Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Shall the sins of the son be visited upon the father? Video came manufacturer liability for violent video games,2000,52,1,207-212,Kiernan Untangling Tarasoff: Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California,1977,29,1,179-210,Seligman Infant care review committees: an effective approach to the Baby Doe dilemma?,1986,37,5,827-862,Shapiro Disabled newborns and the federal child abuse amendments: tenuous protection,1986,37,5,765-825,Smith Heller and Constitutional Interpretation: Originalism's Last Gasp,2009,60,6,1415-1430,Little Four Exceptions in Search of a Theory: District of Columbia v. Heller and Judicial Ipse Dixit,2009,60,6,1371-1386,Larson Second Amendment Limitations and Criminological Considerations,2009,60,6,1339-1369,Kates The Constitutionalization of Self-Defense in Tort and Criminal Law Grammatically-Correct Originalism and Other Second Amendment Musings,2009,60,6,1205-1244,Brownstein The rightful position in "wrongful life" actions,1991,42,2,505-590,Kelly The right to treatment for mentally ill juveniles in California,1976,27,4,865-893,Lovell Heller and nonlethal weapons,2009,60,6,1387-+,Lerner Heller High Water(mark)? Lower courts and the new right to keep and bear arms,2009,60,6,1245,Reynolds The neurobiology of attachment to nurturing and abusive caregivers,2012,63,6,1553-1570,Sullivan Guns don't kill people 3D printing does? Why the technology is a distraction from effective gun controls,2014,65,6,1505-1513,Little Rethinking the Constitutional Criminal Procedure of Juvenile Transfer Hearings: Apprendi Adult Punishment and Adult Process,2009,61,1,175-231,Carroll Preventing opioid misuse with prescription drug monitoring programs: a framework for evaluating the success of state public health laws,2016,67,6,1621-1694,Haffajee The Legalization of Racism in a Constitutional State: Democracy's Suicide in Vichy France,1998,50,1,e1,Curran The Public Health Case for the Safe Storage of Firearms: Adolescent Suicides Add One More "Smoking Gun",2000,51,5,e953,Mcclurg Coming to terms with death: the Cruzan case,1991,42,3,817-858,Martyn