Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Irrational fear of AIDS associated with suicidal behavior,2004,10,4,266-271,Kausch Suicide and violence in patients with major psychiatric disorders,2004,10,4,233-238,Krakowski Infanticide in female forensic patients: the view from the evolutionary standpoint,2005,11,1,35-45,Stone A Public Health Response to a Cluster of Suicidal Behaviors: Clinical Psychiatry Prevention and Community Health,2003,9,3,219-227,Crosby Treatment of alcohol use disorders in adolescents,2003,9,3,195-208,Mack Neuroimaging studies of violence and antisocial behavior,2003,9,4,265-278,Hoptman Clinical features of pedophilia and implications for treatment,2002,8,5,276-289,Cohen Screening offenders with histories of mental illness and violence for supportive housing,2005,11,5,279-288,Campanelli The relationship between suicide attempts and low-lethal self-harm behavior among psychiatric inpatients,2006,12,3,148-152,Sansone Issues related to possession of firearms by individuals with mental illness: an overview using California as an example,2007,13,2,109-114,Simpson Comorbidity: cannabis and complexity,2005,11,3,161-176,Connor Psychiatric morbidity following motor vehicle crashes: a pilot study from India,2006,12,6,415-418,Seethalakshmi Consumer and family experiences in the emergency department following a suicide attempt,2006,12,6,341-347,Conwell Screening for Risk Factors Associated with Violence in Pediatric Patients Presenting to a Psychiatric Emergency Department,2007,13,4,246-252,Olvera Personality Disorders and Violence Potential,2007,13,4,261-268,Reid Practice Well: Suicide Risk and Suicide Prevention,2007,13,6,402-404,Reid Completed versus attempted suicide in psychiatric patients: a psychological autopsy study,2008,14,4,216-224,Lester PTSD and Suicide,2008,14,4,195,Oldham Polypharmacy with second-generation antipsychotics: a review of evidence,2008,14,6,345-367,Pandurangi Prognosis after suicide attempt: Standard of care and the consequences of not meeting it,2009,15,2,141-144,Reid Suicide among women with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,2009,15,3,235-242,Seeman The psychological autopsy part I: applications and methods,2008,14,6,393-397,Knoll The applicability of randomized controlled trials of psychosocial treatments for PTSD to a veteran population,2008,14,4,199-208,Stirman An 18-year-old woman with new-onset suicidal ideation while being treated with atomoxetine,2008,14,1,62-66,Kahn Assaults against psychiatrists and other mental health professionals,2008,14,3,179-181,Reid New onset delusions in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks,2007,13,6,405-410,Hegarty Predictors of treatment duration and retention in a study of long-term dynamic psychotherapy: childhood adversity adult personality and diagnosis,2007,13,4,221-232,Bond Violent behavior,2007,13,3,139,Oldham Physical and sexual abuse history in women seeking treatment at a psychiatric clinic for the homeless,2007,13,1,58-60,Christensen Gene-environment interaction and suicidal behavior,2009,15,4,282-288,Roy Identification of high-risk behaviors among victimized adolescents and implications for empirically supported psychosocial treatment,2006,12,6,364-383,Danielson Suicide in schizophrenia: findings from a national clinical survey,2006,12,3,139-147,Burns The psychological effects of leech therapy after penile auto-amputation,2006,12,2,119-123,Gorman Video recording in the assessment of violent incidents in psychiatric hospitals,2006,12,1,58-63,Nolan No cathartic effect in suicide attempters admitted to the emergency department,2009,15,6,433-441,Lester Preventing suicide,2010,16,2,120-124,Reid Decreasing the use of restraint and seclusion among psychiatric inpatients,2007,13,5,308-317,Hellerstein Sex offender commitment in Illinois,2005,11,4,262-6; discussion 266-7,Stanislaus Psychological impact of the animal-human bond in disaster preparedness and response,2004,10,6,368-374,Fullerton A psychodynamic perspective on elections,2010,16,6,416-419,Clemens Neurotoxicity with therapeutic lithium levels: a case report,2009,15,1,60-63,Kahn Mania in a case of polypsychopharmacology: pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations. Do you believe in