Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessing the risk of domestic violence reoffending: a validation study,2004,28,4,437-455,Williams Reliability of sexually violent predator civil commitment criteria in Florida,2004,28,4,357-368,Levenson Predictions of future dangerousness in capital murder trials: is it time to 'disinvent the wheel'?,2005,29,1,55-86,Edens Sexually violent predator evaluations: empirical evidence strategies for professionals and research directions,2005,29,1,29-54,Miller Examining the science and practice of violence risk assessment with female adolescents,2005,29,1,7-27,Odgers Assessing violence risk in stalking cases: a regression tree approach,2005,29,3,343-357,Lewis The effect of gender in the perception of elder physical abuse in court,2005,29,5,605-614,Golding Family representative payeeship and violence risk in severe mental illness,2005,29,5,563-574,Elbogen When Initial Interviews Are Delayed a Year: Effect on Children's 2-Year Recall,2005,29,5,527-541,Peterson Treatment of gang members can reduce recidivism and institutional misconduct,2006,30,1,93-114,Wong "I'm sorry i did it ... but he started it": a comparison of the official and self-reported homicide descriptions of psychopaths and non-psychopaths,2006,31,1,91-107,Porter Violent Sex Offenses: How are They Best Measured from Official Records?,2006,30,4,525-541,Rice The evidentiary introduction of Psychopathy Checklist-Revised assessed psychopathy in U.S. courts: extent and appropriateness,2006,30,4,493-507,Walsh Rape Shield Laws and Sexual Behavior Evidence: Effects of Consent Level and Women's Sexual History on Rape Allegations,2006,31,2,159-175,Flowe Decision-Making About Volitional Impairment in Sexually Violent Predators,2006,30,5,587-602,Bornstein Gender Threat/Control-Override Delusions and Violence,2006,30,6,649-658,Monahan Understanding the Relationship Between Mental Disorder and Violence: The Need for a Criminological Perspective,2006,30,6,685-706,Silver Youth Psychopathy and Criminal Recidivism: A Meta-Analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist Measures,2007,31,1,53-75,Edens Incarceration and Recidivism among Sexual Offenders,2007,31,3,305-318,Firestone Violence and Mental Illness: A New Analytic Approach,2007,31,1,23-31,Lidz Perceptions and Predictors of Children's Credibility of a Unique Event and an Instance of a Repeated Event,2007,32,1,92-112,Connolly The Impact of State Laws Protecting Abortion Clinics and Reproductive Rights on Crimes Against Abortion Providers: Deterrence Backlash or Neither?,2007,38,5,894-901,Pridemore Effect of Psychopathy Abuse and Ethnicity on Juvenile Probation Officers' Decision-Making and Supervision Strategies,2007,31,5,479-498,Skeem Capital Offenders in Texas Prisons: Rates Correlates and an Actuarial Analysis of Violent Misconduct,2007,31,6,553-571,Cunningham An Indepth Actuarial Assessment for Wife Assault Recidivism: The Domestic Violence Risk Appraisal Guide,2007,32,2,150-163,Hilton Conduct and its consequences: attempts at debiasing jury judgments,2005,29,5,505-526,Greene Examining the Role of Static and Dynamic Risk Factors in the Prediction of Inpatient Violence: Variable- and Person-Focused Analyses,2007,32,4,325-338,Edens The origin and outcome of an amicus brief in kumho tire v. carmichael (1999),2000,24,4,383-386,Vidmar Assertions of "Future Dangerousness" at Federal Capital Sentencing: Rates and Correlates of Subsequent Prison Misconduct and Violence,2007,32,1,46-63,Cunningham On the ethics of dangerousness assessments,1993,17,4,479-482,Litwack Structuring the debate about ethical predictions of future violence,1993,17,4,482-485,Appelbaum Is it unethical to offer predictions of future violence?,1992,16,6,621-633,Appelbaum Measuring damages for lost enjoyment of life: the view from the bench and the jury box,2003,27,1,53-68,Bornstein Criminal Recidivism Among Juvenile Offenders: Testing the Incremental and Predictive Validity of Three Measures of Psychopathic Features,2008,32,5,423-438,Douglas Relation of Antisocial and Psychopathic Traits to Suicide-related Behavior Among Offenders,2008,32,6,511-525,Edens Stereotyping As a Force for Increasing Crime Rates,1977,1,3,299-308,Pepinsky Female Juvenile Delinquency: Misunderstood by the Juvenile Justice System Neglected by Social Science,1998,22,1,81-107,Hoyt Effects of Defendant Sexual Orientation on Jurors' Perceptions of Child Sexual Assault,2009,33,1,46-60,Bottoms Complex Questions Asked by Defense Lawyers But Not Prosecutors Predicts Convictions in Child Abuse Trials,2009,33,3,258-264,Evans Predicting sex offender recidivism. i. Correcting for item overselection and accuracy overestimation in scale development. ii. Sampling error-induced attenuation of predictive validity over base rate information,2008,32,3,266-278,Vrieze Psychopathy and violent crime: a prospective study of the influence of socioeconomic status and ethnicity,2007,31,2,209-229,Walsh Sexual Harassment and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Damages Beyond Prior Abuse,2009,33,5,405-418,Logan A Time Series Modeling Approach in Risk Appraisal of Violent and Sexual Recidivism,2010,34,5,349-366,Curry Utility of the Revised Level of Service Inventory (LSI-R) in predicting recidivism after long-term incarceration,2008,32,6,477-488,Skeem The impact of negative forensic evidence