Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Circumstances of injurious falls leading to medical care among elderly people living in a rural community,1996,23,2,95-109,Yasumura Effectiveness and acceptability of a newly designed hip protector: a pilot study,2000,30,1,25-34,Chan Predicting falls within the elderly community: comparison of postural sway reaction time the Berg balance scale and the Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) scale for comparing fallers and non-fallers,2004,38,1,11-26,Lajoie Alcohol abuse and dependence in elderly emergency department patients,2005,41,2,191-200,Onen The effects of Tai Chi Chuan on physiological function and fear of falling in the less robust elderly: An intervention study for preventing falls,2005,42,2,107-116,Ohta Falls and injurious falls late in home-dwelling life,2005,42,2,217-224,Luukinen Falls and the elderly: Is there any difference in the developing world? A cross-sectional study from Turkey,2006,43,3,351-359,Halil Role of first responders in detecting and evaluating elders at risk,2006,43,3,361-367,Cohen Accident profile of older people in Antalya City Center Turkey,2003,37,2,99-108,Donmez Contribution of falling and being homebound status to subsequent functional changes among the Japanese elderly living in a community,2007,45,4,9-18,Tamashiro Fall-related injuries among initially 75- and 80-year old people during a 10-year follow-up,2006,45,2,207-215,Rantanen Suicide in old age: Illness or autonomous decision of the will?,2007,44,Suppl,355-358,Ruckenbauer Falls and subsequent health service utilization in community-dwelling Chinese older adults,2007,46,2,125-135,Chu Risk factors for falls in people with and without a diagnose of dementia living in residential care facilities: A prospective study,2007,46,3,293 - 306,Gustafson Recognition and perception of elder abuse by prehospital and hospital-based care providers,2009,48,1,110-115,Rinker Incident falls impair ability to function in hip-fracture survivors: A prospective study of 95 elderly women,2009,48,3,397-400,Di Monaco Risk factors for falls among blind elderly in a nursing home for the blind,1998,27,1,9-17,Nakamura Circumstances surrounding falls in patients with dementia in a psychogeriatric ward,2009,49,1,80-87,Gustafson Late onset depression and suicide outcome,2001,33,1,37-42,Bellini Predictors of falls and hospitalization outcomes in elderly patients admitted to an acute geriatric unit,2009,49,1,142-145,Zanocchi Accidents of the elderly living in Kocaeli Region (Turkey),2009,49,2,220-223,Acimis Sensitivity of a modified version of the 'timed get up and go' test to predict fall risk in the elderly: A pilot study,2009,49,1,e60-e66,Martin Falls in very old people: The population-based Umea 85+ Study in Sweden,2009,49,3,390-396,Kallin Comparison of three statistical methods for analysis of fall predictors in people with dementia: Negative binomial regression (NBR) regression tree (RT) and partial least squares regression (PLSR),2009,49,3,383-389,Gustafson Reduction in falling after a falls-assessment,2010,50,1,73-76,Emmelot-Vonk Urinary incontinence and behavioral symptoms are independent risk factors for recurrent and injurious falls respectively among residents in long-term care facilities,2010,50,1,77-81,Hasegawa Threats and violence in Swedish community elderly care,2010,50,1,110-113,Josefsson Pet therapy and institutionalized elderly: a study on 144 cognitively unimpaired subjects,2006,42,2,207-216,De Leo Emergency health care personnel's knowledge and experience of elder abuse in Izmir,2006,43,2,267-276,Mandiracioglu Psychological abuse and its characteristic correlates among elderly Taiwanese,2006,42,3,307-318,Wang Concerning mistreatment of older people: clinical and ethical thoughts based on a study of known cases,2006,42,3,257-263,Herve Why do old people stoop?,1987,6,4,363-369,Nayak Falls in the institutionalized elderly in Japan,1986,5,1,1-9,Shibata Work tolerance and the elderly in a post-industrial society,1984,3,3,189-200,Shephard Validation of the Italian version of the falls efficacy scale international (FES-I) and the short FES-I in community-dwelling older persons,2009,49,1,211-219,Cherubini Participation of metropolitan urban and rural community-dwelling older adults,2010,51,3,e52-6,Desrosiers Falls in nonagenarians after 1-year of follow-up: the NonaSantfeliu study,2008,46,1,15-23,Formiga Falls in the elderly of the Family Health Program,2010,51,3,317-322,Ricci The relationship between the stipulated tempo step test daily activity ability and gait time in elderly,2010,51,3,333-337,Demura The effects of multidimensional exercise on functional decline urinary incontinence and fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly women with multiple symptoms of geriatric syndrome: A randomized controlled and 6-month follow-up trial,2011,52,1,99-105,Yoshida A systematic review of accidental injury from fire wandering and medication self-administration errors for older adults with and without dementia,2011,52,1,e1-10,Richardson Suicide attempts and burden of physical illness among depressed elderly inpatients,2011,52,1,115-117,Barak Relationships between ground reaction force parameters during a sit-to-stand movement and physical activity and falling risk of the elderly and a comparison of the movement characteristics between the young and the elderly,2009,48,1,73-77,Yamada How to assess frailty and the need for care? Report from the Study of Health and Drugs in the Elderly (SHADES) in community dwellings in Sweden,2011,53,1,40-45,Borgquist Characteristics associated with recurrent falls among the elderly within aged-care wards in a tertiary hospital: The effect of cognitive impairment,2011,53,2,e183-6,Chan Does different exercise have the same effect of health promotion for the elderly? Comparison of training-specific effect of Tai Chi and swimming on motor control,2011,53,2,e133-7,Huang Bathing: a framework for intervention focusing on psychosocial architectural and human factors