,11,1337-1344,Allison Workplace violence investigations and activation of the threat management teams in a multinational corporation,2013,55,11,1305-1311,Peek-Asa Falls in residential carpentry and drywall installation: findings from active injury surveillance with union carpenters,2003,45,8,881-890,Patterson Direct costs and patterns of injuries among residential carpenters 1995-2000,2003,45,8,875-880,Lipscomb Characterizing the needs of a young working population: Making the case for total worker health in an emerging workforce,2013,55,12 Suppl,S69-72,Rohlman Do zero-cost workers' compensation medical claims really have zero costs? The impact of workplace injury on group health insurance utilization and costs,2013,55,12,1394-1400,Asfaw Outcomes of the introduction of a standardized fitness-for-duty evaluation of commercial truck drivers on the incidence of low back injuries and workers' compensation costs,2014,56,4,431-434,Moffitt Association of sleep habits with accidents and near misses in United States transportation operators,2014,56,5,510-515,Kales Physical Assaults Among Education Workers: Findings From a Statewide Study,2014,56,6,621-627,Tiesman ACOEM practice guidelines: opioids and safety-sensitive work,2014,56,7,e46-53,Branco Safety health and well-being of municipal utility and construction workers,2014,56,7,771-778,Bodner Medical evacuations from oil rigs off the Gulf Coast of the United States from 2008 to 2012: reasons and cost implications,2014,56,7,681-685,Thibodaux Suicide mortality among agricultural workers in a region with intensive tobacco farming and use of pesticides in brazil,2014,56,9,993-1000,Meyer Linkage and concordance of trauma registry and hospital discharge records: lessons for occupational injury surveillance and research,2014,56,8,878-885,Bowman Disaster-related exposures and health effects among US Coast Guard responders to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: a cross-sectional study,2014,56,8,820-833,Rusiecki Impact of organizational policies and practices on workplace injuries in a hospital setting,2014,56,8,802-808,Wagner The joint effect of noise exposure and job complexity on distress and injury risk among men and women: the cardiovascular occupational risk factors determination in Israel study,2004,46,10,1023-1032,Froom Airway symptoms and lung function among male workers in an area polluted from an oil tank explosion,2014,56,9,953-958,Bråtveit Job boredom and its correlates in 87 Finnish organizations,2014,56,9,911-918,Schaufeli Worksite safety climate smoking and the use of protective equipment by blue-collar building workers enrolled in the MassBUILT Smoking Cessation Trial,2014,56,10,1082-1087,Kawachi Occupational injury trends derived from trauma registry and hospital discharge records: lessons for surveillance and research,2014,56,10,1067-1073,Bowman The effects of age and shiftwork on perceived sleep problems: results from the VISAT combined longitudinal and cross-sectional study,2011,53,7,794-798,Folkard The effects of age and shiftwork on perceived sleep problems: results from the VISAT-combined longitudinal and cross-sectional study,2010,52,4,392-398,Folkard Geographic variability of adherence to occupational injury treatment guidelines,2014,56,12,1308-1312,Castillo Exposure to workplace bullying and risk of depression,2014,56,12,1258-1265,Hansen Psychological distress and dyslipidemia in Chinese police officers: a 4-year follow-up study in Tianjin China,2015,57,4,400-405,Yu Teaching quality improvement in occupational medicine: improving the efficiency of medical evaluation for commercial drivers,2015,57,4,453-458,Murad Predicting the impact of chronic health conditions on workplace productivity and accidents: results from two US Department of Energy national laboratories,2015,57,4,436-444,Berglund Does employee resistance during a robbery increase the risk of customer injury?,2015,57,4,417-420,Peek-Asa Employee resistance and injury during commercial robberies,2015,57,5,531-536,Peek-Asa National survey of US long-haul truck driver health and injury: health behaviors,2015,57,2,210-216,Nakata Psychosocial factors at work and occupational injury: results from the French National SUMER Survey,2015,57,3,262-269,Chastang Federal workers' compensation program basics,2015,57,Suppl 3S,S4-S11,Hodgson Investigating the relationship between worker demographics and nature of injury on federal Department of Defense workers' compensation injury rates and costs from 2000 to 2008,2015,57,Suppl 3S,S27-S30,Mallon Analysis of new workers' compensation claims in the Department of Defense civilian workforce 2000-2012,2015,57,Suppl 3S,S20-S26,Mallon Managing federal workers' compensation injuries and costs,2015,57 Suppl 3S,,S12-S19,Grizzell Federal workers' compensation programs: Department of Defense and Veterans