Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A human model for road safety: from geometrical acquisition to model validation with radioss,2003,6,4,263-273,Behr Finite element analysis of cyclist lower limb response in car-bicycle accident,2005,8,Supp 1,47-48,Arnoux Stochastic-rheological simulation of free-fall arm impact in children: application to playground injuries,2004,7,2,63-71,Chalmers The use of accident reconstruction for the analysis of traumatic brain injury due to head impacts arising from falls,2006,9,6,371-377,Doorly Liver injuries in frontal crash situations a coupled numerical - experimental approach,2008,11,2,189-203,Behr Biodynamics model for operator head injury in stand-up lift trucks,2008,11,4,397-405,Zoghi-Moghadam Does placenta position modify the risk of placental abruption in car crashes?,2009,12,4,399-405,Behr Energy analysis of wrist impact and surface rebound,2010,13,5,559-566,Chalmers Assessment of head injury of children due to golf ball impact,2010,13,5,523-535,Wang Finite element modelling of equestrian helmet impacts exposes the need to address rotational kinematics in future helmet designs,2011,14,12,1021-1031,Gilchrist Finite element analysis for the evaluation of protective functions of helmets against ballistic impact,2010,13,5,537-550,Lee Development of an accurate three-dimensional finite element knee model,2002,5,4,291-300,Penrose A modified human head model for the study of impact head injury,2011,14,12,1049-1057,Yan Role of helmet in the mechanics of shock wave propagation under blast loading conditions,2012,15,11,1233-1244,Ganpule Automatic individual calibration in fall detection - an integrative ambulatory measurement framework,2013,16,5,504-510,Lockhart Examination of the relationship between peak linear and angular accelerations to brain deformation metrics in hockey helmet impacts,2013,16,5,511-519,Gilchrist Paediatric bed fall computer simulation model development and validation,2013,16,6,592-601,Bertocci A computational study of the passive mechanisms of eye restraint during head impact trauma,2005,8,1,1-6,Parsons An investigation into the use and limitations of different spatial integration schemes and finite element software in head impact analyses,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goffin Finite element model of the human neck during omni-directional impacts. Part II: relation between cervical curvature and risk of injury,2006,9,6,379-386,Frechede Development and validation of a bicycle helmet: assessment of head injury risk under standard impact conditions,2012,15,Suppl 1,309-310,Willinger Injury criteria of knee joint regarding car-pedestrian impact environments,2012,15,Suppl 1,301-302,Cesari Influence of pre-crash driver posture on injury outcome: airbag interaction with human upper extremities,2012,15,Suppl 1,295-297,Drazetic Material properties of the placenta under dynamic loading conditions,2014,17,9,958-964,Behr A computational study of injury severity and pattern sustained by overweight drivers in frontal motor vehicle crashes,2014,17,9,965-977,Pintar Towards reducing impact-induced brain injury: lessons from a computational study of army and football helmet pads,2014,17,11,1173-1184,Moss A computational study of influence of helmet padding materials on the human brain under ballistic impacts,2014,17,12,1368-1382,Jazi Simulation-based assessment for construction helmets,2013,18,1,24-37,Long Modelling human eye under blast loading,2013,18,2,107-115,Rossi Cross-sectional neck response of a total human body FE model during simulated frontal and side automobile impacts,2015,18,3,293-315,Stitzel Finite element head model simulation and head injury prediction,2013,16,Suppl 1,198-199,Deck Analysis of train driver protection in rail collisions,2013,16,Suppl 1,184-186,Robache When motor simulation of disequilibrium increases postural stability,2013,16,Suppl 1,44-45,Heurley A finite element evaluation of the moment arm hypothesis for altered vertebral shear failure force,2013,18,5,545-555,Callaghan Quantitative analysis of fall risk using TUG test,2013,18,4,426-437,Tamura Numerical model (switchable/dual model) of the human head for rigid body and finite elements applications,2013,18,7,769-781,Tabacu Visualising gait symmetry/asymmetry from acceleration data,2013,18,9,923-930,Yoneyama Development and validation of a human biomechanical model for rib fracture and thorax injuries in blunt impact,2014,18,9,974-980,Cai Implementation and validation of thoracic side impact injury prediction metrics in a human body