considerations,2007,45,2,121-135,Cohen-Mansfield Explaining the ineffectiveness of a Tai Chi fall prevention training for community-living older people: A process evaluation alongside a randomized clinical trial (RCT),2011,52,3,357-362,van Haastregt Epidemiology of geriatric trauma in United Arab Emirates,2008,47,3,377-382,Barss Older people's use of pre-hospital emergency medical services in Izmir Turkey,2010,50,3,356-360,Keskinoglu Biopsychosocial differences between drivers and non-drivers over the age of 74,2009,49,3,355-359,Garre-Olmo Examination of validity of fall risk assessment items for screening high fall risk elderly among the healthy community-dwelling Japanese population,2011,53,1,e41-5,Demura A Turkish version of Kogan's attitude toward older people (KAOP) scale: Reliability and validity assessment,2011,52,3,e162-5,Erdemir Selection of useful items for fall risk screening for community dwelling Japanese elderly from the perspective of fall experience physical function and age level differences,2011,53,2,123-130,Yamada Physical factors underlying the association between lower walking performance and falls in older people: A structural equation model,2011,53,2,131-134,Lord Frequency features and factors for falls in a group of subacute stroke patients hospitalized for rehabilitation in Istanbul,2011,52,3,e215-9,Ince Fear of falling (FF): Psychosocial and physical factors among institutionalized older Chinese men in Taiwan,2011,53,2,e232-6,Pan A comparison of frailty indexes for prediction of adverse health outcomes in an elderly cohort,2012,54,1,16-20,Forti Late onset suicide: Distinction between "young-old" vs. "old-old" suicide victims. How different populations are they?,2012,54,1,136-139,Paraschakis Training in elder abuse: the experience of higher specialist trainees in Geriatric Medicine in the UK,2010,51,3,257-259,Thomson The associations of gender depression and elder mistreatment in a community-dwelling Chinese population: the modifying effect of social support,2010,50,2,202-208,Dong Attitudes and knowledge of medical and nursing staff toward elder abuse,2010,51,1,86-91,Weiss Suspicion of elder abuse in South Eastern Spain: the extent and risk factors,2009,49,1,132-137,Luna Risk factors of elder abuse in a community dwelling Spanish sample,2009,49,1,17-21,Penhale Withdrawal of psychotropic drugs decreases the risk of falls requiring treatment,2012,54,1,160-167,Kivelä Setting the criterion for fall risk screening for healthy community-dwelling elderly,2012,54,2,370-373,Demura Patterns and correlates of depression in hospitalized older adults,2012,54,1,202-205,Graham Risk of falls in 85-year-olds is associated with functional and cognitive status: The Octabaix study,2012,54,2,352-356,Formiga The effects of head circumference (HC) and lifetime alcohol consumption (AC) on cognitive function in the elderly,2012,54,2,343-347,Son The five-times-sit-to-stand-test (FTSST) the short version of the activities-specific balance confidence (ABC) scale and fear of falling predict step execution time (SET) in older adults,2011,54,3,434-438,Goldberg Balance executive functions and falls in elderly with Alzheimer's disease (AD): A longitudinal study,2012,54,2,348-351,Pedroso Severity of injuries associated with falls in the community dwelling elderly are not affected by fall characteristics and physical function level,2012,55,1,186-189,Yamada Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) in community-dwelling older persons,2011,54,3,429-433,Ulus Risk factors for falls and fall-related injuries in adults 85 years of age and older,2011,54,3,421-428,Layde Mobility assessment of hip fracture patients during a post-acute rehabilitation program,2012,55,1,35-41,Beloosesky Hip fractures in the elderly in Israel-possible impact of preventable conditions,2009,48,2,182-185,Segal Mortality in patients with hip fracture aged over 90 years: A report from a progressively aging island,2011,54,2,e113-7,Kadowaki Hip fractures nocturia and nocturnal polyuria in the elderly,2006,43,3,319-326,Asplund Is a composite score of physical performance measures more useful than usual gait speed alone in assessing functional status?,2012,55,2,392-398,Seino Studies on health in elderly observation centers (abbreviated from Italian: COSA): A multidimensional evaluation (MDE) of an elderly population frequenting a diurnal center in Catania,2012,55,2,380-384,Santangelo Mortality associated with traumatic injuries in the elderly: A population based study,2012,54,3,e426-30,Kerssens Effects of exercise programs on balance in older women with age-related visual problems: A pilot study,2012,55,2,446-452,Kovacs Paid caregiver motivation work conditions and falls among senior clients,2012,55,2,442-445,Lindquist Physical activity and physical functioning in Swedish and Iranian 75-year-olds - A comparison,2012,55,2,422-430,Frandin The fatigue and self-care agency levels of the elderly people staying in rest homes and the relation between these two conditions,2012,54,3,e322-8,Karagozoglu Suicides and the third age,2003,36,1,1-6,Di Mauro Opportunities for improved trauma care of the elderly - A single center analysis of 2090 severely injured patients,2012,55,3,660-666,Seifert Tooth loss as risk factor for foreign-body asphyxiation in nursing-home patients,2012,54,3,e431-e435,Kikutani Gender differences in incidence and determinants of disability in activities of daily living among elderly individuals: SABE study,2012,55,2,431-437,Lebrao Comparison of two fall risk assessment tools (FRATs) targeting falls prevention in sub-acute care,2012,55,3,653-659,Hill Efficacy of simple home-based technologies combined with a monitoring assistive center in decreasing falls in a frail elderly population (results of the Esoppe study),2012,55,3,683-689,Preux Identification of high risk fallers among older people living in residential care facilities: A simple screen based on easily collectable measures,2012,55,3,690-695,Lord Emotional intelligence (EI) as a predictor of depression status in older adults,2012,55,3,570-573,Lloyd