Health Administration Experiences,2015,57,Suppl 3S,S1-S3,Hodgson A comparative study of workplace bullying among public and private employees in Europe,2015,57,6,695-700,Ariza-Montes Does occupation explain gender and other differences in work-related eye injury hospitalization rates?,2005,47,6,640-648,Smith Estimating occupational illness injury and mortality in food production in the united states: a farm-to-table analysis,2015,57,7,718-725,Newman How to improve your paper with a cost of illness analysis: providing an example on bullying among social care workers in elder care,2015,57,6,e64,Hansen A retrospective evaluation of injuries to Australian urban firefighters (2003 to 2012): injury types locations and causal mechanisms,2015,57,7,757-764,Taylor The impact of domestic violence in the workplace: results from a Pan-Canadian survey,2015,57,7,e65-e71,Wathen Industry-related injuries in the United States from 1998 to 2011: characteristics trends and associated health care costs,2015,57,7,814-826,Salihu Effects of social determinants on Chinese immigrant food service workers' work performance and injuries: mental health as a mediator,2015,57,7,806-813,Thompson Developing surveillance methodology for agricultural and logging injury in New Hampshire using electronic administrative data sets,2015,57,8,866-872,Sorensen What occupational health needs arise in workplaces following disasters? A joint analysis of eight cases of disaster in Japan,2015,57,8,836-844,Inoue Protecting construction worker health and safety in Ontario Canada: identifying a union safety effect,2015,57,12,1337-1342,Amick Repeated cross-sectional assessment of commercial truck driver health,2015,57,9,1022-1027,Hanowski A study on the comprehensive and integrated workplace safety and health services in Singapore,2015,57,9,958-964,Chia Electrocardiographic responses during fire suppression and recovery among experienced firefighters,2015,57,9,938-942,Rittenberger Do workplace and home protective practices protect farm workers? Findings from the "For Healthy Kids" study,2012,54,9,1163-1169,Coronado Lag times in reporting injuries receiving medical care and missing work: associations with the length of work disability in occupational back injuries,2015,58,1,53-60,Besen Factors associated with truck crashes in a large cross section of commercial motor vehicle drivers,2015,57,10,1098-1106,Hartenbaum Employment standards for Australian urban firefighters: part 4: physical aptitude tests and standards,2015,57,10,1092-1097,Taylor Employment standards for Australian urban firefighters: part 3: the transition from criterion task to test,2015,57,10,1083-1091,Taylor Employment standards for Australian urban firefighters: part 2: the physiological demands and the criterion tasks,2015,57,10,1072-1082,Taylor Employment standards for Australian urban firefighters: part 1: the essential physically demanding tasks,2015,57,10,1063-1071,Taylor Health and occupational outcomes among injured nonstandard shift workers,2015,57,11,1244-1249,Mustard Understanding the probability of a disability resulting from work-related injuries,2015,57,11,1236-1243,Maxwell Impacts of workplace health promotion and wellness programs on health care utilization and costs: results from an academic workplace,2015,57,11,1159-1169,Epling The association of the use of opioid and psychotropic medications with workersʼ compensation claim costs and lost work time,2015,57,2,196-201,Yuspeh Neuropathic symptoms in world trade center disaster survivors and responders,2015,58,1,83-86,Wilkenfeld Injury and illness data for Illinois mining industry employees 1990 to 2012,2015,57,12,1305-1310,Gracia Factors associated with truck crashes in a large cross section of commercial motor vehicle drivers: erratum,2015,57,12,e161, Career-ending among National Football League players who were placed on the injured reserve list,2016,58,1,e15-7,Markowitz Prevalence of physical activity policies and environmental strategies in communities and worksites: the Iowa Community Transformation Grant,2016,58,1,e1-e5,Lillehoj Findings from the National Machine Guarding Program: a small business intervention: lockout/tagout,2016,58,1,61-68,Brosseau Pre-post evaluation of an integrated return to work planning program in workers' compensation assessment clinics,2016,58,2,215-218,Bain Health conditions as mediators of the association between World Trade Center exposure and health-related quality of life in firefighters and EMS workers,2016,58,2,200-206,Prezant Large machinery-related agricultural injuries across a five-state region in the Midwest,2016,58,2,154-161,Ryan Relationship between opioid prescribing patterns and claim duration and cost,2016,58,3,e90-e93,Tao Managing safety and operations: the effect of joint management system practices on safety and operational