Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An exploratory study of the interrelations among driving ability driving exposure and socioeconomic status of low average and high intelligence males,1968,35,1,43-47,Burke A Conceptual Structure for Safety Education of the Handicapped,1961,27,6,302-306,Willenberg Safety Education for Children With Auditory Handicaps,1961,28,1,53-55,Taylor Safety Education for Children With Mental-Handicaps,1962,29,2,91-93,Walsh Safety Features in School Housing for Handicapped-Children,1961,27,7,361-364,Graham Safety for the Child Who Is Visually Impaired,1961,28,3,147-150,Gibbons Safety for the Crippled Child and Child With Special Health-Problems,1962,28,5,237-244,Connor Two driver education programs for the physically and mentally handicapped,1969,35,7,563-564,Match Should the educable mentally retarded receive driver education?,1967,33,5,323,Egan Child abuse and neglect,1974,40,5,351-354,Nazzaro Abused children are exceptional children,1975,42,3,126-133,Soeffing Preparing educators to participate in the community response to child abuse and neglect,1978,45,2,114-122,McCaffrey Suicidal behavior of children,1981,48,2,170-172,Pfeffer Behind the wheel training for individuals labeled moderately retarded,1981,47,8,632-639,Gold Treatment of self-abusive behaviors using positive intervention with an autistic boy,1982,49,1,77-78,Freschi Adolescent suicide,1983,49,5,390-394,Konopka Decreasing violent or aggressive theme play among preschool children with behavior disorders,1988,55,2,166-172,Gannon Teaching preschool children with disabilities to respond to the lures of strangers,1993,59,4,301-311,Jones The effects of sex differences on protective attitudes in delinquents and nondelinquents,1963,30,,111-117,Washburn The effect of a rhythmic and sensory motor activity program on perceptual motor spatial abilities of kindergarten children,1966,33,2,113-116,Painter Pattern walking: a dimension of visuomotor performance,1968,34,8,617-618,Keogh Recreation for the conduct disorder child,1969,35,10,787-791,Glavin Responses of retarded children on three and two dimensional visual tasks,1969,36,3,165-170,Bradley Childhood chronic illness and visual motor perceptual development,1969,36,1,39-42,Shepherd Development of scales for the measurement of orientation and mobility of young blind children,1969,36,2,77-81,Lord Visual perception of motor impaired children: implications for assessment,1973,39,4,335-337,Newcomer Camp counseling with emotionally disturbed adolescents,1975,41,5,331-332,Herr Childhood predictive characteristics of aggressive adolescents,1987,54,3,246-252,Griffin Effects of social integration on preschool children with handicaps,1989,55,5,420-428,Speltz Academic and language outcomes in children after traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis,2011,77,3,263-281,Babikian Giving voice to parents of young children with challenging behavior,2008,74,4,509-525,Nesman Suicidality and intersectionality among students identifying as nonheterosexual and with a disability,2018,84,2,141-158,Espelage