A structural equation model relating physical function pain impaired mobility (IM) and falls in older adults,2012,55,3,645-652,Giuliani Frequency of going outdoors predicts long-range functional change among ambulatory frail elders living at home,2007,45,3,233-242,Rubenstein Lower limb power rehabilitation (LLPR) using interactive video game for improvement of balance function in older people,2012,55,3,677-682,Chen Comprehensive care for vulnerable elderly veterans during disasters,2013,56,1,205-213,Dobalian Malnutrition is associated with an increased risk of falls and impaired activity in elderly patients in Dutch residential long-term care (LTC): A cross-sectional study,2013,56,1,265-269,Neyens A water-based training program that includes perturbation exercises improves speed of voluntary stepping in older adults: A randomized controlled cross-over trial,2013,56,1,134-140,Melzer Prevalence and predictors of falls and dizziness in people younger and older than 80 years of age-A longitudinal cohort study,2013,56,1,160-168,Olsson Möller Functional balance and health determinants of falls in a free living community Amazon riparian elderly,2013,56,2,350-357,Maia Ribeiro Development and validation of a Chinese version of the Falls Efficacy Scale International,2013,56,1,169-174,Lord Homebound status increases death risk within two years in the elderly: Results from a national longitudinal survey,2013,56,1,258-264,Ankri Long-term survival after falls among the elderly in institutional care,2004,38,1,1-10,Nurmi Is a Type A behavior pattern associated with falling among the community-dwelling elderly?,2004,38,2,145-152,Zhang Risk factors for falls in older people in nursing homes and hospitals. A systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,56,3,407-415,La Vecchia Long term determinants of functional decline of mobility: An 11-year follow-up of 5464 adults of late middle aged and elderly,2013,57,2,215-220,Wang Prevalence of suicidal ideation attempts and completed suicide rate in Chinese aging populations: A systematic review,2013,57,3,250-256,Dong Functional decline in older adults one year after hospitalization,2013,57,3,305-310,Engedal Cross-cultural validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) using self-report and interview-based questionnaires among Persian-speaking elderly adults,2013,57,3,339-344,Mosallanezhad Prevalence and factors associated with frailty among Peruvian older adults,2014,58,1,69-73,Al Snih Accidental falls health-related quality of life and life satisfaction: A prospective study of the general elderly population,2014,58,1,95-100,Nordell Falls efficacy and self-rated health in older African American adults,2014,58,1,88-94,Lysack Twelve month follow up of a falls prevention program in older adults from diverse populations in Australia: A qualitative study,2014,58,2,283-292,Haines Investigating the predictive ability of gait speed and quadriceps strength for incident falls in community-dwelling older women at high risk of fracture,2014,58,3,308-313,Sanders Walking habits and health-related factors in 75-year-old Iranian women and men,2014,58,3,320-326,Frandin Constructing and identifying predictors of frailty among homeless adults--a latent variable structural equations model approach,2014,58,2,248-256,Stein Health-related quality of life in older age and a risk of being a victim of domestic violence,2014,58,3,388-398,Brzyski Falls and self-assessment of eyesight among elderly people: A population-based study in a south Brazilian municipality,2014,59,1,131-135,Facchini "Better for others than for me": A belief that should shape our efforts to promote participation in falls prevention strategies,2014,59,1,136-144,Haines Postural balance and falls in elderly nursing home residents enrolled in a ballroom dancing program,2014,59,2,312-316,da Silva Borges Sarcopenia and falls in community-dwelling elderly subjects in Japan: Defining sarcopenia according to criteria of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People,2014,59,2,295-299,Sun Perceived sleep quality is associated with depression in a Korean elderly population,2014,59,2,468-473,Chung Elderly deaths in Ankara Turkey,2014,59,2,398-402,Demirel A randomized trial comparing Tai Chi with and without cognitive-behavioral intervention (CBI) to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly people,2014,59,2,317-325,Tsui Reliability and validity of the German short version of the Activities specific Balance Confidence (ABC-D6) scale in older adults,2014,59,2,272-279,Schott Development of a new self-awareness of falls risk measure (SAFRM),2014,59,2,249-256,Haines The prediction of disability by self-reported physical frailty components of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI),2014,59,2,280-287,Gobbens Loneliness in middle and old age: Demographics perceived health and social satisfaction as predictors,2014,59,3,613-623,Ferreira-Alves Gender differences in the clinical characteristics of traumatic spinal fractures among the elderly,2014,59,3,657-664,Liu Effect of light and vigorous physical activity on balance and gait of older adults,2014,59,3,568-573,Pau Effect of different types of exercise on postural balance in elderly women: a randomized controlled trial,2014,59,3,506-514,de Oliveira Depressive symptoms increase fall risk in older people independent of antidepressant use and reduced executive and physical functioning,2014,60,1,190-195,Lord Obesity and falls in older people: mediating effects of disease sedentary behavior mood pain and medication use,2014,60,1,52-58,Mitchell The influence of lower-extremity function in elderly individuals' quality of life (QOL): an analysis of the correlation between SPPB and EQ-5D,2014,58,2,278-282,Cho Effects of exercise on dual-task ability and balance in older adults: a systematic review,2014,58,2,177-187,Bergamin Depressive symptoms and adverse outcomes from hospitalization in older adults: Secondary outcomes of a trial of falls prevention education,2014,60,1,96-102,Haines Decreased