Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Technical note: measurement issues in taxonomic reliability,2004,42,8,771-778,Davies Accident analysis of two Turkish underground coal mines,2004,42,8,675-690,Duzgunb Incidence and seasonal variation of injury in rural Vietnam: a community-based survey,2004,42,8,691-701,Hang A statistical model to estimate the probability of slip and fall incidents,2004,42,9,779-789,Chang Friction requirements for different climbing conditions in straight ladder ascending,2004,42,9,791-805,Chang The effectiveness of the revised scaffold safety standard in the construction industry,2004,42,10,921-931,Yassin A survey on occupational accidents' reporting and registration systems in the European Union,2004,42,10,933-960,Jacinto Organizations in context: proposal for a new theoretical approach in prescriptive accident research,2004,42,10,961-977,Dyhrberg An improved methodology for assessing risk in aircraft operations at airports applied to runway overruns,2004,42,10,891-905,Kirkland Car safety and social differences in traffic injuries among young adult drivers: a study of two-car injury-generating crashes in Sweden,2005,43,1,1-10,Laflamme Desirability of advanced driver assistance from road safety perspective: the case of ISA,2005,43,1,11-27,Molin Deaths related to housing in 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake,2005,43,2,29-37,Liao Safety culture in railway maintenance,2005,43,1,39-60,Farrington-Darby Towards an international limit value for occupational trauma risk: industrial exposures associated with occupational trauma permanent impairment and fatalities in a five-year national claims material,2005,43,1,61-71,Larsson The relative effects of road markings on cycle stability,2005,43,2,75-89,Walton Effectiveness of safety belts and Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of their relative use,2005,43,2,191-103,Abdalla Behavior change versus culture change: Divergent approaches to managing workplace safety,2005,43,2,105-129,DeJoy Safety culture and accident risk control: Perceptions of professional divers and offshore workers,2005,43,2,131-145,Ross Designing and evaluating a human factors investigation tool (HFIT) for accident analysis ,2005,43,3,147-171,Flin Modelling driver choices towards accident risk reduction,2005,43,3,173-186,Yannis An explicative model of unsafe work behavior,2005,43,3,187-211,Seo Developing the Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Thesaurus International English Edition: An interdisciplinary tool for indexing and searching for research literature. Progress report 1,2006,44,4,279-296,Meier Case study: 128 injured in rollover coach crashes in Sweden--Injury outcome mechanisms and possible effects of seat belts,2006,44,2,87-109,Falkmer A framework for measuring safety level for production environments,2006,44,3,221-239,Ayomoh Air traffic management accident risk. part 1: the limits of realistic modelling,2006,44,5,419-450,Brooker Towards proactive monitoring in the petrochemical industry,2006,44,1,27-36,Burns Safety design: Towards a new philosophy,2006,44,1,55-73,Fadier The self-defensive attribution hypothesis in the work environment: Co-workers' perspectives,2006,44,2,157-168,Salminen Global estimates of occupational accidents,2006,44,2,137-156,Takala Crowd dynamics discrete element multi-circle model,2006,44,5,395-417,Langston Investigating employee perceptions of a framework of safety culture maturity,2006,44,3,259-276,Parker Effects of planar and non-planar driver-side mirrors on age-related discomfort-glare responses,2006,44,3,187-195,Lockhart Human factors in process control systems: The design of human-machine interfaces,2006,44,1,5-26,Nachreiner Safeguarding of pinch and shear points on power windows by limitation of the closing velocity: A pilot study,2006,44,3,197-207,Mewes Transferability of accident prediction models,2006,44,3,209-219,Sayed Design support for the systematic integration of risk reduction into early chemical process design,2006,44,1,37-54,Hale Designing for safety in passenger ships utilizing advanced evacuation analyses--A risk based approach,2006,44,2,111-135,Vanem Identifying and registering safety practitioners,1991,14,3-4,231-240,Dawson Introduction to building and environment use and safety,1991,14,2,81-85,Goossens Beyond risk: issues of political economy and building safety,1991,14,2,155-165,Gordon Some further evaluations of the International Safety Rating System,1991,14,3-4,253-259,Guastello Risks and accidents in the built environment,1991,14,2,87-102,Goossens Slip resistance and the UK Slip Resistance Research Group,1991,14,3-4,223-229,Kime Identifying accident patterns using the FAC and HAC: their application to accidents at the engine workshops of an automobile and truck factory,1991,14,1,13-33,Laflamme Trends and causes of fatalities in South African mines,1991,14,3-4,169-185,Leger Sprain/strain back injuries in New South Wales underground coal mining,1991,14,1,35-42,Leigh A method of ranking the grip of industrial footwear on water wet oily and icy surfaces,1991,14,1,1-12,Jones Analysis of fatal falls on the same level or on stairs/steps,1991,14,3-4,213-222,Nagata Occupational accidents while walking on stairways,1991,14,3-4,199-211,Nagata Certification of safety services in large Dutch industrial companies,1991,14,1,43-59,Hale Safety standards requirements and litigation in relation to building use and safety especially safety from falls involving stairs,1991,14,2,125-154,Pauls Accident-related permanent disabilities of young workers in Sweden 1984-85,1991,14,3-4,187-198,Larsson Accidents and disasters: vulnerability in the built environment,1991,14,2,109-124,Sime Emergency room evidence on the role of alcohol intoxication in injury at work in the U.S,1991,14,3-4,241-252,Trent An overall approach to the safety of playgrounds,1991,14,2,103-108,Rogmans Evaluation of a stimulation plan for municipalities in the Netherlands,1991,14,1,61-73,Wegman Risk and system integrity concepts for safety-related control systems,1992,15,4-6,283-308,Bell Models for problem-solving in health and safety,1992,15,3,183-205,Booth A new approach to permit to work systems offshore,1992,15,4-6,309-326,Booth Safety health and hygiene in agriculture,1992,15,4-6,225-248,Chisholm Incorporating fire safety in the Channel Tunnel design,1992,15,2,119-136,Eisner Over-exertion back accidents among nurses' aides in Sweden,1992,15,2,97-108,Engkvist Reducing risks in the erection of structural steel,1992,15,4-6,215-224,Flett Using ergonomics in engineering design to improve health and safety,1992,15,4-6,327-349,Graves Factors influencing personal exposure to gas and dust in workplace air: application of a visualisation technique,1992,15,4-6,273-282,Gray Preface : European year of safety and health at work,1992,15,4-6,211-213,Hammer Human behaviour when climbing ladders with varying inclinations,1992,15,1,21-38,Hammer Liability insurance: risk assessment,1992,15,4-6,403-417,Hatchek Safety in fishing -- learning from experience,1992,15,4-6,249-271,Hopper Vibrating hand-held machines in the construction industry,1992,15,4-6,367-373,Lundstrom Traumatic fatalities among Swedish seafarers 1984-1988,1992,15,3,173-182,Larsson European standards for occupational and machinery noise control,1992,15,4-6,375-386,Lazarus Successful health and safety management. the contribution of management audit,1992,15,4-6,387-402,Lindsay "Healthier work at Brabantia" a comprehensive approach to wellness at the worksite,1992,15,4-6,351-366,Maes Corporate accountability. the time for consensus,1992,15,4-6,419-423,McIntosh Trends and costs of injuries and disease in the New South Wales construction industry,1992,15,1,1-20,Ore Dynamic padding by retrofit airbags and knee bars. a study of Swedish mail delivery cars,1992,15,3,147-154,Eriksson Regression analysis of time trends in occupational accidents (Israel 1970-1980),1992,15,2,77-95,Pines QUASA: A method for assessing the quality of safety analysis,1992,15,3,155-172,Rouhiainen Risk perception and safety on offshore petroleum platforms -- Part II: Perceived risk job stress and accidents,1992,15,1,53-68,Rundmo Risk perception and safety on offshore petroleum platforms -- Part I: Perception of risk,1992,15,1,39-52,Rundmo Fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents: identical versus differential causation,1992,15,2,109-118,Saari Behavioural economics and compliance with safety regulations,1993,16,1,35-46,Battmann Machinery safety: Progress in the prevention of technological accidents,1993,16,3-4,247-248,Booth Critical incidents and fatigue among locomotive engineers,1993,16,1,1-18,Lamonde Reflections on accident investigation,1993,16,3-4,401-406,Burgoyne Major hazards in the chemical industry. part iii. a retrospective view,1993,16,3-4,279-305,Carson Warnings and risk communication,1993,16,5-6,565-568,Wogalter Warning variables affecting personal protective equipment use,1993,16,5-6,655-673,Dingus Learning from major accidents involving dangerous substances,1993,16,2,89-113,Drogaris Influence of initial and explosion-induced turbulence on dust explosions in large vented silo cells,1993,16,3-4,511-525,Eckhoff Eye movement and reaction time measures of the effectiveness of caution signs,1993,16,5-6,627-635,Galluscio Early impacts of alcoholic beverage warning labels: national study findings relevant to drinking and driving behavior,1993,16,5-6,689-707,Greenfield Do we really know how well our occupational accident prevention programs work?,1993,16,3-4,445-463,Guastello The role of regulations in the prevention of occupational injury,1993,16,1,47-66,Gun Crane accidents and their prevention revisited,1993,16,3-4,267-277,Hakkinen Methodological and organisational issues,1993,16,3-4,397-399,Hale Safety science in retrospect a tribute to Herbert S. Eisner,1993,16,3-4,v-vii,Hale Multivariate methods analysis of accidents while boarding or climbing down from agricultural equipment,1993,16,3-4,391-396,Hammer Risk homeostasis: issues for future research,1993,16,1,19-33,Glendon A review of research into machine stability on slopes,1993,16,3-4,325-339,Hunter Methods for checking the validity of technical test procedures for the assessment of slip resistance of footwear,1993,16,3-4,189-206,Jung An ISO test method for determining slip resistance of footwear : Determination of its precision,1993,16,2,115-127,Jung Marking of personal protective equipment,1993,16,3-4,169-188,Jung Reducing risks by deviation control--a retrospection into a research strategy,1993,16,3-4,417-438,Hovden Accident data--the need for a new look at the sort of data that are collected and analysed,1993,16,3-4,407-415,Kletz Expert opinions fuzzy probabilities and warnings: toward a mathematical method for evaluating warning "read and heed" effectiveness,1993,16,5-6,729-750,Kreifeldt Fire and explosion safety,1993,16,3-4,485-490,Kuhlmann Technological improvement of the production process and accidents: An equivocal relationship,1993,16,3-4,249-266,Laflamme Investigating accidents and reducing risks--a dynamic approach (Kjellen and Larsson 1981); its relevance for injury prevention,1993,16,3-4,439-443,Larsson Explicitness of consequence information in warnings,1993,16,5-6,597-613,Laughery Quantification of the slip resistance of floor surfaces at industrial sites. part i. implementation of a portable device,1993,17,1,29-39,Leclercq Quantification of the slip resistance of floor surfaces at industrial sites. part ii: choice of optimal measurement conditions,1993,17,1,41-55,Leclercq Herbert Eisner's contribution to safety in South Africa,1993,16,3-4,163-165,Leger Models of the warning process: important implications towards effectiveness,1993,16,5-6,569-595,Lehto Blasenresonanzexplosion. die entwicklung einer idee,1993,16,3-4,549-564,Leiber Sociotechnical communication in an underground mine fire: a study of warning messages during an emergency evacuation,1993,16,5-6,709-728,Mallett A step towards safe walking,1993,16,3-4,207-220,Jones Accident prevention by safety engineers within occupational health services in Sweden,1993,16,3-4,465-484,Menckel Industrial helmet performance in impacts,1993,16,3-4,221-238,Mills Fatal and non-fatal falls -- a review of earlier articles and their developments,1993,16,3-4,379-390,Nagata Proposed method to match physical test scores with the probable risk of a fatal fall,1993,17,1,1-12,Nagata Review of "an approach to hazard analysis of LNG spills",1993,16,3-4,491-499,Napier A review of log splitter safety,1993,17,1,57-72,Hunter Crane accidents by contact with powerlines,1993,16,2,129-142,Paques Blast effects from vapour cloud explosions: A decade of progress,1993,16,3-4,527-548,Pritchard Personal protective equipment (PPE),1993,16,3-4,167-167,Proctor Slipping accidents in Great Britain -- an update,1993,16,3-4,367-377,Proctor Comparative strategy for the safety of horizontal injection moulding machines,1993,16,1,67-88,Raafat A study on the operating team activity of a nuclear power plant under abnormal operating conditions,1993,16,2,143-156,Sasou Basic concepts of safety engineering,1993,16,3-4,343-358,Schon Perceived readability of warning labels with varied font sizes and styles,1993,16,5-6,615-625,Braun Activating a safety message from truck drivers' memory: an experiment in a work zone,1993,16,5-6,675-687,Summala Evaluation of the effect of safety regulations. case studies on press and conveyor regulations,1993,16,3-4,307-324,Suokas Associations between occupational hazards detected with log-linear statistical methods,1993,17,1,13-28,Takala Review of developments in forestry protective equipment since publication of the paper "the protection of loggers' heads and eyes in forestry work",1993,16,3-4,239-245,Vayrynen Classical accidents,1993,16,3-4,341-342,Verhaegen Absenteeism accidents and risk-taking: A review ten years later,1993,16,3-4,359-366,Verhaegen Behavioral compliance with warnings: effects of voice context and location,1993,16,5-6,637-654,Wogalter Practical application of water barriers for the mitigation of atmospheric releases,1993,16,3-4,501-509,Zonato Seat belt legislation: the evidence revisited,1994,18,2,135-152,Adams Five year risk of assault on employees in a psychiatric hospital,1994,18,2,113-124,Augestad The effect of age on safety and work practices among domestic trash collectors in Quebec,1994,17,4,291-308,Cloutier Vibration and jarring as a cause of back injury in the NSW coal mining industry,1994,17,4,269-274,Cross MAIM: the concept and construction of intelligent software,1994,17,3,207-218,Manning Data collected by MAIM intelligent software: the first fifty accidents,1994,17,3,219-226,Manning Evaluation of a strategy. preventing accidents with automated machinery through targeted and comprehensive investigations conducted by safety engineers,1994,17,3,187-206,Backstrom Immigrants and occupational accidents: A comparative study of the frequency and types of accidents encountered by foreign and Swedish citizens at an engineering plant in Sweden,1994,18,1,15-32,Laflamme A case-control study of possible risk factors in the causation of occupational injury,1994,18,1,1-13,Gun Agricultural accidents,1994,17,2,117-143,Hammer Risk homeostasis theory -- Beyond transportational research,1994,17,2,77-89,Hoyes Ignition of methane-air mixture by frictional sparks from light alloys,1994,17,2,91-102,Uchida Forklift trucks--analysis of severe and fatal occupational injuries critical incidents and priorities for prevention,1994,17,4,275-289,Rechnitzer Incentives in Swedish work environment regulation,1994,17,3,147-167,Lyttkens The superior slip-resistance of footwear soling compound T66/103,1994,18,1,45-60,Jones The quality of work environment supervision and safety in building construction,1994,17,4,257-268,Mattila The contribution of knowledge acquisition techniques to the assessment of training needs,1994,18,2,79-93,McGeorge Can safety risks of blue-collar jobs be compared by gender?,1994,18,2,95-112,Messing Safety climate in the road administration,1994,17,4,237-255,Niskanen Economic assessment of occupational injuries in furniture industries,1994,18,1,33-43,Rundmo Occupational accidents and objective risk on North Sea offshore installations,1994,17,2,103-116,Rundmo The behaviour of first-line supervisors in accident prevention and effectiveness in occupational safety,1994,17,3,169-185,Marchand Some links between accidents postural load and accessibility in chemical plant maintenance,1994,18,2,125-133,Vayrynen Safe design of personal rapid transit systems,1995,19,2-3,253-263,Anderson The successful introduction of child resistant closures for liquid paracetamol preparations,1995,21,2,87-91,Assargard Flying is not safe,1995,19,2-3,287-294,Baksteen Independent investigation of transportation accidents,1995,19,2-3,271-278,Baxter Technological support for decision making in a safety critical environment,1995,19,2-3,149-156,Bentley Understanding and planning for different spectator crowds,1995,18,4,239-247,Berlonghi Employing virtual reality to support decision making in emergency management,1995,20,1,79-88,Beroggi Human induced loading of flexible staircases,1995,18,4,261-276,Bishop Hidden accident rates and patterns in the Swedish mining industry due to involvement of contractor workers,1995,21,1,23-35,Andersson You can do it: The what why and how of improving health and safety at work: A self help guide : Health and Safety Executive 1994,1995,20,1,155-156,Boyle Epidemiology causes and prevention of bicycle wheel entanglements,1995,19,2-3,87-98,Mulder Development of a spatial knowledge base system for environment protection: the ARSEN project,1995,20,1,27-37,Buisson International trends in education and training in occupational hygiene,1995,20,2-3,191-197,Burdorf Full-scale collision tests,1995,19,2-3,171-178,Carlebur Don't wait for accidents -- possibilities to assess risk in traffic by applying the 'Wiener Fahrprobe',1995,19,2-3,137-147,Chaloupka Barriers to the reduction of domestic hot water temperatures,1995,18,3,181-192,Langley Training the future physician manager: Assessing the results,1995,20,2-3,349-352,Cordes Transformation of occupational health in the Czech Republic: Challenge for education and training,1995,20,2-3,213-215,David A broad-brush outline for the railways of the next century,1995,19,2-3,265-267,de Kroes Method of analysis of the difficulties of risk management in a collective activity,1995,18,3,157-180,De la Garza Major crowd catastrophes,1995,18,4,309-320,Dickie Engineering for crowd safety : edited by r.a. smith and j.f. dickie. elsevier science b.v. amsterdam 1993 pp. 428,1995,21,1,80-82,Donald Accommodating to change: Trends in UK occupational safety legislation,1995,18,3,193-202,Eisner A century of accidents in the Italian industry: Relationship with the production cycle,1995,21,1,65-74,Fabiano A 4-year 3-technique learning experience in the field of occupational health,1995,20,2-3,289-295,Franco The TRAC system: An observation method for analysing work demands at the workplace,1995,21,2,163-165,Kuijer Sea transport safety -- A challenge to European maritime society,1995,19,2-3,279-285,Froese Conducting in-depth accident studies,1995,19,2-3,119-124,Bradford A pilot decision support system for nuclear power emergency management,1995,20,1,13-26,Gheorghe Spatial decision support and information management application to wildland fire prevention The WILFRIED System,1995,20,1,3-12,Guarnieri Request for help: evaluation of occupational safety interventions,1995,18,4,337-337,Shannon A learning-by-doing strategy to improve top management involvement in safety,1995,20,2-3,299-304,Hakkinen Occupational health and safety professionals and management: identity marriage servitude or supervision?,1995,20,2-3,233-245,Hale Training courses for specialists in working conditions: Some survey results,1995,20,2-3,173-181,Hale A comprehensive assessment system for the maritime traffic environment,1995,19,2-3,203-215,Hara Approaches to accident prevention: A comparative study of eleven Swedish authorities,1995,21,1,51-63,Harms-Ringdahl Automation and the future of driver behavior,1995,19,2-3,237-244,Janssen Integrating analyses of the risk of occupational accidents into the design process -- Part II: Method for prediction of the LTI-rate,1995,19,1,3-18,Kjellén Integrating analyses of the risk of occupational accidents into the design process Part I: A review of types of acceptance criteria and risk analysis methods,1995,18,3,215-227,Sklet Occupational health and safety promotion: Problems and solutions,1995,20,2-3,323-328,Koh A human component to consider in your emergency management plans: the critical incident stress factor,1995,20,1,115-123,Kowalski A graduate level course: Teaching stress management skills to occupational health physicians and practitioners,1995,20,2-3,337-341,Kushnir Aging and occupational accidents a review of the literature of the last three decades,1995,21,2,145-161,Laflamme Qualifying the consultative skills of the occupational health service staff,1995,20,2-3,247-252,Limborg Teaching evaluation strategies for occupational health and safety programs,1995,20,2-3,265-269,Long High heels and polished floors: The ultimate challenge in research on slip-resistance,1995,19,1,19-29,Jones Professional education in occupational health and safety in Australia,1995,20,2-3,207-211,Marshall Wall fires and the approach to flashover in an enclosure,1995,20,1,71-78,Mitler Evaluation of an information campaign about working safely with carcinogenic substances,1995,21,2,131-144,Moonen Barriers to health promotion in Japanese companies with special reference to health personnel,1995,20,2-3,329-334,Kikuchi Rational index for assessing perceived difficulty while descending stairs with various tread/rise combinations,1995,21,1,37-49,Nagata Implementation of ophthalmological tests in periodic eye checkups for VDT workers in Japan,1995,20,2-3,271-275,Nakaishi The investigation of the Hillsborough disaster by the Health and Safety Executive,1995,18,4,249-259,Nicholson Combining accident data and laboratory simulation data reduces the risk for sub-optimized safety systems in cars,1995,19,1,57-69,Norin Injury potential prediction of a safety design feature: A theoretical method based on simulations and traffic accident data,1995,19,1,45-56,Isaksson-Hellman Facilitating the "right" decision in crisis: Supporting the crisis decision maker through analysis of their needs,1995,20,1,125-133,Ody Nautical safety and efficiency: simulation and reality,1995,19,2-3,157-169,Perdok Emerging issues in occupational health education as reflected in the previous ICOH conferences,1995,20,2-3,157-161,Phoon Emergency management and the law: liability issues in the United States,1995,20,1,145-152,Pine Evaluation of training impact on work,1995,20,2-3,225-229,Punnonen Sensitizing occupational and environmental health professionals to interpersonal relationships and communication,1995,20,2-3,259-264,Ribak Two experiences on education and training in dry-cleaners,1995,20,2-3,305-310,Raffi Evaluation of an integrative masters program in occupational health at the Tel Aviv University Medical School,1995,20,2-3,343-347,Ribak Vocational rehabilitation program for unemployed persons with musculoskeletal disorders: A pilot study,1995,20,2-3,311-316,Riikonen Inland waterway transport: Modelling the probability of accidents,1995,19,2-3,191-202,Roeleven International survey on the education of occupational health nurses,1995,20,2-3,219-223,Rossi Risk assessment and risk evaluation and the training of OHS professionals,1995,20,2-3,183-189,Saari Real-time dispersion model calculations as part of NORMEM-WP19,1995,20,1,51-59,Saltbones Safety equipment for passengers on railway platforms,1995,18,4,301-307,Sasamoto Implementation of the Seveso directive in Germany -- An evaluation of hazardous incident information,1995,18,3,203-214,Schutz Promoting safety by training supervisors and safety representatives for daily safety work,1995,20,2-3,317-322,Seppala A multilevel analysis of organisational factors related to the taking of safety initiatives by work groups,1995,21,2,113-129,Marchand Crowd psychology and engineering,1995,21,1,1-14,Sime Density velocity and flow relationships for closely packed crowds,1995,18,4,321-327,Smith Experiments to investigate the level of 'comfortable' loads for people against crush barriers,1995,18,4,329-335,Smith Pedestrian movement,1995,18,4,291-300,Stanton Accidents -- In-Depth Analysis; towards a method AIDA?,1995,19,2-3,125-136,Stoop Disaster economics: revisiting the fire problem in the United States,1995,20,1,135-144,Sullivan Safety Recommendations -- The engine that drives change,1995,19,2-3,295-307,Sweedler Hazard prevention and control in the work environment: A report of a WHO meeting,1995,21,1,75-78,Swuste Natural and manmade disasters: accepting and managing risks,1995,20,1,91-99,Tansel Accident prediction models for signalized crosswalks,1995,19,2-3,109-118,Tarko Self-explaining roads,1995,19,2-3,217-225,Theeuwes Interorganizational networks and decision making in technological disasters,1995,20,1,101-113,Therrien Computer and fluid modelling of evacuation,1995,18,4,277-289,Thompson Analysis of serious occupational accidents in Swedish fishery,1995,21,2,93-111,Saethre An integrated emergency management decision support system for hurricane emergencies,1995,20,1,39-48,Tufekci From input to outcome: Changes in OHS-education and training,1995,20,2-3,165-171,van Dijk Intrinsic road safety: A new approach?,1995,19,2-3,245-252,Van Uden Development of a new masters program for occupational physicians in Flanders,1995,20,2-3,199-206,Vanhoorne Safeguarding of lathes and occupational accidents,1995,21,1,15-22,Varonen Theoretic model for the computer analysis of vehicle collisions,1995,19,2-3,179-189,Vera A comparison of vehicular approach speed and braking between day and nighttime periods at an automated railway crossing,1995,19,1,31-44,Wilde Dealing with controversial issues on occupational health educational courses,1995,20,2-3,253-258,Watterson Analysis of recent trends in bus and coach safety in Britain,1995,19,2-3,99-107,White Forest fire danger assessment methods and decision support,1995,20,1,61-70,Guarnieri A new training specification for workplace health promotion,1995,20,2-3,277-287,Wynne The effect of environmental and design parameters on subjective road safety -- a case study in Poland,1995,19,2-3,227-234,Zakowska The accident consequence tree method and its application by real-time data collection in the Finnish furniture industry,1996,23,1,11-26,Saari Motives for occupational risk management in large UK companies,1996,22,1-3,229-243,Ashby Decision making in conditions of risk and uncertainty: The response to HIV/AIDS,1996,22,1-3,147-162,Bennett Model formulation support in risk management,1996,24,2,121-142,Beroggi Evaluation of ergonomic training programs,1996,23,2-3,133-143,Berthelette Risky health and safety habits related to perceived value of the future,1996,22,1-3,27-33,Wilde Organizational assessment of risk management and control. performance appraisal with the "accomplishment record" method,1996,23,1,1-9,Boesten Ergonomics task analysis in technical training: Case study,1996,23,2-3,145-146,Bourassa Falls from buildings and other fixed structures in New Zealand,1996,21,3,247-254,Langley Made to measure training for work activity analysis: Learning activities and instructional tools,1996,23,2-3,147-147,Chatigny Training courses in companies for the ergonomics of computer screen work,1996,23,2-3,149-149,Ciaessens The effect of habit as a behavioural response in risk reduction programmes,1996,22,1-3,163-175,Clarke Ergonomics and training in work environments in Belgium,1996,23,2-3,151-152,De Meyer Workload variation intrinsic risk and utility in a simulated air traffic control task: Evidence for compensatory effects,1996,22,1-3,87-101,Desmond Evaluation of the outcomes of an ergonomic training programme developed by the INRS,1996,23,2-3,153-154,Duwelz Pro-active safety management: Application and evaluation within a rail context,1996,24,2,83-93,Edkins Ergonomics and training at the workplace,1996,23,2-3,155-156,Etienne Unionists/researchers writing a book in co-operation: Importance in training/research dynamics,1996,23,2-3,157-158,Ferreira Risk perception by offshore workers on UK oil and gas platforms,1996,22,1-3,131-145,Fleming Ergonomics analysis training of union representatives of hospital employees: Implications and conditions for success of action-oriented training,1996,23,2-3,159-160,Gadbois Factors related to injury of shiftworking fire fighters in the Northeastern United States,1996,21,3,255-263,Glazner A review of risk homeostasis theory in simulated environments,1996,22,1-3,15-25,Glendon Applying ergonomics to engineering projects and training programmes for designers,1996,23,2-3,161-162,Guertin Ergonomics and training in work environments,1996,23,2-3,163-164,Guillon Cleaner technology: A dynamic development area for the working environment,1996,23,2-3,165-166,Handberg Curtin industrial safety trial: Managerial behavior and program effectiveness,1996,24,3,173-179,Harper Curtin industrial safety trial: Methods and safe practice and housekeeping outcomes,1996,24,3,159-172,Harper Participatory training: A method to achieve workplace improvements,1996,23,2-3,167-167,Hasle Risk perception risk taking accident involvement and the need for stimulation,1996,22,1-3,35-48,van der Molen Occurrence of sudden movements at work,1996,24,2,77-82,Hirvonen Incorporating human dependent failures in risk assessments to improve estimates of actual risk,1996,22,1-3,177-194,Hollywell Risk homeostasis theory: A study of intrinsic compensation,1996,22,1-3,77-86,Hoyes Risk homeostasis theory utility and accident loss in a simulated driving task,1996,22,1-3,49-62,Desmond Action-based education and education for action,1996,23,2-3,169-170,Hubault Factors associated with occupational injury severity in the New South Wales underground coal mining industry,1996,21,3,191-204,Driscoll The effect of operating conditions on fume cupboard containment,1996,24,1,51-60,Johnson Integrating human factors and systems engineering to reduce the risk of operator "error",1996,22,1-3,195-214,Johnson Ergonomic work analysis and professional training,1996,23,2-3,125-132,Lacomblez Activity analysis during development of training programmes,1996,23,2-3,171-172,Lacomblez Learning ergonomics by conducting projects: The case of students in computer science and telecommunications,1996,23,2-3,173-174,Lafferrerie Age-related accident ratios in assembly work: A study of female assembly workers in the Swedish automobile industry,1996,23,1,27-37,Laflamme The effects of feedback and goal setting on safety performance at two construction sites,1996,24,1,61-73,Laitinen Costs and benefits of preventing workplace accidents: The case of participatory ergonomics,1996,24,3,181-196,Lanoie The variation of occupational injury cost in Australia; estimates based on a small empirical study,1996,24,2,143-155,Larsson Training engineers to conduct ergonomics work analysis in a reengineering context,1996,23,2-3,175-176,Le Borgne Simultaneous development of work health and professional qualifications: A challenge to ergonomics,1996,23,2-3,177-177,Leppanen Incidents in manual handling activities,1996,21,3,223-237,Lortie Work analysis in training and in union action,1996,23,2-3,179-180,Maggi Recognizing university-derived and workers' knowledge in training programmes in ergonomics,1996,23,2-3,181-182,Messing Personal hearing protection,1996,23,2-3,183-184,Miguel Evaluation of the effects of a training programme on the transformation initiatives of workers,1996,23,2-3,185-185,Montreuil Ergonomics training for managers employees and designers involved in the design and organization of work systems,1996,23,2-3,97-106,Montreuil Introduction Ergonomists training and occupational health and safety,1996,23,2-3,79-79,Teiger Improving the effectiveness of warnings by increasing the appropriateness of their information content: some hypotheses about human compliance,1996,21,3,175-189,Lehto Work analysis training in a context of diagnosis and transformation of work conditions,1996,23,2-3,187-188,Paraguay Occupational permanent disabilities reported to the Social Security Corporation in Jordan,1996,24,2,111-119,Rabi Associations between risk perception and safety,1996,24,3,197-209,Rundmo Employee risk perception related to offshore oil platform movements,1996,24,3,211-227,Rundmo Changes in risk perception among North Sea offshore personnel in the period 1990 to 1994,1996,21,3,205-221,Rundmo The union goes to university: A training program to balance the employer's dominance in the planning of new technology and organizational development,1996,23,2-3,189-190,Ruth Implementation of internal control (IC) of health environment and safety (HES) in Norwegian enterprises,1996,23,1,53-61,Saksvik Modeling of a team's decision-making process,1996,24,1,13-33,Sasou Self analysis of work in the training of operators,1996,23,2-3,191-192,Six Differences between older and younger drivers; characteristics of fatal car crashes and driver injuries,1996,23,1,63-77,Bjornstig Challenging the orthodoxy in risk management,1996,22,1-3,245-262,Smallman Rollover of tractors -- international experiences,1996,24,2,95-110,Springfeldt A systems approach to human error identification,1996,22,1-3,215-228,Stanton From fly-by-wire to drive-by-wire: Safety implications of automation in vehicles,1996,24,1,35-49,Stanton Accident risk and driver behaviour,1996,22,1-3,103-117,Summala Preventing femoral fractures among elderly: The community safety approach,1996,21,3,239-246,Schelp The foundations and contributions of ergonomics work analysis in training programmes,1996,23,2-3,81-95,Teiger The cooperation between trade unionists and ergonomists: The stakes involved in training trade unionists in ergonomic work analysis,1996,23,2-3,119-124,Teiger Training and ergonomics in production line work,1996,23,2-3,193-193,Toulouse Risk homeostasis theory: Problems of the past and promises for the future,1996,22,1-3,119-130,Trimpop Training in factories: A case study of knife-sharpening,1996,23,2-3,195-195,Chatigny Driver approach behaviour at an unprotected railway crossing before and after enhancement of lateral sight distances: An experimental investigation of a risk perception and behavioural compensation hypothesis,1996,22,1-3,63-75,Wilde Training trade unionists in ergonomics: Interaction between public policies trade union practices and the development of research,1996,23,2-3,107-117,Wendelen Making workers' representatives aware of analyzing working conditions,1996,23,2-3,197-198,Wendelen Industry differences in accident causation,1996,24,1,1-12,Feyer Effects of participating in virtual environments: a review of current knowledge,1996,23,1,39-51,Wilson An evaluation of Manutention training in preventing back strain and resultant injuries in nurses,1997,25,1-3,207-222,Best The impact of advances in production technology on industrial injuries: A review of the literature,1997,26,3,219-234,Andersson The use and management of hazardous chemicals in south Australian workplaces,1997,25,1-3,123-136,Bluff Occupational road trauma and permanent medical impairment,1997,26,3,187-200,Larsson The development of a training pack on the management of aggression and violence in primary care,1997,25,1-3,223-230,Carter Fatal occupational injuries in Taiwan -- Relationship between fatality rate and age,1997,27,1,1-17,Chi Measurement of traffic conflicts,1997,26,3,169-185,Chin Uncertainty modeling: Examples and issues,1997,26,1-2,49-60,Cooke Reply to Larsson,1997,27,2-3,219-221,Culvenor Finding occupational injury solutions: The impact of training in creative thinking,1997,25,1-3,187-205,Culvenor Driving the science of prevention into reverse,1997,27,1,77-83,Culvenor Minimizing the personal cost of involvement in research into traumatic death,1997,25,1-3,45-53,Mitchell Prevention of musculoskeletal complaints in nursing: Aims approach and content of an ergonomic-educational programme,1997,27,2-3,141-148,van der Gulden A methodological approach to internal antifire crew optimization. an oil refinery case history,1997,27,2-3,161-181,Fabiano Review of sincerity of effort testing,1997,25,1-3,237-245,Fairfax The involvement of human behaviour in occupational accidents: Errors in context,1997,25,1-3,55-65,Feyer Assessment of football grounds for player safety,1997,27,2-3,115-128,Fuller The West Jutland study of farm accidents: A model for prevention,1997,25,1-3,105-112,Carstensen Applications of some risk assessment techniques: Formal expert judgement and accident sequence precursors,1997,26,1-2,35-47,Goossens Risk assessment and accident analysis,1997,26,1-2,21-23,Goossens Reducing vibration exposure from hand-held grinding sanding and polishing powertools by improvement in equipment and industrial processes,1997,25,1-3,143-152,Larsson Management of safety in systems,1997,26,1-2,105-106,Hale Modelling of safety management systems,1997,26,1-2,121-140,Hale Avoiding square wheels: International experience in sharing solutions,1997,25,1-3,3-14,Hale 10 years of the chair in safety science at the Delft University of Technology,1997,26,1-2,3-19,Hale Special issue for the 10th anniversary of the safety science group at the TU Delft,1997,26,1-2,1-1,Hale Proposed safety criteria for traffic control on motorways,1997,26,1-2,141-154,Heijer Occupational injury risk in a blue collar small business industry: Implications for prevention,1997,25,1-3,67-78,Triggs Validation of human reliability assessment techniques: Part 2 -- Validation results,1997,27,1,43-75,Kirwan Validation of human reliability assessment techniques: Part 1 -- Validation issues,1997,27,1,25-41,Kirwan Economic effects of implementing internal control of health safety and environment: A retrospective case study of an aluminium plant,1997,27,2-3,99-114,Boe Personal protectors and working behaviour of loggers,1997,25,1-3,89-103,Klen Overexertion-injury types among female Swedish nurses and nursing auxiliaries: An age-related problem?,1997,27,2-3,129-139,Laflamme Small businesses and occupational health and safety advisors,1997,25,1-3,153-161,Lamm On beartraps and Australian drunk drivers: A response to Culvenor,1997,27,2-3,215-218,Larsson The effects of subcontracting/ outsourcing on occupational health and safety: Survey evidence from four Australian industries,1997,25,1-3,163-178,Ferris The effects of firm size on injury frequency in construction,1997,27,1,19-23,McVittie Occupational violence in aged care,1997,25,1-3,231-236,Newhouse Associations between safety climate and emotional reactions to platform movements onboard an offshore installation,1997,26,3,155-168,Rundmo Risk management in a dynamic society: a modelling problem,1997,27,2-3,183-213,Rasmussen Occupational fatality under-reporting in rural areas of the Western Cape Province South Africa,1997,25,1-3,113-122,Schierhout Overview of the relationship between organizational and workplace factors and injury rates,1997,26,3,201-217,Mayr Occupational skin disorders and scissors-induced injury in hairdressers,1997,25,1-3,137-142,Shiao Advancing analytic epidemiologic studies of occupational injuries,1997,25,1-3,29-43,Sorock Drive-by-wire: The case of driver workload and reclaiming control with adaptive cruise control,1997,27,2-3,149-159,Stanton Transport safety: Trends and challenges from a systems perspective,1997,26,1-2,107-120,Stoop Safety in design,1997,26,1-2,61-62,Swuste Evaluation of accident scenarios in a Dutch steel works using a hazard and operability study,1997,26,1-2,63-74,Goossens Sharing workplace solutions by solution data banks,1997,26,1-2,95-104,Hale Application of design analysis to solution generation: Hand-arm vibrations in foundation pile head removal in the construction industry,1997,27,2-3,85-98,Burdorf Home based workers at risk: Outworkers and occupational health and safety,1997,25,1-3,179-186,Tassie Effectiveness of explicit warnings,1997,25,1-3,79-88,Trommelen Consumer products: Hazard analysis standardization and (re)design,1997,26,1-2,87-94,van Aken A participatory ergonomics approach to redesign work of scaffolders,1997,26,1-2,75-85,Vink The goal and how to get there,1997,26,1-2,25-33,Wagenaar The development of a measure of safety climate: The role of safety perceptions and attitudes,1997,25,1-3,15-27,Feyer Vocational rehabilitation programmes: A financial appraisal,1997,25,1-3,247-260,Wood Traffic rules and traffic safety,1998,29,3,205-215,Åberg An application of the MEMbrain training module: pre-hospital rescue operation,1998,30,1-2,25-31,Andersen Risk management: role of social factors in major industrial accidents,1998,30,1-2,173-181,Britkov Comparison of different measures for hand-arm vibration exposure,1998,28,1,3-14,Nilsson Portable equipment for field measurement of the hand's absorption of vibration energy,1998,28,1,15-20,Lundstrom Occupational injuries and their long term consequences among mechanics and construction metal workers,1998,28,1,49-58,Bjornstig Modelling and simulation of human behaviour for safety analysis and control of complex systems,1998,28,2,97-110,Cacciabue The effect of surface roughness on dynamic friction between neolite and quarry tile,1998,29,2,89-105,Chang Accident indicators and profiles as a function of the age of female nurses and food services workers in the Quebec health and social services sector,1998,28,2,111-125,Cloutier The Pothole Lake fire: an analysis of emotion in a successful emergency response,1998,30,1-2,183-207,Waisel Understanding accident mechanisms: an analysis of the components of 2516 accidents collected in a MAIM database,1998,29,1,25-58,Stevens Safety and application of procedures or 'how do 'they' have to use operating procedures in nuclear power plants?',1998,29,3,179-187,Dien Housekeeping and safety: an epidemiological review,1998,28,2,127-138,Dufort The INDICATE safety program: evaluation of a method to proactively improve airline safety performance,1998,30,3,275-295,Edkins An epidemiological study of non-fatal pedestrian injuries,1998,29,2,125-141,Eilert-Petersson Categorization and combination of safety-related data for quantitative risk assessments in screening methods,1998,31,1,1-18,Flanz Reinforcing the rules or integrating behavioural responses into road planning,1998,29,3,217-228,Fleury Prediction and prevention of chemical-related injury: towards an effective risk assessment protocol,1998,29,1,1-14,Gun Evaluating safety in the management of maintenance activities in the chemical process industry,1998,28,1,21-44,Hale Safety rules: procedural freedom or action constraint?,1998,29,3,163-177,Hale Private provision for public services in Denmark: the case of Falck,1998,30,1-2,165-172,Hansen Using system simulation to model the impact of human error in a maritime system,1998,30,1-2,235-247,Harrald Dealing with the complete crisis--the crisis management shell structure,1998,30,1-2,139-150,Heath Working under pressure: crisis management pressure groups and the media,1998,30,1-2,209-221,Heath Looking for answers: suggestions for improving how we evaluate crisis management,1998,30,1-2,151-163,Heath Risk assessment modelling and visualisation,1998,30,1-2,71-77,Heino Meanings of risk control in occupational health and safety among employers and employees,1998,28,3,141-154,Triggs Supporting multi-group emergency management with multimedia,1998,30,1-2,223-234,Beroggi Safety assessment in the built environment of Saudi Arabia,1998,29,1,15-24,Jannadi Bridging the gap: remote sensing and needs assessment--a field experience with displaced populations,1998,30,1-2,123-129,Kelly Slips trips and falls in different work groups with reference to age,1998,28,1,59-75,Lundholm Development of a Hazard and Operability-based method for identifying safety management vulnerabilities in high risk systems,1998,30,3,249-274,Kennedy The correspondence of self-reported accidents with company records,1998,28,1,45-48,Klen Emergency construction waste management,1998,30,1-2,45-53,Lauritzen Not working to rule: Understanding procedural violations at work,1998,28,2,77-95,Lawton About implementation of safety rules,1998,29,3,189-204,Leplat A compensation system of damage caused by accidents at energy objects: problems methods models,1998,30,1-2,107-113,Lesnykh Home injuries in a Swedish municipality--consequences and costs,1998,31,1,19-29,Timpka The classification of accident data,1998,31,1,31-57,Lortie Efficacy of handrails in preventing stairway falls: a new experimental approach,1998,28,3,189-206,Perry Automatic estimation of crowd density using texture,1998,28,3,165-175,Marana Risk analyses for sewer systems based on numerical modelling and GIS,1998,30,1-2,99-106,Mark Assessment and mitigation of the consequences of fires in chemical warehouses,1998,30,1-2,33-44,Markert Traumatic work-related fatalities involving mining in Australia,1998,29,2,107-123,Mitchell The costs of accidents and work-related ill-health to a cheque clearing department of a financial services organisation,1998,31,1,59-69,Monnery Analysis of spatial distributions of accidents,1998,31,1,71-91,Nicholson Organizational prerequisites for the implementation of systematic health environment and safety work in enterprises,1998,30,3,297-307,Saksvik A computer system for evaluating and predicting hurricane impact on forest,1998,30,1-2,3-8,Pleshikov Geoinformation systems and regional environmental prediction,1998,30,1-2,63-70,Polichtchouk Loops--limited object oriented patient simulator : Design criteria for a patient simulation model,1998,30,1-2,55-62,Raabye Fatal occupational injuries in Jordan during the period 1980 through 1993,1998,28,3,177-187,Rabi Lifting technique and abdominal belt usage: a biomechanical physiological and subjective investigation,1998,28,3,155-164,Bridger Organisational factors safety attitudes and workload among offshore oil personnel,1998,29,2,75-87,Rundmo Accidents and fatal accidents--some paradoxes,1998,29,1,59-66,Saloniemi A prehospital education system for nurses and doctors,1998,30,1-2,115-121,Raabye A system for motorway management based on risk rate estimation,1998,30,1-2,9-23,Tanzi Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME) interest in voluntary certification schemes for health and safety management: preliminary results,1998,29,1,67-73,Vassie The influence of time stress and location on behavioral warning compliance,1998,29,2,143-158,Wogalter Mission efficiency analysis: evaluating and improving tactical mission performance in high-risk time-critical operations,1998,30,1-2,79-98,Worm Command centers and emergency management support,1998,30,1-2,131-138,Wybo Implementation and evaluation of the Safety Element Method at four mining sites,1999,31,3,231-264,Alteren Managers' estimates of safe loads for manual handling: evidence for risk compensation?,1999,32,2-3,103-111,Bridger Fatigue among young male night-time car drivers: is there a risk-taking group?,1999,33,1-2,47-57,Corfitsen Occupational risks and the value and modelling of a measurement of severity,1999,31,3,213-229,Cuny Mechanical equipment injuries in small manufacturing businesses,1999,33,1-2,1-12,Gardner Complex evacuation; effects of motivation level and slope of stairs on emergency egress time in a sports stadium,1999,31,2,127-141,Graat Traffic accidents under the effect of the Gulf crisis,1999,33,1-2,59-68,Hamed Follow-up investigations of slip trip and fall accidents among postal delivery workers,1999,32,1,33-47,Haslam For whom does safety pay? The case of major accidents,1999,32,2-3,143-153,Hopkins A text retrieval method for the European Commission's MARS database: selecting human error related accidents,1999,32,2-3,71-91,Kirchsteiger Stress and team performance: principles and challenges for intelligent decision aids,1999,33,3,103-128,Kontogiannis User strategies in recovering from errors in man-machine systems,1999,32,1,49-68,Kontogiannis Long-term evaluation of a behavior-based method for improving safety performance: a meta-analysis of 73 interrupted time-series replications,1999,32,1,1-18,Krause Injuries in Swedish schools during recesses: distribution and patterns,1999,33,3,89-101,Laflamme The prevention of slipping accidents: a review and discussion of work related to the methodology of measuring slip resistance,1999,31,2,95-125,Leclercq Gender aspects of work-related injuries in a Swedish municipality,1999,31,3,183-196,Timpka Reporting and classification of loss of balance accidents,1999,33,1-2,69-85,Lortie Empirical investigation of construction safety management activities and performance in Australia,1999,33,3,129-142,Mohamed Deaths at sea--a study of fatalities on board Hong Kong-registered merchant ships (1986-95),1999,32,2-3,121-141,Nielsen A task-delineated safety approach for slip trip and fall hazards,1999,33,1-2,31-45,Quintana A Poisson model for work-related musculoskeletal disorder cost estimation,1999,32,1,19-31,Quintana Risk taking and accident frequency among Finnish forestry workers,1999,33,3,143-153,Klen Methodological criteria for evaluating occupational safety intervention research,1999,31,2,161-179,Shannon Accidents that occurred in three hospitals in one year,1999,31,3,197-212,St-Vincent Applying human factors methods to the investigation and analysis of clinical adverse events,1999,31,2,143-159,Vincent Organisational failure: lessons from industry applied in the medical domain,1999,33,1-2,13-29,van Vuuren Acute exposure to chemicals during 'do-it-yourself' activities: survey of enquiries to the Swedish Poisons Information Centre in 1996,1999,32,2-3,113-119,Persson A feasibility study of the use of incidents and accidents reports to evaluate effects of Team Resource Management in Air Traffic Control,2000,35,1-3,87-94,Andersen Genetic agents in an EDSS system to optimize resources management and risk object evacuation,2000,35,1-3,59-73,Balducelli Environmental disaster education at the university level: an integrative approach,2000,35,1-3,95-104,Becker Emergency management,2000,35,1-3,1-2,Beroggi Risk analysis in harbor environments using simulation,2000,35,1-3,75-86,Bruzzone The effect of filtering processes on surface roughness parameters and their correlation with the measured friction Part I: quarry tiles,2000,36,1,19-33,Chang Traditional and innovative speed-reducing measures for curves: an investigation of driver behaviour using a driving simulator,2000,36,3,137-150,Jamson Towards a model of safety culture,2000,36,2,111-136,Cooper Assessing safety culture in offshore environments,2000,34,1-3,111-129,Cox The Channel Tunnel Safety Authority,2000,36,1,1-18,Eisner Estimated slip potential on icy surfaces during various methods of exiting commercial tractors trailers and trucks,2000,36,2,69-81,Gronqvist Optimized resource allocation for emergency response after earthquake disasters,2000,35,1-3,41-57,Fiedrich Measuring safety climate: identifying the common features,2000,34,1-3,177-192,O'Connor Perspectives on safety culture,2000,34,1-3,193-214,Glendon Early hazard identification of chemical plants with statechart modelling techniques,2000,36,1,49-67,Graf Diagnosis of safety culture in safety management audits,2000,34,1-3,131-150,Grote The nature of safety culture: a review of theory and research,2000,34,1-3,215-257,Guldenmund Culture's confusions,2000,34,1-3,1-14,Hale Construction safety in Kuwait: issues procedures problems and recommendations,2000,36,3,163-184,Kartam Simulation-based distributed systems: serving multiple purposes through composition of components,2000,35,1-3,29-39,Klein Assessing safety culture in nuclear power stations,2000,34,1-3,61-97,Harrison An experimental comparison of conservative versus optimal collision avoidance warning system thresholds,2000,36,3,185-209,Ranney The Merseyside Accident Information Model (MAIM) can reveal components of accidents that lead to attendance at fracture clinics and cause disability: a new approach to accident prevention,2000,36,3,151-161,Manning Safety management systems and safety culture in aircraft maintenance organisations,2000,34,1-3,151-176,McDonald Timely knowledge elicitation from geographically separate mobile experts during emergency response,2000,35,1-3,193-208,Wallace Computer-supported visualization of rescue operations,2000,35,1-3,3-27,Jenvald The impact of organizational climate on safety climate and individual behavior,2000,34,1-3,99-109,Neal Man-made disasters: why technology and organizations (sometimes) fail,2000,34,1-3,15-30,Pidgeon POLSSS: surveying stakeholders about acceptability of risks and system changes,2000,35,1-3,123-137,Poyhonen Participative multi-actor safety screening of infrastructures,2000,35,1-3,151-173,Beroggi Safety climate attitudes and risk perception in Norsk Hydro,2000,34,1-3,47-59,Rundmo Crane fatalities -- a taxonomic analysis,2000,36,2,83-93,Kahler Marketing health and safety management expertise to small enterprises,2000,36,2,95-110,Tait Conflict resolution in sustainable infrastructure management,2000,35,1-3,175-192,Beroggi POLSSS: policy making for sea shipping safety,2000,35,1-3,139-150,de Vries Cultural influences on risks and risk management: six case studies,2000,34,1-3,31-45,van Vuuren POLSSS: overview and cost-effectiveness analysis,2000,35,1-3,105-121,Walker The paradoxes of almost totally safe transportation systems,2001,37,2-3,109-126,Amalberti A comparison of safety practices used by managers of high and low accident rate postal delivery offices,2001,37,1,19-37,Haslam Accidents in the New Zealand adventure tourism industry,2001,38,1,31-48,Bentley Training-based evolutionary multimedia prototyping,2001,39,1-2,39-49,Beroggi An algorithm for the implementation of safety improvement programs,2001,37,1,59-75,Cagno A new approach to the estimation of the probable number of fatalities in accidental explosions,2001,39,3,205-217,Casal Complex learning: organizational learning from disasters,2001,39,1-2,61-70,Choularton Bifocal/varifocal spectacles lighting and missed-step accidents,2001,38,3,211-226,Stevens Socioeconomic differences in product-related injury risks. a more detailed look at age and gender differences,2001,38,1,1-17,Laflamme Back injuries among nursing personnel -- identification of work conditions with cluster analysis,2001,37,1,1-18,Menckel Integral assessment -- putting safety on the agenda for mitigation and preparedness,2001,39,1-2,93-105,Enserink Safety climate factors group differences and safety behaviour in road construction,2001,39,3,157-188,Glendon Intentional systems representations are useful alternatives to physical systems representations of fire-related human behavior,2001,38,2,85-94,Groner Regulating airport safety: the case of Schiphol,2001,37,2-3,127-149,Hale Analysis of pedestrians' behavior at pedestrian crossings,2001,38,1,63-82,Hamed Engineering analysis of hazards to life safety in fires: the fire effluent toxicity component,2001,38,2,147-155,Hartzell An interactive multiobjective model for the strategic maritime transportation of petroleum products: risk analysis and routing,2001,39,1-2,19-29,Iakovou The role of the controller in the accelerating industry of air traffic management,2001,37,2-3,151-185,Kirwan Coping with accelerating socio-technical systems,2001,37,2-3,77-107,Kirwan A systemic approach to effective chemical emergency management,2001,38,1,49-61,Kourniotis Responding to mass emotional trauma: a mental health outreach program for Turkey earthquake victims,2001,39,1-2,71-81,Kowalski International chemical safety cards and global harmonization,2001,39,1-2,107-115,Niemeier A model of the air traffic controller's picture,2001,37,2-3,187-202,Niessen Assessment of legibility of egress route in a building from the viewpoint of evacuation behavior,2001,38,2,127-138,Notake Site managers and safety leadership in the offshore oil and gas industry,2001,37,1,39-57,Flin A comparison between actual and predicted evacuation times,2001,38,2,139-145,Regan Time pressure and stress as a factor during emergency egress,2001,38,2,95-107,Ozel Geoinformation technology for assessment of accidental chemical pollution,2001,39,1-2,31-37,Polichtchouk Quantification of behaviour for engineering design standards and escape time calculations,2001,38,2,157-182,Purser Application of a predictive safety model in a combustion testing environment,2001,38,3,183-209,Quintana Seat-belts and behavioural adaptation: the loss of looming as a negative reinforcer,2001,39,3,145-155,Reinhardt-Rutland An occupant response shelter escape time (ORSET) model,2001,38,2,109-125,Sime British directors perspectives on the impact of health and safety on corporate performance,2001,38,3,227-239,John Analyzing the relationships between the number of deaths in road accidents and the work travel mode choice at the city level,2015,72,,249-254,Moeinaddini Epidemiology of occupational acute traumatic hand injuries: a literature review,2001,38,3,241-256,Sorock Situational awareness and safety,2001,39,3,189-204,Stanton Monitoring and analysis of command post communication in rescue operations,2001,39,1-2,51-60,Jenvald School type stress and sport-related injuries in middle school students in central Taiwan,2001,39,3,137-144,Tsuang The current status and future aspects in formal ship safety assessment,2001,38,1,19-30,Wang The evolution of emergency management and the advancement towards a profession in the United States and Florida,2001,39,1-2,117-131,Wilson Risk assessment practices in The Netherlands,2002,40,1-4,105-126,Ale Risk assessment in the aerospace industry,2002,40,1-4,271-298,Altavilla Recent paradigms for risk informed decision making,2002,40,1-4,17-30,Amendola Risk assessment in the offshore industry,2002,40,1-4,231-269,Brandsaeter The roles functions and activities of safety practitioners: the current situation in Quebec,2002,40,6,519-536,Brun Heel contact dynamics during slip events on level and inclined surfaces,2002,40,7-8,559-576,Redfern The effects of surface roughness and contaminants on the dynamic friction between porcelain tile and vulcanized rubber,2002,40,7-8,577-591,Chang The effects of slip criterion and time on friction measurements,2002,40,7-8,593-611,Chang From research to reality on slips trips and falls,2002,40,7-8,557-558,Chang Risk assessment in the UK nuclear power industry,2002,40,1-4,203-230,Davies An economic framework for assessing the impact of injuries in professional football (soccer),2002,40,6,537-556,Drawer Assessing the practical benefits of formal methods for software development,2002,40,9,719-730,Sonneck The assessment of the integration of slip resistance thermal insulation and wearability of footwear on icy surfaces,2002,40,7-8,613-624,Abeysekera Probabilistic risk assessment practices in the USA for nuclear power plants,2002,40,1-4,177-201,Garrick Assessment of programmable systems using Bayesian belief nets,2002,40,9,797-812,Gran Risk contours and risk management criteria for safety at major airports with particular reference to the case of Schiphol,2002,40,1-4,299-323,Hale Maximum acceptable loads for pushing and pulling on floor surfaces with good and reduced resistance to slipping,2002,40,7-8,625-637,Haslam Public transport in metropolitan areas -- a danger for unprotected road users,2002,40,5,467-477,Bunketorp Risk analyses of transportation on road and railway from a European Perspective,2002,40,1-4,337-357,Hoj The dynamic flowgraph methodology as a safety analysis tool: programmable electronic system design and verification,2002,40,9,813-833,Houtermans The effect of gait speed and load carrying on the reliability of ground reaction forces,2002,40,7-8,639-657,Hsiang Forensic software engineering: are software failures symptomatic of systemic problems?,2002,40,9,835-847,Johnson Software tools to support incident reporting in safety-critical systems,2002,40,9,765-780,Johnson A framework for dependability engineering of critical computing systems,2002,40,9,731-752,Kaaniche Workshop summary evaluation and how to proceed. international workshop on promotion of technical harmonisation on risk-based decision-making,2002,40,1-4,383-395,Kirchsteiger International workshop on promotion of technical harmonisation on risk-based decision-making,2002,40,1-4,1-15,Kirchsteiger Developing a Risk Management Standard -- the Australian experience,2002,40,1-4,69-74,Knight Safety reliability and security of industrial computer systems,2002,40,9,715-717,Koornneef The distribution of occupational injury risks in the State of Victoria,2002,40,5,419-437,Larsson The distribution of occupational injury risks in the Victorian construction industry,2002,40,5,439-456,Larsson Floor slip resistance changes in food sector workshops: prevailing role played by "fouling",2002,40,7-8,659-673,Leclercq A pilot study on safety of movement practices on access paths of mobile machinery,2002,40,7-8,675-687,Leskinen Assessing the reliability of diverse fault-tolerant software-based systems,2002,40,9,781-796,Littlewood Effects of age related sensory degradation on perception of floor slipperiness and associated slip parameters,2002,40,7-8,689-703,Smith Improved characterization of tribometric test results,2002,40,7-8,705-714,Marpet The application of system safety engineering and management techniques at the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),2002,40,1-4,325-335,McIntyre Use of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for nuclear installations,2002,40,1-4,153-176,Niehaus Design for safety in Safecharts with risk ordering of states,2002,40,9,753-763,Nissanke A generic standard for the risk assessment process: discussion on a proposal made by the program committee of the ER-JRC workshop on 'Promotion of Technical Harmonization of Risk-Based Decision Making',2002,40,1-4,75-103,Kirchsteiger Development of international risk analysis standards,2002,40,1-4,57-67,Rouhiainen The application of the term "Risk" from the viewpoint of the German chemical industry,2002,40,1-4,127-134,Ruppert Harmonised Risk Based Regulation -- a legal viewpoint,2002,40,1-4,31-49,Seiler The construction of the Oresund Link between Denmark and Sweden: the effect of a multi-faceted safety campaign,2002,40,5,457-465,Dyreborg Graphic representation of accident scenarios: mapping system structure and the causation of accidents,2002,40,5,397-417,Svedung Fatal accidents in Swedish farming and forestry 1988-1997,2002,40,6,501-517,Thelin Qualitative analyses of accidents and incidents to identify competencies. the electrical systems maintenance case,2002,40,6,479-500,Vidal-Gomel New developments in standardisation in the past 15 years -- product versus process related standards,2002,40,1-4,51-56,Wettig Early return to work of injured workers: multidimensional patterns of individual and organizational factors,2003,41,4,277-300,Berthelette Formalisation of normative knowledge for safe design,2003,41,2-3,241-261,Blaise Accident probability after accident occurrence,2003,41,6,481-501,Blasco Safety of electronic circuits integrated into personal protective equipment (PPE),2003,41,5,395-408,Mayer Zero-inflated Poisson modeling to evaluate occupational safety interventions,2003,41,1,53-63,Lee Behavioural markers of surgical excellence,2003,41,5,409-425,Carthey Occupational health and safety management in small size enterprises: an overview of the situation and avenues for intervention and research,2003,41,4,301-318,Champoux Apprenticeship in a work setting: the contribution and limits of operational resources constructed by workers,2003,41,4,377-391,Chatigny Reanalyzing occupational fatality injuries in Taiwan with a model free approach,2003,41,8,681-700,Chi Comparison of team and individual judgements of solutions to safety problems,2003,41,6,543-556,Culvenor Statistical modelling and risk assessment,2003,41,1,29-51,Cuny Manual handling injuries and long term disability,2003,41,7,611-625,Davies Age and gender in underfoot accidents,2003,41,1,65-76,Stevens Making sense of invulnerability at work--a qualitative study of police drivers,2003,41,10,837-859,Brown Are the self-employed at higher risk of fatal work-related injury?,2003,41,6,503-515,Mitchell Special issue of Safety Science on Safety in Design,2003,41,2-3,89-93,Fadier Safe design and human activity: construction of a theoretical framework from an analysis of a printing sector,2003,41,9,759-789,Fadier Good management practice as a means of preventing back disorders in the construction sector,2003,41,1,77-88,Gervais Assessing safety functions--results from a case study at an industrial workplace,2003,41,8,701-720,Harms-Ringdahl Technological innovations organizational change and workplace accident prevention,2003,41,4,319-338,Harrisson Integrating safety into the design process: elements and concepts relative to the working situation,2003,41,2-3,155-179,Ciccotelli Development of a field well head safety system for use with radiation generating devices,2003,41,10,877-886,Keegan A Petri Net-based approach for ergonomic task analysis and modeling with emphasis on adaptation to system changes,2003,41,10,803-835,Kontogiannis The current status and future issues in human evacuation from ships,2003,41,10,861-876,Lee Effects of Taiwan in-vehicle cellular audio phone system on driving performance,2003,41,6,531-542,Liu The influence of safety at work on safety at home and during leisure time,2003,41,9,739-757,Lund Features of electric arc accidents and use of protective clothing in Finland,2003,41,9,791-801,Makinen Safety climate safety management practice and safety performance in offshore environments,2003,41,8,641-680,Flin Telework and occupational health: a Quebec empirical study and regulatory implications,2003,41,4,339-358,Montreuil A support to prevention integration since design phase: the concepts of "limit conditions" and "limit activities" tolerated by use,2003,41,2-3,95-109,Neboit Crew Resource Management training for offshore oil production teams,2003,41,7,591-609,O'Connor Systematic occupational health and safety work in Norway: a decade of implementation,2003,41,9,721-738,Nytro Fundamentals of safety conscious process design,2003,41,2-3,181-218,Pohjola Modelling border-line tolerated conditions of use (BTCU) and associated risks,2003,41,2-3,111-136,Amalberti Self-directed workteams and safety: a winning combination?,2003,41,4,359-376,Roy Managers' attitudes towards safety and accident prevention,2003,41,7,557-574,Rundmo Ergonomics in product design: safety factor,2003,41,2-3,137-154,Sagot Modeling crashes involving pedestrians and motorized traffic,2003,41,7,627-640,Ulfarsson Data fusion ensemble and clustering to improve the classification accuracy for the severity of road traffic accidents in Korea,2003,41,1,1-14,Sohn Factors contributing to the differences in work related injury rates between Danish and Swedish construction workers,2003,41,6,517-530,Dyreborg Critical size events: a new tool for crisis management resource allocation?,2003,41,5,465-480,Stoop The safety adviser/manager as agent of organisational change: a new challenge to expert training,2003,41,1,15-27,Swuste Safety diagnosis criteria--development and testing,2003,41,7,575-590,Hovden Changing paradigms for professional engineering practice towards safe design--an Australian perspective,2003,41,2-3,263-276,Toft Personality attitudes and risk perception as predictors of risky driving behaviour among young drivers,2003,41,5,427-443,Rundmo Perspectives in the use of coloured Petri nets for risk analysis and accident modelling,2003,41,5,445-463,Vernez The feasibility of encouraging inherently safer production in industrial firms,2003,41,2-3,219-240,Zwetsloot Influence of weather conditions on the performance of energy absorbers and guided type fall arresters on a flexible anchorage line during fall arresting,2004,42,6,519-536,Baszczynski Dependability modelling of instrumentation and control systems: A comparison of competing architectures,2004,42,5,457-480,Betous-Almeida Airborne Separation Assurance Systems: towards a work programme to prove safety,2004,42,8,723-754,Brooker The effects of cut-off length on surface roughness parameters and their correlation with transition friction,2004,42,8,755-769,Chang Behavioural approaches to safety management within UK reactor plants,2004,42,9,825-839,Jones Historical analysis of accidents in seaports,2004,42,2,85-98,Darbra How much visual road information is needed to drive safely and comfortably?,2004,42,7,639-655,Brookhuis Human actions and errors in risk handling--an empirically grounded discussion of cognitive action-regulation levels,2004,42,3,185-204,Backstrom Assessment and management of roof fall risks in underground coal mines,2004,42,1,23-41,Duzgun The accident process preceding back injuries among Australian nurses,2004,42,3,221-235,Engkvist A study of the relationship between occupational injuries and firm size and type in the Italian industry,2004,42,7,587-600,Fabiano Project experience with IEC 61508 and its consequences,2004,42,5,405-422,Faller Pitfalls in risk assessment: examples from the UK,2004,42,9,841-857,Gadd Slips and falls on ice and snow in relation to experience in winter climate and winter sport,2004,42,6,537-545,Abeysekera Risk factors associated with sick leave due to work-related injuries in Dutch farmers: an exploratory case-control study,2004,42,9,807-823,Hartman An investigation on mutation strategies for fault injection