on mock jurors' perceptions of a trial of drug-facilitated sexual assault,2007,31,4,369-380,Schuller The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests: a review of scientific and legal issues,2008,32,4,293-313,Rubenzer Alternative pathways to violence in persons with schizophrenia: the role of childhood antisocial behavior problems,2008,32,3,228-240,Monahan Gruesome evidence and emotion: anger blame and jury decision-making,2006,30,2,183-202,Bright An archival analysis of actual cases of historic child sexual abuse: A comparison of jury and bench trials,2006,30,3,259-285,Connolly Psychopathy factors and risk for aggressive behavior: a test of the "threatened egotism" hypothesis,2006,30,1,51-74,Lilienfeld Delayed prosecutions of historic child sexual abuse: analyses of 2064 Canadian criminal complaints,2006,30,4,409-434,Connolly Assessing the generalization of psychopathy in a clinical sample of domestic violence perpetrators,2006,30,5,571-586,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Symptom overreporting and recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse,2006,30,5,621-630,Merckelbach Morbidity and Mortality Risk Among the "Forgotten Few": Why Are Girls in the Justice System in Such Poor Health?,2010,34,6,429-444,Russell Why Emotions Matter: Expectancy Violation and Affective Response Mediate the Emotional Victim Effect,2010,34,5,392-401,Ask Biases in Judging Victims and Suspects Whose Statements Are Inconsistent,2010,34,1,46-48,Lamb The Effect of Framing Actuarial Risk Probabilities on Involuntary Civil Commitment Decisions,2011,35,2,83-91,John I Spy with My Little Eye: Jurors' Detection of Internal Validity Threats in Expert Evidence,2010,34,6,489-500,McAuliff Expert approaches to communicating violence risk,2000,24,1,137-148,Heilbrun Assessing violence risk among discharged psychiatric patients: toward an ecological approach,1999,23,2,237-255,Monahan The relationship between confidence and accuracy in clinical assessment of psychiatric patients' potential for violence,1998,22,6,655-669,McNiel Race neighborhood disadvantage and violence among persons with mental disorders: the importance of contextual measurement,2000,24,4,449-456,Silver Expert Testimony Regarding Child Witnesses: Does It Sensitize Jurors to Forensic Interview Quality?,2011,35,2,152-164,London Improving decision making in forensic child sexual abuse evaluations,2005,29,1,87-120,Herman Empathy and jurors' decisions in patricide trials involving child sexual assault allegations,2000,24,4,421-448,Bottoms Legal individual and environmental predictors of court disposition in a sample of serious adolescent offenders,2007,31,6,519-535,Fagan The Importance of Coping Threat Appraisal and Beliefs in Understanding and Responding to Fear of Victimization: Applications to a Male Prisoner Sample,2011,35,4,306-315,Ireland Treatment-Related Changes in Behavioral Outcomes of Psychopathy Facets in Adolescent Offenders,2011,35,4,275-287,Caldwell Are Secondary Variants of Juvenile Psychopathy More Reactively Violent and Less Psychosocially Mature Than Primary Variants?,2011,35,5,381-391,Skeem Studies of repressed memory and the issue of legal validity,1997,21,6,687-691,Brody Recidivism rates among child molesters and rapists: a methodological analysis,1997,21,6,635-659,Prentky A comparison of retained and appointed counsel in cases of capital murder,1997,21,5,525-538,Beck The impact of graphic photographic evidence on mock jurors' decisions in a murder trial: probative or prejudicial?,1997,21,5,485-501,Ogloff Analyzing the performance of risk assessment instruments: a response to Vrieze and Grove (2007),2008,32,3,279-291,Mossman Predictive validity of the SVR-20 and Static-99 in a Dutch sample of treated sex offenders,2004,28,3,235-251,De Ruiter Clinical assessment of parents in child protection cases: an empirical analysis,2001,25,1,93-108,Budd Mental disorder violence and gender,2003,27,6,561-571,Robbins Improving risk assessments for sex offenders: a comparison of three actuarial scales,2000,24,1,119-136,Hanson A classification tree approach to the development of actuarial violence risk assessment tools,2000,24,1,83-100,Monahan Examining the Criminal History and Future Offending of Child Pornography Offenders: An Extended Prospective Follow-up Study,2011,35,6,466-478,Seto Do Defense Attorney Referrals for Competence to Stand Trial Evaluations Depend on Whether the Client Speaks English or Spanish?,2011,35,6,501-511,Boccaccini Prevalence and processing of child sexual abuse: a multi-data-set analysis of urban and rural counties,2003,27,4,385-402,Ruback Harmless Error Analysis: How Do Judges Respond to Confession Errors?,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wallace An Analysis of the Effects of Subjective and Objective Instruction Forms on Mock-Juries' Murder/Manslaughter Distinctions,2002,26,6,605-623,Spackman Evaluating Adolescent Decision Making in Legal Contexts,1995,19,3,221-244,Woolard "I'm Sorry I Did It... but He Started It": A Comparison of The Official and Self-Reported Homicide Descriptions of Psychopaths and Non-Psychopaths,2007,31,1,91-107,Woodworth Life support for ailing hypotheses: modes of summarizing the evidence for racial discrimination in sentencing,1985,9,3,271-285,Kleck Prospective Replication of the "Violence Risk Appraisal Guide" in Predicting