outcomes,2016,58,3,e80-e89,Amick Negative acts at work as potential bullying behavior and depression: examining the direction of the association in a 2-year follow-up study,2016,58,3,e72-e79,Kaerlev Sleep dietary and exercise behavioral clusters among truck drivers with obesity: implications for interventions,2016,58,3,314-321,Anger Firefighter shift schedules affect sleep quality,2016,58,3,294-298,Billings Exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work and the incidence of occupational injuries: a cohort study in Spain,2016,58,3,282-286,Benavides Cumulative incidence of acute kidney injury in California's agricultural workers,2016,58,4,391-397,Schenker Work-related injuries and health-related quality of life among US workers: a longitudinal study of a population-based sample,2016,58,4,385-390,Bernacki Prevalence of injury in occupation and industry: role of obesity in the National Health Interview Survey 2004 to 2013,2016,58,4,335-343,Charles Does perceived stress mediate the association between workplace bullying and long-term sickness absence?,2016,58,6,e226-30,Kaerlev Cross-sectional study of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Japanese public transportation drivers: its prevalence and association with pathological objective daytime sleepiness,2016,58,5,455-458,Inoue The impact of a rigorous multiple work shift schedule and day versus night shift work on reaction time and balance performance in female nurses: a repeated measures study,2016,58,7,737-743,Stock Psychosocial working conditions and suicide ideation: evidence from a cross-sectional survey of working Australians,2016,58,6,584-587,Milner Workplace bullying among teachers: an analysis from the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model perspective,2016,58,8,818-827,Ariza-Montes Impact of employee assistance services on depression anxiety and risky alcohol use: a quasi-experimental study,2016,58,7,641-650,Richmond The association between cardiovascular disease risk factors and motor vehicle crashes among professional truck drivers,2016,58,8,828-832,Thiese Relationship between changes in workplace bullying status and the reporting of personality characteristics,2016,58,9,902-910,Kaerlev Findings from the National Machine Guarding Program-a small business intervention: machine safety,2016,58,9,885-891,Brosseau No association between unintentional head injuries and early-life exposure to tetrachloroethylene (PCE)-contaminated drinking water,2016,58,10,1040-1045,Winter Causes and consequences of occupational fatigue: meta-analysis and systems model,2016,58,10,961-973,Hallowell Fatigue and sleep among employees with prospective increase in work time control: a 1-year observational study with objective assessment,2016,58,11,1066-1072,Togo A seven-year longitudinal claim analysis to assess the factors contributing to the increased severity of work-related injuries,2016,58,9,e320-e324,Tao The impact of contract operations on safety in underground coal mines,2016,58,9,952-956,Boden Relationship between age tenure and disability duration in persons with compensated work-related conditions,2016,58,2,140-147,Young Response to risk factors for suicide ideation in the workplace,2016,58,11,e367,Lamontagne Risk factors for suicide ideation in the workplace,2016,58,11,e366,Kawada Neurologic evaluations of patients exposed to the World Trade Center disaster,2016,58,11,1150-1154,Marmor Costs and work loss burden of diagnosed opioid abuse among employees on workers compensation or short-term disability,2016,58,11,1087-1097,Mardekian Firefighter exposures to potentially hazardous substances reported to Texas poison centers,2016,58,12,e375,Forrester Influence of chronic heat acclimatization on occupational thermal strain in tropical field conditions,2016,58,12,1250-1256,Brearley Preventing patient-to-worker violence in hospitals: outcome of a randomized controlled intervention,2017,59,1,18-27,Janisse Multiple conditions increase preventable crash risks among truck drivers in a cohort study,2017,59,2,205-211,Hanowski Relating older workers' injuries to the mismatch between physical ability and job demands,2017,59,2,212-221,Ebel Work-related burn injuries hospitalized in US burn centers: 2002 to 2011,2017,59,3,282-288,Friedman It comes with the job: work organizational job design and self-regulatory barriers to improving the health status of train drivers,2017,59,3,264-273,Chapman Recruitment methods and descriptive results of a physiologic assessment of Latino farmworkers: the California Heat Illness Prevention Study,2017,59,7,649-658,Kjellstrom Workplace bullying as a predictor of disability retirement: a prospective registry study of Norwegian employees,2017,59,7,609-614,Nielsen Occupational injury surveillance among law enforcement officers using workers' compensation data Illinois 1980 to 