Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Reported childhood onset of self-mutilation among borderline patients,2006,20,1,9-15,Gunderson High-risk situations associated with parasuicide and drug use in borderline personality disorder,2002,16,6,561-569,Linehan Childhood abuse as a risk factor for suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder,2002,16,3,201-214,Kelly Retrospective measures of childhood abuse: concurrent validity and reliability in a nonclinical sample with borderline features,2004,18,2,178-192,Durrett Sexual sadism and sadistic personality disorder in sexual homicide,2006,20,6,671-684,Hill Affective instability and suicidal ideation and behavior in patients with borderline personality disorder,2007,21,1,72-86,Eynan Prospective Predictors of Suicide Attempts in Borderline Personality Disorder at One Two and Two-to-Five Year Follow-up,2008,22,2,123-134,Fabio How do personality disorders modify suicide risk?,2008,22,3,233-245,Schneider Mediators of the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder,2008,22,3,221-232,Fabio Exploring the link between personality disorder and criminality in a community sample,2008,22,6,589-603,Mannion Dimensions of psychopathy in relation to suicidal and self-injurious behavior,2009,23,2,201-210,Caine Temperament as a prospective predictor of self-injury among patients with borderline personality disorder,2009,23,2,122-140,Linehan Age-related differences in individual DSM criteria for borderline personality disorder,2008,22,4,427-432,Pilkonis What is emptiness? Clarifying the 7th criterion for borderline personality disorder,2008,22,4,418-426,Klonsky The effect of dialectical behavior therapy skills use on borderline personality disorder features,2008,22,6,549-563,Trull The relationship between childhood abuse and adult personality disorder symptoms,2007,21,4,442-447,Mello Impulsivity anger and psychopathy: the moderating effect of ethnicity,2007,21,3,289-304,Vitacco Coercive and precocious sexuality as a fundamental aspect of psychopathy,2007,21,1,1-27,Hilton Psychopathy and instrumental violence: facet level relationships,2009,23,4,416-424,Walsh Moral nature of the DSM-IV Cluster B personality disorders,2006,20,2,116-25; discussion 181-5,Charland Manual assisted cognitive treatment for deliberate self-harm in borderline personality disorder patients,2006,20,5,482-492,Gunderson Violent behavior in borderline personality,2009,23,6,541-554,Mulvey Serial sexual homicide: biological psychological and sociological aspects,2001,15,1,1-18,Stone Dimensional assessment of personality pathology in female and male juvenile delinquents,2007,21,6,675-689,Krischer Using the FFM to conceptualize psychopathy: a test using a drug abusing sample,2007,21,6,638-656,Lynam Genetic covariance structure of the four main features of borderline personality disorder,2010,24,4,427-444,Boomsma Revised NESARC Personality Disorder Diagnoses: Gender Prevalence and Comorbidity with Substance Dependence Disorders,2010,24,4,412-426,Sher Decoding of facial expression of emotion in criminal psychopaths,2010,24,4,445-459,Pham Predicting Self-Injury in BPD: An Investigation of the Experiential Avoidance Model,2010,24,5,651-663,Thomas Personality disorder and violence: making the link through risk formulation,2010,24,5,610-633,Logan Suicidal and criminal behavior among female offenders: the role of abuse and psychopathology,2010,24,5,581-609,Edens The Role of Psychopathic Personality Disorder in Violence Risk Assessments Using the HCR-20,2010,24,5,551-580,Douglas Personality disorder and violence: understand violence risk: an introduction to the special section personality disorder and violence,2010,24,5,539-550,Cooke Prevalence of borderline personality disorder and its clinical correlates in chinese patients with recent deliberate self-harm,2010,24,6,800-811,Wong An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Diverse Life Events and Specific Personality Disorders in a Sample of Suicide Attempters,2010,24,6,773-784,De Leon A comparison of depressed patients with and without borderline personality disorder: implications for interpreting studies of the validity of the bipolar spectrum,2010,24,6,763-772,Galione The relation between dimensions of normal and pathological personality and childhood maltreatment in incarcerated boys,2010,24,6,746-762,Oei The McLean Study of Adult Development (MSAD): overview and implications of the first six years of prospective follow-up,2005,19,5,505-523,Zanarini The children in the community study of developmental course of personality disorder,2005,19,5,466-486,Johnson Psychosocial functioning of borderline patients and axis II comparison subjects followed prospectively for six years,2005,19,1,19-29,Zanarini Self-injurious behavior and mood regulation in borderline patients,1997,11,2,146-157,Russ Pathways to the development of borderline personality disorder,1997,11,1,93-104,Zanarini Biological implications of childhood sexual