Violent Recidivism among Forensic Patients,2002,26,4,377-394,Rice The Misbegotten Marriage of Soft Psychology and Bad Law: Psychological Self-Defense as a Justification for Homicide,1990,14,6,595-618,Morse Mental Health in Violent Crime Victims: Does Sexual Orientation Matter?,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boccellari The believability of hearsay testimony in a child sexual assault trial,1997,21,3,299-325,Golding Cross-validation and extension of the violence risk appraisal guide for child molesters and rapists,1997,21,2,231-241,Rice Explaining "pain and suffering" awards: the role of injury characteristics and fault attributions,1997,21,2,181-207,Evans The suggestibility of children's memory for being touched: planting erasing and changing memories,1997,21,1,95-106,Pezdek Generic prejudice and the presumption of guilt in sex abuse trials,1997,21,1,5-25,Vidmar Family Violence Risk Assessment: A Predictive Cross-Validation Study of the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument-Revised (DVSI-R),2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams The empirical limits of forensic mental health assessment,2005,29,1,1-5,Grisso Do jurors "know" what isn't so about child witnesses?,2005,29,4,425-456,Quas Mediator assessment documentation and disposition of child custody cases involving intimate partner abuse: a naturalistic evaluation of one county's practices,2010,34,3,227-240,Mechanic Young Children's Competency to Take the Oath: Effects of Task Maltreatment and Age,2010,34,2,141-149,Quas Assessment and Management of Risk for Intimate Partner Violence by Police Officers Using the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Belfrage Effects of past abuse experiences on children's eyewitness memory,2001,25,3,269-298,Goodman The influence of actuarial risk assessment in clinical judgments and tribunal decisions about mentally disordered offenders in maximum security,2001,25,4,393-408,Hilton The criminogenic clinical and social problems of forensic and civil psychiatric patients,2004,28,5,577-586,Rice Priming unconscious racial stereotypes about adolescent offenders,2004,28,5,483-504,Graham Crime victims serving as jurors: is there bias present?,2004,28,6,649-659,Hosch When does quality count?: Perceptions of hearsay testimony about child sexual abuse interviews,2004,28,6,599-621,Buck Studying pretrial publicity effects: new methods for improving ecological validity and testing external validity,2002,26,1,19-41,Studebaker Effects of social support on children's eyewitness reports: a test of the underlying mechanism,2002,26,2,185-215,Bottoms Prospective replication of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide in predicting violent recidivism among forensic patients,2002,26,4,377-394,Rice Identifying stalking: the relevance of intent in commonsense reasoning,2002,26,5,543-561,Dennison Psychopathy treatment involvement and subsequent violence among civil psychiatric patients,2002,26,6,577-603,Skeem The effects of interviewer gender and child gender on the informativeness of alleged child sexual abuse victims in forensic interviews,2003,27,2,157-171,Lamb Predicting institutional adjustment and recidivism with the psychopathy checklist factor scores: a meta-analysis,2003,27,5,541-558,Walters Characteristics of sexual homicides committed by psychopathic and nonpsychopathic offenders,2003,27,5,459-470,Woodworth Is there touch in the game of Twister? The effects of innocuous touch and suggestive questions on children's eyewitness memory,2003,27,6,589-604,Lynn The impact of confidence on the accuracy of structured professional and actuarial violence risk judgments in a sample of forensic psychiatric patients,2003,27,6,573-587,Ogloff Accuracy of investigators' verbatim notes of their forensic interviews with alleged child abuse victims,2000,24,6,699-708,Lamb Building mental health professionals' decisional models into tests of predictive validity: the accuracy of contextualized predictions of violence,2000,24,6,607-628,Lidz Assessing pretrial publicity effects: integrating content analytic results,2000,24,3,317-336,Studebaker Effects of judicial instructions and case characteristics in a mock jury trial of battered women who kill,2000,24,2,207-229,Spanos Psychopathy (PCL-R) as a predictor of violent recidivism among criminal offenders with schizophrenia,2000,24,1,45-58,Kullgren Predicting short-term institutional aggression in forensic patients: a multi-trait method for understanding subtypes of aggression,2009,33,4,308-319,Vitacco Brief research report: age factors affecting the believability of repressed memories of child sexual assault,1999,23,2,257-268,Golding Violent behavior preceding hospitalization among persons with severe mental illness,1999,23,2,185-204,Swartz The nature of real implanted and fabricated memories for emotional childhood events: implications for the recovered memory debate,1999,23,5,517-537,Porter Community perceptions of allowable counterforce in self-defense and defense of property,1999,23,6,629-651,Darley Perceived Conditions of Confinement: A National Evaluation of Juvenile Boot Camps and Traditional Facilities,2000,24,3,297-308,Gover Examining report content and social categorization to understand consistency effects on credibility,2009,33,6,470-480,Desmarais Individual confidence intervals do