model,2014,18,10,1044-1055,Stitzel Helmet liner evaluation to mitigate head response from primary blast exposure,2014,18,6,635-645,Cronin Prediction of globe rupture caused by primary blast: a finite element analysis,2014,18,9,1024-1029,Fan Effects of obesity on occupant responses in frontal crashes: a simulation analysis using human body models,2014,18,12,1280-1292,Rupp Validity of a low-cost wearable device for body sway parameter evaluation,2014,17,Suppl 1,182-183,Gorce Assessment of a numerical model of balance recovery by stepping,2014,17,Suppl 1,176-177,Robert Analysis biomechanics of the 3D angle of the upper limb: study of manual wheelchair obstacle climbing,2014,17,Suppl 1,170-171,Marchiori Determination of vertical ground reaction forces under each foot during walking,2014,17,Suppl 1,110-111,Meurisse Walking efficiency in children with cerebral palsy: relation to muscular strength and gait parameters,2014,17,Suppl 1,104-105,Pouliot-Laforte How do healthy older pedestrians walk when they cross the street?,2014,17,Suppl 1,98-99,Watelain Experimental and numerical studies of fluid-structure interaction phenomena inside the head when subjected to a dynamical loading,2014,17,Suppl 1,46-47,Hault-dubrulle Investigation of a six-year-old Hybrid III dummy neck stiffness and the consequences regarding out-of-position Neck Injury Criteria,2014,17,Suppl 1,42-43,Elizabeth Shuttlecock velocity during a smash stroke in badminton evolves linearly with skill level,2014,17,Suppl 1,140-141,Phomsoupha Investigation of pediatric neck response and muscle activation in low-speed frontal impacts,2014,18,15,1680-1692,Yang A centric/non-centric impact protocol and finite element model methodology for the evaluation of American football helmets to evaluate risk of concussion,2014,17,16,1785-1800,Gilchrist Kinematic and dynamic responses of the scrum,2013,16 Suppl 1,,204-205,Laporte On the effect of playing surfaces on lower limb intersegmental loads,2012,15 Suppl 1,,231-233,Drevelle Development of a geometrically accurate and adaptable finite element head model for impact simulation: the Naval Research Laboratory-Simpleware Head Model,2015,19,1,101-113,Cotton Predicting the probability of slip in gait: methodology and distribution study,2015,19,1,93-100,Gragg Development of computer tablet software for clinical quantification of lateral knee compartment translation during the pivot shift test,2015,19,2,217-228,Hofbauer Comparison of hierarchical and six degrees-of-freedom marker sets in analyzing gait kinematics,2015,19,2,199-207,Buczek Evaluation of the protective capacity of baseball helmets for concussive impacts,2015,19,4,366-375,Gilchrist Estimation of temporal gait parameters using Bayesian models on acceleration signals,2015,19,4,396-403,López-Nava Robust human body model injury prediction in simulated side impact crashes,2015,19,7,717-732,Stitzel Toward a realistic optoelectronic-based kinematic model of the hand: representing the transverse metacarpal arch reduces accessory rotations of the metacarpophalangeal joints,2015,19,6,639-647,Keir Infant eye finite element model to investigate retinal hemorrhages after fall and shaking events,2015,18 Suppl 1,,2016-2017,Raul Gait synthesis for an anthropomorphic human model with articulated feet,2015,18 Suppl 1,,2056-2057,Santos How to use the elasticity of a badminton racket to increase its speed by 80%?,2015,18 Suppl 1,,2028-2029,Clanet Spring jumpers vs power jumpers: ankle joint behavior in elite wushu athletes and implications for performance and injury risk,2015,18 Suppl 1,,1886-1887,Rouch Gait analysis parameters of healthy human subjects with asymmetric loads,2015,19,8,855-863,Berceanu Parametric analysis of the biomechanical response of head subjected to the primary blast loading - a data mining approach,2015,19,10,1053-1059,King Computational evaluation of load carriage effects on gait balance stability,2015,19,11,1127-1136,Kim Finite element modeling of human brain response to football helmet impacts,2016,19,13,1432-1442,Darling Finite element analysis of child head injuries in the field of child abuse,2008,11,Suppl 1,199-201,Roth A novel approach to modelling and simulating the contact behaviour between a human hand model and a deformable object,2013,16,2,130-140,Gomes CFD modeling of the underwash effect of military helmets as a possible mechanism for blast-induced traumatic brain injury,2016,20,1,16-26,Rezaei Protective capacity of an ice hockey goaltender helmet for three events associated with concussion,2017,20,12,1299-1311,Gilchrist Biomechanical and