Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author School violence school differences and school discourses,2007,33,1,61-74,Epstein Normative cruelties and gender deviants: the performative effects of bully discourses for girls and boys in school,2010,36,4,573,Ringrose The contribution of "shared education" to Catholic-Protestant reconciliation in Northern Ireland: a third way?,2013,39,5,925-946,Borooah "We're still human beings we're not aliens": promoting the citizenship rights and cultural diversity of Traveller children in schools--Scottish and English perspectives,2013,39,4,733-750,Deuchar Helping counts: predicting children's intentions to disclose being bullied to teachers from prior social support experiences,2013,39,2,209-221,Boulton Children's epistemic reasoning about social inclusion of aggressive peers in a culturally diverse school,2022,48,2,272-291,Walker