Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Poisoning : pattern and profile of admitted cases in a hospital in central Nepal,2005,44,159,92-96,Paudyal An epidemiological study of road traffic accident cases attending emergency department of teaching hospital,2006,45,162,238-243,Khadka Patterns of organophosphorous poisoning attending a teaching hospital,2006,45,162,228-232,Rauniyar Burn injuries in pediatric population,2006,45,163,300-305,Shrestha Road traffic injuries: and emerging problem in Nepal,2005,44,160,156-159,Jha Organophosphorus poisoning,2008,47,172,251-258,Paudyal Subglottic chicken bone in a five month old baby,2009,48,174,170-172,Prakash Need of improvement in emergency medical service in urban cities,2009,48,174,139-143,Regmi A study of injuries and violence related articles in Nepal,2009,48,175,209-216,Shrestha Indirect traumatic optic neuropathy--retrospective interventional case series from a tertiary care center in eastern Nepal,2007,46,166,57-61,Das Scenario of mushroom poisoning in a tertiary care hospital,2009,48,176,296-300,Karki Psychiatric emergencies in a tertiary care hospital,2008,47,169,28-33,Shakya Disease mongering in psychiatry: fact or fiction?,2010,50,180,320-327,Saddichha Curved knife "Khukuri" injury in the back and anaesthesia induction in lateral position for thoracotomy,2010,50,180,303-305,Bhattarai Traumatic brain injury: caregivers' problems and needs,2011,51,181,53-55,Hassan Violence in health sectors of Nepal,2011,51,184,I-II,Sudhamshu Earthquake preparedness plans-building up capacity and readiness,2012,52,185,I-II,Pradhan Accidental chemical burns of oral mucosa by herbicide,2012,52,185,40-42,Deo Psychiatric morbidity patterns in referred inpatients of other specialties,2013,52,189,238-244,Risal Emotional and behavioural problems among sheltered homeless children,2013,52,191,457-461,Ma Violence against doctors in Nepal,2013,52,192,I-II,Magar Clinical profile and outcome of patients presenting with mushroom poisoning in a tertiary care center of eastern Nepal,2013,52,192,543-548,Chaudhary Rational for conducting PTSD research and challenges of recruiting and training volunteers to screen and treat PTSD among the Nepal 2015 earthquake survivors,2015,53,199,202-207,Shakya Childhood mishaps and its cognizance among Nepalese mothers of Parsa district for its prevention small cross-sectional study,2015,53,200,280-283,Bhattarai Road traffic accident and its characteristics in Kathmandu Valley,2016,55,203,1-6,Wang Updates on pharmacological treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder,2017,56,206,274-280,Thapa Patterns of injury and mortality in pediatric patients attending emergency department in a tertiary care center in eastern Nepal,2017,56,207,331-334,Bhandari Prevalence of alcohol consumption and knowledge about alcohol at Bhimtar Sindhupalchowk,2017,56,207,293-297,Joshi Lifetime experience of violence in early adulthood female,2018,56,211,646-649,Silwal Perception of community and hospital personnel on burn treatment and outcome in Nepal,2018,56,214,924-930,Devkota Awareness on girl child abuse among mothers of a selected community,2018,56,213,866-870,Silwal Ingestion of bell clappers by a shaman in Jumla Nepal: a case report,2019,57,215,56-58,Thapa Prevalence of intermediate syndrome among admitted patients with organophosphorous poisoning in a tertiary care hospital,2019,57,219,340-343,Uprety Prevalence of operated facial injury in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery of a tertiary hospital,2020,58,221,6-10,Dhungel Amitraz poisoning - tale of an unusual pesticide poisoning: a case report,2020,58,225,338-340,Shilpakar Academic stress among high school students in a rural area of Nepal: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2020,58,225,306-309,Chamroonsawasdi Prevalence of domestic violence among infertile women attending subfertility clinic of a tertiary hospital,2020,58,226,372-376,Silwal Epidemiology of femur fractures in children: a descriptive cross sectional study based on a rural population of Nepal,2020,58,228,574-579,Rokaya Human poisoning due to delphinium species in the Himalayan region of Nepal: a case report,2020,58,232,1086-1088,Adhikari Child sexual abuse among school children of a municipality: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,59,239,672-677,Rajbhandari Interpersonal violence during the CoViD-19 lockdown period in Nepal: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2020,58,230,751-757,Sharma Guiding documents for disaster risk reduction and management in health care system of Nepal,2020,58,230,831-833,Shrestha Medicolegal evaluation of an abandoned dead neonate: a case report,2021,59,235,292-294,Atreya Spectrum of diseases among neurosurgical patients in a tertiary care hospital of