Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Office parties drinking and driving and employer liability,2005,21,3,129-132,Gregg When disaster strikes: getting ready for the next big one: Part I,2006,22,1,8-12,Cascardo When disaster strikes: getting ready for the next big one: part II,2006,22,2,88-90,Cascardo Safe strategies for potentially violent patients Part 1,2007,23,2,86-89,Dunn Safe strategies for potentially violent patients part 2,2007,23,3,147-150,Dunn Liability for unfounded "fear firing" under ADA: a real threat of violence or just the postal worker metaphor?,2006,21,5,251-254,Gregg Help for the physician in cases of child abuse and neglect,1988,4,2,136-140,Lunin Medical legal aspects of child abuse: the physician's responsibilities,1988,4,2,130-135,Brown Workplace violence: protecting your practice from an epidemic,2001,17,2,79-82,Calway Protecting yourself against liability from dangerous employees,2007,22,5,310-312,Zimring Bullying and acts of aggression in the workplace: implementation of effective prevention strategies,2011,27,1,14-17,Cascardo What the medical practice employee needs to know about workplace bullying,2012,27,5,295-300,Hills Traumatized by practice: PTSD in physicians,2014,30,2,131-134,Lazarus Controlling public speaking jitters: making the butterflies fly in formation,2014,30,3,215-217,Harvey