left ventricular (LV) function is associated with hip-fractures,2014,60,1,103-107,van der Velde Longitudinal association between habitual walking and fall occurrences among community-dwelling older adults: Analyzing the different risks of falling,2014,60,1,45-51,Seino Self-assessed driving behaviors associated with age among middle-aged and older adults in Japan,2014,60,1,39-44,Arai Effects of dancing on the risk of falling related factors of healthy older adults: A systematic review,2014,60,1,1-8,Rodríguez-Mansilla Fatty degeneration of gluteus minimus muscle as a predictor of falls,2014,60,1,59-61,Kiyoshige Effect of balance exercise in combination with whole-body vibration on muscle activity of the stepping limb during a forward fall in older women: a randomized controlled pilot study,2014,60,2,244-251,Ichihashi Risk factors of indoor fall injuries in community-dwelling older women: a prospective cohort study,2014,60,2,259-264,Hu Gait characteristics associated with walking speed decline in older adults: Results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,2015,60,2,239-243,Studenski Comparison of five indices for prediction of adverse outcomes in hospitalised Mexican older adults: A cohort study,2015,60,1,89-95,Dent Socioeconomic status social relations and domestic violence (DV) against elderly people in Canada Albania Colombia and Brazil,2015,60,3,492-500,Alvarado Association between multiple geriatric syndromes and life satisfaction in community-dwelling older adults: a nationwide study in Taiwan,2015,60,3,437-442,Chang Incidence and related factors of traffic accidents among the older population in a rapidly aging society,2015,60,3,471-477,Jang The relationship of physical activity to bone mineral content in postmenopausal women,1992,15,Suppl 1,173-183,Laflamme Inpatient falls and injuries in older patients treated for femoral neck fracture,2006,43,3,389-399,Lundström Diurnal variation on balance control in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis,2015,61,1,109-114,Perrin Assessment of functional capability and on-going falls-risk in older institutionalized people after total hip arthroplasty for femoral neck fractures,2015,61,1,14-20,Marek The association of falls and various physical activities in Chinese nonagenarians/centenarians,2015,61,1,21-26,Yang The association between orthostatic hypotension falling and successful rehabilitation in a nursing home population,2015,61,2,190-196,Bilo Incidence of fall-related injury among old people in mainland China,2015,61,2,131-139,Jiang Predicting risk of the fall among aged adult residents of a nursing home,2015,61,2,124-130,Sharifi Effects of the gap between socioeconomic status and perceived social class on suicidal ideation: Unique perspectives using a longitudinal analysis,2015,61,3,384-391,Park Health condition and physical function as predictors of adherence in long-term strength and balance training among community-dwelling older adults,2015,61,3,452-457,Häkkinen Validation of an integral conceptual model of frailty in older residents of assisted living facilities,2015,61,3,400-410,Gobbens Higher gait speed and smaller sway area decrease the risk for decline in higher-level functional capacity among middle-aged and elderly women,2015,61,3,429-436,Otsuka Impact of road traffic accidents on the elderly,2015,61,3,489-493,Etehad Relating wrist accelerometry measures to disability in older adults,2015,62,,68-74,Dale The effect of dual task and executive training on pattern of gait in older adults with balance impairment: a randomized controlled trial,2015,62,,83-89,Farahpour Secondary hyperparathyroidism and its relationship with sarcopenia in elderly women,2015,60,2,349-353,Genaro Risk factors for severe injury following indoor and outdoor falls in geriatric patients,2015,62,,75-82,Kim Visual impairment but not hearing impairment is independently associated with lower subjective well-being among individuals over 95 years of age: a population-based study,2015,62,,30-35,Chen Positive health outcomes following health-promoting and disease-preventive interventions for independent very old persons: long-term results of the three-armed RCT Elderly Persons in the Risk Zone,2014,58,3,376-383,Zidén Effects of self-care behaviors on medical utilization of the elderly with chronic diseases - A representative sample study,2015,60,3,478-485,Chen The effect of obstacle gait training on the plantar pressure and contact time of elderly women,2015,60,3,401-404,Hwangbo Multiple modes of assessment of gait are better than one to predict incident falls,2015,60,3,389-393,Allali Differences in foot sensitivity and plantar pressure between young adults and elderly,2015,63,,67-71,Duysens Geriatric nursing home falls: a single institution cross-sectional study,2016,63,,43-48,Stone Does physical exercise improve obstacle negotiation in the elderly? A systematic review,2016,64,,138-145,Duysens Recurrent falls in Parkinson's disease after one year of follow-up: a nested case-control study,2016,65,,17-24,Pekmezović Functional fitness norms for community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong,2016,65,,54-62,Zhao Barriers to and promoters of screening for falls in elderly community-dwelling patients by general practitioners: a large cross-sectional survey in two areas of France,2016,65,,85-91,Couturier Fall risk screening in the elderly: a comparison of the minimal chair height standing ability test and 5-repetition sit-to-stand test,2016,65,,133-139,Gaul Sarcopenia and its associated factors in Iranian older individuals: results of SARIR study,2016,66,,18-22,Pasalar Challenging the motor control of walking: gait variability during slower and faster pace walking conditions in younger and older adults,2016,66,,54-61,Brach Self-reported verbal abuse in 1300+ older women within a private tertiary women's health clinic,2016,66,,62-65,Jatoi Agreement between the frailty index and phenotype and their associations with falls and overnight hospitalizations,2016,66,,161-165,Wang Fear of falling