2008:,2016,58,6,594-600,Forst Diagnosed chronic health conditions among injured workers with permanent impairments and the general population,2017,59,5,486-496,Ballantyne Impact of occupational injuries on nonworkers' compensation medical costs of patient-care workers,2017,59,6,e119-e124,Boden Workplace violence and training required by new legislation among NJ nurses,2017,59,4,e35-e40,Hartley Arizona Hospital Discharge and Emergency Department Database: implications for occupational health surveillance,2017,59,4,417-423,Harber Early access to physical therapy and specialty care management for American workers with musculoskeletal injuries,2017,59,4,402-411,Shoemaker Work-related violent deaths in the US taxi and limousine industry 2003 to 2013: disparities within a high-risk working population,2017,59,8,768-774,Chaumont Menéndez Time well spent: patient industry and occupation data collection in emergency departments,2017,59,8,742-745,Taylor Effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction training on health care worker safety: a randomized waitlist controlled trial,2017,59,10,935-941,Stallones Worksite walkthrough intervention: data-driven prevention of workplace violence on hospital units,2017,59,9,875-884,Janisse Use of the psychomotor vigilance test in fitness for work assessments,2017,59,8,716-720,Mollicone Prevalence and perception of risky health behaviors among construction workers,2017,59,7,673-678,Dale The role of psychological stress reactions in the longitudinal relation between workplace bullying and turnover,2017,59,7,665-672,Kaerlev Sleep apnea screening practices during Department of Transportation medical examinations,2017,59,10,966-973,Rosenman On-duty nonfatal injury that lead to work absences among police officers and level of perceived stress,2017,59,11,1084-1088,Bingham Association of poultry processing industry exposures with reports of occupational finger amputations: results of an analysis of OSHA Severe Injury Report (SIR) data,2017,59,10,e159-e163,Nevin Characterizing the interrelationships of prescription opioid and benzodiazepine drugs with worker health and workplace hazards,2017,59,11,1114-1126,Schulte Applying machine learning to workers' compensation data to identify industry-specific ergonomic and safety prevention priorities: Ohio 2001 to 2011,2018,60,1,55-73,Bushnell Are workplace psychosocial factors associated with work-related injury in the US workforce? National Health Interview Survey 2010,2017,59,10,e164-e171,Graber Early-claim modifiable factors associated with return-to-work self-efficacy among workers injured at work: are there differences between psychological and musculoskeletal injuries?,2017,59,12,e257-e262,Smith A quiet firehouse: reducing environmental stimuli among professional on-duty firefighters,2018,60,2,186-190,Carey Ensuring the right to rest: city rest break ordinances and access to rest breaks in the construction industry,2018,60,4,331-336,Scott Does workplace bullying affect long-term sickness absence among co-workers?,2018,60,2,132-137,Kaerlev Patterns of opioid prescribing and predictors of chronic opioid use in an industrial cohort 2003 to 2013,2018,60,5,457-461,Cantley Characteristics of compensation claimants reporting an occupational injury associated with disability benefits in the subsequent year: a follow-up study,2018,60,3,279-285,Rudbeck Psychosocial work hazards self-rated health and burnout: a comparison study of public and private sector employees,2018,60,4,e193-e198,Cheng Sleep quantity and quality of Ontario wildland firefighters across a low-hazard fire season,2017,59,12,1188-1196,Eger Risk management interventions to reduce injuries and maximize economic benefits in U.S. mining,2018,60,3,226-233,Burgess Depressive symptomatology presenteeism productivity and quality of life: a moderated mediation model,2018,60,4,301-308,Sousa Physical Exposures Work Tasks and OSHA-10 Training among Temporary and Payroll Construction Workers,2018,60,4,e159-e165,Caban-Martinez Effects of the New York State Workers Compensation Board Medical Treatment Guidelines on return to work,2018,60,7,617-621,Demian A follow-up study on return to work in the year after reporting an occupational injury stratified by outcome of the workers' compensation system,2018,60,6,542-547,Rudbeck Total Worker Health® intervention for construction workers alters safety health well-being measures,2018,60,8,700-709,Olson Reoccurring injury chronic health conditions and behavioral health: gender differences in the causes of workers' compensation claims,2018,60,8,710-716,Goetzel Mental health expenditures: association with workplace incivility and bullying among hospital patient care workers,2018,60,8,737-742,Boden Response to predictors of disability retirement with special reference to workplace bullying,2018,60,5,e282,Nielsen