Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Terrorism in the Eyes of the Beholder: The Impact of Causal Attributions on Perceptions of Violence,2009,15,1,75-95,Canetti-Nisim Children's Experience and Adjustment to Political Conflict in Northern Ireland,2000,6,2,157,Muldoon The Differential Impact on Children of Inter- and Intra-Community Violence in Northern Ireland,2009,15,4,367-383,Cairns Values militarism and nonviolent predispositions,1999,5,1,69-77,Mayton Antiwar knowledge and generalized political attitudes as determinants of attitude toward the Kosovo war,2002,8,2,139-155,Cohrs Situating peace in the globalized era: Perspectives of youth peace-builders in Laos,2014,20,2,109-123,Sonn Transforming ordinary people into killers: a psychosocial examination of Hutu participation in the Tutsi genocide,2016,22,4,334-344,Scull "Nobody ever told us": the contribution of intragroup dialogue to reflexive learning about violent conflict,2018,24,2,127-138,Sternberg Trauma as a collective disease and root cause of protracted social conflict,2018,24,2,150-164,Rinker Development of Militaristic Attitudes Scale and its associations with Turkish identity and uninational ideology,2018,24,2,175-187,Ă–zdemir Forgiving former perpetrators of violence and reintegrating them into Colombian civil society: noncombatant citizens' positions,2018,24,2,201-215,Mullet Social movements structural violence and conflict transformation in Northern Ireland: the role of loyalist paramilitaries,2018,24,1,19-26,McAuley Public protest and police violence: moral disengagement and its role in police repression of public demonstrations in Portugal,2018,24,1,27-35,Mendes Constructed representations of street protest violence: speaking violence speaking race,2018,24,1,36-43,Kiguwa In search of a bigger picture: a cultural-relational perspective on social transformation and violence,2018,24,1,71-76,van Zomeren Individual differences in masculine honor beliefs predict attitudes toward aggressive security measures war and peace,2018,24,1,112-116,Saucier Everyday violence during armed conflict: narratives from Afghanistan,2017,23,4,363-371,Ray Attachment insecurity posttraumatic stress and hostility in adolescents exposed to armed conflict,2017,23,4,372-382,Shannon How empathic are war veterans? An examination of the psychological impacts of combat exposure,2017,23,4,422-426,Decety Examining the potential role of education in the prevention of radicalization from the psychological perspective,2017,23,4,432-437,Sklad Children and adolescent victim blaming,2017,23,4,438-440,Chapin New wars rational old war expectations,2017,23,4,441-443,Benziman Contact between groups peace and conflict,2017,23,3,207-209,Tropp Does terror defeat contact? Intergroup contact and prejudice toward Muslims before and after the London bombings,2017,23,3,260-268,Abrams Intergroup contact as a predictor of violent and nonviolent collective action: evidence from Syrian refugees and Lebanese nationals,2017,23,3,297-306,Harb A critical outlook at torture definition structure dynamics and interventions,2017,23,3,328-333,Kira Social representations of peace in terrorism talk: a United Kingdom talk-radio analysis,2017,23,2,106-116,Kilby Representational contamination: how does an unexpected armed encounter psychologically stunt a peace process?,2017,23,2,117-126,Montiel Religion and militarism: the effects of religiosity religious fundamentalism religious conspiracy belief and demographics on support for military action,2017,23,2,179-182,Beller Toward identifying the etiologies of gender differences in authoritarianism and mental health: an Egyptian study,2017,23,2,183-188,Kira The contribution of psychological reactance to war entry,2017,23,2,189-190,Goddard Children and armed conflict: interventions for supporting war-affected children,2017,23,1,4-13,Wessells The Hunger Games: theorizing opportunities for peace education,2017,23,1,23-30,McEvoy-Levy U.S. Government action plan on children in adversity: in pursuit of a coherent foreign assistance framework for vulnerable children,2017,23,1,31-37,Boothby Protecting young children from violence in Colombia: linking caregiver empathy with community child rights indicators as a pathway for peace in Medellin's Comuna 13,2017,23,1,38-45,Cook Raising children in conflict: an integrative model of parenting in war,2017,23,1,46-57,Annan Where there is no intervention: insights into processes of resilience supporting war-affected children,2017,23,1,67-75,Ager Resilience in the context of war: a critical analysis of contemporary conceptions and interventions to promote resilience among war-affected children and their surroundings,2017,23,1,76-84,Vindevogel Forgiveness makes sense: forgiving others enhances the salutary associations of meaning-making with traumatic stress symptoms,2017,23,1,85-88,Toussaint Building peace through postconflict youth: an exploratory analysis of the relationship between human rights and citizenship for Peruvian adolescents,2017,23,1,93-96,Velez Our stories our own ways: exploring alternatives for young people's engagement in truth commissions,2017,23,1,14-22,Heykoop Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for youth who experience continuous traumatic exposure,2013,19,2,180-195,Mannarino No te tratan bien porque eres Mexicana: intersectional systemic violence and precarity in Latina adolescent life in the U.S. South,2020,26,2,126-135,Morales-Aleman "They saw a terrorist" - Responses of Jewish-Israeli viewers to an interview with a palestinian terrorist,2008,14,3,275-290,Maoz How Orwell's 1984 Has Influenced Rev. Jim Jones to Dominate and Then Destroy His Followers: With Extensions to Current Political Leaders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zimbardo Inside of a Prison: How a Culture of Punishment Prevents Rehabilitation,2021,28,1,140-143,Bloom