Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Neurodynamics of relapse prevention: a neuronutrient approach to outpatient DUI offenders,1990,22,2,173-187,Brown Criminal justice coercion in the treatment of alcohol problems: an examination of two client subgroups,1999,31,2,137-143,Polcin California drug courts: a methodology for determining costs and avoided costs,2004,36,Suppl 2,147-156,Byrne Native women violence substance abuse and HIV risk,2005,37,3,273-280,Saylors The relationship between social-contextual factors and alcohol and polydrug use among college freshmen,2005,37,4,415-424,Simons Ecstasy (MDMA) methamphetamine and date rape (drug-facilitated sexual assault): a consideration of the issues,2006,38,1,1-12,Jansen Suicidal ideation in veterans receiving treatment for opiate dependence,2006,38,2,149-156,Woody The drugs-violence nexus among Mexican-American gang members,2006,38,2,109-121,Valdez Self-Reports of Youthful Drinking and Driving - Sensitivity Analyses of Sensitive Data,1985,17,3,179-190,Klitzner People's views on marijuana other drugs and driving: an update,1981,13,4,377-379,Grilly The relationship between lifetime abuse and suicidal ideation in a sample of injection drug users,2007,39,2,159-166,Bishai Illegal drug use alcohol and aggressive crime among Mexican-American and white male arrestees in San Antonio,1995,27,2,135-143,Valdez Mobilizing communities to reduce substance abuse in Indian country,2003,35,1,89-96,Ellis Methamphetamine use in Dayton Ohio: preliminary findings from the Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring Network,2007,39,3,211-221,Carlson Substance abuse treatment staff perceptions of intimate partner victimization among female clients,2007,39,3,251-257,Gilbert Women with methamphetamine dependence: research on etiology and treatment,2007,39,Suppl 4,347-351,Cohen Subjective effects of Salvia divinorum,2007,39,2,143-149,Dalgarno Bringing adolescents into substance abuse treatment through community outreach and engagement: the Hartford Youth Project,2008,40,1,41-54,Anderson Relationship of unemployment rate and rate of opiate exposure in Kentucky,2009,41,1,99-102,Spiller Childhood abuse and neglect as a risk factor for alexithymia in adult male substance dependent inpatients,2009,41,1,85-92,Evren Childhood adverse events and methamphetamine use among men and women,2008,2008,Suppl 5,399-409,Ang Women and addiction: a trauma-informed approach,2008,40,Suppl 5,377-385,Covington Victimization among African-American adolescents in substance abuse treatment,2008,40,1,67-75,Perron Nitrite inhalant abuse in antisocial youth: prevalence patterns and predictors,2009,41,2,135-143,Howard Another modest proposal,1981,13,4,373-375,Prugh Drug and crime interrelationships among women in detention,1981,13,3,289-295,Miller Drugs and criminal assaults by adolescents: a replication study,1981,13,3,277-287,Murphy Family intimacy and chemical abuse: the connection,1982,14,1-2,153-158,Coleman Job satisfaction counterproductive behavior and circumstantial drug use among long-distance truckers,1983,15,3,185-188,Guinn The child abuse--delinquency connection: evolution of a therapeutic community,1986,18,3,215-220,Sandberg Self-reports of youthful drinking and driving: sensitivity analyses of sensitive data,1985,17,3,179-190,Klitzner Further examination of the association between heavy marijuana use and crime among youths entering a juvenile detention center,1987,19,4,361-373,Williams Marijuana driving and accident safety,1988,20,1,93-101,Gieringer Domestic violence and chemical dependency: dual problems dual interventions,1989,21,2,229-238,Gorney Race/ethnicity and gender differences in the drugs-violence relationship,1990,22,3,293-303,Goldstein The role of incest issues in relapse,1990,22,2,249-258,Young Gender differences among African-American substance abusers,1993,25,4,301-305,Blow Cross-cultural counseling with the chemically dependent: preparing for service delivery within a culture of violence,1993,25,1,9-20,Wallace Effects of methamphetamine abuse beyond individual users,2009,41,3,241-248,Ryan Making connections: New Orleans Evacuees' experiences in obtaining drugs,2009,41,3,219-226,Johnson Drugs and violence among Ontario students,1997,29,4,369-373,Mann Sexual assault perpetrators' alcohol and drug use: the likelihood of concurrent violence and post-sexual assault outcomes for women victims,2010,42,3,393-399,Dinitto Alcohol-related homicides committed by women,1998,30,1,33-43,Langley At war in the fields of play: current perspectives on the nature and treatment of adolescent chemical dependency,1993,25,4,321-330,Ehrlich Methadone doses