as a risk factor of mobility disability in older people at five diverse sites of the IMIAS study,2016,66,,147-153,Curcio Association between physical function and the load pattern during stepping-up motion in community-dwelling elderly women,2016,66,,205-210,Kita Quality of standing balance in community-dwelling elderly: age-related differences in single and dual task conditions,2016,67,,34-39,Fernandes Facial trauma as physical violence markers against elderly Brazilians: a comparative analysis between genders,2016,67,,55-60,Cavalcanti Reducing falls among older people in general practice: the ProAct65+ exercise intervention trial,2016,67,,46-54,Skelton Acute effects of walking at moderate normobaric hypoxia on gait and balance performance in healthy community-dwelling seniors: a randomized controlled crossover study,2016,67,,74-79,Faude Differing trends in fall-related fracture and non-fracture injuries in older people with and without dementia,2016,67,,61-67,Draper Normal gait speed grip strength and thirty seconds chair stand test among older Indians,2016,67,,171-178,Gunasekaran Fear of falling reduced by a lay led home-based program in frail community-dwelling older adults: A randomised controlled trial,2016,68,,25-32,Titze Examining evidence based resistance plus balance training in community-dwelling older adults with complex health care needs: trial protocol for the Muscling Up Against Disability project,2016,68,,97-105,Tuckett Performance on physical function tests and the risk of fractures and admissions: findings from a national health screening of 557648 community-dwelling older adults,2016,68,,174-180,Shin Cross-cultural validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) in Portuguese community-dwelling older adults,2016,68,,168-173,Santos Factors related to abuse of older persons by relatives with psychiatric disorders,2016,68,,126-134,Labrum The effects of eyeball exercise on balance ability and falls efficacy of the elderly who have experienced a fall: A single-blind randomized controlled trial,2016,68,,181-185,Park The role of postural instability/gait difficulty and fear of falling in predicting falls in non-demented older adults,2016,69,,15-20,Allali Activity engagement and physical function in old age sample,2016,69,,55-60,McMahon Investigating the relationship between reduced self-awareness of falls risk rehabilitation engagement and falls in older adults,2016,69,,38-44,Haines Enhancing elderly health examination effectiveness by adding physical function evaluations and interventions,2016,70,,38-43,Li Validity test-retest reliability sensitivity to change and feasibility of motor-cognitive dual task assessments in patients with dementia,2017,70,,169-179,Hauer Recurrent falls and its risk factors among older men living in the veterans retirement communities: a cross-sectional study,2017,70,,214-218,Chen Tailored education program using home floor plans for falls prevention in discharged older patients: A pilot randomized controlled trial,2017,71,,9-13,Higuchi The role of the environment in falls among stroke survivors,2017,72,,1-5,Clarke Knowledge behavioral practices and experiences of outdoor fallers: implications for prevention programs,2017,72,,19-24,Chippendale Motor functioning differentially predicts mortality in men and women,2017,72,,6-11,Reynolds Global burden of road traffic accidents in older adults: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis,2017,72,,32-38,Ang Individual and contextual characteristics of indoor and outdoor falls in older residents of Sao Paulo Brazil,2017,68,,119-125,Lebrao Risk factors associated with residential aged care respite and transitional aged care admission for older people following an injury-related hospitalisation,2017,72,,59-66,Draper Predicting falls in community dwelling older adults using the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale,2017,72,,142-145,Skornyakov Falls and subjective well-being. Results of the population-based German Ageing Survey,2017,72,,181-186,König Sleep disturbances and risk of falls in an old Chinese population-Rugao Longevity and Ageing Study,2017,73,,8-14,Wang Fall risk and function in older women after gynecologic surgery,2017,73,,37-42,Miller Slow gait speed is associated with executive function decline in older people with mild to moderate dementia: a one year longitudinal study,2017,73,,148-153,Lord A systematic review of balance and fall risk assessments with mobile phone technology,2017,73,,222-226,Sosnoff The circumstances orientations and impact locations of falls in community-dwelling older women,2017,73,,240-247,Amin The elder physical abuse reflected in judicial authorities in Eskisehir,2017,73,,284-287,Karbeyaz The elderly and falls: factors associated with quality of life -- a cross-sectional study using large-scale national data in Korea,2017,73,,279-283,Noh Fall prevalence time trend and its related risk factors among elderly people in China,2017,73,,294-299,Wu Physical status and frailty index in nursing home residents: results from the INCUR study,2017,74,,72-76,Cesari An interesting phenomenon in immigrant spouses and elderly suicides in Taiwan,2017,74,,128-132,Miao Weakness: the most frequent criterion among pre-frail and frail older Portuguese,2017,74,,162-168,Santos Dual-task training in older adults: the effect of additional motor tasks on mobility performance,2017,75,,119-124,Rabaglietti Predicting 1-year disability and mortality of injured older adults,2018,75,,191-196,Dietrich Frailty and life course violence: the international mobility in aging study,2018,76,,26-33,dos Santos Gomes Locomotive function and quality of life among older people in Liaoning China: falls efficacy as mediator or moderator?,2018,76,,73-79,Liu Predictive validity of the Brazilian version of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator for adverse health outcomes in older adults,2018,76,,114-119,Gobbens The effects of plantar perception training on balance and falls efficacy of the elderly with a history of falls: a