Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence perpetrated by women who use methamphetamine,2010,15,5,313-329,Hamilton Young people living with parental alcohol misuse and parental violence: ‘No‐one has ever asked me how I feel in any of this.',2009,14,3-4,139-150,Velleman Alcohol gender aggression and violence: Findings from the Birmingham Untreated Heavy Drinkers Project,2006,11,5,343-358,Orford Domestic violence and alcohol: what is known and what do we need to know to encourage environmental interventions?,2001,6,4,235-247,Leonard Where should research now be focused in domestic violence and alcohol? Leonard's 'Domestic violence and alcohol: what is known and what do we need to know to encourage environmental interventions?',2001,6,4,248-250,Quinlivan Environmental Strategies for Prevention of Drug Use and Risks in Clubs,2009,14,1,19-38,Voas Practitioner-level predictors of alcohol problems detection and management activities,2007,12,3,ePub,Gassman Changes in attitudes towards restrictive alcohol policy measures: the mediating role of changes in beliefs,2014,19,1-2,38-43,Rossow Nightly variation of disorder in a Canadian nightclub,2014,19,1-2,188-193,Felson The potential utility of drinking motive questions to screen at-risk drinking in socially anxious patients,2014,19,3,225-228,Randall Risk of suicide: its occurrence and related variables among bereaved substance users,2016,21,2,191-197,Garre-Olmo Beverage- and brand-specific binge alcohol consumption among underage youth in the United States,2015,20,5,333-339,Naimi Misuse of prescription and over-the-counter medicines in South London nightclubs,2016,21,5,495-500,Wood Misuse of prescription drugs and overdose deaths,2016,21,5,515-520,Skurtveit Association between routes of drug administration and all-cause mortality among drug users,2016,21,6,559-565,Tiihonen First- and second-hand consequences of alcohol in college: differential associations with later alcohol use,2016,21,1,107-111,Mallett Prevalence of prescription and non-prescription drugs-related overdoses at emergency departments in Amman--a cross sectional study,2016,22,1,77-82,Kalbani Distress and alcohol-related harms from intimates friends and strangers,2017,22,4,434-441,Greenfield Drinking context and alcohol's harm from others among men and women in the 2010 US National Alcohol Survey,2017,22,4,412-418,Greenfield History of child sexual abuse among women consuming illicit substances in Mexico City,2018,23,5,520-527,Valdez Transitions to and from at-risk alcohol use in adults in the United States,2019,24,1,41-46,Saitz Drinking context and cause of injury: emergency department studies from 22 countries,2018,23,3,240-246,Borges Conformity motives for alcohol use are associated with risky sexual behavior among alcohol-dependent patients in residential substance abuse treatment,2017,22,5,469-473,Tull Circumstances of substance use by street youth in Egypt support the case for intervening to prevent adverse childhood experiences,2019,24,3,341-345,Amr Embattled cannabis: pharmacological medical recreational and adverse effects aspects,2017,22,2,236-239,Salhab Potential for cannabis adaptation among participants in a drunk driving intervention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romano Offspring self-disclosure predicts substance-related outcomes in an emergency department sample of young adults with traumatic injury,2020,25,3,313-317,Danielson Psychological stress smoking and hazardous drinking behaviors among South Korean adults: findings from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2021,26,1,13-20,Operario Correlates of cannabis use disorders among urban women of color: childhood abuse relationship with spouse/partner and media exposure,2021,26,2,132-137,Pahl A latent class analysis of DUI offender motivation and awareness as predictors of performance while on alcohol ignition interlocks,2021,26,3,250-255,Romano Pattern recognition from cyclist under influence (CUI) crash events: application of block cluster analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Das Prevalence and correlates of intentional substance use to reduce illicit opioid use in a Canadian setting,2022,27,3,277-282,Hayashi Psychological distress obsessive compulsive thoughts about drinking and alcohol consumption in young adult drinkers,2022,27,3,300-306,Erblich Non-medical use of prescription drugs and its association with heroin use among high school students,2017,22,1,102-107,Skeer