abuse in borderline personality disorder,1997,11,1,71-92,Silk Etiological significance of associations between childhood trauma and borderline personality disorder: conceptual and clinical implications,1997,11,1,50-70,Sabo Childhood trauma as an etiological factor in the personality disorders,1997,11,1,34-49,Paris Psychosocial adversities in childhood and adult psychopathology,1997,11,1,4-18,Rutter Self-reported attachment interpersonal aggression and personality disorder in a prospective community sample of adolescents and adults,2006,20,4,331-351,Gillath Relations between psychopathy facets and externalizing in a criminal offender sample,2005,19,4,339-356,Hicks A prospective investigation of borderline personality disorder in abused and neglected children followed up into adulthood,2009,23,5,433-446,Czaja Social consequences of borderline personality disorder symptoms in a population-based survey: marital distress marital violence and marital disruption,2009,23,4,410-415,Whisman Are all types of morality compromised in psychopathy?,2009,23,4,384-398,Glenn Antisocial personality disorder--stable and unstable subtypes,2010,24,2,171-187,Coid Examination of the screening properties of the personality diagnostic questionnaire 4+ (PDQ-4+) in a prison population,2001,15,2,180-194,Taylor The relationship between traumatic experiences dissociation and borderline personality pathology among male forensic patients and prisoners,2001,15,2,136-149,Timmerman The contribution of temperament childhood neglect and abuse to the development of personality dysfunction: a comparison of three models,2001,15,2,123-135,Joyce Further validation of the psychopathic personality inventory among offenders: personality and behavioral correlates,2001,15,5,403-415,Poythress Emotional physical and sexual maltreatment in childhood versus adolescence and personality dysfunction in young adulthood,2001,15,6,505-511,Alloy Sexual trauma and personality: developmental vulnerability and additive effects,2001,15,6,496-504,Crosby Sadistic personality disorder in perpetrators of human rights abuses: a South African case study,2001,15,6,475-486,Stein Impact of personality disorders on treatment outcome for female assault survivors with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder,2004,18,1,117-127,Cahill Childhood maltreatment associated with adult personality disorders: findings from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study,2004,18,2,193-211,Grilo Personality characteristics of partner violent men: a Q-sort approach,2004,18,2,151-162,Cogan The relationship between impulsivity aggression and impulsive-aggression in borderline personality disorder: an empirical analysis of self-report measures,2004,18,6,555-570,Clarkin The prediction of violent and nonviolent criminal behavior in a methadone maintenance population,2002,16,4,360-373,Cacciola Self-harming behavior of a parent with borderline personality disorder assessed using revealed preference and attributional approaches: a case study,2002,16,4,332-343,Tustin Cluster B personality pathology in incarcerated girls: structure comorbidity and aggression,2007,21,3,262-272,Reppucci Biparental failure in the childhood experiences of borderline patients,2000,14,3,264-273,Zanarini Associations between four types of childhood neglect and personality disorder symptoms during adolescence and early adulthood: findings of a community-based longitudinal study,2000,14,2,171-187,Cohen Trait correlates of relational aggression in a nonclinical sample: DSM-IV personality disorders and psychopathy,2008,22,3,269-283,Lilienfeld Refining the borderline personality disorder phenotype through finite mixture modeling: implications for classification,2008,22,4,313-331,Clarkin Facial expression recognition ability among women with borderline personality disorder: implications for emotion regulation?,1999,13,4,329-344,Linehan Antisocial personality disorder affect dysregulation and childhood abuse among incarcerated women,1999,13,1,90-95,Zlotnick Childhood antisocial behaviors as predictors of psychotic symptoms and DSM-III-R borderline criteria among inpatients with borderline personality disorder,1999,13,1,35-46,Hull Empirical clusters of DSM-III personality disorders in violent offenders,1999,13,1,18-34,Coid Borderline Personality Disorder and childhood sexual abuse: a meta-analytic study,1999,13,3,268-280,Fossati The childhood experiences of psychopaths: a retrospective study of familial and societal factors,1999,13,3,211-225,Cooke Commonality and specificity of personality disorder profiles in subjects with trauma histories,1999,13,3,199-210,Shea Psychopathy in Iran: a cross-cultural study,2010,24,5,676-691,Michie "Acting out" and "acting in" as behavioral responses to stress: a qualitative and quantitative study,1998,12,4,338-350,Wilhelm Relationship of personality disorders to observer ratings of interpersonal style in forensic psychiatric patients,1998,12,1,77-85,Blackburn Lifetime