Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Efficacy of a 'functional energy drink' in counteracting driver sleepiness,2002,75,3,331-335,Horne Correlation between driving errors and vigilance level: influence of the driver's age,2004,80,4,515-524,Campagne Effect of driving duration and partial sleep deprivation on subsequent alertness and performance of car drivers,2005,84,5,715-724,Roge Sleep and sleepiness in relation to stress and displaced work hours,2007,92,1-2,250-255,Kecklund Effects of sleep deprivation on impulsive behaviors in men and women,2007,91,5,579-587,Richards Sex-hormone dependent perception of androstenone suggest its involvement in communicating competition and aggression,2014,123,,136-141,Lübke Driver fatigue and highway driving: A simulator study,2008,94,3,448-453,Jeng Effects of sleep deprivation and exercise on cognitive motor performance and mood,2006,87,2,396-408,Scott Physiological stress response of young adults exposed to bullying during adolescence,2008,95,5,617-624,Newman Nature and nurture in suicidal behavior the role of genetics: some novel findings concerning personality traits and neural conduction,2007,92,1-2,245-249,Wasserman Patterns of violent aggression-induced brain c-fos expression in male mice selected for aggressiveness,2006,88,1-2,173-182,Haller Drugs and stimulus-bound attack,1971,6,4,317-320,Panksepp Environmental causes of violence,2010,99,2,260-268,Nevin Event-related potentials in professional city drivers: heightened sensitivity to cognitively relevant visual signals,1992,52,3,423-427,Belkic Chronic passive exposure to aggression decreases D(2) and 5-HT(1B) receptor densities,2010,99,5,562-570,Suzuki Handedness and circadian motor asymmetries in humans: Preliminary findings,2010,100,4,322-326,Natale Male axillary extracts modify the affinity of the platelet serotonin transporter and impulsiveness in women,2010,100,4,364-368,Betti Sexual and aggressive behaviour of adult male marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) castrated neonatally prepubertally or in adulthood,1993,54,2,301-307,Dixson Long-term psychological and physiological effects of heat stroke,1993,54,2,265-267,Solomon Impairment of cognitive performance associated with dieting and high levels of dietary restraint,1994,55,3,447-452,Green Influences on acceptance of bitter foods and beverages,1994,56,6,1229-1236,Mattes Effects of oral chemical irritation on tastes and flavors in frequent and infrequent users of chili,1995,58,6,1117-1127,Stevenson Filicidal behavior: behavioral correlates and role of sensory systems,1983,31,2,167-174,Johnson Investigation of the effects and aftereffects of naturally occurring upper respiratory tract illnesses on mood and performance,1996,59,3,569-577,Smith In quest for a possible association between heightened social aggression and excessive alcohol drinking in the rat,1996,59,4-5,807-812,Fahlke Adapting to phase shifts II. 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