Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Emotion regulation as mediator of treatment outcome in therapy for deliberate self-harm,2008,15,4,205-216,Arensman The role of shame and self-critical thinking in the development and maintenance of current threat in post-traumatic stress disorder,2010,17,1,13-24,Lee Pre-adolescent gender differences in associations between temperament coping and mood,2010,17,4,313-320,Spiering Experimental measurement of the regulation of anger and aggression in women with anorexia nervosa,2011,18,6,445-452,Harrison Type D personality and posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of violence: a cross-sectional exploration,2011,18,1,13-22,Kunst To debrief or not to debrief our heroes: that is the question,2011,18,6,453-463,Hawker Attachment security representations in institutionalized children and children living with their families: links to problem behaviour,2012,19,1,25-36,Torres Basic emotion profiles in healthy chronic pain depressed and PTSD individuals,2012,19,1,14-24,Finucane Suicidal imagery in a previously depressed community sample,2012,19,1,57-69,Crane Self-concept and attributions about other women in women with a history of childhood sexual abuse,2010,17,3,196-210,McAlpine Closeness in relationships as a mediator between sexual abuse in childhood or adolescence and psychopathological outcome in adulthood,2010,17,3,183-195,Pierrehumbert Adult attachment as mediator between recollections of childhood and satisfaction with life,2009,16,1,10-21,Sanderman Cognitive analytic therapy for borderline erotomania: forensic romances and violence in the therapy room,2001,8,3,214-229,Pollock Attachment theory in adolescence and its relevance to developmental psychopathology,2001,8,1,15-32,Wright A grounded theory analysis of the therapeutic relationship with clients sexually abused as children and non‐abused clients,2001,8,3,198-205,Middle Mentally disordered firesetters: a structured intervention programme,2001,8,6,468-475,Swaffer Self‐inflicted bodily harm among victims of intimate‐partner violence,2007,14,5,352-357,Sansone Relations between different types of jealousy and self and partner perceptions of relationship quality,2007,14,3,176-188,Barelds Compassionate mind training for people with high shame and self‐criticism: overview and pilot study of a group therapy approach,2006,13,6,353-379,Gilbert Assessing Risk and Prioritizing Referral for Self-Harm: When and Why is my Judgement Different from Yours?,2012,19,5,399-410,Cahill Danger—early maladaptive schemas at work!: the role of early maladaptive schemas in career choice and the development of occupational stress in health workers,2008,15,2,96-112,Bamber Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in the psychological treatment of trauma‐based psychogenic non‐epileptic seizures,2007,14,2,135-144,Kelley Prevalence and prediction of re‐experiencing and avoidance after elective surgical abortion: a prospective study,2008,15,6,378-385,Kamphuis Sense of self adaptation and recovery in patients with psychosis in a forensic NHS setting,2007,14,4,302-316,Gumley The development of a ‘best practice’ service for women in a medium‐secure psychiatric setting: treatment components and evaluation,2008,15,5,304-319,Hollin The treatment of sexually dysfunctional women without partners: A controlled study of three behavioural group approaches,2007,14,3,211-220,Lesage An inventory and update of jealousy‐evoking partner behaviours in modern society,2010,17,4,329-345,Barelds An exploration of self‐complexity in individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations,2009,16,3,172-181,Bell Self-report reasons for alcohol use in bipolar disorders: why drink despite the potential risks?,2011,18,5,418-425,Meyer Hypomanic personality stability of self-esteem and response styles to negative mood,2011,18,5,397-410,Myin-Germeys Differences Between Victims of Bullying and Non-victims on Levels of Paranoid Ideation and Persecutory Symptoms the Presence of Aggressive Traits the Display of Social Anxiety and the Recall of Childhood Abuse Experiences in a Portuguese Mixed Clinical,2013,20,3,254-266,Lopes 'Neutralizing the Patient': Therapists' Accounts of Sexual Boundary Violations,2013,20,3,189-198,Ogden Delusion Proneness and Emotion Appraisal in Individuals with High Psychosis Vulnerability,2013,20,2,166-170,Kéri Attachment and Socio-Emotional Skills: A Comparison of Depressed Inpatients Institutionalized Delinquents and Control Adolescents,2013,20,5,424-433,Goossens Feedback-Based Alcohol Interventions for Mandated Students: An Effectiveness Study of Three Modalities,2013,20,5,411-423,Dunn A Triphasic Metacognitive Formulation of Problem Drinking,2013,20,6,494-500,Wells A Socio-interpersonal Perspective on PTSD: The Case for Environments and Interpersonal Processes,2013,20,6,465-481,Maercker Cultivating positive emotions: a useful adjunct when working with people who self-harm?,2014,21,4,352-362,Simpson Validation of the COURAGE Built Environment Self-Reported Questionnaire,2014,21,3,215-226,Chatterji Initial psychometric evaluation of the Moral Injury Questionnaire-Military Version,2013,22,1,54-63,Drescher A new therapeutic community: development of a compassion-focussed and contextual behavioural environment,2014,22,4,285-303,Gilbert