history of cigarette smoking associated with aggression and impulsivity in both healthy and personality disorered volunteers,2011,25,5,645-655,Coccaro Impulsive Phenomena the Impulsive Character (der Triebhafte Charakter) and DSM Personality Disorders,2011,25,5,586-606,Korner Relationships of borderline features to parental mental illness childhood abuse Axis I disorder and current functioning,2001,15,1,19-32,Trull The association between axis I and II psychiatric symptoms and high-risk sexual behavior during adolescence,2002,16,1,73-94,Johnson Differential effects of manual assisted cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of recurrent deliberate self-harm and personality disturbance: the POPMACT study,2004,18,1,102-116,Byford Linking adult psychopathy with childhood hyperactivity-impulsivity-attention problems and conduct problems through retrospective self-reports,2005,19,1,94-101,Andershed Late adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury: the roles of coping style self-esteem and personality pathology,2011,25,6,765-781,Cawood Self-administered acupuncture as an alternative to deliberate self-harm: a feasibility study,2011,25,6,741-754,Tranter Sadistic personality disorder in sex offenders: relationship to antisocial personality disorder and sexual sadism,1999,13,2,175-186,Gutierrez Personality disorders in young adult survivors of pediatric burn injury,2012,26,2,255-266,Thomas Borderline Personality Disorder Features and Mate Retention Tactics,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tragesser The Predictive Validity of Cluster C Personality Disorders on the Persistence of Major Depression in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grant Subtyping Borderline Personality Disorder by Suicidal Behavior,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiappetta A Growth Curve Analysis of Emotion Dysregulation as a Mediator for Violence in Individuals with and Without Borderline Personality Disorder,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mulvey Adolescent Personality Disorders and Conflict with Romantic Partners During the Transition to Adulthood,2004,18,6,507-525,Johnson Personality Disorders and Physical Health: A Longitudinal Examination of Physical Functioning Healthcare Utilization and Health-Related Behaviors in Middle-Aged Adults,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Powers A Growth Curve Analysis of Emotion Dysregulation as a Mediator for Violence in Individuals with and without Borderline Personality Disorder,2012,26,3,452-467,Mulvey Borderline personality disorder features and mate retention tactics,2012,26,3,334-344,Tragesser The predictive validity of cluster C personality disorders on the persistence of major depression in the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions,2012,26,3,322-333,Oleski Perinatal risk factors in offenders with severe personality disorder: a population-based investigation,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel Brief report: relationships between facets of impulsivity and borderline personality features,2013,27,4,547-552,Peters Personality disorders in men with sexual and violent criminal offense histories,2013,27,4,519-530,Hill Serotonin (5-HT) augmentation reduces provoked aggression associated with primary psychopathy traits,2014,28,3,449-461,Berman Personality disorders violence and antisocial behavior: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis,2012,26,5,775-792,Fazel Perinatal risk factors in offenders with severe personality disorder: a population-based investigation,2012,26,5,737-750,Fazel What Does Sadness Mean to BPD Patients?,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Briand-Malenfant The incremental validity of borderline personality disorder relative to major depressive disorder for suicidal ideation and deliberate self-harm in adolescents,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zanarini The incremental validity of borderline personality disorder relative to major depressive disorder for suicidal ideation and deliberate self-harm in adolescents,2012,26,6,927-938,Zanarini The relationship between adult reactive and proactive aggression hostile interpretation bias and antisocial personality disorder,2013,27,1,53-66,Arntz CYP2D6 polymorphism and mental and personality disorders in suicide attempters,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saiz-Ruiz Two to tango: A dyadic analysis of links between borderline personality traits and intimate partner violence,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maneta Understanding the personality disorder and aggression relationship: an investigation using contemporary aggression theory,2013,29,1,100-114,Ogloff Two to tango: a dyadic analysis of links between borderline personality traits and intimate partner violence,2013,27,2,233-243,Maneta Impaired identification of threat-related social information in male delinquents with antisocial personality disorder,2013,27,4,496-505,Schönenberg Unique associations between borderline personality disorder features and suicide ideation and attempts in adolescents,2013,27,5,604-616,Bagge Borderline personality disorder features and risk for prescription opioid use disorders,2013,27,4,427-441,Tragesser Reasons for self-mutilation reported by borderline patients over 16 years of prospective follow-up,2013,27,6,783-794,Zanarini Comorbid bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder and history of suicide attempts,2014,28,3,358-364,Chelminski Childhood intelligence predicts hospitalization with personality disorder in adulthood: evidence from a population-based study in Sweden,2009,23,5,535-540,Batty Affective empathy differs in male violent offenders with high- and low-trait psychopathy,2014,29,1,42-61,Lamm Self-defeating personality disorder reconsidered,2000,14,1,64-71,Johnson CYP2D6 polymorphism and mental and personality disorders in suicide attempters,2014,28,6,873-883,Saiz-Ruiz Gender differences in borderline personality disorder: results from a multinational clinical trial sample,2015,29,6,828-838,Zanarini Impairments in object relations and chronicity of suicidal behavior in individuals with borderline personality disorder,2015,30,1,19-34,Clemence The clinical significance of single features of borderline personality disorder: anger affective instability impulsivity and chronic emptiness in psychiatric outpatients,2015,30,2,261-270,Chelminski Disappointed love and suicide: a randomized controlled trial of "abandonment psychotherapy" among borderline patients,2015,30,2,271-287,Burnand Motor empathy in individuals with psychopathic traits: a preliminary study,2015,30,5,613-632,Lenzenweger Optimizing prediction of psychosocial and clinical outcomes with a transdiagnostic model of personality disorder,2015,30,4,545-566,Hammen Facial affect recognition in violent and nonviolent antisocial behavior subtypes,2015,30,5,708-719,Schönenberg Intrapersonal variability in negative affect as a moderator of accuracy and bias in interpersonal perception,2015,29,4,468-485,Moskowitz The influence of posttraumatic stress disorder on treatment outcomes of patients with borderline personality disorder,2015,30,3,395-407,McMain Self-concept clarity and emotion dysregulation in nonsuicidal self-injury,2015,30,6,813-827,Pepper Negative urgency accounts for the association between borderline personality features and intimate partner violence in young men,2016,31,1,16-25,Lynam The mask of sanity: facial expressive self-reported and physiological consequences of emotion regulation in psychopathic offenders,2016,30,6,828-S8,Wiers Psychopathic personality in the general population: differences and similarities across gender,2016,31,1,49-74,Fanti Personality disorder symptoms and suicidality: low desire and high plans for suicide in military inpatients and outpatients,2016,31,2,145-155,Rudd Trait impulsivity and newlyweds' marital trajectories,2016,31,1,133-144,Miller Offenders with antisocial personality disorder display more impairments in mentalizing,2016,31,2,232-255,Fonagy Emotion dysregulation and trait anger sequentially mediate the association between borderline personality disorder and aggression,2016,31,2,256-272,Bertsch Self-control capacity as a predictor of borderline personality disorder features problematic drinking and their co-occurrence,2016,31,3,289-305,Johnson Differentiating community dwellers at risk for pathological narcissism from community dwellers at risk for psychopathy using measures of emotion recognition and subjective emotional activation,2016,31,3,325-345,Borroni Negative affectivity and effortful control in mothers with borderline personality disorder and in their young children,2016,31,3,417-432,Macfie Narcissistic personality disorder and the structure of common mental disorders,2016,31,4,449-461,Grant Long-term course of borderline personality disorder: a prospective 10-year follow-up study,2016,31,5,590-605,Bados Predicting nonsuicidal self-injury in borderline personality disorder using ecological momentary assessment,2017,31,6,844-855,McCloskey Compelled to risk: does sexual compulsivity explain the connection between borderline personality disorder features and number of sexual partners?,2017,31,6,738-752,Zvolensky Interpersonal threat sensitivity in borderline personality disorder: an eye-tracking study,2017,31,5,647-670,Bertsch Suicidal behavior and psychosocial outcome in borderline personality disorder at 8-year follow-up,2017,31,6,774-789,Chiappetta Childhood maltreatment as predictor of pathological personality traits using PSY-5 in an adult psychiatric sample,2018,32,1,1-16,Choi Borderline personality disorder features and sensitivity to 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Juror perceptions of the DSM-5 "limited prosocial emotions" specifier,2017,31,1,90-109,Edens Personality schizophrenia and violence: a longitudinal study,2018,32,4,465-481,de Girolamo Unique