Predictors of disability retirement with special reference to workplace bullying,2018,60,5,e281,Kawada Organizational determinants of workplace violence against hospital workers,2018,60,8,693-699,Arnetz Opioid and benzodiazepine use before injury among workers in Washington state 2012 - 2015,2018,60,9,820-826,Fulton-Kehoe How does a changing climate impact the health of workers? Part 2: weather and climate disasters worker health and occupational resiliency,2018,60,8,e426-e428, Risk factors for heat-related illness in U.S. workers: an OSHA case series,2018,60,8,e383-e389,Thomas Risk of stroke among survivors of the September 11 2001 World Trade Center Disaster,2018,60,8,e371-e376,Brackbill The associations between falls fall injuries and labor market outcomes among U.S. workers 65 years and older,2018,60,10,943-953,Stallones Workplace bullying and psychological distress: a longitudinal multilevel analysis among Japanese employees,2018,60,12,1067-1072,Kawachi Effects of environmental heat and antioxidant ingestion on blood markers of oxidative stress in professional firefighters performing structural fire exercises,2018,60,11,e595-e601,Bloomer Occupational safety and health of foreign-born Latinx dairy workers in Colorado,2019,61,1,61-68,Stallones The effect of acute glutamine supplementation on markers of inflammation and fatigue during consecutive days of simulated wildland firefighting,2019,61,2,e33-e42,Nava Wildland firefighting: adverse influence on indices of metabolic and cardiovascular health,2019,61,3,e91-e94,Ruby Cardiovascular disease digestive diseases traffic accidents and suicides: leading causes of death responsible for excess mortality in farmers in Spain,2019,61,5,e212-e216,Regidor Characteristics of claimants on long-term disability benefits a year after report of an occupational injury,2019,61,6,511-517,Rudbeck Association between chronic exposure to pesticide and suicide,2019,61,4,314-317,Lee Health risk calculator: an online interactive tool to estimate how health impacts workers' compensation claim incidence and cost,2019,61,7,597-604,Schwatka Occupational violence and PTSD-symptoms. A prospective study on the indirect effects of violence through time pressure and non-traumatic strains in the occupational context,2019,61,7,572-583,Elklit A systems evaluation of occupational injuries and illness in the US army,2019,61,6,491-498,Forst Attending to pesticide exposure & heat illness among farmworkers: results from an attention placebo-controlled evaluation design,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grzywacz Using Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data as an occupational health profile: Washington State janitors 2011 to 2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marcum Significant decreasing trend in back injuries in a multiemployer environment: a follow-up study,2019,61,5,e200-e205,Tao Outcomes of a heat stress awareness program on heat-related illness in municipal outdoor workers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shofer Do work-related lost-time injuries sustained early in employment predict multiple lost-time injuries throughout employment?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tao Poor work-life balance may lead to impaired cognitive function in bus drivers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hong The rise and fall of the Occupational Health & Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH) in British Columbia Canada,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Camus Electrocardiographic responses following live-fire firefighting drills,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Horn A qualitative exploration of return to work in the first 3-years after serious injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collie Addressing police occupational safety during an opioid crisis: the Syringe Threat and Injury Correlates (STIC) Score,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strathdee Perfluoroalkyl substances and metabolic syndrome in firefighters: a pilot study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kannan Can workplace rest breaks prevent work-related injuries related to long working hours?