single-blind randomized controlled trial,2018,77,,19-23,Park Does functional capacity fall risk awareness and physical activity level predict falls in older adults in different age groups?,2018,77,,57-63,Pereira Balance ability and cognitive impairment influence sustained walking in an assisted living facility,2018,77,,133-141,Stanhope How did older adults respond to challenges after an earthquake? Results from a qualitative study in Iran,2018,77,,189-195,Khankeh Self-management tasks to improve mobility and reduce fall risk are not leading to lower research participation in older adults,2018,78,,14-17,Olde Rikkert Combined effects of whole body vibration and unstable shoes on balance measures in older adults: A randomized clinical trial,2018,78,,30-37,Sobhani Physical and cognitive functions affecting road traffic injuries among senior drivers,2018,78,,160-164,Laosee French validation of the modified-falls efficacy scale (M-FES Fr),2018,78,,233-239,Castanier The prevalence circumstances and consequences of unintentional falls among elderly Iranians: a population study,2018,79,,123-130,Mohammadi Falls Efficacy Scale-International: exploring psychometric properties with adult day care users,2018,79,,145-150,Figueiredo Stages of sarcopenia and the incidence of falls in older women: a prospective study,2018,79,,151-157,Neri Effect of flamingo exercises on balance in patients with balance impairment due to senile osteoarthritis,2018,81,,48-52,Uzunkulaoğlu Impact of urinary incontinence on falls in the older population: 2017 national survey of older Koreans,2020,90,,e104158,Na Before evening falls: perspectives of a good old age and healthy ageing among oldest-old Swedish men,2019,82,,35-44,Aberg Preliminary evaluation of a self-guided fall risk assessment tool for older adults,2019,82,,94-99,Morrow Facilitators and barriers to enrolling in falls prevention programming among community dwelling older adults,2019,82,,106-113,Kiami The feasibility of a vision-based sensor for longitudinal monitoring of mobility in older adults with dementia,2019,82,,200-206,Mansfield Prevalence and determinants of driving habits in the oldest old: results of the multicenter prospective AgeCoDe-AgeQualiDe study,2019,82,,245-250,Riedel-Heller Injury-related hospitalisation in community-dwelling older people across the cognitive spectrum: a population based study,2019,83,,155-160,Harvey Prevalence of falls among older adults in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,83,,169-174,Alqahtani How steady is the STEADI? Inferential analysis of the CDC fall risk toolkit,2019,83,,185-194,Vincenzo Vestibular rehabilitation in older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment: effects of virtual reality using a head-mounted display,2019,83,,246-256,Alessandrini Balance and functional fitness benefits of a Thai boxing dance program among community-dwelling older adults at risk of falling: a randomized controlled study,2019,83,,231-238,Areeudomwong The prevalence and impact of falls in elderly dialysis patients: Frail Elderly Patient Outcomes on Dialysis (FEPOD) study,2019,83,,285-291,Hamaker Increased healthcare costs associated with frailty among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,84,,e103898,Kojima Relationship between peak expiratory flow and incidence of frailty deaths and falls among nursing home residents: results of the SENIOR cohort,2019,85,,e103913,Reginster Fall-induced hospital-treated traumatic brain injuries among elderly Finns in 1970-2017,2019,86,,103958,Parkkari The effect of protein supplements on functional frailty in older persons: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,86,,e103938,Duque Agreement and predictive power of six fall risk assessment methods in community-dwelling older adults,2019,87,,e103975,Lemos Visual dependence affects the motor behavior of older adults during the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test,2019,87,,e104004,Tucker Pain as a risk factor for suicidal behavior in older adults: a systematic review,2019,87,,e104000,Fernandes Cumulative effects of cognitive impairment and frailty on functional decline falls and hospitalization: a four-year follow-up study with older adults,2019,87,,e104005,Luchesi Determination of the costs of falls in the older people according to the decision tree model,2019,87,,e104007,Ağartioğlu Kundakçi The link between falls social isolation and loneliness: a systematic review,2020,88,,e104020,König Association between Fear of Falling (FOF) and all-cause mortality,2020,88,,e104017,Kim Depressive symptoms were a common risk factor for pre-frailty and frailty in patients with Alzheimer's disease,2020,89,,e104067,Chang Comparison of the physical fitness levels in nursing home residents and community-dwelling older adults,2020,89,,e104106,Kazoglu The onset of falls reduces perceived autonomy among middle aged and older adults. Results from a longitudinal nationally representative sample,2020,90,,e104115,König Prevalence and associated factors of elder psychological abuse- a cross- sectional screening study based on a hospitalized community from Poland,2020,90,,e104152,Ślusarz Age-stratified differences of physical capacity in rural community-dwelling Taiwanese older women: a cross-sectional study,2020,90,,e104123,Loh Potential benefits of environmental volunteering programs of the health of older adults: a pilot study,2020,90,,e104113,Loh Frailty status and increased risk for falls: the role of anticholinergic burden,2020,90,,e104136,Naharci The association of basic and challenging motor capacity with mobility performance and falls in young seniors,2020,90,,e104134,Becker The impact of second hip fracture on rehospitalization and mortality in older adults,2020,90,,e104175,Sergi Risk factors for future falls among community-dwelling older adults without a fall in the previous year: a prospective one-year longitudinal study,2020,91,,e104161,de Abreu Midlife falls are associated with increased risk of mortality in women: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III,2020,91,,e104206,Ylitalo