Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A comparison of high-accident and low-accident bus and street car operators,1955,19,2,146-151,Miller Suicide: a psychological study of self-destruction,1951,15,3,339-354,Holzberg The value of the Rorschach for detecting suicidal trends,1951,15,2,250-254,Fisher Notes on Rorschach tests of 500 juvenile delinquents and a control group of 500 non-delinquent adolescents,1951,15,2,144-172,Schachtel The projective motor test; a validation study,1953,17,2,127-143,Rapkin Differential diagnosis of delinquents with the Szondi test,1954,18,1,33-41,Deri An evaluation of the Rorschach method for the study of brain injury,1955,19,4,416-430,Hertz The TAT Aggressive Content Scale,1956,20,4,445-452,Stone The prediction of overt aggressive verbal behavior from Rorschach content,1957,21,3,294-306,Rader The Bender visual motor Gestalt test as an index of emotional disturbance in children,1959,23,2,198-206,Clawson The Szondi test and the prediction of antisocial behavior,1959,23,1,24-29,Coulter Identification of mother and father cards on the Rorschach by Japanese normal and delinquent adolescents,1958,22,4,453-460,Taniguchi A critique of Shneidman and Farberow's TAT heroes of suicidal and non-suicidal subjects,1958,22,3,281-283,Friedman The relationship between EEG abnormality some psychological factors and delinquent behavior,1958,22,3,276-280,Foster The Rorschach records of suicidal patients; an application of a comparative matching technique,1958,22,3,272-275,Costello Prediction of successful suicide from the Rorschach test using a sign approach,1960,24,,355-361,Sakheim The use of Bender Gestalt cut-off scores in identifying juvenile delinquents,1960,24,,353-354,Curnutt Psychological test study of a mass murderer,1960,24,,148-160,Kahn Relationship between aggressive behavior and psychological tests,1961,25,,431-440,Haskell The interaction of aggressive movement responses and anatomy responses on the Rorschach in producing anxiety,1961,25,,212-215,Wagner The problem-solving aspect of suicide,1963,27,,259-268,Appelbaum On the relationship between aggressive imagery and thought disturbance in Rorschach responses,1963,27,,336-344,Silverman An indicator of suicidal ideation on the Rorschach Test,1963,27,,332-335,Sapolsky Differentiation of aggressive behavior of institutionalized schizophrenics with the hand test,1963,27,,111-113,Wagner Base rates in the predioion of suicide: a note on Appelbaum's and Holzman's "the color-shading response and suicide",1962,26,,429-430,Pauker The color-shading response and suicide,1962,26,,155-161,Appelbaum TAT heroes of suicidal and non-suicidal subjects,1958,22,2,211-228,Shneidman