into RDD-100 models,2004,42,5,385-403,Kaaniche Technical communication on status in developing a compass for risk assessment,2004,42,2,159-165,Kirchsteiger The effectiveness of statistical testing when applied to logic systems,2004,42,5,369-383,John A fail-safe dual channel robot control for surgery applications,2004,42,5,423-436,Laible Method for validating a multi-component safety system,2004,42,6,493-517,Lan A new accident model for engineering safer systems,2004,42,4,237-270,Leveson Floor slipperiness measurement: friction coefficient roughness of floors and subjective perception under spillage conditions,2004,42,6,547-565,Chen Accident prevention. presentation of a model placing emphasis on human structural and cultural factors,2004,42,4,271-324,Lund Comparing two methods of data collection for walkway friction measurements with a portable slip meter and a force platform,2004,42,6,483-492,Gronqvist Working time arrangements and safety for offshore workers in the North Sea,2004,42,3,167-184,Mikkelsen Development of safer fodder-cutter machines: a case study from north India,2004,42,1,43-55,Kumar A methodology for the analysis of SPAD,2004,42,5,437-455,Pasquini Analysis of the COTS debate,2004,42,5,355-367,Redmill Measuring maintenance culture and maintenance core task with CULTURE-questionnaire--a case study in the power industry,2004,42,9,859-889,Reiman Integration differentiation and ambiguity in safety cultures,2004,42,8,703-722,Richter Group decision making in infrastructure safety planning,2004,42,4,325-349,Beroggi Qualification of Formal Safety Assessment: an exploratory study,2004,42,2,99-120,Rosqvist Risk perception and driving behaviour among adolescents in two Norwegian counties before and after a traffic safety campaign,2004,42,1,1-21,Rundmo OSCI: an organisational and safety climate inventory,2004,42,3,205-220,Silva Identifying elements of poor construction safety management in China,2004,42,7,569-586,Tam Operator-centred local error management in air traffic control,2004,42,10,907-920,Ternov A method DEB analysis for proactive risk analysis applied to air traffic control,2004,42,7,657-673,Ternov Regulating agricultural biotechnology under uncertainty,2004,42,2,143-158,Todt Prevention of occupational injuries: moral hazard and complex agency relationships,2004,42,2,121-141,Trontin Biases in incident reporting databases: an empirical study in the chemical process industry,2004,42,1,57-67,van der Schaaf Marketing strategies for enhancing safety culture,2004,42,7,601-619,Vecchio-Sadus Safety reliability and security of industrial computer systems,2004,42,5,351-354,Voges Health and safety management in small enterprises: an effective low cost approach,2004,42,1,69-83,Tait Erratum to: 'Health and safety management in small enterprises: An effective low cost approach' [Safety Science 41(1) 2004; 69-83],2004,42,6,567-567,Tait Review of threshold quantities for the control of explosives in health and safety legislation in The Netherlands,2004,42,7,621-626,Wharton China: some key technologies and the future developments of fire safety science,2004,42,7,627-637,Zhong Effectiveness of safety belts and Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of their relative use,2005,43,2,91-103,Abdalla Hearing protection use in industry: The role of risk perception,2005,43,4,253-267,Miguel Slip resistance of oil resistant and non-oil resistant footwear outsoles in winter conditions,2005,43,7,373-389,Rajamaki Linking construction fatalities to the design for construction safety concept,2005,43,8,589-611,Behm Description of fatal occupational injury rates in five selected European Union countries: Austria Finland France Spain and Sweden,2005,43,8,497-502,Benavides The effects of straight ladder setup and usage on ground reaction forces and friction requirements during ascending and descending,2005,43,7,469-483,Chang Factors affecting the safety performance of bus companies--The experience of Taiwan bus deregulation,2005,43,5-6,323-344,Chang Analysis of freeway accident frequencies: Negative binomial regression versus artificial neural network,2005,43,8,541-557,Chang Are organisations too complex to be integrated in technical risk assessment and current safety auditing?,2005,43,8,613-638,Le Coze Interactive effects of mental and postural demands on subjective assessment of mental workload and postural stability,2005,43,7,485-495,DiDomenico Identification of floor friction safety level for public buildings considering mobility disabled people needs,2005,43,7,407-423,Dura An assessment of the relationship between behaviour and injury in the workplace: a case study in professional football,2005,43,4,213-224,Fuller An analysis of fishing vessel accidents in fishing areas off the northeastern United States,2005,43,8,523-540,Jin Working hours regulations and fatigue in transportation: A comparative analysis,2005,43,4,225-252,Jones Relationship between age-related gait adaptations and required coefficient of friction,2005,43,7,425-436,Lockhart Prevention of so-called "accidents on the level" in occupational situations: A research project,2005,43,7,359-371,Leclercq Effects of tread groove orientation and width of the footwear pads on measured friction coefficients,2005,43,7,391-405,Chen Deaths related to housing in 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake,2005,43,1,29-37,Liao Industrial accidents: Challenges for China's economic and social development,2005,43,8,503-522,Zhong Prevention of fall-related accidents,2005,43,7,355-357,Lockhart Analysis of occupational accidents in Portugal between 1992 and 2001,2005,43,5-6,269-286,Macedo Fatal traffic accidents in the Turkish construction industry,2005,43,5-6,299-322,ngen Statistical analysis of dangerous goods accidents in Japan,2005,43,5-6,287-297,Kobayashi A review of the occurrence reporting system proposed by EASA Part-145,2005,43,8,559-570,McDonald Slip and fall risk among firefighters in relation to balance muscular capacities and age,2005,43,7,455-468,Punakallio Errors of memory in air traffic control,2005,43,8,571-588,Shorrock Age-related intrinsic limitations in preventing a trip and regaining balance after a trip,2005,43,7,437-453,van Dieen Consequence and likelihood in risk estimation: A matter of balance in UK health and safety risk assessment practice,2005,43,5-6,345-353,Woodruff Evaluating probable risk of evacuees in institutional buildings,2006,44,2,169-181,Wong First year as a licensed car driver: Gender differences in crash experience,2006,44,2,75-85,Laflamme Understanding risks in socially vulnerable contexts: The case of waste burning in cement kilns in Brazil,2006,44,3,241-257,Porto The FarmSafe Programme in New Zealand: Process evaluation of year one (2003),2006,44,4,359-371,Langley Injury and time studies of working processes in fishing,2006,44,4,349-358,Jensen Personal exposure risk factors in pedestrian accidents in Bahrain,2006,44,4,335-347,Al-Madani HEPI: A new tool for human error probability calculation for offshore operation,2006,44,4,313-334,Khan Risk of repeat accidents by economic activity in Italy,2006,44,4,297-312,Costa Airport privatisation and safety: Does ownership type affect safety?,2006,44,5,451-478,de Bruijne Friction measurements on ramps using the Brungraber Mark II slipmeter,2006,44,5,375-386,Li A framework for understanding the development of organisational safety culture,2006,44,6,551-562,Parker Contrasting perceptual attitudinal and dispositional approaches to accident involvement in the workplace,2006,44,6,537-550,Clarke Designing gaming simulations for the assessment of group decision support systems in emergency response,2006,44,6,523-535,Beroggi The effect of experience on using a safety device,2006,44,6,515-522,Erev A quantitative approach to clinical risk assessment: The CREA method,2006,44,6,491-513,Trucco Hospitalizations for immersion-related injuries in Alaska 1991-2000,2006,44,6,479-489,Bensyl Air traffic management accident risk. part 2: repairing the deficiencies of ESARR4,2006,44,7,629-655,Brooker The effects of personality and gender on risky driving behaviour and accident involvement,2006,44,7,621-628,Rundmo A socio-technical approach of risk management applied to collisions involving fishing vessels,2006,44,7,599-619,Chauvin What are we to make of safe behaviour programs?,2006,44,7,583-597,Hopkins Archetypes for organizational safety,2006,44,7,565-582,Marais A study of Chinese truck drivers' attitudes toward feedback by technology,2006,44,8,747-752,Liu Smoking belt use and road accidents of youth in Kuwait,2006,44,8,733-746,Koushki Self-reported incidents accidents and use of protective gear among small-scale forestry workers in Sweden,2006,44,8,723-732,Neely The role of emotions in judging the moral acceptability of risks,2006,44,8,689-700,Roeser Management of risks in societal planning - an analysis of scope and variety of health safety and security issues in municipality plan documents,2006,44,8,675-688,Andersson Towards a causal model for air transport safety--an ongoing research project,2006,44,8,657-673,Hale Perception and observation of residential safety during earthquake exposure: A case study,2006,44,10,919-933,Akason The contribution of qualitative analyses of occupational health and safety interventions: An example through a study of external advisory interventions,2006,44,10,851-874,Brun Objective and subjective measurements of slipperiness in fast-food restaurants in the USA and their comparison with the previous results obtained in Taiwan,2006,44,10,891-903,Courtney Intervention strategies for the retro-fitment of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) and fleet characteristic farm tractors,2006,44,9,771-783,Franklin Studying organisational cultures and their effects on safety,2006,44,10,875-889,Hopkins Evaluation and comparison of alarm reset modes in advanced control room of nuclear power plants,2006,44,10,935-946,Yu Experiences from dual-country drivers: Driving safely in China and the US,2006,44,9,785-795,Huang Promoting safety awareness in fishing communities through community arts: An action research project,2006,44,9,797-808,Murray Using psychological frameworks to inform the evaluation of fleet safety initiatives,2006,44,9,809-820,Tay Driver-training and emergency brake performance in cars with antilock braking systems,2006,44,10,905-917,Morrison Assessing the maintenance unit of a nuclear power plant -- identifying the cultural conceptions concerning the maintenance work and the maintenance organization,2006,44,9,821-850,Reiman The effects of a traffic guidance scheme for auto-toll lanes on traffic safety at toll plazas,2006,44,9,753-770,Wong Liability and its influence on designing for product and process safety,2007,45,1-2,11-30,Baram Designing medical technology,2007,45,1-2,283-291,de Mol Safety in design - Can one industry learn from another?,2007,45,1-2,129-153,Kirwan Towards a proactive safety approach in the design process: The case of printing machinery,2007,45,1-2,199-229,Fadier Safe by design: where are we now?,2007,45,1-2,305-327,Hale Safety learning and imagination versus safety bureaucracy in design of the traffic sector,2007,45,1-2,231-251,Hale The contribution of design to accidents,2007,45,1-2,31-60,Roelen Safety informing design,2007,45,1-2,155-197,Kirwan Safety in the design of offshore platforms: Integrated safety versus safety as an add-on characteristic,2007,45,1-2,107-127,Kjellén Erratum to "Crowd dynamics discrete element multi-circle model" [Safety Science 44 (2006) 395-417],2006,44,10,947-947,Langston Statistics of design error in the process industries,2007,45,1-2,61-73,Taylor Understanding and combating design error in process plant design,2007,45,1-2,75-105,Taylor Design for safety: Involving users' perspectives: Redesign proposals for gas lamps using a pierceable cartridge,2007,45,1-2,253-281,Kanis Psychology and design processes,2007,45,1-2,293-303,Wilpert The effectiveness of occupational health and safety management system interventions: A systematic review,2007,45,3,329-353,Clarke Exploring the organisational preconditions for occupational accidents in food industry: A qualitative approach,2007,45,3,355-371,Torner An adaptive management system for hazardous technology organizations,2007,45,3,373-396,Vidal Socio-cultural characteristics of high versus low risk societies regarding road traffic safety,2007,45,3,397-414,Melinder Critical infrastructure and systemic vulnerability: Towards a planning framework,2007,45,3,415-430,Hellstrom The role of behavioral factors on safety management in underground mines,2007,45,4,449-471,Paul Use of manual speed alerting and cruise control devices by car drivers,2007,45,4,473-485,Young Aggregation of driver celeration behavior data: Effects on stability and accident prediction,2007,45,4,487-500,af Wåhlberg The how and why of community-based injury prevention: A conceptual and evaluation model,2007,45,4,501-521,Nilsen Formal socio-technical barrier modelling for safety-critical interactive systems design,2007,45,5,545-565,Wright Complex machinery needs simple explanation,2007,45,5,579-587,Reinert Safety culture and behavioral change at the workplace,2007,45,6,631-636,Baram Understanding and assessing safety culture through the lens of organizational management of uncertainty,2007,45,6,637-652,Grote Measuring safety culture in a research and development centre: A comparison of two methods in the Air Traffic Management domain,2007,45,6,669-695,Gordon Implementing a safety culture in a major multi-national [corporation],2007,45,6,697-722,Hudson The use of questionnaires in safety culture research - an evaluation,2007,45,6,723-743,Guldenmund Assessment of complex sociotechnical systems - Theoretical issues concerning the use of organizational culture and organizational core task concepts,2007,45,7,745-768,Reiman Management of change: Lessons learned from staff reductions in the chemical process industry,2007,45,7,769-789,Zwetsloot Safety culture in Swedish air traffic control,2007,45,7,791-811,Arvidsson Determinants of safety priorities in transport - The effect of personality worry optimism attitudes and willingness to pay,2007,45,8,848-863,Moen An analysis of equipment-related fatal accidents in U.S. mining operations: 1995-2005,2007,45,8,864-874,Groves Safety climate differences among job positions in a nuclear decommissioning and demolition industry: Employees' self-reported safety attitudes and perceptions,2007,45,8,875-889,Smith Errors of perception in air traffic control,2007,45,8,890-904,Shorrock Assessment of hazardous material risks for rail yard safety,2007,45,7,813-822,Glickman Driver personality characteristics related to self-reported accident involvement and mobile phone use while driving,2007,45,8,823-831,Chen An analysis of motorcyclist injury severity under various traffic control measures at three-legged junctions in the UK,2007,45,8,832-847,Pai If you can't take the heat: influences of temperature on bus accident rates,2008,46,1,66-71,af Wåhlberg Shifting the Focus of Strategic Occupational Injury Prevention: Mining Free-Text Workers Compensation Claims Data,2008,46,1,1-21,Brooks The Development of a Considerate and Responsible Safety Attitude in Work Teams,2008,46,1,79-91,Burt The Nature of Safety Culture: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art,2007,45,10,993-1012,Fang The Functions and Development of Safety-Specific Trust and Distrust,2008,46,1,92-103,Conchie Driving Task Analysis As a Tool in Traffic Safety Research and Practice,2007,45,9,952-979,Fastenmeier Leading Indicators of Safety in Virtual Organizations,2007,45,10,1013-1043,Roberts A Conceptual Model for the Analysis of Mishaps in Human-Operated Safety-Critical Systems,2008,46,1,22-37,Silva An Investigation into the Loss of the Brazilian Space Programme's Launch Vehicle VLS-1 V03,2008,46,1,38-53,Johnson Towards a European Energy Risks Monitor to Consistently Map Safety and Security Risks of Different Energy Infrastructures,2007,45,9,905-919,Kirchsteiger Upstairs Walking Speed Distributions on a Long Stairway,2008,46,1,72-78,Schreckenberg Farm Hand Tools Injuries: A Case Study From Northern India,2008,46,1,54-65,Kumar Disasters and Organisations: From Lessons Learnt to Theorising,2008,46,1,132-149,Le Coze Friction Measurements on Three Commonly Used Floors on a College Campus Under Dry Wet and Sand-Covered Conditions,2007,45,9,980-992,Li DomPrevPlanning(c): User-Friendly Software for Planning Domino Effects Prevention,2007,45,10,1060-1081,Reniers Working in Small Enterprises - Is There a Special Risk?,2007,45,10,1044-1059,Sorensen Structural Measures for a Safer Transport of Hazardous Materials by Rail: The Case of the Basic Network in The Netherlands,2008,46,1,119-131,van der Vlies Risk Perception in the Usage of Electrically Powered Gardening Tools,2008,46,1,104-118,Kanis Design of Formative Evacuation Plans Using Agent-Based Simulation,2007,45,9,920-940,Marmaras A Systematic Use of Information From Accidents As a Basis of Prevention Activities,2008,46,2,164-175,Jorgensen Back Injuries Among Nurses - A Comparison of the Accident Processes After a 10-Year Follow-Up,2008,46,2,291-301,Engkvist The Software Tool Storybuilder and the Analysis of the Horrible Stories of Occupational Accidents,2008,46,2,186-197,Hale Considerations in Developing Complete and Quantified Methods for Risk Assessment,2008,46,2,245-254,van Duijne The Public Health Approach to Occupational Injury Research: From Surveillance to Prevention,2008,46,2,230-233,Stout Quantifying Occupational Risk: The Development of an Occupational Risk Model,2008,46,2,176-185,Hale Risk + Barriers = Safety,2008,46,2,221-229,Hollnagel Quantified Risk Assessment for Fall From Height,2008,46,2,198-220,Oh Analysis of Hazard Scenarios for a Research Environment in an Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Company,2008,46,2,261-271,Swuste Advancing Sustainable Safety: National Road Safety Outlook for The Netherlands for 2005-2020,2008,46,2,323-343,Aarts The Policy Program Improving Occupational Safety in The Netherlands: An Innovative View on Occupational Safety,2008,46,2,155-163,Oh Safety Assessment in Design and Preparation Phase,2008,46,2,272-281,Swuste Using Evacuation Simulations for Contingency Planning to Enhance the Security and Safety of the 2012 Olympic Venues,2008,46,2,302-322,Johnson Recall of Occupational Injuries: A Comparison of Questionnaire and Diary Data,2008,46,2,255-260,Mikkelsen Classification of Fatal Firefighter Accidents in the Netherlands: Time Pressure and Aim of the Suppression Activity,2008,46,2,282-290,Rosmuller Ten Contentions of Corporate Manslaughter Legislation: Public Policy and the Legal Response to Workplace Accidents,2008,46,3,349-370,Johnson Regulatory Styles and Their Consequences for Safety,2008,46,3,371-375,Wilpert Safety Climate and Beyond: A Multi-Level Multi-Climate Framework,2008,46,3,376-387,Dov Organizational Support and Safety Outcomes: An Un-Investigated Relationship?,2008,46,3,388-397,Mearns Safety Climate Cross-Validation Strength and Prediction of Safety Behaviour,2008,46,3,398-404,Torner Psychological Climate and Safety in the Construction Industry: Mediated Influence on Safety Behaviour,2008,46,3,405-412,Torner Theories of (Safety) Culture Revisited--An Anthropological Approach,2008,46,3,413-426,Haukelid A Longitudinal Study of Safety Climate on the Norwegian Continental Shelf,2008,46,3,427-439,Rundmo Changes in Safety Climate and Accidents at Two Identical Manufacturing Plants,2008,46,3,440-449,Nielsen Diagnosis of Safety Culture: A Replication and Extension Towards Assessing "Safe" Organizational Change Processes,2008,46,3,450-460,Grote Development of a Functional Model Which Integrates Human Factors Safety Management Systems and Wider Organisational Issues,2008,46,3,461-492,Wilkinson The safety representative under pressure. a study of occupational health and safety management in the norwegian oil and gas industry,2008,46,3,493-509,Hovden Explaining Safe Work Practices in Aviation Line Maintenance,2008,46,3,510-519,Pettersen Safety Understandings Among Crane Operators and Process Operators on a Norwegian Offshore Platform,2008,46,3,520-534,Naevestad A Statistical Study on Temporary Work and Occupational Accidents: Specific Risk Factors and Risk Management Strategies,2008,46,3,535-544,Fabiano Two Interventions for the Prevention of Work-Related Road Accidents,2008,46,3,545-550,Salminen Critical Success Factors Influencing Safety Program Performance in Thai Construction Projects,2008,46,4,709-727,Aksorn Managing Construction Health and Safety: Migrant Workers and Communicating Safety Messages,2008,46,4,585-602,Gibb Fatal and Major Construction Accidents: A Comparison Between Scotland and the Rest of Great Britain,2008,46,4,692-708,Davies Why Operatives Engage in Unsafe Work Behavior: Investigating Factors on Construction Sites,2008,46,4,566-584,Fang Understanding and Defining OH and S Competency for Construction Site Positions: Worker Perceptions,2008,46,4,619-633,Biggs Design's Role in Construction Accident Causality and Prevention: Perspectives From an Expert Panel,2008,46,4,675-691,Behm Construction Safety,2008,46,4,565-565,Hinze Factors Associated With Construction Worker Eye Injuries,2008,46,4,634-645,Hinze Successful Multi-National Workforce Integration Program to Improve Construction Site Performance,2008,46,4,603-618,Jaselskis Assessment of Safety Management Information Systems for General Contractors,2008,46,4,661-674,Park Comparison of Characteristics Between Fatal and Injury Accidents in the Highway Construction Zones,2008,46,4,646-660,Li Suicide Prevention in Railway Systems: Application of a Barrier Approach,2008,46,5,729-737,Andersson Impact of Enforcement on Traffic Accidents and Fatalities: A Multivariate Multilevel Analysis,2008,46,5,738-750,Yannis Effects of Low Sample Mean Values and Small Sample Size on the Estimation of the Fixed Dispersion Parameter of Poisson-Gamma Models for Modeling Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Bayesian Perspective,2008,46,5,751-770,Lord A Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (ANP) Model to Identify Faulty Behavior Risk (FBR) in Work System,2008,46,5,771-783,Dagdeviren Does Economic Level Similarly Matter for Injury Mortality in the OECD and Non-OECD Countries?,2008,46,5,784-791,Laflamme Injuries in U.S. mining operations: a preliminary risk analysis,2008,46,5,792-801,Komljenovic Utilization of External Accident Information in Companies' Safety Promotion - Case: Finnish Metal and Transportation Industry,2008,46,5,802-814,Lind Analysis of Factors Influencing the Friction Coefficients of Shoe Sole Materials,2008,46,5,822-832,Huber Effect of Elevation Change on Work Fatigue and Physiological Symptoms for High-Rise Building Construction Workers,2008,46,5,833-843,Hsu Waiting Time in Emergency Evacuation of Crowded Public Transport Terminals,2008,46,5,844-857,Chow Tools for Empowerment in Local Risk Management,2008,46,5,858-868,Nilsen Towards Risk Assessment for Crane Activities,2008,46,6,872-884,Oh Causes of Occupational Accidents in the Fishing Sector in Portugal,2008,46,6,885-899,Jacinto Risk Perception and Safety Behaviour: A Study in an Occupational Environment,2008,46,6,900-907,Miguel Management of Health Safety and Environment in Process Industry,2008,46,6,908-920,Konstandinidou Expert Judgment Study for Placement Ladder Bowtie,2008,46,6,921-934,Cooke A New Conceptual Framework to Improve the Application of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems,2008,46,6,935-948,Winder Safety Climate Responses and the Perceived Risk of Accidents in the Construction Industry,2008,46,6,949-958,Mearns Occupational Accident Experience: Association With Workers' Accident Explanation and Definition,2008,46,6,959-971,Silva The Exposure-Damage Approach in the Quantification of Occupational Risk in Workplaces Involving Dangerous Substances,2008,46,6,972-991,Papadakis The Impact of Work Accidents Experience on Causal Attributions and Worker Behaviour,2008,46,6,992-1001,Lima The Use of Mindful Safety Practices at Norwegian Petroleum Installations,2008,46,6,1002-1015,Skjerve Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health in Surface Mines,2008,46,6,1016-1024,Ural Characterization of Protective Gloves Stiffness: Development of a Multidirectional Deformation Test Method,2008,46,7,1025-1036,Tremblay Safety Climate Measurement at Workplace in China: A Validity and Reliability Assessment,2008,46,7,1037-1046,Lin A Short Scale for Measuring Safety Climate,2008,46,7,1047-1066,Murphy Accidents: A Discrepancy Between Indicators and Facts!,2008,46,7,1067-1077,Korvers Differences in the Lethality of Occupational Accidents in OECD Countries,2008,46,7,1078-1090,Nishikitani Data Mining for Occupational Injuries in the Taiwan Construction Industry,2008,46,7,1091-1102,Liao Investigation of Head Injuries by Reconstructions of Real-World Vehicle-Versus-Adult-Pedestrian Accidents,2008,46,7,1103-1114,Otte Predicting Work Performance in Nuclear Power Plants,2008,46,7,1115-1124,Chen Decision Analysis on Fire Safety Design Based on Evaluating Building Fire Risk to Life,2008,46,7,1125-1136,Sun Critical Infrastructures and Responsibility: A Conceptual Exploration,2008,46,7,1137-1148,van der Bruggen Towards Occupational Health and Safety Systems in the Construction Industry of China,2008,46,8,1155-1168,Tam An Analysis of Construction Safety Best Practices From a Cognitive Systems Engineering Perspective,2008,46,8,1169-1183,Saurin Analysis of the Specific Risks in the Different Artisanal Fishing Methods in Andalusia Spain,2008,46,8,1184-1195,Piniella International Evaluation of Injury Rates in Coal Mining: A Comparison of Risk and Compliance-Based Regulatory Approaches,2008,46,8,1196-1204,Harris Incident Reporting or Storytelling? Competing Schemes in a Safety-Critical and Hazardous Work Setting,2008,46,8,1205-1222,Sanne Tinted Windshield and Its Effects on Aging Drivers' Visual Acuity and Glare Response,2008,46,8,1223-1233,Lockhart Modelling Motorcyclist Injury Severity by Various Crash Types at T-Junctions in the UK,2008,46,8,1234-1247,Pai Children's Crossing Behavior With an Accompanying Adult,2008,46,8,1248-1254,Nemrodov Analysis of Trample Disaster and a Case Study - Mihong Bridge Fatality in China in 2004,2008,46,8,1255-1270,Yuan Reflexive Approach to the Activity of Preventionists and Their Training Needs: Results of a French Study,2008,46,8,1271-1288,Peissel-Cottenaz Evaluation of Remote Pedestrian Sensor System Based on the Analysis of Car-Pedestrian Accident Scenarios,2008,46,9,1345-1355,Yang Task Force Deployment for Big Events,2008,46,9,1289-1305,Drechsel Probabilistic Models of Freeway Safety Performance Using Traffic Flow Data As Predictors,2008,46,9,1306-1333,Golob Exploring the Chemical Aspects of Truck Tire Blowouts and Explosions,2008,46,9,1334-1344,Dolez Occupational Health and Safety Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Overview of the Situation in Thailand,2008,46,9,1356-1368,Kongtip The Impact of Prevention Measures and Organisational Factors on Occupational Injuries,2008,46,9,1369-1384,Arocena Perception Towards Chemical Labeling for College Students in Taiwan Using Globally Harmonized System,2008,46,9,1385-1392,Su Knowledge Transfer in Organisational Reliability Analysis: From Post-Accident Studies to Normal Operations Studies,2008,46,10,1420-1434,Etienne Ethical Dilemmas in Traffic Safety Work,2008,46,10,1435-1449,Hokstad The Effectiveness of Road-Safety Crossing Guards: Knowledge and Behavioral Intentions,2008,46,10,1450-1458,Nemrodov Monitoring and Removal of CO in Blasting Operations,2008,46,10,1393-1405,Harris A Method to Identify Strategies for the Improvement of Human Safety Behavior by Considering Safety Climate and Personal Experience,2008,46,10,1406-1419,Fang Air Passenger Perceptions on Exit Row Seating and Flight Safety Education,2008,46,10,1459-1468,Chang Eliciting Information for Safety Assessment,2008,46,10,1469-1482,Pasquini The Uberlingen Accident: Macro-Level Safety Lessons,2008,46,10,1483-1508,Brooker Using online databases to find journal articles on injury prevention and safety promotion topics: how do SafetyLit subscribers use other databases?,2009,47,1,1-8,Laflamme Small Enterprise Owners' Accident Causation Attribution and Prevention,2009,47,1,9-19,Hasle Educational Status and Organizational Safety Climate: Does Educational Attainment Influence Workers' Perceptions of Workplace Safety?,2009,47,1,20-28,Salminen National Culture and Safe Work Behaviour of Construction Workers in Pakistan,2009,47,1,29-35,Mohamed Classification and Prediction of Occupational Injury Risk Using Soft Computing Techniques: An Italian Study,2009,47,1,36-49,Ciarapica Study on the Methodology for Evaluating Urban and Regional Disaster Carrying Capacity and Its Application,2009,47,1,50-58,Chen Risk Characterisation Indicators for Risk Comparison in the Energy Sector,2009,47,1,59-77,Kirchsteiger Stochastic Modeling of Accident Risks Associated With an Underground Coal Mine in Turkey,2009,47,1,78-87,Karpuz Logistic Regression Model for Prediction of Roof Fall Risks in Bord and Pillar Workings in Coal Mines: An Approach,2009,47,1,88-96,Das The Incorporation and Validation of Empirical Crawling Data into the BuildingEXODUS Model,2009,47,1,97-104,Davis Road-Tunnel Fires: Risk Perception and Management Strategies Among Users,2009,47,1,105-114,Kouabenan Can SVM Be Used for Automatic EEG Detection of Drowsiness During Car Driving?,2009,47,1,115-124,Li Age and Contributing Factors to Unlicensed Teen Motorcycling,2009,47,1,125-130,Chang Development and Evaluation of a Risk Management Methodology for Pedestrian Surfaces,2009,47,1,131-137,Jackson Anger Amongst Turkish Drivers: Driving Anger Scale and Its Adapted Long and Short Version,2009,47,1,138-144,Esiyok Market Basket Analysis of Crash Data From Large Jurisdictions and Its Potential As a Decision Support Tool,2009,47,1,145-154,Pande Safety Management Systems: Performance Differences Between Adopters and Non-Adopters,2009,47,2,155-162,Bottani Why Employers Spend Money on Employee Health: Interviews With Occupational Health and Safety Professionals From British Industry,2009,47,2,163-169,Miller Economic Assessment of Human Errors in Manufacturing Environment,2009,47,2,170-182,Liu Safety Culture and the Issue of Power,2009,47,2,183-191,Antonsen Pilot Study on the Influence of Stress Caused by the Need to Combine Work and Family on Occupational Accidents in Working Women,2009,47,2,192-198,Martin-Fernandez Agricultural Accidents in North Eastern Region of India,2009,47,2,199-205,Dewangan A Bayesian Network Analysis of Workplace Accidents Caused by Falls From a Height,2009,47,2,206-214,Martin Development and Validation of a Method for Evaluating Temporary Wooden Guardrails Built and Installed on Construction Sites,2009,47,2,215-226,Lan Human Error Taxonomies Applied to Driving: A Generic Driver Error Taxonomy and Its Implications for Intelligent Transport Systems,2009,47,2,227-237,Stanton Systemic Accident Risk Assessment in Air Traffic by Monte Carlo Simulation,2009,47,2,238-249,Blom Quantitative Analysis of ATM Safety Issues Using Retrospective Accident Data: The Dynamic Risk Modelling Project,2009,47,2,250-264,Trucco Towards System for the Management of Safety on Board Artisanal Fishing Vessels: Proposal for Check-Lists and Their Application,2009,47,2,265-276,Piniella Injury and Loss Concentration by Sinkings in Fishing Fleets,2009,47,2,277-284,Pérez-Labajos How Good Micro/Macro Ergonomics May Improve Resilience but Not Necessarily Safety,2009,47,2,285-294,Amalberti Paperwork at the Service of Safety? Workers' Reluctance Against Written Procedures Exemplified by the Concept of 'Seamanship',2009,47,2,295-303,Knudsen A real-time warning model for teamwork performance and system safety in nuclear power plants,2009,47,3,425,Lin Analysis of safety functions and barriers in accidents,2009,47,3,353,Harms-Ringdahl Who is at fault? Third party and child injuries at construction sites in turkey,2009,47,3,364,Emre Gürcanli The influence of individual differences on organizational safety attitudes,2009,47,3,337,Keren Developing a framework for safety validation of multi-stakeholder changes in air transport operations,2009,47,3,405,Blom Deriving the factor structure of safety climate scales,2009,47,3,327,Shannon Antecedents of intention to help mitigate wildfire: implications for campaigns promoting wildfire mitigation to the general public in the wildland-urban interface,2009,47,3,374,Quick Improving team effectiveness using tactical decision games,2009,47,3,330,Crichton A simultaneous equations model of crash frequency by collision type for rural intersections,2009,47,3,443,Washington Effectiveness of temporary traffic control measures in highway work zones,2009,47,3,453,Li From safety culture to safety orientation: validation and simplification of a safety orientation scale using a sample of seafarers working for Norwegian ship owners,2009,47,3,305,Havold Method to assess and optimise dependability of complex macro-systems: Application to a railway signalling system,2009,47,3,382,Vernez Modelling contra-flow in crowd dynamics: A DEM simulation,2009,47,3,395,Jones Perceptions of implied hazard for visual and auditory alerting signals,2009,47,3,346,Chan Target level of safety for Chinese airspace,2009,47,3,421,Xu Applying online fleet driver assessment to help identify target and reduce occupational road safety risks,2009,47,3,436-442,Raeside A fuzzy multi-attribute model for risk evaluation in workplaces,2009,47,5,707-716,Mora A proactive approach to human error detection and identification in aviation and air traffic control,2009,47,5,693-706,Kontogiannis An empirical study for the direct and indirect links between trust in regulatory institutions and acceptability of hazards,2009,47,5,686-692,Bronfman Complaints regarding occupational health and safety in the area of Thessaloniki (Greece),2009,47,5,647-651,Mekos Designing continuous safety improvement within chemical industrial areas,2009,47,5,578-590,Ale Designing of integrated quality and safety management system (IQSMS) for shipping operations,2009,47,5,569-577,Celik Effectiveness of road safety workshop for young adults,2009,47,5,608-613,Nemrodov Effects of time-gap settings of adaptive cruise control (ACC) on driving performance and subjective acceptance in a bus driving simulator,2009,47,5,620-625,Hwang General assessment of the occupational accidents that occurred in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2005,2009,47,5,614-619,Sut Indicators to compare risk expressions grouping and relative ranking of risk for energy systems: Application with some accidental events from fossil fuels,2009,47,5,591-607,Ale Older drivers' involvement in fatal RTCs. Do crashes fatal to them differ from crashes involving them but fatal to others?,2009,47,5,640-646,Laflamme Portable ladder assessment tool development and validation: Quantifying best practices in the field,2009,47,5,636-639,Dennerlein Postural sway following prolonged exposure to an inclined surface,2009,47,5,652-658,Davis Safety climate factors and its relationship with accidents and personal attributes in the chemical industry,2009,47,5,659-667,Vinodkumar Safety in high-risk helicopter operations: The role of additional crew in accident prevention,2009,47,5,717-721,de Voogt The typology for allocations of societal risk and safety management tasks at the local governmental level - framing the current directions in Sweden,2009,47,5,680-685,Svedung The weighted risk analysis,2009,47,5,668-679,Suddle Workplace and organisational factors in accident analysis within the food industry,2009,47,5,626-635,Jacinto A theoretical and methodological framework for studying and modelling drivers’ mental representations,2009,47,9,1205-1221,Bellet A contingency model of decision-making involving risk of accidental loss,2009,47,6,807-812,Rosness Biotechnological research on the most dangerous pathogens: Challenges for risk governance and safety management,2009,47,6,890-898,Baram Classifying the cases,2009,47,6,899-901,Rosness From hanger-on to trendsetter: Decision making on a major safety initiative in a steel company maintenance department,2009,47,6,884-889,van Ginneken Globalization and workplace hazards in developing nations,2009,47,6,756-766,Baram Impact of globalization on human work,2009,47,6,727-732,Wilpert Knowledge culture conditioned bounded rationality and human artificial neural network processes (HANNP decision theory): How risks of accidents and environmental impact of a new chemical production process and plant site have entered decisions,2009,47,6,843-852,Haën Occupational accidents and safety: The challenge of globalization,2009,47,6,723-726,Manzey Perspectives on risk in a decision-making context - Review and discussion,2009,47,6,798-806,Aven Recognition primed decision making and the organisational response to accidents: Überlingen and the challenges of safety improvement in European air traffic management,2009,47,6,853-872,Johnson Resolving multiple criteria in decision-making involving risk of accidental loss,2009,47,6,795-797,Hale Risk on the ramble: The international transfer of risk and vulnerability,2009,47,6,743-755,Olsen Risks of faults intrinsic to software languages: Trade-off between design performance and application safety,2009,47,6,873-883,Motet Role of beliefs in accident and risk analysis and prevention,2009,47,6,767-776,Kouabenan The effect of globalization on occupational accidents,2009,47,6,733-742,Hamalainen The role of national culture in determining safety performance: Challenges for the global oil and gas industry,2009,47,6,777-785,Mearns The trade-off between efficiency and equity in road safety policy,2009,47,6,817-825,Elvik Valuing lives equally in a benefit-coast analysis of safety projects: A method to reconcile theory and practice,2009,47,6,813-816,Baker Vision Zero - Implementing a policy for traffic safety,2009,47,6,826-831,Johansson Working safely with foreign contractors and personnel,2009,47,6,786-793,Schubert A novel auditory working-memory vigilance task for mental fatigue assessment,2009,47,7,967-972,Li Agent-based analysis and support for incident management,2009,47,8,1163-1174,Hoogendoorn An explorative study of health safety and environment culture in a Norwegian petroleum company,2009,47,7,992-1001,Moen Classification of errors contributing to rail incidents and accidents: A comparison of two human error identification techniques,2009,47,7,948-957,McIntosh Crowding in platform staircases of a subway station in China during rush hours,2009,47,7,931-938,Chow Determination of the optimal escape routes of underground mine networks in emergency cases,2009,47,8,1077-1082,Jalali Development of a relative risk model for roof and side fall fatal accidents in underground coal mines in India,2009,47,8,1068-1076,Maiti Economic cost of occupational accidents: Evidence from a small island economy,2009,47,7,973-979,Shalini Exploratory study on safety climate in Chinese manufacturing enterprises,2009,47,7,1043-1046,Yuan Fatigued driver's driving behavior and cognitive task performance: Effects of road environments and road environment changes,2009,47,8,1083-1089,Liu Finger and hand protection on circular table and panel saws,2009,47,8,1175-1184,Reinert First principles second hand: Perceptions and interpretations of vision zero in Norway,2009,47,7,958-966,Elvebakk Human and organizational error data challenges in complex large-scale systems,2009,47,8,1185-1194,Zhou Implications of turnover and trust for safety attitudes and behaviour in work teams,2009,47,7,1002-1006,Hayes Motorcyclist injury severity in angle crashes at T-junctions: Identifying significant factors and analysing what made motorists fail to yield to motorcycles,2009,47,8,1097-1106,Pai Performance of slippery and slip-resistant footwear in different wintry weather conditions measured in situ,2009,47,8,1195-1200,Hirvonen Predicting the safety performance of volunteers: Does motivation for volunteering influence driving behavior?,2009,47,8,1090-1096,Newton Product safety - Principles and practices in a life cycle perspective,2009,47,7,939-947,Rausand Relation between occupational safety management and firm performance,2009,47,7,980-991,Fernández-Muñiz Safety is the antonym of risk for some perspectives of risk,2009,47,7,925-930,Aven Severity analysis of Indian coal mine accidents - A retrospective study for 100 years,2009,47,7,1033-1042,Maiti The analysis of domino effect impact probability triggered by fragments,2009,47,7,1026-1032,Chen The characteristics of fatal occupational injuries in Korea's construction industry 1997-2004,2009,47,8,1159-1162,Lee The development of a more risk-sensitive and flexible airport safety area strategy: Part I. The development of an improved accident frequency model,2009,47,7,903-912,Caves The development of a more risk-sensitive and flexible airport safety area strategy: Part II. Accident location analysis and airport risk assessment case studies,2009,47,7,913-924,Caves The effect of emergency breathing systems during helicopter underwater escape training for land force troops,2009,47,8,1129-1138,McCabe The implementation of a human factors engineering checklist for human / system interfaces upgrade in nuclear power plants,2009,47,7,1016-1025,Yenn The relationship between culture and safety on offshore supply vessels,2009,47,8,1118-1128,Antonsen The unfolding of '12.23' Kaixian blowout accident in China,2009,47,8,1107-1117,Yang Towards an evaluation of accident investigation methods in terms of their alignment with accident causation models,2009,47,7,1007-1015,Katsakiori Workplace violence intervention effectiveness: A systematic literature review,2009,47,8,1049-1055,Wassell Age and lost working days as a result of an occupational accident: A study in a shiftwork rotation system,2009,47,10,1359-1363,Aluja Can level of safety climate predict level of orientation toward safety in a decision making task?,2009,47,10,1312-1323,Shelley Deterioration of the useful visual field with ageing during simulated driving in traffic and its possible consequences for road safety,2009,47,9,1271-1276,Roge Drowsy drivers: The effect of light and circadian rhythm on crash occurrence,2009,47,10,1364-1370,Chipman Effects of gender sex-stereotype conformity age and internalization on risk-taking among adolescent pedestrians,2009,47,9,1277-1283,Granie Emotions drive attention: Effects on driver’s behaviour,2009,47,9,1254-1259,Cellier Human walks carefully when the ground dynamic coefficient of friction drops below 0.41,2009,47,10,1429-1433,Hong Impact of training programs on decision-making and situation awareness of trainee watch officers,2009,47,9,1222-1231,Chauvin Measurement of machinery safety level: European framework for product control : : Particular case: Spanish framework for market surveillance,2009,47,10,1285-1296,Cordero Modeling perceived collision risk in port water navigation,2009,47,10,1410-1416,Chin Occupational health and safety in the framework of corporate social responsibility,2009,47,10,1440-1445,Rey Pedestrian crossing decision-making: A situational and behavioral approach,2009,47,9,1248-1253,Bergeron Pilot sample risk analysis for underground coal mine fires and explosions using MSHA citation data,2009,47,10,1371-1378,Kecojevic Risk assessment tools incorporating human error probabilities in the Japanese small-sized establishment,2009,47,10,1379-1397,Ohtani Safety analysis of slipping barefoot on marble covered wet areas,2009,47,10,1417-1428,Sariisik The effect of aviation safety education on passenger cabin safety awareness,2009,47,10,1337-1345,Chang The safety policies and practices of community multi-purpose recreation facilities,2009,47,10,1346-1350,Mahoney Understanding road signs,2009,47,9,1232-1240,Tijus What is most important for safety climate: The company belonging or the local working environment? – A study from the Norwegian offshore industry,2009,47,10,1324-1331,Moen What-You-Look-For-Is-What-You-Find – The consequences of underlying accident models in eight accident investigation manuals,2009,47,10,1297-1311,Hollnagel Cascade-based attack vulnerability on the US power grid,2009,47,10,1332-1336,Wang Evaluation of two models of a slipmeter,2009,47,10,1434-1439,Li Measurement of machinery safety level in the European market: A real case based on market surveillance data,2009,47,10,1351-1358,Cordero Measurement techniques for organizational safety causal models: Characterization and suggestions for enhancements,2009,47,10,1398-1409,Mohaghegh A novel methodology for evaluating the change of existing operational staffing levels (MCSL) in the chemical industry,2010,48,2,179-185,Reniers A risk-based modelling approach to enhance shipping accident investigation,2010,48,1,18-27,Wang Accident in a French dynamite factory: An example of an organisational investigation,2010,48,1,80-90,Le Coze Agricultural injuries in Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh in India,2010,48,2,222-229,Kumar An investigation of lifting operations on UK construction sites,2010,48,1,72-79,Sertyesilisik Analysis of running child pedestrians impacted by a vehicle using rigid-body models and optimization techniques,2010,48,2,259-267,Crandall Analyzing motorists’ responses to temporary signage in highway work zones,2010,48,2,215-221,Li Associations between driver training determinants of risky driving behaviour and crash involvement,2010,48,1,35-45,Tronsmoen Automation design in advanced control rooms of the modernized nuclear power plants,2010,48,1,63-71,Yenn Can focus on safety culture become an excuse for not rethinking design of technology?,2010,48,2,268-278,Rollenhagen Classification technique for danger classes of coal and gas outburst in deep coal mines,2010,48,2,173-178,Zhang Complaint reports for violations of health and safety legislation in the area of Thessaloniki (Greece),2010,48,2,209-214,Mekos Construction safety: An analysis of systems failure : The case of the multifunctional Bos and Lommerplein estate Amsterdam,2010,48,2,111-122,Ale Development of an objective determination of a slip with a portable inclineable articulated strut slip tester (PIAST),2010,48,1,100-109,Chang Enhancement of occupational health and safety requirements in chemical tanker operations: The case of cargo explosion,2010,48,2,195-203,Celik Enhancing road safety through early detection of outbreaks in the frequency of motor vehicle crashes,2010,48,2,135-144,Sparks Ensuring patient safety through effective leadership behaviour: A literature review,2010,48,1,1-17,Grote Falls prevention through community intervention – A Swedish example,2010,48,2,204-208,Larsson Hands on explosives: Safety testing of protective measures,2010,48,1,28-34,Klapötke Identification analysis and dissemination of information on near misses: A case study in the construction industry,2010,48,1,91-99,Saurin Incorporating human factors into a simplified “bow-tie” approach for workplace risk assessment,2010,48,2,145-156,Targoutzidis Investigation of key factors for accident severity at railroad grade crossings by using a logit model,2010,48,2,186-194,Lee Learning lessons from tunnel accidents – Recommendations in support of the implementation of Article 15 on Reporting of the EU Directive 2004/54/EC,2010,48,2,230-237,Mushtaq Modeling using dynamic variables – An approach for the design of loss prevention programs,2010,48,1,46-53,Haight Perceptions of postural stability after transitioning to standing among construction workers,2010,48,2,166-172,Huang Prevention through design: The effect of European Directives on construction workplace accidents,2010,48,2,248-258,Gibb Risk-based maintenance policy selection using AHP and goal programming,2010,48,2,238-247,Maiti Safety leadership and safety behavior in container terminal operations,2010,48,2,123-134,Lu Significant human risk factors in aircraft maintenance technicians,2010,48,1,54-62,Wang Speaking of human factors: Emergent meanings in interviews with professional accident investigators,2010,48,2,157-165,Lundberg The usage of safety management tools in Swedish municipalities,2010,48,3,288-295,Andersson Spillover effects of yield-to-pedestrian channelizing devices,2010,48,3,342-347,Ye Small enterprises: Accountants as occupational health and safety intermediaries,2010,48,3,404-409,Bager Sight obstruction at at-grade pedestrian crossings: A review of the understanding of the meaning of zigzag lines,2010,48,3,283-287,Mutabazi Reverse invention: An inductive bottom-up strategy for safety rule development: A case study of safety rule modifications in the Norwegian railway system,2010,48,3,382-394,Hovden Predicting of blasting vibrations in Sarcheshmeh copper mine by neural network,2010,48,3,319-325,Amnieh Human and organisational factors in the operational phase of safety instrumented systems: A new approach,2010,48,3,310-318,Rouvroye Estimation of the real number of road casualties in Europe,2010,48,3,365-371,Amoros Driver engagement in distracting activities and the strategies used to minimise risk,2010,48,3,326-332,Young Differences in risk perception priorities worry and demand for risk mitigation in transport among Norwegians in 2004 and 2008,2010,48,3,357-364,Rundmo Consideration on safety for emerging technology - Case studies of seven service robots,2010,48,3,296-301,Ikeda Applying systems thinking concepts in the analysis of major incidents and safety culture,2010,48,3,302-309,Goh Application of generalized link functions in developing accident prediction models,2010,48,3,410-416,Sayed An investigation of driver attitudes and behaviour in rural and urban areas in Norway,2010,48,3,348-356,Rundmo An integrated safety management with construction management using 4D CAD model,2010,48,3,395-403,Benjaoran An analysis of the content of questions and responses in incident investigations: Self reports in the investigation of signals passed at danger (SPADs),2010,48,3,372-381,Hutchings A safety counterculture challenge to a "safety climate",2010,48,3,333-341,Walker Accidents at work related to violence - Analysis of Finnish national accident statistics database,2010,48,4,517-525,Saarela Associations between sleep risk and safety climate: A study of offshore personnel on the Norwegian continental shelf,2010,48,4,469-477,Hope Challenges in risk management in multi-company industrial parks,2010,48,4,430-435,Heikkil Comprehension and hazard communication of three pictorial symbols designed for flight manual warnings,2010,48,4,478-481,Erdinc Computer image generation for job simulation: An effective approach to occupational Risk Analysis,2010,48,4,508-516,Patrucco Construction Job Safety Analysis,2010,48,4,491-498,Baum Development of conflict techniques for left-turn and cross-traffic at protected left-turn signalized intersections,2010,48,4,460-468,Oh Effect of varying two key parameters in simulating evacuation for subway stations in China,2010,48,4,445-451,Chow Exploring the social and organisational aspects of human factors integration: A framework and case study,2010,48,4,482-490,Waterson Implications of job insecurity perceptions and job insecurity responses for psychological well-being turnover intentions and reported risk behavior,2010,48,4,452-459,Rundmo Improving an algorithm for classifying error types of front-line workers: Insights from a case study in the construction industry,2010,48,4,422-429,Saurin Project risk identification and assessment simultaneously using multi-attribute group decision making technique,2010,48,4,499-507,Mojtahedi Underground coal mining injury: A look at how age and experience relate to days lost from work following an injury,2010,48,4,417-421,Margolis Use of association rules to explore cause-effect relationships in occupational accidents in the Taiwan construction industry,2010,48,4,436-444,Lin A development in energy flow/barrier analysis,2010,48,5,598-606,Bernard A field assessment of floor slipperiness in a fish market in Taiwan,2010,48,5,556-561,Li A human factors and reliability approach to clinical risk management: Evidence from Italian cases,2010,48,5,625-639,Verbano A new-generation safety contest in the construction industry - A long-term evaluation of a real-life intervention,2010,48,5,680-686,Paivarinta A safety culture maturity model for petrochemical companies in Brazil,2010,48,5,615-624,Filho An integrated method for safety pre-warning of complex system,2010,48,5,580-597,Zhang Analysis on occupational-related safety: Fatal accident reports of China 2001-2008,2010,48,5,640-642,Zhangtao Enabling youth to advocate for workplace safety,2010,48,5,570-579,Chin Evaluating a safety culture campaign: Some lessons from a Norwegian case,2010,48,5,651-659,Nævestad Investigation on the effect of impact location height on pedestrian safety using a legform impactor dynamic model,2010,48,5,660-671,Abvabi Occupational stressors identified by small-scale independent commercial crab pot fishermen,2010,48,5,672-679,McDonald Organizational practices and workplace health and safety: A cross-sectional study in manufacturing companies,2010,48,5,562-569,Smith Safety climate dimensions leader-member exchange and organizational support as predictors of upward safety communication in a sample of rail industry workers,2010,48,5,643-650,Ranney STAMP-based analysis on the railway accident and accident spreading: Taking the China-Jiaoji railway accident for example,2010,48,5,544-555,Hong The cave resonator and the Parker Turner cave collapse problem,2010,48,5,607-614,Nof The intercoder agreement when using the Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method in road traffic accident investigations,2010,48,5,527-536,Warner Two-wheel tractors: Road safety issues in Laos and Cambodia,2010,48,5,537-543,Ericson A consideration for using workers' heuristics to improve safety rules based on relationships between creative mental sets and rule-violating actions,2010,48,7,878-884,Noguchi A Management of change approach for assessing and Evaluating operational Staffing Levels (MocESL) in chemical plants,2010,48,7,885-893,Reniers Accident precursors and near misses on construction sites: An investigative tool to derive information from accident databases,2010,48,7,845-858,Wu Adequacy of personal fall arrest energy absorbers in relation to heavy workers,2010,48,6,747-754,Goh An analysis for the causes of accidents of repair maintenance alteration and addition works in Hong Kong,2010,48,7,894-901,Hon An approach for determining the extent of contribution of construction project features to accident causation,2010,48,6,687-692,Suresh Applying linear analysis methods to GIS-supported procedures for preventing traffic accidents: Case study of Konya,2010,48,6,763-769,Gundogdu Assessing team workload under automation based on a subjective performance measure,2010,48,7,914-920,Yenn Characteristic analysis of occupational accidents at small construction enterprises,2010,48,6,698-707,Fan Controlled readability of Seveso II company safety documents the design of a new KPI,2010,48,6,734-746,Ale Dealing with SMEs as a whole in OHS issues: Warnings from empirical evidence,2010,48,6,729-733,Cagno Determination of the applicable exhaust airflow rate through a ventilation shaft in the case of road tunnel fires,2010,48,6,722-728,Kim Do fixed-term workers have a higher injury rate?,2010,48,6,693-697,Salminen e-JIKEI Network using e-JIKEI Cameras: Community security using considerable number of cheap stand-alone cameras,2010,48,7,921-925,Kobayashi Estimation of air traffic longitudinal conflict probability based on the reaction time of controllers,2010,48,7,926-930,Shang-wen Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a monitoring system for improved evacuation from passenger ships,2010,48,6,788-802,Ellis Fuzzy logic-based approach for identifying the risk importance of human error,2010,48,7,902-913,Li Human error risk analysis in offshore emergencies,2010,48,6,803-818,Deacon Learning from accidents - What more do we need to know?,2010,48,6,714-721,Hansson Review of "Just culture - Balancing safety and accountability" and "The field guide to understanding human error",2010,48,7,931,Gerlings Risk indicators for major hazards on offshore installations,2010,48,6,770-787,Vinnem SESAR safety decision-making: Lessons from environmental nuclear and defense modeling,2010,48,7,831-844,Brooker Socioeconomic status and the occurrence of non-fatal child pedestrian injury: Results from a cross-sectional survey,2010,48,6,823-828,Ma SPA-fuzzy method based real-time risk assessment for major hazard installations storing flammable gas,2010,48,6,819-822,Zhou Study in performance analysis of China Urban Emergency Response System based on Petri net,2010,48,6,755-762,Zhong The context and habits of accident investigation practices: A study of 108 Swedish investigators,2010,48,7,859-867,Hollnagel The effect of congruency between sound-source location and verbal message semantics of in-vehicle navigation systems,2010,48,6,708-713,Lee A framework for estimating the safety effects of roadway lighting at intersections,2010,48,10,1436-1444,Shankar A new method for risk assessment of pillar recovery operation,2010,48,10,1304-1312,Ghasemi A semi-quantitative assessment of occupational risks using bow-tie representation,2010,48,8,973-979,Silva Accident prevention in SME using ORM,2010,48,8,1036-1043,Duijm An integrated information technology assisted driving system to improve mine trucks-related safety,2010,48,10,1490-1497,Kecojevic An investigation of the relationship between organizational climate and professional drivers' driver behaviours,2010,48,10,1484-1489,Lajunen An outlook on Dutch road safety in 2020; future developments of exposure crashes and policy,2010,48,9,1098-1105,Wesemann Application of association rules in Iranian Railways (RAI) accident data analysis,2010,48,10,1427-1435,Mirabadi Appraisal of a new risk assessment model for SME,2010,48,10,1361-1368,Fera Assessment of selected safety performance evaluation methods in regards to their conceptual methodological and practical characteristics,2010,48,8,1019-1025,Katsakiori Benchmarking road safety performances of countries,2010,48,9,1203-1211,Oppe Beyond "best practice" road safety thinking and systems management - A case for culture change research,2010,48,9,1175-1181,Johnston CNG cylinder burst in a bus during gas filling - Lesson learned,2010,48,10,1516-1519,Das Comparison of portable and onboard navigation system for the effects in real driving,2010,48,10,1421-1426,Lee Constructing "core stories" for contributing practical safety actions in industrial units,2010,48,10,1393-1401,Vayrynen Criteria to determine likelihood of brain injury during explosive events,2010,48,10,1387-1392,Connolly Design for horizontal escape in buildings: The use of the relative distance between exits as an alternative approach to the maximum travel distance,2010,48,10,1242-1247,Tavares Designing a composite indicator for road safety,2010,48,9,1212-1224,Doveh Development of socio-technical disaster model,2010,48,10,1286-1295,Aini Development of worksystem safety capability index (WSCI),2010,48,10,1369-1379,Maiti Does vehicle colour influence crash risk?,2010,48,10,1327-1338,Newstead Estimation of pressure distribution for shock wave through the bend of bend laneway,2010,48,10,1263-1268,Qi Evaluating safety management and culture interventions to improve safety: Effective intervention strategies,2010,48,8,1026-1035,Hale Examples of evidence-based approaches in accident prevention,2010,48,8,1044-1049,Nold Friction measurements on "anti-slip" floors under shoe sole contamination and inclination conditions,2010,48,10,1321-1326,Chen Incident tree model and incident tree analysis method for quantified risk assessment: An in-depth accident study in traffic operation,2010,48,10,1248-1262,Wang Is the effect of quantified road safety targets sustainable?,2010,48,9,1182-1188,Wong Is there a need for new theories models and approaches to occupational accident prevention?,2010,48,8,950-956,Hovden Learning from Tabasco's floods by applying MORT,2010,48,10,1351-1360,Santos-Reyes Managers' attitudes towards safety measures in the commercial road transport sector,2010,48,8,1073-1080,Njå Managing error on the open road: The contribution of human error models and methods,2010,48,10,1225-1235,Lenné Measuring and understanding road safety performance at local territorial level,2010,48,9,1197-1202,Eksler New trends in work environment - New effects on safety,2010,48,8,936-942,Koukoulaki Occupant interactions with self-closing fire doors in private dwellings,2010,48,10,1345-1350,Gibb Occupational and public health and safety in a changing work environment: An integrated approach for risk assessment and prevention,2010,48,8,943-949,Papadopoulos Occupational risk of tunneling construction,2010,48,8,964-972,Papazoglou Official reporting and newspaper coverage of road crashes: A case study,2010,48,10,1469-1476,Brijs On prediction in road safety,2010,48,9,1111-1122,Hauer Organisational safety indicators: Some conceptual considerations and a supplementary qualitative approach,2010,48,10,1402-1411,Kongsvik Perspectives on safety: The impact of group membership work factors and trust on safety performance in UK and Norwegian drilling company employees,2010,48,8,1062-1072,Mearns Pilot see pilot do: Examining the predictors of pilots' risk management behaviour,2010,48,10,1445-1451,Drinkwater Port safety and the container revolution: A statistical study on human factor and occupational accidents over the long period,2010,48,8,980-990,Fabiano Providing the numerical context for British casualty reduction targets,2010,48,9,1134-1141,Knowles Road accidents an occupational risk,2010,48,10,1412-1420,Charbotel Road safety in France: The hard path toward science-based policy,2010,48,9,1151-1159,Lassarre Road safety performance indicators and their explanatory value: A critical view based on the experience of Central European countries,2010,48,9,1142-1150,Hollo Root cause analysis of an old accident in an explosives production plant,2010,48,10,1530-1544,Ferjencik Safety culture aboard fishing vessels,2010,48,8,1054-1061,Havold Safety metaphors and theories a review of the occupational safety literature of the US UK and The Netherlands till the first part of the 20th century,2010,48,8,1000-1018,Swuste Safety performance functions with measurement errors in traffic volume,2010,48,10,1339-1344,Sayed Some extensions on risk matrix approach,2010,48,10,1269-1278,Ni Strengthening incentives for efficient road safety policy priorities: The roles of cost-benefit analysis and road pricing,2010,48,9,1189-1196,Elvik Strengthening road safety strategy development 'Towards Zero' 2008-2020 - Western Australia's experience scientific research on road safety management SWOV workshop 16 and 17 November 2009,2010,48,9,1085-1097,Farley Study on mechanics of crowd jam based on the cusp-catastrophe model,2010,48,10,1236-1241,Sun Study on workers' evacuation in an industrial company,2010,48,8,1050-1053,Silva The art of measuring nothing: The paradox of measuring safety in a changing civil aviation industry using traditional safety metrics,2010,48,10,1520-1529,Lofquist The consequences of unexpected emotional sounds on driving behaviour in risky situations,2010,48,10,1463-1468,Di Stasi The expected number of road traffic casualties using stratified data,2010,48,9,1123-1133,Wesemann The insurance market's influence on investments in safety measures,2010,48,10,1279-1285,Abrahamsen The need for a systems theory approach to road safety,2010,48,9,1167-1174,Dekker The potential impact of light emitting diode lighting on reducing mining injuries during operation and maintenance of lighting systems,2010,48,10,1380-1386,Yenchek The regional emergency plan requirement: Application of the best practices to the Brazilian case,2010,48,8,991-999,Calixto The role of safety research in road safety management,2010,48,9,1160-1166,Schulze The small unmanned aircraft blunt criterion based injury potential estimation,2010,48,10,1313-1320,Magister The unequal distribution of occupational health and safety risks among immigrants to Canada compared to Canadian-born labour market participants: 1993-2005,2010,48,10,1296-1303,Mustard The validity of a low-cost simulator for the assessment of the effects of in-vehicle information systems,2010,48,10,1477-1483,Jamson Towards a method to forecast the effectiveness of national road safety programmes,2010,48,9,1106-1110,Siegrist A comparison of the driving behavior between remunerated and volunteer drivers,2011,49,2,339-344,Watson A dynamic cellular automaton model for evacuation process with obstacles,2011,49,2,315-323,Alizadeh A preliminary ergonomic assessment of piloting a lifeboat in ice,2011,49,2,139-147,Taber A risk perspective suitable for resilience engineering,2011,49,2,292-297,Aven A study on a new hazard detecting and controlling method: The case of coal mining companies in China,2011,49,2,279-285,Lu A tool for safety officers investigating "simple" accidents,2011,49,1,32-38,Jørgensen Accident models and organisational factors in air transport: The need for multi-method models,2011,49,1,5-10,Hale An application of data mining tools for the study of shipping safety in restricted waters,2011,49,2,192-197,Kokotos Applying systems thinking to analyze and learn from events,2011,49,1,55-64,Leveson Applying TRIZ principles in crowd management,2011,49,2,286-291,Pin Building Safety indicators: Part 1 - Theoretical foundation,2011,49,2,148-161,Herrera Building Safety indicators: Part 2 - Application practices and results,2011,49,2,162-171,Øien Development of a fuzzy model to predict flyrock in surface mining,2011,49,2,298-305,Rezaei Driving and telephoning: Relative accident risk when using hand-held and hands-free mobile phones,2011,49,2,324-330,Sagberg Evaluation and improvement of a method for assessing HSMS from the resilience engineering perspective: A case study of an electricity distributor,2011,49,2,355-368,Saurin Evaluation of offshore emergency preparedness in view of rare accidents,2011,49,2,178-191,Vinnem Event investigations at nuclear power plants in Sweden: Reflections about a method and some associated practices,2011,49,1,21-26,Rollenhagen Extended prediction models for crashes at roundabouts,2011,49,2,198-207,Nuyts Identification of OHS-related factors and interactions among those and OHS performance in SMEs,2011,49,2,216-225,Cagno Identifying critical success factors in emergency management using a fuzzy DEMATEL method,2011,49,2,243-252,Zhou Incident reduction and risk migration,2011,49,1,11-20,Kirwan Insight from hindsight: A practitioner's perspective on a causal approach to performance improvement,2011,49,1,39-46,Stockholm Measuring safety climate in aviation: A review and recommendations for the future,2011,49,2,128-138,O'Dea Multilevel learning from accidents - Case studies in transport,2011,49,1,98-105,Hovden Occupational accidents model based on risk-injury affinity groups,2011,49,2,306-314,Conte Organisational learning - Reflections from the nuclear industry,2011,49,1,65-74,Wahlström Preventive activity in the greenhouse-construction industry of south-eastern Spain,2011,49,2,345-354,Pérez-Alonso Reporting practices in merchant shipping and the identification of influencing factors,2011,49,2,331-338,Oltedal Responses to accidents in different industrial sectors,2011,49,1,90-97,Olsen Risk-management and rule-compliance: Decision-making in hazardous industries,2011,49,2,110-120,Hopkins Safety culture in an aircraft maintenance organisation: A view from the inside,2011,49,2,268-278,Atak SOL - Safety through organizational learning: A method for event analysis,2011,49,1,27-31,Fahlbruch Subjective theories of organizing and learning from events,2011,49,1,47-54,Manzey Testing implementation conditions for in-vehicle information systems,2011,49,2,107-109,Carsten The challenge of collective learning from event analysis,2011,49,1,83-89,Ramanujam The comparative merits of expert observation subjective and objective data in determining the effects of in-vehicle information systems on driving performance,2011,49,2,172-177,Merat The criminalization of human error in aviation and healthcare: A review,2011,49,2,121-127,Dekker "The gift of failure: New approaches to analyzing and learning from events and near-misses." Honoring the contributions of Bernhard Wilpert,2011,49,1,1-4,Fahlbruch The research on extracting the information of human errors in the main control room of nuclear power plants by using Performance Evaluation Matrix,2011,49,2,236-242,Yenn The role of risk perception and other risk-related judgements in transportation mode use,2011,49,2,226-235,Rundmo Totalitarian loss of responsibility in an explosives production plant,2011,49,2,253-267,Ferjencik Tower crane safety in the construction industry: A Hong Kong study,2011,49,2,208-215,Tam What's past is prologue: Organizational learning from a serious patient injury,2011,49,1,75-82,Tamuz Young drivers' sensation seeking subjective norms and perceived behavioral control and their roles in predicting speeding intention: How risk-taking motivations evolve with gender and driving experience,2011,49,3,424-432,Delhomme HRA in China: Model and data,2011,49,3,468-472,Li The correlation between gradients of descending roads and accident rates,2011,49,3,416-423,Fu Is sledding safe? Beyond acute traumatic injuries: Estimating the spine loads sustained by children while sledding,2011,49,3,433-437,Grenier Accidents at work during temporary agency work in Finland - Comparisons between certain major industries and other industries,2011,49,3,473-483,Hintikka Transfer activities among Canadian researchers: Evidence in occupational safety and health,2011,49,3,406-415,Laroche Roughness and slipperiness of floor surface: Tactile sensation and perception,2011,49,3,508-512,Zhang Modeling attitudes and perceptions as predictors for changing safety margins during organizational change,2011,49,3,531-541,Lofquist Developing fuzzy signal detection theory for workers' hazard perception measures on subway operations,2011,49,3,491-497,Hinze Underground mine Refuge Chamber Expectations Training: Program development and evaluation,2011,49,3,522-530,Kowalski-Trakofler Work-related driving safety in light vehicle fleets: A review of past research and the development of an intervention framework,2011,49,3,369-381,Watson Job requirements for control room jobs in nuclear power plants,2011,49,3,394-405,Schumacher Managers' conceptions regarding human factors in air traffic management and in airport operations,2011,49,3,438-449,Teperi Modeling the major accident prevention legislation change process within Europe,2011,49,3,513-521,Ale A study on the impact of management system certification on safety management,2011,49,3,498-507,Vinodkumar Modeling and algorithm of domino effect in chemical industrial parks using discrete isolated island method,2011,49,3,463-467,Zhang Crisis management preparedness of school districts in three southern states in the USA,2001,39,1-2,83-92,Hyder Why it was so difficult to develop new methods to inspect work organization and psychosocial risks in Sweden,2011,49,4,575-581,Bruhn OHS inspectors and psychosocial risk factors: Evidence from Australia,2011,49,4,547-557,Quinlan The role of policy for the management of psychosocial risks at the workplace in the European Union,2011,49,4,558-564,Vartia Regulation of psychosocial risk factors at work: An international overview,2011,49,4,543-546,Quinlan Protection of workers' mental health in Québec: Do general duty clauses allow labour inspectors to do their job?,2011,49,4,582-590,Lippel CC.OO. ("Comisiones Obreras") - ISTAS (Union Institute of Work Environment and Health) participatory action plan for a healthier work organization: A case study,2011,49,4,591-598,Rodrigo New tools and strategies for the inspection of the psychosocial working environment: The experience of the Danish Working Environment Authority,2011,49,4,565-574,Rasmussen Worker representation and psycho-social risks: A problematic relationship?,2011,49,4,599-606,Walters The development of probabilistic models to estimate accident risk (due to runway overrun and landing undershoot) applicable to the design and construction of runway safety areas,2011,49,5,633-650,Arnaldo Valdés Visibility-related fatalities related to construction equipment,2011,49,5,709-718,Hinze Reliability estimation of auxiliary ventilation systems in long tunnels during construction,2011,49,5,664-669,Jalali Analysis of "high-dollar" value safety and health citations and orders for the US coal mines,2011,49,5,658-663,Kecojevic A mathematical model on adjacent smoke filling involved sprinkler cooling to a smoke layer,2011,49,5,670-678,Li Prediction of the confidence interval for stability analysis of chain pillars in coal mines,2011,49,5,651-657,Jalali Designing a developed model for assessing the disaster induced vulnerability value in educational centers,2011,49,5,679-685,Abbaspour Methodology for consequence analysis of LNG releases at deepwater port facilities,2011,49,5,686-694,Clutter Assessing gait changes in firefighters due to fatigue and protective clothing,2011,49,5,719-726,Rosengren Occupational risk assessment in construction industry - Overview and reflection,2011,49,5,616-624,Pinto The relationship between the implementation of a Safety Management System and the attitudes of employees towards unsafe acts in aviation,2011,49,5,625-632,Remawi Assessing the impact of risk-taking behavior on road crash involvement among University students residing in two Mediterranean countries,2011,49,6,933-938,Petridou On risk governance deficits,2011,49,6,912-919,Aven Perceived benefits of applying Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSS) in construction - A factor analysis approach,2011,49,6,813-823,Choi Definition of an airworthiness certification framework for civil unmanned aircraft systems,2011,49,6,871-885,Fulton The complexity of failure: Implications of complexity theory for safety investigations,2011,49,6,939-945,Dekker Developing an accident modification function for speed enforcement,2011,49,6,920-925,Elvik An integrated approach to the analysis of incident causes,2011,49,6,886-905,Ferjencik Human reliability analysis: A critique and review for managers,2011,49,6,753-763,Soane On the selection and installation of surge protection devices in a TT wiring system for equipment and human safety,2011,49,6,861-870,Gomes CDES: A pixel-based crowd density estimation system for Masjid al-Haram,2011,49,6,824-833,Haron Markov reliability model research of monitoring process in digital main control room of nuclear power plant,2011,49,6,843-851,Zhang Association rules analysis of human factor events based on statistics method in digital nuclear power plant,2011,49,6,946-950,Zhang A methodology for assessing underground coal mines for high safety-related risk,2011,49,6,906-911,Kinilakodi Contact of heavy vehicles with overhead power lines,2011,49,6,951-955,Koustellis Explosions and deflagration-to-detonation transitions in epoxy propane/air mixtures,2011,49,6,926-932,Jiang Risk analysis in research environment - Part I: Modeling Lab Criticity Index using Improved Risk Priority Number,2011,49,6,778-784,Ouédraogo Risk analysis in research environment - Part II: Weighting Lab Criticity Index using the Analytic Hierarchy Process,2011,49,6,785-793,Ouédraogo Managing occupational injuries records in Slovenia from 1948 to 2008,2011,49,6,834-842,Pavlic Safety in the mining industry and the unfinished legacy of mining accidents: Safety levers and defense-in-depth for addressing mining hazards,2011,49,6,764-777,Saleh Detection of spatially clustered outbreaks in motor vehicle crashes: What's the best method?,2011,49,6,794-806,Sparks An evaluation of maintenance strategy using risk based inspection,2011,49,6,852-860,Tan Robustness of the western United States power grid under edge attack strategies due to cascading failures,2011,49,6,807-812,Wang A combined frequency-severity approach for the analysis of rear-end crashes on urban arterials,2011,49,8-9,1156-1163,Das A Genetic algorithm approach to assessing work zone casualty risk,2011,49,8-9,1283-1288,Weng A methodology for evaluation and monitoring of recurring hazards in underground coal mining,2011,49,8-9,1172-1179,Khanzode A new program to promote injury prevention and its application in China,2011,49,8-9,1087-1098,Bin A risk concept applicable for both probabilistic and non-probabilistic perspectives,2011,49,8-9,1080-1086,Aven Agent-based simulation of fire emergency evacuation with fire and human interaction model,2011,49,8-9,1130-1141,Xin Analysis of accidents and incidents occurring during transport of packaged dangerous goods by sea,2011,49,8-9,1231-1237,Ellis CFD simulation study on gas dispersion for risk assessment: A case study of sour gas well blowout,2011,49,8-9,1289-1295,Qingchun Developing a standard for psychosocial risk management: PAS 1010,2011,49,7,1047-1057,Zwetsloot Developing safety indicators for preventing offshore oil and gas deepwater drilling blowouts,2011,49,8-9,1187-1199,Vinnem Experts Bayesian Belief Networks rare events and aviation risk estimates,2011,49,8-9,1142-1155,Brooker Influences of communication structural complexity on operational safety in regional airspace design,2011,49,8-9,1099-1109,Fulton Jobs at risk of work-related road crashes: An analysis of the casualties from the Rhône Road Trauma Registry (France),2011,49,8-9,1270-1276,Charbotel Leadership and employees' perceived safety behaviours in a nuclear power plant: A structural equation model,2011,49,8-9,1118-1129,Tomás Making work environment auditable - A 'critical case' study of certified occupational health and safety management systems in Denmark,2011,49,7,1022-1029,Hasle 'Management Standards' and work-related stress in Great Britain: Progress on their implementation,2011,49,7,1040-1046,Mellor Managing OHS: A route to a new negotiating order in high-performance work organizations?,2011,49,7,964-973,Kristensen On the ontological status of the concept of risk,2011,49,8-9,1074-1079,Aven Organisational learning and continuous improvement of health and safety in certified manufacturers,2011,49,7,1030-1039,Granerud Policy expectations and the use of market mechanisms for regulatory OSH certification and testing regimes,2011,49,7,1007-1013,Hale Possibilistic regression analysis of influential factors for occupational health and safety management systems,2011,49,8-9,1110-1117,Ramli Predicting the performance of cost-effective rollover protective structure designs,2011,49,8-9,1252-1261,Harris Prerequisites for learning from accident investigations - A cross-country comparison of national accident investigation boards,2011,49,8-9,1238-1245,Cedergren Regulatory risk control through mandatory occupational safety and health (OSH) certification and testing regimes (CTRs),2011,49,7,995-1006,Hale Self-Organizing Map and clustering algorithms for the analysis of occupational accident databases,2011,49,8-9,1215-1230,Palamara The "social-physiology" of safety. An integrative approach to understanding organizational psychological mechanisms behind safety performance,2011,49,8-9,1262-1269,Torner The application of reliability models in traffic accident frequency analysis,2011,49,8-9,1246-1251,Jovanovic The value of rapid damage assessment for efficient earthquake response,2011,49,8-9,1164-1171,Moltchanova Towards the adoption of low-cost rail level crossing warning devices in regional areas of Australia: A review of current technologies and reliability issues,2011,49,8-9,1059-1073,Wullems Trust and distrust in safety leadership: Mirror reflections?,2011,49,8-9,1208-1214,Conchie Weighing the pig never made it heavier: Auditing OHS social auditing as verification of process in Australia,2011,49,7,1014-1021,Blewett What motivates employers to establish preventive management arrangements within supply chains?,2011,49,7,988-994,Walters Worker influence on voluntary OHS management systems - A review of its ends and means,2011,49,7,974-987,Frick Management walk-arounds,2011,49,10,1421-1425,Andrew The explosion overpressure field and flame propagation of methane/air and methane/coal dust/air mixtures,2011,49,10,1349-1354,Liu Lightning protection scenarios of communication tower sites; human hazards and equipment damage,2011,49,10,1355-1364,Gomes The impact of risk tolerance risk perception and hazardous attitude on safety operation among airline pilots in China,2011,49,10,1412-1420,Ji Analysis of the traffic injury severity on two-lane two-way rural roads based on classification tree models,2011,49,10,1314-1320,Mohaymany The development of an intervention to improve the safety of community care nurses while driving and a qualitative investigation of its preliminary effects,2011,49,10,1321-1330,Newnam Comparison of steel aluminum and composite bonnet in terms of pedestrian head impact,2011,49,10,1371-1380,Masoumi Modulation of attention and urgent decisions by affect-laden roadside advertisement in risky driving scenarios,2011,49,10,1388-1393,Di Stasi A novel approach based on non-parametric resampling with interval analysis for large engineering project risks,2011,49,10,1340-1348,Mousavi Coding ATC incident data using HFACS,2011,49,10,1365-1370,Nikki S. The development of a prototype behavioral marker system for US Navy officers of the deck,2011,49,10,1381-1387,O'Connor Fatal workplace accidents in outsourced operations in the manufacturing industry,2011,49,10,1394-1403,Sanna A mobile flight case learning system for ATC miscommunications,2011,49,10,1331-1339,Su Operators' signal-detection performance in video display unit monitoring tasks of the main control room,2011,49,10,1309-1313,Lin During-incident process assessment in emergency management,2012,50,1,90-102,Chen Leadership psychological capital and safety research,2012,50,1,55-61,Mearns Analysis of business safety performance by structural equation models,2012,50,1,1-11,Su Psychosocial safety climate: Conceptual distinctiveness and effect on job demands and worker psychological health,2012,50,1,19-28,Dollard Environmental emergency decision support system based on Artificial Neural Network,2012,50,1,150-163,Liao Effect prediction of time-gaps for adaptive cruise control (ACC) and in-vehicle tasks on bus driver performance,2012,50,1,68-75,Hwang Occupational injuries and health problems in the Egyptian Mediterranean fisheries,2012,50,1,113-122,Mohamed A. Work-related road safety: A case study of Roche Australia,2012,50,1,129-137,Murray Influence of laneway support spacing on methane/air explosion shock wave,2012,50,1,83-89,Pang Occupational accident,2012,50,1,76-82,Patwary Understanding "communication gaps" among personnel in high-risk workplaces from a dialogical perspective,2012,50,1,39-47,Rasmussen At-risk behaviour analysis and improvement study in an academic laboratory,2012,50,1,29-38,Shariff Numerical computation and characteristic analysis on the center shift of fire whirls in a ship engine room fire,2012,50,1,12-18,Shichuan Opinions on railway trespassing of people living close to a railway line,2012,50,1,62-67,Luoma The effects of personal music devices on pedestrian behaviour,2012,50,1,123-128,Kingstone Mobile phone use while driving,2012,50,1,138-149,Zhang A comparison of required coefficient of friction for both feet in level walking,2012,50,2,240-243,Chang A descriptive study of the OHS management auditing methods used by public sector organizations conducting audits of workplaces: Implications for audit reliability and validity,2012,50,2,181-189,Bigelow Actual and perceived social norms of children's road crossing behavior,2012,50,2,175-180,Rosenbloom An empirically derived taxonomy of pilot violation behavior,2012,50,2,199-209,Branaghan An investigation on multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes using log-linear models,2012,50,2,352-362,Chin Application of a trapezoidal fuzzy AHP method for work safety evaluation and early warning rating of hot and humid environments,2012,50,2,228-239,Chen Attitude and behaviour of junior rugby union players towards tackling during training and match play,2012,50,2,266-284,Hendricks Comparing the impairment profiles of older drivers and non-drivers: Toward the development of a fitness-to-drive model,2012,50,2,333-341,Lockhart Developing and validating a scientific model for exploring safe work practices in interdisciplinary teams,2012,50,2,316-325,Sindre Examining the relationship between driver distraction and driving errors: a discussion of theory studies and methods,2012,50,2,165-174,Young Exploring the information literacy of professionals in safety management,2012,50,2,294-299,Fuqiang Exploring the perceived influence of safety management practices on project performance in the construction industry,2012,50,2,363-369,Ryan Occupational accident rate in olive oil mills,2012,50,2,285-293,Parejo-Moscoso Occupational health and safety risks: Towards the integration into project management,2012,50,2,190-198,Badri Pedestrian behavior and exit selection in evacuation of a corridor - An experimental study,2012,50,2,221-227,Heliövaara Ports' service attributes for ship navigation safety,2012,50,2,244-252,Wen-Kai K. Safety assessment for accident of cooling loop failure (ACLF) in lunar nuclear power reactor (LNPR),2012,50,2,342-351,Woo Simulation of pedestrian contra-flow by multi-agent DEM model with self-evasive action model,2012,50,2,326-332,Gotoh The development of a movement-density relationship for people going on four in evacuation,2012,50,2,253-258,Rani A. The role of safe work method statements in the Australian construction industry,2012,50,2,210-220,David Tipping point: The narrow path between automation acceptance and rejection in air traffic management,2012,50,2,259-265,Williamson Why did the pilots shut down the wrong engine? Explaining errors in context using Schema Theory and the Perceptual Cycle Model,2012,50,2,300-315,Stanton Realistic evaluation as a new way to design and evaluate occupational safety interventions,2012,50,1,48-54,Nielsen Taking account of the role of safety on vehicle choice using a new generation of discrete choice models,2012,50,1,103-112,Daziano Attack vulnerability of self-organizing networks,2012,50,3,443-447,Zhang Characteristics of pilots who report deliberate versus inadvertent visual flight into Instrument Meteorological Conditions,2012,50,3,472-477,Wiggins Safety line method for the prediction of deep coal-seam gas pressure and its application in coal mines,2012,50,3,523-529,Li Employing pedestrian observations in engineering analysis,2012,50,3,478-493,Gwynne What factors can predict why drivers go through yellow traffic lights? An approach based on an extended Theory of Planned Behavior,2012,50,3,408-417,Delhomme Cultural influences on workplace safety: An example of hospital workers' adoption of patient lifting devices,2012,50,3,494-501,Lipscomb Developing a new alternative risk assessment framework in the work sites by including a stochastic and a deterministic process: A case study for the Greek Public Electric Power Provider,2012,50,3,448-462,Marhavilas Emergency resources demand prediction using case-based reasoning,2012,50,3,530-534,Li A shell-based magnetic field model for magnetic proximity detection systems,2012,50,3,463-471,Li A CART technique to adjust production from longwall coal operations under ventilation constraints,2012,50,3,510-522,Karacan Letter to the editor regarding Management walk-arounds: Lessons from the Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout,2012,50,3,535,Justin Efficacy of wipers-on headlamps-on legislation,2012,50,3,575-578,John D. Operator competence and capacity - Lessons from the Montara blowout,2012,50,3,563-574,Jan Use of safety barriers in operational safety decision making,2012,50,3,424-432,Jan Factors influencing the implementation of a safety management system for construction sites,2012,50,3,418-423,Ismail An adaptive online safety assessment method for mechanical system with pre-warning function,2012,50,3,385-399,Liang Walking when intoxicated: An investigation of the factors which influence individuals' drink walking intentions,2012,50,3,378-384,Hyde A new coal pillars design method in order to enhance safety of the retreat mining in room and pillar mines,2012,50,3,579-585,Ghasemi Integrated pedestrian countermeasures - Potential of head injury reduction combining passive and active countermeasures,2012,50,3,400-407,Fredriksson The extreme carbon dioxide outburst at the Menzengraben potash mine 7 July 1953,2012,50,3,537-553,Frank Huess Distraction in older drivers - A face-to-face interview study,2012,50,3,502-509,Vollrath Motorcyclist perception response time in stopping sight distance situations,2012,50,3,371-377,Davoodi Environmental knowledge memory: Contribution of the DIK model,2012,50,3,554-562,Boubaker Occupational Health and Safety post-graduation courses in Europe: A general overview,2012,50,3,433-442,Swuste Reply to King's letter to the editor regarding Management walk-arounds: Lessons from the Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout,2012,50,3,536,Andrew On the critique of Beck's view on risk and risk analysis,2012,50,4,1043-1048,Aven Mechanism research on coal and gas outburst during vibration blasting,2012,50,4,741-744,Baisheng Shipyard fatalities in Turkey,2012,50,5,1247-1252,Barlas Accident data for the Semantic Web,2012,50,6,1431-1437,Benner Business Process Reengineering of emergency management procedures: A case study,2012,50,5,1368-1376,Bevilacqua Dynamic risk assessment of oil spill scenario for Three Gorges Reservoir in China based on numerical simulation,2012,50,4,1112-1118,Bi New recruit safety expectations: Relationships with trust and perceived job risk,2012,50,4,1079-1084,Burt Team mental models and their potential to improve teamwork and safety: A review and implications for future research in healthcare,2012,50,5,1344-1354,Burtscher Research on 10-year tendency of China coal mine accidents and the characteristics of human factors,2012,50,4,745-750,Chen Analysis on rock burst danger when fully-mechanized caving coal face passed fault with deep mining,2012,50,4,645-648,Chen Data mining applications in evaluating mine ventilation system,2012,50,4,918-922,Cheng Experimental study on non-destructive testing of rock bolts based on pseudo-random signal,2012,50,4,783-786,Cheng Research and practice on fluctuation water injection technology at low permeability coal seam,2012,50,4,851-856,Cheng Flow diagram analysis of electrical fatalities in construction industry,2012,50,5,1205-1214,Chi Improving flammable mass estimation for vapor cloud explosion modeling in an offshore QRA,2012,50,5,1218-1227,Das Towards automatic and robust adjustment of human behavioral parameters in a pedestrian stream model to measured data,2012,50,5,1253-1260,Davidich Results and lessons learned from the ESReDA's Accident Investigation Working Group: Introducing article to "Safety Science" special issue on "Industrial Events Investigation",2012,50,6,1380-1391,Dien Investigation of seat belt use among the drivers of different education levels,2012,50,4,1005-1008,Demirer Accident investigation: From searching direct causes to finding in-depth causes - Problem of analysis or/and of analyst?,2012,50,6,1398-1407,Dien Perspectives regarding industrial events investigation,2012,50,6,1377-1379,Dien Rockburst hazard determination by using computed tomography technology in deep workface,2012,50,4,736-740,Dou Measuring direct and indirect treatment effects using safety performance intervention functions,2012,50,4,1125-1132,Sayed Letter to the editor in response to attitude and behaviour of junior rugby union players towards tackling during training and match play (Safety Science 2011 doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2011.08.061),2012,50,4,1157,Finch The influence of gas storage parameters on gas emission rate from borehole,2012,50,4,869-872,Gao Reliability analysis of pedestrian safety crossing in urban traffic environment,2012,50,4,968-973,Guo The effect of integrated management system on safety and productivity indices: Case study; Iranian cement industries,2012,50,5,1180-1189,Omidvari The characteristic of in situ stress in outburst area of China,2012,50,4,878-884,Han A study on chest injury mechanism and the effectiveness of a headform impact test for pedestrian chest protection from vehicle collisions,2012,50,5,1304-1312,Matsui Research progress on electromagnetic radiation in gas-containing coal and rock fracture and its applications,2012,50,4,728-735,Chen Status and future tasks of coal mining safety in China,2012,50,4,894-898,Song Attitude and behaviour of junior rugby union players towards tackling during training and match play: Response to letter to the editor,2012,50,4,1155-1156,Hendricks Theoretical investigation on the relationship between tail roadway methane drainage and distribution of easily spontaneous combustible region in gob,2012,50,4,618-623,Hongqing Assessment model for equipment risk management: Petrochemical industry cases,2012,50,4,1056-1066,Huang Mining disturbance effect and mining arrangements analysis of near-fault mining in high tectonic stress region,2012,50,4,649-654,Ji Experimental assessment on the moving capabilities of mobility-impaired disabled,2012,50,4,974-985,Jiang Issues with using police citations to assign responsibility in quasi-induced exposure,2012,50,4,1133-1140,Lyles On some studies about the dynamic mechanisms of carbon monoxide flow and diffusion during high energy gas fracturing,2012,50,4,903-908,Jingyang The safety chain: A delusive concept,2012,50,5,1299-1303,Jongejan The influence of supervisor leadership practices and perceived group safety climate on employee safety performance,2012,50,4,1119-1124,Kapp Occupational injury and accident research: A comprehensive review,2012,50,5,1355-1367,Khanzode Modeling patterns of breakdown (or archetypes) of human and organizational processes in accidents using system dynamics,2012,50,4,931-944,Kontogiannis Spectrum characteristics analysis of microseismic signals transmitting between coal bedding,2012,50,4,761-767,Li Mine safety information technology in the framework of Digital Mine,2012,50,4,846-850,Liu The caving and sliding control of surrounding rocks on large coal roadways affected by abutment pressure,2012,50,4,773-777,Yan Research on flood risk analysis and evaluation method based on variable fuzzy sets and information diffusion,2012,50,5,1275-1283,Li Experimental investigation on the seepage law of pressure-relieved gas under the influence of mining,2012,50,4,614-617,Li Stability analysis and comprehensive treatment methods of landslides under complex mining environment--A case study of Dahu landslide from Linbao Henan in China,2012,50,4,695-704,Li The propagation speed of the cracks in coal body containing gas,2012,50,4,914-917,Wang Study on static and dynamic strength characteristics of tailings silty sand and its engineering application,2012,50,4,828-834,Zhang A fuzzy risk assessment approach for occupational hazards in the construction industry,2012,50,4,1067-1078,Liu Origin of hydrogen sulfide in coal seams in China,2012,50,4,668-673,Liu Utility optimization strategy of safety management capability of coal mine - A case study of JCIA,2012,50,4,684-688,Li Fatality and influence factors in high-casualty fires: A correspondence analysis,2012,50,4,1019-1033,Zhang A framework for learning from incidents in the workplace,2012,50,4,950-957,Lukic Study on mechanics and domino effect of large-scale goaf cave-in,2012,50,4,689-694,Wang Assessing safety culture in the Spanish nuclear industry through the use of working groups,2012,50,5,1237-1246,Mariscal Work-related injury and ill-health among mountain instructors in the UK,2012,50,4,1104-1111,McDermott Lessons learnt from a crisis event: How to foster a sound safety culture,2012,50,6,1415-1421,Debarberis Importance of incorporation of personal communication devices in evacuation simulators,2012,50,5,1313-1318,Mesmer Adequate air volume in working face after mechanical refrigeration,2012,50,4,705-708,Miao Estimating separation distance loss probability between aircraft in uncontrolled airspace in simulation,2012,50,4,995-1004,Morio Identifying an appropriate driving behaviour scale for the occupational driving context: The DBQ vs. the ODBQ,2012,50,5,1268-1274,Newnam Accident investigation in the Norwegian petroleum industry - Common features and future challenges,2012,50,6,1408-1414,Tinmannsvik Trends in motor vehicle crash mortality in Europe 1980-2007,2012,50,4,1009-1018,Morandi Reply to letter regarding Realistic evaluation as a new way to design and evaluate occupational safety interventions,2012,50,4,1153-1154,Nielsen Retraction notice to "Agent-based simulation of fire emergency evacuation with fire and human interaction model" [Safety Science 49 (2011) 1130-1141],2012,50,4,1171,Xin Impact of Adaptive Front-lighting Systems (AFS) on road safety: Evidences and open points,2012,50,4,945-949,Peña-García Experimental study on the influence mechanism of gas seepage on coal and gas outburst disaster,2012,50,4,816-821,Xu Experimental study on oxygen consumption rate of residual coal in goaf,2012,50,4,787-791,Liu Risk management and workers' safety behavior control in coal mine,2012,50,4,909-913,Qing-gui An evaluation of occupational accidents in the wooden furniture industry - A regional study in South East Asia,2012,50,5,1190-1195,Ratnasingam Modern accident investigation - Four major challenges,2012,50,6,1392-1397,Roed-Larsen Traffic culture as symbol exchange - A cross-country comparison of Russia and Norway,2012,50,5,1261-1267,Rundmo Numerical simulation study of dust concentration distribution regularity in cavern stope,2012,50,4,857-860,Li Systems-based accident analysis methods: A comparison of Accimap HFACS and STAMP,2012,50,4,1158-1170,Salmon Using process stream index (PSI) to assess inherent safety level during preliminary design stage,2012,50,4,1098-1103,Shariff Modeling and safety strategy of passenger evacuation in a metro station in China,2012,50,5,1319-1332,Zhong Relationship between EMR and dissipated energy of coal rock mass during cyclic loading process,2012,50,4,751-760,Wang Stability of workface using long-wall mining method in extremely thin and gently inclined iron mine,2012,50,4,624-628,Song Are safety investigations pro-active?,2012,50,6,1422-1430,Dekker The internet of things (IOT) and cloud computing (CC) based tailings dam monitoring and pre-alarm system in mines,2012,50,4,811-815,Sun Numerical simulation on foam ceramic blasting block device under the action of explosion transform,2012,50,4,588-592,Sun Is it possible to influence safety in the building sector?: A literature review extending from 1980 until the present,2012,50,5,1333-1343,Swuste Simulating optimum egress time,2012,50,5,1228-1236,Teknomo The role of built environment on pedestrian crash frequency,2012,50,4,1141-1151,Miranda-Moreno Ethics and fundamental principles of risk acceptance criteria,2012,50,4,958-967,Vanem Letter to the editor re Pedersen et al. [realistic evaluation as a new way to design and evaluate occupational safety interventions],2012,50,4,1152,Verbeek Availability organisational analysis: Is it a hazard for safety?,2012,50,6,1438-1444,Llory Omnidirectional safety culture analysis and discussion for railway industry,2012,50,5,1196-1204,Wang High resolution numerical simulation of methane explosion in bend ducts,2012,50,4,709-717,Wang Comprehensive monitoring technique based on electromagnetic radiation and its applications to mine pressure,2012,50,4,885-893,He Real-time numerical simulations and experimental research for the propagation characteristics of shock waves and gas flow during coal and gas outburst,2012,50,4,835-841,Wang Changing regularity of rock damage variable and resistivity under loading condition,2012,50,4,718-722,Wang Theoretical equation of gas desorption of particle coal under the non-uniform pressure condition and its analytical solution,2012,50,4,861-864,Liu Feasibility study of decomposing methane with hydroxyl radicals,2012,50,4,873-877,Yang Effects of environment vehicle and driver characteristics on risky driving behavior at work zones,2012,50,4,1034-1042,Weng Influence of super-absorbent polymer on the growth rate of gas hydrate,2012,50,4,865-868,Zhang Experimental study on the feasibility of explosion suppression by vacuum chambers,2012,50,4,660-667,Wang Research and application of comprehensive electromagnetic detection technique in spontaneous combustion area of coalfields,2012,50,4,655-659,Xian-xin Experimental research on inhibition performances of the sand-suspended colloid for coal spontaneous combustion,2012,50,4,822-827,Xu Development of new footwear sole surface pattern for prevention of slip-related falls,2012,50,4,986-994,Yamaguchi Study on difference of outburst elimination effect between sub-layers of soft coal and hard coal under the condition of gas per-drainage,2012,50,4,768-772,Yang Observation study of pedestrian flow on staircases with different dimensions under normal and emergency conditions,2012,50,5,1173-1179,Yang Experimental research on displacing coal bed methane with supercritical CO2,2012,50,4,899-902,Nie Investigation into the nonlinear damage model of coal containing gas,2012,50,4,927-930,Yang Experimental study on the fractal characteristic of methane explosion flame,2012,50,4,679-683,Yi Experimental study on the mechanism effect of seepage on microstructure of tailings,2012,50,4,792-796,Yin Prioritizing highway safety improvement projects: A multi-criteria model and case study with SafetyAnalyst,2012,50,4,1085-1092,Liu Study on tri-axial creep experiment and constitutive relation of different rock salt,2012,50,4,801-805,Zhang Coupling effects of foam ceramics on the flame and shock wave of gas explosion,2012,50,4,797-800,Zhang Research and application of drainage parameters for gas accumulation zone in overlying strata of goaf area,2012,50,4,778-782,Zhang Stability and deformation of surrounding rock in pillarless gob-side entry retaining,2012,50,4,593-599,Zhang Experimental research on the variational characteristics of vertical stress of soft coal seam in front of mining face,2012,50,4,723-727,Zhang Dynamic numerical simulation of coal mine fire for escape capsule installation,2012,50,4,600-606,Wu Rapid regional outburst elimination technology in soft coal seam with soft roof and soft floor,2012,50,4,607-613,Liu Simulation analysis on structure safety of coal mine mobile refuge chamber under explosion load,2012,50,4,674-678,Li Analysis of factors that influence hazardous material transportation accidents based on Bayesian networks: A case study in China,2012,50,4,1049-1055,Zhao Numerical simulation and study on the transmission law of flame and pressure wave of pipeline gas explosion,2012,50,4,806-810,Zhian Long-term prediction model of rockburst in underground openings using heuristic algorithms and support vector machines,2012,50,4,629-644,Zhou The relationship between oxygen consumption rate and temperature during coal spontaneous combustion,2012,50,4,842-845,He Introducing roadside hazard severity indicator based on evidential reasoning approach,2012,50,7,1618-1626,Ayati Epidemiology of occupational accidents among Iranian insured workers,2012,50,7,1480-1484,Soori Bidirectional coupling of macroscopic and microscopic pedestrian evacuation models,2012,50,8,1695-1703,Köster An agent based evacuation model utilising hybrid space discretisation,2012,50,8,1685-1694,Lawrence Challenges in performing technical safety reviews of modifications - A case study,2012,50,7,1558-1568,Rollenhagen Study of a proposed tunnel evacuation passageway formed by opposite-double air curtain ventilation,2012,50,7,1549-1557,Zhang Methodological application of system dynamics for evaluating traffic safety policy,2012,50,7,1594-1605,Love Factors influencing survival in case of shipwreck and other maritime disasters in the Danish merchant fleet since 1970,2012,50,7,1589-1593,Hansen Safety is an inherently inconsistent concept,2012,50,7,1522-1527,Hansson Risk-optimal highway design: Methodology and case studies,2012,50,7,1513-1521,Sayed Metro railway safety: An analysis of accident precursors,2012,50,7,1535-1548,Majumdar A fuzzy Bayesian network approach to improve the quantification of organizational influences in HRA frameworks,2012,50,7,1569-1583,Zhang Identifying crucial safety assessment criteria for passenger ferry services,2012,50,7,1462-1471,Lu Experimental study on an ultra high-rise building evacuation in China,2012,50,8,1665-1674,Ma Status of facilities for fire safety in hotels,2012,50,7,1490-1494,Rubio-Romero Shift schedules on North Sea oil/gas installations: A systematic review of their impact on performance safety and health,2012,50,7,1636-1651,Parkes Overall and local movement speeds during fire drill evacuations in buildings up to 31 stories,2012,50,8,1655-1664,Peacock Normative barriers improvement through the MADS/MOSAR methodology,2012,50,7,1502-1512,Perrin A ranking of safety journals using different measurement methods,2012,50,7,1445-1451,Reniers Robotic testing of radio frequency devices designed for industrial safety,2012,50,7,1606-1617,Ruz Quantitative risk assessment model of hazardous chemicals leakage and application,2012,50,7,1452-1461,Si Experimental evidence of the "Faster is Slower" effect in the evacuation of ants,2012,50,7,1584-1588,Soria The effect of an ageing and less fit population on the ability of people to egress buildings,2012,50,8,1675-1684,Spearpoint Empirical analysis on contribution share of safety investment to economic growth: A case study of Chinese mining industry,2012,50,7,1472-1479,Tan The development of a real performance-based solution through the use of People Movement Modelling Analysis (PeMMA) combined with fire modelling analysis,2012,50,7,1485-1489,Tavares Readability of OHS documents - A comparison of surface characteristics of OHS text between some languages,2012,50,7,1627-1635,Taylor Imidazolium based ionic liquids affecting functional groups and oxidation properties of bituminous coal,2012,50,7,1528-1534,Xu Prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of Tubular T-joint under fire using artificial neural networks,2012,50,7,1495-1501,Xu The effect of overtaking behavior on unidirectional pedestrian flow,2012,50,8,1704-1714,Yuen Risk analysis and risk management approaches applied to the petroleum industry and their applicability to IO concepts,2012,50,10,2010-2019,Andersen The role of standardization in safety management - A case study of a major oil & gas company,2012,50,10,2001-2009,Ringstad Design of blasting pattern in proportion to the peak particle velocity (PPV): Artificial neural networks approach,2012,50,9,1913-1916,Bakhshandeh Amnieh Multilevel approach to organizational and group safety climate and safety performance: Co-workers as the missing link,2012,50,9,1847-1856,Silva Developing safer passengers through a school-based injury prevention program,2012,50,9,1857-1861,Sheehan Automated text analysis to examine qualitative differences in safety schema among upper managers supervisors and workers,2012,50,9,1775-1785,Neal Effects of obstacles and deposited coal dust on characteristics of premixed methane-air explosions in a long closed pipe,2012,50,9,1786-1791,Dong Working conditions psychological/physical symptoms and occupational accidents. Bayesian network models,2012,50,9,1760-1774,Ritzel Safety management in different high-risk domains - All the same?,2012,50,10,1983-1992,Grote Developing the understanding of underlying causes of construction fatal accidents,2012,50,10,2020-2027,Hale Introducing the STAMP method in road tunnel safety assessment,2012,50,9,1806-1817,Kazaras Managing safety in hydropower projects in emerging markets - Experiences in developing from a reactive to a proactive approach,2012,50,10,1941-1951,Kjellén Between a rock and a hard place: Accident and near-miss reporting on offshore service vessels,2012,50,9,1839-1846,Kongsvik Adolescents' risk perceptions in relation to risk behavior with long-term health consequences; antecedents and outcomes: A literature review,2012,50,9,1740-1748,Torner Towards a constructivist program in safety,2012,50,9,1873-1887,Le Coze Effects of controller-pilot communication medium flight phase and the role in the cockpit on pilots' workload and situation awareness,2012,50,9,1722-1731,Lin Analysis of the circumstances of accidents and impact of transformations on the accidents in a beverage delivery company,2012,50,9,1792-1800,Lortie Quantitative indicator of homeostatic risk perception in car following,2012,50,9,1898-1905,Lu Safety certification requirements for domestic robots,2012,50,9,1888-1897,Mitka Safety compliance climate concerning risk assessment and preventive measures in EU legislation: A Finnish survey,2012,50,9,1929-1937,Niskanen Cultural and socio-demographic predictors of car accident involvement in Norway Ghana Tanzania and Uganda,2012,50,9,1862-1872,Rundmo A study of pedestrian and bicyclist exposure to head injury in passenger car collisions based on accident data and simulations,2012,50,9,1749-1759,Willinger Leading indicators of system safety - Monitoring and driving the organizational safety potential,2012,50,10,1993-2000,Reiman Trajectory variability: Road geometry difficulty indicator,2012,50,9,1818-1828,Rosey Environmental conditions for safety work - Theoretical foundations,2012,50,10,1967-1976,Blakstad Road transport in drift? Applying contemporary systems thinking to road safety,2012,50,9,1829-1838,McClure "They're lunatics on the road": Exploring the normative influences of parents friends and police on young novices' risky driving decisions,2012,50,9,1917-1928,Watson Planning for resilient collaboration at a new petroleum installation - A case study of a coaching approach,2012,50,10,1952-1959,Kaarstad Fish first: Sharp end decision-making at Norwegian fish farms,2012,50,10,2028-2034,Størkersen The critical re-action: Learning from accidents,2012,50,10,1977-1982,Størseth Solution method of overtopping risk model for earth dams,2012,50,9,1906-1912,Sun Comparing the usability and reliability of a generic and a domain-specific medical error taxonomy,2012,50,9,1801-1805,McIntosh Building resilience into emergency management,2012,50,10,1960-1966,Albrechtsen Estimating the safety performance of urban intersections in Lisbon Portugal,2012,50,9,1732-1739,Lord Effect of spark duration on explosion parameters of methane/air mixtures in closed vessels,2012,50,9,1715-1721,Zhang WOS2010 on the road to vision zero?,2012,50,10,1939-1940,Hovden Latent errors of socio-technical disasters: A Malaysian case study,2013,51,1,284-292,Aini Safety risk management for electrical transmission and distribution line construction,2013,51,1,118-126,Hallowell Supporting systems of systems hazard analysis using multi-agent simulation,2013,51,1,302-318,Kelly Reducing occupational fatalities by using NIOSH 3rd generation automatically deployable rollover protective structure,2013,51,1,427-431,Smith Quantification of occupational risk owing to contact with moving parts of machines,2013,51,1,382-396,Bellamy How to define and interpret a probability in a risk and safety setting,2013,51,1,223-231,Aven Modelling the location and consequences of aircraft accidents,2013,51,1,178-186,Pitfield Relationships of demographic factors job risk perception and work injury in a steel plant in India,2013,51,1,374-381,Maiti Is there a case for driver training? A review of the efficacy of pre- and post-licence driver training,2013,51,1,127-137,Lenné Naïve Bayes classifiers with feature selection to predict hospitalization and complications due to objects swallowing and ingestion among European children,2013,51,1,1-5,Foltran Design optimization of hazardous substance storage facilities to minimize project risk,2013,51,1,49-62,Bernechea Middle managers' role in safeguarding OHS: The case of the shipping industry,2013,51,1,63-68,Bhattacharya Interlocked projects in safety competency and safety effectiveness indicators in the construction sector,2013,52,,37-42,Biggs Safety leaders' perceptions of safety culture in a large Australasian construction organisation,2013,52,,3-12,Davey The concept of validation in performance-based fire safety engineering,2013,52,,57-64,Njå A real-time stochastic evacuation model for road tunnels,2013,52,,73-80,Alvear A multicriteria knapsack approach to economic optimization of industrial safety measures,2013,51,1,354-360,Caputo Cultivating a resilient top management team: The importance of relational connections and strategic decision comprehensiveness,2013,51,1,148-159,Tishler Analysis of driver injury severity in truck-involved accidents using a non-parametric classification tree model,2013,51,1,17-22,Chang Application of failure modes and effects analysis to main engine crankcase explosion failure on-board ship,2013,51,1,6-10,Cicek An examination of the relationship amongst profiles of perceived organizational values safety climate and safety outcomes,2013,51,1,69-76,Neal Supervisors' engagement in safety leadership: Factors that help and hinder,2013,51,1,109-117,Conchie Measurement of machinery safety level in the European market: Characterisation of the compliance within the scope of MD98/37/EC,2013,51,1,273-283,Cordero A framework for human error analysis of offshore evacuations,2013,51,1,319-327,Deacon Safety performance functions using traffic conflicts,2013,51,1,160-164,Sayed An exploratory study of migrant workers and safety in three European countries,2013,52,,92-99,Mearns Health and safety policies and work attitudes in Cypriot companies,2013,52,,50-56,Boustras A fuzzy group Electre method for safety and health assessment in hazardous waste recycling facilities,2013,51,1,414-426,Hatami-Marbini Leading indicators of construction safety performance,2013,51,1,23-28,Hinze Fatalities of repair maintenance minor alteration and addition works in Hong Kong,2013,51,1,85-93,Hon The influence of public perception on risk acceptance of the chemical industry and the assistance for risk communication,2013,51,1,232-240,Bi Safety in maritime oil sector: Content analysis of machinery space fire hazards,2013,51,1,347-353,Ikeagwuani Some technical aspects of spills in the transportation of petroleum materials by tankers,2013,51,1,202-208,Ismail Conflict probability estimation between aircraft with dynamic importance splitting,2013,51,1,94-100,Morio Selection of a relevant indicator - Road casualty risk based on final outcomes,2013,51,1,165-177,Lipovac Not just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic: Learning from failures through Risk and Reliability Analysis,2013,51,1,397-413,Labib What have we learned about learning from accidents? Post-disasters reflections,2013,51,1,441-453,Le Coze Outlines of a sensitising model for industrial safety assessment,2013,51,1,187-201,Le Coze Evaluation of the effectiveness of occupational injury prevention programs at the company level,2013,51,1,250-256,Benavides Frequency-size distribution and time-scaling property of high-casualty fires in China: Analysis and comparison,2013,51,1,209-216,Zhang Empowering team leadership and safety performance in nuclear power plants: A multilevel approach,2013,51,1,293-301,Tomás The negative effects of workplace injury and illness on workplace safety climate perceptions and health care worker outcomes,2013,51,1,138-147,McCaughey Risk perceptions combining spatial multi-criteria analysis in land-use type of Huainan city,2013,51,1,361-373,Wang Improving intelligibility at a safety critical point: In flight cabin safety,2013,51,1,11-16,Molesworth A mixed-methods evaluation of health and safety hazards at a scrap metal recycling facility,2013,51,1,432-440,Neitzel Health and safety management in olive oil mills in Spain,2013,51,1,101-108,Parejo-Moscoso Improving communication with foreign speakers on the shop floor,2013,52,,65-72,Paul Congested emergency evacuation of a population using a finite automata approach,2013,51,1,267-272,Pereira Reviewing Italian fire safety codes for the analysis of road tunnel evacuations: advantages and limitations of using evacuation models,2013,52,,28-36,Ronchi The main benefits associated with health and safety management systems certification in Portuguese small and medium enterprises post quality management system certification,2013,51,1,29-36,Lopes Identification of non-technical skills from the resilience engineering perspective: A case study of an electricity distributor,2013,51,1,37-48,Saurin Determining safety inspection thresholds for employee incentives programs on construction sites,2013,51,1,77-84,Dennerlein Occupational safety in multicultural teams and organizations: a research agenda,2013,52,,43-49,Starren Attitudes and perceptions of crisis planning among accommodation managers: Results from an Australian study,2013,52,,81-91,Wang Vulnerability analysis of interdependent infrastructure systems under edge attack strategies,2013,51,1,328-337,Zhang Smoke movement in multi-storey buildings using CUsmoke,2013,52,,13-27,Wang A location based service approach for collision warning systems in concrete dam construction,2013,51,1,338-346,Wang An experimental study regarding the determination of seasonal heat transfer coefficient in KURT by convection conditions,2013,51,1,241-249,Kim Development of a Root Cause Degree Procedure for measuring intersection safety factors,2013,51,1,257-266,Sun "Lean occupational" safety: An application for a Near-miss Management System design,2013,53,,96-104,Maggio A Bayesian analysis of multi-level spatial correlation in single vehicle motorcycle crashes in Ohio,2013,53,,1-10,Flask A clustering regression approach: A comprehensive injury severity analysis of pedestrian-vehicle crashes in New York US and Montreal Canada,2013,54,,27-37,Miranda-Moreno A comparative analysis between contractors' and inspectors' perceptions of the department of labour occupational health and safety inspectorate relative to South African construction,2013,53,,186-192,Geminiani A proposal for improving safety in construction projects by strengthening coordinators' competencies in health and safety issues,2013,54,,92-103,Antonio A systematic tool for Assessment and Classification of Hazards in Laboratories (ACHiL),2013,53,,168-176,Meyer AHP-based methodology for selecting safety devices of industrial machinery,2013,53,,202-218,Caputo An analysis of safeness of work environment in Korean manufacturing: The "safety climate" perspective,2013,53,,233-239,Kwon Analysis of a fatal electrical injury due to improper switch operation,2013,53,,226-232,Koustellis Assessing the benefit of the brake assist system for pedestrian injury mitigation through real-world accident investigations,2013,53,,193-201,Badea-Romero Bayesian network analysis of safety culture and organizational culture in a nuclear power plant,2013,53,,82-95,Mariscal Boosting correct and appropriate booster seat use in Australia,2013,54,,51-57,Charlton Critical energy of direct detonation initiation in gaseous fuel-oxygen mixtures,2013,53,,153-159,Zhang Crowd evacuation simulation for bioterrorism in micro-spatial environments based on virtual geographic environments,2013,53,,105-113,Li Development of a methodology for understanding and enhancing safety culture in Air Traffic Management,2013,53,,123-133,Mearns Economic evaluation of OSH and its way to SMEs: A constructive review,2013,53,,134-152,Cagno Estimating freeway incident duration using accelerated failure time modeling,2013,54,,43-50,Junhua Evaluating hazard conflicts using inherently safer design concept,2013,53,,61-72,Khan Experimental analysis of the explosion mechanism of gasoline vapor in a small leisure boat,2013,53,,73-81,Ito Impact of countdown timer on driving maneuvers after the yellow onset at signalized intersections: An empirical study in Changsha China,2013,54,,8-16,Liu Measurement equivalence of a safety climate measure among Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic construction workers,2013,54,,58-68,Chen Negative safety events as correlates of work-safety tension,2013,53,,45-50,Turner Observation-based proactive OHS outcome indicators - Validity of the Elmeri+ method,2013,54,,69-79,Laitinen Occupational safety and health performance of the manufacturing sector in Jeddah Industrial Estate Saudi Arabia: A 20-years follow-up study,2013,53,,11-24,Al-Darrab On the "post-dictive use" of the fault tree method for accident investigation to aid judicial procedures,2013,53,,240-247,Vestrucci Patterns of pedestrian attitudes perceptions and behaviour in Europe,2013,53,,114-122,Yannis Pouring CREAM into natural gas: The introduction of Common Performance Conditions into the safety management of gas networks,2013,54,,1-7,Besnard Predictors of personal flotation device (PFD) use among workers in the Alaska commercial fishing industry,2013,53,,177-185,Lincoln Risk illusions in car following: Is a smaller headway always perceived as more dangerous?,2013,53,,25-33,Salvendy Route selection for emergency logistics management: A bio-inspired algorithm,2013,54,,87-91,Zhang Safety compliance on offshore platforms: A multi-sample survey on the role of perceived leadership involvement and work climate,2013,54,,17-26,Olsen The Poisson-Weibull generalized linear model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data,2013,54,,38-42,Lord The safety-level gap between China and the US in view of the interaction between coal production and safety management,2013,54,,80-86,Chen A before-after study of the effects on safety of environmental speed limits in the city of Oslo Norway,2013,55,,10-16,Elvik A system dynamics model for behavioral analysis of safety conditions in a chemical storage unit,2013,58,,32-40,Bouloiz Analysis of the safety conditions of scaffolding on construction sites,2013,55,,160-164,Rubio-Romero Car crashes: The effect of passenger presence and other factors on driver outcome,2013,57,,35-43,Morandi Causal relations between psychosocial conditions safety climate and safety behaviour - A multi-level investigation,2013,55,,62-69,Torner Comparison of the fatigue experiences of short haul light and long distance heavy vehicle drivers,2013,57,,203-213,Williamson Crash attenuating seats: Effects on helicopter underwater escape performance,2013,57,,179-186,Taber Do cultural dimensions predict prevalence of fatal work injuries in Europe?,2013,58,,76-80,Gidron Driving experience and situation awareness in hazard detection,2013,56,,29-35,Underwood Ethanol fireplaces: Safety matters,2013,57,,243-253,Guillaume Factors affect companies' safety performance in Jordan using structural equation modeling,2013,57,,169-178,Al-Refaie Failure mode and effect analysis for dairy product manufacturing: Practical safety improvement action plan with cases from Turkey,2013,55,,195-206,Kurt Great expectations: A thematic analysis of situation awareness in fratricide,2013,56,,63-71,Walker Injuries in the commercial fishing fleet of Norway 2000-2011,2013,57,,82-99,Aasjord Missing links? The effects of distraction on driver situation awareness,2013,56,,36-43,Young Outsourcing and offshoring aircraft maintenance in the US: Implications for safety,2013,57,,283-292,Quinlan Psychometric properties of the Swiss version of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture,2013,55,,88-118,Schwendimann Recorded fatal and permanently disabling injuries in South African manufacturing industry - Overview analysis and reflection,2013,55,,149-159,Hedlund Safety behaviours at sea: The role of personal values and personality hardiness,2013,57,,19-26,Hystad Slip-related characterization of gait kinetics: Investigation of pervious concrete as a slip-resistant walking surface,2013,57,,52-59,King Stress fatigue situation awareness and safety in offshore drilling crews,2013,56,,80-88,Flin The available coefficient of friction associated with different slip probabilities for level straight walking,2013,58,,49-52,Chang The effect of traffic and road characteristics on road safety: A review and future research direction,2013,57,,264-275,Quddus The influence of speed bumps heights to the decrease of the vehicle speed - Belgrade experience,2013,57,,303-312,Lipovac The role of high schools in introductory occupational safety education - Teacher perspectives on effectiveness,2013,55,,53-61,Winefield Three levels of situation awareness in driving with secondary tasks,2013,56,,44-51,Metz Understanding safety in the context of business operations: An exploratory study using case studies,2013,55,,119-134,Amick Use of scenarios and function analyses to understand the impact of situation awareness on safe and effective work on rail tracks,2013,56,,52-62,Pickup Using the Delphi method to evaluate opinions of public transport managers on bus safety,2013,57,,254-263,Cafiso Work-related fatal injury among young persons in Australia July 2000-June 2007,2013,57,,14-18,Ehsani Working to rule or working safely? Part 2: The management of safety rules and procedures,2013,55,,222-231,Hale Working to rule or working safely? Part 1: A state of the art review,2013,55,,207-221,Hale Workplace hazard identification and management: The case of an underground mining operation,2013,57,,129-137,Bahn Cyclists and open vehicle doors: Crash characteristics and risk factors,2013,59,,135-140,Charlton Effect of safety investments on safety performance of building projects,2013,59,,28-45,Feng Evaluation of occupational injuries with lost days among opencast coal mine workers through logistic regression models,2013,59,,86-92,Onder Fatality trends and projections for drivers and passengers: Differences between observed and expected fatality rates with a focus on older adults,2013,59,,106-115,Bedard Safety can't be Measured: An Evidence-Based Approach to Improving Safety Andrew S. Townsend. GOWER Publishing Limited Farnham Surrey England 2013,2013,59,,104-105,Dekker Statistical survey of elevator accidents in Greece,2013,59,,93-103,Zarikas Development of a safety performance function for motorcycle accident fatalities on Malaysian primary roads,2013,60,,13-20,Várhelyi Improving the resilience of metro vehicle and passengers for an effective emergency response to terrorist attacks,2014,62,,37-45,Khoudour Investigation of the injury threshold of knee ligaments by the parametric study of car-pedestrian impact conditions,2014,62,,58-67,Cesari Safety management in tunnel construction: case study of Wuhan metro construction in China,2014,62,,8-15,Ding Effect of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities,2014,63,,42-49,Yannis Analysis of investigation reports on occupational accidents,2015,72,,329-336,Rubio-Romero Development of safe design thinking among engineering students,2014,63,,1-7,Behm A probabilistic approach for safety risk analysis in metro construction,2014,63,,8-17,Zhang Retraction notice to "Identification of non-technical skills from the resilience engineering perspective: A case study of an electricity distributor" [Safety Sci. 51 (2013) 37-48],2014,62,,538,Saurin Safety voice among young workers facing dangerous work: A policy-capturing approach,2014,62,,530-537,Tucker The flow rate of people during train evacuation in rail tunnels: Effects of different train exit configurations,2014,62,,515-529,Nilsson Sub-systems on the road to vehicle automation: Hands and feet free but not 'mind' free driving,2014,62,,505-514,Stanton Improving communication in general aviation through the use of noise cancelling headphones,2014,62,,499-504,Molesworth A caution about using deviance information criterion while modeling traffic crashes,2014,62,,495-498,Lord The impact of lowered residential speed limits on vehicle speed behavior,2014,62,,483-494,El-Basyouny A quantitative Fuzzy Causal Model for hazard analysis of man-machine-environment system,2014,62,,475-482,Chen Amusement ride injury data in the United States,2014,62,,466-474,Woodcock Agent-based model for earthquake pedestrians' evacuation in urban outdoor scenarios: Behavioural patterns definition and evacuation paths choice,2014,62,,450-465,D'Orazio The necessity of evaluating child neck injury in frontal collision of school bus for transportation safety,2014,62,,441-449,Li Human fatigue's effect on the risk of maritime groundings - A Bayesian Network modeling approach,2014,62,,427-440,Utne A discrete choice model based on random utilities for exit choice in emergency evacuations,2014,62,,418-426,Ibeas A blended learning approach to safety training: Student experiences of safe work practices and safety culture,2014,62,,409-417,Stuart Wood harvesting accidents in the Austrian State Forest Enterprise 2000-2009,2014,62,,400-408,Tsioras Foundations and choice of risk metrics,2014,62,,386-399,Rausand Measuring the effects of Safety Management System practices morality leadership and self-efficacy on pilots' safety behaviors: Safety motivation as a mediator,2014,62,,376-385,Chen Risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders,2014,62,,370-375,Laforest What fatal occupational accident investigators can learn from fatal aircraft accident investigations,2014,62,,366-369,Salminen On the reliability and validity of ship-ship collision risk analysis in light of different perspectives on risk,2014,62,,348-365,Goerlandt Indexing crash worthiness and crash aggressivity by major car brands,2014,62,,339-347,Huang Improving safety of runway overrun through the correct numerical evaluation of rutting in cleared and graded areas,2014,62,,326-338,Benedetto Temperature development in steel members exposed to localized fire in large enclosure,2014,62,,319-325,Guo-wei Warning signs at beaches: do they work?,2014,62,,312-318,Matthews Investigating the safety effects of road width on urban collector roadways,2014,62,,305-311,El-Basyouny Analyzing the severity of bicycle-motor vehicle collision using spatial mixed logit models: A City of Edmonton case study,2014,62,,295-304,El-Basyouny Comparing the comprehensiveness of three expert inspection methodologies for detecting errors in interactive systems,2014,62,,286-294,Fox Inattention behind the wheel: how factual internal thoughts impact attentional control while driving,2014,62,,279-285,Lagarde Simulation fidelity and contextual interference in helicopter underwater egress training: An analysis of training and retention of egress skills,2014,62,,271-278,Taber Methods for improving visibility measurement standards of powered industrial vehicles,2014,62,,257-270,Teizer Human reliability assessment for medical devices based on failure mode and effects analysis and fuzzy linguistic theory,2014,62,,248-256,Lin Proactive assessment of breaches of safety constraints and causal organizational breakdowns in complex systems: A joint STAMP-VSM framework for safety assessment,2014,62,,233-247,Kontogiannis Health and safety criteria for determining the sustainable value of construction projects,2014,62,,221-232,Sancibrian A 3-D interactive software tool to help VSEs/SMEs integrate risk prevention in workplace design projects,2014,62,,214-220,Marsot Obstacle clearance while performing manual material handling tasks in construction sites,2014,62,,205-213,Azevedo Risk assessment and countermeasures of gas accidents in the sensitive areas under control during the Olympic Games in Beijing,2014,62,,187-204,Tan Safety sign comprehension by students adult workers and disabled persons with cerebral palsy,2014,62,,175-186,Wogalter An evaluation of the traffic safety effect of fixed speed cameras,2014,62,,168-174,Wets The impact of human performance focused safety and health management practices on injury and illness rates: Do size and industry matter?,2014,62,,157-167,Wachter Model of safety inspection,2014,62,,145-156,Woodcock Safety risks associated with helping others,2014,62,,136-144,Burt Intake belt air safety by the numbers,2014,62,,130-135,Martikainen Effects of driving experience and sensation-seeking on drivers' adaptation to road environment complexity,2014,62,,121-129,Rudin-Brown The relationship between urban street networks and the number of transport fatalities at the city level,2014,62,,114-120,Moeinaddini An analysis of fatal gas accidents in Chinese coal mines,2014,62,,107-113,Wang Developing a performance indicator for psychosocial risk in the oil and gas industry,2014,62,,98-106,Leka Introducing a risk estimation index for drivers: A case of Iran,2014,62,,90-97,Ayati Safety management for heavy vehicle transport: A review of the literature,2014,62,,79-89,Williamson The differential effects of transformational leadership facets on employee safety,2014,62,,68-78,Chen Safety assessment of shipping routes in the South China Sea based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,2014,62,,46-57,Zou Knowledge sharing in a complex organization: Antecedents and safety effects,2014,62,,28-36,Nesheim Occupational safety theories models and metaphors in the three decades since World War II in the United States Britain and the Netherlands: A literature review,2014,62,,16-27,Swuste Mitigation of methane/air explosion in a closed vessel by ultrafine water fog,2014,62,,1-7,Bi Safety sign comprehension by students adult workers and disabled persons with cerebral palsy,2014,61,,66-77,Duarte Designing effective risk communications for older adults,2014,61,,59-65,Mayhorn Chemical hazard communication comprehensibility in South Africa: Safety implications for the adoption of the globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals,2014,61,,51-58,London Warning the world of extreme events: A global perspective on risk communication for natural and technological disaster,2014,61,,43-50,Mayhorn Ecological warnings,2014,61,,36-42,Changizi Multimodal warnings to enhance risk communication and safety,2014,61,,29-35,van Erp What are close calls? A proposed taxonomy to inform risk communication research,2014,61,,21-28,Rice Mental models in warnings message design: A review and two case studies,2014,61,,11-20,Riley A three-stage model summarizes product warning and environmental sign research,2014,61,,3-10,Wogalter Risk communication and warnings,2014,61,,1-2,Kalsher A review of risk factors of accidental slips trips and falls among firefighters,2013,60,,203-209,Kong How leaders differentially motivate safety compliance and safety participation: The role of monitoring inspiring and learning,2013,60,,196-202,Griffin Safety compliance in a highly regulated environment: A case study of workers' knowledge of rules and procedures within the petroleum industry,2013,60,,185-195,Dahl Analysis of forklift accident trends within Victorian industry (Australia),2013,60,,176-184,Saric Confidence in future helicopter underwater egress performance: An examination of training standards,2013,60,,169-175,Taber Reducing posted speed and perceptual countermeasures to improve safety in road stretches with a high concentration of accidents,2013,60,,160-168,Matírnez The impact of health and safety investment on construction company costs,2013,60,,151-159,López-Alonso Presentation of clustering-classification heuristic method for improvement accuracy in classification of severity of road accidents in Iran,2013,60,,142-150,Alikhani The role of effective error management practices in increasing miners' safety performance,2013,60,,131-141,Krauss Evacuation plan of an industrial zone: Case study of a chemical accident in Aliaga Turkey and the comparison of two different simulation softwares,2013,60,,123-130,Onelcin Traffic flow-accidents relationship for urban intersections on the basis of the translog function,2013,60,,115-122,Couto A Human and Organisational Factors (HOFs) analysis method for marine casualties using HFACS-Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA),2013,60,,105-114,Wang Understanding safety management system applicability in community sport,2013,60,,95-104,Finch Investigating collective escape behaviours in complex situations,2013,60,,87-94,Sarvi IT-assisted equipment safety checks system to improve compliance: A case study at a distribution center,2013,60,,77-86,Goomas The design and implementation of knowledge management systems and e-learning for improved occupational health and safety in small to medium sized enterprises,2013,60,,69-76,Floyde An accident causation model for the railway industry: Application of the model to 80 rail accident investigation reports from the UK,2013,60,,57-68,Kim An assessment of the OHSAS 18001 certification process: Objective drivers and consequences on safety performance and labour productivity,2013,60,,47-56,Abad Analysis of danger management by highway users confronted with a tunnel fire,2013,60,,35-46,Kouabenan Domain ontology for scenario-based hazard evaluation,2013,60,,21-34,Xu Safety on Newfoundland's fishing wharves,2013,60,,1-12,Neis The effects of job involvement on emergency medical technicians in Taiwan's fire organization,2013,59,,227-236,Lin A novel method of quantitative risk assessment based on grid difference of pipeline sections,2013,59,,219-226,Liang New models for new times. An anti-dualist move,2013,59,,200-218,Le Coze Modeling the vulnerability of an industrial system: An ideal system of a simplified reactor vessel,2013,59,,193-199,Shi Risk perceptions fatalism and driver behaviors in Turkey and Iran,2013,59,,187-192,Rundmo Accidents in masonry construction: The contribution of production activities to accidents and the effect on different worker groups,2013,59,,179-186,Memarian An evaluation of the effects on safety of using safety standards in major hazard industries,2013,59,,173-178,Abrahamsen Automated safety diagnosis of vehicle-bicycle interactions using computer vision analysis,2013,59,,163-172,Sayed Gasoline price effects on traffic safety in urban and rural areas: Evidence from Minnesota 1998-2007,2013,59,,154-162,Quddus Testing the predictive capabilities of evacuation models for tunnel fire safety analysis,2013,59,,141-153,Ronchi An entropy-based metric to quantify the robustness of power grids against cascading failures,2013,59,,126-134,Koç The limits of the photographic act as a metaphor for the assessment of organizational culture. An ethnographic study of a high reliability organization,2013,59,,116-125,Navajas Professional subcultures in nuclear power plants,2013,59,,78-85,Rollenhagen Reliability Data Update Method (RDUM) based on living PSA for emergency diesel generator of Daya Bay nuclear power plant,2013,59,,72-77,Zubair Assurance cases and prescriptive software safety certification: A comparative study,2013,59,,55-71,Kelly Safety guidelines of ultimate hull girder strength for grounded container ships,2013,59,,46-54,Kim Human reliability assessment during offshore emergency