Is pain catastrophizing associated with poor mobility performance and falls in older adults?,2020,91,,e104219,Leveille Differences between two types of dual tasks according to the educational level in older adults,2020,91,,e104216,Marmeleira Association between ground reaction force in sit-to-stand motion and falls in community-dwelling older Japanese individuals,2020,91,,e104221,Fujiwara 'Believe the positive' aggregation of fall risk assessment methods reduces the detection of risk of falling in older adults,2020,91,,e104228,Lemos Effect of complementary therapies on functional capacity and quality of life among prefrail and frail older adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,2020,91,,104236,Takahashi A later menopausal age is associated with a lower prevalence of physical frailty in community-dwelling older adults: the Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study (KFACS),2020,91,,e104243,Lee Comprehensive geriatric assessment in the emergency department for the prediction of readmission among older patients: a 3-month follow-up study,2020,92,,e104255,Huang Differences and similarities of physical activity determinants between older adults who have and have not experienced a fall: testing an extended health belief model,2020,92,,e104247,Knäuper Older adults' views on barriers and facilitators to participate in a multifactorial falls prevention program: results from Prevquedas Brasil,2020,92,,e104287,Perracini Falls and fear of falling among older adults in an assisted-living facility: a qualitative and foundational study for intervention development in a developing country,2021,94,,e104375,Akosile Is the self-perception of the built neighborhood associated with fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults?,2021,95,,e104395,Leopoldino Older drivers are at increased risk of fatal crash involvement: results of a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,95,,e104414,Belchior Association between food insecurity and fall-related injury among adults aged ≥65 years in low- and middle-income countries: the role of mental health conditions,2021,96,,104438,Koyanagi Impact of childhood trauma on multidimensional frailty in older patients with a unipolar depressive- anxiety- or somatic symptom disorder,2021,96,,104452,Hendriks Physical function and survival in older adults: a longitudinal study accounting for time-varying effects,2021,96,,104440,Wolfson Association between handgrip strength asymmetry and falls in elderly Koreans: a nationwide population-based cross-sectional study,2021,96,,e104470,Go Assessing avoidance behavior due to concerns about falling: psychometric properties of the FES-IAB in a sample of older adults of an online panel,2021,97,,e104469,Kempen Association between osteosarcopenia and cognitive frailty in older outpatients visiting a frailty clinic,2021,98,,e104530,Arai A five-year prospective evaluation of anticholinergic cognitive burden and falls in the Malaysian elders longitudinal research (MELoR) study,2021,98,,e104535,Tan Chronic pain in the frail elderly mediates sleep disorders and influences falls,2021,99,,e104582,Yoshimoto Frailty measures in immuno-metabolic subtypes of late-life depression; a two-year prospective study,2021,99,,e104603,Voshaar Impact of social frailty on the association between driving status and disability in older adults,2021,99,,e104597,Shimada A qualitative study of older adults' facilitators barriers and cues to action to engage in falls prevention using health belief model constructs,2021,99,,e104610,Curran The effect that the Otago Exercise Programme had on fear of falling in community dwellers aged 65-80 and associated factors,2022,99,,e104620,Ángeles The onset of falls and its effects on perceived social exclusion and loneliness. Evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study,2022,100,,e104622,König Types of elder abuse and dementia onset among older adults in Japan: a 6-year Longitudinal Study from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study,2022,100,,e104656,Kondo Neighbourhood walkability as a moderator of the associations between older Ghanaians' social activity and the frequency of walking for transportation: a cross-sectional study with sensitivity analyses,2022,100,,e104660,Asiamah Specific depressive symptoms are related with different patterns of alcohol use in community-dwelling older adults,2022,101,,e104696,Aarsland Personally tailored exercises for improving physical outcomes for older adults in the community: a systematic review,2022,101,,e104707,Chen Validation and comparison of fall screening tools for predicting future falls among older adults,2022,101,,e104713,Lee Association of frailty with fall events in older adults: a 12-year longitudinal study in Korea,2022,102,,e104747,Veronese Associations between physical function falls and the fear of falling among older adults participating in a community-based physical exercise program: a longitudinal multilevel modeling study,2022,102,,104752,Okano Self-perceived balance confidence is independently associated with any subsequent falls and injurious falls among community-dwelling older fallers: a prospective cohort study,2022,103,,e104776,Kwok Association of diabetes mellitus with gait and falls in community-dwelling older adults: serial mediation of vision and cognition,2022,104,,e104827,Wu Relationship between consistent subjective cognitive decline and occurrence of falls six months later,2022,104,,e104841,Shinohara A global perspective on risk factors for frailty in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,105,,e104844,Li Bayesian techniques in predicting frailty among community-dwelling older adults in the Netherlands,2022,105,,e104836,Gobbens Neighbourhood transportation elapsed years and well-being after surrendering the driver's licence in older Japanese adults: the JAGES longitudinal study,2022,107,,e104898,Hirai Timed Up and Go test and gastrointestinal disorders among hospitalized older adults