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Firefighter's acute inflammatory response to wildfire suppression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aisbett Diversity and inclusion leaders in U.S. fire departments impact the type and number of diversity and inclusion programs offered,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caban-Martinez Analysis of risk factors in occupational accidents in Brazil: a population-based study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hajat Evaluation of interventions to reduce firefighter exposures,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burgess Public health surveillance for the prevention of pesticide-related illness in Illinois,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Forst Urban-rural differences in the duration of injury-related work disability in six Canadian provinces,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amick Disparities in the deaths of despair by occupation Massachusetts 2000-2015,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kriebel Working conditions and mental health status related with occupational injury of Korean outdoor workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kang Early high-risk opioid prescribing practices and long-term disability among injured workers in Washington state 2002-2013,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wickizer Health risk behavior profile of construction workers 32 states 2013-2016,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boal Medical conditions and crash risk in commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toxopeus Injury correlates among a national sample of women in the US fire service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haddock Response to letter to the editor on sleep obesity and injury among US male career firefighters,2020,62,6,290-291,Haddock Sleep obesity and injury among male firefighters,2020,62,6,e289,Moore Sleep apnea screening for commercial drivers: a retrospective comparison of the 2016 FMCSA MRB Recommendations and the 2006 Joint Task Force Consensus Guidelines,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kales Metabolic syndrome in commercial truck drivers: prevalence associated factors and comparison with the general population,2020,62,7,453-459,Thiese Do injured workers receive opioid prescriptions outside the workers' compensation system? The case of private group health insurances,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asfaw Pre-existing and new-onset depression and anxiety among workers with injury or illness work leaves,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dewa Workplace violence and long-term sickness absence: assessment of the potential buffering effect of social support in two occupational cohort studies,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rod Occupational injuries of Latinx child farmworkers in North Carolina: associations with work safety culture,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quandt Injury illness and mental health risks in United States domestic mariners,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slade The impact of an urban scrapyard fire on respiratory-related pediatric emergency department visits,2020,62,9,764-770,Li Musculoskeletal disorders and prescription opioid use among U.S. construction workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dong Return to work pathways following injury in road traffic crashes: a retrospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collie Effects of a workplace violence intervention on hospital employee perceptions of organizational safety,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnetz Depression as a mediator in the association of work-family conflict with problem drinking among young and middle-aged Korean married workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang What medical conditions limit or medically disqualify truck drivers: a large cross sectional study,2021,63,2,139-146,Hanowski Risk factors for reaching core body temperature thresholds in Florida agricultural workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elon Deaths of despair among healthcare workers Massachusetts 2011-2015,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawkins Are Cal/OSHA Regulations protecting farmworkers in California from heat-related illness?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tancredi Acceptable risk of sudden incapacitation among safety critical transportation workers: a comprehensive synthesis,2021,63,4,329-342,Hegmann Sustained Involvement in Youth Sports Activities Predicts Reduced Chronic Job Strain in Early Midlife,2010,52,12,1154-1159,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Association of parent workplace injury with emotional and behavioral problems in children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asfaw Musculoskeletal injuries in U.S. Air Force Security Forces January 2009 - December 2018,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webber Evaluation of the implementation of a railway critical incident management and support protocol to help train drivers cope with accidents and suicides,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishara Prevention medical management and adjudication of workplace injuries: a thirty-two year follow-up of an integrated workers' compensation