conditions,2013,59,,19-27,Khan An experiment and simulation of smoke confinement utilizing an air curtain,2013,59,,10-18,Zhang A comprehensive method for environmentally sensitive and behavioral microscopic egress analysis in case of fire in buildings,2013,59,,1-9,Abolghasemzadeh Quantitative risk analysis - Ship security analysis for effective risk control options,2013,58,,98-112,Liwång Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression for county-level crash modeling in California,2013,58,,89-97,Ragland A brief safety climate inventory for petro-maritime organizations,2013,58,,81-88,Nielsen Improved prediction of mental workload versus HSE and ergonomics factors by an adaptive intelligent algorithm,2013,58,,59-75,Saberi The classification of hazardous areas where explosive gas atmospheres may be present,2013,58,,53-58,Tommasini The case for research into the zero accident vision,2013,58,,41-48,Wybo Gender and maternity considerations and techniques in occupational health services: The Spanish case,2013,58,,27-31,Avilés-Palacios EWaSAP: An early warning sign identification approach based on a systemic hazard analysis,2013,58,,11-26,Dokas From risk to safety: Implicit frames of third-party airport risk in Dutch quality newspapers between 1992 and 2009,2013,58,,1-10,Jonkman Corrigendum to 'Development of a methodology for understanding and enhancing safety culture in Air Traffic Management' [Safety Sci. 53 (2013) 123-133],2013,57,,352,Mearns Fatalities in the Norwegian fishing fleet 1990-2011,2013,57,,335-351,Aasjord From the surface to the underlying meaning-an analysis of senior managers' safety culture perceptions,2013,57,,326-334,Mearns Real-time crowd density mapping using a novel sensory fusion model of infrared and visual systems,2013,57,,313-325,Yaseen The role of occupational safety measures on reducing accidents in marble quarries of Iscehisar region,2013,57,,293-302,Ersoy A 'normal accident' with a tower crane? An accident analysis conducted by the Dutch Safety Board,2013,57,,276-282,Swuste Speeding violations related to a driver's social-economic demographics and the most frequent driving purpose in Taiwan's male population,2013,57,,236-242,Tseng An investigation and analysis of major accidents involving foreign workers in Taiwan's manufacture and construction industries,2013,57,,223-235,Wu Estimation of pressure distribution for shock wave through the junction of branch gallery,2013,57,,214-222,Qin A spatial-temporal forensic analysis for inland-water ship collisions using AIS data,2013,57,,187-202,Wang Analyzing the staffing and workload in the main control room of the advanced nuclear power plant from the human information processing perspective,2013,57,,161-168,Yenn Explosion modeling and analysis of BP Deepwater Horizon accident,2013,57,,150-160,Khan Development of a Safety Culture Interaction (SCI) model for construction projects,2013,57,,138-149,Fang Empirical analysis of software-induced failure events in the nuclear industry,2013,57,,118-128,Fan Quantitative risk analysis of offshore drilling operations: A Bayesian approach,2013,57,,108-117,Khan Case-based reasoning for automated safety risk analysis on subway operation: Case representation and retrieval,2013,57,,75-81,Lu Cross-cultural comparison of driving skills among students in four different countries,2013,57,,69-74,Lajunen Percolation temporal coherence of information and crisis prevention,2013,57,,60-68,Wybo On the meaning of a black swan in a risk context,2013,57,,44-51,Aven Strategies in coping with complexity: Development of a behavioural marker system for air traffic controllers,2013,57,,27-34,Kontogiannis Urban planning and rail transport risks: Coping with deadlocks in Dutch urban development projects,2013,57,,1-13,Van Der Heijden On the epistemology and ethics of communicating a Cartesian consciousness,2013,56,,96-99,Dekker Assessment of the validity and intrusiveness of online-probe questions for situation awareness in a simulated air-traffic-management task with student air-traffic controllers,2013,56,,89-95,Strybel Y is best: How Distributed Situational Awareness is mediated by organisational structure and correlated with task success,2013,56,,72-79,Stanton Self Explaining Roads and situation awareness,2013,56,,18-28,Walker Compatible cognition amongst road users: The compatibility of driver motorcyclist and cyclist situation awareness,2013,56,,6-17,Young Situation awareness and safety: Contribution or confusion? Situation awareness and safety editorial,2013,56,,1-5,Stanton Robust optimization in relation to a basic safety investment model with imprecise probabilities,2013,55,,188-194,Aven Safety assurance in NextGen and complex transportation systems,2013,55,,173-187,Leveson The use of laser scattering and energy harvesting technology for fire evacuation,2013,55,,165-172,Liao The effects of the enforcement legislation in the Finnish occupational safety and health inspectorate,2013,55,,135-148,Niskanen Coke oven gas explosion suppression,2013,55,,81-87,Ye Returning to the roots of culture: A review and re-conceptualisation of safety culture,2013,55,,70-80,Davey Treatment of uncertainty in risk assessments in the Rogfast road tunnel project,2013,55,,34-44,Aven A novel fuzzy inference system for predicting roof fall rate in underground coal mines,2013,55,,26-33,Razani An experiment and simulation of smoke confinement and exhaust efficiency utilizing a modified Opposite Double-Jet Air Curtain,2013,55,,17-25,Zhang Developing shared situational awareness for emergency management,2013,55,,1-9,Seppänen The influence of alarm timing on braking response and driver trust in low speed driving,2005,43,9,639-654,Abe Reducing mid-air collision risk in controlled airspace: Lessons from hazardous incidents,2005,43,9,715-738,Brooker Human redundancy in complex hazardous systems: A theoretical framework,2005,43,9,655-677,Clarke Attitudes to teamwork leadership and stress in oil industry drilling teams,2005,43,9,679-696,Crichton Flyrock phenomena and area security in blasting-related accidents,2005,43,9,739-750,Kecojevic Operationalizing normal accident theory for safety-related computer systems,2005,43,9,697-714,Sammarco The indirect involvement of buses in traffic accident processes,2005,43,10,835-843,Brenac Not drowning waving!: Safety management and occupational culture in an Australian commercial fishing port,2005,43,10,795-814,Brooks Systematic patterns and random fluctuations in time series of coefficients of friction measured on floor surfaces,2005,43,10,751-770,Huber A new approach to quantitative assessment of reliability of passive systems,2005,43,10,771-777,Kirchsteiger Safety considerations for the aging workforce,2005,43,10,779-793,Kowalski-Trakofler Towards improved understanding of injury prevention program sustainability,2005,43,10,815-833,Timpka An individual-specific fall detection model based on the statistical process control chart,2014,64,,13-21,Qu Freeway deceleration lane lengths effects on traffic safety and operation,2014,64,,39-49,Zhou Hazard recognition and risk perception in construction,2014,64,,22-31,Perlman Safety activities in small businesses,2014,64,,32-38,Sinclair A feasibility study of introducing chin straps of safety helmets as a statutory requirement in Hong Kong construction industry,2014,65,,70-78,Lee A segment level analysis of multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes in Ohio using Bayesian multi-level mixed effects models,2014,66,,47-53,Lord Are agricultural quad bike loss-of-control events driven by unrealistic optimism?,2014,66,,54-60,Milosavljevic Automatically determining accidental falls in field surveying: a case study of integrating accelerometer determination and image recognition,2014,66,,19-26,Tsai Concealed texting while driving: what are young people's beliefs about this risky behaviour?,2014,65,,63-69,White Construction worker fatalities related to trusses: an analysis of the OSHA fatality and catastrophic incident database,2014,65,,54-62,Hinze Identifying construction supervisor competencies for effective site safety,2014,65,,45-53,Behm Investigation of haul truck-related fatal accidents in surface mining using fault tree analysis,2014,65,,106-117,Kecojevic Relationships between safety climate and safety performance of building repair maintenance minor alteration and addition (RMAA) works,2014,65,,10-19,Chan Risk-based management of occupational safety and health in the construction industry - Part 1: Background knowledge,2014,66,,75-86,Sousa Road traffic culture and personality traits related to traffic safety in Turkish and Iranian samples,2014,66,,36-46,Rundmo Safety in machinery design and construction: Performance for substantive safety outcomes,2014,66,,27-35,Bluff Team cohesion and error culture in risky work environments,2014,65,,20-27,Fruhen Analysis of residence characteristics of at-fault drivers in traffic crashes,2014,68,,6-13,Choi Economic recession and a crisis of regulation in safety-critical industries,2014,68,,153-160,Johnson Effects of phone type on driving and eye glance behaviour while text-messaging,2014,68,,47-54,Rudin-Brown Research into cases of slips collisions and other movement disturbances occurring in work situations in a hospital environment,2014,68,,204-211,Cuny Task analysis of transit bus drivers' left-turn maneuver: potential countermeasures for the reduction of collisions with pedestrians,2014,68,,81-88,Manser The effect of alcohol and drug testing at the workplace on individual's occupational accident risk,2014,68,,108-120,Jacinto Work and non-work-related vehicle crashes: the contribution of risky driving practices,2014,68,,65-72,Friswell Sleepiness and the risk of road accidents for professional drivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of retrospective studies,2014,70,,180-188,Chan Evaluation of centralised and autonomous routing strategies in major incident response,2014,70,,80-88,Wilson Improving emergency response collaboration and resource allocation by task network mapping and analysis,2014,70,,9-18,Wang Identifying patterns of safety related incidents in a steel plant using association rule mining of incident investigation reports,2014,70,,89-98,Maiti Sensation seeking parental bond and risky driving in adolescence: some relationships matter more to girls than boys,2014,70,,172-179,Smorti A systems approach to examining disaster response: using Accimap to describe the factors influencing bushfire response,2014,70,,114-122,McClure Modeling the pedestrian's movement and simulating evacuation dynamics on stairs,2014,70,,189-201,Gao Potential crash risks of expressway on-ramps and off-ramps: a case study in Beijing China,2014,70,,58-62,Weng Wage compensation for risk: the case of Turkey,2014,70,,153-160,Polat Results of the Finnish national survey investigating safety management collaboration and work environment in the chemical industry,2014,70,,233-245,Niskanen Traffic safety culture among bicyclists: results from a Norwegian study,2014,70,,29-40,Elvebakk Sun glare and road safety: an empirical investigation of intersection crashes,2014,70,,246-254,Mitra Smoke confinement utilizing the USME ventilation mode for subway station fire,2014,70,,202-210,Gao Layout effects of multi-exit ticket-inspectors on pedestrian evacuation,2014,70,,1-8,Zheng Evaluating the effectiveness of the law banning handheld cellphone use while driving,2014,70,,50-57,Jang Safety evaluation of pedestrian behaviour and violations at signalised pedestrian crossings,2014,70,,143-152,Wong Perceptions of time spent on safety tasks in surgical operations: A focus group study,2014,70,,70-79,Høyland Violent explosion after inadvertent mixing of nitric acid and isopropanol - Review 15 years later finds basic accident data corrupted no evidence of broad learning,2014,70,,255-261,Hedlund Organizational and social-psychological conditions in healthcare and their importance for patient and staff safety. A critical incident study among doctors and nurses,2014,70,,211-221,Torner Examining signalized intersection crash frequency using multivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression,2014,70,,63-69,Clarke Fall risk assessment of cantilever bridge projects using Bayesian network,2014,70,,161-171,Leu Process approach-based methodology for safe maintenance operation: from concepts to SPRIMI software prototype,2014,70,,99-113,Blaise Utilisation of cognitive map in modelling human error in marine accident analysis and prevention,2014,70,,19-28,Celik Perceiving safety in passenger ships - User studies in an authentic environment,2014,70,,222-232,Kujala A mixed methods research design for bridging the gap between research and practice in construction safety,2014,70,,316-326,Dainty Improving bridge collapse detection and on-site emergency alarms: a case study in Taiwan,2014,70,,133-142,Yau A structured method for the traffic dispatcher error behavior analysis in metro accident investigation,2014,70,,339-347,Wang A HIRARC model for safety and risk evaluation at a hydroelectric power generation plant,2014,70,,308-315,Saedi Taking risks and survival jobs: foreign-born workers and work-related injuries in Australia,2014,70,,378-386,Fritschi Disparity between construction safety standards: A global analysis,2014,70,,276-287,Hinze Human and organizational factors assessment of the evacuation operation of BP Deepwater Horizon accident,2014,70,,41-49,Khan What are the differences in management characteristics of heavy vehicle operators with high insurance claims versus low insurance claims?,2014,70,,327-338,Williamson Fatal events in residential roofing,2014,70,,262-269,Moore Conceptualizing and measuring community road-safety climate,2014,70,,288-294,Luria Experimental study on upward movement in a high-rise building,2014,70,,397-405,Lam Safety in System-of-Systems: ten key challenges,2014,70,,358-366,Stanton The impact of the penalty point system on the behaviour of young drivers and passengers in Spain,2014,70,,270-275,Planes From construction site to design: the different accident prevention levels in the building industry,2014,70,,406-418,Fonseca Safety leadership risk management and safety performance in Spanish firms,2014,70,,295-307,Fernández-Muñiz The bureaucratization of safety,2014,70,,348-357,Dekker A Tobit model for analyzing speed limit compliance in work zones,2014,70,,367-377,Haworth Empirical analysis of the incidence of accidents in the workplace on firms' financial performance,2014,70,,123-132,Argilés-Bosch Fuzzy logic-based user interface design for risk assessment considering human factor: a case study for high-voltage cell,2014,70,,387-396,Aras Outcome-and-behavior-based safety incentive program to reduce accidents: A case study of a fluid manufacturing plant,2014,70,,429-437,Goomas Risk-based process plant design considering inherent safety,2014,70,,438-464,Khan Do incentives work? A qualitative study of managers' motivations in hazardous industries,2014,70,,419-428,Hopkins The constitution and effects of safety culture as an object in the discourse of accident prevention: A Foucauldian approach,2014,70,,465-476,Dekker BIM-based fall hazard identification and prevention in construction safety planning,2015,72,,31-45,Teizer Effects of changes in road network characteristics on road casualties: an application of full Bayes models using panel data,2015,72,,283-292,Majumdar On the application of Valuation-Based Systems in the assessment of the probability bounds of Hazardous Material transportation accidents occurrence,2015,72,,83-96,Sacile Overview and analysis of safety management studies in the construction industry,2015,72,,337-350,Li Safety Management Systems as communication in an oil and gas producing company,2015,72,,23-30,Wold The utilisation of risk-based frameworks for managing healthcare waste: a case study of the National Health Service in London,2015,72,,127-132,Akpieyi Road crash risk after whiplash associated disorder,2014,63,,151-156,Siskind Analyzing crash injury severity for a mountainous freeway incorporating real-time traffic and weather data,2014,63,,50-56,Yu Shifted Gamma-Generalized Pareto Distribution model to map the safety continuum and estimate crashes,2014,64,,155-162,Ismail Extending the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) framework for traffic safety performance evaluation,2014,64,,146-154,Ulfarsson Developing local safety performance functions versus calculating calibration factors for SafetyAnalyst applications: a Florida case study,2014,65,,93-105,Gan Reaction to a critical situation during driving with adaptive cruise control for users and non-users of the system,2015,72,,116-126,Rodrigues Impact on safety of a preventive intervention in metalworking micro-enterprises,2015,71,,292-297,Bena Practical tool and procedure for workplace risk assessment: Evidence from SMEs in Estonia,2015,71,,282-291,Tint Negotiating safety practice in small construction companies,2015,71,,275-281,Ozmec Organizational-level interventions in small and medium-sized enterprises: Enabling and inhibiting factors in the PoWRS program,2015,71,,264-274,Ipsen Motivational factors influencing small construction and auto repair enterprises to participate in occupational health and safety programmes,2015,71,,253-263,Hasle The role of intermediaries in delivering an occupational health and safety programme designed for small businesses - A case study of an insurance incentive programme in the agriculture sector,2015,71,,242-252,Hasle Barriers to OHS interventions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,2015,71,,226-241,Cagno Application of a model for delivering occupational safety and health to smaller businesses: case studies from the US,2015,71,,213-225,Cunningham Company size and differences in injury prevalence among apprentices in building and construction in Norway,2015,71,,205-212,Lipscomb Patterns of underlying causes of work-related traumatic fatalities - Comparison between small and larger companies in British Columbia,2015,71,,197-204,Holizki Managing safety in small and medium enterprises,2015,71,,189-196,Legg The association between students' characteristics and their reading and following safety instructions,2015,71,,56-60,Ponnet Is psychosocial risk prevention possible? Deconstructing common presumptions,2015,71,,61-67,Leka Dynamic decision processes in complex high-risk operations: the Yarnell Hill Fire June 30 2013,2015,71,,39-47,Hardy Assessing propensity to learn from safety-related events,2015,71,,28-38,Wybo The impact of controller support tools in enroute air traffic control on cognitive error modes: a comparative analysis in two operational environments,2015,71,,2-15,Corver The social construction of safety: comparing three realities,2015,71,,16-27,Blazsin Atmospheric dispersion and impact modeling systems: how are they perceived as support tools for nuclear crises management?,2015,71,,48-55,Boustras A management accounting perspective on safety,2015,71,,151-159,Heikkila Towards safety through advanced solutions,2015,71,,69-70,Hovden Principles of adaptive management in complex safety-critical organizations,2015,71,,80-92,Reiman Organizational contradictions between safety and security - perceived challenges and ways of integrating critical infrastructure protection in civil aviation,2015,71,,167-177,Bjørnskau A multi-case study of the implementation of an integrated approach to safety in small enterprises,2015,71,,142-150,Pedersen Reflecting on Jens Rasmussen's legacy. A strong program for a hard problem,2015,71,,123-141,Le Coze Reprint of: Economic recession and a crisis of regulation in safety-critical industries,2015,71,,104-111,Johnson Stress on the bridge of offshore vessels: examples from the North Sea,2015,71,,160-166,Havold Safety regulation: the lessons of workplace safety rule management for managing the regulatory burden,2015,71,,112-122,Hale Promoting safety by increasing uncertainty - Implications for risk management,2015,71,,71-79,Grote Exploring the relationship between major hazard fatal and non-fatal accidents through outcomes and causes,2015,71,,93-103,Bellamy Risk-based optimal safety measure allocation for dust explosions,2015,74,,79-92,Khan Remote characterization of ventilation systems using tracer gas and CFD in an underground mine,2015,74,,140-149,Xu Understanding the centripetal effect and evacuation efficiency of evacuation assistants: using the extended dynamic communication field model,2015,74,,150-159,Zheng Leading indicators of operational risk on the railway: a novel use for underutilised data recordings,2015,74,,93-101,Walker The impact of the accuracy of information about audit probabilities on safety-related rule violations and the bomb crater effect,2015,74,,160-171,Kluge Risk-based management of occupational safety and health in the construction industry - Part 2: Quantitative model,2015,74,,184-194,Sousa SAFESIDE: a computer-aided procedure for integrating benefits and costs in roadside safety intervention decision making,2015,74,,195-205,Cardoso What is the impact on occupational health and safety when workers know they have safety representatives?,2015,74,,55-58,Benach Empowering employers in work-related injuries prevention: a pragmatic trial,2015,74,,122-127,Bizzotto Effects of user factors and sign referent characteristics in participatory construction safety sign redesign,2015,74,,44-54,Chan STAMP-based safety control approach for flight testing of a low-cost unmanned subscale blended-wing-body demonstrator,2015,74,,102-113,Lu Identification of and knowledge communication among core safety science journals,2015,74,,70-78,Li A root cause analysis for Arctic Marine accidents from 1993 to 2011,2015,74,,206-220,Kum Health and safety management in a changing organisation: Case study global steel company,2015,74,,128-139,Koivupalo The human factor in agriculture: An interview study to identify farmers' non-technical skills,2015,74,,114-121,Irwin A comparison of subgroup construction workers' perceptions of a safety program,2015,74,,15-26,Chen Safety in machinery design and construction: knowledge and performance,2015,74,,59-69,Bluff The relationship between psychological capital job satisfaction and safety perceptions in the maritime industry,2015,74,,27-36,Nielsen The future of software tool chain safety qualification,2015,74,,37-43,Asplund Pedestrian safety index for evaluating street facilities in urban areas,2015,74,,1-14,Moeinaddini Exploration of motorcyclists' behavior at access points of a Malaysian primary road - a qualitative observation study,2015,74,,172-183,Várhelyi Modeling the emergency evacuation of the high rise building based on the control volume model,2015,73,,62-72,Wu Application of new human factors tool in an air traffic management organization,2015,73,,23-33,Teperi Ergonomic design of crane cabin interior: the path to improved safety,2015,73,,43-51,Klarin Measuring operational performance of OSH management system - A demonstration of AHP-based selection of leading key performance indicators,2015,73,,146-166,Podgorski A pattern of fire risk assessment and emergency management in educational center laboratories,2015,73,,34-42,Nouri Risk management: where should we target strategies to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders?,2015,73,,99-105,Oakman Perceived risks for slipping and falling at work during wintertime and criteria for a slip-resistant winter shoe among Swedish outdoor workers,2015,73,,52-61,Gard Safety culture and reasons for risk-taking at a large steel-manufacturing company: investigating the worker perspective,2015,73,,126-135,Westerling Personality risk cognitions and motivation related to demand of risk mitigation in transport among Norwegians,2015,73,,15-22,Rundmo Impact of training methods on Distributed Situation Awareness of industrial operators,2015,73,,136-145,Manca Miscommunication in general aviation: the influence of external factors on communication errors,2015,73,,73-79,Molesworth Prevention through Design (PtD). The importance of the concept in engineering and architecture university courses,2015,73,,8-14,Rubio-Romero Measuring the effect of aviation safety risk reduction on flight choice in young travellers,2015,73,,1-7,Williamson Intentions and knowledge constructing local safety policies: a framework of analysis,2015,73,,117-125,Hanberger A study of challenges to the success of the safety management system in aircraft maintenance organizations in Turkey,2015,73,,106-116,Gerede An experimental method to study the effect of fatigue on construction workers' safety performance,2015,73,,80-91,Fang Creating safer workplaces: the role of ethical leadership,2015,73,,92-98,Chughtai Health and safety management systems through a multilevel and strategic management perspective: theoretical and empirical considerations,2015,72,,221-228,Yorio Human-machine cooperation in smart cars. An empirical investigation of the loss-of-control thesis,2015,72,,199-208,Adelt Uni- bi- and tri-modal warning signals: Effects of temporal parameters and sensory modality on perceived urgency,2015,72,,1-8,van Erp A weighted CREAM model for maritime human reliability analysis,2015,72,,144-152,Ung Leadership empowerment behaviour on safety officer and safety teamwork in manufacturing industry,2015,72,,190-198,Tong The expression of anger on the road,2015,72,,153-159,Sullman Using leading indicators to measure occupational health and safety performance,2015,72,,240-248,Sinelnikov Factors that affect safety of tower crane installation/dismantling in construction industry,2015,72,,379-390,Shin Automation of emergency response for petroleum oil storage terminals,2015,72,,262-273,Sharma Quantitative assessment of occupational safety and health: application of a general methodology to an Italian multi-utility company,2015,72,,75-82,Spadoni Analysis of occupational accidents with agricultural machinery in the period 2008-2010 in Austria,2015,72,,319-328,Robert Observation and analysis of 57 lockout procedures applied to machinery in 8 sawmills,2015,72,,160-171,Chinniah Standard deviation? The role of perceived behavioural control in procedural violations,2015,72,,66-74,Parker Faster-is-slower effect in escaping ants revisited: ants do not behave like humans,2015,72,,274-282,Josens Port safety evaluation from a captain's perspective: the Korean experience,2015,72,,172-181,Yang Signal setting optimization on urban road transport networks: the case of emergency evacuation,2015,72,,209-220,Vitetta The examination of workers' compensation for occupational fatalities in the construction industry,2015,72,,363-370,Liao An introduction of accidents' classification based on their outcome control,2015,72,,182-189,Karanikas Risk analysis and warning rate of hot environment for foundry industry using hybrid MCDM technique,2015,72,,133-143,Ramachandran Detecting falls using a fall indicator defined by a linear combination of kinematic measures,2015,72,,315-318,Qu Factors affecting OHS practices in private universities: an empirical study from Bangladesh,2015,72,,371-378,Hossain Virtual reality-based pilot training for underground coal miners,2015,72,,310-314,Grabowski Conflict Management: Apollonius in airspace design,2015,72,,9-22,Fulton Attracting safe employees: how job adverts can affect applicants' choices,2015,72,,255-261,Fruhen Factors influencing workplace accident costs of building projects,2015,72,,97-104,Feng Overall safety performance of air traffic management system: forecasting and monitoring,2015,72,,351-362,Di Gravio Common hazards and their mitigating measures in work zones: a qualitative study of worker perceptions,2015,72,,293-301,Haworth Emotion matters: implications for distracted driving,2015,72,,302-309,Singhal Occupational health and safety management in municipal waste companies: a note on the Italian sector,2015,72,,55-65,Battaglia Prioritization of the causal factors of fatigue in seafarers and measurement of fatigue with the application of the Lactate Test,2015,72,,46-54,Arslan Impact of contemporary ship stability regulations on safety of shallow-draught inland container vessels,2015,72,,105-115,Bačkalov On the origin of PCDS - (Probability consequence diagrams),2015,72,,229-239,Slater Investigation and penalty on major industrial accidents in China: the influence of environmental pressures,2015,76,,32-41,Wei Analysis of the roles of pilots and controllers in the resilience of air traffic management,2015,76,,215-227,Stroeve Task complexity as a performance shaping factor: a review and recommendations in Standardized Plant Analysis Risk-Human Reliability Analysis (SPAR-H) adaption,2015,76,,228-238,Laumann Preserving and improving the safety and health at work: case of Hamma Bouziane cement plant (Algeria),2015,76,,145-150,Rachid Whose safety? Flexible risk assessment boundaries balance nurse safety with patient care,2015,76,,111-120,Tuckey Habitual safety and security factors related to mode use on two types of travels among urban Norwegians,2015,76,,151-159,Rundmo The impact of masculinity on safety oversights safety priority and safety violations in two male-dominated occupations,2015,76,,82-89,Nielsen Are you fit to continue? Approaching rail systems thinking at the cusp of safety and the apex of performance,2015,76,,101-110,Rainbird Usability of accident and incident reports for evidence-based risk modeling - a case study on ship grounding reports,2015,76,,202-214,Montewka Individual and organizational factors associated with the use of personal protective equipment by Chinese migrant workers exposed to organic solvents,2015,76,,168-174,Han Does a people-oriented safety culture strengthen miners' rule-following behavior? The role of mine supplies-miners' needs congruence,2015,76,,121-132,Chen Discourses on municipal protection and safety work prior to the introduction of the 'Civil Protection Act Against Accidents' and five years later,2015,76,,1-11,Johansson-Hidén An assessment model of safety factors for product tankers in coastal shipping,2015,76,,74-81,Hsu A framework for risk analysis of maritime transportation systems: A case study for oil spill from tankers in a ship-ship collision,2015,76,,42-66,Montewka Development and validation of three-step risk assessment method for ship recycling sector,2015,76,,175-189,Garmer Applying systems thinking approach to accident analysis in China: case study of "7.23" Yong-Tai-Wen High-Speed train accident,2015,76,,190-201,Li Recommendations on the use and design of risk matrices,2015,76,,21-31,Duijm Effectiveness durability and wear of anti-slip treatments for resilient floor coverings,2015,76,,12-20,Huber Risk assessment of occupational injuries using Accident Severity Grade,2015,76,,160-167,Schuh ALARP and CBA all in the same game,2015,76,,90-100,Slater How reliable are self-report measures of mileage violations and crashes?,2015,76,,67-73,af Wåhlberg Safety and risk analysis of managed pressure drilling operation using Bayesian network,2015,76,,133-144,Khan Survival versus safety at sea. Regulators' portrayal of paralysis in safety regulation development,2015,75,,90-99,Størkersen Predictive models to assess Oxygen Deficiency Hazard (ODH): a systematic review,2015,75,,1-14,Stefana Examining influence of merging architectural features on pedestrian crowd movement,2015,75,,15-22,Ye Employing humour and celebrities to manipulate passengers' attention to pre-flight safety briefing videos in commercial aviation,2015,75,,130-135,Molesworth Study of Spanish mining accidents using data mining techniques,2015,75,,49-55,Sanmiquel Application of machine learning to mapping primary causal factors in self reported safety narratives,2015,75,,118-129,Robinson Drivers' comfort boundaries in pedestrian crossings: a study in driver braking characteristics as a function of pedestrian walking speed,2015,75,,100-106,Davidsson Proactive behavior-based safety management for construction safety improvement,2015,75,,107-117,Gray The human factor and simulator training for offshore anchor handling operators,2015,75,,136-145,Havold A pedestrian's stare and drivers' stopping behavior: a field experiment at the pedestrian crossing,2015,75,,87-89,Gueguen Challenging the emerging narrative: critical examination of coalmining safety in China and recommendations for tackling mining hazards,2015,75,,36-48,Geng Using LGM analysis to identify hidden contributors to risk in the operation of a nuclear power plant,2015,75,,64-71,Ding The change trend and influencing factors of civil aviation safety efficiency: the case of Chinese airline companies,2015,75,,56-63,Li Analysis and prevention of serious and fatal accidents related to moving parts of machinery,2015,75,,163-173,Chinniah Fire spread simulation using GIS: aiming at urban natural gas pipeline,2015,75,,23-35,Ma Performance evaluation of airport safety management systems in Taiwan,2015,75,,72-86,Chang A methodological extension to human reliability analysis for cargo tank cleaning operation on board chemical tanker ships,2015,75,,146-155,Celik Traffic safety violations in relation to drivers' educational attainment training and experience in Kumasi Ghana,2015,75,,156-162,Amoh-Gyimah A universal rig for supporting large hammer drills: reduced injury risk and improved productivity,2015,78,,20-24,Rempel Intelligent software agents for forest fire prevention and fighting,2001,39,1-2,3-17,Jaber A hybrid accident analysis method to assess potential navigational contingencies: the case of ship grounding,2015,79,,268-276,Akyuz A safety assessment framework for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) system,2015,78,,91-100,Majumdar Using fault tree analysis in the Al-Ahmadi town gas leak incidents,2015,79,,184-192,Alkhaledi Risk assessment of petroleum product transportation by road: a framework for regulatory improvement,2015,79,,324-335,Ambituuni Some methodical aspects of critical infrastructure protection,2015,79,,229-242,Bochkov Management of health and safety in micro-firms in Cyprus - results from a nationwide survey,2015,79,,305-313,Boustras Occupational safety during interventions in confined spaces,2015,79,,19-28,Chinniah The psychosocial risks of farm workers in south-east Spain,2015,78,,77-90,Pérez-Alonso The concept of risk situation awareness provision: towards a new approach for assessing the DSA about the threats and vulnerabilities of complex socio-technical systems,2015,79,,126-138,Stanton Characteristics of warning labels for drug containers and their effects on perceived hazardousness,2015,78,,149-154,Liu Road safety risk evaluation by means of improved entropy TOPSIS-RSR,2015,79,,39-54,Wang Built environment factors in explaining the automobile-involved bicycle crash frequencies: a spatial statistic approach,2015,79,,336-343,Chen Firefighters ascending and evacuation speeds during counter flow on staircase,2015,78,,35-40,Cłapa Structuring the safety case for unmanned aircraft system operations in non-segregated airspace,2015,79,,213-228,Fulton Analyzing the impact of a fatality index on a discrete interurban mode choice model with latent safety security and comfort,2015,78,,11-19,Rizzi Paternalism and acceptability in road safety work,2015,79,,298-304,Elvebakk The quality of the injury severity classification by the police: an important step for a reliable assessment,2015,79,,88-93,Couto An exploratory analysis of occupational accidents and risks from nuclear reactors in India,2015,78,,155-162,Goswami A switching action model for DEM-based multi-agent crowded behavior simulator,2015,79,,105-115,Gotoh Investigating design office dynamics that support safe design,2015,78,,25-34,Hayes Managerial accounting for safety management. The case of a Spanish construction company,2015,79,,116-125,Ibarrondo-Dávila Perceived risk of phoning while driving: a case study from Jordan,2015,78,,1-10,Ismeik 5S methodology implementation in the laboratories of an industrial engineering university school,2015,78,,163-172,Romero Data based framework to identify the most significant performance shaping factors in railway operations,2015,78,,60-76,Majumdar The parameter calibration and optimization of social force model for the real-life 2013 Ya'an earthquake evacuation in China,2015,79,,243-253,Li Safety Culture in commercial aviation: differences in perspective between Chinese and Western pilots,2015,79,,193-205,Liao Fault tree analysis combined with quantitative analysis for high-speed railway accidents,2015,79,,344-357,Gao Safety climate safety behavior and worker injuries in the Chinese manufacturing industry,2015,78,,173-178,Chen The symbiotic nature of safety and quality in construction: incidents and rework non-conformances,2015,79,,55-62,Love Ontology-based knowledge modeling for automated construction safety checking,2015,79,,11-18,Lu Examining workplace hazard perceptions & employee outcomes in the long-term care industry,2015,78,,190-197,Turner Risk factor analysis of fatal forest harvesting accidents: a case study in Turkey,2015,79,,369-378,Melemez A FSA based fuzzy DEMATEL approach for risk assessment of cargo ships at coasts and open seas of Turkey,2015,79,,1-10,Mentes A hybrid risk analysis method for a yacht fuel system safety,2015,79,,94-104,Mentes Use of a human factors classification framework to identify causal factors for medication and medical device-related adverse clinical incidents,2015,79,,163-174,Williamson How reliable and valid is the coding of the variables of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)? A need to improve preventive public policies,2015,79,,72-79,Molinero-Ruiz Active behaviour change safety interventions in the construction industry: a systematic review,2015,79,,139-148,Mullan A human-system interface risk assessment method based on mental models,2015,79,,286-297,Naderpour Impact of public lighting on pedestrians' perception of safety and well-being,2015,78,,142-148,Peña-García The relationship between mind wandering and dangerous driving behavior among Chinese drivers,2015,78,,41-48,Zhang Safety barriers analysis of offshore drilling system by employing Fuzzy Event Tree Analysis,2015,78,,49-59,Lavasani Alcohol use among workers in male-dominated industries: a systematic review of risk factors,2015,78,,124-141,Roche Safety messages and visibility of vulnerable road users for drivers,2015,79,,29-38,Vienne Learning from incidents: practices at a Scandinavian refinery,2015,79,,80-87,Njå Psychophysiology task complexity and team factors determine emergency response teams' shared beliefs,2015,78,,117-123,Sætrevik Situation awareness in bridge operations - a study of collisions between attendant vessels and offshore facilities in the North Sea,2015,79,,277-285,Eid Proactivity-and-consequence-based safety incentive (PCBSI) developed with a fuzzy approach to reduce occupational accidents,2015,79,,175-183,Antonioni Fuzzy inference system for the efficiency assessment of hold baggage security control at the airport,2015,79,,314-323,Skorupski Improving the risk assessments of critical operations to better reflect uncertainties and the unforeseen,2015,79,,206-212,Aven Managerial and non-technical factors in the development of human-created disasters: a review and research agenda,2015,79,,254-267,Waring Robustness assessment of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: a case study of the Beijing Subway,2015,79,,149-162,Liu Quantification of human error probability towards the gas inerting process on-board crude oil tankers,2015,80,,77-86,Akyuz Learning from patient safety incidents in incident review meetings: organisational factors and indicators of analytic process effectiveness,2015,80,,105-114,Anderson Network based approach for predictive accident modelling,2015,80,,274-287,Ferdous Design and application of a 5 step risk assessment tool for confined space entries,2015,80,,144-155,Chinniah The role of prosocial and proactive safety behaviors in predicting safety performance,2015,80,,317-323,Violante Hybrid safety analysis method based on SVM and RST: an application to carrier landing of aircraft,2015,80,,56-65,Tian A research on subway physical vulnerability based on network theory and FMECA,2015,80,,127-134,Lu How domes improve fire safety in subway stations,2015,80,,94-104,Zhang Activity based risk assessment and safety cost estimation for residential building construction projects,2015,80,,1-12,Gurcanli Work attitudes and safety performance in micro-firms - results from a nationwide survey: (the opinion of the employees),2015,80,,135-143,Boustras Cooking processes and occupational accidents in commercial restaurant kitchens,2015,80,,87-93,Jeong Ambiguity in risk assessment,2015,80,,243-251,Rausand A model for the implementation of industry-wide knowledge sharing to improve risk management practice,2015,80,,66-76,Kirsch Behavioral effect on pedestrian evacuation simulation using cellular automata,2015,80,,41-55,Han Evolutionary game analysis and stability control scenarios of coal mine safety inspection system in China based on system dynamics,2015,80,,13-22,Liu Are child-pedestrians able to identify hazardous traffic situations? Measuring their abilities in a virtual reality environment,2015,80,,33-40,Oron-Gilad Exploring relationships between organizational factors and hydrocarbon leaks on offshore platform,2015,80,,301-309,Olsen A reliability model for safety instrumented system,2015,80,,264-273,Ouache Defining risk acceptance criteria in occupational settings: a case study in the furniture industrial sector,2015,80,,288-295,Arezes An integrated approach to the assessment of work-related stress risk: comparison of findings from two tools in an Italian methodology,2015,80,,310-316,Persechino Practices of incident reporting in a nuclear research center: a question of solidarity,2015,80,,170-177,Rossignol Developing a safety indicator to measure the safety level during design for safety,2015,80,,252-263,Mathieu Implementation of the chemicals regulation REACH - exploring the impact on occupational health and safety management among Swedish downstream users,2015,80,,233-242,Schenk Risk assessment in a research laboratory during sol-gel synthesis of nano-TiO2,2015,80,,201-212,Swuste Danger zone: men masculinity and occupational health and safety in high risk occupations,2015,80,,213-220,Lewko A decade of occupational accidents in Andalusian (Spain) public universities,2015,80,,23-32,Rubio-Romero Methodological approach for safety assessment of cruise ship in port,2015,80,,189-200,Vidmar Who reports low safety commitment levels? An investigation based on Chinese coal miners,2015,80,,178-188,Chen Safety rules as instruments for organizational control coordination and knowledge: implications for rules management,2015,80,,221-232,Weichbrodt Classification of risk to support decision-making in hazardous processes,2015,80,,115-126,Yang Vulnerability analysis of the US power grid based on local load-redistribution,2015,80,,156-162,Zhang Reliability forecasting for operators' situation assessment in digital nuclear power plant main control room based on dynamic network model,2015,80,,163-169,Zhang Study on dynamic evolution of operators' behavior in digital nuclear power plant main control room - Part I: Qualitative analysis,2015,80,,296-300,Zhang Aggregation of group fuzzy risk information in the railway risk decision making process,2016,82,,18-28,Qin Estimating individual occupational risk using registration data,2016,82,,95-102,Damen Towards creating a combined database for earthquake pedestrians' evacuation models,2016,82,,77-94,D'Orazio 'Culture' as a tool and stumbling block for learning: the function of 'culture' in communications from regulatory authorities in the Norwegian petroleum sector,2016,81,,68-80,Rosness Proactive listening to a training commentary improves hazard prediction,2016,82,,144-154,Crundall Interaction between vehicles and pedestrians at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalks,2016,82,,68-76,Wu The influence of memory on driving behavior: how route familiarity is related to speed choice. an on-road study,2016,82,,456-468,Colonna Using eye-tracker to compare search patterns between experienced and novice workers for site hazard identification,2016,82,,56-67,Lin Assessment of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS): intra-rater and inter-rater reliability,2016,82,,393-398,Shappell Corrigendum to "Conflict Management: Apollonius in airspace design" [Saf. Sci. 72 (2015) 9-22],2016,82,,469,Fulton A preliminary analysis of Key Issues in chemical industry accident reports,2016,82,,368-373,Kosson Cultural features of design and shared learning for safety: a Nordic nuclear industry perspective,2016,81,,90-98,Oedewald Profiling the safety environment on Saskatchewan farms,2016,82,,103-110,Hagel The impact of different natures of experience on risk perception regarding fire-related incidents: a comparison of firefighters and emergency survivors using cross-national data,2016,82,,274-282,Schmidt Measuring and improving designer hazard recognition skill: critical competency to enable prevention through design,2016,82,,254-263,Hallowell Exploring fundamental causes of safety challenges faced by Hispanic construction workers in the US using photovoice,2016,82,,199-211,Hallowell Proactive occupational safety and health management: promoting good health and good business,2016,81,,99-108,Haslam Safety motivation at work: evaluation of changes from six interventions,2016,82,,155-163,Hedlund A two-level intelligent alarm management framework for process safety,2016,82,,432-444,Hu Research of vehicle flow based on cellular automaton in different safety parameters,2016,82,,182-189,Jiang A Bayesian Belief Network model of organizational factors for improving safe work behaviors in Thai construction industry,2016,82,,264-273,Hadikusumo Prevention of "simple accidents at work" with major consequences,2016,81,,46-58,Jørgensen Assessment of accident theories for major accidents focusing on the MV SEWOL disaster: similarities differences and discussion for a combined approach,2016,82,,410-420,Utne HSE culture in the petroleum industry: lost in translation?,2016,81,,81-89,Kongsvik Pedestrian and bicyclist flows in accident modelling at intersections. Influence of the length of observational period,2016,82,,315-324,Kröyer Working smart: an exploration of council workers' experiences and perceptions of heat in Adelaide South Australia,2016,82,,228-235,Nitschke Output distributions and topic maps of safety related journals,2016,82,,236-244,Li A study of herding behaviour in exit choice during emergencies based on random utility theory,2016,82,,421-431,dell'Olio Construction safety risk drivers: a BIM approach,2016,82,,445-455,Ardeshir Quantifying the intangible costs related to non-ergonomic work conditions and work injuries based on the stress level among employees,2016,82,,283-288,Mansour Identification and analysis of deficiencies in accident reporting mechanisms for fisheries,2016,82,,245-253,Utne Interorganizational complexity and organizational accident risk: a literature review,2016,82,,9-17,Laumann A systems thinking approach of occupational safety and health applied in the micro- meso- and macro-levels: a Finnish survey,2016,82,,212-227,Niskanen Relation between vehicle travel velocity and pedestrian injury risk in different age groups for the design of a pedestrian detection system,2016,82,,361-367,Matsui Sound the alarm: health and safety risks associated with alarm response for salaried and retained metropolitan firefighters,2016,82,,174-181,Aisbett The resilience engineering concept in enterprises with and without occupational safety and health management systems,2016,82,,190-198,Pęciłło The effects of mobile phone use on pedestrian crossing behaviour at unsignalized intersections - models for predicting unsafe pedestrians behaviour,2016,82,,1-8,Pešić What learning happens? Using audio diaries to capture learning in response to safety-related events within retail and logistics organizations,2016,81,,59-67,Pilbeam Written work procedures: identifying and understanding their risks and a proposed framework for modeling procedure risk,2016,82,,382-392,Sharit Safety implementation framework for Pakistani construction industry,2016,82,,301-314,Raheem Modeling spatial relationships between multimodal transportation infrastructure and traffic safety outcomes in urban environments,2016,82,,325-337,Porter Comparison of practices related to occupational health and safety in microscale wood-product enterprises,2016,82,,374-381,Top 'Accident investigation in the wild' - A small-scale field-based evaluation of the STAMP method for accident analysis,2016,82,,129-143,Waterson Sensitivity analysis on new simulation-based conflict metrics,2016,82,,399-409,Stamatiadis Non-crossing rail-trespassing crashes in the past decade: a spatial approach to analyzing injury severity,2016,82,,44-55,Liu Exploring associations between resilience and construction safety performance in safety networks,2016,82,,338-351,Wehbe Estimating the influence of the socio-economic inequalities on counties' occupational injuries in Central China,2016,82,,289-300,Zhao Identifying safety beliefs among Australian electrical workers,2016,82,,164-173,White Use of fuzzy rule-based evidential reasoning approach in the navigational risk assessment of inland waterway transportation systems,2016,82,,352-360,Wang Stakeholder perceptions of risk in construction,2016,82,,111-119,Lingard Frequency of secondary tasks in driving - results from naturalistic driving data,2014,68,,195-203,Metz Leading indicators of occupational health and safety: an employee and workplace level validation study,2016,85,,293-304,Cooper Statistical analysis of ship accidents and review of safety level,2016,85,,282-292,Eleftheria Accident-causing mechanism in coal mines based on hazards and polarized management,2016,85,,276-281,Liu Identification of Occupational Health Safety Security (OHSS) and Environmental Performance Indicators in port areas,2016,85,,266-275,Darbra Safety in long term radioactive waste management: insight and oversight,2016,85,,258-265,Rossignol Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis,2016,85,,241-257,Hooey Emergency response plan: model-based assessment with multi-state degradation,2016,85,,230-240,Girard Secondary socialization of andragogical content knowledge: what are the forces at work in an oil and gas safety training conference?,2016,85,,220-229,Martinez Introduction of the concept of risk within safety science in The Netherlands focussing on the years 1970-1990,2016,85,,205-219,Zwaard Fundamentals of safety management: the offshore helicopter transportation system model,2016,85,,194-204,Majumdar 'Just culture:' improving safety by achieving substantive procedural and restorative justice,2016,85,,187-193,Dekker Limitations and automation: the role of information about device-specific features in ADAS acceptability,2016,85,,179-186,Ruscio The application of continuous speed data for setting rational speed limits and improving roadway safety,2016,85,,171-178,Knodler Municipal emergency plans in Italy: requirements and drawbacks,2016,85,,163-170,Pilone Sand surf and sideways: a systems analysis of beaches as complex roadway environments,2016,85,,152-162,Salmon Dynamic blindspots measurement for construction equipment operators,2016,85,,139-151,Teizer Action errors and rule violations at offshore oil rigs: the role of engagement emotional exhaustion and health complaints,2016,85,,130-138,Mathisen Vessel TRIAGE: a method for assessing and communicating the safety status of vessels in maritime distress situations,2016,85,,117-129,Sonninen Cross-domain integrating and reasoning spaces for offsite nuclear emergency response,2016,85,,99-116,Jiang Categorization and standardization of accidental risk-criticality levels of human error to develop risk and safety management policy,2016,85,,88-98,Kumar The features and marketability of certificates for occupational safety and health management in Taiwan,2016,85,,77-87,Chang Selecting the best zones to add new emergency services based on a hybrid fuzzy MADM method: a case study for Tehran,2016,85,,67-76,Ebrahimi Work injury trends during the last three decades in the construction industry,2016,85,,60-66,Nielsen Conditions affecting safety on the Swedish railway - train drivers' experiences and perceptions,2016,85,,53-59,Forsberg FRAMA: a safety assessment approach based on Functional Resonance Analysis Method,2016,85,,41-52,Tian The effect of extratropical cyclone weather conditions on fishing vessel incidents' severity level in Atlantic Canada,2016,85,,33-40,Rezaee Speed control with and without advanced warning sign on the field: an analysis of the effect on driving speed,2016,85,,23-32,Wets Developing a two-step fuzzy cost-benefit analysis for strategies to continuity management and disaster recovery,2016,85,,9-22,Rabbani The dyadic context of safety: an examination of safety motivation behavior and life satisfaction among farm couples,2016,85,,1-8,Sprung Determination of weighting factors for safety performance indicators in NPPs,2016,84,,245-249,Saqib A program in safety management for the occupational driver: conceptual development and implementation case study,2016,84,,238-244,Newnam Hazard analysis of human-robot interactions with HAZOP-UML,2016,84,,225-237,Guiochet A field experiment of workers' responses to proximity warnings of static safety hazards on construction sites,2016,84,,216-224,Li Exposure assessment a preventive process in managing workplace safety and health challenges in Ghana,2016,84,,210-215,Annan Internal audits of psychosocial risks at workplaces with certified OHS management systems,2016,84,,201-209,Hasle A comparative analysis of dangerous locations on the public roads in Serbia,2016,84,,190-200,Lipovac Should healthcare providers do safety cases? Lessons from a cross-industry review of safety case practices,2016,84,,181-189,Pozzi Modeling and analysis of subway fire emergency response: an empirical study,2016,84,,171-180,Lu Fall risk analysis of construction workers using inertial measurement units: validating the usefulness of the postural stability metrics in construction,2016,84,,161-170,Stentz Risk-based safety analysis of well integrity operations,2016,84,,149-160,Khan Video surveillance systems to enhance occupational safety: a case study,2016,84,,140-148,Marciano Saying and doing: CALD workers' experience of communicating safety in aged care,2016,84,,131-139,O'Keeffe Managing risks linked to machinery in sawmills by controlling hazardous energies: theory and practice in eight sawmills,2016,84,,117-130,Chinniah The associations between occupational health and safety management system programming level and prior injury and illness rates in the U.S. dairy industry,2016,84,,108-116,Reynolds Intrusion warning and assessment method for site safety enhancement,2016,84,,97-107,Skitmore An incident database for improving metro safety: the case of Shanghai,2016,84,,88-96,Li Stochastic state sequence model to predict construction site safety states through Real-Time Location Systems,2016,84,,78-87,Li On the assessment of uncertainty in risk diagrams,2016,84,,67-77,Goerlandt A decision aid GIS-based risk assessment and vulnerability analysis approach for transportation and pipeline networks,2016,84,,57-66,Gan Learning from major accidents to improve system design,2016,84,,37-45,Lewis The collection and compilation of school evacuation data for model use,2016,84,,24-36,Gwynne Plan Do Check Act: the need for independent audit of the internal responsibility system in occupational health and safety,2016,84,,12-23,Arntz-Gray Predicting safety behavior in the construction industry: development and test of an integrative model,2016,84,,1-11,Guo Safewash! Risk attenuation and the (mis)reporting of corporate safety performance to investors,2016,83,,114-130,O'Neill Mere overrepresentation? Using cross-occupational injury and job analysis data to explain men's risk for workplace fatalities,2016,83,,102-113,McGonagle A STAMP-based causal analysis of the Korean Sewol ferry accident,2016,83,,93-101,Øvergård Risk assessment of bridges under multiple hazards in operation period,2016,83,,80-92,Andrić Fuzzy and grey theories in failure mode and effect analysis for tanker equipment failure prediction,2016,83,,74-79,Zhou Evaluation of a safety culture intervention for Union Pacific shows improved safety and safety culture,2016,83,,59-73,Coplen Exploring the state of health and safety management system performance measurement in mining organizations,2016,83,,48-58,Haas Leader-follower model for agent based simulation of social collective behavior during egress,2016,83,,40-47,El-Tawil Decision-makings in safety investment: an opportunity cost perspective,2016,83,,31-39,Ma The Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory (Brief NORSCI) - Psychometric properties and relationships with shift work sleep and health,2016,83,,23-30,Nielsen Prediction of occupational risk in the shipbuilding industry using multivariable linear regression and genetic algorithm analysis,2016,83,,12-22,Tsoukalas Construction safety practices and challenges in a Middle Eastern developing country,2016,83,,1-11,Awwad Occupational accidents and the economic cycle in Spain 1994-2014,2018,106,,273-284,Fernández-Muñiz Unexpected events: learning opportunities or injury risks for apprentices in low-skilled jobs? A pilot study,2016,86,,1-9,Breslin Assessment of Health Safety and Environment Management System function in contracting companies of one of the petro-chemistry industries in Iran a case study,2015,77,,42-47,Mirkazemi The impact of safety audit timing and framing of the production outcomes on safety-related rule violations in a simulated production environment,2015,77,,205-213,Kluge A risk-informed ship collision alert system: framework and application,2015,77,,182-204,Montewka The assessment of the attractiveness of process facilities to terrorist attacks,2015,77,,169-181,Cozzani Analyzing safety behaviors of temporary construction workers using structural equation modeling,2015,77,,160-168,Seo Fuzzy consequence modeling of blowouts in Iranian drilling operations; HSE consideration,2015,77,,152-159,Ataallahi Control measures of electrical hazards: An analysis of construction industry,2015,77,,143-151,Smith-Jackson A framework for safety automation of safety-critical systems operations,2015,77,,133-142,Srinivas Acharyulu Effect of information sharing and communication on driver's risk taking,2015,77,,123-132,Salvendy Shared situational awareness and information quality in disaster management,2015,77,,112-122,Seppänen Can we examine safety culture in accident investigations or should we?,2015,77,,102-111,Strauch The cost-benefit hurdle for safety case regulation,2015,77,,95-101,Hopkins Motorcyclists' road safety related behavior at access points on primary roads in Malaysia - a case study,2015,77,,80-94,Várhelyi Safety climate perceived risk and involvement in safety management,2015,77,,72-79,Kouabenan Safety benefits of mandatory OSHA 10 h training,2015,77,,66-71,Taylor Development of a smoke effect model for representing the psychological pressure from the smoke,2015,77,,57-65,Ryou Taking responsibility for public safety: how engineers seek to minimise disaster incubation in design of hazardous facilities,2015,77,,48-56,Hayes Use of HFACS-FCM in fire prevention modelling on board ships,2015,77,,25-41,Celik Use of in-situ simulation to investigate latent safety threats prior to opening a new emergency department,2015,77,,19-24,Medwid Attitudes toward risk regulation - prescriptive or functional regulation?,2015,77,,10-18,Engen Car drivers' valuation of landslide risk reductions,2015,77,,1-9,Elvik Accredited OHS professional education: a step change for OHS capability,2016,81,,5-12,Pryor Editorial: Learning and training in safety and health,2016,81,,1-4,Hale Leadership training as an occupational health intervention: improved safety and sustained productivity,2016,81,,35-45,Hasson Modelling antecedents of safety compliance: incorporating theory from the technological acceptance model,2016,87,,292-298,Griffin Performance assessment of Iranian petrochemical companies using sustainable excellence model,2016,87,,280-291,Ghasemi Human reliability analysis of the Tokai-Mura accident through a THERP-CREAM and expert opinion auditing approach,2016,87,,269-279,Ribeiro Operational and system hazard analysis in a safe systems requirement engineering process - application to automotive industry,2016,87,,256-268,Levrat Spatial-temporal human exposure modeling based on land-use at a regional scale in China,2016,87,,243-255,Qie Quantitative risk assessment methods of evacuation safety for collapse of large steel structure gymnasium caused by localized fire,2016,87,,234-242,Wang Conceptualizing and measuring recreation safety climate,2016,87,,224-233,Cheng Growing pains the low cost carrier sector in Indonesia: internal service quality using a critical incident technique,2016,87,,214-223,Wahyuni -TD Construction risk knowledge management in BIM using ontology and semantic web technology,2016,87,,202-213,Wu Identification of freeway secondary accidents with traffic shock wave detected by loop detectors,2016,87,,195-201,Ragland Investigating the effectiveness of fall prevention plan and success factors for program-based safety interventions,2016,87,,186-194,Goh Passengers' awareness and perceptions of way finding tools in a train station,2016,87,,179-185,Tay A review of optimisation models for pedestrian evacuation and design problems,2016,87,,167-178,Reniers Relative risk model for assessing domino effect in chemical process industry,2016,87,,156-166,Ni Proactive role-orientation toward workplace safety: psychological dimensions nomological network and external validity,2016,87,,144-155,Mearns Working for the environment and against safety: how compliance affects health and safety on board ships,2016,87,,131-143,Akamangwa Modeling decision and game theory based pedestrian velocity vector decisions with interacting individuals,2016,87,,116-130,Mesmer Modeling tunnel construction risk dynamics: addressing the production versus protection problem,2016,87,,101-115,Love Improving performance evaluation of health safety and environment management system by combining fuzzy cognitive maps and relative degree analysis,2016,87,,92-100,Kang Firefighters as distributors of workplace safety and health information to small businesses,2016,87,,87-91,Cunningham Data challenges in dynamic large-scale resource allocation in remote regions,2016,87,,76-86,Grabowski A phase of comprehensive research to determine marine-specific EPC values in human error assessment and reduction technique,2016,87,,63-75,Cebi Expert elicitation and Bayesian Network modeling for shipping accidents: a literature review,2016,87,,53-62,Thai Using a case study fatality to depict the limits of proximity detection systems for articulating underground machinery,2016,87,,47-52,Godwin Models of probability of failure on demand for safety instrumented system using atmospheric elements,2016,87,,38-46,Ouache Exploring the mechanisms of distraction from in-vehicle technology: the development of the PARRC model,2016,87,,25-37,Stanton Regional risk assessment for urban major hazards based on GIS geoprocessing to improve public safety,2016,87,,18-24,Zhao Individualism collectivism and pedestrian safety: a comparative study of young adults from Iran and Pakistan,2016,87,,8-17,Nordfjærn Pedestrians risk perception of traffic crash and built environment features - Delhi India,2016,87,,1-7,Tiwari Critical gap estimation for pedestrians at uncontrolled mid-block crossings on high-speed arterials,2016,86,,295-303,Pawar Towards a "behavioural design" approach for seismic risk reduction strategies of buildings and their environment,2016,86,,273-294,D'Orazio Just culture's "line in the sand" is a shifting one; an empirical investigation of culpability determination,2016,86,,258-272,Cromie Classification of human errors in grounding and collision accidents using the TRACEr taxonomy,2016,86,,245-257,Guedes Soares The accuracy of subjective measures for assessing fatigue related decrements in multi-stressor environments,2016,86,,238-244,Browne An approach to eliminate train route setting errors through application of parallel monitoring,2016,86,,228-237,Chen Important factors in common among organizations making large improvement in OHS performance: results of an exploratory multiple case study,2016,86,,211-227,Robson Towards an evidence-based probabilistic risk model for ship-grounding accidents,2016,86,,195-210,Montewka How sounds influence user safety decisions in a virtual construction simulator,2016,86,,184-194,Lu Setting structural safety requirement for controlling earthquake mortality risk,2016,86,,174-183,Wenzel Experimental study on characteristics of pedestrian evacuation on stairs in a high-rise building,2016,86,,165-173,Chen A landscape of crowd-management support: an integrative approach,2016,86,,142-164,Li Risk governance gap analysis in search and rescue at offshore platforms in the Greek territory,2016,86,,132-141,Nivolianitou Toolbox talks to prevent construction fatalities: empirical development and evaluation,2016,86,,122-131,Olson Safety leadership practices for organizational safety compliance: developing a research agenda from a review of the literature,2016,86,,110-121,Pilbeam Risk information for operational decision-making in the offshore oil and gas industry,2016,86,,98-109,Yang Safety-specific transformational and passive leadership influences on firefighter safety climate perceptions and safety behavior outcomes,2016,86,,92-97,DeJoy Comment on empirical evidence for the design of public lighting,2016,86,,88-91,Fotios An application of nonlinear fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in safety evaluation of coal mine,2016,86,,78-87,Wang Suppressive effects of fire prevention campaign in China: a time series analysis,2016,86,,69-77,Zhang The corporate quest for zero accidents: a case study into the response to safety transgressions in the industrial sector,2016,86,,57-68,Twaalfhoven Prevalence and quality of workplace risk assessments - findings from a representative company survey in Germany,2016,86,,48-56,Beck Regulatory focus and safety outcomes: an examination of the mediating influence of safety behavior,2016,86,,27-35,Aryee Developments in the safety science domain in the fields of general and safety management between 1970 and 1979 the year of the near disaster on Three Mile Island a literature review,2016,86,,10-26,Zwaard Selection of maritime safety control options for NUC ships using a hybrid group decision-making approach,2016,88,,108-122,Guedes Soares Modelling the predictors of intention in workplace safety compliance of a multi-ethnic workforce,2016,88,,155-165,Wong Information guiding effect of evacuation assistants in a two-channel segregation process using multi-information communication field model,2016,88,,16-25,Zheng An integrated hazard identification method based on the hierarchical colored petri net,2016,88,,166-179,Tang Major accident prevention decision-making: a large-scale survey-based analysis,2016,88,,242-250,Cozzani The simulation-fuzzy method of assessing the risk of air traffic accidents using the fuzzy risk matrix,2016,88,,76-87,Skorupski Knowing me knowing you: key players and their interactions within the young driver road safety system,2016,88,,88-96,Senserrick Visual representation of safety narratives,2016,88,,123-128,Robinson Detection tasks in nuclear power plant operation: vigilance decrement and physiological workload monitoring,2016,88,,97-107,Matthews A framework to estimate task opportunities from the operational experience of domestic nuclear power plants,2016,88,,146-154,Park Experimental study on physiological changes of people trapped in coal mine accidents,2016,88,,33-43,Nie Pioneering with UAVs at the battlefield: the influence of organizational design on self-organization and the emergence of safety,2016,88,,251-260,Wybo Risks of extreme and rare events in asset management,2016,88,,129-145,Komljenovic HAZOP analysis based on sensitivity evaluation,2016,88,,26-32,Kang Contribution of dynamic experience feedback to the quantitative estimation of risks for preventing accidents: a proposed methodology for machinery safety,2016,88,,64-75,Chinniah Describing and predicting of the vegetation development of Corsica due to expected climate change and its impact on forest fire risk evolution,2016,88,,180-186,Garbolino Risk profit or safety: sociotechnical systems under stress,2016,88,,199-210,Comfort Exploring effectiveness of safety information for workplace visitors,2016,88,,224-231,Boustras The bowtie method: a review,2016,88,,211-218,de Ruijter Zero vision and a Western salvation narrative,2016,88,,219-223,Dekker Methods for measuring collective behaviour in evacuees,2016,88,,54-63,Alvear Tracking safety performance in construction: a focused approach to the measurement of fatal and non-fatal injuries 2003-2012,2016,88,,44-53,Moore Using very toxic or especially hazardous chemical substances in a research and teaching institution,2016,88,,1-15,Meyer Developing and testing an internal audit tool of the psychosocial work environment in the oil and gas industry,2016,88,,232-241,Zwetsloot Occupational risk for an onshore wind farm,2016,88,,188-198,Papazoglou