Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Childhood Accidental Poisoning in Tafila,2007,17,1,23-26,Bataineh Pre-participation examination in children,2006,16,4,485-496,Halabchi Attempt to suicide in children in Loghman hospital,2006,16,3,337-342,Mehdizadeh Foreign body aspiration in children,2007,17,Suppl 2,281-284,Motaghi moghadam Correlation of obesity and overweight with emotional-behavioral problems in primary school age girls in Tabriz Iran,2012,22,1,15-22,Seyedamini Anger in adolescent boy athletes: a comparison among judo karate swimming and non athletes,2012,22,1,9-14,Ziaee Triple x syndrome with short stature: case report and literature review,2012,22,2,269-273,Li Normative data and psychometric properties of the child behavior checklist and teacher rating form in an Iranian community sample,2011,21,3,331-342,Shahrivar Acute poisoning in children; data of a pediatric emergency unit,2011,21,4,479-484,Dinleyici Attempt to suicide in young ages with epilepsy,2012,22,3,404-407,Zamani Clinical profile of snake bite in children in rural India,2013,23,6,632-636,Kshirsagar Magnitude and factors associated with child abuse in a mega city of developing country Pakistan,2014,24,2,140-146,Khuwaja Fundamental movement skills development under the influence of a gymnastics program and everyday physical activity in seven-year-old children,2014,24,2,124-130,Culjak Accidents in children under 5 years in Isfahan Iran,2014,24,3,336,Lak Comparison between the ability of Glasgow Coma Scale and Full Outline of Unresponsiveness Score to predict the mortality and discharge rate of pediatric intensive care unit patients,2014,24,5,603-608,Khajeh Clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory findings of methadone poisoning in children,2015,25,1,e176,Sharif Assessment of risk factors and prognosis in asphyxiated infants,2015,25,4,e2006,Boskabadi Introduction of sharp objects in to brain with infanticidal intention,2015,25,5,e2660,Heshmati Child abuse and mental disorders in Iranian adolescents,2016,26,2,e3839,Vakili Child abuse perpetrators of Iranian adolescents,2018,28,3,e60275,Pirdehghan Self-esteem in children and adolescents with growth hormone deficiency,2018,28,6,e4617,Hachicha Mushroom poisoning in children: a five-year review,2018,29,1,e65232,Deng Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in decreasing suicidal ideation and hopelessness of the adolescents with previous suicidal attempts,2013,23,4,467-472,Ghanizadeh Epidemiologic evaluation of child abuse and neglect in school-aged children of Qazvin province I.R. Iran 2011,2013,23,2,159-164,Hosseinkhani Accidents in children under 5 years in Isfahan Iran,2014,24,3,e336,Lak Comparative study of mental health states among adolescents in multicultural versus monocultural families using the 13th korean youth risk behavior web-based survey 2017,2019,29,5,,Han Emotional state according to breakfast consumption in 62276 South Korean adolescents,2019,29,6,,Han Attempt to suicide in young ages with epilepsy,2012,22,3,404-407,Gholamreza Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in decreasing suicidal ideation and hopelessness of the adolescents with previous suicidal attempts,2013,23,4,467-472,Ali Epidemiologic evaluation of child abuse and neglect in school-aged children of Qazvin province Iran,2013,23,2,159-164,Manoochehr