program,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tao Work-related behaviour and experience patterns among ambulance service personnel of different organizational structures in urban and rural regions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Böckelmann Improving outcomes for work-related concussions: a mental health screening and brief therapy model,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peters Prevention of occupational heat-related illnesses,2021,63,10,e737-e744,Green-McKenzie Incidence of workers' compensation claims in opioid-using truck drivers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thiese Occupational differences in deaths of despair in the United States using data from the using the National Occupational Mortality Surveillance System,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawkins Prevalence of adverse health behaviors and conditions among maritime workers BRFSS 2014-2018 38 states,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Case Suffering in silence: violence exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder among jail correctional officers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ellison Clinical and psychological factors associated with return to work among United States diplomats who sustained a work-related injury while on assignment in Cuba,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shofer The effect of abuse and mistreatment on healthcare providers (TEAM): a survey assessing the prevalence of aggression from patients and their families and its impact,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bostwick Recordkeeping error or strategic seasonal substitution? The seasonality of occupational injuries in SOII and MarketScan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raymond OSHA workplace violence enforcement,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hodgson Cross-sectional study on ethnic differences in occupational injuries in southern Israel-an eight-year data analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peleg COVID-19-related workplace bullying and customer harassment among healthcare workers over the time of the COVID-19 outbreak: a eight-month panel study of full-time employees in Japan,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kawakami Trends and disparities in the use of telehealth among injured workers during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sears NJ EMS line of duty deaths: a trend analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Houser Barriers and facilitators of implementing injury prevention practices by massage therapists,2022,64,5,443-449,Friedman Incidence of traumatic brain injury by severity among work-related injured workers from 2010-2019: an analysis of workers' compensation insurance data in Korea,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bae Adolescent occupational exposures reported to United States poison centers 2011-2020,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klein-Schwartz Occupational balance and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a four-wave panel study on the role of daily activities in Austria,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crevenna Examination of the contributing factors to fatalities in electrical trades due to contact with electricity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wachter Effects of occupational stress and health behaviors on heart rate variability in live-fire instructors,2022,64,6,e374-e377,Kim Risk factors for developing concurrent posttraumatic stress injury after work-related musculoskeletal injury: a case-control study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gross High temperature and its association with work-related injuries by employment status in South Korea 2017-2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hwang Mental health among firefighters: understanding the mental health risks treatment barriers and coping strategies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Injuries that happen at work lead to more opioid prescriptions and higher opioid costs,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pana-Cryan Attenuated cardiovascular reactivity to acute psychological stress predicts future fatigue symptoms in truck drivers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clemes Sleep quality and fatigue in construction workers: effect of a cognitive behavioral intervention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barrios Araya Fatal injuries in the healthcare and social assistance industry Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries 2011 to 2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawkins Hand function after an electrical accident - 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