On the relationship between safety climate and occupational burnout in healthcare organizations,2016,89,,1-10,Khakzad Towards dynamic risk analysis: a review of the risk assessment approach and its limitations in the chemical process industry,2016,89,,77-93,Cozzani Cell phone conversations and child pedestrian's crossing behavior: a simulator study,2016,89,,36-44,Oron-Gilad Risk-based crowd massing early warning approach for public places: a case study in China,2016,89,,114-128,Zhang Effects of intuition and deliberation on escape judgment and decision-making under different complexities of crisis situations,2016,89,,106-113,Li The accident early warning system for iron and steel enterprises based on combination weighting and Grey Prediction Model GM (1 1),2016,89,,19-27,Hou Identifying causes dynamics and consequences of work accidents in forest operations in an alpine context,2016,89,,28-35,Marchi Exploring the association of rear-end crash propensity and micro-scale driver behavior,2016,89,,45-54,Rouphail Proactive pedestrian safety evaluation at unprotected mid-block crosswalk locations under mixed traffic conditions,2016,89,,94-105,Vedagiri Visual analytics for text-based railway incident reports,2016,89,,72-76,Hughes OHS management and employers' perception: differences by firm size in a large Italian company survey,2016,89,,11-18,Iavicoli An intelligent framework for productivity assessment and analysis of human resource from resilience engineering motivational factors HSE and ergonomics perspectives,2016,89,,55-71,Azadeh Reducing occupational injuries attributed to inattentional blindness in the construction industry,2016,89,,129-137,Liao System dynamics modeling of the safety evolution of blended-wing-body subscale demonstrator flight testing,2016,89,,219-230,Lu Analysis of the effectiveness of the OSHA steel erection standard in the construction industry,2016,89,,190-200,Choe Advantages for risk assessment: evaluating learnings from question sets inspired by the FRAM and the risk matrix in a manufacturing environment,2016,89,,180-189,Borys Confidence in hybrid collaboration. an empirical investigation of pilots' attitudes towards advanced automated aircraft,2016,89,,167-179,Weyer Using a procedure doesn't mean following it: a cognitive systems approach to how a cockpit manages emergencies,2016,89,,147-157,Dekker Impact of speed humps of bicyclists,2016,89,,138-146,Vasudevan Cutting patterns as a predictor of the odds of accident among professional fellers,2016,89,,158-166,Poje An enhanced risk assessment framework for business continuity management systems,2016,89,,201-218,Torabi Scenario analysis of mine water inrush hazard using Bayesian networks,2016,89,,231-239,Zhou Evaluation of construction projects based on the safe work behavior of co-employees through a neural network model,2016,89,,240-248,Patel Establishing school bus baseline emergency evacuation times for elementary school students,2016,89,,249-255,Gallagher New laws road wars courtesy and animosity: cycling safety in Queensland newspapers,2016,89,,256-262,Salmon Comprehensive plan for assessing and improving safety level of commercial centers towards the prevention of social and economical consequences of accidents,2016,89,,263-273,Haeri Work-related stress risk factors and health outcomes in public sector employees,2016,89,,274-278,Marcatto The differences of road safety performance of countries based on outcome indicators,2016,89,,279-287,Lipovac Identification and development of Lean and Safety projects,2016,89,,319-337,Verbano CONSRAT. Construction sites risk assessment tool,2016,89,,338-354,Sese Results of a fall prevention educational intervention for residential construction,2016,89,,301-307,Evanoff Stop there's water on the road! Identifying key beliefs guiding people's willingness to drive through flooded waterways,2016,89,,308-314,Hagger Considerations about the impact of public lighting on pedestrians' perception of safety and well-being,2016,89,,315-318,Peña-García Modelling social identification and helping in evacuation simulation,2016,89,,288-300,Drury A model to estimate vertical speed of ascending evacuation from maximal work capacity data,2016,89,,369-378,Kuklane Utilizing Six Sigma to develop standard attributes for a Safety for Facilities Management (SFFM) framework,2016,89,,355-368,Wetzel Women's occupational health and safety management: an issue for corporate social responsibility,2017,91,,61-70,Larrieta-Rubín de Celis On risk assessment and risk acceptance of dangerous goods transportation through road tunnels in Greece,2017,91,,1-10,Benekos Analysis of the 'News Divine' stampede disaster,2017,91,,11-23,Santos-Reyes A new approximation for risk assessment using the AHP and Fine Kinney methodologies,2017,91,,24-32,Kokangül Development of a monograph for human error likelihood assessment in marine operations,2017,91,,33-39,Khan Likely behaviours of passengers under emergency evacuation in train station,2017,91,,40-48,Tay A Monte Carlo evolution of the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) to assess performance variability in complex systems,2017,91,,49-60,Di Gravio Development of a quantitative risk assessment model for ship collisions in fairways,2017,91,,71-83,Weng Psychosocial health promotion and safety culture management - are health and safety practitioners involved?,2017,91,,84-92,Greiner Safety-related risk and benefit-cost analysis of crash avoidance systems applied to transit buses: comparing New York City vs. Bogota Colombia,2017,91,,122-131,Jaramillo Exploring OHS trainers' role in the transfer of training,2017,91,,310-319,Freitas Personal factors and consequences of electrical occupational accidents in the primary secondary and tertiary sectors,2017,91,,286-297,Rubio-Romero AHP-based analysis of the risk potential of safety incidents: case study of cranes in the construction industry,2017,91,,298-309,Fishbain Using catastrophe theory to describe railway system safety and discuss system risk concept,2017,91,,269-285,Wang Characteristics of railway suicides in Canada and comparison with accidental railway fatalities: implications for prevention,2017,91,,251-259,Mishara Zero accident vision based strategies in organisations: innovative perspectives,2017,91,,260-268,Wybo A hybrid human and organizational analysis method for railway accidents based on HFACS-Railway Accidents (HFACS-RAs),2017,91,,232-250,Zheng Leading or lagging? Temporal analysis of safety indicators on a large infrastructure construction project,2017,91,,206-220,Lingard A multiple attribute decision model to compare the firms' occupational health and safety management perspectives,2017,91,,221-231,İnan Building community resilience to hazards (Editorial),2016,90,,1-4,Comfort From linearity to complexity: emergent characteristics of the 2006 Avian Influenza Response System in Turkey,2016,90,,5-13,Corbacioglu The emergence of an adaptive response network: the April 20 2013 Lushan China Earthquake,2016,90,,14-23,Zhang Peer coordination and communication following disaster warnings: An experimental framework,2016,90,,24-32,Linardi Using tweets to support disaster planning warning and response,2016,90,,33-47,Wei Crowd sourcing disaster management: the complex nature of Twitter usage in Padang Indonesia,2016,90,,48-61,Landwehr A dynamic decision support system based on geographical information and mobile social networks: a model for tsunami risk mitigation in Padang Indonesia,2016,90,,62-74,Comfort Design and implementation of a Witness Unit for opportunistic routing in tsunami alert scenarios,2016,90,,75-83,Comfort A cost-effective environmentally-aware undersea infrastructure to enhance community resilience to tsunamis,2016,90,,84-96,Comfort Dynamic decision support for managing regional resources: mapping risk in Allegheny County Pennsylvania,2016,90,,97-106,Comfort Near-miss management systems and observability-in-depth: handling safety incidents and accident precursors in light of safety principles,2017,91,,154-167,Saleh Holistic approach for treatment of accidental hazards during conceptual design of bridges - a case study in Sweden,2017,91,,168-180,Björnsson Beyond procedures: team reflection in a rail control centre to enhance resilience,2017,91,,181-191,Siegel Analyzing risk factors in crane-related near-miss and accident reports,2017,91,,192-205,Fishbain Presentation of an approach for risk characterization of exposure to chemicals in cleaning work,2017,91,,148-153,Suleiman Optimal number and location planning of evacuation signage in public space,2017,91,,132-147,Qin Managing major accident risk: concerns about complacency and complexity in practice,2017,91,,114-121,Aven The effect of traffic intensity and animal activity on probability of ungulate-vehicle collisions in the Czech Republic,2017,91,,105-113,Kušta D-DEMATEL: a new method to identify critical success factors in emergency management,2017,91,,93-104,Deng An Accident Causation Analysis and Taxonomy (ACAT) model of complex industrial system from both system safety and control theory perspectives,2017,92,,94-103,Liang A ranking system for fire safety performance of student housing facilities,2017,92,,116-127,Hassanain Emergency evacuation capability evaluation and optimization for an offshore airport: the case of Dalian Offshore Airport Dalian China,2017,92,,128-137,Tong Classification of risk acceptability and risk tolerability factors in occupational health and safety,2017,92,,138-147,Gauthier Effects of stationary work zones on motorway crashes,2017,92,,148-159,La Torre Occupational risk-prevention diagnosis: a study of construction SMEs in Spain,2017,92,,104-115,Segarra Cañamares An analysis of wintertime navigational accidents in the Northern Baltic Sea,2017,92,,66-84,Goerlandt Lack of dynamic leadership skills and human failure contribution analysis to manage risk in deep water horizon oil platform,2017,92,,85-93,Pranesh An investigation of proposed techniques for quantifying confidence in assurance arguments,2017,92,,53-65,Graydon An integrated risk assessment based on uncertainty analysis for cargo vessel safety,2017,92,,34-43,Mentes Factors affecting safety of processes in the Malaysian oil and gas industry,2017,92,,44-52,Tang An innovative methodology for measuring the effective implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the European Union,2017,92,,26-33,Bianchini Decision support systems for assessing risks involved in transporting hazardous materials: a review,2017,92,,1-9,Torretta A marine accident analysing model to evaluate potential operational causes in cargo ships,2017,92,,17-25,Akyuz Application of set pair analysis method on occupational hazard of coal mining,2017,92,,10-16,Chong Employer safety obligations transformational leadership and their interactive effects on employee safety performance,2017,91,,405-412,Kelloway On current crowd management practices and the need for increased situation awareness prediction and intervention,2017,91,,381-393,Vermeeren A novel train control approach to avoid rear-end collision based on geese migration principle,2017,91,,373-380,Chen Performance optimization of an aluminum factory in economic crisis by integrated resilience engineering and mathematical programming,2017,91,,335-350,Azadeh Studying critical pedestrian behavioral changes for the safety assessment at signalized crosswalks,2017,91,,351-360,Alhajyaseen Driver behavior with a smartphone collision warning application - a field study,2017,91,,361-372,Musicant Safety climate and accidents at work: cross-sectional study among 15000 workers of the general working population,2017,91,,320-325,Dyreborg Study on earthquake risk reduction from the perspectives of the elderly,2017,91,,326-334,Zhu Corrigendum to "Analysis of the effectiveness of the OSHA steel erection standard in the construction industry". [Saf. Sci. 89 (2016) 190-200],2017,92,,345,Choe The content analysis of emergency scenarios: thematic survey of the context in the process industries,2017,92,,257-261,Kalatpour The Dutch road to a high level of cycling safety,2017,92,,264-273,Fishman Safety-in-numbers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence,2017,92,,274-282,Elvik Drivers' gap acceptance in front of approaching bicycles - effects of bicycle speed and bicycle type,2017,92,,283-289,Krems The German Naturalistic Cycling Study - comparing cycling speed of riders of different e-bikes and conventional bicycles,2017,92,,290-297,Krems The zebra crossing game - using game theory to explain a discrepancy between road user behaviour and traffic rules,2017,92,,298-301,Bjørnskau Motor vehicles overtaking cyclists on two-lane rural roads: analysis on speed and lateral clearance,2017,92,,302-310,Llorca Helmet use and injuries in children's bicycle crashes in the Gothenburg region,2017,92,,311-317,Bunketorp The different ways to get on and off a bicycle for young and old,2017,92,,318-329,Dubbeldam Detailed description of bicycle and passenger car collisions based on insurance claims,2017,92,,330-337,Isaksson-Hellman The combined effect of vehicle frontal design speed reduction autonomous emergency braking and helmet use in reducing real life bicycle injuries,2017,92,,338-344,Strandroth An extended VIKOR method based on entropy measure for the failure modes risk assessment - a case study of the geothermal power plant (GPP),2017,92,,160-172,Mohsen Fatal gas explosion accidents on Chinese coal mines and the characteristics of unsafe behaviors: 2000-2014,2017,92,,173-179,Yang Evacuation dynamics considering pedestrians' movement behavior change with fire and smoke spreading,2017,92,,180-189,Jiang Probative blindness and false assurance about safety,2017,92,,190-204,John Rae The semantic field of risk,2017,92,,205-216,Boholm Methodology of improving occupational safety in the construction industry on the basis of the TWI program,2017,92,,225-231,Misiurek Mind the gap: a qualitative approach to assessing why different sub-cultures within high-risk industries interpret safety rule gaps in different ways,2017,92,,241-256,Lofquist Empirical measurement and improvement of hazard recognition skill,2017,93,,1-8,Hallowell The energy source based job safety analysis and application in the project,2017,93,,9-15,Zheng Fuzzy probabilistic expert system for occupational hazard assessment in construction,2017,93,,16-28,Amiri Agent-based modelling and mental simulation for resilience engineering in air transport,2017,93,,29-49,Stroeve A new approach to understand metro operation safety by exploring metro operation hazard network (MOHN),2017,93,,50-61,Liu Safety climate in defence explosive ordnance: survey development and model testing,2017,93,,62-69,Fogarty The impact of job control on employee perception of management commitment to safety,2017,93,,70-75,Taylor Safety Culture Promotion Intervention Program (SCPIP) in an oil refinery factory: an integrated application of Geller and Health Belief Models,2017,93,,76-85,Nadrian A methodology to construct warning index system for coal mine safety based on collaborative management,2017,93,,86-95,Ma Employee perspectives on safety citizenship behaviors and safety violations,2017,93,,96-107,Chmiel A new safety assessment model for complex system based on the conditional generalized minimum variance and the belief rule base,2017,93,,108-120,Li An assessment of occupational health and safety measures and performance of SMEs: an empirical investigation,2017,93,,127-133,Gopang Training to safety rules use. Some reflections on a case study,2017,93,,134-142,Vidal-Gomel A method of identifying health-based benchmarks for psychosocial risks at work: a tool for risk assessment,2017,93,,143-151,Butterworth Safety is an emergent property: illustrating functional resonance in Air Traffic Management with formal verification,2017,93,,162-177,Tian Effects of leadership style and psychological job demands on situation awareness and the willingness to take a risk: a survey of selected offshore vessels,2017,93,,178-186,Eid Practitioners' perspectives on incident investigations,2017,93,,187-198,Dodshon Safety of industrial machinery in reduced risk conditions,2017,93,,152-161,Bourbonnière Work constraints leads to accident: questionnaire validity and a qualitative interpretation of the cutoff point,2017,93,,199-213,dos Santos Situation awareness as a determinant for unsafe actions and subjective risk assessment on offshore attendant vessels,2017,93,,214-221,Sætrevik Probabilistic model for safe evacuation under the effect of uncertain factors in fire,2017,93,,222-229,Zhang Does risk perception really exist?,2017,93,,230-240,Rundmo Measuring the effects of external factor on leadership safety behavior: case study of mine enterprises in China,2017,93,,241-255,Zhang Developing dimensions and key indicators for the safety climate within China's construction teams: a questionnaire survey on construction sites in Nanjing,2017,93,,266-276,Li Developing a concept of a context-aware common operational picture,2017,93,,277-295,Luokkala Fairness in enforceable undertakings: comparing stakeholder voices,2017,94,,1-9,Price The safety management of urban rail transit based on operation fault log,2017,94,,10-16,Liu Occupational safety and health in North Cyprus: evaluation of risk assessment,2017,94,,17-25,Işık Fire risk assessment for large-scale commercial buildings based on structure entropy weight method,2017,94,,26-40,Liu Violation causes from the perspectives of managers and workers in Chinese railway systems: an exploratory study,2017,94,,41-51,Gao Safety framing and compliance in relation to standards: experience from the Australian gas pipeline industry,2017,94,,52-60,Maslen Occupational risks accidents on sites and economic performance of construction firms,2017,94,,61-76,Sese Key factors identification and dynamic fuzzy assessment of health safety and environment performance in petroleum enterprises,2017,94,,77-84,Liang The relationship between occupational health and safety vulnerability and workplace injury,2017,94,,85-93,Breslin Adoption of fire prevention measures - predictors in a representative German sample,2017,94,,94-102,Schmidt Safety science a founding fathers' retrospection,2017,94,,103-115,Hale Quantitative assessment method for road tunnel fire safety: development of an evacuation simulation method using CFD-derived smoke behavior,2017,94,,116-127,Hasegawa System dynamics approach for modelling the variation of organizational factors for risk control in automatic metro,2017,94,,128-142,Tang Just culture: a case study of accountability relationship boundaries influence on safety in HIGH-consequence industries,2017,94,,143-151,McCall Process evaluation of a Toolbox-training program for construction foremen in Denmark,2017,94,,152-160,Dyreborg Distracted driving on the job: application of a modified stages of change model,2017,94,,161-170,Wells Remoteness and sensework in harsh environments,2017,95,,150-158,Haavik How harsh work environments affect the occupational accident phenomenology? Risk assessment and decision making optimisation,2017,95,,159-170,Demichela Prioritizing safety critical human and organizational factors of EER systems of offshore installations in a harsh environment,2017,95,,171-181,Khan A methodology for the analysis of domino and cascading events in oil & gas facilities operating in harsh environments,2017,95,,182-197,Cozzani An analysis of ship escort and convoy operations in ice conditions,2017,95,,198-209,Montewka Toward a resilient organization: the management of unexpected hazard on the polar traverse,2017,95,,210-218,Villemain EZID: a new approach to hazard identification during the design process by analysing energy transfers,2017,95,,1-14,Marsot Segmented point process models for work system safety analysis,2017,95,,15-27,Maiti Safety assessment of signalized intersections with through-movement waiting area in China,2017,95,,28-37,Zhou Digging deeper! Insights from a multi-method assessment of safety culture in nuclear power plants based on Schein's culture model,2017,95,,38-49,Schöbel Driver behaviour in fog is not only a question of degraded visibility - a simulator study,2017,95,,50-61,Espie The need to establish consistent international safety investigation guidelines for the chemical industries,2017,95,,62-74,Johnson The impact of rhythm-based visual reference system in long highway tunnels,2017,95,,75-82,Du Perceptions of crisis preparedness and motivation: a study among municipal leaders,2017,95,,83-91,Hede A cross-sectional study of factors influencing occupational health and safety management practices in companies,2017,95,,92-103,Westerling Disinhibition and train driver performance,2017,95,,104-115,Hickey The influence of risk perception on safety: a laboratory study,2017,95,,116-124,Taylor Applying a new human factor tool in the nuclear energy industry,2017,95,,125-139,Teperi An enhanced CREAM with stakeholder-graded protocols for tanker shipping safety application,2017,95,,140-147,Wong SHARE technique: a novel approach to root cause analysis of ship accidents,2017,96,,1-21,Arslan The importance of commitment communication culture and learning for the implementation of the Zero Accident Vision in 27 companies in Europe,2017,96,,22-32,Kines Review and analysis of the explosion accident in Drevja Norway: a consequence of fire in a mobile explosives manufacturing unit (MEMU) carrying precursors for the on-site production of bulk explosives,2017,96,,33-40,Due-Hansen Case study of a voluntary aviation safety and environmental accreditation programme,2017,96,,41-51,Oldham Managers' viewpoint on factors influencing their commitment to safety: an empirical investigation in five finnish industrial organisations,2017,96,,52-61,Tappura Optimum design approach based on integrated macro-ergonomics and resilience engineering in a tile and ceramic factory,2017,96,,62-74,Azadeh One event three investigations: the reproduction of a safety norm,2017,96,,75-83,Bergström After-action reviews: the good behavior the bad behavior and why we should care,2017,96,,84-92,Allen Linking active transactional leadership and safety performance in military operations,2017,96,,93-101,Martínez-Córcoles Risk influence frameworks for activity-related risk analysis during operation: a literature review,2017,96,,102-116,Yang The importance of communication for the maintenance of health and safety in work operations in ports,2017,96,,117-120,Motter Implementation of best practices for emergency response and recovery at a large hospital: a fire emergency case study,2017,96,,121-131,Bongiovanni Climate congruence: how espoused psychosocial safety climate and enacted managerial support affect emotional exhaustion and work engagement,2017,96,,132-142,Dollard Children and young people's behaviour in accidental dwelling fires: a systematic review of the qualitative literature,2017,96,,143-149,Goodenough Examining theoretical approaches to men and masculinity in the context of high-risk work: applications benefits and challenges,2017,96,,150-160,Stergiou-Kita Chemical laboratory safety awareness attitudes and practices of tertiary students,2017,96,,161-171,Walters Incorporating CREAM and MCS into fault tree analysis of LNG carrier spill accidents,2017,96,,183-191,Zhang Investigation of the occupational health and safety conditions in Hellenic solid waste management facilities and assessment of the in-situ hazard level,2017,96,,192-197,Kontogianni Critical incident reporting systems: a necessary multilevel understanding,2017,96,,198-208,van der Westhuizen Weighted affordance-based agent modeling and simulation in emergency evacuation,2017,96,,209-227,Shin Traffic safety culture among bicyclists: results from a Norwegian study,2014,70,,29-40,Bjornskau Cost-effective allocation of safety measures in chemical plants w.r.t land-use planning,2017,97,,2-9,Khakzad Analysis of domino effect in the process industry using the event tree method,2017,97,,10-19,Cozzani A framework for minimizing domino effect through optimum spacing of storage tanks to serve in land use planning risk assessments,2017,97,,20-26,Ghasemi Considering critical infrastructures in the land use planning policy around Seveso plants,2017,97,,27-33,Robert Assessing the consequences of pipeline accidents to support land-use planning,2017,97,,34-42,Casal Reprint of: Municipal emergency plans in Italy: requirements and drawbacks,2017,97,,43-50,Pilone Growing community developments causing 'hazard creep' downstream of farm dams - a simple and cost-effective tool to help land planners appraise flood safety,2017,97,,58-72,Pisaniello Evaluating the structural priorities for the seismic vulnerability of civilian and industrial wastewater treatment plants,2017,97,,51-57,Salzano Evolution of the legal prevention measures concerning forest fire risk in a context of climate change,2017,97,,73-80,Garbolino Reprint of: Describing and predicting of the vegetation development of Corsica due to expected climate change and its impact on forest fire risk evolution,2017,97,,81-87,Garbolino A review of risk management through BIM and BIM-related technologies,2017,97,,88-98,Zou Reprint of: Spatial-temporal human exposure modeling based on land-use at a regional scale in China,2017,97,,99-111,Qie Reprint of: Regional risk assessment for urban major hazards based on GIS geoprocessing to improve public safety,2017,97,,112-119,Zhao From land- to water-use-planning: a consequence based case-study related to cruise ship risk,2017,97,,120-133,Fabiano Introduction of the human factor in the estimation of accident frequencies through fuzzy logic,2017,97,,134-143,Darbra Training decision-makers: existing strategies for natural and technological crisis management and specifications of an improved simulation-based tool,2017,97,,144-153,Tixier The close to home effect in road crashes,2017,98,,1-8,Charlton Comments to the article by Goerlandt & Reniers titled "On the assessment of uncertainty in risk diagrams" [Safety Sci. 84 (2016) 67-77],2017,98,,9-11,Flage Evidence assessment schemes for semi-quantitative risk analyses: a response to Roger Flage and Terje Aven,2017,98,,12-16,Goerlandt Developing an inter-organizational safety climate instrument for the construction industry,2017,98,,17-24,Kleiner Risk-taking behaviors of Hong Kong construction workers - a thematic study,2017,98,,25-36,Chan Evaluating the horizontal alignment of safety management activities through cross-reference of data from safety audits meetings and investigations,2017,98,,37-49,Karanikas Cloud-based safety information and communication system in infrastructure construction,2017,98,,50-69,Mohamed Application of Theory of Planned Behavior in the motor vehicle repair and service industry,2017,98,,70-76,Abu Bakar Safety related key performance indicators for securing long-term business development - a case study,2017,98,,77-88,Gerbec A moderated mediation model of job stress job satisfaction and turnover intention for airport security screeners,2017,98,,89-97,Sohn Bureaucracy influence and beliefs: a literature review of the factors shaping the role of a safety professional,2017,98,,98-112,Dekker An extension to Fuzzy Developed Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FDFMEA) application for aircraft landing system,2017,98,,113-123,Yazdi Structural equation model of integrated safety intervention practices affecting the safety behaviour of workers in the construction industry,2017,98,,124-135,Hadikusumo Development of a supplementary driver education tool for teenage drivers on rural roads,2017,98,,136-144,Liu Characterizing time series of near-miss accidents in metro construction via complex network theory,2017,98,,145-158,Zhou Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP) safety modelling applied to an aircraft rapid decompression event,2017,98,,159-166,Stanton Context matters: a research agenda to move beyond conventional leadership-safety relationship,2017,98,,167-173,Mirza Applicability of unmanned aerial system (UAS) for safety inspection on construction sites,2017,98,,174-185,Melo A pragmatic way of achieving Highly Sustainable Organisation: governance and organisational learning in action in the public French sector,2014,69,,18-28,Dechy Safety management - a multi-level control problem,2014,69,,3-17,Rollenhagen Skills knowledge and senior managers' demonstrations of safety commitment,2014,69,,29-36,Fruhen Exploring the relationship between safety culture and safety performance in U.S. nuclear power operations,2014,69,,37-47,Morrow Towards BBN based risk modelling of process plants,2014,69,,48-56,Hanea Occupational risk quantification owing to falling objects,2014,69,,57-70,Damen Safety management theory and the expeditionary organization: a critical theoretical reflection,2014,69,,71-81,Ale Editorial: Learning from incidents,2017,99,,1-4,Stanton Learning from incidents in health care: critique from a Safety-II perspective,2017,99,,115-121,Sujan The development of the Schema-Action-World (SAW) taxonomy for understanding decision making in aeronautical critical incidents,2017,99,,23-35,Stanton Accidentology of mountain sports: an insight provided by the systemic modelling of accident and near-miss sequences,2017,99,,36-44,Vanpoulle Redefining the incidents to learn from: safety science insights acquired on the journey from black boxes to flight data monitoring,2017,99,,14-22,Walker Research and development agenda for Learning from Incidents,2017,99,,5-13,Stanton Organizational practices for learning with work accidents throughout their information cycle,2017,99,,102-114,Jacinto Learning from Incidents Questionnaire (LFIQ): the validation of an instrument designed to measure the quality of learning from incidents in organisations,2017,99,,80-93,Vojt The chatty co-driver: a linguistics approach applying lessons learnt from aviation incidents,2017,99,,94-101,Stanton Merchant shipping's reliance on learning from incidents - a habit that needs to change for a challenging future,2017,99,,45-57,Pomeroy Learning from major accidents: graphical representation and analysis of multi-attribute events to enhance risk communication,2017,99,,58-70,Lewis Experience feedback from in-depth event investigations: how to find and implement efficient remedial actions,2017,99,,71-79,Rollenhagen A new framework for HSE performance measurement and monitoring,2017,100,,157-167,Amir-Heidari A total safety management framework in case of a major hazards plant producing pesticides,2017,100,,183-194,Aneziris Total project planning: integration of task analysis safety analysis and optimisation techniques,2017,100,,216-224,Balfe Organisational change and employee burnout: the moderating effects of support and job control,2017,100,,4-12,Day An evaluation of the impact of a policy-level intervention to address psychosocial risks on organisational action in Italy,2017,100,,103-109,Leka Safety change management - a new method for integrated management of organizational and technical changes,2017,100,,225-234,Gerbec Design of procedures for rare new or complex processes: Part 2 - Comparative risk assessment and CEA of the case study,2017,100,,203-215,Gerbec Design of procedures for rare new or complex processes: Part 1 - An iterative risk-based approach and case study,2017,100,,195-202,Gerbec Changing the way we understand precarious employment and health: precarisation affects the entire salaried population,2017,100,,66-73,Benach Total safety management: principles processes and methods,2017,100,,128-142,Kontogiannis Special issue: total safety management,2017,100,,125-127,Kontogiannis Restructuring seriously damages well-being of workers: the case of the restructuring programme in local administration in Greece,2017,100,,30-36,Targoutzidis The psychosocial work environment in times of change: society and the workplace,2017,100,,1-3,Leka Risk registers: structuring data collection to develop risk intelligence,2017,100,,143-156,Balfe Identifying and managing psychosocial risks during organizational restructuring: it's what you do and how you do it,2017,100,,20-29,Mathisen Total safety by design: increased safety and operability of supply chain of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods,2017,100,,168-182,Molero Assessing a national work health and safety policy intervention using the psychosocial safety climate framework,2017,100,,91-102,Dollard In times of change: how distance managers can ensure employees' wellbeing and organizational performance,2017,100,,37-45,Ipsen Psychological capital: buffering the longitudinal curvilinear effects of job insecurity on performance,2017,100,,74-82,Probst European flexicurity policies: Multilevel effects on employee psychosocial reactions to job insecurity,2017,100,,83-90,Probst Employment arrangement job stress and health-related quality of life,2017,100,,46-56,Pana-Cryan How does informal employment impact population health? Lessons from the Chilean employment conditions survey,2017,100,,57-65,Benach A two-wave study on workplace bullying after organizational change: a moderated mediation analysis,2017,100,,13-19,Balducci Labour inspections and the prevention of psychosocial risks at work: a realist synthesis,2017,100,,110-124,Weissbrodt Making it stick: exploring the effects of information and behavioral training on self-protectiveness of citizens in a real-life safety setting,2018,101,,1-10,Gutteling Building information modeling and safety management: a systematic review,2018,101,,11-18,López-Alonso Are you sure you want me to follow this? A study of procedure management user perceptions and compliance behaviour,2018,101,,19-32,Hu Modelling the risks remotely piloted aircraft pose to people on the ground,2018,101,,33-47,Clothier Developing accident prediction model for railway level crossings,2018,101,,48-59,Ghazel Methodologies principles and prospects of applying big data in safety science research,2018,101,,60-71,Wu On the calculus of risk in construction projects: contradictory theories and a rationalized approach,2018,101,,72-85,Ardeshir An integrated human reliability based decision pool generating and decision making method for power supply system in LNG terminal,2018,101,,86-97,Zhang Numerical analysis of passive safety systems in forklift trucks,2018,101,,98-107,Milanowicz A resilience engineering -related approach applying a taxonomy analysis to a survey examining the prevention of risks,2018,101,,108-120,Niskanen Implications from major accident causation theories to activity-related risk analysis,2018,101,,121-134,Yang Safety Management System in TQM environments,2018,101,,135-143,Álvarez-Santos Visualizing risk related information for work orders through the planning process of maintenance activities,2018,101,,144-154,Haugen Analyzing nuclear expertise support to population protection decision making process during nuclear emergencies,2018,101,,155-163,Wybo A theoretical exploration of resilience and effectiveness requirements' compatibility in formal and permanent emergency networks,2018,101,,164-172,Resodihardjo Individual and workplace factors related to fatal occupational accidents among shipyard workers in Turkey,2018,101,,173-179,Barlas Heinrich's pyramid and occupational safety: a statistical validation methodology,2018,101,,180-189,Singer Factors associated with crewmember survival of cold water immersion due to commercial fishing vessel sinkings in Alaska,2018,101,,190-196,Lincoln Measuring work-related psychosocial and physical risk factors using workplace observations: a validation study of the "Healthy Workplace Screening",2018,101,,197-208,Tomaschek Employing process simulation for hazardous process deviation identification and analysis,2018,101,,209-219,Demichela Workplace risk management practices to prevent musculoskeletal and mental health disorders: what are the gaps?,2018,101,,220-230,Macdonald Fuzzy based risk prioritisation in an auto LPG dispensing station,2018,101,,231-247,Maniram Kumar Validation of the impact of architectural flaws in six machine risk estimation tools,2018,101,,248-259,Gauthier Assessment of occupational health and safety performance evaluation tools: state of the art and challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises,2018,101,,260-267,Badri Power imbalance between supply vessels and offshore installations may impede the communication of safety issues,2018,101,,268-281,Sætrevik A novel tool for evaluating occupational health and safety performance in small and medium-sized enterprises: the case of the Quebec forestry/pulp and paper industry,2018,101,,282-294,Badri FPSO Cidade de São Mateus gas explosion - lessons learned,2018,101,,295-304,Vinnem Individual latent error detection: simply stop look and listen,2018,101,,305-312,Stanton Failure to learn from safety incidents: status challenges and opportunities,2018,101,,313-325,Hassall A practical tool for estimating compulsory OHS costs of residential building construction projects in Turkey,2018,101,,326-331,Yilmaz A hybrid BN-HFACS model for predicting safety performance in construction projects,2018,101,,332-343,Zou Prediction in a risk analysis context: implications for selecting a risk perspective in practical applications,2018,101,,344-351,Goerlandt Perceptions of autonomous vehicles: relationships with road users risk gender and age,2018,102,,1-13,Xie Effects of flare operation on landing safety: a study based on ANOVA of real flight data,2018,102,,14-25,Wu The quality of the post academic course 'management of safety health and environment (MoSHE) of Delft University of Technology,2018,102,,26-37,Swuste A novel global operational concept in cockpits under peak workload situations,2018,102,,38-50,Mosquera Benitez Mixed-method analysis of truck driver health knowledge using an online forum,2018,102,,51-59,Cao Process versus personal accidents within sociotechnical systems: loss of control of process versus personal energy?,2018,102,,60-67,Chauvin Automated driving: safety blind spots,2018,102,,68-78,Shinar Resilience engineering: current status of the research and future challenges,2018,102,,79-100,Bergström Categories of measures to guide choice of human factors methods for nuclear power plant control room evaluation,2018,102,,101-109,Osvalder Development of decision support tool for optimizing urban emergency rescue facility locations to improve humanitarian logistics management,2018,102,,110-117,Zhao Safety in hard times - a qualitative analysis of safety concerns in two industrial plants under financial duress,2018,102,,118-124,Blitvich Risk minimization in isolated subsurface structures through ventilation induced by natural forces,2018,102,,125-133,McManus Analysis of an explosion accident at Dangyang Power Plant in Hubei China: causes and lessons learned,2018,102,,134-143,Fu HSE risk prioritization using robust DEA-FMEA approach with undesirable outputs: a study of automotive parts industry in Iran,2018,102,,144-158,Yousefi Safety knowledge transfer through mobile virtual reality: a study of aviation life preserver donning,2018,102,,159-168,Chittaro Restoration resource allocation model for enhancing resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems,2018,102,,169-177,Zhang The simulation of urban-scale evacuation scenarios with application to the Swinley forest fire,2018,102,,178-193,Lawrence Fuzzy cognitive maps for adverse drug event risk management,2018,102,,194-210,Bevilacqua Addressing the epistemic uncertainty in maritime accidents modelling using Bayesian network with interval probabilities,2018,102,,211-225,Zhou Building information modeling in combination with real time location systems and sensors for safety performance enhancement,2018,102,,226-237,Li Regulation or criminalisation: what determines legal standards of safety culture in commercial aviation?,2018,102,,251-262,Braithwaite Dynamic crowd evacuation approach for the emergency route planning problem: application to case studies,2018,102,,263-274,Khalid Multi-plant emergency response for tackling major accidents in chemical industrial areas,2018,102,,275-289,Khakzad Risk evaluation using a novel hybrid method based on FMEA extended MULTIMOORA and AHP methods under fuzzy environment,2018,102,,290-300,Fattahi Safety engineering of computational cognitive architectures within safety-critical systems,2018,103,,1-11,Young Analysis of the relationship between the adoption of the OHSAS 18001 and business performance in different organizational contexts,2018,103,,12-22,Abad Evaluation of wearable immersive augmented reality technology in safety-critical systems,2018,103,,23-32,Grabowski Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings,2018,103,,33-42,Wood Process standardization and error reduction: a revisit from a choice approach,2018,103,,43-50,Naveh Research on the influencing factors in coal mine production safety based on the combination of DEMATEL and ISM,2018,103,,51-61,Wang Differences in safety training among smaller and larger construction firms with non-native workers: evidence of overlapping vulnerabilities,2018,103,,62-69,Cunningham Occupational safety across jobs and shifts in emergency departments in Denmark,2018,103,,70-75,Garde Complementary strengths of airlines under network disruptions,2018,103,,76-87,Sun Tractor safety and related injuries in Iranian farms,2018,103,,88-93,Houshyar Safety management systems: a broad overview of the literature,2018,103,,94-123,Guldenmund A novel approach to risk assessment for occupational health and safety using Pythagorean fuzzy AHP & fuzzy inference system,2018,103,,124-136,Cebi A novel qualitative prospective methodology to assess human error during accident sequences,2018,103,,137-152,Calvo Olivares What do aircraft accident investigators do and what makes them good at it? Developing a competency framework for investigators using grounded theory,2018,103,,153-161,Nixon Comprehension rates of safety pictorials affixed to agricultural machinery among Pennsylvania rural population,2018,103,,162-171,Murphy Evaluation and reduction of vulnerability of subway equipment: an integrated framework,2018,103,,172-182,Wang Assessing on-site construction personnel hazard perception in a Middle Eastern developing country: an interactive graphical approach,2018,103,,183-196,Abbas Practical methodology for estimating occupational exposure to hand-arm vibrations according to CEN/TR 15350:2013,2018,103,,197-206,Gonzalez Safety of machinery in hospitals: an exploratory study in the province of Quebec Canada,2018,103,,207-217,Gauthier Correlation between weighted acceleration vibration dose value and exposure time on whole body vibration comfort levels evaluation,2018,103,,218-224,Duarte Where do bike lanes work best? A Bayesian spatial model of bicycle lanes and bicycle crashes,2018,103,,225-233,Wiebe Non-radial DEA model: a new approach to evaluation of safety at railway level crossings,2018,103,,234-246,Mlinarić How safety-related stress affects workers' safety behavior: the moderating role of psychological capital,2018,103,,247-259,Wang Swedish Vision Zero policies for safety - a comparative policy content analysis,2018,103,,260-269,Andersson Unearthing the nature and interplay of quality and safety in construction projects: an empirical study,2018,103,,270-279,Love Pilot performance comparison between electronic and paper instrument approach charts,2018,103,,280-286,Rice Assessment of relationships between work stress work-family conflict burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes,2018,103,,287-292,DeJoy Improving safety climate and behavior through a multifaceted intervention: results from a field experiment,2018,103,,293-304,Bronkhorst A surrogate-assisted genetic algorithm for the selection and design of highway safety and travel time improvement projects,2018,103,,305-315,Rodriguez-Roman Investigating the effectiveness of safety costs on productivity and quality enhancement by means of a quantitative approach,2018,103,,316-322,Salehi An integrative conceptual framework for safety culture: the Egg Aggregated Model (TEAM) of safety culture,2018,103,,323-339,Ponnet Integrated hazard identification within the risk management of industrial biological processes,2018,103,,340-351,Cozzani Using workers' compensation claims data to characterize occupational injuries in the biofuels industry,2018,103,,352-360,Ramaswamy Characterizing posture and associated physiological demand during evacuation,2018,104,,1-9,Gallagher Occupational impacts and adaptation to standards in accordance with Brazilian legislation: the case of Santo Amaro Brazil,2018,104,,10-15,Miranda Human error assessment of oil tanker grounding,2018,104,,16-28,Ung Prosocial and proactive "safety citizenship behaviour" (SCB): the mediating role of affective commitment and psychological ownership,2018,104,,29-38,Griffin A dynamic and quantitative risk assessment method with uncertainties for offshore managed pressure drilling phases,2018,104,,39-54,Zhang Measuring and evaluating safety management system effectiveness using Data Envelopment Analysis,2018,104,,55-69,Aguiar Determination of factors affecting safety practices in Malaysian radiation facilities,2018,104,,70-80,Kasim Decision-making in safety efforts: role of the government in reducing the probability of workplace accidents in China,2018,104,,81-90,Ma Survivability of occupants in commercial passenger aircraft accidents,2018,104,,91-98,DeBacker Back to the future: What do accident causation models tell us about accident prediction?,2018,104,,99-109,Salmon Integration of musculoskeletal disorders prevention into management systems: a qualitative study of key informants' perspectives,2018,104,,110-118,Wells Modeling accident scenarios from databases with missing data: a probabilistic approach for safety-related systems design,2018,104,,119-134,Squillante Understanding risky behaviours in nuclear facilities: the impact of role stressors,2018,104,,135-143,Martínez-Córcoles Empirical validation of operating discipline as a leading indicator of safety outputs and plant performance,2018,104,,144-156,Lawrie Runway veer-off accidents: quantitative risk assessment and risk reduction measures,2018,104,,157-163,Moretti Work safety in China's Thirteenth Five-Year plan period (2016-2020): current status new challenges and future tasks,2018,104,,164-178,Wang The relationship between critical success factors internal control and safety performance in the Malaysian manufacturing sector,2018,104,,179-188,Subramaniam Assessing shortened safety climate measures: simulating a planned missing data design in a field setting,2018,104,,189-201,Gagne A system dynamics view of a behavior-based safety program in the construction industry,2018,104,,202-215,Goh Prediction of aircraft safety incidents using Bayesian inference and hierarchical structures,2018,104,,216-230,Arnaldo Valdés Optimal allocation of resources in construction safety: analytical-empirical model,2018,104,,231-238,Shohet Work-related nonfatal injuries in Alaska's aviation industry 2000-2013,2018,104,,239-245,Lucas A quantitative safety risk assessment model for construction site layout planning,2018,104,,246-259,Ning Social media analytics for quality surveillance and safety hazard detection in baby cribs,2018,104,,260-268,Ehsani Records from the Swedish poisons information centre as a means for surveillance of occupational accidents and incidents with chemicals,2018,104,,269-275,Schenk Measuring the cognitive loads of construction safety sign designs during selective and sustained attention,2018,105,,9-21,Chen Contractors' strategic responses to voluntary OHS programmes: an institutional perspective,2018,105,,22-31,Rowlinson Estimation of probability of harm in safety of machinery using an investigation systemic approach and Logical Analysis of Data,2018,105,,32-45,Chinniah A new look at compliance with work procedures: an engagement perspective,2018,105,,46-54,Hu Dynamic system safety analysis in HiP-HOPS with Petri Nets and Bayesian Networks,2018,105,,55-70,Papadopoulos Cycling fatalities: when a helmet is useless and when it might save your life,2018,105,,71-76,Hejna Risk analysis of French chemical industry,2018,105,,77-85,Estel Safety assessment in oil drilling work system based on empirical study and analytic network process,2018,105,,86-97,Sun Safety risk factors of metro tunnel construction in China: an integrated study with EFA and SEM,2018,105,,98-113,Zhou Understanding procedural violations using Safety-I and Safety-II: the case of community pharmacies,2018,105,,114-120,Phipps Simulation of noise exposure level of fire-fighters in emergency response services in Malaysia,2018,105,,121-127,Zainal Abidin Reducing non-collision injuries aboard buses: passenger balance whilst walking on the lower deck,2018,105,,128-133,Tyler Assessing and facilitating warehouse safety,2018,105,,134-148,Dullaert A fuzzy and Bayesian network CREAM model for human reliability analysis - the case of tanker shipping,2018,105,,149-157,Wong Accident types and barrier failures in the construction industry,2018,105,,158-166,Albrechtsen The role of perceived competence and risk perception in cycling near misses,2018,105,,167-177,de Waard Safety assessment of crude oil tankers,2018,105,,178-191,Vidmar Maturity models and safety culture: a critical review,2018,105,,192-211,Waterson Association of risk exposure organizational identification and empowerment with safety participation intention to quit and absenteeism,2018,105,,212-221,Glendon Characteristics of the close to home crash,2018,105,,222-227,Charlton Driving anger in Argentina,2018,105,,228-237,Poó Accident Precursor Probabilistic Method (APPM) for modeling and assessing risk of offshore drilling blowouts - a theoretical micro-scale application,2018,105,,238-254,Tan The effects of the global financial crisis on occupational safety and health (OSH): effects on the workforce and organizational safety systems,2018,106,,244-245,Guldenmund Maintaining occupational safety and health levels during the financial crisis - a conceptual model,2018,106,,246-254,Boustras Explaining the job insecurity-safety link in the public transportation industry: the mediating role of safety-production conflict,2018,106,,255-262,Probst Risk shifting and disorganization in multi-tier contracting chains: the implications for public safety,2018,106,,263-272,Hayes Moderating effects of contingent work on the relationship between job insecurity and employee safety,2018,106,,285-293,Barbaranelli Managing preventive occupational health and safety activities in Danish enterprises during a period of financial crisis,2018,106,,294-301,Bach Incorporating intelligence for typical evacuation under the threat of fire spreading,2018,106,,1-9,Shuaib Using microsimulation software to model large-scale evacuation scenarios. The case of Sangüesa and the Yesa dam collapse,2018,106,,10-27,Alvarez Investigation of when quad bikes rollover in the farming environment,2018,106,,28-34,Olivier Design of a safety cost estimation parametric model in oil and gas engineering procurement and construction contracts,2018,106,,35-46,Toutounchian Identifying and assessing the critical factors for effective implementation of safety programs in construction projects,2018,106,,47-56,Bavafa Preventing major accidents: conditions for a functional risk ownership,2018,106,,57-65,Engen Perceiving interactions and dynamics of safety leadership in construction projects,2018,106,,66-78,Zhang Analysis and diagnosis of risk-prevention training actions in the Spanish construction sector,2018,106,,79-91,Segarra Cañamares Development of safety science in Chinese higher education,2018,106,,92-103,Chen The application of system dynamics modelling to system safety improvement: present use and future potential,2018,106,,104-120,Jun Exploring crash characteristics and injury outcomes among older truck drivers: an analysis of truck-involved crash data in the United States,2018,106,,140-145,Eby High performance workplace systems' influence on safety attitudes and occupational driver behaviour,2018,106,,146-153,Newnam Generating synthetic aviation safety data to resample or establish new datasets,2018,106,,154-161,Socha Injured probability assessment in frontal pedestrian-vehicle collision counting uncertainties in pedestrian movement,2018,106,,162-169,He Exit choice in an emergency evacuation scenario is influenced by exit familiarity and neighbor behavior,2018,106,,170-175,Warren Surviving the swim: psychosocial influences on pool owners' safety compliance and child supervision behaviours,2018,106,,176-183,White An integrated model using SWOT analysis and Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set for evaluation occupational safety risks in life cycle of wind turbine,2018,106,,184-190,Adem A combined approach for the analysis of large occupational accident databases to support accident-prevention decision making,2018,106,,191-202,Demichela Evacuation risk assessment of regional evacuation for major accidents and its application in emergency planning: a case study,2018,106,,203-218,Du The effect of environmental distractions on child pedestrian's crossing behavior,2018,106,,219-229,Oron-Gilad Resiliency assessment of urban rail transit networks: Shanghai metro as an example,2018,106,,230-243,Huang Scenario-based analysis of fast track strategy optimization on emergency department using integrated safety simulation,2018,107,,9-21,Hajjarsaraei Qualitative study on the control of hazardous energy on machinery using lockout and alternative methods,2018,107,,22-34,Chinniah Problems with safety observation reporting: a construction industry case study,2018,107,,35-45,Smith A study of experience feedback from reported unwanted occurrences in a construction company,2018,107,,46-54,Albrechtsen Research on a new aviation safety index and its solution under uncertainty conditions,2018,107,,55-61,Ren Tackling uncertainty in security assessment of critical infrastructures: Dempster-Shafer Theory vs. Credal Sets Theory,2018,107,,62-76,Cozzani Crash risk analysis of different designs of toll plazas,2018,107,,77-84,Abdel-Aty Human error assessment during maintenance operations of marine systems - what are the effective environmental factors?,2018,107,,85-98,Khan Applying the Consolidated Framework for implementation research to agricultural safety and health: barriers facilitators and evaluation opportunities,2018,107,,99-108,Gadomski Lifting the lid on root cause analysis: a document analysis,2018,107,,109-118, Operational readiness for the integrated management of changes in the industrial organizations - assessment approach and results,2018,107,,119-129,Gerbec Combined peer-to-peer feedback and continuous improvement associated with reduced injuries at Amtrak-Chicago,2018,107,,130-144,Nelson A quantitative approach for risk assessment of a ship stuck in ice in Arctic waters,2018,107,,145-154,Zio Occupational factors related to slips trips and falls among home healthcare workers,2018,107,,155-160,Hegmann An empirical exploration of the presence of HRO safety principles across the health care sector and construction industry in Norway,2018,107,,161-172,Holte Sensitivity analysis of influencing factors in probabilistic risk assessment for airports,2018,107,,173-187,Ketabdari Health and safety management practices of contractors in South East Asia: a multi country study of Cambodia Vietnam and Malaysia,2018,107,,188-201,Manu Understanding human performance in sociotechnical systems - steps towards a generic framework,2018,107,,202-215,Kyriakidis Incorporating individual differences in human reliability analysis: an extension to the virtual experimental technique,2018,107,,216-223,Khan Safety management systems from Three Mile Island to Piper Alpha a review in English and Dutch literature for the period 1979 to 1988,2018,107,,224-244,Zwaard Evaluation of safety and social indexes in the selection of transportation system alternatives (Truck-Shovel and IPCCs) in open pit mines,2018,108,,1-12,Drebenstedt Resilience metrics for improved process-risk decision making: survey analysis and application,2018,108,,13-28,Mannan Risk management: the effect of FIST on perceived safety in crowded large space buildings,2018,108,,29-38,Alkhadim Investigating the difficulties of implementing safety practices in international construction projects,2018,108,,39-47,Chan Situation awareness in young novice ambulance drivers: so much more than driving,2018,108,,48-58,Salmon Systemic approaches to incident analysis in aviation: comparison of STAMP agent-based modelling and institutions,2018,108,,59-71,Bosse Hazardous scenarios identification for Li-ion secondary batteries,2018,108,,72-88,Bubbico The controllability classification of safety events and its application to aviation investigation reports,2018,108,,89-103,Karanikas Perception of safety culture: surveying the aviation divisions of Ministry of National Defense Taiwan Republic of China,2018,108,,104-112,Wang STPA for continuous controls: a flight testing study of aircraft crosswind takeoffs,2018,108,,129-139,Castilho A mixed-methods study of driver education informed by the Goals for Driver Education: do young drivers and educators agree on what was taught?,2018,108,,140-148,Haworth "We can stop work but then nothing gets done." Factors that support and hinder a workforce to discontinue work for safety,2018,108,,149-160,Rae Composite leading indicator to assess the resilience engineering in occupational health & safety in municipal solid waste management companies,2018,108,,161-172,Rubio-Romero A new risk assessment approach: Safety and Critical Effect Analysis (SCEA) and its extension with Pythagorean fuzzy sets,2018,108,,173-187,Cebi Modeling and analysis of vapour cloud explosions knock-on events by using a Petri-net approach,2018,108,,188-195,Reniers A cognitive reliability model research for complex digital human-computer interface of industrial system,2018,108,,196-202,Zhang Evacuating a rolled-over school bus: considerations for young evacuees,2018,108,,203-208,Davis The effect of a yellow bicycle jacket on cyclist accidents,2018,108,,209-217,Hels The one that got away: lessons learned from the evaluation of a safety training intervention in the Australian prawn fishing industry,2018,108,,218-224,Krauss A time-extended network model for staged evacuation planning,2018,108,,225-236,Li Some brief concluding remarks in relation to the discussion with Floris Goerlandt and Genserik Reniers about strength of knowledge (strength of evidence) judgments in semi-quantitative risk analysis (Letter),2018,108,,237,Aven Preventing falls: choosing compatible Fall Protection Supplementary Devices (FPSD) for bridge maintenance work using virtual prototyping,2018,108,,238-247,Albert Bibliometric analysis of safety culture research,2018,108,,248-258,Ponnet Clarifying the concept of operational risk assessment in the oil and gas industry,2018,108,,259-268,Paltrinieri Characteristics and determinants of recurrent occupational accidents,2018,108,,269-277,Ratilainen Driver error or designer error: using the Perceptual Cycle Model to explore the circumstances surrounding the fatal Tesla crash on 7th May 2016,2018,108,,278-285,Stanton The effect of active and passive occupational health and safety (OHS) training on OHS awareness and empowerment to participate in injury prevention among workers in Ontario and British Columbia (Canada),2018,108,,286-291,Smith Social influence and safe behavior in manufacturing,2018,109,,1-11,Hald Role stressors in Australian transport and logistics workers: psychosocial implications,2018,109,,12-19,Jimmieson Societal risk acceptance criteria for pressure pipelines in China,2018,109,,20-26,Pei Professional ethnocentrism and ethical risk management efficacy: how engineer's emotional openness mediates this complex relationship,2018,109,,27-35,Guntzburger Understanding teamwork errors in Royal Air Force air traffic control,2018,109,,36-45,Read Big-data-driven safety decision-making: a conceptual framework and its influencing factors,2018,109,,46-56,Wang A new methodology for accident analysis with human and system interaction based on FRAM: case studies in maritime domain,2018,109,,57-66,Lee Exploring the impact of social economic variables on traffic safety performance in Hong Kong: a time series analysis,2018,109,,67-75,Li Third party audits of the psychosocial work environment in occupational health and safety management systems,2018,109,,76-85,Hasle A new approach to predict safety outcomes in the construction industry,2018,109,,86-94,Wilkinson Tower crane safety on construction sites: a complex sociotechnical system perspective,2018,109,,95-108,Zhou A STAMP-based approach for designing maritime safety management systems,2018,109,,109-129,Goerlandt System safety assessment based on STPA and model checking,2018,109,,130-143,Dakwat Technique to identify and characterize new and emerging risks: a new tool for application in manufacturing processes,2018,109,,144-156,Gonzalez Throwing good money after SPAD? Exploring the cost of signal passed at danger (SPAD) incidents to Australasian rail organisations,2018,109,,157-164,Cloete Safety climate dimensions and their relationship to construction safety performance: a meta-analytic review,2018,109,,165-173,Hallowell Planning labor evacuation for construction sites using BIM and agent-based simulation,2018,109,,174-185,Marzouk Barriers to correct child restraint use: a qualitative study of child restraint users and their needs,2018,109,,186-194,Charlton A 10-year descriptive analysis of UK Maritime and Coastguard data on lifejacket use and drowning prevention,2018,109,,195-200,Tipton Systemic thinking in support of safety management in nuclear power plants,2018,109,,201-218,Wahlström New perspectives on psychosocial safety climate in healthcare: a mixed methods approach,2018,109,,236-245,Dollard The hazard prediction test: a comparison of free-response and multiple-choice formats,2018,109,,246-255,Crundall Regional evacuation modeling for toxic-cloud releases and its application in strategy assessment of evacuation warning,2018,109,,256-269,Du Applying human factors engineering methods for hazard identification and mitigation in the radiotherapy process,2018,109,,270-280,Trzesniak An exploration into the implications of the 'compensation culture' on construction safety,2018,109,,294-302,Smith A review of the literature on human behaviour in dwelling fires,2018,109,,303-312,Galea Evaluating the quality of corporate social responsibility reports: the case of occupational health and safety disclosures,2018,109,,313-323,Tsalis Consistent versus inconsistent behaviour of helmet use among urban motorcyclists in Malaysia,2018,109,,324-332,Sukor An investigation into the rate and mechanism of incident of work-related confined space fatalities,2018,109,,333-343,Selman A review of the offshore oil and gas safety indices,2018,109,,344-352,Olugu Effects of an occupational safety programme: a comparative study between different training methods involving secondary and vocational school students,2018,109,,353-360,Rodrigues Estimating OHS costs of building construction projects based on mathematical methods,2018,109,,361-367,Akcay Making occupational health and safety training relevant for farmers: evaluation of an introductory course in occupational health and safety in Norway,2018,109,,368-376,Holte On safety protection and underweighting of rare events,2018,109,,377-381,Cohen Factors influencing safety performance on construction projects: a review,2018,109,,382-397,Khosravi A network accident causation model for monitoring railway safety,2018,109,,398-402,Li Occupational health and safety in the industry 4.0 era: a cause for major concern?,2018,109,,403-411,Badri Evaluation of risk assessment approaches of occupational chemical exposures based on models in comparison with measurements,2018,109,,412-420,Landberg Risk assessment in safety of machinery: impact of construction flaws in risk estimation parameters,2018,109,,421-433,Gauthier A resilience safety climate model predicting construction safety performance,2018,109,,434-445,Chen Development of a methodology for systematic analysis of risk reduction by protective measures in tyre production machinery,2018,110,,13-28,Zio Damage reduction strategies against chemical accidents by using a mitigation barrier in Korean chemical risk management,2018,110,,29-36,Moon Analysis of soma mine disaster using causal analysis based on systems theory (CAST),2018,110,,37-57,Leveson The System Theoretic Accident Modelling and Process (STAMP) of medical pilot knock-out events: pilot incapacitation and homicide-suicide,2018,110,,58-71,Vollrath Perceptions of demanding work in maritime operations,2018,110,,72-82,Havold Safety practices in informal industrial segment of Pakistan,2018,110,,83-91,Ahmed The role of driver's situational awareness on right-hook bicycle-motor vehicle crashes,2018,110,,92-101,Funk Prediction of human error probabilities in a critical marine engineering operation on-board chemical tanker ship: the case of ship bunkering,2018,110,,102-109,Cicek Unravelling causal factors of maritime incidents and accidents,2018,110,,124-141,Lin Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) in surgery: identification and assessment of Influencing Factors,2018,110,,110-123,Trucco Examining bus driver behavior as a function of roadway features under daytime and nighttime lighting conditions: driving simulator study,2018,110,,142-151,Hosseinlou A risk evaluation and prioritization method for FMEA with prospect theory and Choquet integral,2018,110,,152-163,Qin Application of a Bayesian hierarchical modeling for risk assessment of accidents at hydropower dams,2018,110,,164-177,Burgherr How are laser attacks encountered in commercial aviation? A hazard analysis based on systems theory,2018,110,,178-191,Stanton A proposed semi-quantitative framework for comprehensive risk assessment of urban hazard installations considering rescue accessibility and evacuation vulnerability,2018,110,,192-203,Han Development of a flooded-bed scrubber for removing coal dust at a longwall mining section,2018,110,,204-213,Sottile Nanotechnology: the future of fire safety,2018,110,,214-221,Olawoyin Fault tree analysis and risk mitigation strategies for mine hoists,2018,110,,222-234,Giraud How injury incidence is associated with business cycles? Empirical evidence from Taiwan,2018,110,,235-248,Chang The house of safety: a novel method for risk assessment including human misbehaviour,2018,110,,249-264,Braglia Physical and cognitive capabilities of children during operation and evacuation of a school bus emergency roof hatch,2018,110,,265-272,Davis Exploratory study involving observation of traffic behaviour and conflicts in Nigeria using the Traffic Conflict Technique,2018,110,,273-284,Lai Safety performance evaluation in a steel industry: a short-term time series approach,2018,110,,285-290,Halvani Jobs and safety: a social exchange perspective in explaining safety citizenship behaviors and safety violations,2018,110,,291-299,Chmiel Methodological strategies in resilient health care studies: an integrative review,2018,110,,300-312,Aase Evaluating Fault Tree by means of Colored Petri nets to analyze the railway system dependability,2018,110,,313-323,Schnieder Do prominent warnings make packaging less attractive?,2018,110,,336-343,Kovačević A study on the effectiveness of occupational health and safety trainings of construction workers in Turkey,2018,110,,344-354,Başağa Preventing psychosocial risks at work: an evaluation study of labour inspectorate interventions,2018,110,,355-362,Weissbrodt Quantitative assessment of collision risk influence factors in the Tianjin port,2018,110,,363-371,Guedes Soares Association between workplace harassment and occupational injury among adult workers in the United States,2018,110,,372-379,Smith Are workers at risk of occupational injuries due to heat exposure? A comprehensive literature review,2018,110,,380-392,Bi A system-theoretic accident model and process with human factors analysis and classification system taxonomy,2018,110,,393-410,Skorupski Integrating early refresher practice in height safety and rescue training,2018,110,,411-417,Cameron Methodologies of safety risk control for China's metro construction based on BIM,2018,110,,418-426,Liu Effects of load carriage and surface inclination on linear and non-linear postural variability,2018,110,,427-437,Soangra Risk assessment based on novel intuitionistic fuzzy-hybrid-modified TOPSIS approach,2018,110,,438-448,Yazdi The bomb crater effect under the influence of audit feedback: now you see me now you don't,2018,110,,449-456,Kluge Why model evacuee decision-making?,2018,110,,457-466,Gwynne From factor to vector a quantum transition in assessing safety in ATM systems,2018,110,,467-477,Stoop Derailment accident risk assessment based on ensemble classification method,2018,110B,,3-10,Mohammadzadeh From free-text to structured safety management: introduction of a semi-automated classification method of railway hazard reports to elements on a bow-tie diagram,2018,110B,,11-19,Hughes Bayesian Network-based probability analysis of train derailments caused by various extreme weather patterns on railway turnouts,2018,110B,,20-30,Sussman STAMP goes EAST: integrating systems ergonomics methods for the analysis of railway level crossing safety