Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Postpartum patients' knowledge risk perceptions and behaviors pertaining to childhood injuries,1991,36,6,355-360,McDermott A literature review on sexual abuse research,1984,29,6,395-398,Moore Domestic violence and pregnancy. Implications for practice,1990,35,2,86-98,Bohn Prevalence of abuse among pregnant women choosing certified nurse-midwife or physician providers,1992,37,4,269-273,Sampselle A practical approach to clients who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1994,39,1,13-18,Holz Sequelae of abuse. Health effects of childhood sexual abuse domestic battering and rape,1996,41,6,442-456,Bohn Nurse-midwives and domestic violence,1996,41,6,428-429,Paluzzi Promoting healthy parenting through prenatal education,1995,40,5,397-398,Clay Early parenting education program seeks to prevent child abuse,1988,33,5,232-233,Cuomo Effective advocacy for domestic violence victims. Role of the nurse-midwife,1996,41,6,473-494,Orloff Unheard and unseen. Rural women and domestic violence,1996,41,6,463-466,Adler Cultural competence in the care of abused women,1996,41,6,457-462,Campbell Woman abuse. The role of nurse-midwives in assessment,1996,41,6,436-441,Ryan Domestic violence. Implications for the American College of Nurse-Midwives and its members,1996,41,6,430-435,Paluzzi Delayed entry into prenatal care: effect of physical violence,1998,43,2,126-127,Seger Relationship strategies and interdisciplinary collaboration. Improving maternity care with survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1998,43,4,287-295,Seng Forensic documentation of battered pregnant women,1996,41,6,467-472,Sheridan Severity of abuse before and during pregnancy for African American Hispanic and Anglo women,1999,44,2,139-144,McFarlane Should emergency contraceptive pills be available without prescription?,1999,44,2,162-164,Rees