Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Study on determination of bath temperature,1980,34,8,561-567,Iwasawa Discussion re-evaluation of bathing of newborn infants,1973,27,6,10-21,Matsushima Bathing of infants; analysis of a social study,1967,21,12,49-54,Tanabe Expectant mothers and seat belts,1988,42,9,775,Shimada Historical observation on baby carriages in Japan,1976,30,1,46-53,Kato Modern practice of child rearing reflected in the statistics on infanticides and suicide by mothers,1977,31,8,482-486,Koshinaga Rape is not sex but violence,1983,37,4,338-342,Ikegami Hawaii report. "Your neighbor's son" a documentary film depicting the cruelty,1984,38,3,253-256,Ikegami Extended stays at the NICU and battered child syndrome,1987,41,8,674-678,Goto Case report: massive hemoperitoneum in a pregnant woman who suffered injuries in a traffic accident,1986,40,4,321-324,Ito Shocking emotional state of some modern mothers,1968,22,5,10-14,Muramatsu Case studies on iatrogenic incidents. 9. Fires and kidnapping in the nursery,1976,30,1,54-55,Omura Mastitis bite injuries of the nipples and mammary duct obstruction,1976,30,11,672-674,Morita Swimming by expectant mothers,1979,33,10,729-732,Murooka