management,2018,110B,,31-46,Walker Paths between latent and active errors: analysis of 407 railway accidents/incidents' causes in China,2018,110B,,47-58,Lei Railway accidents and incidents: complex socio-technical system accident modelling comes of age,2018,110B,,59-66,Toft A method for classifying red signal approaches using train operational data,2018,110B,,67-74,Zhao A big data modeling approach with graph databases for SPAD risk,2018,110B,,75-79,Hughes The road user the pedestrian and me: Investigating the interactions errors and escalating risks of users of fully protected level crossings,2018,110B,,80-88,Naweed Error types and potential mitigation strategies in Signal Passed at Danger (SPAD) events in an Australian rail organisation,2018,110B,,89-99,Rose Challenging conventional rural rail level crossing design: Evaluating three new systems thinking-based designs in a driving simulator,2018,110B,,100-114,Lenné Analyzing risky behavior of motorists during the closure cycle of railway level crossings,2018,110B,,115-126,Ghazel Self-evacuation modelling and simulation of passengers in metro stations,2018,110B,,127-133,Zhu Evaluating attitudes to safety leadership within rail construction projects,2018,110B,,134-144,Ryan Contextual factors explaining risk-taking intentions at Australian level crossings,2018,110B,,145-161,Delhomme Evaluating the impact of train drivers' cognitive and demographic characteristics on railway accidents,2018,110B,,162-167,Bagheri Layered model for convenient designing of safety system upgrades in railways,2018,110B,,168-176,Gill Safety analysis in a modern railway setting,2018,110B,,177-182,Barnatt Multilevel safety climate in the UK rail industry: a cross validation of the Zohar and Luria MSC scale,2018,110B,,183-194,Morgan Keeping track of railway safety and the mechanisms for risk,2018,110B,,195-205,Crawford Railway safety by designing the layout of inland terminals with dangerous goods connected with the rail transport system,2018,110B,,206-216,Molero A risk assessment based optimization method for route selection of hazardous liquid railway network,2018,110B,,217-229,Zhang A security vulnerability analysis model for dangerous goods transportation by rail - case study: chlorine transportation in Texas-Illinois,2018,110B,,230-241,Bagheri Back on track: creating a robust institutional framework for rail transport of hazardous substances in the Netherlands,2018,110B,,242-252,van der Vlies A surface runoff mapping method for optimizing risk assessment on railways,2018,110B,,253-267,Lagadec Track circuit reliability assessment for preventing railway accidents,2018,110B,,268-275,Wybo Automated detection of grade-crossing-trespassing near misses based on computer vision analysis of surveillance video data,2018,110B,,276-285,Liu Modelling confidence in railway safety case,2018,110B,,286-299,Motet Safer societies (editorial),2018,110C,,1-6,Antonsen Exploring and modeling the societal safety and societal security concepts - a systematic review empirical study and key implications,2018,110C,,7-22,Høyland An essay: Societal safety and the global,2018,110C,,23-30,Le Coze An archaeology of societal resilience,2018,110C,,31-38,Bergström A framework for public-private-people partnerships in the city resilience-building process,2018,110C,,39-50,Labaka Challenges to critical infrastructure resilience in an institutionally fragmented setting,2018,110C,,51-58,Hassel Changes in Norway's societal safety and security measures following the 2011 Oslo terror attacks,2018,110C,,59-68,Albrechtsen Working in the crowded underground: one call services as a boundary object,2018,110C,,69-79,Hayes A reliability & risk framework for the assessment and management of system risks in critical infrastructures with central control rooms,2018,110C,,80-88,Roe Organizational culture and societal safety: collaborating across boundaries,2018,110C,,89-99,Antonsen On collective improvisation in crisis management - a scoping study analysis,2018,110C,,100-109,Tehler Terrorist critical infrastructures organizational capacity and security risk,2018,110C,,121-130,Grabowski Increasing resilience to cascading events: the M.OR.D.OR. scenario,2018,110C,,131-140,Pescaroli Failures of critical systems at airports: impact on aircraft operations and safety,2018,110C,,141-157,Rakas RPAS conflict-risk assessment in non-segregated airspace,2019,111,,7-16,Pérez-Castán Safety culture among Chinese undergraduates: a survey at a university,2019,111,,17-21,Gong An integrated relief network design model under uncertainty: a case of Iran,2019,111,,22-36,Hasani Analytical review of the Australian policy context for work-related psychological health and psychosocial risks,2019,111,,37-48,Leka Criterion-related validity of the cultural web when assessing safety culture,2019,111,,49-66,Cooper The institutional context of crisis. A study of the police response during the 22 July terror attacks in Norway,2019,111,,67-79,Antonsen Visualising safety: the potential for using sociotechnical systems models in prospective safety assessment and design,2019,111,,80-93,de Vries Spanish validation of the Benchmark Resilience Tool (short-form version) to evaluate organisational resilience,2019,111,,94-101,Sala Do student internships build capability? - What OHS graduates really think,2019,111,,102-110,Cook How many blowouts does it take to learn the lessons? An institutional perspective on disaster development,2019,111,,111-118,Verweijen Safety work versus the safety of work,2019,111,,119-127,Rae Use of HFACS and fault tree model for collision risk factors analysis of icebreaker assistance in ice-covered waters,2019,111,,128-143,Yan Modeling and simulation of offshore personnel during emergency situations,2019,111,,144-153,Khan A process mining approach to improve emergency rescue processes of fatal gas explosion accidents in Chinese coal mines,2019,111,,154-166,Fu Operating strategies of buses for mass evacuation,2019,111,,167-178,Bolia Effects of phone use on driving performance: a comparative analysis of young and professional drivers,2019,111,,179-187,Velaga Literature review on the incentives and solutions for the bypassing of guards and protective devices on machinery,2019,111,,188-204,Chinniah Does compulsory training improve occupational safety and health implementation? The case of Malaysia,2019,111,,205-212,Aziz Towards the "third wave": an SCO-enabled occupational health and safety management system for construction,2019,111,,213-223,Fang Effectiveness research on the multi-player evolutionary game of coal-mine safety regulation in China based on system dynamics,2019,111,,224-233,Liu An analysis of lifejacket wear environmental factors and casualty activity on marine accident fatality rates,2019,111,,234-242,Wright Forecasting and assessing consequences of aviation safety occurrences,2019,111,,243-252,Rios Insua Fatal accident patterns of building construction activities in China,2019,111,,253-263,Chen Workplace stress as predictor of risky driving behavior among taxi drivers. The role of job-related affective state and taxi driving experience,2019,111,,264-270,Havarneanu Comparing immersive virtual reality and powerpoint as methods for delivering safety training: impacts on risk perception learning and decision making,2019,111,,271-286,Schütz The complex relationship between increases to speed limits and traffic fatalities: evidence from a meta-analysis,2019,111,,287-297,Castillo-Manzano Disaster prevention through a harmonized framework for high reliability organisations,2019,111,,298-312,Labib "You can't be deterred by stuff you don't know about": identifying factors that influence graduated driver licensing rule compliance,2019,111,,313-323,Davey Human reliability prediction in deep-sea sampling process of the manned submersible,2019,112,,1-8,Zhang The psychological contract: a missing link between safety climate and safety behaviour on construction sites,2019,112,,9-17,Pillay The Holistic Risk Analysis and Modelling (HoRAM) method,2019,112,,18-37,Colombo Learning from AF447: human-machine interaction,2019,112,,48-56,de Wit Integrated agent-based simulation and multi-criteria decision making approach for buildings evacuation evaluation,2019,112,,57-65,Marzouk Training leaders to apply behavioral concepts to improve safety,2019,112,,66-70,Austin The activities of occupational health and safety specialists in a high-risk industry,2019,112,,71-80,Chauvin A quantitative safety regulation compliance level evaluation method,2019,112,,81-89,Zhang Civil aviation safety evaluation based on deep belief network and principal component analysis,2019,112,,90-95,Ni Risk analysis and assessment in the worksites using the fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process and a quantitative technique - a case study for the Greek construction sector,2019,112,,96-104,Koulinas Comparing capability of scenario hazard identification methods by the PIC (Plant-People-Procedure Interaction Contribution) network metric,2019,112,,116-129,Hassall Causal factors and connections in construction accidents,2019,112,,130-141,Albrechtsen A consequences-based approach for the selection of relevant accident scenarios in emerging technologies,2019,112,,142-151,Antonioni Reducing non-collision injuries aboard buses: passenger balance whilst climbing the stairs,2019,112,,152-161,Tyler A meta-analysis of the relationship between ageing and occupational safety and health,2019,112,,162-172,Chan Incident investigators' perspectives of incident investigations conducted in the Ghanaian mining industry,2019,112,,173-188,Hassall Work-related injury and illness among older truck drivers in Australia: a population based retrospective cohort study,2019,112,,189-195,Collie Performance modeling of an intelligent emergency evacuation system in buildings on accidental fire occurrence,2019,112,,196-205,Jayaparvathy Evaluating effectiveness of OHSAS 18001 on safety performance in manufacturing companies in Iran,2019,112,,206-212,Salminen Temporary safety. Regulating working conditions in temporary agency work,2019,112,,213-222,Strauss-Raats Policy changes in safety enforcement for underground coal mines show mine-size-dependent effects,2019,112,,223-231,Grayson In-depth research on qualitative simulation of coal miners' group safety behaviors,2019,113,,210-232,Yu Regulatory interventions and industrial accidents: a case from India for 'Vision Zero' goals,2019,113,,415-424,Behera Crisis management in public administration: the three phases model for safety incidents,2019,113,,37-43,Boustras Is timber haulage safe? A ten year study of occupational accidents,2019,113,,154-160,Allmanová The relationship of safety climate factors decision making attitude risk control and risk estimate in Malaysian radiation facilities,2019,113,,180-191,Kasim A review on the performance of an obstacle near an exit on pedestrian crowd evacuation,2019,113,,54-67,Ye The influence of the air traffic network structure on the occurrence of safety events: a data-driven approach,2019,113,,161-170,Gómez Comendador Experimental study on the movement characteristics of 5-6 years old Chinese children when egressing from a pre-school building,2019,113,,264-275,Fang Impact of safety climate on hazard recognition and safety risk perception,2019,113,,44-53,Albert The effects of glass stairways on stair users: an observational study of stairway safety,2019,113,,30-36,Steinfeld Experimental investigation on occurrence of gassy coal extrusion in coalmine,2019,113,,362-371,Song Public leaders' organizational learning orientations in the wake of a crisis and the role of public service motivation,2019,113,,200-209,Broekema Contributions and conditions of structured debates on work on safety construction,2019,113,,192-199,Rocha The application and benefits of job safety analysis,2019,113,,425-437,Albrechtsen Occupational safety and health interventions to protect young workers from hazardous work - a scoping review,2019,113,,389-403,Breslin Quantitative resilience assessment in emergency response reveals how organizations trade efficiency for redundancy,2019,113,,404-414,Klimek Work safety success theory based on dynamic safety entropy model,2019,113,,438-444,Li Determination of pillar width to improve mining safety in a deep burst-prone coal mine,2019,113,,244-256,Li Numerical simulation on failure effect of mining-induced dynamic loading and its influential factors,2019,113,,372-381,Wang An analysis of official road crash cost estimates in European countries,2019,113,,318-327,Bauer Quantitative risk analysis for the Amerigo Vespucci (Florence Italy) airport including domino effects,2019,113,,472-489,Salzano Examining the relationship between safety culture maturity and safety performance of the mining industry,2019,113,,345-355,Hassall What is it like for a middle manager to take safety into account? Practices and challenges,2019,113,,19-29,Kirwan Modelling building emergency evacuation plans considering the dynamic behaviour of pedestrians using agent-based simulation,2019,113,,276-284,Arellana Potential safety evaluation method based on temperature variation during gas adsorption and desorption on coal surface,2019,113,,336-344,Nie Explaining self-reported traffic crashes of cyclists: an empirical study based on age and road risky behaviors,2019,113,,105-114,Alonso Probabilistic assessment of integrated safety and security related abnormal events: a case of chemical plants,2019,113,,115-125,Yang Influence of non-standard seating postures on safety of motorcoach passengers in frontal collisions: a numerical study,2019,113,,1-8,Telichev A science mapping approach based review of construction safety research,2019,113,,285-297,Yang Situative and product-specific factors influencing consumers' risk perception of household cleaning products,2019,113,,126-133,Siegrist Major accident hazard in biodiesel production processes,2019,113,,490-503,Cozzani Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP) applied to a Royal Navy Hawk jet missile simulation exercise,2019,113,,461-471,Stanton Proactive inertisation in longwall goaf for coal spontaneous combustion control-A CFD approach,2019,113,,445-460,Zhang Vulnerability assessment of urban power grid based on combination evaluation,2019,113,,144-153,Che Confined space rescue: a proposed procedure to reduce the risks,2019,113,,78-90,Selman Proposal of index for alerting firefighting activity continuation based on metabolic index for respiratory circulation to improve firefighters' occupational safety,2019,113,,298-309,Oka Professionals without a profession: occupational safety and health professionals in Denmark,2019,113,,356-361,Hasle A dynamic information platform for underground coal mine safety based on internet of things,2019,113,,9-18,Wang Global incidence of theme park and amusement ride accidents,2019,113,,171-179,Woodcock Safety training and positive safety attitude formation in the Australian construction industry,2019,113,,233-243,Loosemore Safety-based efficiency evaluation of construction sites using data envelopment analysis (DEA),2019,113,,382-388,Chen Urgency for safety in construction: narrative struggles of carpe diem carpe pecunia and memento mori,2019,113,,68-77,van Ooijen Predicting the outcome of construction incidents,2019,113,,91-104,Ayhan Four studies two methods one accident - an examination of the reliability and validity of Accimap and STAMP for accident analysis,2019,113,,310-317,Waterson New and emerging risks management in small and medium-sized Spanish enterprises,2019,113,,257-263,Cantonnet A mathematical programming framework for planning an emergency response system in the offshore oil and gas industry,2019,113,,328-335,Hvattum Theoretical and numerical investigations of floor dynamic rupture: a case study in Zhaolou Coal Mine China,2019,114,,1-11,Yang Gender differences in lost work days due to occupational accidents,2019,114,,23-29,Ritzel Microseismic and electromagnetic coupling method for coal bump risk assessment based on dynamic static energy principles,2019,114,,30-39,He Safety professionals in the Netherlands,2019,114,,79-88,Zwaard A fuzzy multi-attribute HAZOP technique (FMA-HAZOP): application to gas wellhead facilities,2019,114,,12-22,Khakzad Assessment of the adequacy of safety barriers to hazards,2019,114,,40-48,Guedes Soares Imitative (herd) behaviour in direction decision-making hinders efficiency of crowd evacuation processes,2019,114,,49-60,Sarvi Pedestrian evacuation simulation under the scenario with earthquake-induced falling debris,2019,114,,61-71,Xu Using machine learning methods in airline flight data monitoring to generate new operational safety knowledge from existing data,2019,114,,89-104,Oehling Graphical tools for helping firefighters in victim rescues. Assessment during a live fire training program,2019,114,,105-113,García-Hernández Do companies that claim to be socially responsible adequately manage occupational safety and health?,2019,114,,114-121,Ruiz-Frutos Better safe than sorry: methods for risk assessment of psychosocial hazards,2019,114,,122-139,Bellingrath Promoting and impeding safety - a qualitative study into direct and indirect safety leadership practices of constructions site managers,2019,114,,148-159,Nielsen Emergency response: effect of human detection resolution on risks during indoor mass shooting events,2019,114,,160-170,Cho Mortality per work accident: a literature mapping,2019,114,,72-78,Zanini Fine detection technology of gas outburst area based on direct current method in Zhuxianzhuang Coal Mine China,2019,115,,12-18,Li Research on effect of gas pressure in the development process of gassy coal extrusion,2019,115,,28-35,Sa Investigation of sealing mechanism and field application of upward borehole self-sealing technology using drill cuttings for safe mining,2019,115,,141-153,Zhang Disaster-inducing mechanism in a roadway roof near the driving face and its safety-control criteria,2019,115,,208-214,Li Investigating the mechanism and prevention of coal mine dynamic disasters by using dynamic cyclic loading tests,2019,115,,215-228,Dou The current situation and prevention and control countermeasures for typical dynamic disasters in kilometer-deep mines in China,2019,115,,229-236,Qi Investigation of sudden faults instability induced by coal mining,2019,115,,256-264,Wang Rockburst mechanism and control in coal seam with both syncline and hard strata,2019,115,,320-328,Dou Developing the core body of knowledge for the generalist OHS professional,2019,115,,19-27,Pryor From national to European frameworks for understanding the role of occupational health and safety (OHS) specialists,2019,115,,435-445,Hale A matrix analysis of carrying device-related injuries in preschool children,2019,115,,199-207,Zhang Injury vulnerability in Spain. Examination of risk among migrant and native workers,2019,115,,36-41,Ronda-Pérez Comparing the influence of roll-over protective structure type on tractor lateral stability,2019,115,,42-50,Rondelli Design of OSH interventions: a model to improve their actual implementation,2019,115,,51-65,Hasle Forty years of Safety Science: a bibliometric overview,2019,115,,66-88,Boustras Stratified statistical analysis for effectiveness evaluation of frontline worker safety intervention: case study of construction steel fabrication,2019,115,,89-102,Chang Self-reports of musculoskeletal symptoms as predictors of work-related accidents: a hospital-based case-control study,2019,115,,103-109,Dias Feasibility analysis of electrodermal activity (EDA) acquired from wearable sensors to assess construction workers' perceived risk,2019,115,,110-120,Jebelli How the emotional content of roadside images affect driver attention and performance,2019,115,,121-130,Trick The challenge of transboundary coordination: the case of the Norwegian police and military,2019,115,,131-140,Lægreid Serious games for learning prevention through design concepts: an experimental study,2019,115,,176-187,Din Shifting the safety rules paradigm: introducing doctrine to US wildland firefighting operations,2019,115,,237-246,Jahn Modelling and finding optimal evacuation strategy for tall buildings,2019,115,,247-255,Cheng Establishment of safety structure theory,2019,115,,265-277,Wang Accidents in European ports involving chemical substances: characteristics and trends,2019,115,,278-284,Darbra Developing a method to improve safety management systems based on accident investigations: the SAfety FRactal ANalysis,2019,115,,285-293,Reniers Towards the development of a comprehensive hybrid fuzzy-based occupational risk assessment model for construction workers,2019,115,,294-309,Zhang Technology introduction on ships: the tension between safety and economic rationality,2019,115,,329-338,Bhattacharya Exploring the impacts of factors contributing to unsafe behavior of coal miners,2019,115,,339-348,Bai The impact of occupational accidents and gross domestic product on the sanctions imposed by the Greek OSH Inspectorate,2019,115,,349-352,Tatsaki 'Herding' in direction choice-making during collective escape of crowds: how likely is it and what moderates it?,2019,115,,362-375,Sarvi Disaster management 2.0: a real-time disaster damage assessment model based on mobile social media data--a case study of Weibo (Chinese Twitter),2019,115,,393-413,Zhao An experimental study of intrusion behaviors on construction sites: the role of age and gender,2019,115,,425-434,Skitmore Resilience assessment as a foundation for systems-of-systems safety evaluation: application to an economic infrastructure,2019,115,,446-456,Ed-daoui A review of cold exposure and manual performance: implications for safety training and performance,2019,115,,1-11,King Applications of Bayesian networks and Petri nets in safety reliability and risk assessments: a review,2019,115,,154-175,Papadopoulos Evaluating the effectiveness of workplace interventions in improving safety culture: a systematic review,2019,115,,376-392,Newnam Review of simulator training practices for industrial operators: how can individual simulator training be enabled?,2019,115,,414-424,Marcano The history logic and trends of the discipline of safety science in China,2019,116,,137-148,Wang Households (un)willingness to perform private flood risk reduction - results from a Swedish survey,2019,116,,127-136,Jaldell Occupational health and safety management in the context of an ageing workforce,2019,116,,231-244,Wybo Pattern of safety risk assessment in road fleet transportation of hazardous materials (oil materials),2019,116,,1-12,Nassiri Can positivity promote safety? Psychological capital development combats cynicism and unsafe behavior,2019,116,,13-25,Stratman Factors of perceived threat regarding severe storm events: results of a vignette study in four European countries,2019,116,,26-32,Schmidt Collision avoidance on maritime autonomous surface ships: operators' tasks and human failure events,2019,116,,33-44,Mosleh How SMEs respond to legal requirements to provide information training instruction and supervision to workers about work health and safety matters,2019,116,,45-57,Bluff For better or for worse? Psychosocial work environment and direct participation practices,2019,116,,78-85,Moncada Formulating a learner model for evaluating construction workers' learning ability during safety training,2019,116,,97-107,Hou Multi-criteria ranking of workplaces from the aspect of risk assessment in the production processes in which women are employed,2019,116,,116-126,Urosevic System safety assessment under epistemic uncertainty: using imprecise probabilities in Bayesian network,2019,116,,149-160,Khakzad Personalized safety instruction system for construction site based on internet technology,2019,116,,161-169,Xu Road tunnel restrictions - guidance and methods for categorizing road tunnels according to dangerous goods regulations (ADR),2019,116,,170-182,Lundin Bayesian inference in Safety Compliance Assessment under conditions of uncertainty for ANS providers,2019,116,,183-195,Perez Sanz Safety evaluation of lighting at very long tunnels on the basis of visual adaptation,2019,116,,196-207,Mohammadi Estimating the economic burden posed by work-related violence to society: a systematic review of cost-of-illness studies,2019,116,,208-221,Cox Analysis of critical incidents in tunnels to improve learning from experience,2019,116,,222-230,Caroly How are leaders using benchmarking information in occupational health and safety decision-making?,2019,116,,245-253,Amick Safety as strategy: mistakes failures and fiascos in high-risk systems,2019,116,,259-274,Le Coze Temporal topic modeling applied to aviation safety reports: a subject matter expert review,2019,116,,275-286,Robinson Firefighter and fire instructor's physiological responses and safety in various training fire environments,2019,116,,287-294,Horn Proposing behavior-oriented strategies for earthquake emergency evacuation: a behavioral data analysis from New Zealand Italy and Japan,2019,116,,295-309,Quagliarini Systematic literature review and qualitative meta-analysis of Natech research in the past four decades,2019,116,,58-77,Cruz Study on vehicle fire safety: statistic investigation methods and experimental analysis,2019,117,,194-204,Wang Experimental study on frequency and amplitude characteristics of acoustic emission during the fracturing process of coal under the action of water,2019,117,,320-329,Han Experimental study of rock burst in coal samples under overstress and true-triaxial unloading through passive velocity tomography,2019,117,,388-403,Xue The development of the occupational health and safety profession in Canada,2019,117,,133-137,Wright Development of a global framework for OHS professional practice,2019,117,,404-416,Hale The emergence of the occupational health and safety profession in Australia,2019,117,,428-436,Pryor The five pillars of occupational safety & health in a context of authoritarian socio-political climates,2019,117,,152-163,Waring Enhanced understanding of risk assessment in police custody in England and Wales using statistical modelling,2019,117,,49-57,Jackson Probabilistic risk analysis for ship-ship collision: state-of-the-art,2019,117,,108-122,Chen Investigating the connection between metocean conditions and coastal user safety: an analysis of search and rescue data,2019,117,,217-228,de Vos Safety for pedestrian recognition in sensor networks based on visual compressive sensing and adaptive prediction clustering,2019,117,,10-14,Jin Dehydration in New Zealand fishing vessel crews,2019,117,,314-319,Edwin Sensor network security defense strategy based on attack graph and improved binary PSO,2019,117,,81-87,Dong Drift adaptation resilience and reliability: toward an empirical clarification,2019,117,,460-468,Pettersen Vive la diversité! High Reliability Organisation (HRO) and Resilience Engineering (RE),2019,117,,469-478,Le Coze Comparing HROs and RE in the light of safety management systems,2019,117,,501-511,Paries Reliability seeking virtual organizations: challenges for high reliability organizations and resilience engineering,2019,117,,512-522,Grabowski Applying HRO and resilience engineering to construction: barriers and opportunities,2019,117,,523-533,Dainty Data literacy for safety professionals in safety management: a theoretical perspective on basic questions and answers,2019,117,,15-22,Wang A framework based on location hazard index for optimizing operational performance of emergency response strategies: the case of petrochemical industrial cities,2019,117,,33-42,Hammuda Work-related and non-work-related accident fatal falls in Shanghai and Wuhan China,2019,117,,43-48,Li Making construction safety training interesting: a field-based quasi-experiment to test the relationship between emotional arousal and situational interest among adult learners,2019,117,,58-70,Correll Assessing the impact of processes on the occupational safety and health management system's effectiveness using the fuzzy cognitive maps approach,2019,117,,71-80,Skład A neuro-fuzzy risk prediction methodology for falling from scaffold,2019,117,,88-99,Jahangiri Determinants of injury severity for truck crashes on mountain expressways in China: a case-study with a partial proportional odds model,2019,117,,100-107,Wang Systematic review of driving simulator validation studies,2019,117,,138-151,Salmon Development and implementation of evidence-based laboratory safety management tools for a public health laboratory,2019,117,,205-216,Anderson Theorizing and theory building in the safety sciences: a reflective inquiry,2019,117,,250-256,Klockner Evaluating machine learning performance in predicting injury severity in agribusiness industries,2019,117,,257-262,Freeman Design and injury analysis of the seated occupant protection posture in train collision,2019,117,,263-275,Xie An ethnography of the safety professional's dilemma: safety work or the safety of work?,2019,117,,276-289,Dekker Supervisory and coworker support for safety: buffers between job insecurity and safety performance of high-speed railway drivers in China,2019,117,,290-298,Guo Pilot test of a tailored intervention to improve apprentice safety in small construction companies,2019,117,,305-313,Dyreborg Concrete crack detection method based on optical fiber sensing network and microbending principle,2019,117,,299-304,Zhang Safety self-efficacy and internal locus of control as mediators of safety motivation - randomized controlled trial (RCT) study,2019,117,,330-338,Tolvanen Simulating pre-evacuation times using hazard-based duration models: is waiting strategy more efficient than instant response?,2019,117,,339-351,Sarvi Effectiveness assessment of ship navigation safety countermeasures using fuzzy cognitive maps,2019,117,,352-364,Guedes Soares Reporting near-miss safety events: impacts and decision-making analysis,2019,117,,365-374,Winkler The influence of craft workers' educational attainment and experience level in fatal injuries prevention in construction projects,2019,117,,417-427,Karimi Initiatives for increased safety in the Swedish mining industry: studying 30  years of improved accident rates,2019,117,,437-446,Nygren Walking behavior of pedestrian social groups on stairs: a field study,2019,117,,447-457,Shi Implementation of safety management system in managing construction projects: benefits and obstacles,2019,117,,23-32,Sze Critical factors of success and barriers to the implementation of occupational health and safety management systems: a systematic review of literature,2019,117,,123-132,da Silva What do applications of systems thinking accident analysis methods tell us about accident causation? A systematic review of applications between 1990 and 2018,2019,117,,164-183,Walker Real-time locating systems and safety in construction sites: a literature review,2019,117,,229-242,Hon Speaking up to prevent harm: a systematic review of the safety voice literature,2019,117,,375-387,Reader Effect of temperature on safety and stability of gas hydrate during coal mine gas storage and transportation,2019,118,,264-272,Wu The safety professional in the UK: development of a key player in occupational health and safety,2019,118,,76-87,Hale A roadmap to professionalism: advancing occupational safety and health practice as a profession in the United States,2019,118,,168-180,Hudson An optimization-based decision tree approach for predicting slip-trip-fall accidents at work,2019,118,,57-69,Maiti Chain of events model for safety management: data analytics approach,2019,118,,568-582,Maiti The main challenges of safety science,2019,118,,119-125,Zheng What is the object of safety science?,2019,118,,907-914,Xu Electronic government: towards e-democracy or democracy at risk?,2019,118,,22-32,Sundberg Lessons of success and failure: practicing risk communication at government agencies,2019,118,,158-167,Boholm Operationalizing urban resilience to floods in embanked territories - application in Avignon Provence Alpes Côte d'azur region,2019,118,,181-193,Heinzlef On the communication of statistical information about uncertainty in flood risk management,2019,118,,194-204,Poortvliet Serious games for industrial safety: an approach for developing resilience early warning indicators,2019,118,,316-331,Patriarca Blind spots in interaction between actors in Swedish planning for critical infrastructure protection,2019,118,,424-434,Große Interfaces in temporary multi-organizations in routine emergency management: the case of Stockholm,2019,118,,702-708,Sparf Repeated freediving - an efficient and safe method to rescue subjects trapped in cars underwater,2019,118,,752-756,Schagatay Calibrating experts' probabilistic assessments for improved probabilistic predictions,2019,118,,763-771,Hanea Learning about risk: machine learning for risk assessment,2019,118,,475-486,Paltrinieri Developing an innovative framework for enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure to climate change,2019,118,,364-378,Wybo Anomaly detection method for sensor network data streams based on sliding window sampling and optimized clustering,2019,118,,70-75,Lin Safety detection algorithm in sensor network based on ant colony optimization with improved multiple clustering algorithms,2019,118,,96-102,Zhu Dynamic risk identification safety model based on fuzzy support vector machine and immune optimization algorithm,2019,118,,205-211,Yang Risk early warning safety model for sports events based on back propagation neural network machine learning,2019,118,,332-336,Zhang Research on the path of residents' willingness to upgrade by installing elevators in old residential quarters based on safety precautions,2019,118,,389-396,Zhang Design of an intelligent bicycle safety driving system,2019,118,,397-402,Xu Degradation assessment of rolling bearing towards safety based on random matrix single ring machine learning,2019,118,,403-408,Wang Research on black spot identification of safety in urban traffic accidents based on machine learning method,2019,118,,607-616,Liu Stochastic model for emotion contagion in social networks security based on machine learning,2019,118,,757-762,Fei Optimization design of micro-piles in landslide safety protection based on machine learning,2019,118,,861-867,Zhang Road traffic bottleneck analysis for expressway for safety under disaster events using blockchain machine learning,2019,118,,925-932,Qu LEAD operational safety: development and validation of a tool to measure safety control strategies,2019,118,,1-14,Neal Solar energy industry workers under climate change: a risk assessment of the level of heat stress experienced by a worker based on measured data,2019,118,,33-47,Samaniego-Rascón The role of the safety climate in the successful implementation of safety management systems,2019,118,,48-56,Iranmanesh Method for guiding crowd evacuation at exit: the buffer zone,2019,118,,88-95,Sun Occupational health and safety in construction industry in Pakistan using modified-SIRA method,2019,118,,109-118,Petrillo Development and validation of the fire service safety climate scale,2019,118,,126-144,Zohar Analysis of intervention strategies for coal miners' unsafe behaviors based on analytic network process and system dynamics,2019,118,,145-157,Yu Comparison of parameters for likelihood and severities of injuries in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM),2019,118,,212-220,Ghosh How safety culture can make us think,2019,118,,221-229,Le Coze Applications and requirements of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) for construction safety,2019,118,,230-240,Gheisari Effect of different staircase and exit layouts on occupant evacuation,2019,118,,258-263,Lei Safety assessment in megaprojects using artificial intelligence,2019,118,,273-287,Ayhan Extracting safety information from multi-lingual accident reports using an ontology-based approach,2019,118,,288-297,Hughes How far from home do crashes occur? A network based analysis,2019,118,,298-308,Horner Accident investigation data: users' unrecognized challenges,2019,118,,309-315,Benner Occupational injury risk wage premium,2019,118,,337-344,Strawiński A systematic approach for discovering causal dependencies between observations and incidents in the health and safety domain,2019,118,,345-354,Wynn Analysis of fishing vessel capsizing causes and links to operator stability training,2019,118,,355-363,Davis Causal inferences of external-contextual domains on complex construction safety health and environment regulation,2019,118,,379-388,Umeokafor Are employee surveys biased? Impression management as a response bias in workplace safety constructs,2019,118,,453-465,Payne Perception preparedness and response to tsunami risks in an aging society: evidence from Japan,2019,118,,466-474,Sun Perceptions of safety climate across construction personnel: associations with injury rates,2019,118,,487-496,Cifuentes Hazardous energy control on machinery: understanding the use of alternative methods to lockout,2019,118,,519-529,Chinniah Safety intelligence: incremental proactive risk management for holistic aviation safety performance,2019,118,,551-567,Licu Risk assessment for construction of urban rail transit projects,2019,118,,583-594,Gao Dog bite safety at work: an injury prevention perspective on reported occupational dog bites in the UK,2019,118,,595-606,Yang Adaptation as a source of safety in complex socio-technical systems: a literature review and model development,2019,118,,617-631,Stanton The microscopic characteristics of escape behaviours from a three-dimensional lecture theatre under conditions of good and zero visibility,2019,118,,641-653,Wu Adoption of a Bayesian belief network for the system safety assessment of remotely piloted aircraft systems,2019,118,,654-673,Silva Development of a frontline H&S leadership maturity model in the construction industry,2019,118,,674-686,Lingard A system dynamics approach to the efficiency thoroughness tradeoff,2019,118,,709-723,Kontogiannis A proposed new approach to light rail safety management in Spain and other countries,2019,118,,740-751,Bertrand System theory based hazard analysis for construction site safety: a case study from Cameroon,2019,118,,783-794,Jamot Use of a nominal group technique in the exploration of safety hazards arising from the outsourcing of aircraft maintenance,2019,118,,795-804,Gerede Examining passengers' perceptions and awareness of emergency wayfinding and procedure in airports,2019,118,,805-813,Wang Prioritization of OHS key performance indicators that affecting business competitiveness - a demonstration based on MAUT and Neural Networks,2019,118,,826-834,Nara Economic and social challenges faced by injured artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Kenya,2019,118,,841-852,Ghosh An open multi-physics framework for modelling wildland-urban interface fire evacuations,2019,118,,868-880,Rein Risk assessment of blast events in a transport infrastructure by fluid-structure interaction analysis,2019,118,,887-897,Valsamos Work ability and burnout: what comes first? A two-wave cross-lagged study among early childhood educators,2019,118,,898-906,Converso Strategies regulatory authorities can use to influence safety culture in organizations: lessons based on experiences from three sectors,2019,118,,409-423,Antonsen Identified handover tools and techniques in high-risk domains: using distributed situation awareness theory to inform current practices,2019,118,,915-924,Stanton Burden associated with nonfatal slip and fall injuries in the surface stone sand and gravel mining industry,2019,120,,625-635,Sun A framework for corridor-level traffic safety network screening and its implementation using business intelligence,2020,121,,100-110,Baker A novel extension of DEMATEL approach for probabilistic safety analysis in process systems,2020,121,,119-136,Abbassi (f)Lex avionica; How soft law serves as an instrumental mediator between professional norms and the hard law regulation of European civil aviation maintenance,2020,121,,54-63,Woodlock Managing major accident risk from a temporal and spatial perspective: a historical exploration of workplace accident risk in China,2020,121,,71-82,Lu Management of legal compliance in occupational health and safety. A literature review,2020,121,,111-118,Rubio-Romero Historical developments in Dutch gas systems: unravelling safety concerns in gas provision,2020,121,,147-157,Riemersma Safety science as a new discipline in China,2020,121,,201-214,Wang Occupational safety and safety management between 1988 and 2010: review of safety literature in English and Dutch language scientific literature,2020,121,,303-318,Zwaard Employment-related mobility regulatory weakness and potential fatigue-related safety concerns in short-sea seafaring on Canada's Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway: Canadian seafarers' experiences,2020,121,,165-176,Neis Occupational safety and health for service crew on passenger ships,2020,121,,403-413,Praetorius Methodology for hazard identification in aquaculture operations (MHIAO),2020,121,,430-450,Utne Mapping knowledge structure and research trends of emergency evacuation studies,2020,121,,348-361,Liu Ship collision avoidance methods: state-of-the-art,2020,121,,451-473,Negenborn The effects of part-time employment and employment in rotating periods on occupational accidents. The case of Greece,2020,121,,1-4,Boustras A risk assessment approach for enhancing construction safety performance,2020,121,,15-29,Hassanain A comparative study on the bottleneck flow between preschool children and adults under different movement motivations,2020,121,,30-41,Zhang A re-examination of the role of friction in the original Social Force Model,2020,121,,42-53,Frank School bus rear emergency door design improvements to increase evacuation flow,2020,121,,64-70,Davis Safety performance and technology heterogeneity in China's provincial construction industry,2020,121,,83-92,Wang Safety climate perceived by users of academic laboratories in higher education institutes,2020,121,,93-99,Salazar-Escoboza Does the format of design information affect hazard recognition performance in construction hazard prevention through design reviews?,2020,121,,191-200,Hardison Underground extraction methodology of contiguous coal seams ensuring the safety of the parting and the surface structures,2020,121,,215-230,Mandal An experimental contingent valuation of users' attitudes towards a Crowd Management System,2020,121,,231-239,Yang Relationships between safety climate and safety participation in the petroleum industry: a structural equation modeling approach,2020,121,,240-248,Saedi A new framework for multi-hazards risk aggregation,2020,121,,283-302,Zio The synergy between human factors and risk attitudes of Malaysian contractors': moderating effect of government policy,2020,121,,331-347,Adeleke How demands and resources impact chronic fatigue in the maritime industry. The mediating effect of acute fatigue sleep quality and recovery,2020,121,,362-372,Neal Fairness and efficiency in pedestrian emergency evacuation: modeling and simulation,2020,121,,373-384,Kattan Contact forces and dynamics of pedestrians evacuating a room: the column effect,2020,121,,394-402,Echeverria An agent-based modeling approach to collaborative classrooms evacuation process,2020,121,,414-429,Delcea What about the workers? -- Experiences of arrangements for safety and health in global container terminals,2020,121,,474-484,Wadsworth Trickling down: the impact of leaders on individual role clarity through safety climate strength across time,2020,121,,485-495,Gagne Influencing organizational decision-makers - what influence tactics are OHS professionals using?,2020,121,,496-506,Madigan Occupational accidents in immigrant workers in Spain: the complex role of culture,2020,121,,507-515,García-Arroyo Emergency preparedness and response: insights from the emerging offshore wind industry,2020,121,,516-528,Ahsan The impact of compensation data maturity on OHS indicators,2020,121,,542-549,Boucher Safety culture and power: interactions between perceptions of safety culture organisational hierarchy and national culture,2020,121,,550-561,Kirwan Occupational safety and visual communication: user-centred design of safety training material for migrant farmworkers in Italy,2020,121,,562-572,Cavallo Work-related road safety: the impact of the low noise levels produced by electric vehicles according to experienced drivers,2020,121,,580-588,Rubio-Romero Older truck drivers: how can we keep them in the workforce for as long as safely possible?,2020,121,,589-593,Zakrajsek Public perceptions of autonomous vehicle safety: an international comparison,2020,121,,634-650,Zhao Symptom-based context quantification for dynamic accident analysis,2020,121,,666-678,Petkov Delivery systems: a systematic approach for barrier management,2020,121,,679-694,Guldenmund From Clapham Junction to Macondo Deepwater Horizon: risk and safety management in high-tech-high-hazard sectors: a review of English and Dutch literature: 1988-2010,2020,121,,249-282,Zwaard Comments to the article by Ramos et al. 'Collision avoidance on maritime autonomous surface ships: operators' tasks and human failure events' (Safety Science Vol. 116 July 2019 pp. 33-44),2020,121,,603-605,Montewka Comments to Wróbel and Montewka on collision avoidance of autonomous ships and human failure events,2020,121,,632-633,Mosleh Application of household disruption data to delineate critical infrastructure resilience characteristics in the aftermath of disaster: a case study of Bhaktapur Nepal,2020,121,,573-579,Nazarnia Review of workflows of emergency shutdown systems in the Norwegian oil and gas industry,2020,121,,594-602,Kumar Identification of critical causes of construction accidents in China using a model based on system thinking and case analysis,2020,121,,606-618,Zhang Consequences of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Malaysia,2020,121,,619-631,Ahmadun Major accident prevention illustrated by hydrocarbon leak case studies: a comparison between Brazilian and Norwegian offshore functional petroleum safety regulatory approaches,2020,121,,652-665,Vinnem Corrigendum to "Tackling uncertainty in security assessment of critical infrastructures: Dempster-Shafer Theory vs. Credal Sets Theory" [Saf. Sci. 107 (2018) 62-76],2020,121,,695-696,Cozzani Corrigendum to "Methods for analyzing road network bottleneck and bottleneck chain corridor under disastrous events using graph theory" [Saf. Sci. 118 (2019) 925-932],2020,121,,697,Qu An industry structured for unsafety? An exploration of the cost-safety conundrum in construction project delivery,2020,122,,e104535,Sherratt Hopkins' view of structure and culture (one step closer to strategy),2020,122,,e104541,Le Coze An integration of human factors into quantitative risk analysis using Bayesian Belief Networks towards developing a 'QRA+',2020,122,,e104514,van Gelder Analysis of impact of elderly drivers on traffic safety using ANN based car-following model,2020,122,,e104536,Shi How institutions enhance mindfulness: interactions between external regulators and front-line operators around safety rules,2020,122,,e104511,Kudesia Some observations on the troublesome implementation of risk-based inspections in the Netherlands,2020,122,,e104507,Helsloot Closing the gap: Merging engineering and anthropology in holistic fire safety assessments in the maritime and offshore industries,2020,122,,e104512,Hulin Understanding and improving safety in artisanal fishing: a safety-II approach in raft fishing,2020,122,,e104522,Arcuri Comparative study on the strands of research on the governance model of international occupational safety and health issues,2020,122,,e104513,Chen Application of multi-sensor fuzzy information fusion algorithm in industrial safety monitoring system,2020,122,,e104531,Zhou A new approach for safety life prediction of industrial rolling bearing based on state recognition and similarity analysis,2020,122,,e104530,Wang Hazard analysis on tunnel hydrogen jet fire based on CFD simulation of temperature field and concentration field,2020,122,,e104532,Zhou Experimental verification of escape efficiency enhancement by the presence of obstacles,2020,122,,e104517,Wu Informal fatigue-related risk management in the emergency department: a trade-off between doing well and feeling well,2020,122,,e104508,Nyssen A web-based design for occupational safety and health capability maturity indicator,2020,122,,e104516,Gibb Spontaneous volunteerism in disasters managerial inputs and policy implications from Italian case studies,2020,122,,e104521,Paciarotti Rationality evaluation of production deployment of outburst-prone coal mines: a case study of nantong coal mine in Chongqing China,2020,122,,e104515,Liu Perception and recollection of fire hazards in dwelling fires,2020,122,,e104518,Galea Enforced strategy for efficiently improving warning communications among evacuees,2020,122,,e104506,Hou Learning lessons from rail safety storytelling: telling safety like it is,2020,122,,e104524,McHugh Using a systems-theoretic approach to analyze safety in radiation therapy-first steps and lessons learned,2020,122,,e104519,Silvis-Cividjian Evaluating the influential factors for pushbutton utilization at signalized midblock crosswalks,2020,122,,e104533,Teng Occupational injuries among police workers: patterns and contributing factors in an Australian jurisdiction,2020,122,,e104525,Newnam Applications of machine learning methods for engineering risk assessment - a review,2020,122,,e104492,Hegde Towards a theoretical framework for situational awareness in paramedicine,2020,122,,e104528,Williams How occupants respond to building emergencies: a systematic review of behavioral characteristics and behavioral theories,2020,122,,e104540,Li Organisational and costing aspects to prevent wildlife strikes on airports: a case study of Spanish airport security managers,2020,122,,e104520,Roca-González Backpropagation - Artificial Neural Network (BP-ANN): understanding gender characteristics of older driver accidents in West Midlands of United Kingdom,2020,122,,e104539,Amin How do organizational structures impact operational safety? Part 2 - Designing structures that strengthen safety,2020,123,,e104534,Hopkins How do organizational structures impact operational safety? Part 1 - Understanding the dangers of decentralization,2020,123,,e104568,Hopkins Risk assessment of failure events with severity exceedance,2020,123,,e104554,MacLean Extended FRAM model based on cellular automaton to clarify complexity of socio-technical systems and improve their safety,2020,123,,e104556,Hirose Analysis of categorical incident data and design for safety interventions using axiomatic design framework,2020,123,,e104557,Maiti Why do they violate the procedures? An exploratory study within the maritime transportation industry,2020,123,,e104538,Bye Challenges for safety intervention in emergency vehicle fleets: a case study,2020,123,,e104543,Newstead Smart safety early warning model of landslide geological hazard based on BP neural network,2020,123,,e104572,Hongtao A support system for civil aviation navigation equipment security management,2020,123,,e104578,Shao Risk hotspot of chemical accidents based on spatial analysis in Ulsan South Korea,2020,123,,e104544,Yu Equestrian road collisions: an analysis of the collision record riding behaviours and experiences,2020,123,,e104523,Parkin The moderating effect of delay discounting between sensation seeking and risky driving behavior,2020,123,,e104558,Qu Estimation of human error rate in underground coal mines through retrospective analysis of mining accident reports and some error reduction strategies,2020,123,,e104555,Kumar Understanding the development of bicycling skills in children: a systematic review,2020,123,,e104562,Lenoir Systemic constraints to effective learning from incidents in the Ghanaian mining industry: a correspondence analysis and AcciMap approach,2020,123,,e104565,Hassall Identifying safety culture and safety climate variables that predict reported risk-taking among Australian coal miners: an exploratory longitudinal study,2020,123,,e104564,Turner Firefighter perception of risk: a multinational analysis,2020,123,,e104545,Martinez-Fiestas Towards the simulation of flood evacuation in urban scenarios: experiments to estimate human motion speed in floodwaters,2020,123,,e104563,Brocchini Manipulating constraints on driver-cyclist interactions in a fixed travel space: effects of road configuration on drivers' overtaking behavior,2020,123,,e104570,Lobjois An analysis of a pilot's adherence to their personal weather minimums,2020,123,,e104576,Rice PC-based hazard anticipation training for experienced cyclists: design and evaluation,2020,123,,e104561,de Winter Workforce development: understanding task-level job demands-resources burnout and performance in unskilled construction workers,2020,123,,e104577,Migliaccio Critical review of the role of PPE in the prevention of risks related to agricultural pesticide use,2020,123,,e104527,Laurent A spreadsheet-based decision support tool for temporary-disaster-response facilities allocation,2020,124,,e104581,Cavdur Data-theoretic approach for socio-technical risk analysis: text mining licensee event reports of U.S. nuclear power plants,2020,124,,e104574,Mohaghegh Mindful organizing for safety,2020,124,,e104614,Martínez-Córcoles Developing a systems failure model for aviation security,2020,124,,e104571,McFarlane Tailings dam safety monitoring and early warning based on spatial evolution process of mud-sand flow,2020,124,,e104579,Yang A new smart safety navigation system for cycling based on audio technology,2020,124,,e104583,He Smart safety early warning system of coal mine production based on WSNs,2020,124,,e104609,Zhang The evolution of safety legislation in Hong Kong: actors structures and institutions,2020,124,,e104606,Rowlinson Location and flux discrimination of water inrush using its spreading process in underground coal mine,2020,124,,e104566,Wu A 'role-rule' model to examine passengers' likely behaviour and their perceived ability to evacuate safely from airport in an emergency evacuation,2020,124,,e104584,Wang Work stress personality and occupational accidents: should we expect differences between men and women?,2020,124,,e104582,Osca Pedestrian evacuation within limited-space buildings based on different exit design schemes,2020,124,,e104575,Li Analysis of severe industrial accidents caused by hazardous chemicals in South Korea from January 2008 to June 2018,2020,124,,e104580,Jung Passengers' perceptions of safety in paratransit in the context of three-wheeled electric rickshaws in urban India,2020,124,,e104591,Manoj Examining the roles of multidimensional fatalism on traffic safety attitudes and pedestrian behaviour,2020,124,,e104587,Stanton A sociotechnical approach to accident analysis in a low-income setting: using Accimaps to guide road safety recommendations in Bangladesh,2020,124,,e104589,Stanton Analysis of the impact of wildland-urban-interface fires on LPG domestic tanks,2020,124,,e104588,Cozzani An expanded HAZOP-study with fuzzy-AHP (XPA-HAZOP technique): application in a sour crude-oil processing plant,2020,124,,e104590,Marhavilas Advanced model-based risk reasoning on automatic railway level crossings,2020,124,,e104592,Ghazel A systematic literature review on LNG safety at ports,2020,124,,e104595,Nivolianitou A practical approach for evaluating the strength of knowledge supporting risk assessment models,2020,124,,e104596,Zio Transforming inherent safety risk in the construction industry: a safety risk generation and control model,2020,124,,e104594,Choe A comprehensive study on factors influencing pedestrian signal violation behaviour: experience from Kolkata City India,2020,124,,e104610,Mitra After Fukushima: safety culture and fostering critical thinking,2020,124,,e104613,Berglund Making sense of a new risk concept in the Norwegian petroleum regulations,2020,124,,e104612,Engen Intelligent human-machine approaches for assigning groups of injury codes to accident narratives,2020,125,,e104585,Vallmuur Assessing factors affecting safety violations of bus rapid transit drivers in the Greater Jakarta Area,2020,125,,e104634,Mardi Safitri Recognizing the reasons of the accidents based on the rural drivers' mental patterns using Q analytical method,2020,125,,e104649,Seyedalizadeh Ganji Predicting and analyzing injury severity: a machine learning-based approach using class-imbalanced proactive and reactive data,2020,125,,e104616,Maiti Optimised big data analytics for health and safety hazards prediction in power infrastructure operations,2020,125,,e104656,Bilal Sensitivity analysis of driver's behavior and psychophysical conditions,2020,125,,e104586,García-Herrero The future of safety science,2020,125,,e104593,Zwaard Safety after neoliberalism,2020,125,,e104630,Dekker Assessing social vulnerability to earthquake disaster using rough analytic hierarchy process method: a case study of Hanzhong City China,2020,125,,e104625,Kapucu Rescuer decision maker and breadwinner: women's predominant leadership across the post-Wenchuan earthquake efforts in rural areas Sichuan China,2020,125,,e104623,Hou Framing a mega-disaster: political rhetoric and the Wenchuan earthquake,2020,125,,e104621,Boin Comparing three approaches to developing concentrated rural settlement after the Lushan Earthquake,2020,125,,e104626,Wang Rural households' perceptions and behavior expectations in response to seismic hazard in Sichuan China,2020,125,,e104622,Lindell Did the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake trigger a change in the conduct of research on seismic risk?,2020,125,,e104628,Ye A FRAM requirements analysis for Safety Differently investigations,2020,125,,e104653,Meeuwis Smart safety design for fire stairways in underground space based on the ascending evacuation speed and BMI,2020,125,,e104619,Zhou Mechanism reliability and sensitivity analysis method using truncated and correlated normal variables,2020,125,,e104615,Zhang A comparison of older drivers' driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving,2020,125,,e104652,Liu Multiple mediating effects in the relationship between employees' trust in organizational safety and safety participation behavior,2020,125,,e104611,Zhou "Old" and "new" safety thinking: perspectives of aviation safety investigators,2020,125,,e104632,Karanikas A new approach to requirement development for a common operational picture to support distributed situation awareness,2020,125,,e104569,Yoon Application of Prevention through Design (PtD) to improve the safety of solar installations on small buildings,2020,125,,e104633,Gambatese An explorative context-aware machine learning approach to reducing human fatigue risk of traffic control operators,2020,125,,e104655,Chen Selection of key indicators for the improvement of occupational safety system in electricity distribution companies,2020,125,,e103654,Stojiljkovic Human factors & safety culture: challenges & opportunities for the port environment,2020,125,,e103854,Ward A thorough classification and discussion of approaches for modeling and managing domino effects in the process industries,2020,125,,e104618,Khakzad Human factors engineering integration in the offshore O&G industry: a review of current state of practice,2020,125,,e104627,Chandrasegaran Organizational structure and safety culture: conceptual and practical challenges,2020,126,,e104669,Schulman Extraction of parameters for lane change intention based on driver's gaze transfer characteristics,2020,126,,e104647,Yuan A manifesto for reality-based safety science,2020,126,,e104654,Alexander The building of social resilience in Sichuan after the Wenchuan earthquake: a perspective of the socio-government interactions,2020,126,,e104662,Wang An earthquake casualty prediction method considering burial and rescue,2020,126,,e104670,Cong Heat-related injuries in Australian workplaces: perspectives from health and safety representatives,2020,126,,e104651,Barnett The big picture on accident causation: a review synthesis and meta-analysis of AcciMap studies,2020,126,,e104650,Walker Systems-theoretic approach to safety of inland passenger ship operation in Bangladesh,2020,126,,e104629,Uddin Critical factors for the use or non-use of personal protective equipment amongst construction workers,2020,126,,e104663,Man Propagation mechanics from workplace hazards to human errors with dissipative structure theory,2020,126,,e104661,Liu Safety of automated driving: the need for a systems approach and application of the Functional Resonance Analysis Method,2020,126,,e104665,Bengler Exploring associations of employee reports on safety climate disability management and labour management with work characteristics and injury at an Australian poultry meat processing plant,2020,126,,e104659,Johnston Associations between high caffeine consumption driving safety indicators sleep and health behaviours in truck drivers,2020,126,,e104664,Hanowski Managing accidents using retributive justice mechanisms: when the just culture policy gets done to you,2020,126,,e104677,Dekker Evacuation behaviour of crowds under high and low levels of urgency: experiments of reaction time exit choice and exit-choice adaptation,2020,126,,e104679,Sarvi Assessing the safety regulatory process of compliance-based paradigm in China using a signalling game model,2020,126,,e104678,Wang A critical review of vision-based occupational health and safety monitoring of construction site workers,2020,126,,e104658,Yang Incidence risk factors and outcomes of non-fatal work-related injuries among older workers: a review of research from 2010 to 2019,2020,126,,e104668,Turner Good and bad reasons: the Swiss cheese model and its critics,2020,126,,e104660,Le Coze A dominance based rough set analysis for investigating employee perception of safety at workplace and safety compliance,2020,127,,e104702,Singh Experimental study and analysis on behaviours and strategies of social groups and individuals,2020,127,,e104736,Zhang Safety and autonomy: a contradiction forever?,2020,127,,e104709,Grote Investigation of clusters and injuries in pedestrian crashes using GIS in Changsha China,2020,127,,e104710,Huang Study on the propagation law of gas explosion in the space based on the goaf characteristic of coal mine,2020,127,,e104693,Gao Experimental study on shock wave propagation and spontaneous ignition induced by high-pressure hydrogen suddenly released into T-shaped tubes,2020,127,,e104694,Jiang Simulation on smoke re-circulation transition in an urban street canyon for different fire source locations with cross wind,2020,127,,e104716,Wang Improved DEMATEL methodology for effective safety management decision-making,2020,127,,e104705,Khan Drivers' behavioural (non)adaptation after a texting-related crash,2020,127,,e104715,Petzoldt Temporal and spatial distribution of pedestrians in subway evacuation under node failure by multi-hazards,2020,127,,e104695,Wang Building design and its effect on evacuation efficiency and casualty levels during an indoor active shooter incident,2020,127,,e104692,Park Crane safety standards: problem analysis and safety assurance planning,2020,127,,e104686,Im Decreasing falls from shopping-carts: an effective pro-active intervention,2020,127,,e104685,Eiríksson Work motivation of safety professionals: a person-centred approach,2020,127,,e104697,Ju Applications of item response theory to measuring the safety response competency of workers in subway construction projects,2020,127,,e104704,Zhou The role of urban configuration during disasters. a scenario-based methodology for the post-earthquake emergency management of Italian historic centres,2020,127,,e104700,Giuliani Out on a limb: applying the Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance model to examine injury-linked factors among light rail drivers,2020,127,,e104696,Unsworth The degrees of freedom problem: how to guide trajectories with the dynamic safety model to assist activity in loosely coupled work systems,2020,127,,e104712,Morineau Experimental study on pedestrian contact force under different degrees of crowding,2020,127,,e104713,Shi Associations of heavy vehicle driver employment type and payment methods with crash involvement in Australia,2020,127,,e104718,Haworth Adjusting work conditions to meet the declined health and functional capacity of older construction workers in Hong Kong,2020,127,,e104711,Chan A simulation-based framework for checkpoint design in large-scale crowd management: case study of the papal mass in Philadelphia,2020,127,,e104701,Aros-Vera Safety immersive storytelling using narrated 360-degree panoramas: a fall hazard training within the electrical trade context,2020,127,,e104703,Wehle Planning and implementing remedial measures from incident investigations: a study of the Ghanaian mining industry,2020,127,,e104735,Hassall Kinematics and dynamics of pedestrian head ground contact: a cadaver study,2020,127,,e104684,Simms Investigation of crowd's aggregation measurement based on an entropy model,2020,127,,e104714,Lv Evaluating risk from a holistic perspective to improve resilience: the United Nations evaluation at global level,2020,127,,e104739,Barbat How role assignment impacts decision-making in high-risk environments: evidence from eye-tracking in aviation,2020,127,,e104738,Dehais A proactive approach to quantitative assessment of disruption risks of petroleum refinery operation,2020,127,,e104666,Wang Safety bounds in human robot interaction: a survey,2020,127,,e104667,Gasteratos Human-building-emergency interactions and their impact on emergency response performance: a review of the state of the art,2020,127,,e104691,Li Personnel threats in the electric power critical infrastructure sector and their effect on dependent sectors: overview in the Czech Republic,2020,127,,e104698,Loveček Collision risk measure for triggering evasive actions of maritime autonomous surface ships,2020,127,,e104708,Huang Study on quantitative measurement result of safety culture,2020,128,,e104751,Jiang LCB approach for construction safety,2020,128,,e104761,Fang Optimising crowd evacuations: mathematical architectural and behavioural approaches,2020,128,,104745,Haghani A bibliometric analysis and systematic review of shipboard decision support systems for accident prevention,2020,128,,e104717,Montewka Chemical industry in China: the current status safety problems and pathways for future sustainable development,2020,128,,e104741,Chen Study on safety behavior planning theory and control strategies for coal chemical workers,2020,128,,e104726,Min An innovative quantitative analysis methodology for Natech events triggered by earthquakes in chemical tank farms,2020,128,,e104744,Chen Do drivers reduce their speed when texting on highways? A replication study using European naturalistic driving data,2020,128,,e104740,Krems Efficacy of automatic emergency braking among risky drivers using counterfactual simulations from the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study,2020,128,,e104746,Seacrist Influence of child restraint system design features on comfort belt fit and posture,2020,128,,e104707,Charlton Multi-component gaseous alternative model for predicting typical liquid hydrocarbons combustion characteristics,2020,128,,e104757,Guo A new model for describing the urban resilience considering adaptability resistance and recovery,2020,128,,104756,Xu Analysis of influencing factors in pre-evacuation time using interpretive structural modeling,2020,128,,e104785,Mao Maritime autonomous surface ships from a risk governance perspective: interpretation and implications,2020,128,,e104758,Goerlandt How can communication networks among excavator crew members in construction projects affect the relationship between safety climate and safety outcomes?,2020,128,,e104737,Abbasi Design for safety implementation among design professionals in construction: the context of Palestine,2020,128,,e104742,Manu Augmented reality for pedestrian evacuation research: promises and limitations,2020,128,,e104750,Kinateder The effect of airline passenger anthropometry on aircraft emergency evacuations,2020,128,,e104749,Wild Investigation into the role of human and organizational factors in security work against terrorism at large-scale events,2020,128,,e104764,Li Do not disturb while driving - use of cellphone blockers among adult drivers,2020,128,,e104753,Reagan Organizational and institutional factors affecting high-speed rail safety in Japan,2020,128,,e104762,Bugalia Revisiting the dispersion safety factor (DSF) for vapor clouds of liquefied flammable gases (LNG and propane),2020,128,,e104748,Pastor Willingness-to-pay for hazard safety - a case study on the valuation of flood risk reduction in Germany,2020,128,,e104657,Entorf Symbiotic types of systems thinking with systematic management in occupational health & safety,2020,128,,e104752,Karanikas A polycentric control analysis of emergency responses: an application to a wildfire case,2020,128,,e104776,Kontogiannis Individual Dynamic Risk Analysis (iDRA): a systematic review and network model development,2020,128,,e104769,Stanton Focus on the fatal-four: implications for construction hazard recognition,2020,128,,104774,Albert Inter- and intra-organizational safety management practice differences in the construction industry,2020,128,,e104778,Choe