and interactive associations between maltreatment and complex emotion recognition deficits and psychopathic traits in an undergraduate sample,2018,32,4,543-561,Neumann Psychopathy in the medical emergency department,2018,32,4,482-496,Patrick Outcome trajectories and prognostic factors for suicide and self-harm behaviors in patients with borderline personality disorder following one year of outpatient psychotherapy,2018,32,4,497-512,Links Investigating the relationship between DSM-5 personality disorder domains and facets and aggression in an offender population using the personality inventory for the DSM-5,2018,32,5,668-693,Daffern Borderline personality disorder: associations between dimensional personality profiles and self-destructive behaviors,2019,33,2,249-261,Moritz Externalizing behavior and psychopathy: a social relations analysis,2019,33,3,310-325,Marcus Affective and sensation-seeking pathways linking borderline personality disorder symptoms and alcohol-related problems in young women,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Pedersen Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide: differences between those with and without borderline personality disorder,2018,ePub,ePub,1-14,Zimmerman Patient-reported ICD-11 personality disorder severity and DSM-5 level of personality functioning,2018,ePub,ePub,1-19,Bach A comparison of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI)-Triarchic Scales and the YPI in a sample of justice-involved youth,2018,ePub,ePub,1-16,Edens Borderline personality disorder and violence toward self and others: a national study,2018,ePub,ePub,1-18,Chen Multisite implementation and evaluation of 12-month standard dialectical behavior therapy in a public community setting,2018,ePub,ePub,1-17,Corcoran Respiratory sinus arrhythmia mediates links between borderline personality disorder symptoms 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Borderline personality pathological narcissism and social rejection in daily life,2022,36,5,559-582,Madeddu Are borderline personality disorder features differentially related to pre-incarceration alcohol cannabis cocaine and opioid dependence among people recently incarcerated in jail?,2022,36,5,623-640,Tangney The synergistic effects of neuroticism and extraversion on suicidal ideation single attempts and multiple attempts in an inpatient sample,2022,36,6,717-730,Rufino Traumatic brain injury and psychopathic traits in justice-involved adult women,2023,37,2,195-212,Neumann Moral injury and shame mediate the relationship between childhood trauma and borderline personality disorder PTSD and complex PTSD symptoms in psychiatric inpatients,2023,37,4,406-423,Unoka Childhood maltreatment history and borderline personality symptoms: the role of mentalization difficulties among vulnerable women,2023,37,4,369-382,Milan Hurting the grandiose self: examining presence frequency and functions of nonsuicidal self-injury in pathological narcissism,2023,37,4,424-443,Hooley Personality disorder symptoms in intermittent explosive disorder: a latent class analysis,2024,38,1,34-52,Berman Adverse childhood experiences are associated with personality disorder: a prospective longitudinal study,2024,38,1,19-33,Nordahl Self-hatred: the unaddressed symptom of borderline personality disorder,2024,38,2,157-170,Wilner Rumination in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Meta-analytic Review,2022,36,4,399-412,Demetrovics Exploring the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Versus Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving in a Sample of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder,2021,35,Suppl A,21-38,Baños The Relations Between Identity Disturbances Borderline Features Internalizing Disorders and Suicidality in Inpatient Adolescents,2021,35,Suppl B,29-47,Sharp Investigating the Transdiagnostic Value of Subjective Emptiness,2021,35,5,788-800,Hopwood High Prevalence of Borderline Personality Disorder Among Psychiatric Inpatients Admitted for Suicidality,2021,35,5,776-787,Gregory Development of an inpatient cognitive-behavioral treatment program-for borderline personality disorder,1993,7,3,232-240,Barley 'Unstable' personality disorders: Prognostic implications for major depression,1993,7,2,155-167,Pfohl Self-mutilation and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder,1994,8,4,257-267,Ulrich Relationship between childhood sexual abuse and topography of parasuicide among women with borderline personality disorder,1994,8,1,1-9,Linehan Interpersonal and emotional problem solving skills and parasuicide among women with borderline personality disorder,1996,10,2,153-163,Linehan Recent life events social adjustment and suicide attempts in patients with major depression and borderline personality disorder,2000,14,4,316-326,Soloff The suicidal risk in severe personality disorders: differential diagnosis and treatment,2001,15,3,195-208; 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