magic?,2007,13,3,178-183,Preskorn Intermittent-continuous eclectic therapy: a group approach for borderline personality disorder,2007,13,4,281-284,Menchaca Treatment of depression in children and adolescents,2005,11,3,141-154,Bostic Review of two years of experiences with SPECT among psychiatric patients in a rural hospital setting,2008,14,5,318-323,Sheehan Visible and invisible wounds,2009,15,6,429,Oldham Borderline personality disorder and related traits in forensic psychiatry,2009,15,3,216-220,Reid How can we help masochistic inpatients not to sabotage psychiatric treatment before it even starts?,2011,17,2,124-128,Ness Inadvertent fatal imipramine poisoning of a child: What happened to Tommy?,2011,17,2,118-123,Preskorn Killing family members: mental illness victim risk and culpability,2004,10,1,68-71,Reid Psychotherapy malpractice: new pitfalls,2008,14,2,119-121,Resnick Evaluation of the use of the positive and negative syndrome scale-excited component as a criterion for administration of p.r.n. medication,2008,14,2,105-113,Chaichan Effectiveness and efficiency of cognitive-behavioral group therapy for inpatients: 4-year follow-up study,2008,14,5,281-288,Morosini Challenges at the end of the bell-shaped curve,2003,9,4,261,Oldham Alcohol use in Polish 9/11 responders: implications for cross-cultural treatment,2012,18,1,55-63,Katz Severe loneliness in community-dwelling aging adults with mental illness,2012,18,1,20-28,Molinari Alexithymia and suicide ideation in a sample of patients with binge eating disorder,2012,18,1,5-11,De Berardis Psychiatrists' emotional reactions to patient suicidal behavior,2012,18,2,94-108,Scocco Behavioral and psychopharmacological treatment of the paraphilic and hypersexual disorders,2002,8,1,21-32,Kaplan Inevitable suicide: a new paradigm in psychiatry,2012,18,3,221-224,Sadock Adult attachment in the clinical management of borderline personality disorder,2012,18,3,159-171,Fossati Mental health concurrent disorders and health care utilization in homeless women,2012,18,5,349-360,Schuetz Consequences of "inevitable suicide",2012,18,5,319-320,Maniam Comment on "inevitable suicide",2012,18,5,318-319,Ellis Exploring the impact of suicide on clinicians: a multidisciplinary retreat model,2013,19,1,72-77,Dalack Long-term and bizarre self-injurious behavior: an approach to underlying psychological mechanisms and management,2013,19,1,65-71,Kahn A model for therapeutic risk management of the suicidal patient,2013,19,4,323-326,Homaifar Evidence for seasonal mania: a review,2013,19,4,301-308,Wang The complex problem of suicide,2013,19,4,269,Oldham Depression and affective temperaments are associated with poor health-related quality of life in patients with HIV infection,2013,19,2,109-117,Pompili Personality dynamics of intimate abusiveness,2002,8,4,216-228,Dutton Complicated grief and manic comorbidity in the aftermath of the loss of a son,2013,19,5,419-428,Dell'osso The challenge of gun control for mental health advocates,2013,19,5,410-412,Pandya Therapeutic risk management of the suicidal patient: Augmenting clinical suicide risk assessment with structured instruments,2013,19,5,406-409,Homaifar Therapeutic risk management of the suicidal patient: Stratifying risk in terms of severity and temporality,2014,20,1,63-67,Homaifar Suicide on facebook,2014,20,2,141-146,Sudak Mental health as an advocacy priority in the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender communities,2014,20,3,225-227,Pandya Therapeutic risk management of the suicidal patient: safety planning,2014,20,3,220-224,Wortzel Inpatient suicide prevention: promoting a culture and system of safety over 30 years of practice,2014,20,5,392-404,Jayaram Suicide risk assessment and suicide risk formulation: essential components of the therapeutic risk management model,2014,20,5,373-378,Silverman Follow-up treatment utilization by hospitalized suicidal adolescents,2014,20,5,353-362,Yen The problem of suicide continued,2014,20,5,327,Oldham Biomarker identification in psychiatric disorders: from neuroscience to clinical practice,2015,21,1,37-48,Gold Differences between nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior in patients with eating disorders,2015,21,3,198-207,Murai Benzodiazepines for PTSD: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,21,4,281-303,Welton CRAFFT as a substance use screening instrument for adolescent psychiatry admissions,2015,21,4,259-266,Lineberry Rising to the challenge: the response to Hurricane Sandy in a psychiatric emergency room,2016,22,2,141-148,Homel All alone together: case report of folie à trois with schizoaffective and negative symptoms in monozygotic triplets,2016,22,4,336-341,Papanastasiou Pseudocide: A Case Report,2016,22,4,333-335,Ahmedani National Initiative to Prevent Suicide (NIPS): a new proposal to improve the understanding and prevention of suicide,2016,22,5,398-404,Preskorn Factors associated with high frequency of suicidal ideation in medically ill veterans,2016,22,5,389-397,Cully The continuing challenge of suicide prevention (editorial),2016,22,5,353-354,Oldham Assessing suicide risk: what is commonly missed in the emergency room?,2017,23,2,82-91,Groll Characteristics of patients involved in physical assault in an acute inpatient psychiatric setting,2017,23,4,260-269,Russ Predictors of length of stay in a psychiatric adolescent treatment program,2017,23,5,342-351,Sharp Why suicide risk assessment still matters,2017,23,6,436-440,Nazem Disasters,2017,23,6,389,Oldham Ketamine use for suicidal ideation in the general hospital: case report and short review,2018,24,1,56-59,Limosin The mask of happiness: unmasking coercive control in intimate relationships,2018,24,1,48-50,Schneider What therapies are favored in the treatment of the psychological sequelae of trauma in human trafficking victims?,2018,24,2,87-96,Coverdale Psychiatry's role in the management of human trafficking victims: an integrated care approach,2018,24,2,79-86,Coverdale Human trafficking,2018,24,2,e71,Oldham Predictors of lifetime suicide attempts in individuals with attenuated psychosis syndrome,2018,24,3,169-178,Hamner The potential perils of a suicide-specific diagnosis,2018,24,5,354-358,Silverman PTSD symptom severity but not trauma type predicts mental health help-seeking in the military,2018,24,5,310-316,Nahhas Is ketamine the future clozapine for depression? A case series and literature review on maintenance ketamine in treatment-resistant depression with suicidal behavior,2018,24,4,279-291,Kahn Whether called acute suicidal affective disturbance or suicide crisis syndrome a suicide-specific diagnosis would enhance clinical care increase patient safety and mitigate clinician liability,2018,24,4,274-278,Galynker Religious activity psychotic features and suicidality in 688 acute psychiatric inpatients,2018,24,4,253-260,Allen Predicting suicide [editorial],2018,24,4,219,Oldham Therapeutic risk management: chain analysis of suicidal ideation and behavior,2019,25,1,46-53,Nazem Psychotherapy with suicidal patients Part 2: an alliance based intervention for suicide,2019,25,1,41-45,Plakun The association of lifetime suicide attempts with anxiety disorders in patients with bipolar disorder,2019,25,1,7-13,Sevincok Suicide revisited,2019,25,1,1,Oldham Cerbera odollam: a case report of attempted suicide by pong pong,2019,25,3,219-221,Ruekert Pediatric nonsuicidal self-injury: a call to action for inpatient staff training,2019,25,5,395-401,Pluhar Welfare checks for suicide risk management: risks and benefits,2019,25,5,379-382,Allen Motives for illicit drug use among individuals with body dysmorphic disorder,2019,25,6,427-436,Kelly Psychotic symptoms predict suicidal behavior postdischarge in high risk psychiatric inpatients,2019,25,6,418-426,Yaseen Documentation practices for transgender youth admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit,2020,26,2,153-159,Romanowicz Blackout versus pass out in allegations of alcohol-involved sexual assault: why knowing the difference matters,2020,26,2,141-145,Schneider Therapeutic risk management: suicide postvention,2020,26,3,235-240,Nazem Availability of buprenorphine treatment in the 10 states with the highest drug overdose death rates in the United States,2020,26,1,17-22,Malowney Therapeutic risk management for violence: clinical risk assessment,2020,26,4,313-319,Nazem Mental health and social care professionals after a patient suicide: interrelation between support needed sought and received,2020,26,4,263-272,Heeb Therapeutic risk management for violence: augmenting clinical risk assessment with structured instruments,2020,26,5,405-410,Nazem Attempted suicide in a woman with steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis: a case report,2020,26,5,411-416,Fatica Use of mobile phones computers and internet among clients of an inner-city community psychiatric clinic,2014,20,2,94-103,Mojtabai Therapeutic risk management for violence: stratifying risk and characterizing violence,2020,26,6,503-509,Nazem Crisis intervention psychotherapy in the age of CoViD-19,2021,27,3,152-163,Feinstein Objective and subjective perspectives on implementation of a violence risk screening program in an emergency department,2021,27,3,164-171,North Therapeutic risk management for violence: chain analysis of other-directed violent ideation and behavior,2021,27,3,203-211,Nazem Therapeutic risk management for violence: safety planning for other-directed violence,2021,27,4,296-304,Nazem Human trafficking: a treatment guide for mental health professionals,2021,27,4,340-341,Kinzie Can nonoffending pedophiles be reached for the primary prevention of child sexual abuse by addressing nonoffending individuals who are attracted to minors in the United States? New strategies with the global prevention project,2021,27,4,265-272,Tenbergen Practical steps towards identifying and assisting victims of domestic violence,2021,27,5,384-389,Chien Demographic and clinical correlates of high-lethality suicide attempts: a retrospective study in psychiatric inpatients,2021,27,6,410-416,Lester Gun safety [editorial],2021,27,6,409,Oldham Therapeutic risk management and firearm-related lethal means safety,2021,27,6,456-465,Wortzel A plausible explanation of increased suicidal behaviors among transgender youth based on the interpersonal theory of suicide (IPTS): case series and literature review,2022,28,1,3-13,DeSilva Evaluating clinician attitudes after local implementation of the Veterans Affairs Predictive Analytic Model for Suicide Prevention,2022,28,1,14-23,Pruitt Suicide and life insurance,2022,28,1,54-61,McIntosh Effects of patient suicide on professional practice among mental health providers,2022,28,3,184-192,Brown An annotated bibliography on human trafficking for the mental health clinician,2022,28,3,218-226,Coverdale Fire walk with me: posttraumatic stress disorder and pyromania,2022,28,3,234-239,Schreiber Firearm injury prevention and extreme risk protection orders,2022,28,3,240-243,Wortzel Gun safety revisited,2022,28,4,273-274,Oldham Quality of life among geriatric community members following the Kaohsiung gas explosion: a 5-year cross-sectional study,2022,28,5,362-372,Huang Building a comprehensive biopsychosocial database to identify underlying causes of suicide and improve suicide prevention,2022,28,5,391-395,Preskorn The rise fall and resurgence of electroconvulsive therapy,2022,28,6,440-444,Bahji Hazards of using constant observation with suicidal patients,2022,28,6,485-491,Obegi Superior semicircular canal dehiscence: a case report and literature review of an otologic condition associated with severe psychiatric disturbance and suicide attempt,2022,28,6,505-508,Kasle Lithium use for suicide prevention revisited,2023,29,1,51-57,Oslin Suicidal behavior and difficulty of patients as perceived by community mental health nurses,2023,29,2,113-121,Koekkoek Artificial intelligence in violence risk assessment: addressing racial bias and inequity,2023,29,3,239-245,Cockerill "Psychotherapy in the pressure cooker": a systematic review of single session psychosocial interventions in emergency departments for suicide-related thoughts or behaviors,2023,29,4,291-307,Klonsky Studying the feasibility and acceptability of an interactive web-based lethal means safety decision aid for hospitalized adults with suicide risk (Lock to Live),2023,29,4,308-313,Anderson Argument-based ethics and mandatory reporting laws for trafficked persons,2023,29,4,319-324,Coverdale Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical profile of suicide attempters attending the emergency department at a tertiary care hospital in Oman: a retrospective study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al-Adawi Incels: an introduction for mental health clinicians,2023,29,5,384-389,Friedman Methods used to control the reproductive choices of women who are sex trafficked: considerations for health care providers,2023,29,6,439-446,Coverdale Characterization of psychiatric inpatients: the role of gender differences in clinical and pharmacological patterns,2024,30,1,2-12,Pompili Cognitive behavioral therapy approaches for chronic suicidality,2024,30,1,46-50,Sudak Anticipating patient safety events in psychiatric care,2024,30,1,68-72,Kroll Increasing the acceptability of lethal means safety counseling for firearms: tips and scripts,2024,30,2,139-146,Keddem Pathological gambling: A clinical review,1998,4,5,277-286,Cartwright Management challenges of recurrent foreign body ingestions in a psychiatric patient: a case report,2023,29,2,167-173,Rush Borderline patients at the border of treatability: At the intersection of borderline narcissistic and antisocial personalities,2003,9,4,279-290,Stone Abortion and Psychiatric Practice,2003,9,6,e407,Ney Relating Clinical Trials to Psychiatric Practice: Part II: The Gap between the Usual Patient in Registration Trials and in Practice,2003,9,6,455-461,Preskorn Facing campus sexual assault and relationship violence with courage: a guide for institutions and clinicians on prevention support and healing,2024,30,3,245-246,Ricke Forensic Mental Health Assessment as a Critical Intercept for Enhancing Mental Health Care,2022,28,5,396-403,Wortzel Pilot Study of a Brief Sleep Intervention for Suicidal Ideation in Bipolar Disorder,2021,27,2,109-114,Nierenberg Commentary on 2 Cases of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Occurring in Association With COVID-19,2021,27,2,145-146,Garakani Do Patients With Treatment-resistant Disorders Recover?,2022,28,1,50-53,Plakun Commentary: Diagnostic and Treatment Issues in Psychosis,2021,27,4,338-339,Garakani Physician Suicide: Cases and Commentaries,2019,25,6,e500,Lomax American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Third Edition,2021,27,6,498-499,Ellis Psychosocial and Pharmacological Approaches for Improving Treatment Adherence and Outcomes in People With Severe Schizophrenia: A 10-Year Follow-up,2021,27,6,417-426,López-Muñoz COVID-19: Preliminary Data on the Impact of Social Distancing on Loneliness and Mental Health,2020,26,5,400-404,Lewis Risk Assessment,2020,26,5,347-348,Oldham Adapting supportive psychotherapy for individuals with Borderline personality disorder who self-injure or attempt suicide,2004,10,3,145-155,Stanley An ethical dilemma: when the family wants the withdrawal of care,2004,10,5,334-336,Wagle Avoiding the malpractice snare: documenting suicide risk assessment,2004,10,3,185-189,Simpson Organization liability: beyond respondeat superior,2004,10,4,258-262,Reid Clinical pharmacology case conference: a suicide attempt?,2002,8,5,306-310,Preskorn Contracting for safety redux,2005,11,1,54-57,Reid Modeling the relationship between affective lability impulsivity and suicidal behavior in patients with borderline personality disorder,2000,6,5,247-255,Links Pharmacotherapy of depression in older patients: a summary of the expert consensus guidelines,2001,7,6,361-376,Katz Development of evidence-based performance measures for bipolar disorder: overview of methodology,2008,14 Suppl 2,,18-30,Hermann The psychological autopsy part II: toward a standardized protocol,2009,15,1,52-59,Knoll Beyond the chief complaint,2011,17,4,285-287,Clemens Gardner-Diamond Syndrome in an Adolescent With Suicidal Ideation: A Case Report,2019,25,1,54-57,Kara Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of a Difficult to Treat Condition Borderline Personality Disorder,2019,25,1,14-21,Rachid Welfare Checks and Therapeutic Risk Management,2019,25,6,470-474,Allen Transgender Youth in the Inpatient Psychiatric Setting: A Literature Review and Case Report,2017,23,4,290-293,Shapiro Impulsivity in depression: its relation to suicidality,2023,29,3,189-201,Başar Afterword to "Through The Valley of the Shadow of Death. Journey Through Major Mental Illness as Experienced by a Mental Health PhD Candidate",2023,29,3,235-238,Plakun Through the valley of the shadow of death. Journey through major mental illness as experienced by a mental health PhD candidate,2023,29,3,235-238,McAllister