Safety of autonomous inland vessels: an analysis of regulatory barriers in the present technical standards in Europe,2020,128,,e104763,Bačkalov An improved risk assessment method based on a comprehensive weighting algorithm in railway signaling safety analysis,2020,128,,e104768,Cui Emerging Natech risk management in Colombia: a survey of governmental organizations,2020,128,,e104777,Cruz Empirical methods in pedestrian crowd and evacuation dynamics: Part II. Field methods and controversial topics,2020,129,,e104760,Haghani Empirical methods in pedestrian crowd and evacuation dynamics: Part I. Experimental methods and emerging topics,2020,129,,e104743,Haghani Preventing shipping accidents: past present and future of waterway risk management with Baltic Sea focus,2020,129,,e104798,Goerlandt Characteristics of hazardous chemical accidents during hot season in China from 1989 to 2019: a statistical investigation,2020,129,,e104788,Wang The transport and diffusion characteristics of superheated fire extinguish agent released via different nozzles in a confined space,2020,129,,e104787,Zhang Safe strategy for coal and gas outburst prevention in deep-and-thick coal seams using a soft rock protective layer mining,2020,129,,e104800,Ullah Numerical study on the mechanism of spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden release into a tube,2020,129,,e104807,Sun Combining uncertainty reasoning and deterministic modeling for risk analysis of fire-induced domino effects,2020,129,,e104802,Khan A generic approach to analysing failures in human - system interaction in autonomy,2020,129,,e104808,Mosleh Using naturalistic driving data to examine how drivers share attention when engaging in secondary tasks,2020,129,,e104841,Charlton Methodological considerations regarding motorcycle naturalistic riding investigations based on the use of g-g diagrams for rider profile detection,2020,129,,e104840,Metz Human behaviour during a healthcare facility evacuation drills: investigation of pre-evacuation and travel phases,2020,129,,e104754,Gwynne An agent-based simulation framework for analysing fall risk among older adults in the evacuation procedures,2020,129,,e104790,Chen The future of evacuation drills: assessing and enhancing evacuee performance,2020,129,,e104767,Boyce Incidences and severity of wrist hand and finger injuries in the U.S. mining industry,2020,129,,e104792,Nimbarte A car road deaths model to explain the annual road death peak near 1970 in high income countries using driver experience and travel,2020,129,,e104635,Stipdonk Analysis of headway-velocity relation in one and two-dimensional pedestrian flows,2020,129,,e104804,Wang Work antecedents psychological strain and safety behaviours among Chinese hotel employees,2020,129,,e104825,Wong Demographic influences on safety consciousness and safety citizenship behavior of construction workers,2020,129,,e104835,Chan Passengers' likely behaviour based on demographic difference during an emergency evacuation in a Ro-Ro passenger ship,2020,129,,e104803,Wang Safety management in construction: 20 years of risk modeling,2020,129,,e104805,Bai How people make decisions during earthquakes and post-earthquake evacuation: using Verbal Protocol Analysis in Immersive Virtual Reality,2020,129,,e104837,Trotter Sleepiness on the flight deck: reported rates of occurrence and predicted fatigue risk exposure associated with UK airline pilot work schedules,2020,129,,e104833,Christie Identifying safety archetypes of construction workers using system dynamics and content analysis,2020,129,,e104831,Mohammadi Effects of the body force on the pedestrian and the evacuation dynamics,2020,129,,e104829,Frank Feeling safe while doing sex work: motivation for entering sex work moderates the relationship between perceptions of physical danger and desire to leave sex work,2020,129,,e104795,Barling Quantifying workers' gait patterns to identify safety hazards in construction using a wearable insole pressure system,2020,129,,e104855,Li Development of the contributing factors framework interview guide (CFF-IG): all aboard the rail safety truth train,2020,129,,e104853,Klockner Managing the safety of police pursuits: a mixed method case study of the metropolitan police service london,2020,129,,e104848,Christie Use of social media platforms for promoting healthy employee lifestyles and occupational health and safety prevention: a systematic review,2020,131,,e104931,Laroche Assessing the relationship between organizational management factors and a resilient safety culture in a collegiate aviation program with Safety Management Systems (SMS),2020,131,,e104909,Adjekum Machine learning in occupational accident analysis: a review using science mapping approach with citation network analysis,2020,131,,e104900,Maiti A systems-based application for autonomous vessels safety: hazard identification as a function of increasing autonomy levels,2020,131,,e104919,Ventikos Smartphones vs. in-vehicle data acquisition systems as tools for naturalistic driving studies: a comparative review,2020,131,,e104917,Musicant Determinant of injury severities in large truck crashes: a weekly instability analysis,2020,131,,e104911,Behnood Safety when operating on high-speed roads: protecting our incident responders,2020,131,,e104910,Newnam Voicing for safety in the workplace: a proactive goal-regulation perspective,2020,131,,e104902,Griffin Effective communication in the context of safe design decision making,2020,131,,e104913,Lingard A positive human health perspective on how spiritual leadership weaves its influence on employee safety performance: the role of harmonious safety passion,2020,131,,e104923,Ali Evacuation awareness and behavior in the event of a tsunami in an aging society: an experience from the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake,2020,131,,e104906,Arimura Fifteen years of American construction occupational safety and health research,2020,131,,e104915,Sinyai Revisiting Lorent and Szymberski: evaluating how research in prevention through design is interpreted and cited,2020,131,,e104927,Behm Safety culture among Bangladeshi university students: a cross-sectional survey,2020,131,,e104922,Hasan Application of case-based reasoning to the safety assessment of critical software used in rail transport,2020,131,,e104928,Hadj-Mabrouk Comparison of exposure in pedestrian crash analyses: a study based on zonal origin-destination survey data,2020,131,,e104926,Graham Protection practices for trench and excavation in quebec sensitive clay soils: review of codes guidelines and research needs,2020,131,,e104918,Galy Construction of a Bayesian network model for improving the safety performance of electrical and mechanical (E&M) works in repair maintenance alteration and addition (RMAA) projects,2020,131,,e104893,Chan Safety specific transformational leadership safety motivation and personal protective equipment use among firefighters,2020,131,,e104930,DeJoy A new index to evaluate the safety performance level of railway transportation systems,2020,131,,e104921,Mangini Are foreign-born workers more likely to make multiple injury claims than native-born workers?,2020,131,,e104941,Bi Mechanical response of human torso under blast loading,2020,131,,e104936,Qian Scenarios simulation of high-temperature molten metal tipping accidents with RealFlow software,2020,131,,e104934,Zhao Controlling urban traffic-one of the useful methods to ensure safety in Wuhan based on COVID-19 outbreak,2020,131,,e104938,Wang The study of safety behavior in ferry transport,2020,131,,e104912,Shang A Delphi study of human factors methods for the evaluation of adaptation in safety-related organisations,2020,131,,e104933,Stanton Legal framework in mitigaitng building failures in Kenya,2020,131,,e104945,Bucha Finding the parallels: practitioner learning from cross sector disaster cases,2020,131,,e104948,Hayes Development of a risk indicator score card for a large flight training department,2020,131,,e104899,Williams The association between union membership and perceptions of safety climate among US adult workers,2021,133,,e105024,Smith The role of transport accessibility within the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic in Italy,2021,133,,e104999,Carteni Dynamics of organizational distrust: an exploratory study in workplace safety,2021,134,,e105032,Gümüştaş Formal Risk Assessment of the risk of major accidents affecting natural environment and human life occurring as a result of offshore drilling and production operations based on the provisions of Directive 2013/30/EU,2021,134,,e105007,Mrozowska Traps and tricks of safety management at sea,2021,134,,e105081,Størkersen An overview of scientometric mapping for the safety science community: methods tools and framework,2021,134,,e105093,Goerlandt Learning from crisis: the 2015 and 2017 avalanches in Longyearbyen,2021,134,,e105045,Sydnes Inherent fire safety engineering in complex road tunnels - learning between industries in safety management,2021,134,,e105062,Sommer Approach to the selection of strategies for emerging risk management considering uncertainty as the main decision variable in occupational contexts,2021,134,,e105041,Reniers Weaving public health and safety nets to respond the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,134,,e105058,Boustras A complexity thinking account of the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for systems-oriented safety management,2021,134,,e105087,Abreu Saurin Developing levels of pedestrian physical distancing during a pandemic,2021,134,,e105066,Park Safety performance & evaluation framework in Indian construction industry,2021,134,,e105023,Singh Major accidents triggered by malicious manipulations of the control system in process facilities,2021,134,,e105043,Cozzani Development and validation of a safety leadership Self-Efficacy Scale (SLSES) in maritime context,2021,134,,105031,Kim Behavioral and workload measures in real and simulated driving: do they tell us the same thing about the validity of driving simulation?,2021,134,,e105046,Lobjois Beyond human error: an empirical study of the safety Model 1 and Model 2 approaches for predicting workers' behaviors and outcomes with procedures,2021,134,,e105016,Peres Analysis of vehicle stability when using two-post above-ground automotive lifts: distribution of forces in arms,2021,134,,e105042,Burlet-Vienney Developing a Canadian fatigue risk management standard for first responders: defining the scope,2021,134,,e105044,Yazdani Cooperative and competitive behaviour among passengers during the Costa Concordia disaster,2021,134,,e105055,Drury Assessment of risk tolerance for future autonomous offshore installations,2021,134,,e105059,Vinnem Territorial efficiency: analysis of the role of public work safety controls,2021,134,,e105074,Abad Systems usability case in stepwise control room validation,2021,134,,e105030,Savioja Experimental study on the elderly's walking speed considering smoke density and visual acuity in buildings,2021,134,,e105075,Xu Reorganizing governmental industrial classification of disaster and safety industries in Korea: a demand-based approach,2021,134,,e105078,Hwang Internet of people enabled framework for evaluating performance loss and resilience of urban critical infrastructures,2021,134,,e105079,Li Enhancing adaptive performance in emergency response: empowerment practices and the moderating role of tempo balance,2021,134,,e105060,Murphy Motor vehicle driver injury severity analysis utilizing a random parameter binary probit model considering different types of driving licenses in 4-legs roundabouts in South Australia,2021,134,,e105083,Das Safety culture maturity in a civil engineering academic laboratory,2021,134,,e105076,Moreira Employee experience and perceptions of an organizational road-safety intervention - a mixed-methods study,2021,134,,e105089,Luria What are the occupational hazards of construction project managers: a data mining analysis in China,2021,134,,e105088,Yang The importance of preventive training actions for the reduction of workplace accidents within the Spanish construction sector,2021,134,,e105090,Villena Escribano Estimating horizontal movement performance of patient beds and the impact on emergency evacuation time,2021,134,,e105038,Kwak Emergency evacuation risk assessment and mitigation strategy for a toxic gas leak in an underground space: the case of a subway station in Guangzhou China,2021,134,,e105039,Gai Assessing the HRO: tools and techniques to determine the high-reliability state of an organization,2021,134,,e105082,Cantu Monitoring army drivers' workload during off-road missions: an experimental controlled field study,2021,134,,e105092,Di Stasi A study of the role of forceful behaviour in evacuations via microscopic modelling of evacuation drills,2021,134,,e105018,Andrés-Thió Can Rana Plaza happen again in Bangladesh?,2021,135,,e105103,Barua Occupational risk perception in mollusk farm workers,2021,135,,e105102,Guertler Survey based fire load assessment and impact analysis of fire load increment on fire development in contemporary dwellings,2021,135,,e105094,Džolev Collective improvisation in emergency response,2021,135,,e105104,Roud Survival through coping strategies for resilience following a ship accident in polar waters,2021,135,,e105105,Ivar Kruke Cross-cultural comparison of behavioural itinerary actions and times in wildfire evacuations,2021,135,,e105122,Galea Defining cyber risk,2021,135,,e105143,Strupczewski Computer vision technologies for safety science and management in construction: a critical review and future research directions,2021,135,,e105130,Goh Burnout among labour inspectors in Greece: a nationwide cross-sectional study,2021,135,,e105134,Rachiotis Dynamic emergency route planning for major chemical accidents: models and application,2021,135,,e105113,Xu The influence of accident manuals on the effectiveness of accident investigations - an analysis of accident management documents of Ghanaian mines,2021,135,,e105129,Stemn Risk prediction and early warning for air traffic controllers' unsafe acts using association rule mining and random forest,2021,135,,e105125,Xu Hazardous chemical leakage accidents and emergency evacuation response from 2009 to 2018 in China: a review,2021,135,,e105101,Hou Cultural aspects as a root cause of organizational failure in risk and crisis management in the Fukushima Daiichi disaster,2021,135,,e105091,Murata Where drills differ from evacuations: a case study on Canadian buildings,2021,135,,e105114,Gwynne Can occupational safety and health problems be prevented or not? Exploring the perception of informal automobile artisans in Nigeria,2021,135,,e105097,Haafkens Quantitative risk analysis of offshore well blowout using Bayesian network,2021,135,,e105080,Liu Sanctions or crashes? A mixed-method study of factors influencing general and concealed mobile phone use while driving,2021,135,,e105119,Davey Effects of individual and organizational factors on safety consciousness and safety citizenship behavior of construction workers: a comparative study between Hong Kong and Mainland China,2021,135,,e105116,Chan Enhancing the environmental programmes of secondary education by using web-tools concerning precaution measures in civil protection: the case of Western Attica (Greece),2021,135,,e105117,Mavrakis The role of leadership in air traffic safety employees' safety behavior,2021,135,,e105118,Schaufeli An STPA-based formal composition framework for trustworthy autonomous maritime systems,2021,136,,e105139,Butler The effect of driving demands on distraction engagement and glance behaviors: results from naturalistic data,2021,136,,e105123,Donmez Safety philosophy and risk analysis methodology for LNG bunkering simultaneous operations (SIMOPs): a literature review,2021,136,,e105150,Fan Emergency preparedness and rescue in Arctic waters,2021,136,,e105163,Kruke Design of a safety training package for migrant workers in the construction industry,2021,136,,e105124,Guglielmi Improving firefighters hazard recognition with energy based hazard recognition training,2021,136,,e105128,Hardison Broad (multilevel) safety research and strategy. A sociological study,2021,136,,e105132,Le Coze Implementing the theoretical domains framework in occupational safety: development of the safety behaviour change questionnaire,2021,136,,e105135,Morgan WAx: An integrated conceptual framework for the analysis of cyber-socio-technical systems,2021,136,,e105142,Di Gravio Dynamic occupational accidents modeling using dynamic hybrid Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis: an in-depth psychometrics study,2021,136,,e105146,Habibi The effect of personal and organizational factors on the risk-taking behavior of Hong Kong construction workers,2021,136,,e105155,Zhang Construction SMEs safety challenges in water sector in Oman,2021,136,,e105156,Al Mawli Supervisor strategies and resources needed for managing employee stress: a qualitative analysis,2021,136,,e105149,Jimmieson Explaining workers' resistance against a health and safety programme: an understanding based on hierarchical and social accountability,2021,136,,e105131,Arbin Maritime safety: prevention versus mitigation?,2021,136,,e105151,Montewka MIND-VERSA: a new Methodology for IdentifyiNg and Determining loopholes and the completeness Value of Emergency ResponSe plAns,2021,136,,e105154,Dokas Changing driver behavior during floods: testing a novel e-health intervention using implementation imagery,2021,136,,e105141,Hagger Modeling of unsafe behavior risk assessment: a case study of Chinese furniture manufacturers,2021,136,,e105157,Li Individual factors that influence task performance on a stepladder in older people,2021,136,,e105152,Redfern Work-related traumatic brain injury in the construction industry in Sweden and Germany,2021,136,,e105147,Brolin The simulation of wildland-urban interface fire evacuation: the WUI-NITY platform,2021,136,,e105145,Rein Safety of twin-engine helicopters: risks and operational specificity,2021,136,,e105169,de Voogt Evacuation behaviors and emergency communications: an analysis of real-world incident videos,2021,136,,e105121,Bruine de Bruin Homeowner vulnerability in residential buildings with flammable cladding,2021,136,,e105185,Oswald A complex system of learning to drive: the instructor's perspective,2021,136,,e105172,Senserrick A quantitative LNG risk assessment model based on integrated Bayesian-Catastrophe-EPE method,2021,137,,e105184,Cozzani Cyber-physical-social hazard analysis for LNG port terminal system based on interdependent network theory,2021,137,,105180,Hu Risk analysis of terrorist attacks on LNG storage tanks at ports,2021,137,,105192,Li Fuel management operations planning in fire management: a bilevel optimisation approach,2021,137,,105181,Liberatore Using virtual reality to study pedestrian exit choice behaviour during evacuations,2021,137,,105158,Feng Dynamic evacuation optimization model based on conflict-eliminating cell transmission and split delivery vehicle routing,2021,137,,105166,Chen A novel approach for slip resistance evaluation of winter footwear based on probability of slipping and cost analysis,2021,137,,e105133,Dutta Research trends in occupational health and social responsibility: a bibliometric analysis,2021,137,,105167,Bautista-Bernal Human stability during floods: experimental tests on a physical model simulating human body,2021,137,,105153,D'Orazio Passengers' safety awareness and perception of wayfinding tools in a Ro-Ro passenger ship during an emergency evacuation,2021,137,,105189,Wang Corrigendum to "How occupants respond to building emergencies: A systematic review of behavioral characteristics and behavioral theories" [Saf. Sci. 122 (2020) 104540],2021,137,,e105171,Li Beirut explosion 2020: a case study for a large-scale urban blast simulation,2021,137,,e105190,Valsamos Psychosocial influences on psychological distress and turnover intentions in the workplace,2021,137,,105200,Tappin A quantitative risk assessment model for evaluating hazmat transportation accident risk,2021,137,,e105198,Weng Reforming the future of workplace road safety using systems-thinking workplace road safety surveillance,2021,138,,e105225,Newnam ProMetaUS: a proactive meta-learning uncertainty-based framework to select models for Dynamic Risk Management,2021,138,,e105238,Paltrinieri A probabilistic model of belief in safety cases,2021,138,,e105187,Nešić What factors influence risk at rail level crossings? A systematic review and synthesis of findings using systems thinking,2021,138,,e105207,Salmon Enhancing safety in high-risk operations: a multilevel analysis of the role of mindful organising in translating safety climate into individual safety behaviours,2021,138,,e105197,Curcuruto An investigation of urban pedestrian behaviour in Bangladesh using the Perceptual Cycle Model,2021,138,,e105214,Stanton An improved text mining approach to extract safety risk factors from construction accident reports,2021,138,,e105216,Wang Korean elderly gait reference data: spatial and temporal characteristics,2021,138,,e105209,Kim Assessing the compliance with the direction indicated by emergency evacuation signage,2021,138,,e105210,Ronchi An investigation of the influence of economic cycles on safety performance in Western Australia,2021,138,,e105230,Oosthuizen Development of an evacuation model considering the impact of stress variation on evacuees under fire emergency,2021,138,,e105232,Xie Safety climate strength: the negative effects of cliques and negative relationships in teams,2021,138,,e105224,Luria Ranking of occupational health and safety risks by a multi-criteria perspective: inclusion of human factors and application of VIKOR,2021,138,,e105234,La Fata Geological and hydrometeorological hazards and related disasters amid COVID-19 pandemic in Greece: post-disaster trends and factors affecting the COVID-19 evolution in affected areas,2021,138,,e105236,Mavroulis An analysis of the effects of occupational accidents on corporate management performance,2021,138,,e105228,Park Response from the authors of the article "Critical review of the role of personal protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention of risks related to agricultural pesticide use" to the letter to the editor from the European crop protection association (ECPA) Occupational and bystander exposure expert group (OBEEG),2021,138,,e105191,Laurent A predictive decision-aid device to warn firefighters of catastrophic temperature increases using an AI-based time-series algorithm,2021,138,,e105237,Garrity Social impacts on hazard perception of construction workers: A system dynamics model analysis,2021,138,,e105240,Chang Pragmatism as a teaching philosophy in the safety sciences: a higher education pedagogy perspective,2021,138,,e105095,Klockner Simplifying safety standards: using work domain analysis to guide regulatory restructure,2021,138,,e105096,Salmon Work-related musculoskeletal and mental health disorders: are workplace policies and practices based on contemporary evidence?,2021,138,,e105098,Oakman The role of cognition for identifying unsafe young drivers,2021,138,,e105099,Andrews Passive avoidant leadership and safety non-compliance: a 30 days diary study among naval cadets,2021,138,,e105100,Bakker Safety in marine and maritime operations: uniting systems and practice,2021,139,,e105249,Holmen Arctic shipping risk management: a bibliometric analysis and a systematic review of risk influencing factors of navigational accidents,2021,139,,e105254,Goerlandt The integrated migrant worker safety training evaluation model: IMSTEM,2021,139,,e105246,Vignoli The relations of workplace safety perceived occupational stress and adjustment among Latino/a immigrant cattle feedyard workers in the United States,2021,139,,e105262,Carlo Employers' perceived importance and the use (or non-use) of workplace risk assessment in micro-sized and small enterprises in Europe with focus on Cyprus,2021,139,,e105256,Boustras Factors affecting pedestrian conspicuity at night: analysis based on driver eye tracking,2021,139,,e105257,Babic CFD and EnKF coupling estimation of LNG leakage and dispersion,2021,139,,e105263,Zhang Occupational electrical accidents: assessing the role of personal and safety climate factors,2021,139,,e105229,Madhu Contextual risk factors in the use of electric kick scooters: an episode sampling inquiry,2021,139,,e105233,Yun Assessment of virtual reality based safety training simulator for electric overhead crane operations,2021,139,,e105241,Maiti Integrating operations management and occupational health and safety: a necessary part of safety science!,2021,139,,e105247,Hasle CellEVAC: an adaptive guidance system for crowd evacuation through behavioral optimization,2021,139,,e105215,Lopez-Carmona Determining optimum staged-evacuation schedule considering total evacuation time congestion severity and fire threats,2021,139,,e105211,Maghrebi Safety science: a bibliographic synopsis of publications in 2020,2021,139,,e105242,Boustras Modifying an accident process and its justice system - from single narratives and retribution to multiple stories and restoration,2021,139,,e105248,Dekker Modelling Ghanaian road crash risk using the Manchester driver behaviour Questionnaire,2021,139,,e105213,Rowe Safety leading indicators in construction: a systematic review,2021,139,,e105250,Manu Perceived security: an experimental study of security doors,2021,139,,e105252,Sinico Determining the likelihood of asset destruction during wildfires: modelling house destruction with fire simulator outputs and local-scale landscape properties,2021,139,,e105196,Penman How do middle managers really make decisions within the oil and gas industry?,2021,139,,e105199,Rezvani The use of weak signals in occupational safety and health: an investigation,2021,139,,e105253,Boustras Thinking the unthinkable: a perspective on Natech risks and Black Swans,2021,139,,e105255,Krausmann Awareness departure and preparation time in no-notice wildfire evacuations,2021,139,,e105258,Qian Social groups barely change the speed-density relationship in unidirectional pedestrian flow but affect operational behaviours,2021,139,,e105259,Zhang A network-based approach to modeling safety accidents and causations within the context of subway construction project management,2021,139,,e105261,Zhou Safety voice and safety listening during aviation accidents: cockpit voice recordings reveal that speaking-up to power is not enough,2021,139,,e105260,Reader Factors affecting unmanned aerial vehicles' safety: a post-occurrence exploratory data analysis of drones' accidents and incidents in Australia,2021,139,,e105273,Maghrebi Exploring the acceptance of PPE by construction workers: an extension of the technology acceptance model with safety management practices and safety consciousness,2021,139,,e105239,Man Paradoxes of power: dialogue as a regulatory strategy in the Norwegian oil and gas industry,2021,139,,e105120,Rosness A framework for synthesis of safety-related control design to avoid critical faults and pathogenic accidents in the process industries,2021,139,,e105168,Junqueira Spatial knowledge and firefighters' wayfinding performance: a virtual reality search and rescue experiment,2021,139,,e105231,Du Examining the most accident-prone sector within commercial aviation: why do accidents with light inland helicopters occur and how can we improve safety?,2021,139,,e105235,Elvebakk Measuring performance within the ageing workforce,2021,140,,105286,Boustras Prevention precaution and resilience: are they worth the cost?,2021,140,,105271,Ale Predicting wildfire burns from big geodata using deep learning,2021,140,,105276,Stein Road surface conditions forecasting in rainy weather using artificial neural networks,2021,140,,105302,Kim Metainjury: meta-learning framework for reusing the risk knowledge of different construction accidents,2021,140,,105315,Li Emergency evacuation simulation of a floating LNG bunkering terminal considering the interaction between evacuees and CFD data,2021,140,,105297,Kim The impact of human factors on pilots' safety behavior in offshore aviation companies: a Brazilian case,2021,140,,105272,Sant'Anna Why do people make risky decisions during a fire evacuation? Study on the effect of smoke level individual risk preference and neighbor behavior,2021,140,,105245,Zhang Human functions in safety - developing a framework of goals human functions and safety relevant activities for railway socio-technical systems,2021,140,,105279,Ryan The sounds of safety silence: interventions and temporal patterns unmute unique safety voice content in speech,2021,140,,105289,Reader Battery hazards and safety: a scoping review for lead acid and silver-zinc batteries,2021,140,,105290,Stevens Assessing the common occupational health hazards and their health risks among oil and gas workers,2021,140,,105284,Boustras The psychological health and well-being of children working in the brick industry: a comparative study,2021,140,,105251,Gunn Determining hazard management changes in workplaces following workplace safety inspections by WorkSafeBC in British Columbia Canada,2021,140,,105298,McLeod Improving accident analysis in construction - development of a contributing factor classification framework and evaluation of its validity and reliability,2021,140,,105303,Waterson Novel methodology for developing a safety standard based on clustering of experts' assessments of safety requirements,2021,140,,105292,Aly Quantification of the movement characteristics for the elderly assisted by the young through exit,2021,140,,105293,Zhang Braking bad - ergonomic design and implications for the safe use of shared E-scooters,2021,140,,105294,Siebert Sleep disorders and risk of traffic crashes: a naturalistic driving study analysis,2021,140,,105295,Edara Risk-based decision-making support model for offshore dynamic positioning operations,2021,140,,105280,Vinnem Work-related safety incidents among driver license examiners,2021,140,,105304,Albert Emotional contagion as a trigger for moral disengagement: their effects on workplace injuries,2021,140,,105317,Barbaranelli Do hazardous manual handling task risk assessment methods align with systems thinking?,2021,140,,105316,Salmon Are we learning from disasters? Examining investigation reports from National government bodies,2021,140,,105327,Filho Evaluating OSHA's fatality and catastrophe investigation summaries: arc flash focus,2021,140,,105287,Al-Bayati Investigating the effect of expected travel distance on individual descent speed in the stairwell with super long distance,2021,141,,e105319,Lu Assessment of research development and innovation in occupational health and safety in Spain,2021,141,,e105321,Rubio-Romero Empirical analysis method for evacuation timing of ships in storm areas,2021,141,,e105323,Tanaka Practical method for determining safe work while wearing explosive ordnance disposal suits,2021,141,,e105328,Stewart Operational safety economics: foundations current approaches and paths for future research,2021,141,,e105326,Yang Public-private collaborations in emergency logistics: a framework based on logistical and game-theoretical concepts,2021,141,,e105301,Wiens Assessment of safety management system on energy investment risk using house of quality based on hybrid stochastic interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision-making approach,2021,141,,e105333,Yüksel Designing emergency response network for rail hazmat shipments under uncertainties: optimization model and case study,2021,141,,e105332,Verma What can we learn from automated vehicle collisions? A deductive thematic analysis of five automated vehicle collisions,2021,141,,e105320,Stanton Pilot assessment of occupational safety and health of workers in an aircraft maintenance facility,2021,141,,e105299,Neitzel Quality assessment of postgraduate safety education programs current developments with examples of ten (post)graduate safety courses in Europe,2021,141,,e105338,Motet A systems thinking based method for assessing safety management best practices in construction,2021,141,,e105345,Abreu Saurin Review and comparison of existing risk analysis models applied within shipping in ice-covered waters,2021,141,,e105335,Xu A machine learning approach for monitoring ship safety in extreme weather events,2021,141,,e105336,Rawson ConSafe4All: A framework for language friendly safety training modules,2021,141,,e105329,Arif Pre-disaster location and storage model for emergency commodities considering both randomness and uncertainty,2021,141,,e105330,Yu Livelihood capital evacuation and relocation willingness of residents in earthquake-stricken areas of rural China,2021,141,,e105350,Deng Deciding to stop work or deciding how work is done?,2021,141,,e105334,Rae Influential factors associated with construction managers' propensity to implement safety measures for older workers,2021,141,,e105349,Chan Roadmap for incorporating risk as a basis of performance objectives in building regulation,2021,141,,e105337,Meacham Planning remote sensing emergency services: bridging the gap between remote sensing science and emergency practice in China,2021,141,,e105346,Wang A regulatory perspective on safety in design practices in New Zealand,2021,141,,e105352,Goh The dynamics between voluntary safety reporting and commercial aviation accidents,2021,141,,e105351,Wu The necessity of accelerated ageing in fire performance assessments of composite materials,2021,141,,e105358,Blomqvist A cross-cultural validation of the psychological contract of safety on construction sites,2021,141,,e105360,Wang A novel fuzzy dynamic Bayesian network for dynamic risk assessment and uncertainty propagation quantification in uncertainty environment,2021,141,,e105285,Khan Experimental study on the mechanical properties of fire exposed concrete,2021,142,,e105357,Giuliani Examining subsector-based inequalities in health safety and environmental conditions of gold miners in Ghana,2021,142,,e105369,Aram Modeling the injury severity of small-displacement motorcycle crashes in Hanoi City Vietnam,2021,142,,e105371,Wets Human behaviour in informal settlement fires in Costa Rica,2021,142,,e105384,Gales Challenges influencing the safety of migrant workers in the construction industry: a qualitative study in Italy Spain and the UK,2021,142,,e105388,Lorente LNG supplies' security with autonomous maritime systems at terminals' areas,2021,142,,e105397,Miętkiewicz A new inverse data envelopment analysis approach to achieve China's road transportation safety objectives,2021,142,,e105362,Chen Numerical study of the effects of ventilation velocity on peak heat release rate and the confinement velocity in large tunnel fires,2021,142,,e105359,Hu Personality and temperament traits as predictors of conscious risky car driving,2021,142,,e105361,Zieliński Falls and delirium in older inpatients: work-as-imagined work-as-done and preferences for clinical decision support systems,2021,142,,e105355,van der Velde Setting safety foundations in the Hyperloop: a first approach to preliminary hazard analysis and safety assurance system,2021,142,,e105366,Mateu A system dynamics model for near-miss reporting in complex systems,2021,142,,e105368,Bugalia Sectoral patterns of accident process for occupational safety using narrative texts of OSHA database,2021,142,,e105363,Suh A resilience engineering-based framework for assessing safety performance measurement systems: a study in the construction industry,2021,142,,e105364,Abreu Saurin Engineering resilience in a prison's performance management system,2021,142,,e105367,Steen An automated deep learning based anomaly detection in pedestrian walkways for vulnerable road users safety,2021,142,,e105356,Gupta Evaluation of the Lifejackets for Lobstermen program: a social marketing initiative to increase lifejacket use in the Northeast lobster fishing industry,2021,142,,e105354,Sorensen Hazard reporting: how can it improve safety?,2021,142,,e105365,Rae Assessment of a passive exoskeleton system on spinal biomechanics and subjective responses during manual repetitive handling tasks among construction workers,2021,142,,e105382,Li From common operational picture to common situational understanding: an analysis based on practitioner perspectives,2021,142,,e105381,Steen-Tveit Governance and interdependencies of critical infrastructures: exploring mechanisms for cross-sector resilience,2021,142,,e105383,Cedergren Pedestrian evacuation simulation in indoor emergency situations: approaches models and tools,2021,142,,e105378,Li Protecting pregnancy at work: normative safety measures and employees' safety strategies in reconciling work and pregnancy,2021,142,,e105387,Danuser Accident and innovation in construction industry: learning by doing to prevent accidents and improve the production,2021,142,,e105389,Diniz Fonseca Flow-down of safety from general contractors to subcontractors working on commercial construction projects,2021,142,,e105353,Dale A pattern-oriented approach to safety climate: an empirical example,2021,142,,e105385,McLarnon A review of construction safety climate: definitions factors relationship with safety behavior and research agenda,2021,142,,e105391,Goh A framework for evaluating societal safety interventions,2021,142,,e105393,Hassel Multi-Dimensional evacuation risk evaluation in standard subway station,2021,142,,e105392,Zhong Analysis of information dissemination through direct communication in a moving crowd,2021,142,,e105386,Köster Assessing occupational risk of heat stress at construction: a worker-centric wearable sensor-based approach,2021,142,,e105395,Liu Assessing safety management factors to develop a research agenda for the construction industry,2021,142,,e105396,Newaz Effect of leader-member exchange on construction worker safety behavior: safety climate and psychological capital as the mediators,2021,142,,e105401,McCabe Voluntary and involuntary risk acceptance: a case study of firefighters,2021,142,,e105394,Martinez-Fiestas Sequential deep learning from NTSB reports for aviation safety prognosis,2021,142,,e105390,Mahadevan Effect of voice alarms on temporal characteristics of the evacuation process inside metro train carriages: an experiment study,2021,142,,e105403,Cao Big data in safety management: an overview,2021,143,,e105414,Wang Choosing fall protection systems in construction sites: coping with complex rather than complicated systems,2021,143,,e105412,Saurin Risky pedestrian behaviour and its relationship with road infrastructure and age group: an observational analysis,2021,143,,e105418,Escobar Exploring the quantity and quality of occupational health and safety disclosure among listed manufacturing companies: evidence from Pakistan a lower-middle income country,2021,143,,e105431,Ali How does facial recognition as an urban safety technology affect firm performance? The moderating role of the home country's government subsidies,2021,143,,e105434,Li Construction safety knowledge sharing on Twitter: a social network analysis,2021,143,,e105411,Yao Limiting reasons for use of personal protective equipment among construction workers: case studies in Sri Lanka,2021,143,,e105440,Dasandara Highway 4.0: digitalization of highways for vulnerable road safety development with intelligent IoT sensors and machine learning,2021,143,,e105407,Sharma Emergency preparedness for tunnel fires - a systems-oriented approach,2021,143,,e105408,Njå Design and implementation of a computerized safety inspection system for construction sites using UAS and digital checklists - Smart Inspecs,2021,143,,e105430,Costa Precarious employment psychosocial risk factors and poor mental health: a cross-sectional mediation analysis,2021,143,,e105439,Benach Pedestrian ascent and descent behavior characteristics during staircase evacuation under invisible conditions,2021,143,,e105441,Wu Carry along or not? Decision-making on carrying standard avalanche safety gear among ski tourers in a German touring region,2021,143,,e105406,Witting Constructiońs health and safety plan: the leading role of the main preventive management document on construction sites,2021,143,,e105437,Segarra Cañamares Research trends in mining accidents study: a systematic literature review,2021,143,,e105438,Ramli Analysis of occupational accidents during the chainsaws use in Andalucía,2021,143,,e105436,Rubio-Romero Do inequalities exist in housing and working conditions among local and migrant industrial workers in Vietnam? Results from a multi-site survey,2021,143,,e105400,Latkin How is safety climate measured? A review and evaluation,2021,143,,e105413,Vu Safety citizenship behaviour of miners in Ghana: the effect of hardiness personality disposition and psychological safety,2021,143,,e105404,Surienty Terrorist acts and pedestrians' behaviours: first insights on european contexts for evacuation modelling,2021,143,,e105405,Quagliarini Applications of artificial intelligence for coal mine gas risk assessment,2021,143,,e105420,Li A champagne tower of influence: an interview study of how corporate boards enact occupational health and safety,2021,143,,e105416,Hasson Safety learning among young newly employed workers in three sectors: a challenge to the assumed order of things,2021,143,,e105417,Dyreborg Examining lifeguards' abilities to anticipate surf hazard instigators - an exploratory study,2021,143,,e105421,Borowsky Pedestrian single file movement on stairway: investigating the impact of stair configuration on pedestrian ascent and descent fundamental diagram,2021,143,,e105409,Sarvi Severity of occupational agricultural accidents in Spain 2013-2018,2021,143,,e105422,Baraza Safety risk factors comprehensive analysis for construction project: combined cascading effect and machine learning approach,2021,143,,e105410,Ma Quantifying human performance for heterogeneous user populations using a structured expert elicitation,2021,143,,e105435,Knisely Safety management system (SMS) framework development - mitigating the critical safety factors affecting health and safety performance in construction projects,2021,143,,e105402,Khalid Inclination angles during cross-slope roof walking,2020,132,,e104936,Breloff An alternative method for analyzing the slip potential of workers on sloped surfaces,2021,133,,e105026,Dong Effects of unsafe workplace practices on the fire safety performance of ready-made garments (RMG) buildings,2021,144,,e105470,Khan Vehicle behavior analysis using reconstructed 3D parameters for road safety,2021,144,,e105419,Lv The impact of training sessions on physical security awareness: measuring employees' knowledge attitude and self-reported behaviour,2021,144,,e105447,Hardyns Investigation of pedestrian jaywalking behaviour at mid-block locations using artificial neural networks,2021,144,,e105448,Hossain Development of conflict severity index for safety evaluation of severe crash types at unsignalized intersections under mixed traffic,2021,144,,e105432,Ghosh The safety effect of traffic signs for median openings on one-side-widened freeways,2021,144,,e105445,Wang A comparison of dispersion models for the LNG dispersion at port of Koper Slovenia,2021,144,,e105467,Gerbec The rising issue of user manual accessibility: implications for the safe operation of Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs),2021,144,,e105444,Tichon An analysis of the crucial indicators impacting the risk of terrorist attacks: a predictive perspective,2021,144,,e105442,Qi Proposal for alert threshold for "stop activity" to improve firefighters' occupational safety based on heart rate variability analysis,2021,144,,e105449,Oka Chemical safety and security after Beirut Port explosion: Part 1 - State of the art of legal framework and authorization policy,2021,144,,e105456,Malak Are accident analysis methods fit for purpose? Testing the criterion-referenced concurrent validity of AcciMap STAMP-CAST and AcciNet,2021,144,,e105454,Walker An integrated safety and security analysis for cyber-physical harm scenarios,2021,144,,e105458,Lundteigen Safety values attitudes and behaviours in workers of a waste collection and sanitation company,2021,144,,e105471,Arezes Pedestrian lane formation and its influence on egress efficiency in the presence of an obstacle,2021,144,,e105455,Nishinari Safety challenges of UAV integration in construction: conceptual analysis and future research roadmap,2021,144,,e105473,Gheisari I am the top talent: perceived overqualification role breadth self-efficacy and safety participation of high-speed railway operators in China,2021,144,,e105476,Guo Safety in the Quebec construction industry: an overview of and possible improvements in hazardous energy control using lockout on construction sites by electricians pipefitters refrigeration mechanics and construction millwrights,2021,144,,e105468,Chinniah How do safety professionals' influence managers within organizations? - A critical incident approach,2021,144,,e105478,Madigan A systems thinking approach to safety in Norwegian avalanche rescue operations,2021,144,,e105466,Njå Occupational accident analysis according to professionals of different construction phases using association rules,2021,144,,e105457,Rubio-Romero Discovery of new safety knowledge from mining large injury dataset in construction,2021,144,,e105481,Zou Occupational health and safety in Cyprus: a historical overview,2022,145,,e105474,Boustras From OSH regulation to safety results: using behavioral insights and a "supply chain" approach to improve outcomes - the experience of the Health and Safety Executive,2022,145,,e105491,Blanc The mediating influence of local cultures on the relationship between factors of safety risk perception and risk-taking behavioural intention of construction site workers,2022,145,,e105490,Manu If others drive intoxicated so may I: determinants for young drivers in Bulgaria,2022,145,,e105480,Vankov Alcohol-impaired driving and road safety: examining the impact of alcohol on driving errors of Indian drivers,2022,145,,e105516,Velaga Hybrid segmentation approach to identify crash susceptible locations in large road networks,2022,145,,e105515,Bhavathrathan Economic development and construction safety research: a bibliometrics approach,2022,145,,e105519,Li Fire safety in construction: site evacuation and self-reported worker behaviour,2022,145,,e105482,Galea Speaking up about safety concerns in high-risk industries: correlates of safety voice in the offshore oil rig sector,2022,145,,e105487,Mathisen Fire evacuation supported by centralized and decentralized visual guidance systems,2022,145,,e105451,Helbing Deep learning for autonomous vehicle and pedestrian interaction safety,2022,145,,e105479,Lv The relationship between psychosocial hazards and mental health in the construction industry: a meta-analysis,2022,145,,e105485,Jimmieson Architectural features and indoor evacuation wayfinding: the starting point matters,2022,145,,e105483,Parush Learn from the past and act for the future: a holistic and participative approach for improving occupational health and safety in industry,2022,145,,e105475,Botti Anterior load carriage increases the risk of falls in young adults following a slip in gait,2022,145,,e105489,Yang An exploratory investigation of public perceptions towards autonomous urban ferries,2022,145,,e105496,Goerlandt Examining oilmen's notions of 'fatherhood masculinity' as a pathway to understand increased offshore oilfield safety behaviours,2022,145,,e105501,Adams Injury severity and influence factors in surface mines: a correspondence analysis,2022,145,,105495,Stemn Good and bad apples in a barrel: opposing ends of within-workgroup safety climate,2022,145,,e105502,Lee "Mental health is not our core business": a qualitative study of mental health supports in the Ghanaian mining industry,2022,145,,e105484,Kelly Enhancing fire service incident investigation - translating findings into improved outcomes using PIAM,2022,145,,105488,Cattani Capsizing accident scenario model for small fishing trawler,2022,145,,e105500,Khan Safety hazards in coal mines of Guizhou China during 2011-2020,2022,145,,e105493,Zhang The effect of within-firm vertical pay disparity in occupational safety,2022,145,,e105497,Singer Exploring inattentional blindness in failure of safety risk perception: focusing on safety knowledge in construction industry,2022,145,,e105518,Lee Unveiling the mechanism of construction workers' unsafe behaviors from an occupational stress perspective: a qualitative and quantitative examination of a stress-cognition-safety model,2022,145,,e105486,Liang Bicycle crash contributory factors: a systematic review,2022,145,,e105511,Salmon Organizational context matters: psychosocial safety climate as a precursor to team and individual motivational functioning,2022,145,,e105524,Dollard Facilitators and barriers to implementing occupational safety interventions in the fishing industry: a scoping review,2022,145,,e105512,Jensen Safety climate profiles in remote workers: association with key predictors and outcomes at the team level,2022,145,,e105477,Lee Analysing relationships between work and training in order to prevent psychosocial risks,2022,145,,e105517,Vidal-Gomel A method for assessing the crossed risk of construction safety,2022,146,,e105531,Chen Predicting multiple types of traffic accident severity with explanations: a multi-task deep learning framework,2022,146,,e105522,Feng Safety through engaged workers: the link between Safety-II and work engagement,2022,146,,e105521,Bell Bi-objective rescue path selection optimization for mine fires based on quantitative risk assessment,2022,146,,e105492,Xu Experience gained from 15 years of fire protection plans for Nordic wooden towns in Norway,2022,146,,e105535,Log Evacuation trials from a double-deck electric train unit: experimental data and sensitivity analysis,2022,146,,e105523,Najmanová Fatality risk management: applying Quinlan's Ten Pathways in Western Australia's mining industry,2022,146,,e105494,Cattani Safety Integrated Model-training (SIM-t) and its evaluation: a safety training proposal for mechanical companies,2022,146,,e105538,Ricci Identification of human errors and influencing factors: a machine learning approach,2022,146,,e105528,Johnson Hierarchy in the cockpit: how captains influence the decision-making of young and inexperienced first officers,2022,146,,e105536,Causse Improving competitive evacuations with a vestibule structure designed from panel-like obstacles in the framework of the Social Force Model,2022,146,,e105544,Frank Weak signals management in occupational safety and health: a Delphi study,2022,146,,e105558,Boustras Modeling evacuation decisions in the 2019 Kincade fire in California,2022,146,,e105541,Nilsson A STAMP analysis of the staff safety management system in residential aged care,2022,146,,e105563,Oakman The policy operations room: analyzing path-dependent decision-making in wicked socio-ecological disruptions,2022,146,,e105567,Kuikka Causal relationship of some personal and impersonal variates to occupational injuries at continuous miner worksites in underground coal mines,2022,146,,e105562,Bhattacherjee Influence of safety climate on risk tolerance and risk-taking behavior: a cross-cultural examination,2022,146,,e105559,Hallowell Causal factors and risk assessment of fall accidents in the U.S. construction industry: a comprehensive data analysis (2000-2020),2022,146,,e105537,Xu Understanding total evacuation time perception in airplane emergency: a stated preference approach,2022,146,,e105540,Witlox Adaptive non-conform behaviour in accident investigations in the road based heavy goods transport sector,2022,146,,e105539,Newnam Stakeholder analysis for safe LNG handling at ports,2022,146,,e105565,Nivolianitou The past and present of System-Theoretic Accident Model And Processes (STAMP) and its associated techniques: a scoping review,2022,146,,e105566,Karanikas Experimental analysis of real-scale burning tests of artificial fuel packs at the wildland-urban interface,2022,146,,e105568,Heymes Using expert perspectives to explore factors affecting choice of methods in safety analysis,2022,146,,e105571,Cobb Road safety research in the context of low- and middle-income countries: macro-scale literature analyses trends knowledge gaps and challenges,2022,146,,e105513,Dixit Occupational health & safety and other worker wellbeing areas: results from labour inspections in the Bangladesh textile industry,2022,146,,e105533,Karanikas Crash injury severity analysis of e-bike riders: a random parameters generalized ordered probit model with heterogeneity in means,2022,146,,e105545,Yasmin Understanding work to transform training: a study for accident prevention in the telecommunications sector,2022,146,,e105520,Ouellet Construction safety performance evaluation based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) from a hybrid perspective of cross-sectional and longitudinal,2022,146,,e105532,Li Impact of mindfulness on construction workers' safety performance: the mediating roles of psychological contract and coping behaviors,2022,146,,e105534,Liang Knowledge attitude and practices of design for safety (DfS): a dynamic insight between academics and practitioners in Malaysia,2022,146,,e105576,Manu A novel decision support system for managing predictive maintenance strategies based on machine learning approaches,2022,146,,e105529,Arena Democratizing business intelligence and machine learning for air traffic management safety,2022,146,,e105530,Licu Advancing safety analytics: a diagnostic framework for assessing system readiness within occupational safety and health,2022,146,,e105569,Ludwig Optimal location of accident relief facilities in a railway network,2022,146,,e105560,Verma Loss and damage assessment in critical infrastructures due to extreme events,2022,147,,e105587,Levy Safety culture safety climate and safety performance in healthcare facilities: a systematic review,2022,147,,e105624,Ismail Factors that influence the effective use of safe work method statements for high-risk construction work in Australia - a literature review,2022,147,,e105628,O'Neill A generalized trajectories-based evaluation approach for pedestrian evacuation models,2022,147,,e105574,Chraibi Older sexual minority adults and driving under the influence 2015-2019 USA,2022,147,,e105588,Yang Development and evaluation of a VR research tool to study wayfinding behaviour in a multi-story building,2022,147,,e105573,Feng Safety and security implications of crisis-driven austerity HRM practices in commercial aviation: a structural equation modelling approach,2022,147,,e105570,Paraschi Influence of social networks and opportunities for social support on evacuation destination decision-making,2022,147,,e105564,Grace Identification of core risk factors and risk diffusion effect of urban underground engineering in China: a social network analysis,2022,147,,e105591,Chen What influences employees to follow security policies?,2022,147,,e105595,Oliveira A two-stage safety evaluation model for the red light running behaviour of pedestrians using the game theory,2022,147,,e105600,Yang Fire evacuation strategy analysis in long metro tunnels,2022,147,,e105603,Zhong Police location pages and groups on Facebook: does knowing where the police are influence perceptions of certainty and drug driving behaviour?,2022,147,,e105601,Freeman Designing national systems to support the analysis and prevention of occupational fatal injuries: evidence from Italy,2022,147,,e105615,de Merich The impact of fleet-level and organization-level safety climates on safety behavior among Thai civilian pilots: the role of safety motivation,2022,147,,e105614,Maneechaeye Trajectory-based analysis on pedestrian turning movement on a stair landing,2022,147,,e105622,Fang Modeling boundedly rational route choice in crowd evacuation processes,2022,147,,e105590,Wang Bayesian inference methods to calibrate crowd dynamics models for safety applications,2022,147,,e105586,Köster Understanding how managers balance the paradoxical nature of occupational safety through a practice-driven institutional lens,2022,147,,e105627,Jeschke A new Human factors incident taxonomy for members of the public (HFIT-MP): an investigation of escalator incidents,2022,147,,e105597,Dicks Reintroducing the sharp-end operator to organizational learning: how accident reports are used by maritime officers,2022,147,,e105632,Mallam The concept of plausibility in a risk analysis context: review and clarifications of defining ideas and interpretations,2022,147,,e105635,Aven Temporal leadership attentiveness and safety behaviors: the moderating roles of abusive supervision and safety consciousness,2022,147,,e105633,Goh Does fatigue mediate the relation between physical isolation and safety behaviour among isolated oil and gas workers?,2022,147,,e105639,Mohamed How team safety stressors affect proactive and prosocial safety behaviors: felt safety responsibility and affective commitment as mediators,2022,147,,e105625,Wang Analyzing the impact of time pressure on drivers' safety by assessing gap-acceptance behavior at un-signalized intersections,2022,147,,e105582,Velaga Safety effects of paved shoulder width on a four-lane divided rural highway in India: a matched case-control study,2022,147,,e105606,Tiwari Non-compliance behaviour of pedestrians and the associated conflicts at signalized intersections in India,2022,147,,e105604,Ghosh Client-led promotion of health and safety through the procurement process on public construction projects in developing countries,2022,147,,e105605,Sunindijo Pedestrian red-light violation at signalised intersection crosswalks: influence of social and non-social factors,2022,147,,e105583,Maurya Apprentices' health: between prevention and socialization,2022,147,,e105584,Duc Occupational health and safety in initial vocational training: reflection on the issues of prescription and integration in teaching and learning activities,2022,147,,e105580,Chatigny The influence of age on fatal work accidents and lost days in Chile between 2015 and 2019,2022,147,,e105599,Bravo A decision support system for designing win-win interventions impacting occupational safety and operational performance in ageing workforce contexts,2022,147,,e105598,Peron In-depth analysis on safety and security research based on system dynamics: a bibliometric mapping approach-based study,2022,147,,e105617,Wang A review and assessment of technologies for addressing the risk of falling from height on construction sites,2022,147,,e105618,Davis Robot application and occupational injuries: are robots necessarily safer?,2022,147,,e105623,Liu An informal institution comparative study of occupational safety knowledge sharing via French and English Tweets: languaculture weak-strong ties and AI sentiment perspectives,2022,147,,e105602,Yao Urban road network vulnerability and resilience to large-scale attacks,2022,147,,e105575,Vivek Integrating geospatial wildfire models to delineate landscape management zones and inform decision-making in Mediterranean areas,2022,147,,e105616,Vega-García A day when (Almost) nothing happened,2022,147,,e105631,Hollnagel Accident causation models developed in China between 1978 and 2018: Review and comparison,2022,148,,e105653,Yan Chemical process safety education in China: an overview and the way forward,2022,148,,e105643,Liu Health safety and environmental (HSE) regulation and outcomes in the offshore oil and gas industry: performance review of trends in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf,2022,148,,e105634,Acheampong Generic compliance of industrial PPE by using deep learning techniques,2022,148,,e105646,Djapan Safety barriers in the chemical process industries: a state-of-the-art review on their classification assessment and management,2022,148,,e105647,Yang Economic pressures on airlines' safety performance,2022,148,,e105626,Stamolampros The variety of beliefs about the causes of safety among safety practitioners,2022,148,,e105641,Carroll Uncovering coal mining accident coverups: an alternative perspective on China's new safety narrative,2022,148,,e105637,Yang The danger in the dark: safety and teamwork in Australian dark territory railway operations,2022,148,,e105638,Bearman VR and MR technology for safety management education: an authentic learning approach,2022,148,,e105645,Yang Identification of systems thinking aspects in ISO 45001:2018 on occupational health & safety management,2022,148,,e105671,Weber Fire safety protection motivation and preparedness in Irish apartments: a post-Grenfell analysis,2022,148,,e105630,Brown A Nordic approach to fire safety engineering - will standardization of probabilistic methods to verify fire safety designs of novel buildings improve engineering practices?,2022,148,,e105651,Njå Simulation of evacuation in an inclined passenger vessel based on an improved social force model,2022,148,,e105675,Wang Exploring emergent latent themes of taxi drivers' safety culture: a grounded theory approach,2022,148,,e105677,Arghami Splintered structures and workers without a workplace: how should safety science address the fragmentation of organizations?,2022,148,,e105644,Kongsvik A thematic review on prevention through design (PtD) concept application in the construction industry of developing countries,2022,148,,e105640,Samsudin Integrating Safety-I and Safety-II: Learning from failure and success in construction sites,2022,148,,e105672,Saurin Health status of young construction workers in the Global South: the case of Ghana,2022,148,,e105673,Frimpong Training: a way of reducing the risks of weakening for older workers at work and in employment? The case of a call centre,2022,148,,e105581,Delgoulet Management by values: a qualitative study of how small business owners in the cleaning sector view and implement their employer responsibilities with respect to occupational safety and health management,2022,148,,e105649,Landstad Transfer study of safety training based on mapping knowledge domain - overview factors and future,2022,148,,e105678,Chen How fatigue affects the safety behaviour intentions of construction workers an empirical study in Hunan China,2022,149,,e105684,Guo Pilot errors: communication comes last,2022,149,,e105686,Molesworth Who takes care of safety and health among young workers? Responsibilization of OSH in the platform economy,2022,149,,e105674,Dyreborg Investigating evacuation behaviour under an imminent threat of volcanic eruption using a logistic regression-based approach,2022,149,,e105688,Ranjitkar Instrument flying infrequency and weather decision-making for general aviation pilots -implications for flight safety in degraded visibility,2022,149,,e105687,Boyd Safety rules in a Norwegian high-security prison: the impact of social interaction between prisoners and officers,2022,149,,e105690,Midtlyng Proposal of a multidimensional risk assessment methodolgy to assess ageing workforce in a manufacturing industry: a pilot case study,2022,149,,e105681,Baffo Strategies for aggregating risk information in a societal safety context,2022,149,,e105691,Hassel Near miss management systems in the industrial sector: a literature review,2022,150,,e105704,Campo Health safety and wellbeing interventions in the workplace and how they may assist ageing heavy vehicle drivers: a meta review,2022,150,,e105676,Newnam The influence of the perceived masculinity of an occupation on risk behavior: the case of firefighters,2022,150,,e105702,Granie Standardized use inspection of workers' personal protective equipment based on deep learning,2022,150,,e105689,Li A study of situational circumstances related to Spain's occupational accident rates in the metal sector from 2009 to 2019,2022,150,,e105700,Reniers Association rules and social network analysis for supporting failure mode effects and criticality analysis: framework development and insights from an onshore platform,2022,150,,e105711,Bevilacqua Analysis on the impact of traffic safety measures on children's gaze behavior and their safety awareness at residential road intersections in Japan,2022,150,,e105706,Hashimoto The relationship between sense of calling and safety behavior among airline pilots: the role of harmonious safety passion and safety climate,2022,150,,e105718,Ji The influence of psychosocial safety climate on miners' safety behavior: a cross-level research,2022,150,,e105719,Yu Securing insecurity in the 'Blue Line'. Reliability through improvisation: the case of a temporary prison arrangement,2022,150,,e105720,Kruke An experimental study on bidirectional pedestrian flow involving individuals with simulated disabilities in a corridor,2022,150,,e105723,Zhang Exploring injury severity of vulnerable road user involved crashes across seasons: a hybrid method integrating random parameter logit model and Bayesian network,2022,150,,e105682,Chen Analysis of designers' Prevention through Design (PtD) competence in the construction industry: a study of Malaysia Nigeria and South Africa,2022,150,,e105710,Che Ibrahim Revealing the mechanism of stress generation for construction frontline professionals through development of structural stressors-coping-stress models,2022,150,,e105708,Liang Determining prominent factors across system hierarchies to improve road safety in LMICs: a case study of Bangladesh,2022,150,,e105709,Ukkusuri Spatial predictions of harsh driving events using statistical and machine learning methods,2022,150,,e105722,Antoniou Human reliability in railway engineering: literature review and bibliometric analysis of the last two decades,2022,151,,e105755,Ciani The impact of climate change on workplace safety and health hazard in facilities management: an in-depth review,2022,151,,e105745,Goh Using action design research for developing and implementing a method for risk assessment and continuity management,2022,151,,e105727,Hassel Causal analysis of accidents on construction sites: a hybrid fuzzy Delphi and DEMATEL approach,2022,151,,e105730,Zayed Setting the speed limit for highway horizontal curves: a revision of inferred design speed based on vehicle system dynamics,2022,151,,e105729,He On good form? Analysis of rail Signal Passed at Danger pro formas and the extent to which they capture systems influences following incidents,2022,151,,e105726,Dorrian Writing plans instead of eliminating risks: how can written safety artefacts reduce safety?,2022,151,,e105738,Rae Analysis of safety climate factors and safety compliance relationships in the oil and gas industry,2022,151,,e105744,Boustras Estimating hourly work schedule risk in railway traffic controllers,2022,151,,e105757,Folkard Individual and combined effects of working conditions physical and mental conditions and risky driving behaviors on taxi crashes in China,2022,151,,e105759,Wang Research on simulation of risk control strategy for air traffic controllers' unsafe acts,2022,151,,e105728,Xu The potential risk to public safety posed by the economic regulation of gas infrastructure,2022,151,,e105760,Hayes Crisis management as a learning system: Understanding the dynamics of adaptation and transformation in-between crises,2022,151,,e105735,Hallberg A framework for the safe use of bamboo scaffolding in the Nigerian construction industry,2022,151,,e105725,Sanni-Anibire Decolonizing occupational safety management: the case of construction site safety culture in Ghana,2022,151,,e105732,Sherratt Risk assessment of fatal accidents due to work at heights activities using fault tree analysis: case study in Malaysia,2022,151,,e105724,Zermane Improvement of hazard prediction accuracy after training: moderation effect of driving self-efficacy and road safety attitudes of learner drivers,2022,151,,e105742,Šeibokaitė A case study on the Industrial Risk Management (IRM) post-master academic education program of MINES Paris PSL University,2022,151,,e105733,Van Wassenhove An evaluation of the information literacy of safety professionals,2022,151,,e105734,Tao Integrated management of safety and security in Seveso sites - sociotechnical perspectives,2022,151,,e105741,Cozzani Methods to improve the translation of evidence-based interventions: a primer on dissemination and implementation science for occupational safety and health researchers and practitioners,2022,152,,e105763,Glasgow Casualty behaviours during incidents involving hazardous materials,2022,152,,e105758,Carter The influence of spatial cognition and variability of mental workload among construction hazard prevention through design tasks,2022,152,,e105770,Hardison A multicriteria approach to integrating occupational safety & health performance and industry systems productivity in the context of aging workforce: a case study,2022,152,,e105764,Petrillo The making of a legitimate standard,2022,152,,e105771,Hayes Network theory applied to preparedness problems in wildfire management,2022,152,,e105762,Demange Injuries and risk factors associated with bicycle and electric bike use in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,152,,e105769,Ma Bringing in gender perspectives on systematic occupational safety and health management,2022,152,,e105776,Sjöberg Forssberg Estimating the probability of accidents on building scaffoldings,2022,152,,e105777,Hoła Leaders as motivators and meaning makers: how perceived leader behaviors and leader safety commitment