not inform decision-makers about the accuracy of risk assessment evaluations,2010,34,4,275-281,Hanson Expert Testimony Pertaining to Battered Woman Syndrome: Its Impact on Jurors' Decisions,2002,26,6,655-673,Schuller Violence risk assessment and risk communication: the effects of using actual cases providing instruction and employing probability versus frequency formats,2000,24,3,271-296,Slovic The effects of motive information and crime unusualness on jurors' judgments in insanity cases,1998,22,5,571-584,Pickel Do juries meet our expectations?,2002,26,6,625-639,Arkes The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) Guide: reliability and validity in adult male offenders,2000,24,1,101-118,Hart The reasonable woman standard: a meta-analytic review of gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment,1998,22,1,33-57,Blumenthal Expert evidence pertaining to battered women: the impact of gender of expert and timing of testimony,1998,22,1,17-31,Schuller Face-to-face confrontation: effects of closed-circuit technology on children's eyewitness testimony and jurors' decisions,1998,22,2,165-203,Goodman Factors associated with the conditional release of persons acquitted by reason of insanity: a decision tree approach,1998,22,2,147-163,Silver Reducing maltreated children's reluctance to answer hypothetical oath-taking competency questions,2001,25,1,81-92,Saywitz Criminal decision making: the development of adolescent judgment criminal responsibility and culpability,2001,25,1,45-61,Reppucci Here comes the judge: the influence of judge personal characteristics on federal sexual harassment case outcomes,2003,27,1,69-86,Perry News media reporting on civil litigation and its influence on civil justice decision making,2003,27,1,5-27,Studebaker The effects of prior workplace behavior on subsequent sexual harassment judgments,2004,28,1,47-67,Wiener Selective sexual harassment: differential treatment of similar groups of women workers,2004,28,1,29-45,Hoffmann Psychology law and the workplace: an overview and introduction to the special issue,2004,28,1,1-7,Kovera When Experts Disagreed Who Was Correct? A Comparison of PCL-R Scores From Independent Raters and Opposing Forensic Experts,2012,36,6,527-537,Murrie Prediction of Adolescent Sexual Reoffending: A Meta-Analysis of the J-SOAP-II ERASOR J-SORRAT-II and Static-99,2012,36,5,423-438,Viljoen A Victim-Centered Approach to Justice? Victim Satisfaction Effects on Third-Party Punishments,2012,36,5,375-389,Darley Empirical research on the insanity defense and attempted reforms: evidence toward informed policy,1999,23,3,375-393,Borum The testimony of elderly victim/witnesses and their impact on juror decisions: the importance of examining multiple stereotypes,1999,23,4,413-423,Nunez Psychopathy (PCL-R) predicts violent recidivism among criminal offenders with personality disorders in Sweden,1999,23,2,205-217,Kullgren The predictive validity of criminogenic needs for male and female offenders: Comparing the relative impact of needs in predicting recidivism,2012,36,5,413-422,Born Assessment and management of risk for intimate partner violence by police officers using the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide,2012,36,1,60-67,Belfrage How Do Probation Officers Assess and Manage Recidivism and Violence Risk for Probationers With Mental Disorder? An Experimental Investigation,2013,37,1,22-34,Skeem Harmless error analysis: How do judges respond to confession errors?,2012,36,2,151-157,Wallace Family violence risk assessment: A predictive cross-validation study of the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument-Revised (DVSI-R),2012,36,2,120-129,Williams Mental health in violent crime victims: Does sexual orientation matter?,2012,36,2,87-95,Boccellari Development and validation of the Validity Indicator Profile,2000,24,1,59-82,Crosby Innumeracy and Unpacking: Bridging the Nomothetic/Idiographic Divide in Violence Risk Assessment,2012,36,6,548-554,John Myths and Realities of Female-Perpetrated Terrorism,2013,37,1,35-44,Taylor Actuarial Risk Assessment in Sexually Motivated Intimate-Partner Violence,2013,37,2,75-86,Eher Effect of Blameworthiness and Outcome Severity on Attributions of Responsibility and Damage Awards in Comparative Negligence Cases,1997,21,6,597-617,Salovey Empirical Limits for the Forensic Assessment of PTSD Litigants,2005,29,1,121-149,Douglas Eyewitness Testimony in Occupational Accident Investigations: Towards a Research Agenda,2004,28,1,115-132,Kelloway Plaintiff Injury and Defendant Reprehensibility: Implications for Compensatory and Punitive Damage Awards,1996,20,2,189-205,Greene Gender and risk assessment accuracy: underestimating women's violence potential,2005,29,2,173-186,Gardner Field reliability of the SAVRY with juvenile probation officers: Implications for training,2012,36,3,225-236,Vincent Battered women who kill: Jury simulation and legal defenses,1993,17,3,289-312,Terrance The impact of battered woman syndrome evidence on jury decision processes,1992,16,6,597-620,Schuller Trials of battered women who kill: The impact of alternative forms of expert evidence,1996,20,2,167-187,Schuller Identifying three types of violent offenders and predicting violent recidivism while on probation: A classification tree analysis,2004,28,3,253-271,Stalans Police decision making in wife