and psychopathological symptoms during methadone maintenance,1993,25,3,253-256,Maremmani Sociodemographic and attitudinal correlates of alcohol and other drug use among children and adolescents: analysis of a large-scale attitude tracking study,1993,25,3,223-237,Adams Psychedelic and entactogenic drugs in the treatment of depression,1994,26,1,41-55,Riedlinger Women offenders and reentry issues,1996,28,1,85-93,Taylor Abuse of flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) and other benzodiazepines in Austin and south Texas,1996,28,2,183-189,Smith Gender differences in social and psychological problems of substance abusers: a comparison to nonsubstance abusers,1996,28,2,135-145,Dinitto Lesbians and alcohol: patterns and paradoxes in medical notions and lesbians' beliefs,1993,25,2,109-119,Hall The angry patient: an intervention for managing anger in substance abuse treatment,1997,29,4,353-358,Reilly Violence trauma and substance abuse,1997,29,4,345-351,Dunnegan When is domestic violence a hidden face of addiction?,1997,29,4,337-344,Irons The incidence and experience of rape among chemically dependent women,1997,29,4,331-336,Teets Psychopharmacological treatment of aggression and violence in the substance using population,1997,29,4,321-329,Lavine Visualizing the firestorms in the brain: an inside look at the clinical and physiological connections between drugs and violence using brain SPECT imaging,1997,29,4,307-319,Yantis Violence and drugs,1997,29,4,303-305,DuPont Death by drug overdose: impact on families,2007,39,3,301-306,Noto Implementing an evidence-based practice: Seeking Safety Group,2007,39,3,231-240,Finkelstein Studying crack abusers: strategies for recruiting the right tail of an ill-defined population,1992,24,4,323-336,Lewis Alcohol and violence: connections evidence and possibilities for prevention,2004,36,Suppl 2,157-163,Parker Violence drugs and prohibition,1998,30,1,119-121,McCarthy Inpatient hospitalization in addiction treatment for patients with a history of suicide attempt: a case of support for treatment performance measures,2010,42,3,315-325,Ilgen Dual diagnosis patients in the urban psychiatric emergency room,1989,21,2,169-175,Wolfe Datura stramonium intake: a report on three cases,2010,42,4,507-512,Stella Strange fires weird smokes and psychoactive combustibles: entheogens and incense in ancient traditions,2010,42,4,485-497,Dannaway Correlates of heavy drinking behaviors of Latino mothers and their adult daughters,2010,42,4,457-466,Niyonsenga Blood alcohol content and death from fatal injury: a study in the metropolitan area of São Paulo Brazil,2000,32,3,269-275,Carlini-Cotrim Lesbian alcohol and marijuana use: correlates of HIV risk behaviors and abusive relationships,1995,27,4,413-419,Perry Perceptions of ganja and cocaine in urban Jamaica,1995,27,3,261-276,Broad Childhood sexual trauma of chemically dependent women,1995,27,3,231-238,Teets Implementation of a family-centered treatment program for substance-abusing women and their children: barriers and resolutions,1995,27,1,73-83,McCoy A therapeutic community for substance-abusing pregnant women and women with children: process and outcome,1995,27,1,49-56,Stevens Psychological functioning and substance abuse before and after the 1992 Los Angeles riot in a community sample of women,1994,26,4,431-437,Huba Trauma and trauma-related disorders for women on methadone: prevalence and treatment considerations,1994,26,4,421-429,Levin Psychology of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and substance abuse: lessons from combat veterans,1994,26,4,393-400,Zaslav Integrated treatment for the survivor of childhood trauma who is chemically dependent,1994,26,4,369-378,Evans Trauma symptoms in substance abusers with and without histories of childhood abuse,1994,26,4,357-360,Ryan Traumatic experiences and substance abuse: mapping the territory,1994,26,4,327-344,Clark African-American women who smoke crack cocaine: sexual trauma and the mother-daughter relationship,1994,26,3,243-247,Pohl Party subculture or dens of doom? An epidemiological study of rave attendance and drug use patterns among adolescent students,1997,29,2,193-198,Smart Effects of alcohol and other drugs on children,1997,29,1,23-42,Young Are "traditional" sex differences less conspicuous in young cannabis users than in other young people?,1994,26,3,257-263,Vaglum An "accidental" acute psychosis with ecstasy use,2001,33,1,95-98,Thomas Gender differences in dually-diagnosed clients receiving chemical dependency treatment,2002,34,1,105-117,Dinitto The Women's Circle comes full circle,2003,35,1,59-62,Saylors The relationship between crime and drugs: what we have learned in recent decades,2000,32,4,391-397,Ruiz Testing a model of the influence of family problem factors on high-risk youths' troubled behavior: a three-wave longitudinal study,2000,32,1,55-65,Livingston Trauma drugs and violence among juvenile offenders,2000,32,1,43-54,Cleary Regional cerebral blood flow in alcohol-induced violence: a case study,1999,31,4,389-393,Amen Anger management and temper control: critical components of posttraumatic stress disorder and substance abuse treatment,1994,26,4,401-407,Reilly History of sexual assault and the treatment of substance abuse disorders,1994,26,4,361-367,Harvey Drug use by homicide offenders,1995,27,2,125-134,Spunt Ayahuasca preparations and serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a potential combination for severe adverse interactions,1998,30,4,367-369,Grob Reply to Lilienfeld: why alcoholism is a disease,1998,30,1,99-104,Maltzman Male drug abuse criminality and subcultural affiliation in a career perspective,1998,30,1,53-68,Olsson Patterns of alcohol use among adolescents living in Porto Alegre Brazil,1998,30,1,45-51,Pechansky Marathon therapy: treating rape survivors in a therapeutic community,1992,24,1,49-56,Levine Asians Asian-Americans and alcohol,1990,22,1,45-52,Johnson Why and by whom the American alcoholism treatment industry is under siege,1990,22,1,1-13,Peele Incest and chemical dependency,1982,14,1-2,133-135,Yeary Adolescent amphetamine users in treatment: client profiles and treatment outcomes,2000,32,1,95-105,De Leon Substance use management: a harm reduction-principled approach to assisting the relief of drug-related problems,2001,33,1,33-38,Bigg Integrating harm reduction therapy and traditional substance abuse treatment,2001,33,1,13-21,Marlatt National study of prescription poisoning with psychoactive and nonpsychoactive medications in Medicare/Medicaid dual enrollees age 65 or over,2011,43,3,229-237,Baugh Target Cities as an effective solution to the special problems of treatment and recovery in the city of Laissez Le Bon Temps Roulle,1999,31,3,225-231,Becnel Drug treatment outcomes: investigating the long-term effects of sexual and physical abuse histories,1999,31,4,363-372,Fiorentine Evidence-based practices attitudes and beliefs in substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indians and Alaska Natives: a qualitative study,2011,43,4,355-359,Larios Predictors of depressive symptomatology among rural stimulant users,2010,42,4,435-445,Leukefeld Health status of illicit stimulant drug users in rural Ohio,2007,36,Suppl 4,401-405,Falck Psychiatric disorders and their correlates among young adult MDMA users in Ohio,2006,38,1,19-29,Falck MDMA/Ecstasy use among young people in Ohio: perceived risk and barriers to intervention,2004,36,2,181-189,Falck Current physical health problems and their predictors among a community sample of crack-cocaine smokers in Ohio,2003,35,4,471-478,Falck The prevalence and correlates of depressive symptomatology among a community sample of crack-cocaine smokers,2002,34,3,281-288,Falck Injection drug users in the Midwest: an epidemiologic comparison of drug use patterns in four Ohio cities,1994,26,3,265-275,Wang Classroom-oriented primary prevention programming for drug abuse,1988,20,4,403-408,Falck The evolution of a community based drug analysis program,1981,13,4,381-383,Falck Sex drugs and rock 'n' roll: hypothesizing common mesolimbic activation as a function of reward gene polymorphisms,2012,44,1,38-55,Blum Walking on: celebrating the journeys of Native American adolescents with substance use problems on the winding road to healing,2012,44,2,153-159,Fickenscher Intercepting binge drinkers in medical settings: a view from California,2012,44,4,334-341,Iguchi Routine use of screening and brief intervention for college students in a university counseling center,2012,44,4,318-324,Spear A case of drug-facilitated sexual assault involving 34-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine,2013,45,1,94-97,Mathieu-Daudé Sex differences in the effects of marijuana on simulated driving performance,2010,42,1,19-30,Pearlson Tentative evidence for striatal hyperactivity in adolescent cannabis-using boys: a cross-sectional multicenter fMRI study,2013,45,2,156-167,Jager Prescription drug misuse and risk behaviors among young injection drug users,2013,45,2,112-121,Lankenau Epidemiology of drug use among biracial/ethnic youth and young adults: results from a U.S. population-based survey,2013,45,2,99-111,Nguyen Visualizing the Firestorms in the Brain: An Inside Look at the Clinical and Physiological Connections Between Drugs and Violence Using Brain SPECT Imaging,1997,29,4,307-320,Yantis Developmental trajectories of alcohol use among monoracial and biracial Black adolescents and adults,2013,45,3,249-257,Clark An adolescent's use of veterinary medicines: a case report exploring addiction,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rukundo Age-related differences in cannabis product use,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Earleywine Binge drinking marijuana use and friendships: The relationship between similar and dissimilar usage and friendship quality,2013,45,3,218-226,Miller Marijuana as a predictor of concurrent substance use among motor vehicle operators,2013,45,3,211-217,Voas Prescription drug abuse: an epidemic dilemma,2010,42,2,127-132,Dupont Kratom abuse in Ramathibodi Poison Center Thailand: a five-year experience,2013,45,5,404-408,Wananukul Risky cannabis use is associated with alexithymia frontal lobe dysfunction and impulsivity in young adult cannabis users,2013,45,5,394-403,Lyvers Aging and changing patterns of alcohol use,1981,13,2,143-151,Dunham Learned helplessness and substance abuse in the elderly,1981,13,2,127-133,Hochhauser Drugs crime and occupational prestige,1981,13,3,267-275,Voss Ketamine use in a burn center: hallucinogen or debridement facilitator?,1985,17,1,45-49,Achauer Drug abuse and the adolescent sex offender: a preliminary analysis,1986,18,1,65-72,de Rios The effects of ayahuasca ritual participation on gay and lesbian identity,2014,46,3,252-260,Cavnar Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB): a scoping review of pharmacology toxicology motives for use and user groups,2014,46,3,243-251,Van Hout Problem drinking's associations with social structure and mental health care: race/ethnicity differences,2014,46,3,233-242,Lo Do incest depression parental drinking serious romantic relationships and living with parents influence patterns of substance use during emerging adulthood?,2014,46,3,188-197,Snyder The role of alcohol expectancies in drinking behavior among women with alcohol use disorder and comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder,2014,46,3,178-187,Pedersen Cannabis as an adjunct to or substitute for opiates in the treatment of chronic pain,2012,44,2,125-133,Lucas Cultural factors as explanations for ethnic group differences in alcohol use in Hawaii,1987,19,1,67-75,Johnson Use and abuse of alcohol by Asian Americans,1987,19,1,57-66,Sue Intimate partner violence and reproductive health among methamphetamine-using women in Los Angeles: a qualitative pilot study,2014,46,4,310-316,Shoptaw Patterns of medical marijuana use among individuals sampled from medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles,2014,46,4,263-272,Grella Neurocognitive impairment: the unrecognized component of dual diagnosis in substance abuse treatment,1989,21,2,153-160,Clark Significant Life Events and their Impact on Alcohol and Drug Use: A Qualitative Study,2014,46,5,450-459,Mertens "My friend said it was good LSD": a suicide attempt following analytically confirmed 25I-NBOMe ingestion,2014,46,5,379-382,Poklis Reversing brain damage in former NFL players: implications for traumatic brain injury and substance abuse rehabilitation,2011,43,1,1-5,Taylor Frequency and risk of marijuana use among substance-using health care patients in Colorado with and without access to state legalized medical marijuana,2015,47,1,1-9,Richmond Smoke your troubles away: exploring the effects of death cognitions on cannabis craving and consumption,2015,47,2,91-99,Nagar Treatment for alcohol and other drug problems in Brazil: a puzzle with missing pieces,1995,27,1,117-123,Pechansky Race employment disadvantages and heavy drinking: a multilevel model,2015,47,3,221-229,Lo Predictors of relapse and dropout during a 12-week relapse prevention program for methamphetamine users,2015,47,4,317-324,Chen Reclaiming futures: Communities helping teens overcome drugs alcohol and crime - A new practice framework for juvenile justice,2007,39,1,51-58,Nissen Helium inhalation in adolescents: characteristics of users and prevalence of use,2012,44,5,365-371,Howard Profiles of medicinal cannabis patients attending compassion centers in Rhode Island,2015,47,1,18-23,Zaller The relationship between antisocial and borderline features and aggression in young adult men in treatment for substance use disorders,2016,48,2,115-123,Stuart Celebrating St. Patrick's Day: students' expectations intent and behavior,2016,48,2,146-151,Bonn-Miller Risk factors for recent intimate partner violence among methamphetamine-using men and women,2016,48,2,135-145,Patterson Criminality and sexual behaviours in substance