attributions shape employees' safety behaviors,2022,152,,e105775,Griffin Business performance and occupational injuries trajectories in the construction sector in Sweden,2022,152,,e105772,Wegman Building collaborative trust in public safety networks,2022,152,,e105785,Kożuch Methodology for testing and evaluation of safety analytics approaches,2022,152,,e105737,Paiva Differences in occupational health and safety efforts between adopters and non-adopters of certified occupational health and safety management systems,2022,152,,e105794,Dyreborg Prevention services for occupational safety and health in the European Union: anachronisms or supports for better practice?,2022,152,,e105793,Johnstone Hierarchical difference in attention allocation of local governments: explaining change and stability in safety management,2022,152,,e105789,Wei Are we working on the safety of UAVs? An LDA-based study of UAV safety technology trends,2022,152,,e105767,Chen Uncertainties in failure rates in the LNG bunkering risk assessment,2022,152,,e105774,Gerbec A systematic review of human-AI interaction in autonomous ship systems,2022,152,,e105778,Veitch Prediction of humans' behaviors during a disaster: the Behavioral Pattern during Disaster Indicator (BPDI),2022,152,,e105773,Xenidis Construction safety and health hazard awareness in Web of Science and Weibo between 1991 and 2021,2022,152,,e105790,Li Using systems theory for additional risk detection in boiler explosions in Brazil,2022,152,,e105761,Landi How does hourly variation in exposure to cyclists and motorised vehicles affect cyclist safety? A case study from a Dutch cycling capital,2022,152,,e105740,Bijleveld Industrial internet of things and unsupervised deep learning enabled real-time occupational safety monitoring in cold storage warehouse,2022,152,,e105766,Xia Developing resilience for safety management systems in building repair and maintenance: a conceptual model,2022,152,,e105768,Zhang Knowing the safety level of a system in real-time: an extended mathematical model of the STAMP-based RealTSL methodology,2022,152,,e105739,Dokas An experimental analysis of the impact of thermal protective immersion suit and angle of heel on individual walking speeds,2022,152,,e105621,Galea Systems theoretic accident model and process (STAMP): a literature review,2022,152,,e105596,Zhang The effects of industry risk level on safety training outcomes: a meta-analysis of intervention studies,2022,152,,e105594,Luria Safety supervision of tower crane operation on construction sites: an evolutionary game analysis,2022,152,,e105578,Chen Small-displacement motorcycle crashes and risky ridership in Vietnam: findings from a focus group and in-depth interview study,2022,152,,e105514,Wets The emperor has no clothes: a critique of Safety-II,2022,152,,e105047,Cooper What is the potential impact of industry 4.0 on health and safety at work?,2022,153,,e105802,Zorzenon Risk management in aviation maintenance: a systematic literature review,2022,153,,e105810,Mendes Developing high-reliability organisations: a social identity model,2022,153,,e105814,Haslam The mutual interdependences between safety and operations: a systematic literature review,2022,153,,e105812,Cagno Ageing assets at major hazard chemical sites - the Dutch experience,2022,153,,e105788,Bellamy Risk perception and knowledge of protective measures for flood risk planning: the case study of Brindisi (Puglia region),2022,153,,e105791,Lovreglio Development and testing of a nuclear regulator safety culture perception survey,2022,153,,e105792,Fleming Evacuation behavior of affected individuals and households in response to the 2018 Attica wildfires: from empirical data to models,2022,153,,e105799,Wang Prevention of accidents in facilities for the treatment and storage of selected agricultural products,2022,153,,e105800,Trávníček Engineering maintenance decision-making with unsupported judgement under operational constraints,2022,153,,e105756,Green Maintenance outsourcing and safety. Case study of disorganization phenomena in a reticular organization,2022,153,,e105801,Grusenmeyer Study on fire smoke control in evacuation passageways on the top floor of an atrium involving breathing zones combined with underfloor makeup air supplementation,2022,153,,e105807,Li Confirmatory factor analysis of work-related accidents in UAE,2022,153,,e105813,Al Zarooni Crowd dynamics research in the era of Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and opportunities,2022,153,,e105818,Haghani Pedestrian distraction: mobile phone use and its associations with other risky crossing behaviours and conflict situations,2022,153,,e105816,Debnath Temporal analysis of the frequency of accidents associated with construction equipment,2022,153,,e105817,Kang Effect of paternalistic leadership on safety performance of transit bus drivers: activation effect of positive followership traits,2022,153,,e105821,Liu Learning lessons for automated vehicle design: using systems thinking to analyse and compare automation-related accidents across transport domains,2022,153,,e105822,Stanton Characteristics of early shared E-Scooter fatalities in the United States 2018-2020,2022,153,,e105811,Karpinski Experiences of young drivers and accompanying persons in Denmark: a qualitative study,2022,153,,e105823,Møller Pedestrian-vehicle interaction severity level assessment at uncontrolled intersections using machine learning algorithms,2022,153,,e105806,Govinda Distracted driving in relation to risky road behaviors and traffic crashes in Bogota Colombia,2022,153,,e105803,Useche A registry-based investigation of road traffic fatality risk factors using police data: a case study of Hyderabad India,2022,153,,e105805,Sahu The state of wildfire and bushfire science: temporal trends research divisions and knowledge gaps,2022,153,,e105797,Kolden Construction safety knowledge sharing on YouTube from 2007 to 2021: two-step flow theory and semantic analysis,2022,153,,e105796,Yao Evaluating the quality of WHS disclosures by ASX100 companies: is mandatory WHS reporting necessary?,2022,153,,e105798,Gardiner On-site safety inspection of tower cranes: a blockchain-enabled conceptual framework,2022,153,,e105815,Li A field study on human factor and safety performances in a downstream oil industry,2022,153,,e105795,Fabiano Customised risk assessment in manufacturing: a step towards the future of occupational safety management,2022,154,,e105809,Demichela Fatigue measures and risk assessment tools for first responder fatigue risk management: a scoping review with considerations of the multidimensionality of fatigue,2022,154,,e105839,Yazdani The 'new view' of human error: origins ambiguities successes and critiques,2022,154,,e105853,Le Coze Evaluation of national work-related psychosocial risk management policies: an international review of the literature,2022,154,,e105854,Leka Using BIM in the safety risk management of modular construction,2022,154,,e105852,Ma "We can regulate ourselves": exploring the artisans' trade associations' contributions to occupational safety and health problem prevention,2022,154,,e105836,Juliana Afolabi Emergency response for tackling major accidental toxic gas releases: what should be done and when?,2022,154,,e105819,Xu A qualitative survey of factors shaping the role of a safety professional,2022,154,,e105835,Dekker A method to identify investigative blind spots (MIBS): addressing blunt-end factors of ultra-safe organizations' investigation-work-as-done,2022,154,,e105825,Lundberg Safety challenges experienced by driver license examiners and related safety measures,2022,154,,e105808,Albert Rewarding safety performance: improving safety or maintaining beliefs?,2022,154,,e105824,Lawrie Explaining unsafe pedestrian road crossing behaviours using a psychophysics-based gap acceptance model,2022,154,,e105837,Merat Modeling distraction tendency of motorized two-wheeler drivers in time pressure situations,2022,154,,e105820,Mishra Creation of satisfactory safety culture by developing its key dimensions,2022,154,,e105849,Tappura A general method to combine environmental and life-safety consequences of Arctic ship accidents,2022,154,,e105855,Khan A multi-domain instrument for safety climate: military safety climate questionnaire (MSCQ) and NOSACQ-50,2022,154,,e105851,Schuler Measuring effects of safety-reminding interventions against risk habituation,2022,154,,e105857,Kim Balancing privacy and occupational safety and health in construction: a blockchain-enabled P-OSH deployment framework,2022,154,,e105860,Li Escalator accident mechanism analysis and injury prediction approaches in heavy capacity metro rail transit stations,2022,154,,e105850,Li Hazard identification risk assessment and management of industrial system: process safety in mining industry,2022,154,,e105863,Nie Experimental study on evacuation behavior with guidance under high and low urgency conditions,2022,154,,e105865,Zhang Factors contributing to work-related violence: a systematic review and systems perspective,2022,154,,e105859,Sheppard Household chemicals and pre-schoolers: caretakers' beliefs and perspectives on risks and responsibilities,2022,154,,e105864,Siegrist Safety intelligence toward safety management in a big-data environment: a general model and its application in urban safety management,2022,154,,e105840,Zhao Organisational mindfulness as a sustainable driver of employee innovation adoption: individual and organisational factors,2022,154,,e105841,Preenen Human performance in manufacturing tasks: optimization and assessment of required workload and capabilities,2022,154,,e105838,Demichela The effects of green signal countdown timer and retiming of signal intervals on dilemma zone related crash risk at signalized intersections under heterogeneous traffic conditions,2022,154,,e105862,Ghosh Relationship between human factors and a safe performance of vessel traffic service operators: a systematic qualitative-based review in maritime safety,2022,155,,e105892,Crestelo Moreno Virtual design and construction for occupational safety and health purposes - a review on current gaps and directions for research and practice,2022,155,,e105876,Zielinski Nguyen Ajslev The impact of work demands and operational tempo on safety culture motivation and perceived performance in safety critical systems,2022,155,,e105861,Grabowski Exploring 'wait and see' responses in French and Australian WUI wildfire emergencies,2022,155,,e105866,Galea An integrated decision model for managing hospital evacuation in response to an extreme flood event: a case study of the Hawkesbury‐Nepean River NSW Australia,2022,155,,e105867,Dixit Employers' experiences with safe work integration of recent immigrants and refugees,2022,155,,e105856,Smith Analyzing the factors determining the effectiveness of the international safety management code applied on ships through the fuzzy DEMATEL method,2022,155,,e105872,Yorulmaz The effect of symmetrical exit layout on luggage-laden pedestrian movement in the double-exit room,2022,155,,105874,Zhang Self-organisation phenomena in pedestrian counter flows and its modelling,2022,155,,e105875,Xie An experimental study on evacuation dynamics including individuals with simulated disabilities,2022,155,,e105878,Zhang Crowd risk prediction in a spiritually motivated crowd,2022,155,,e105877,Verma Examining the role of supervisory and co-worker safety support in mediating the relationship between safety climate and safety performance,2022,155,,e105880,Idris Drivers' attitudes to road safety in the South East Asian cities of Jakarta and Hanoi: socio-economic and demographic characterisation by Multiple Correspondence Analysis,2022,155,,e105869,Dissanayake Facing the "During" phase in crisis management: an incremental adaptive launching process,2022,155,,105890,Romano Law of requisite variety in practice: assessing the match between risk and actors' contribution to resilient performance,2022,155,,e105895,Abreu Saurin The development of a safety assessment model for using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in construction,2022,155,,e105893,Turkan A comparative study of management safety justice in Sub-Sahara Africa,2022,155,,e105891,Sharon Workplace safety and future and emerging ways of work: a systematic literature review,2022,155,,e105873,Caponecchia Designing safety interventions for specific contexts: results from a literature review,2022,156,,e105906,Baker Effect of safety climate on safety behavior and occupational injuries: a systematic review study,2022,156,,e105917,Mohammadfam Physical hazards musculoskeletal pain and job control: multilevel results from the European Social Survey,2022,156,,e105901,Gulseren A systems analysis of work-related violence in hospitals: stakeholders contributory factors and leverage points,2022,156,,e105899,Salmon A holistic view and evaluation of health and safety at work: enabling the assessment of the overall burden,2022,156,,e105900,Micheli Applying fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to identify pathways for improving occupational health and safety performance,2022,156,,e105903,Maalouf Planning evacuation orders under evacuee compliance uncertainty,2022,156,,e105894,Kim A quantitative effectiveness analysis to improve the safety management system (SMS) implementation on-board ship,2022,156,,e105913,Arslan Safety as a network digital and global reality,2022,156,,e105896,Le Coze Bibliometric and scientometric analysis-based review of construction safety and health research in developing countries from 1990 to 2021,2022,156,,e105897,Umeokafor Dynamic identification of crane load fall zone: A computer vision approach,2022,156,,e105904,Goh Distortion models for estimating human error probabilities,2023,157,,e105915,Alonso-Martín The risk of risk assessments: investigating dangerous workshop biases through a socio-technical systems model,2023,157,,e105918,Naweed Latency and geofence testing of wireless emergency alerts intended for the ShakeAlert® earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the United States of America,2023,157,,e105898,Meier Modelling the root causes of fatigue and associated risk factors in the Brazilian regular aviation industry,2023,157,,e105905,Rodrigues Garden structure is critical for building survival in northern forest fires - an analysis using large Swedish wildfires,2023,157,,e105928,Sjöström Virtual reality application for construction safety training,2023,157,,e105925,Shojaei Surviving relatives as stakeholders for corporate social responsibility and as leaders for meaningful safety improvement. A case study from the Netherlands,2023,157,,e105927,I.J.M. Zwetsloot Crossing behaviors of drunk pedestrians unfamiliar with local traffic rules,2023,157,,e105924,Wong An investigation of how context affects the response of pedestrians to the movement of others,2023,157,,e105919,Bode Numerical assessment of post-earthquake fire response of steel buildings,2023,157,,e105921,Giuliani An extended FRAM method to check the adequacy of safety barriers and to assess the safety of a socio-technical system,2023,157,,e105930,Haugen The impact of self-evacuation from flood hazard areas on the equilibrium of the road transport,2023,157,,e105934,Dulebenets Implementing safety leading indicators in construction: toward a proactive approach to safety management,2023,157,,e105929,Manu Precision safety management (PSM): a novel and promising approach to safety management in the precision era,2023,157,,e105931,Wang Methodology based on causes of accidents for forcasting the effects of falls from scaffoldings using the construction industry in Poland as an example,2023,157,,e105945,Hoła Antecedents of construction workers' safety cognition: a systematic review,2023,157,,e105923,Liu Effects of an educational intervention program based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED model for anger management and driving performance of urban taxi drivers: a comparison of traditional and online methods,2023,157,,e105933,Mokarami Integrating wildfire spread and evacuation times to design safe triggers: application to two rural communities using PERIL model,2023,157,,e105914,Rein Upward safety communication in the workplace: how team leaders stimulate employees' voice through empowering and monitoring supervision,2023,157,,e105947,Griffin Development and application of a Bayesian network-based model for systematically reducing safety risks in the commercial air transportation system,2023,157,,e105942,Zhou Controlling safety and health challenges intrinsic in exoskeleton use in construction,2023,157,,e105943,Gambatese Psychosocial factors and safety in high-risk industries: a systematic literature review,2023,157,,e105948,Mathisen The level of occupational safety and health promotion in Czech family manufacturing enterprises,2023,157,,e105946,Horváthová The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on construction safety in China and the U.S.: a comparative study,2023,161,,e106076,Goh Mapping the knowledge domain of soft computing applications for emergency evacuation studies: a scientometric analysis and critical review,2023,158,,e105955,Chen Visualized analysis of safety climate research: a bibliometric data mining approach,2023,158,,e105973,Tao Data-driven approaches for road safety: a comprehensive systematic literature review,2023,158,,e105949,Rakha Identifying effective risk management frameworks for complex socio-technical systems,2023,158,,e105989,Luther Relationship between the territorial distribution of labor inspectors and work accident injuries: clustering Ecuadorian provinces into four management scenarios,2023,158,,e105956,García-Arroyo The use of low-level theory to guide the interpretation of road safety evaluation studies,2023,158,,e105963,Elvik Research on the influencing factors of grassroots employees' safety behavior from the perspective of informal groups in workplace,2023,158,,e105959,Chen Exploring international beachgoers' perceptions of safety signage on Australian beaches,2023,158,,e105966,Shibata The relationship between organizational dehumanization and safety behaviors,2023,158,,e105971,Caesens Developing a more engaging safety training in agriculture: gender differences in digital game preferences,2023,158,,e105974,Cavallo Situation awareness in outage work - a study of events occurring in U.S. nuclear power plants between 2016 and 2020,2023,158,,e105965,McDonald An advanced approach to the system safety in sociotechnical systems,2023,158,,e105961,Khan Safety analysis of fire and explosion (F&E) accidents risk in bulk carrier ships under fuzzy fault tree approach,2023,158,,e105972,Arslan Familiarity with beach warning flags in the Netherlands,2023,158,,e105952,Roefs Exploration of the causes of ammonium nitrate explosions: statistics and analysis of accidents over the past 100 years,2023,158,,e105954,Boustras Team adaptation and safety in aviation,2023,158,,e105985,Kontogiannis Macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of a pedestrian cross-flow: Part I experimental analysis,2023,158,,e105953,Nishinari Proposal for and validation of novel risk-based process to reduce the risk of construction site fatalities (Major Accident Prevention (MAP) program),2023,158,,e105986,Cattani Effect of trained evacuation leaders on victims' safety during an active shooter incident,2023,158,,e105967,Park Macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of a pedestrian cross-flow: Part II modelling,2023,158,,e105969,Nishinari Delivering hot food on motorcycles: a mixed method study of the impact of business model on rider behaviour and safety,2023,158,,e105991,Ward From must to mindset: outcomes of human factor practices in aviation and railway companies,2023,158,,e105968,Teperi Using actor maps and AcciMaps for road safety investigations: development of taxonomies and meta-analyses,2023,158,,e105975,Stanton Towards best practices for residential carpentry safety: multiple case study analysis,2023,158,,e105983,Lucas A combined approach to incident cause analysis: squeeze every drop of info from undesirable events,2023,158,,e105997,Ferjencik Integrating diminished quality of life with virtual reality for occupational health and safety training,2023,158,,e105999,Cao Workplace incivility: a retrospective review and future research agenda,2023,158,,e105990,Pandey On the strength of arguments related to standardization in risk management regulations,2023,158,,e105998,Hassel Understanding safety culture and safety citizenship through the lens of social identity theory,2023,158,,e105993,Tear Takeoff runway overrun risk assessment in aviation safety based on human pilot behavioral characteristics from real flight data,2023,158,,e105992,Sun Developing an ensemble risk analysis framework for improving the safety of tower crane operations under coupled Fuzzy-based environment,2023,158,,e105957,Zhang Using Context-Guided data Augmentation lightweight CNN and proximity detection techniques to improve site safety monitoring under occlusion conditions,2023,158,,e105958,Hou A Safety System based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to prevent the misuse of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in construction,2023,158,,e105995,López-Arquillos Impact of owners' safety management behavior on construction workers' unsafe behavior,2023,158,,e105944,Guo Safety Science in the new age of work [editorial],2023,158,,e105970,Grote Deep learning approaches for vulnerable road users safety [editorial],2023,158,,e105964,Damiani Future needs of human reliability analysis: the interaction between new technology crew roles and performance,2023,158,,e105962,Bye Learning from major accidents: a meta-learning perspective,2023,158,,e105984,Cozzani A risk-averse solution for the prescribed burning problem,2023,158,,e105951,León Are subjective outcomes a "missing link" between driving stress and risky driving behaviors of commuters? Assessing the case of a LMIC,2023,158,,e105996,Useche Editorial on Meta-learning peculiarities and approaches for facing safety issues and enhancing risk management process,2023,159,,e106040,Paltrinieri A popular systemic accident model in China: theory and applications of 24Model,2023,159,,e106013,Fu Cognitive mechanism of construction workers' unsafe behavior: a systematic review,2023,159,,e106037,Liu Production pressure and its relationship to safety: a systematic review and future directions,2023,159,,e106045,Triantis Sitting posture influence in autonomous vehicles for the evaluation of occupant safety in side impact,2023,159,,e106002,Negro Examining the impact of exposure built environment and socio-demographics on pedestrian safety: a case study of Greater London,2023,159,,e106015,Cherrett The influence of learning-oriented leadership for promoting future-directed workplace safety in the mining industry,2023,159,,e106010,Surienty Toward the translation of systems thinking methods in patient safety practice: assessing the validity of Net-HARMS and AcciMap,2023,159,,e106003,Salmon An evaluation of violence prevention education in healthcare,2023,159,,e106011,McLeod Working hour patterns and risk of occupational accidents. an optimal matching analysis in a hospital employee cohort,2023,159,,e106004,Harma Forecasting occupational safety performance and mining text-based association rules for incident occurrences,2023,159,,e106014,Maiti Effect of S-shaped guardrails on pedestrian crowd flows in bottleneck areas,2023,159,,e106020,Jiang Sustainability reporting pathway - is it a true reflection of organisational safety culture: insights from oil and gas and process sector of India,2023,159,,e106006,Pati Human reliability assessment on building construction work at height: the case of scaffolding work,2023,159,,e106021,Li Cross-cultural effects on drivers' use of explicit and implicit communicative cues to predict intentions of other road users,2023,159,,e106001,Sheppard The cultural-historical development of occupational accidents and diseases prevention in France: a scoping review,2023,159,,e106016,Boudra The validity and measurement equivalence of a brief safety climate questionnaire across casual and permanent workers,2023,159,,e106034,Summers "I'm energized to" & "I'm able to": a dual-path model of the influence of workplace spirituality on high-speed railway drivers' safety performance,2023,159,,e106033,Zhang Causal and contributing factors of accidents in the Ghanaian mining industry,2023,159,,e106036,Stemn Motivational factors for occupational safety and health improvements: a mixed-method study within the Swedish equine sector,2023,159,,e106035,Andersson Work stressors coping strategies and poor mental health in the Chinese construction industry,2023,159,,e106039,Sunindijo Hybrid visual information analysis for on-site occupational hazards identification: a case study on stairway safety,2023,159,,e106043,Chen Do safety cases demonstrate risks have been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable? an Australian study examining the methods of presenting safety cases,2023,159,,e106042,Ho The performance of wildfire danger indices: a Swedish case study,2023,159,,e106038,Johansson A Bayesian two-stage approach to integrate simulator data and expert judgment in human error probability estimation,2023,159,,e106009,Podofillini Estimating the financial benefits of employers' occupational health and safety expenditures,2023,159,,e106008,Mustard Deadly meals: the influence of personal and job factors on burnout and risky riding behaviours of food delivery motorcyclists,2023,159,,e106007,Oviedo-Trespalacios Human-robot teaming in construction: evaluative safety training through the integration of immersive technologies and wearable physiological sensing,2023,159,,e106019,Liu A construction accident prevention system based on the Internet of Things (IoT),2023,159,,e106012,Ghodrati Predicting fatal fall from heights accidents using random forest classification machine learning model,2023,159,,e106023,Zermane Fundamental diagrams for straight movement of pedestrians in water,2023,159,,e106018,Zhang Formation and evolution mechanisms of truck overweight phenomenon in mainland China: systematic and historical perspectives,2023,159,,e106005,Wang How stair configurations in buildings affect pedestrian dynamics on stairs? A simulation study via an extended three-dimensional force-based model,2023,159,,e106031,Sarvi Wildland-urban interface fires in Norwegian coastal heathlands - identifying risk reducing measures,2023,159,,e106032,Gjedrem Indicator-based resilience assessment for critical infrastructures - a review,2023,160,,e106049,Bony-Dandrieux Occupational health and safety risk assessment: a systematic literature review of models methods and applications,2023,160,,e106050,Gu Brain-computer interfaces in safety and security fields: risks and applications,2023,160,,e106051,Brocal Application of systems thinking accident analysis methods: a review for railways,2023,160,,e106066,Hendry Hazard identification for risk assessment using the PRA technique in the automotive industry,2023,160,,e106041,Rivera Domínguez Assessing evacuation performance of pedestrians within narrow seated spaces,2023,160,,e106046,Zhu Solar installation occupational risks: a systematic review,2023,160,,e106048,Duroha Generating textual emergency plans for unconventional emergencies -- a natural language processing approach,2023,160,,e106047,Zeng A national study examining safety factors and training associated with STEM education and CTE laboratory accidents in the United States,2023,160,,e106058,Love Individual wayfinding decisions under stress in indoor emergency situations: a theoretical framework and meta-analysis,2023,160,,e106063,Li Can family-work conflict influence safety behavior in airline pilots? The mediating role of fatigue and the moderating role of extraversion,2023,160,,e106061,Ji A review of the foundations of systems infrastructure and governance,2023,160,,e106060,Große Characteristics of pedestrians descending on a stairway: a trajectory-based empirical analysis,2023,160,,e106068,Zeng Improving the decision-making basis by strengthening the risk assessments of unexploded ordnance and explosive remnants of war,2023,160,,e106065,Sommer Estimating and visualizing the exposure to tower crane operation hazards on construction sites,2023,160,,e106044,Hu Does managers' walking around benefit workplace safety? A safety climate intervention field study,2023,161,,e106062,Li Human error contribution to accidents in the manufacturing sector: a structured approach to evaluate the interdependence among performance shaping factors,2023,161,,e106067,La Fata Reconciling occupational safety and health (OSH) Master's of Science curricula with employer demands,2023,161,,e106059,Wachter Examining construction group's safety attitude resilience under major disruptions: an agent-based modelling approach,2023,161,,e106071,Zou Safety education 4.0 - a critical review and a response to the process industry 4.0 need in chemical engineering curriculum,2023,161,,e106069,Khan Coping with different system logics of standardization in regulatory regimes. Norwegian offshore experience,2023,161,,e106079,Lindøe Impact of rising temperatures on occupational accidents in Brazil in the period 2006 to 2019: a multiple correspondence analysis,2023,161,,e106078,Ferrari Learning from the complexities of fostering a restorative just culture in practice within the Royal Netherlands Air Force,2023,161,,e106074,Boskeljon-Horst A causal inference method for improving the design and interpretation of safety research,2023,161,,e106082,Gao Development of a generative voluntary safety reporting culture (GVSRC) model for the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) oil and gas (O & G) sector using attributes of the aviation safety action program (ASAP),2023,161,,e106073,Snyder Validation of system safety hazard analysis in safety-critical industries: an interview study with industry practitioners,2023,161,,e106084,Goerlandt Investigating pedestrian behavioral patterns under different floodwater conditions: a video analysis on real flood evacuations,2023,161,,e106083,Romano How effective is the fire safety education policy in China? A quantitative evaluation based on the PMC-index model,2023,161,,e106070,Qi A conflict-based safety assessment technique for rear-end crash risk at signalized intersections in a lower-middle-income country: a comparison between homogeneous and heterogeneous traffic conditions,2023,161,,e106075,Haque Safety and reliability in aviation - a systematic scoping review of normal accident theory high-reliability theory and resilience engineering in aviation,2023,162,,e106097,Sikora A study to determine human-related errors at the level of top management safety supervisors & workers during the implementation of safety practices in the construction industry,2023,162,,e106081,Nazeer Ahamed Associations and mediators between types of motorcycle ownership and road traffic injuries among motorcycle taxi drivers in Dar es Salaam Tanzania,2023,162,,e106094,Hasselberg Exploring collaborative crisis management: a model of essential capabilities,2023,162,,e106092,Hallberg Linking construction noise to worker safety behavior: the role of negative emotion and regulatory focus,2023,162,,e106093,Liu Subway passengers' wayfinding behaviors when exposed to signage: an experimental study in virtual reality with eye-tracker,2023,162,,e106096,Chen How does social capital influence shadow evacuation behavior under rainstorm disaster in China,2023,162,,e106098,Sun Mineworkers' perspective of fatigue: a study of the Ghanaian mining industry,2023,162,,e106095,Stemn Cognition-driven navigation assistive system for emergency indoor wayfinding (CogDNA): proof of concept and evidence,2023,162,,e106100,Du Using reaction times and accident statistics for safety impact prediction of automated vehicles on road safety of vulnerable road users,2023,162,,e106091,Weijermars What works in safety. The use and perceived effectiveness of 48 safety interventions,2023,162,,e106072,Groeneweg A proposed validation framework for the system theoretic process analysis (STPA) technique,2023,162,,e106080,Goerlandt Personalized stability monitoring based on body postures of construction workers working at heights,2023,162,,e106104,Goh Enhancing construction safety: machine learning-based classification of injury types,2023,162,,e106102,Bai Commentary on: "Characteristics of early shared E-scooter fatalities in the United States 2018-2020″,2023,163,,e106119,Cittadini Characterization and future perspectives of virtual reality evacuation drills for safe built environments: a systematic literature review,2023,163,,e106141,Quagliarini Thinking five or six actions ahead: investigating the non-technical skills used within UK forestry chainsaw operations,2023,163,,e106112,Irwin On different pages? More dangerous than a papercut: Implications of incongruence between leader and member safety climate perceptions,2023,163,,e106111,Lee Using the TPB and 24Model to understand workers' unintentional and intentional unsafe behaviour: a case study,2023,163,,e106099,Wang Profiles of pedestrian risk behavior while crossing the street,2023,163,,e106120,Escobar Optimizing the safety of residential quarters in China's compact cities: a safety systems engineering approach,2023,163,,e106114,Li The variables with the greatest influence on ATM safety barriers,2023,163,,e106101,Arnaldo Valdés Exploring strategies and tools to prevent accidents or incidents in atypical scenarios : a scoping review,2023,163,,e106124,Clari Incorporating technological acceptance model into safety compliance of construction workers in Australia,2023,163,,e106127,Zhao Severe injuries among construction workers: insights from OSHA's new severe injury reporting program,2023,163,,e106126,Albert It's (not) just a matter of terminology: everyday understanding of "mass panic" and alternative terms,2023,163,,e106123,Sieben Evaluating the preliminary effectiveness of industrial virtual reality safety training for ozone generator isolation procedure,2023,163,,e106125,Mortimer Is risk analysis a source of misinformation? The undermining effects of uncertainty on credibility,2023,163,,e106129,Aven Biomathematical modeling for the prediction of sleep behavior and comparison against cognitive performance in firefighters,2023,163,,e106128,Hursh Application of machine learning technology for occupational accident severity prediction in the case of construction collapse accidents,2023,163,,e106138,Goh Benefits and challenges relating to the implementation of health and safety leading indicators in the construction industry: a systematic review,2023,163,,e106131,Phinias Revealing the generation mechanism of cross-regional emergency cooperation during accidents and disasters rescue,2023,163,,e106140,Lei Tracking the right path: safety performance indicators as boundary objects in air ambulance services,2023,163,,e106139,Hayes Organisational learning without fire? Risk analyses as a basis for developing crisis management capabilities,2023,163,,e106144,Eriksson Safety of hospital floor coverings: a mixed method study,2023,163,,e106145,Bendak Investigating the impact of physical fatigue on construction workers' situational awareness,2023,163,,e106103,Techera Visual attention framework for identifying semantic information from construction monitoring video,2023,163,,e106122,Zhong Using cased based reasoning for automated safety risk management in construction industry,2023,163,,e106113,Lu Using complementary intersection and segment analyses to identify crash hot spots,2023,163,,e106121,Schultz Health safety and well-being in platform-mediated work - a job demands and resources perspective,2023,163,,e106130,Kongsvik Towards safer more walkable urban environments for child-pedestrians - application of the theory of Planned behavior,2023,164,,e106148,Oron-Gilad Safety evaluation of human-robot collaboration for industrial exoskeleton,2023,164,,e106142,Cai An examination of the relationship between financial performance and safety factors in the heavy trucking industry,2023,164,,e106156,Haworth Predicting injury-severity for cyclist crashes using natural language processing and neural network modelling,2023,164,,e106153,Møller Decision-making during urgent phase of a nuclear accident under extreme conditions,2023,164,,e106158,Hussain Police and public perspectives on the use and impacts of technology that expose enforcement locations for phone use while driving,2023,164,,e106155,Oviedo-Trespalacios Factors influencing the time required to don thermal protective immersion suits correctly,2023,164,,e106064,Galea Determining susceptible body parts of construction workers due to occupational injuries using inclusive modelling,2023,164,,e106157,Koc Another side of industrial growth in India: environmental damage from industrial accidents,2023,164,,e106152,Prasad Trends in crowd accidents based on an analysis of press reports,2023,164,,e106174,Nishinari Forward propagation of a push through a row of people,2023,164,,e106173,Adrian Using videos in floods and bushfires to educate signal risk and promote protective action in the community,2023,164,,e106166,Kuligowski A machine learning and data analytics approach for predicting evacuation and identifying contributing factors during hazardous materials incidents on railways,2023,164,,e106180,Macciotta Hospital evacuation in large-scale disasters using limited aerial transport resources,2023,164,,e106171,Haghani Enhancing airport apron safety through intelligent transportation systems: proposed FEDA model,2023,164,,e106184,Korkmaz Towards measuring national railways' safety through a benchmarking framework of transparency and published data,2023,164,,e106188,Barkan Relative influence of senior managers direct supervisors and coworkers on employee injuries and safety behaviors,2023,164,,e106192,Chmiel Factors affecting safety behaviors of aircraft maintenance technicians: a study on civil aviation industry in Turkey,2023,164,,e106146,Aktas Interviews with rail industry leaders about systems thinking in the management of organisational change and risk management,2023,164,,e106168,Ryan Psychosocial safety climate as a moderator in role stressor- bullying relationships: a multilevel approach,2023,164,,e106165,Notelaers Computational risk modeling of underground coal mines based on NIOSH employment demographics,2023,164,,e106170,Roghanchi Effectiveness of VR-based training on improving occupants' response and preparedness for active shooter incidents,2023,164,,e106175,Lucas Who and what is trusted in fire incidents? The role of trust in guidance and guidance creators in resident response to fire incidents in high-rise residential buildings,2023,164,,e106172,Spearpoint Developing predictive models of construction fatality characteristics using machine learning,2023,164,,e106149,Li Skeleton-based automatic assessment and prediction of intrusion risk in construction hazardous areas,2023,164,,e106150,Xu Harnessing BIM with risk assessment for generating automated safety schedule and developing application for safety training,2023,164,,e106179,Patel Enhanced safety in complex socio-technical systems via safety-in-cohesion,2023,164,,e106176,Roberts Scoping review of peer-reviewed empirical studies on implementing high reliability organisation theory,2023,164,,e106178,Dwyer Assembling collaboration space: maps in practice during search and rescue efforts in northern Norway,2023,164,,e106186,Popovaitė Estimating real-time crash risk at signalized intersections: a Bayesian generalized extreme value approach,2023,164,,e106181,Haque Examination of factors associated with fault status and injury severity in intersection-related rear-end crashes: application of binary and bivariate ordered probit models,2023,164,,e106187,Smaglik A goal programming model for early evacuation of vulnerable people and relief distribution during a wildfire,2023,164,,e106117,Tirado A holistic evaluation of ergonomics application in health safety and environment management research for construction workers,2023,165,,e106198,Li Working in heat: Contrasting heat management approaches among outdoor employees and contractors,2023,165,,e106185,Goodman Impacts of hot climatic conditions on work health and safety in Australia: a case study of policies in practice in the construction industry,2023,165,,e106197,Giles One fidelity fits all? How civil protection simulations afford (or not) improvement opportunities for novice and occasional crisis managers,2023,165,,e106189,Poizat Improving safety outcomes through medical error reduction via virtual reality-based clinical skills training,2023,165,,e106200,Kennedy Efficient safety management plan for industrial accident prevention of hazardous machinery: focus on safety certification system and regulations in South Korea,2023,165,,e106201,Kang A risk and safety science perspective on the precautionary principle,2023,165,,e106211,Aven Pathways to single fatality and serious injury incidents in coal and metalliferous mining in NSW Australia: can we learn from multiple fatality incidents to prevent serious injury?,2023,165,,e106194,Jackson Wearable EEG-based construction hazard identification in virtual and real environments: a comparative study,2023,165,,e106213,Cai Chicago Tylenol murders: information and mindfulness,2023,165,,e106190,Oliveira Cognitive correlates of maritime pilots' human errors,2023,165,,e106196,Bagheri Effects of age and flight exposure on flight safety performance: evidence from a large cross-sectional pilot sample,2023,165,,e106199,Wang Applications of immersive technologies for occupational safety and health training and education: a systematic review,2023,166,,e106214,Manu Physical and psychological hazards in the gig economy system: a systematic review,2023,166,,e106234,Newnam Review of measures to prevent and manage aggression against transport workers,2023,166,,e106202,Setola A pragmatic approach to the limitations of safety management systems in aviation,2023,166,,e106215,Kontogiannis Safety climate at work and risk of long-term sickness absence: prospective cohort with register follow-up among 63500 workers,2023,166,,e106217,Kines Opportunity motivation and bus drivers' intention to commit traffic violations,2023,166,,e106216,Singh The evaluation of occupational accident with sequential pattern mining,2023,166,,e106212,Mutlu Microscopic dynamics at the Running of the Bulls (San Fermín Festival) in the context of the Social Force Model,2023,166,,e106218,Frank MINING-VIRTUAL: A comprehensive virtual reality-based serious game for occupational health and safety training in underground mines,2023,166,,e106226,Gürer A system theory (STAMP) based quantitative accident analysis model for complex engineering systems,2023,166,,e106232,Boustras Safety climate in high safety maturity organisations: development of a multidimensional and multilevel safety climate questionnaire,2023,166,,e106231,Curcuruto Conceptualizing the bending and breaking of rules in the heavy goods transport sector,2023,166,,e106235,Njå Classification of collaborative applications and key variability factors to support the first step of risk assessment when integrating cobots,2023,166,,e106219,Chinniah Effects of mindfulness training on decision-making in critical and high-demand situations: a pilot study in combat aviation,2023,166,,e106204,Darses Inside a life-threatening crowd: analysis of the Love Parade disaster from the perspective of eyewitnesses,2023,166,,e106229,Seyfried Exploring the transfer of risks,2023,166,,e106240,Nilson Hazards correlation analysis of railway accidents: a real-world case study based on the decade-long UK railway accident data,2023,166,,e106238,Wang Evacuation behavior under violent attacks in classrooms based on experiments and interpretable machine learning method,2023,166,,e106243,Ding Prioritization of risk mitigation strategies for contact with sharp object accidents using hybrid bow-tie approach,2023,166,,e106248,Tokdemir The unintended consequences of no blame ideology for incident investigation in the US construction industry,2023,166,,e106247,Hallowell For the sake of safety: a time-lagged study investigating the relationships between perceived leadership behaviors and employee safety behaviors,2023,166,,e106245,Larsman Integrated management of safety and security (IMSS) in the nuclear industry - organizational culture perspective,2023,166,,e106236,Ylönen The differential impact of organizational restructuring and downsizing on the psychosocial work environment and safety climate in the petroleum industry,2023,166,,e106255,Leka Predicting the occurrence of natural and technological disasters in Greece through Verhulst multinomial and exponential models,2023,166,,e106246,Lykoudis The influence of safety-specific transformational leadership on safety behavior among Chinese airline pilots: the role of harmonious safety passion and organizational identification,2023,166,,e106254,Ji Understanding the relationship between safety culture and safety performance indicators in U.S. nuclear waste cleanup operations,2023,166,,e106241,Hammond Exploring the impact of safety culture on incident reporting: Lessons learned from machine learning analysis of NHS England staff survey and incident data,2023,166,,e106260,Nixon Bifactor modeling assessment of a safety climate index using item response theory,2023,166,,e106262,Russell What influences gig economy delivery rider behaviour and safety? a systems analysis,2023,166,,e106263,Salmon How does the regulatory context influence systems thinking in work health and safety (WHS) inspectors?,2023,166,,e106237,Naweed Investigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Eco-driving behavior,2023,166,,e106251,Vlahogianni Association of crash potential of powered two-wheelers with the state of traffic stream,2023,166,,e106257,Chunchu Exploring the impact of truck traffic on road segment-based severe crash proportion using extensive weigh-in-motion data,2023,166,,e106261,Ozbay Topics model of overwork-related deaths in Korea and the implications of SDGs' decent work perspective,2023,166,,e106239,Kim Sustainable occupational safety and health interventions: a study on the factors for an effective design,2023,166,,e106249,Ipsen Investigation and analysis of the safety risk factors of aging construction workers,2023,167,,e106281,Wang A fire danger index assessment method for short-term pre-warning of wildfires: a case study of Xiangxi China,2023,167,,e106287,Chen Research on risk safety and reliability of autonomous ships: a bibliometric review,2023,167,,e106256,Ren A systematic review on workplace health and safety of ageing construction workers,2023,167,,e106276,de Almeida Neto Dangers of e-mobility: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sustained injury patterns and injury severity,2023,167,,e106283,Stöckle The risks of using ChatGPT to obtain common safety-related information and advice,2023,167,,e106244,Peden Machine learning framework for Hazard Extraction and Analysis of Trends (HEAT) in wildfire response,2023,167,,e106252,Andrade Determining essential criteria for selection of risk assessment techniques in occupational health and safety: a hybrid framework of fuzzy Delphi method,2023,167,,e106253,Bagher Mortazavi Geometric interpretation of risk and prevention by implementation of the "Level of Preventive Action" risk assessment method,2023,167,,e106259,Rodrigues More reliance more injuries: income dependence workload and work injury of online food-delivery platform riders,2023,167,,e106264,Jing Optimising egress location in school buildings using mathematical modelling and agent-based simulation,2023,167,,e106265,Opdyke Modeling spatial patterns in a moving crowd of people using data-driven approach--a concept of Interplay Floor Field,2023,167,,e106266,Porzycki Risk mitigation strategies for automated current and future mine hoists,2023,167,,e106267,Giraud Applying System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA)-based methodology supported by Systems Engineering models to a UK rail project,2023,167,en,e106275,Chatzimichailidou Measuring efficiency of safe work environment from the perspective of the decent work agenda,2023,167,,e106277,Gomes Predicting urban rail transit safety via artificial neural networks,2023,167,,e106282,Graham A machine vision-based method for crowd density estimation and evacuation simulation,2023,167,,e106285,Wang Factors influencing construction workers' intention to transfer occupational health and safety training,2023,167,,e106288,Lingard Digital technology enhanced situation awareness for construction safety: systematic review and future research directions,2023,167,,e106280,Zhang A quantitative method to determine what collisions are reasonably foreseeable and preventable,2023,167,,e106233,de Gelder Safety performance functions for two-lane urban arterial segments,2023,167,,e106284,Ozbay Towards a procedure to manage safety on construction sites of rockfall protective measures,2023,168,,e106307,Marchelli On the gap between theory and practice in defining and understanding risk,2023,168,,e106325,Aven The reciprocal relationship between safety behaviour and person-job fit: a self-regulation perspective,2023,168,,e106289,Flatau-Harrison Cost-benefit analysis in fire safety engineering: state-of-the-art and reference methodology,2023,168,,e106326,Gernay Fostering workplace safety: an exploration of the priority given to safety knowledge transmission in occupational environments,2023,168,,e106316,Delgoulet Influence of physiological psychological and environmental factors on passenger ship seafarer fatigue in real navigation environment,2023,168,,e106293,Liu Leveraging eye-tracking technologies to promote aviation safety- a review of key aspects challenges and future perspectives,2023,168,,e106295,Fan Knowledge in graphs: investigating the completeness of industrial near miss reports,2023,168,,e106305,Agnello Evacuation effect analysis of guidance strategies on subway station based on modified cellular automata model,2023,168,,e106309,Zhong Developing smart buildings to reduce indoor risks for safety and health of the elderly: a systematic and bibliometric analysis,2023,168,,e106310,Chan Toward AI-supported evaluation for safety control measures against near-miss events in pharmaceutical products,2023,168,,e106314,Okamoto Major aviation accident investigation methodologies used by ITSA members,2023,168,,e106315,Cattani Extending and improving current frameworks for risk management and decision-making: a new approach for incorporating dynamic aspects of risk and uncertainty,2023,168,,e106317,Aven Effective transfer of safety interventions within and between organizations: leveraging translation theory to achieve improved outcomes,2023,168,,e106318,Karanikas What is the optimal pool lifeguard to patron ratio to prevent drowning? A virtual reality eye-tracking study,2023,168,,e106319,Matthews The role of empowering leadership safety culture and safety climate in the prediction of mindful organizing in an air traffic management company,2023,168,,e106321,Martínez-Córcoles Climbing style safety helmets do not improve impact protection over type II hard hats,2023,168,,e106296,Bottlang A roadmap for the future of crowd safety research and practice: introducing the Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the imperative of a Vision Zero target,2023,168,,e106292,Spaaij Evacuation dynamics of heterogeneous crowds involving individuals with different types of disabilities,2023,168,,e106297,Huang Is safety education in the E-learning environment effective? Factors affecting the learning outcomes of online laboratory safety education,2023,168,,e106306,Chung The role of selective attention in emergency wayfinding: an eye tracking-integrated virtual reality experiment,2023,168,,e106320,Li Was the Deepwater Horizon incident a "Normal" accident?,2023,168,,e106290,Slater Supporting human supervision in autonomous collision avoidance through agent transparency,2024,169,,e106329,van de Merwe Investigation of pedestrian speed in formation evacuating in two specific water depths,2024,169,,e106333,Zhang The road to Olympic failure is paved in poor risk management,2024,169,,e106331,Dowling Product safety culture as a concept for the development of safety-critical products in regulated industries,2024,169,,e106336,Maier A real-time automatic fire emergency evacuation route selection model based on decision-making processes of pedestrians,2024,169,,e106332,Huang Is drug driving more common among those who know where the police are? An investigation into the use and non-use of Facebook police location communities,2024,169,,e106338,Truelove Leader trait affective presence and safety behaviors: the role of work engagement,2024,169,,e106339,Li Audit masquerade: how audits provide comfort rather than treatment for serious safety problems,2024,169,,e106348,Rae Exploring industry 4.0 technologies to improve manufacturing enterprise safety management: a TOPSIS-based decision support system and real case study,2024,169,,e106351,Forcina Daily variation in sleepiness among firefighters while working the 24/48 and 48/96 shift schedules,2024,169,,e106335,Jahnke An analysis of safety practices for small medium and large construction projects: a resilience engineering perspective,2024,169,,e106330,Bugalia Safer designs with BIM based fall hazards identification and accident prevention,2024,169,,e106346,Tözer Glimpse of safety science development in China: a review of safety fundamental research and construction of six new postgraduate courses for safety majors by safety & security theory innovation and promotion Center of Central South University,2024,169,,e106323,Wang The value of a statistical life in reducing fire risk: a choice experiment among Dutch citizens,2024,169,,e106322,Helsloot Occupational health and safety issues in human-robot collaboration: state of the art and open challenges,2024,169,,e106313,Giallanza Occupational safety and multiple management systems certifications: the influence of internationalisation of the firm,2024,169,,e106324,Singh Smart Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for construction safety: A literature review,2024,170,,e106368,Rasouli Are the new safety paradigms (only) about safety and sufficient to ensure it? An overview and critical commentary,2024,170,,e106367,Karanikas Machine learning and deep learning for safety applications: investigating the intellectual structure and the temporal evolution,2024,170,,e106363,Leoni Reducing gaps between paper and practice requires more than a technical alignment,2024,170,,e106291,Dekker Cognitive technology development and end-user involvement in the Norwegian petroleum industry - human factors missing or not?,2024,170,,e106337,Phillips Violation with concerns of safety: a study on non-compliant behavior and the antecedent and consequent effects in power grid construction,2024,170,,e106353,Zhou Effects of flight crew role assignment on aviation accidents and incidents: evidence of a systemic safety issue,2024,170,,e106352,Ayton Exploring the intellectual insights in aviation safety research: a systematic literature and bibliometric review,2024,170,,e106354,Zarei The impact of skills mismatches on occupational accidents: an analysis of the effectiveness of organizational responses,2024,170,,e106349,Nunez Understanding passenger exit choices during airplane emergencies: insights from hybrid choice modeling,2024,170,,e106369,Witlox Critical entities resilience failure indication,2024,170,,e106371,Hromada The study of self-organised behaviours and movement pattern of pedestrians during fire evacuations: virtual experiments and survey,2024,170,,e106373,Ma Resilience training for critical situation management. An umbrella and a systematic literature review,2024,170,,e106311,Poizat A longitudinal study on the impact of occupational health and safety practices on employee productivity,2024,170,,e106374,Lari What is a shore dump?: Exploring Australian university students' beach safety knowledge and their perceptions of Australian beach safety signage,2024,170,,e106366,Peden Characterization of biases and their impact on the integrity of a risk study,2024,170,,e106376,Aven A tool to evaluate industrial cobot safety readiness from a system-wide perspective: an empirical validation,2024,170,,e106380,Berx Autoethnography in workplace safety: revealing the suffering of unintentional first responders in the Canadian trucking industry and beyond,2024,170,,e106347,Elniski Causes and prevention of cattle-handling injuries: an interview study,2024,170,,e106365,Nielsen A method for multi-person mobile virtual reality fire evacuation drills based on pose estimation: consistency of vision and perception,2024,170,,e106334,Zhu Directional analysis of community wildfire evacuation capabilities,2024,171,,e106378,Beverly Critical review on data-driven approaches for learning from accidents: comparative analysis and future research,2024,171,,e106381,Fan An incident reporting and learning system to understand cycling incident causation in Australia: a 12-month implementation of CRIT,2024,171,,e106392,Salmon Do safety management system standards indicate safer operations? Evidence from the OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety standard,2024,171,,e106383,Johnson Human reliability and organizational factors--how do human factors contribute to signals passed at danger?,2024,171,,e106395,Andrade Determinants of stair climbing speeds in volunteer firefighters,2024,171,,e106398,Alvear Effective information collection in incident investigations: a systematic review and narrative synthesis,2024,171,,e106404,Sherratt Comparing crowding perception and sensor counts at the Ghent festivities,2024,171,,e106399,Verstockt Dynamic risk assessment of chemical process systems using the System-Theoretic accident model and process approach (STAMP) in combination with cascading failure propagation model (CFPM),2024,171,,e106375,Yang Back to the future: on the typography of electronic flight deck documentation,2024,171,,e106397,Schmid A systems model of procedures in high-risk work environments: empirical evidence for the Safety Model 2 approach using the Interactive Behavior Triad,2024,172,,e106328,Hendricks High conflict high performance? A time-lagged study on work-family conflict and family support congruence and safety performance,2024,172,,e106403,Zhang Enhancing risk assessment skills in hazardous environments: priming with a serious game approach,2024,172,,e106402,Keren Injury severity of police officers involved in traffic crashes: a spatial analysis of Alabama,2024,172,,e106406,Jones Community's evacuation planning and response for the 2021-2022 fire seasons in Greece,2024,172,,e106434,Lozios Experimental study on the movement characteristics of adversarial people in the corridor,2024,172,,e106421,Zhang Does it do the same as we would? How trust in automated shipboard systems relates to seafarers' professional identity,2024,172,,e106426,Kongsvik Emphasizing the importance of social comparison: a multilevel analysis of safety compliance,2024,172,,e106407,Russell Health and safety representatives' perceptions of occupational health and safety policy developments to improve work-related psychological health: applying the theory of planned behaviour,2024,172,,e106410,Potter Causal inference of construction safety management measures towards workers' safety behaviors: a multidimensional perspective,2024,172,,e106432,Li Applications and future perspectives of integrating Lean Six Sigma and Ergonomics,2024,172,,e106418,Vicente Defining and characterizing model-based safety assessment: a review,2024,172,,e106425,Sun A comprehensive systematic review of safety leading indicators in construction,2024,172,,e106433,Mohamed A comprehensive analysis method of urban rail transit operation accidents and safety management strategies based on text big data,2024,172,,e106400,Wang Analysis of long-term observational data on pedestrian road crossings at unmarked locations,2024,172,,e106420,Bode How crowd accidents are reported in the news media: lexical and sentiment analysis,2024,172,,e106423,Nishinari Sleep issues and burnout in Irish farmers: a cross sectional survey,2024,171,,e106377,McNamara Modelling a major maritime disaster scenario using the universal modelling framework for sequential decisions,2024,171,,e106379,Rempel Understanding household evacuation preferences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Puerto Rico,2024,171,,e106405,Mozumder Structural equation modeling of negative emotion and walking behavior by smoke-filled model-scale tunnel experiments,2024,171,,e106394,Fujiwara Virtual reality for safety training: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis,2024,171,,e106372,Feng Teaching occupational health and safety in engineering using active learning: a systematic review,2024,171,,e106391,Amaral Safety culture safety performance and financial performance: a longitudinal study,2024,172,,e106409,Bautista-Bernal Perceptions of psychosocial safety behaviour (PSB): qualitative insights on workplace psychosocial safety perceptions & actions within a policing context,2024,172,,e106401,Oxley Understanding safety engineering practice: comparing safety engineering practice as desired as required and as observed,2024,172,,e106424,Hawkins Pedestrian dynamics on slopes: empirical analysis of level uphill and downhill walking,2024,172,,e106429,Xie The influence of tourism destination safety reminder information frame on tourists' safety compliance behavior,2024,172,,e106422,Yin Rethinking paramedic occupational injury surveillance: a systems approach to better understanding paramedic work-related injury,2024,172,,e106419,Smith National Policy Index (NPI) for worker mental health and its relationship with enterprise psychosocial safety climate,2024,172,,e106428,Leka Safety at work in the process industry as a group accomplishment: shadowing safety-as-done,2024,172,,e106408,Puro In the name of safety - safety monitoring and the development of the Duty Utility Virtue framework for ethical consideration,2024,173,,e106448,Zielinski Nguyen Ajslev Causation and control: understanding distracted driving in Australia through a systems thinking lens,2024,173,,e106435,Salmon Aviation safety and accident survivability: where is the need for aviation rescue fire fighting services greatest?,2024,173,,e106465,Hayes How safety culture changes safety consciousness and safety citizenship behavior of construction personnel in China: the mediating roles of personnel engagement and social relationship exchange,2024,173,,e106437,Chan Assessing resilience in everyday work through observations: an assessment framework for complex sociotechnical systems,2024,173,,e106461,Henriqson Evacuation modelling for rapid multi-hazard tabletop exercise deployment,2024,173,,e106438,Lawrence A tool for self-evaluation of a successful occupational health and safety risk assessment,2024,173,,e106441,Nenonen Incorporating Safety-II in future gas systems,2024,173,,e106462,Riemersma A system theory based accident analysis model: STAMP-fuzzy DEMATEL,2024,173,,e106445,Ebrahimi Comparison of four machine learning methods for occupational accidents based on national data on metal sector in Turkey,2024,174,,e106468,Özkan Demystifying response to EEW in Mexico: socio-technical motivations in protective action,2024,174,,e106469,Novelo-Casanova Ageing and performance in professional bus driving - a case study from Chile,2024,174,,e106480,Dianat Does participatory design lead to safer human-machine interaction? Efficiency and distraction with truck dashboards designed by drivers,2024,174,,e106482,Navarro Logistic regression vs machine learning to predict evacuation decisions in fire alarm situations,2024,174,,e106485,Alvear Fire evacuation training: perceptions and attitudes of the general public,2024,174,,e106471,Ronchi The effects of national culture on safety: insights from a multi-case study,2024,173,,e106447,Migueles Nudging safety behavior in the steel industry: evidence from two field studies,2024,173,,e106444,Costa Workplace accidents and the probabilities of injuries occurring in the civil construction industry in Brazilian Amazon: a descriptive and inferential analysis,2024,173,,e106449,Moreira The impact of interorganizational collaboration on the viability of disaster response operations: the Gjerdrum landslide in Norway,2024,173,,e106459,Steen Taking connectedness seriously: a research agenda for holistic safety and security risk governance,2024,173,,e106436,Antonsen Raising psychosocial risks in real-world work environments: a proposal for a detailed and quick questionnaire with direct application by workers,2024,173,,e106439,Bolis Safety evaluation in the geotechnical site applications: a comprehensive analysis and forecasting model,2024,173,,e106451,Eskişar The impact of allocation of hazard management resources in port system on occupational safety,2024,173,,e106430,Wang Study on construction safety management in megaprojects from the perspective of resilient governance,2024,173,,e106442,Liu Pluralist Function Interrogation: amethodology for analysing workplace practices,2024,173,,e106440,Rae The effect of risk communication on consumers' risk perception risk tolerance and utility of smart and non-smart home appliances,2024,174,,e106464,Bechlivanidis Organizational learning from construction fatalities: balancing juridical ethical and operational processes,2024,174,,e106472,van Marrewijk Risk-based safety scoping of adversary-centric security testing on operational technology,2024,174,,e106481,Staves Resilience and safety of civil engineering systems and communities: a bibliometric analysis for mapping the state-of-the-art,2024,174,,e106470,De Iuliis Professions power and paradox in occupational safety and health in the 21st century,2024,174,,e106446,Walters Sustainability business responsibility and occupational health safety and wellbeing in the future of work,2024,174,,e106463,Jain Studying the impact of lighting on the pedestrian route choice using virtual reality,2024,174,,e106467,Feng Deaths at sea - A study of fatalities on board Hong Kong-registered merchant ships (1986-95),1999,32,2-3,121-141,Nielsen Driverless metros are coming but what about the drivers? A study on AI-related anxiety and safety performance,2024,175,,e106487,Guo Safety and health among undeclared workers: a mixed methods study investigating social partner experiences and strategies,2024,175,,e106493,Albin The prevention of road accidents in non-expert drivers: exploring the influence of Theory of Mind and driving style,2024,175,,e106516,Palmiero Dark knights: exploring resilience and hidden workarounds in commercial aviation through mixed methods,2024,175,,e106498,Steen A comprehensive approach to safety for highly automated off-road machinery under Regulation 2023/1230,2024,175,,e106517,de Koning Applying the theoretical domains framework to identify enablers and barriers to after action review: an analysis of implementation in an Irish tertiary specialist hospital,2024,175,,e106489,Williams Empirical evolution of an evacuation reporting template,2024,175,,e106496,Benichou Is official information about distracted driving enough? A critical investigation of Government-provided information and road rules in Australia,2024,175,,e106519,Kaye Exploring positive psychological factor on safety behavior of Chinese aircraft maintenance technicians: the interplay of workplace well-being work engagement and leadership,2024,175,,e106523,Ji Designing outdoor emergency rescue stations based on the spatiotemporal behavior of outdoor adventure tourists using GPS trajectory data,2024,175,,e106497,Chen A knowledge framework of participation supportive of resilient and safe construction projects: a systematic review,2024,175,,e106494,Saurin Navigating leadership styles through qualitative exploration for enhanced safety in the construction sector,2024,175,,e106495,Senthamizh Sankar Developing an integrated digital delivery framework and workflow guideline for construction safety management in a project delivery system,2024,175,,e106486,Tang Physical security culture: the neglected foundation for effective security,2024,175,,e106518,Hunter Group cognitive characteristics of construction workers' unsafe behaviors from personalized management,2024,175,,e106492,Deng Exploring construction workers' attention and awareness in diverse virtual hazard scenarios to prevent struck-by accidents,2024,175,,e106526,Hussain Affective risk perception index as a screening tool for construction workers,2024,175,,e106527,Chang Comparative analysis of two evacuation simulation tools when applied to high-rise residential buildings,2024,175,,e106515,Xie A dynamic state-based model of crowds,2024,175,,e106522,Templeton Advancing the understanding of pupil size variation in occupational safety and health: a systematic review and evaluation of open-source methodologies,2024,175,,e106490,Coelho Truck driver reported unrealistically tight delivery schedules linked to their opinions of maximum speed limits and hours-of-service rules and their compliance with these safety laws and regulations,2021,133,,e105003,Collins