abuse: The impact of legal and extralegal factors,1985,9,4,355-366,Waaland Concurrent and predictive validity of psychopathy in a batterers' intervention sample,2013,37,3,145-154,Sellbom Psychopathy and sexual sadism,2011,35,3,188-199,Hucker Overriding psychiatric advance directives: factors associated with psychiatrists' decisions to preempt patients' advance refusal of hospitalization and medication,2007,31,1,77-90,Van Dorn Community violence to prison assault: A test of the behavioral continuity hypothesis,2012,36,4,356-363,Cunningham Intoxicated witnesses and suspects: an archival analysis of their involvement in criminal case processing,2013,37,1,54-59,Flowe Psychopathy and crime: Testing the incremental validity of PCL-R-measured psychopathy as a predictor of general and violent recidivism,2012,36,5,404-412,Walters The constant multiplier assumption misestimates long-term sex offender recidivism rates,2012,36,5,390-393,Wollert Identifying change in the likelihood of violent recidivism: causal dynamic risk factors in the OASys Violence Predictor,2013,37,3,163-174,Dixon Applying crime scene analysis to the prediction of sexual recidivism in stranger rapes,2013,37,4,241-254,Goodwill Psychopathy and criminal violence: the moderating effect of ethnicity,2013,37,5,303-311,Walsh Marijuana odor perception: studies modeled from probable cause cases,2004,28,2,223-233,Doty Property crime victims' decision to notify the police: social cognitive and affective determinants,2004,28,2,177-186,Greenberg Reward-biased risk appraisal and its relation to juvenile versus adult crime,2013,37,6,412-423,Cauffman Attitudes regarding life sentences for juvenile offenders,2013,37,4,276-289,Greene PTSD symptoms and family versus stranger violence in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans,2014,38,1,1-9,Elbogen Does IQ moderate the relation between psychopathy and juvenile offending?,2014,38,1,23-33,Steinberg Predictive validity of dynamic factors: assessing violence risk in forensic psychiatric inpatients,2013,37,6,377-388,Nicholls Detecting deception in children: an experimental study of the effect of event familiarity on CBCA ratings,2005,29,2,187-197,Pezdek Recent victimization increases risk for violence in justice-involved persons with mental illness,2014,38,2,119-125,Binder What does it mean when age is related to recidivism among sex offenders?,2014,38,2,151-161,Rice Tried as an adult housed as a juvenile: A tale of youth from two courts incarcerated together,2014,38,2,126-138,Cauffman Predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) among a sample of Asian Canadian youth on probation,2020,44,6,485-501,Viljoen Jurors' Perceptions of Adolescent Sexual Assault Victims Who Have Intellectual Disabilities,2003,27,2,205-227,Bottoms Predictions of Future Dangerousness in Capital Murder Trials: Is It Time to "Disinvent the Wheel?",2005,29,1,55-86,Edens Evaluating Stranger and Acquaintance Rape: The Role of Benevolent Sexism in Perpetrator Blame and Recommended Sentence Length,2004,28,3,295-303,Abrams Predicting involvement in prison gang activity: Street gang membership social and psychological factors,2014,38,3,203-211,Wood Major mental illness and violence history as predictors of institutional misconduct and recidivism: Main and interaction effects,2014,38,3,238-247,Walters Procedural justice versus risk factors for offending: Predicting recidivism in youth,2014,38,3,225-237,Viljoen Crime and substance misuse in adjudicated delinquent youth: The worst of both worlds,2014,38,2,139-150,Walters The role and reliability of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in U.S. sexually violent predator evaluations: A case law survey,2014,38,3,248-255,Cox Evaluating conditional release in not guilty by reason of insanity acquittees: A prospective follow-up study in Virginia,2013,38,4,346-356,Vitacco Same score different message: Perceptions of offender risk depend on Static-99R risk communication format,2013,38,5,418-427,Murrie The development of the crime scene behavior risk measure for sexual offense recidivism,2014,38,6,569-579,Dahle Forensic mental health professionals' perceptions of psychopathy: A prototypicality analysis of the comprehensive assessment of psychopathic personality in Sweden,2014,38,5,405-417,Edens How likely is "likely to reoffend" in sex offender civil commitment trials?,2014,38,3,293-304,Murrie A psychometric examination of treatment change in a multisite sample of treated Canadian federal sexual offenders,2014,38,6,544-559,Wong Changes in dynamic risk and protective factors for violence during inpatient forensic psychiatric treatment: predicting reductions in postdischarge community recidivism,2014,39,1,53-61,Nijman The Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI): Construct Predictive and Incremental Validity,2014,39,1,35-43,Seto Reporting guidance for violence risk assessment predictive validity studies: the RAGEE statement,2014,39,1,15-22,Mulvey A false dichotomy? Mental illness and lone-actor terrorism,2014,39,1,23-34,Gill Policy forum: Studying eyewitness investigations in the field,2008,32,1,3-5,Kahneman The DSM-5 with limited prosocial emotions specifier for conduct disorder among detained girls,2014,39,2,198-207,Andershed Influence of the HCR-20 LS/CMI and PCL-R on on decisions about parole suitability among