Understanding clinicians' use of cues when assessing the future risk of violence: a clinical judgement analysis in the psychiatric setting,2015,23,2,125-141,Rakow The German Version of the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS): a psychometric and clinical investigation,2015,23,3,217-225,Ertle The Relationship between Theoretical Orientation and Countertransference Expectations: Implications for Ethical Dilemmas and Risk Management,2015,23,3,236-245,Bornstein Living with mental illness: a cognitive behavioural group psycho-education programme with women in secure settings,2015,23,4,368-376,Long Influence of family and childhood memories in the development and manifestation of paranoid ideation,2015,23,5,397-406,Pinto-Gouveia Rumination entrapment and suicide ideation: a mediational model,2015,24,1,226-234,Teismann Psychotherapeutic intervention in the demobilization process: addressing combat-related mental injuries with narrative exposure in a first and second dissemination stage,2015,24,4,807-825,Elbert Sexual and non-sexual trauma depression and self-esteem in a sample of Polish women. A cross-sectional study,2016,24,1,186-194,Kucharska Depressive Symptom Inventory Suicidality Subscale: optimal cut points for clinical and non-clinical samples,2016,23,6,543-549,von Glischinski Misclassification of self-directed violence,2016,24,3,677-686,Teismann A semantic corpus comparison analysis of couple-focused interventions for problematic alcohol use,2016,24,3,618-631,Mehl Evaluation of life events in major depression: assessing negative emotional bias,2016,24,3,661-669,Girz The experimental manipulation of desire thinking in alcohol use disorder,2016,24,2,569-573,Spada Emotional processing theory put to test: a meta-analysis on the association between process and outcome measures in exposure therapy,2016,24,3,697-711,Ehring 'Many die in the hurricane': an interpretative phenomenological analysis of adults with psychosis and a history of childhood physical abuse,2016,24,3,737-746,Rhodes From childhood trauma to self-harm: an investigation of theoretical pathways among female prisoners,2016,24,4,942-951,Power Psychopathological differences between suicide ideators and suicide attempters in patients with mental disorders,2016,24,4,1002-1013,Marco Preventing intimate partner violence via the internet: a randomized controlled trial of emotion-regulation and conflict-management training for individuals with aggression problems,2017,24,5,1163-1177,Andersson The impact of childhood maltreatment on the differential efficacy of CBASP versus escitalopram in patients with chronic depression: a secondary analysis,2017,24,5,1155-1162,Walter How Veterans Health Administration suicide prevention coordinators assess suicide risk,2017,24,2,401-410,Brenner The clinical application of suicide risk assessment: a theory-driven approach,2017,24,6,1406-1420,Cukrowicz An exploration of the relationship between use of safety-seeking behaviours and psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,24,6,1384-1405,Morrison Resilience to suicide ideation: a cross-cultural test of the buffering hypothesis,2018,25,1,e1-e9,Glaesmer Body image and nonsuicidal self-injury: validation of the Body Investment Scale in participants with eating disorders,2018,25,1,173-180,Llorca Anger and depressive ruminations as predictors of dysregulated behaviours in borderline personality disorder,2018,25,2,188-194,Menchetti An evaluation of a specialist firesetting treatment programme for male and female mentally disordered offenders (the FIP-MO),2018,25,3,388-400,Gannon Development and evaluation of the Expressions of Moral Injury Scale-Military Version,2018,25,3,474-488,Currier Treating complicated grief and posttraumatic stress in homicidally bereaved individuals: a randomized controlled trial,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boelen Psychosocial roots of paranoid ideation: the role of childhood experiences social comparison submission and shame,2018,25,5,650-661,Pinto-Gouveia Relationship between the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS) and attachment style in a clinical sample,2011,18,6,512-523,Hilsenroth Attachment and dissociation as mediators of the link between childhood trauma and psychotic experiences,2017,24,6,1304-1312,Moskowitz Preschool children's response to behavioural parent training and parental predictors of outcome in routine clinical care,2018,25,1,1-9,Nauta The efficacy of narrative exposure therapy in a sample of Iranian women exposed to ongoing intimate partner violence-a randomized controlled trial,2018,25,6,827-841,Elbert Driving cognitions rumination and posttraumatic stress disorder in road traffic accidents survivors,2019,26,1,47-54,Măirean Disorder-specific attachment characteristics and experiences of childhood abuse and neglect in adolescents with anorexia nervosa and a major depressive episode,2018,25,6,894-906,Sevecke Derealisation and self-harm strategies are used to regulate disgust fear and sadness in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: self-harm derealisation and PTSD,2019,26,1,94-104,Karatzias What is the relationship between dissociation and self-harming behaviour in adolescents?,2019,26,3,328-338,Chan Abuse invalidation and lack of early warmth show distinct relationships with