Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Death in the bath. a survey of bathtub deaths in Copenhagen Denmark and Gothenburg Sweden from 1961 to 1969,1970,17,4,136-147,Geertinger Driving under the influence of alcohol. 7. the legislation in operation in tennessee georgia new york canada scotland,1965,12,3,93-104,Bowden Alcohol and road accidents,1965,12,,45-48,Havard Alcohol and road accidents,1964,11,,89-91,Fatteh Suicidal poisoning by sodium chlorate A report of three cases,1966,13,4,123-129,Timperman Influence of insulin on the rate of ethyl alcohol oxidation in blood,1966,13,4,153-155,Kapczynska Driving under the influence of alcohol,1966,13,2,44-67,Bowden Impact injuries on the railway track. Three cases of depressed fracture of the skull,1966,13,1,16-22,Bowen Liver and blood barbiturate concentrations. Their interpretation,1971,18,1,3-10,Shapiro The drowned men,1971,18,1,18-23,Hutchinson Murder or suicide? A case report,1971,18,3,122-123,Fatteh A histological technique for forensic ballistics,1971,18,2,47-52,Simmons Alcohol and traffic safety,1970,17,4,133-135,Shapiro The anatomical localization of brain injuries sustained in traffic accidents,1970,17,3,99-102,Dubrzy Alcohol and the holocaust on our roads,1970,17,1,1-4,Shapiro A survey of injuries to the liver and spleen in forensic autopsies,1970,17,1,12-19,Bowen The blood alcohol restriction of the traffic ordinance. Its effects in South Africa during 1967,1969,16,3,86-95,van Gent Histochemical changes in experimental drowning pulmonary edema and asphyxia,1969,16,3,79-85,Spitz Medico-legal problems in death by drowning. Its diagnosis by the diatom method. A study based on investigations carried out in Ghent over a period of 10 years,1969,16,2,45-75,Timperman Civilian diving deaths in Australia,1969,16,2,39-44,Bayliss The pathology of fatal inadvertent ejection from aircraft,1969,16,1,7-15,Mason Blood alcohol: a unique court case,1968,15,4,157-160,van Gent Blood alcohol levels in patients attending hospital. After involvement in traffic accidents,1968,15,4,152-156,Tonge The electrophysiology of homicide,1961,8,,161-164,Podolsky Carbon monoxide poisoning: an unusual case,1961,8,,134-138,Mant The detection of diatoms in the bone marrow as evidence of death by drowing,1961,8,,142-144,Thomas The relationship of trauma to tumour formation,1961,8,,116-121,Gowing Accident neurosis,1961,8,,53-56, Arsenic in the hair and nails: its significance in acute arsenical poisoning,1965,12,,52-67,Hodge The jealous murderer,1965,12,,35-40,Podolsky Poisoning by chromic acid intravaginally administered,1965,12,,14-18,Walczynski Violent deaths and alcoholic intoxication,1964,11,,131-147,Smith Medico-legal problems related to post-traumatic neurosis,1964,11,,92-105,Bennett Death from chlorpromazine poisoning,1964,11,,120-124,Fatteh Driving under the influence of alcohol. 6. The legislation in operation in various countries,1964,11,,42-47,Bowden Driving under the influence of alcohol,1964,11,,6-23,Bowden Fatal cases with an elevated urine alcohol but without alcohol in the blood,1964,11,,3-5,Alha The detection of diatoms in the marrow of the sternum as evidence of death by drowning,1962,9,,134-136,Timperman Accidental strangulation,1962,9,,20-24,Mitrani Investigations on the occurrence of diatoms in organs in death from various causes,1966,13,4,134-137,Porawski Fatal subarachnoid haemorrhage in relation to minor head injuries,1967,14,4,146-155,Simonsen The mechanism of death,1967,14,4,125-130,Gordon The biological definition of death,1968,15,1,5-8,Gordon Acute phenol poisoning. Singular findings in a lethal case,1968,15,1,41-42,Stajduhar-Carić Isolation of neurotoxin in a case of fatal cobra bite,1969,16,3,96-99,Saldeen Putrefaction: a difficulty in forensic medicine,1971,18,3,114-117,Meyersohn Acute parathion poisoning,1964,11,,107-119,Deslypere Chloride determination of heart blood. Its use for the identification of death caused by drowning. A short review of 202 cases in the last 7 years with reference to a few special cases,1967,14,3,108-112,Fisher Stud gun injuries,1970,17,1,5-11,Spitz The extent of alcohol consumption by Africans. The significance of the weapon at beer drinks,1971,18,2,53-64,Gelfand Some perspectives in 'cot death',1971,18,3,96-107,Sturner Psychiatry sociopathy and the XYY chromosome syndrome,1971,18,3,84-95,Saxe Penetration of ethyl alcohol into the central nervous system,1966,13,4,144-147,Chróscielewski Estimation of post-mortem blood barbiturates using Turner's perchloric acid precipitation method combined with thin layer chromatographic isolation,1966,13,4,148-152,Alha Acute tetrachlorethane poisoning. A report on a fatal case,1967,14,3,118-120,Lynch