lifers,2014,39,3,232-243,Guy Tracking and Managing High Risk Offenders: A Canadian Initiative,2014,39,3,253-265,Bonta Rater differences in psychopathy measure scoring and predictive validity,2014,39,4,321-331,Murrie Psychopathy and violence: does antisocial cognition mediate the relationship between the PCL: YV factor scores and violent offending?,2015,39,4,350-359,Walters Predicting outcomes for youth transferred to adult court,2010,34,6,460-475,Fagan Differential Effects of Adult Court Transfer on Juvenile Offender Recidivism,2010,34,6,476-488,Fagan Field Reliability of Competence to Stand Trial Opinions: How Often Do Evaluators Agree and What Do Judges Decide When Evaluators Disagree?,2010,,,1-13,Murrie Effects of victim presence and coercion in restorative justice: an experimental paradigm,2015,39,4,378-387,Saulnier When domestic goes capital: juror decision making in capital murder trials involving domestic homicide,2015,39,4,402-415,Bjerregaard Possibility of death sentence has divergent effect on verdicts for black and white defendants,2015,39,6,539-546,Glaser Aggression substance use disorder and presence of a prior suicide attempt among juvenile offenders with subclinical depression,2015,39,6,593-601,Kang Risk of violence by inmates with childhood trauma and mental health needs,2015,39,6,614-623,Colman The impact of frequency of behavior and type of contact on judgments involving a criminal stalking case,2015,39,6,602-613,Golding The effects of question repetition on responses when prosecutors and defense attorneys question children alleging sexual abuse in court,2015,39,6,559-570,Lyon Psychopathic traits as predictors of future criminality intimate partner aggression and substance use in young adult men,2015,39,6,547-558,Andershed Assessing illness- and non-illness-based motivations for violence in persons with major mental illness,2015,40,1,42-49,Penney One angry woman: anger expression increases influence for men but decreases influence for women during group deliberation,2015,39,6,581-592,Salerno Identifying gender specific risk/need areas for male and female juvenile offenders: factor analyses with the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY),2015,40,1,82-96,Nicholls Risk assessment for juvenile justice: A meta-analysis,2007,31,5,449-462,Schwalbe Gender Differences in Recidivism Rates for Juvenile Justice Youth: The Impact of Sexual Abuse,2014,38,4,305-314,Brown Juveniles' Miranda comprehension: understanding appreciation and totality of circumstances factors,2015,39,3,281-293,Goldstein Taking the blame for someone else's wrongdoing: the effects of age and reciprocity,2015,39,3,219-231,Malloy Callous-unemotional traits and adolescents' role in group crime,2015,39,4,368-377,Steinberg Addressing gaps in the maturity of judgment literature: Age differences and delinquency,2008,32,1,78-91,Modecki Predictors of Juveniles' Noncompliance With Probation Requirements,2014,38,6,580-591,Goldstein The land of the free: undocumented families in the juvenile justice system,2015,39,2,152-161,Cauffman The Potentially Biasing Effects of Voir Dire in Juvenile Waiver Cases,2011,35,6,427-439,Levett Short and long-term prediction of recidivism using the youth level of service/case management inventory in a sample of serious young offenders,2012,36,4,331-344,Olver Memory and the operational witness: police officer recall of firearms encounters as a function of active response role,2015,40,1,23-35,Hope Gender-responsiveness in corrections: estimating female inmate misconduct risk using the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI),2015,40,1,72-81,Sorensen The alleged "Ferguson effect" and police willingness to engage in community partnership,2015,40,1,1-10,Wolfe Police training in interviewing and interrogation methods: a comparison of techniques used with adult and juvenile suspects,2015,40,3,270-284,Warner Validity of the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument: a juvenile justice tool incorporating risks needs and strengths,2016,40,2,182-194,Jones The habitual female offender inside: how psychopathic traits predict chronic prison violence,2016,40,3,257-269,Centifanti Assessing risk for aggression in forensic psychiatric inpatients: an examination of five measures,2016,40,3,233-243,Olver Psychopathy alcohol use and intimate partner violence: evidence from two samples,2016,40,5,517-523,Walsh Adversarial allegiance: the devil is in the evidence details not just on the witness stand,2016,40,5,524-535,McAuliff Offenders in emerging adulthood: school maladjustment childhood adversities and prediction of aggressive antisocial behaviors,2016,40,5,551-563,Nilsson Perceptions of sexual harassment by evidence quality perceiver gender feminism and right wing authoritarianism: debunking popular myths,2016,40,5,594-609,Stockdale Introduction of a conceptual model for integrating the MMPI-2-RF into HCR-20V3 Violence Risk Assessments and associations between the MMPI-2-RF and institutional violence,2016,40,6,626-637,Tarescavage Detecting deception in children: a meta-analysis,2016,41,1,44-54,Quas Risk assessment matters but only when implemented well: a multisite study in juvenile probation,2016,40,6,683-696,Vincent Witnessing domestic violence during childhood is associated with psychopathic traits in adult male criminal offenders,2017,41,2,173-179,Koenigs Violent offending among juveniles: a 7-year longitudinal study of recidivism desistance and associations with mental health,2017,41,3,273-283,Grigorenko Are adolescent risk assessment tools sensitive to change? A framework and examination of the SAVRY and the YLS/CMI,2017,41,3,244-257,Viljoen Crime seriousness and participation in restorative justice: the role of time elapsed since the offense,2017,41,4,385-397,Zebel Determining when to conduct a violence risk assessment: development and initial validation of the Fordham Risk Screening Tool (FRST),2017,41,4,325-332,Rosenfeld The evolving landscape of Title IX: predicting mandatory reporters' responses to sexual assault disclosures,2017,41,5,429-439,Cortina Disentangling the risk assessment and intimate partner violence relation: estimating mediating and moderating effects,2017,41,4,344-353,Williams Incremental prediction of intimate partner violence: an examination of three risk measures,2017,41,5,440-453,Olver Sexual misconduct in prison: what factors affect whether incarcerated women will report abuses committed by prison staff?,2017,41,4,361-374,Bybee Assessing law enforcement performance in behavior-based threat detection tasks involving a concealed weapon or device,2017,41,5,411-421,Meissner Forgotten evidence: a mixed methods study of why sexual assault kits (SAKs) are not submitted for DNA forensic testing,2017,41,5,454-467,Bybee Utility of the MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) in a sample of Lithuanian male offenders,2017,41,5,494-505,Sellbom Keep your bias to yourself: how deliberating with differently biased others affects mock-jurors' guilt decisions perceptions of the defendant memories and evidence interpretation,2017,41,5,478-493,Ruva Type and timing of maltreatment influence criminal persistence in sexually abusive adolescents,2017,41,6,556-566,Landolt A cross-validation of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide-Revised (VRAG-R) within a correctional sample,2017,41,6,507-518,Mills A comparison of psychopathology and reoffending in female and male convicted firesetters,2017,41,6,588-599,Ogloff Predictive validity of HCR-20 START and Static-99R assessments in predicting institutional aggression among sexual offenders,2018,42,1,13-25,Desmarais Childhood risk factors associated with adolescent gun carrying among black and white males: an examination of self-protection social influence and antisocial propensity explanations,2018,42,2,110-118,Schubert Expanding the early and late starter model of criminal justice involvement for forensic mental health clients,2018,42,1,83-93,Nicholls Who deserves basic rights? People condone violations of procedural and physical rights in the treatment of terrorist suspects,2018,42,1,50-56,Newheiser Juvenile probation officers' evaluation of traumatic event exposures and traumatic stress symptoms as responsivity factors in risk assessment and case planning,2018,42,4,369-384,Cruise Do risk assessment tools help manage and reduce risk of violence and reoffending? A systematic review,2018,42,3,181-214,Viljoen Legitimacy versus morality: why do the Chinese obey the law?,2018,42,2,167-180,Zhao Concurrent validity of the personality assessment screener in a large sample of offenders,2018,42,2,156-166,Edens From meaning to money: translating injury into dollars,2018,42,2,95-109,Reyna Resistance to peer influence and crime desistance in emerging adulthood: a moderated mediation analysis,2018,42,6,520-530,Walters Psychopathy self-identified race/ethnicity and nonviolent recidivism: a longitudinal study,2018,42,6,531-544,Walsh Is interviewer support associated with the reduced reluctance and enhanced informativeness of alleged child abuse victims?,2019,43,2,156-165,Hershkowitz No evidence of "weaponized Title IX" here: an empirical assessment of sexual misconduct reporting case processing and outcomes,2019,43,2,180-192,Richards Distinguishing between-individual from within-individual predictors of gun carrying among Black and White males across adolescence,2019,43,2,144-155,Pardini Does video recording inhibit crime suspects? Evidence from a fully randomized field experiment,2019,43,1,45-55,Kassin A drug court by any other name? An analysis of problem-solving court programs,2019,43,3,278-289,Kaiser Proximal predictors of gun violence among adolescent males involved in crime,2019,43,3,250-262,Mulvey Lay evaluations of police and civilian use of force: action severity scales,2019,43,3,290-305,Kruschke Beyond compensation? Examining the role of apologies in the restoration of victims' needs in simulated tort cases,2019,43,4,329-341,Reinders Folmer Predicting early adolescent offending with criminal victimization and delinquent peer associations by way of negative attitudes toward the police,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walters Under the radar or under arrest: how is adolescent boys' first contact with the juvenile justice system related to future offending and arrests?,2019,43,4,342-357,Steinberg The force of fear: police stereotype threat self-legitimacy and support for excessive force,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trinkner Interrater reliability concurrent validity and predictive validity of the risk for sexual violence protocol,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hart Racial/ethnic and