self-criticism self-compassion and fear of self-compassion in personality disorder,2019,26,3,350-361,Feigenbaum Self-compassion self- forgiveness suicidal ideation and self-harm: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor Entrapment positive psychological functioning and suicide ideation: a moderation analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teismann Meaning in life moderates hopelessness suicide ideation and borderline psychopathology in participants with eating disorders: a longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marco Self-compassion trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Reilly "Will you treat me? I'm suicidal!" The effect of patient gender suicidal severity and therapist characteristics on the therapist's likelihood to treat a hypothetical suicidal patient,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gvion Pain persistence and lethality of suicide attempts,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Juckel The role of psychological and social factors in the relationship between attachment and suicide: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berry The evolution in depression in first episode psychosis: a naturalistic database study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verma A typology of non-suicidal self-injury in a clinical sample: a latent class analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Subramaniam The model of dynamic balance in therapists' experiences and views on working with suicidal clients: a qualitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Leo A systematic literature review of childhood externalising psychopathology and later psychotic symptoms,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stewart Is the relationship between child abuse and suicide attempts mediated by nonsuicidal self-injury and pain tolerance?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glaesmer Screening for moral injury and comparatively evaluating moral injury measures in relation to mental illness symptomatology course and diagnosis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meador Suicide-related interpersonal needs of young Iranian people: a preliminary validation of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness constructs,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zamanian The impact on mental health practitioners of the death of a patient by suicide: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor Classification trees identify shared and distinct correlates of non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation across gender identities in emerging adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shillington Psychotherapy and youth suicide prevention: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of specialist clinicians' experiences,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deane Clinical assessment of non-suicidal self-injury: a systematic review of instruments,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calvete Treatment gap in bereavement care: (online) bereavement support needs and use after traumatic loss,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lenferink A randomized controlled trial of a forgiveness intervention program with female acid attack survivors in Pakistan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Enright Differential MCMI-III psychopathological profiles between intimate partner violence perpetrators with and without childhood family violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernandez-Montalvo Early maladaptive schemas and intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,May Opening the proverbial "can of worms" on trauma-specific treatment in prison: the association of ACEs to treatment outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Messina From decision to action: suicidal history and time between decision to die and actual suicide attempt,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Juckel The effect of childhood maltreatment on suicidal ideation through cognitive emotion regulation strategies and specific 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morally injurious events and moral injury outcomes among Israeli combat veterans,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zerach Pathways to and factors associated with rape stigma experienced by rape survivors in South Africa: analysis of baseline data from a rape cohort,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers A cross-sectional study of auditory verbal hallucinations experienced by people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Critchley The relationship between obsessions and the self: feared and actual self-descriptions in a clinical OCD sample,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Llorens-Aguilar Explaining the willingness of clinicians to work with patients with antisocial personality disorder using the theory of planned behaviour and emotional reactions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Dam Non-suicidal self-injury in U.S. military veterans: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietrzak Individual psychotherapy can reduce suicidal ideation in First Episode 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