human behavior assessment using virtual reality to challenge balance and posture for the elderly and patients with Parkinson's disease,2017,20,Suppl 1,141-142,Gauchard Differences in theoretical self-stability between manual and electrically power-assisted city-bikes for women,2017,20,Suppl 1,67-68,Dieltiens Analysis of the effect of helmet shape and head position on performance during time-trial cycling,2017,20,Suppl 1,11-12,Polidori Probabilistic description of infant head kinematics in abusive head trauma,2017,20,16,1633-1642,Kelly Brain tissue analysis of impacts to American football helmets,2018,21,3,264-277,Hoshizaki A two-step procedure for coupling development and usage of a pair of human neck models,2018,21,5,413-426,Liu Optimal pressure comfort design for pilot helmets,2018,21,6,437-443,Xu A computational study of the EN 1078 impact test for bicycle helmets using a realistic subject-specific finite element head model,2018,21,12,684-692,Tse A proposal for a kinetic summary measure: the Gait Kinetic Index,2019,22,1,94-99,Galli Creating a human head finite element model using a multi-block approach for predicting skull response and brain pressure,2019,22,2,169-179,Mao Evaluation of helmet and goggle designs by modeling non-penetrating projectile impacts,2019,22,3,229-242,Gefen Numerical assessment of the human body response to a ground-level explosion,2019,22,2,180-205,Sielicki Construction of a risk model through the fusion of experimental data and finite element modeling: application to car crash-induced TBI,2019,22,6,605-619,Ahmadisoleymani The biomechanics of concussion for ice hockey head impact events,2019,22,6,631-643,Cusimano The influence of impact source on variables associated with strain for impacts in ice hockey,2019,22,7,713-726,Cusimano Modelling of intracranial behaviour on occiput impact in judo,2019,22,8,797-805,Kamitani The influence of impact force redistribution and redirection on maximum principal strain for helmeted head impacts,2019,ePub,ePub,1-13,Hoshizaki Development of a three-dimensional body shape model of young children for child restraint design,2018,21,15,784-794,Reed A finite element model of the human buttocks for prediction of seat pressure distributions,2004,7,4,193-203,van Hoof Assessment of the shock adsorption properties of bike helmets: a numerical/experimental approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bocciarelli Simulated brain strains resulting from falls differ between concussive events of young children and adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vassilyadi Development of a test method for adult ice hockey helmet evaluation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cusimano Investigation of dynamic deformation of the midbrain in rear-end collision using human brain FE model,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nakahira Development and validation of a finite element model of a small female pedestrian,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gayzik Comparison of frequency and magnitude of head impacts experienced by Peewee boys and girls in games of youth ice hockey,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilchrist Effect of foam densification and impact velocity on the performance of a football helmet using computational 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of a time- and computationally-efficient methodology for reconstructing real-world crashes using finite element modeling to improve crash injury research investigations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stitzel Head contacts in second-row pediatric occupants when the front-seat is reclined during automated emergency braking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arbogast Effect of different helmets against ground impact based on the in-depth reconstruction of electric two-wheeler accidents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pan Investigation of traffic accidents involving seated pedestrians using a finite element simulation-based approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Untaroiu Driver drowsiness detection methods using EEG signals: a systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hussein Comparison of the effectiveness of rotating seats in autonomous vehicles and airbags in traditional vehicles to minimize head injuries in frontal crash,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Effects of different helmet-mounted devices on pilot's neck injury under simulated 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