with fall risk,2022,107,,e104918,Chen Cardiovascular disease muscle function and long-term falls risk: the Perth Longitudinal Study of Ageing Women,2022,107,,e104911,Prince Age-stratified modifiable fall risk factors in Chinese community-dwelling older adults,2023,108,,e104922,Fang The Stroll Safe outdoor falls prevention program: participant experiences in eight community sites,2023,108,,e104926,Chippendale Effectiveness of virtual reality games in improving physical function balance and reducing falls in balance-impaired older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,108,,e104924,Zhou Factors associated with falls in older adults: a secondary analysis of a 12-month randomized controlled trial,2023,108,,e104940,Marsh Tridirectional association between probable depression fear of falling and falls among middle-aged and older adults in Thailand,2023,109,,e104955,Peltzer Association of physical function and body composition with falls in pre-frail older adults with poor physical performance: a cross-sectional study,2023,109,,e104957,Chan Bidirectional longitudinal associations between balance performance and depressive symptoms in older adults: a cross-lagged panel model,2023,111,,e105006,Wu Physical strength and mental health mediate the association between pain and falls (recurrent and/or injurious) among community-dwelling older adults in Singapore,2023,112,,e105015,Chan Evaluation of a commonly used tool: does the 5-item frailty index predict phenotypic frailty?,2023,112,,e105024,Dawson Mortality falls and slow walking speed are predicted by different muscle strength and physical performance measures in women and men,2023,114,,e105084,Duque Falls increase the risk for incident anxiety and depressive symptoms among adults aged ≥50 years: an analysis of the Irish longitudinal study on ageing,2023,114,,e105098,Haro Association between adverse childhood experiences and social integration among older people in Japan: reesults from the JAGES study,2023,114,,e105099,Fujiwara Associations between psychotropic and anti-dementia medication use and falls in community-dwelling older adults with cognitive impairment,2023,114,,e105105,Lord Types functions and mechanisms of robot-assisted intervention for fall prevention: a systematic scoping review,2023,115,,e105117,Lau Effect of polypharmacy and Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs (FRIDs) on falls among Brazilian older adults: the SABE cohort study,2023,115,,e105127,Duarte The association between depressive symptoms with fear of falling and cognitive decline in older adults in the Korean community: an analysis of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA) 2006-2020,2023,117,,e105177,Yao Demographics moderated the association of symptom burden with falls and fall-related outcomes,2023,117,,e105190,Liu Effect of combined physical and cognitive intervention on fear of falling in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,117,,e105173,Li Combat sport in the body composition of the elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis study,2023,117,,e105200,Vale The role of older adult-focused social vulnerability on the relationship between temperature and emergency department attendance in a subtropical Asian city,2023,117,,e105195,Woo Exploring new balance and gait factors that are associated with osteosarcopenia in patients with a previous fall and/or fracture history,2023,117,,e105221,Duque Associations of history of intimate partner violence with mental ill-health and lifestyle factors in middle-aged and older men and women in South Africa,2023,118,,e105286,Peltzer Examining the role of attention focus walking training on conscious motor processing during rehabilitation by older adults at risk of falling: a randomized controlled trial,2024,121,,e105352,Ng Effect of dual-task training on balance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,121,,e105368,Genç Investigating balance-related gait patterns and their relationship with maximum torques generated by the hamstrings and quadriceps in older adults - results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,2024,123,,e105411,Simonsick The effect of adding real-time postural feedback in balance and mobility training in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,123,,e105439,Ma Sarcopenic obesity defined by the ESPEN and EASO consensus statement in older women: risk of falls and bone mineral density implications,2024,124,,e105444,Blazevich Trajectory of intrinsic capacity among community-dwelling older adults in China: the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,2024,124,,e105452,Li Suicidal thoughts and dementia,1998,26,Suppl 1,33-38,Ravaglia Mortality and discharge disposition among older adults with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury,2024,125,,e105488,Teasell Psychosocial risk profiles among older adults living alone in South Korea: A latent profile analysis,2021,95,,e104429,Yang Low serum cholesterol and triglycerides and risk of death from suicide,1997,25,1,111-117,Seefried Anticholinergic drug-induced delirium in an elderly Alzheimer's dementia patient,2007,44 Suppl 1,,199-206,Cotroneo Exercise training effect on skeletal muscle motor drive in older adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2024,125,,e105489,Ugrinowitsch Predictive value of the World falls guidelines algorithm within the AGELESS-MELoR cohort,2024,125,,e105523,Tan Effect of multicomponent exercise intervention in community dwelling frail elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,126,,e105543,Liang Sarcopenic obesity and falls in older adults: a validation study of ESPEN/EASO criteria and modifications in Western China communities,2024,127,,e105557,Chen Priority interventions for the prevention of falls or fractures in patients with osteoporosis: A network meta-analysis,2024,127,,e105558,Wei Feasibility and effectiveness of a 6-month home-based resistance exercise delivered by a remote technological solution in healthy older adults,2024,127,,e105559,Ferrari