Nepal: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,59,234,176-179,Rokaya Suspicious case of a body packer "mule" in a low resource country: a case report,2021,59,238,585-588,Shilpakar Attitude towards suicide among caregivers of patients admitted with suicide attempt to a tertiary care hospital: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,59,236,374-379,Kumar Cannabis use and abuse in Nepal: a review of studies,2021,59,241,954-961,Shakya Road traffic accidents presenting to the emergency department of a tertiary care center: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,59,243,1081-1085,Koirala Futile sexual homicide in Nepal: a case report,2021,59,243,1174-1176,Atreya Pesticide poisoning among all poisoning cases presenting to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,59,244,1267-1271,Shah Injury amongst medicolegal cases in department of forensic medicine of a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,59,244,1277-1282,Acharya Organophosphorus poisoning among acute poisoning cases presenting to the emergency department of a secondary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,249,435-438,Pandey Middle ear barotrauma among licensed para-pilots of a metropolitan city: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,250,537-540,Baral Mechanical injury among medicolegal cases in the department of emergency in a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,256,1000-1003,Timsinha Bear maul injury among patients presenting to the department of surgery in a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,256,995-999,Rokaya Rectal foreign body: a case report,2022,60,256,1049-1051,Nepal Snakebite in the hills and mountains of Nepal,2022,60,256,1066-1069,Sharma Organophosphorus poisoning among patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the department of internal medicine in a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,253,766-769,Bhusal Intestinal perforation with ingestion of blunt foreign bodies: a case report,2022,60,253,817-820,Chalise Poisoning among patients presenting to the department of emergency medicine of a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,254,861-864,Thakali Road traffic injuries among patients visiting the emergency department in a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2022,60,255,922-926,Atreya Suicidal attempt among psychiatry patients presented to the department of emergency of a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2023,61,261,442-445,Panta Hand injury among patients visiting emergency department in a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2023,61,257,5-9,Dahal Acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients admitted at a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2023,61,257,39-42,Manandhar Depression among medical students of a medical college: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2023,61,259,245-248,Khatri Road traffic accident among patients presenting to the emergency department of a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2023,61,258,127-131,Pradhan Road traffic accidents among patients visiting department of emergency of a tertiary care centre: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2023,61,260,310-314,Sharma Ocular trauma among patients visiting the outpatient department of ophthalmology in a tertiary care centre,2023,61,268,907-910,Basnet Traumatic spinal cord injury among patients admitted to the spine unit in a tertiary care centre,2023,61,266,765-768,Gautam Poisoning among children visiting the paediatric emergency department in a tertiary care centre,2023,61,266,755-757,Adhikari Driving under the influence of alcohol among road traffic accident patients presenting to a tertiary care centre,2023,61,265,706-709,Joshi Poisoning among autopsies conducted in the department of forensic medicine and toxicology in a tertiary care centre,2023,61,264,639-642,Khan Ocular firework injuries among patients presented to the emergency department during festival season in a tertiary eye hospital,2024,62,270,99-102,Manandhar Knowledge attitude and practice regarding media reporting on suicide among media persons of a province,2024,62,270,129-135,Shakya Traumatic Spinal Injury among Patients with Spinal Injuries Admitted to the Spine Unit of a Tertiary Care Centre: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study,2022,60,248,335-339,Thapa Unnatural Deaths among Autopsy Cases Brought at Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Nepal during COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study,2021,59,244,1293-1296,Subedi Acute poisoning among patients presenting to the emergency department of a tertiary care center: a descriptive cross-sectional study,2020,58,227,470-473,Upreti Self injurious behavior in temporal lobe epilepsy,2010,49,179,239-242,Shakya