gender disparities in anger management therapy as a probation condition,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bailey "Correlates of gun violence by criminal justice-involved adolescents": Retraction of Gonzales and McNiel (2019),2019,43,6,vi, Correlates of gun violence by criminal justice-involved adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McNiel Subjective interpretation of "objective" video evidence: perceptions of male versus female police officers' use-of-force,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salerno Mock jurors' perceptions and case decisions following a juvenile interrogation: investigating the roles of interested adults and confession type,2020,44,3,209-222,Malloy Mock jurors' evaluation of firearm examiner testimony,2020,44,5,412-423,Scurich Moral disengagement as a mediator of the co-offending-delinquency relationship in serious juvenile offenders,2020,44,5,437-448,Walters The relation between state gun laws and the incidence and severity of mass public shootings in the United States 1976-2018,2020,44,5,347-360,Siegel Race witness credibility and jury deliberation in a simulated drug trafficking trial,2021,45,3,215-228,Lynch International perspectives on procedural justice: trust and respect matter even when body-worn cameras are present,2021,45,5,440-455,Bottoms Community-based participatory research with police: development of a tech-enhanced structured suicide risk assessment and communication smartphone application,2021,45,5,456-467,Weaver Dynamic risk factors reassessed regularly after release from incarceration predict imminent violent recidivism,2021,45,6,512-523,Serin Callous-unemotional traits linked to earlier onset of self-reported and official delinquency in incarcerated boys,2021,45,6,554-565,Kimonis Severity matters: the moderating effect of offense severity in predicting racial differences in reporting of bias and nonbias victimization to the police,2022,46,1,15-29,Wenger False confessions predict a delay between release from incarceration and official exoneration,2022,46,1,67-80,Scherr Predictive validity of the SAVRY YLS/CMI and PCL:YV is poor for intimate partner violence perpetration among adolescent offenders,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viljoen The effect of changing the military's sexual assault laws on law enforcement investigative findings in the U.S. Army,2022,46,4,313-323,Garcia Criminal legal involvement among recently separated veterans: findings from the LIMBIC study,2022,46,5,385-394,Elbogen The role of hopelessness and procedural justice on depressogenic outcomes in serious adolescent offenders,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cohen Hate crime victimization and reporting within Miami's queer Latine immigrant population,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kutateladze Does the affirmative consent standard increase the accuracy of sexual assault perceptions? It depends on how you learn about the standard,2022,46,6,440-453,Gervais A test for implicit bias in discretionary criminal justice decisions,2023,47,1,217-232,Saunders The influence of race on jurors' perceptions of lethal police use of force,2023,47,1,53-67,Maeder Racial/ethnic disparities of the pact in predicting recidivism and court dispositions for justice-involved youth,2023,47,3,422-435,Grigorenko The influence of polygraphs on evaluators' decisions regarding sexually violent persons,2023,47,3,448-461,Smith The relationship between victim impact statements and judicial decision making: an archival analysis of sentencing outcomes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ternes Did George Floyd's murder shape the public's felt obligation to obey the police?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trinkner Risk assessment of child-pornography-exclusive offenders,2023,47,4,499-509,Krauss The prevalence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) among people impacted by the criminal legal system: an updated meta-analysis and subgroup analyses,2023,47,5,539-565,Elbogen Cool under fire: psychopathic personality traits and decision making in law-enforcement-oriented populations,2023,47,5,591-605,Verona Cognitive-behavioral reciprocity: testing the bidirectional relationship between antisocial cognition and delinquency,2023,47,6,654-665,Walters White mock jurors' moral emotional responses to viewing female victim photographs depend on the victim's race,2023,47,6,666-685,Salerno Attorneys' experiences perceptions and plea recommendations in child sexual abuse cases,2024,48,1,13-32,McAuliff Assessing psychopathic traits with the MMPI-3: findings from correctional university and community samples,2024,48,1,1-12,Sellbom The power of meaningful numbers: attorney guidance and jury deliberation improve the reliability and gist validity of damage awards,2024,48,2,83-103,Reyna Comparing perceptions of individuals who sexually offend against children versus adults,2024,48,2,133-147,Knight Computer-animated displays and the jury: Facilitative and prejudicial effects,1997,21,3,269-281,Kassin Development of the Self-Injury Risk Assessment Protocol for Corrections (SIRAP-C),2022,46,3,227-243,Cramer The role of truth in victim-offender mediation: victims of crime who feel they know the "whole" truth are more receptive to apologies,2024,48,3,228-245,Wenzel