Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Randomized controlled trial of exercise intervention for the prevention of falls in community-dwelling elderly Japanese women,2004,22,6,602-611,Yoshida Physical activity and fracture risk: a prospective study of 1898 incident fractures among 34 696 British men and women,2008,26,2,191-198,Allen Role of sport and exercise in the maintenance of female bone health,2009,27,5,530-537,Takeda Relationships between falls spinal curvature spinal mobility and back extensor strength in elderly people,2010,28,1,82-87,Murata Systematic review of the benefits and harms of calcitriol and alfacalcidol for fractures and falls,2008,26,6,531-542,Moher A case of femoral neck fracture in a patient with severe testosterone deficiency,1999,17,1,51-54,Koide Trends in the incidence of hip fracture in Japan 1987-1997: the third nationwide survey,2000,18,3,126-131,Suzuki Fracture threshold in the Thai elderly and bone mineral density evaluation,2000,18,2,96-100,Khunkitti Epidemiology of cervical and trochanteric fractures of the proximal femur in 1996 in Kaohsiung City Taiwan,2000,18,2,89-95,Chang Epidemiology of cervical and trochanteric fractures of the proximal femur in 1994 in Tangshan China,2000,18,2,84-88,Zhang Risk factors for osteoporosis in Europe,2001,19,3,142-145,Cooper Risk factors for osteoporosis in Asia,2001,19,3,133-141,Suzuki A longitudinal study for femoral neck bone mineral density increases in premenopausal caddies using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry,2001,19,2,125-130,Goto Prevalence of vertebral fractures in a population-based sample in Japan,2001,19,2,115-118,Inoue Characteristics of lifetime factors bone metabolism and bone mineral density in patients with hip fracture,2002,20,6,367-375,Jämsä Cost-effectiveness analysis of screening for osteoporosis in postmenopausal Japanese women,2002,20,6,350-357,Fukui Emerging views about "osteoporosis" bone health strength fragility and their determinants,2002,20,6,319-325,Frost The incidence of cervical and trochanteric fractures of the proximal femur in 1999 in Niigata Prefecture Japan,2002,20,5,311-318,Endo Microcracks: an alternative index for evaluating bone biomechanical quality,2004,22,3,215-223,Dai Epidemiology and diagnostic approaches to vertebral fractures in Asia,2004,22,3,170-175,Kung Hip fractures in Hefei China: the Hefei osteoporosis project,2014,32,2,206-214,Wang Incidence of osteoporotic fractures in Sado Japan in 2010,2014,32,2,200-205,Endo Gender- and age-group-specific associations between physical performance and bone mineral density falls and osteoporotic fractures in Koreans: the Chungju Metabolic Disease Cohort study,2015,34,3,336-346,Yim Differences in prevalence and associated factors between mild and severe vertebral fractures in Japanese men and women: the third survey of the ROAD study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muraki Ten years change in post-fracture care for hip fracture patients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shimizu Falls fracture and frailty risk in multiple sclerosis: a Mendelian Randomization study to identify shared genetics,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsai