Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Motion and color processing in school-age children and adults: an ERP study,2005,8,4,372-386,Coch Risk-taking and the adolescent brain: who is at risk?,2007,10,2,F8-F14,Galvan Peers increase adolescent risk taking by enhancing activity in the brain's reward circuitry,2011,14,2,F1-F10,Steinberg Relationship between manual preferences for object manipulation and pointing gestures in infants and toddlers,2009,12,6,1060-1069,Vauclair Sensori-motor experience leads to changes in visual processing in the developing brain,2010,13,2,279-288,James The contact principle and utilitarian moral judgments in young children,2010,13,2,265-270,Pellizzoni Neurodevelopmental changes in the circuits underlying empathy and sympathy from childhood to adulthood,2010,13,6,886-899,Michalska The impact of child maltreatment on expressive syntax at 60 months,2004,7,1,88-102,Cicchetti Attention genes,2007,10,1,24-29,Sheese Gene–environment interdependence,2007,10,1,12-18,Rutter Probabilistic epigenesis,2007,10,1,1-11,Gottlieb Shared intentionality,2007,10,1,121-125,Carpenter Social grooming in the kindergarten: the emergence of flattery behavior,2007,10,2,255-265,Fu Changing patterns of neuropsychological functioning in children living at high altitude above and below 4000 m: A report from the Bolivian Children Living at Altitude (BoCLA) study,2011,14,5,1185-1193,Virués-Ortega Does adolescent risk taking imply weak executive function? A prospective study of relations between working memory performance impulsivity and risk taking in early adolescence,2011,14,5,1119-1133,Yang Genetically influenced change in sensation seeking drives the rise of delinquent behavior during adolescence,2012,15,1,150-163,Harden Go naked: diapers affect infant walking,2012,15,6,783-790,Adolph Fearlessness in juvenile offenders is associated with offending rate,2013,16,1,84-90,Moore Parental rearing behavior prospectively predicts adolescents' risky decision-making and feedback-related electrical brain activity,2013,16,3,409-427,Huizink No bridge too high: Infants decide whether to cross based on the probability of falling not the severity of the potential fall,2013,16,3,336-351,Adolph Neural responses to witnessing peer rejection after being socially excluded: fMRI as a window into adolescents' emotional processing,2013,16,5,743-759,Masten Of hissing snakes and angry voices: Human infants are differentially responsive to evolutionary fear-relevant sounds,2013,16,6,894-904,Slaughter The development of stranger fear in infancy and toddlerhood: Normative development individual differences antecedents and outcomes,2013,16,6,864-878,Goldsmith Effects of anonymous peer observation on adolescents' preference for immediate rewards,2014,17,1,71-78,Steinberg Costs and benefits linked to developments in cognitive control,2014,17,2,203-211,Munakata Precursors to aggression are evident by 6 months of age,2014,17,3,471-480,Van Goozen Fearful faces drive gaze-cueing and threat bias effects in children on the lookout for danger,2014,18,2,219-231,O'Kearney Baby steps: investigating the development of perceptual-motor couplings in infancy,2014,18,2,270-280,de Klerk Children do not recalibrate motor-sensory temporal order after exposure to delayed sensory feedback,2014,18,5,703-712,Burr Neighborhood crime as a predictor of individual differences in emotional processing and regulation,2015,19,1,164-174,Raver Different early rearing experiences have long-term effects on cortical organization in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes),2014,17,2,161-174,Hopkins Infants' unprovoked acts of force toward others,2015,19,6,1049-1057,Dahl Teaching moral reasoning through gesture,2014,17,6,984-990,Goldin-Meadow The influence of power and reason on young Maya children's endorsement of testimony,2015,19,6,957-966,Castelain Brain and cognitive-behavioural development after asphyxia at term birth,2006,9,4,350-358,de Haan Narrative skill in children with early unilateral brain injury: a possible limit to functional plasticity,2010,13,4,636-647,Goldin-Meadow The development of complex sentence interpretation in typically developing children compared with children with specific language impairments or early unilateral focal lesions,2004,7,3,360-377,Dick Eye blink rate predicts reward decisions in adolescents,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Galvan Children's initial sleep-associated changes in motor skill are unrelated to long-term skill levels,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilhelm Around the world adolescence is a time of heightened sensation seeking and immature self-regulation,2018,21,2,e12532,Steinberg Seven-year-olds' aggressive choices in a computer game can be predicted in infancy,2018,21,3,e12576,Van Goozen Family conflict shapes how adolescents take risks when their family is affected,2018,21,4,e12611,Telzer Human milk cortisol concentration predicts experimentally induced infant fear reactivity: moderation by infant sex,2018,21,4,e12625,Karlsson Age-related changes in the dynamics of fear-related regulation in early childhood,2018,21,5,e12633,Cole Family conflict is associated with longitudinal changes in insular-striatal functional connectivity during adolescent risk taking under maternal influence,2018,21,5,e12632,Telzer Mother still knows best: maternal influence uniquely modulates adolescent reward sensitivity during risk taking,2018,21,1,e12484,Telzer Community violence exposure in early adolescence: longitudinal associations with hippocampal and amygdala volume and resting state connectivity,2018,21,6,e12686,Margolin Developmental patterns of change in the influence of safe and risky peer choices on risky decision-making,2019,22,1,e12717,Somerville An intervention that increases parental sensitivity in families referred to child protective services also changes toddlers' parasympathetic regulation,2019,22,1,e12725,Katz Body mass index peer victimization and body dissatisfaction across seven-years of childhood and adolescence: evidence of moderated and mediated pathways,2019,22,2,e12734,Vaillancourt Getting less than their fair share: maltreated youth are hyper-cooperative yet vulnerable to exploitation in a Public Goods Game,2019,22,3,e12765,Perren Violence and Latin-American preadolescents: a study of social brain function and cortisol levels,2019,ePub,ePub,e12799,Grassi-Oliveira Aggression and risk taking as adaptive implementations of fast life history strategy,2019,ePub,ePub,e12827,Chang Risk or resource: Does school climate moderate the influence of community violence on children's social-emotional development in the Democratic Republic of Congo?,2019,ePub,ePub,e12845,Aber Just banter? Friendship teasing and experimental aggression in adolescent peer networks,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burnett Heyes Puberty drives fear learning during adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nugent Links between screen use and depressive symptoms in adolescents over 16 years: is there evidence for increased harm?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferguson The impact of errors in infant development: falling like a baby,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adolph Neighborhood racial demographics predict infants' neural responses to people of different races,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fox White matter microstructure in trauma-exposed children: associations with pubertal stage,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jovanovic Amount and type of physical activity as predictors of growth in executive functions attentional control and social self-control across 4 years of elementary school,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gershoff Attentional control in middle childhood is highly dynamic - strong initial distraction is followed by advanced attention control,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Widmann The relation between aggression and theory of mind in children: a meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Su Walking and falling: using robot simulations to model the role of errors in infant walking,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adolph Adolescent boys' aggressive responses to perceived threats to their gender typicality,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cimpian