dependents seeking treatment,2016,48,2,124-134,Laranjeira Remission of severe opioid use disorder with ibogaine: a case report,2016,48,3,214-217,Wood The textures of heroin: user perspectives on "black tar" and powder heroin in two U.S. cities,2016,48,4,270-278,Bourgois Association of traffic injuries substance use disorders and ED visit outcomes among individuals aged 50+ years,2016,48,5,369-376,Dinitto Editors' introduction: drugs crime and violence,1997,29,4,301-302,Smith Psychopharmacological Treatment of Aggression and Violence in the Substance Using Population,1997,29,4,320-329,Lavine Choosing to live or die: online narratives of recovering from methamphetamine abuse,2016,49,1,52-58,Alexander Loperamide the "poor man's methadone": brief review,2017,49,1,18-21,Stanciu Childhood maltreatment emotional lability and alcohol problems in young adults at-risk for ADHD: testing moderation and moderated moderation,2017,49,4,316-325,Shorey Association of traffic injuries substance use disorders and ed visit outcomes among individuals aged 50+ years,2016,48,5,pp 369-376,Dinitto Medicalizing the opioid epidemic in the U.S. in the era of health care reform,2017,49,2,95-101,Smith "Is marijuana even a drug?" a qualitative study of how teens view marijuana use and why they use it,2017,49,3,209-216,Friese Examination of synthetic cannabinoid and cathinone use among a drug-using offender sample 2013-2015,2017,49,5,436-445,Walker Levamisole in illicit trafficking cocaine seized: a one-year study,2017,49,5,408-412,Martello Mortality trends among cocaine users treated between 1989 and 2013 in northern Italy: results of a longitudinal study,2018,50,1,72-80,Fioritti Substance abuse and prostitution,1982,14,3,193-197,Lynch The scheduling of kratom and selective use of data,2018,50,2,114-120,Griffin Bullying victimization binge drinking and marijuana use among adolescents: results from the 2013 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2018,50,2,133-142,Ford "You don't feel": the experience of youth benzodiazepine misuse in Ireland,2018,50,2,121-128,McCarthy Correlates of high-risk and low-risk alcohol use among college students in Kerala India,2018,50,1,54-61,Benegal Understanding postdisaster substance use and psychological distress using concepts from the self-medication hypothesis and social cognitive theory,2018,50,2,177-186,Ward Factors influencing transition to shisheh (methamphetamine) among young people who use drugs in Tehran: a qualitative study,2018,50,3,214-223,Rahimi-Movaghar Impulsivity in alcohol-dependent patients with and without ADHD: the role of atomoxetine,2018,50,4,361-366,Coppola Characteristics of prescription-opioid-impaired and other substance-impaired drivers in rural Appalachian Kentucky,2018,50,5,373-381,Webster Social interaction anxiety alexithymia and drinking motives in Australian university students,2018,50,5,402-410,Lyvers The changing face of synthetic cannabinoids in Texas,2018,50,4,281-286,Maxwell Long-term cognitive effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) use,2019,51,1,19-27,Yücel A longitudinal analysis of the substance abuse violence and HIV/AIDS (SAVA) syndemic among women in the criminal justice system,2019,51,1,58-67,Cottler Age of initiation and patterns of use among people who inject drugs welcomed in harm reduction facilities in France from 2006 to 2015,2019,51,3,260-271,Cadet-Taïrou Might microdosing psychedelics be safe and beneficial? 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Variations in substance-related consequences by conjoint alcohol-marijuana use patterns,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Habarth Characteristics associated with attitudes toward marijuana legalization in Michigan,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Resko Cannabis expectancies for sleep,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Earleywine Mortality risk among heroin users accessing treatment: natives and non-natives patients results of a longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pavarin Exploring the association between suicidality and smoking behavior among school-based children in Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Intercorrelation of alcohol and other drug use disorders among a national sample of drivers,2018,50,2,143-150,Voas An exploratory study of cannabis festivals and their attendees in two European cities: Amsterdam and Berlin,2018,50,2,105-113,Korf People's views on marihuana drugs and driving: a changing scene,1977,9,4,311-316,Grilly Associations between psychiatric disorders and cannabis-related 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