Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevalence of sexual abuse of children in Germany,1992,55,4,211-216,Schötensack Mood disorder in a group of self-cutting adolescents,1992,55,2,103-105,Ghaziuddin Suicides in children and adolescents in Czechoslovakia,1968,35,11,380-388,Cerný Adolescence and attempted suicide,1968,35,11,376-380,Moron Some remarks on the attempted suicide in the period of adolescence,1968,35,11,373-375,Balestri Attempted suicides of the child and the adolescent,1968,35,11,345-373,Duché Psychopathology of suicide in the formative years,1968,35,11,336-344,Mayer Suicidal attempts made by pregnant women under 21 years,1965,32,9,276-288,Otto The role of the parents in adolescent suicidal behavior,1971,38,7,211-220,Sabbath Experiences of an abused child,1972,39,3,53-58,Taipale Clinical study of attempted suicide in a girl less than twelve years old,1978,44,1,33-38,Cannarella Suicidal attempts of the child. Statistical and general epidemiological aspects,1978,43,5-6,213-221,Marcelli Suicides and suicidal attempts of the child,1978,43,5-6,209-211,Duché Suicide behavior in children and young adults,1978,43,5-6,197-208,Schwab Vicious and criminal disposition observed in a small girl,1979,44,6,325-334,Fischer-Homberger Self mutilation in adolescence,1979,44,6,311-323,Klosinski The development of suicidal activities in childhood and puberty with regard to therapeutic-prophylactic aspects,1979,44,6,301-310,Ficker The parents in the suicide or attempted suicide of a young child,1979,44,3-4,163-167,Chiland Psychopathology of development during the formative years: case report,1981,47,3,167-176,Mayer Suicidal behavior and family conditions in schoolchildren. Comparative study,1982,48,5,239-248,Stober Conflict-avoiding and conflict-regulating patterns in incest and child sexual abuse,1985,50,6,299-313,Furniss Suicidality and psychopathology in hospitalized children and adolescents,1989,52,3,165-175,Noam Symptom as a message: psychosomatic reactions as signals in sexual exploitation of the child,1990,53,1,54-61,Jungjohann The child-psychiatric assessment as a chance of prevention,1990,53,3,234-239,Manzano Credibility examination of children and adolescents on the question of sexual abuse,1990,53,3,181-190,von Klitzing The outcome of childhood suicidal behaviour,1992,55,3,141-145,Kerfoot Hopelessness in children and adolescents. An overview,1992,55,1,33-39,Kashani Children of police officials. (study of adjustment disorders in adolescents),1964,31,,411-418,Steinbereithner-krauland Suicidal attempts in adolescence and childhood. States of mental illness and personality variables,1964,31,,397-411,Otto Autopathy: follow-up of cases,1964,31,,257-262,Burns The "unapproachable" father,1964,31,,254-257,Kos-sramota Characteristics of contemporary juvenile delinquency,1964,31,,88-94,Flavigny Attempted parricide by a 16-year old girl,1964,31,,95-99,Stutte Child and adolescent delinquency,1964,31,,84-88,Heuyer Disorders of intentionality exemplified by suicide in childhood and adolescence,1964,31,,12-19,Loewnau The 14 and 6 per second positive spikes in the eeg and their relation to behavioral disturbances in children and adolescents,1963,30,,392-401,Dietze The demoralization of youth in the light of social and economic structural changes in rural districts,1963,30,,367-386,Wurst Pedopsychiatry and jurisdiction for minors,1963,30,,355-357,Veillard-cybulska Motoscopic investigations of trampoline jumping,1963,30,,324-41 CONCL,Huennekens Juvenile arsonists,1963,30,,197-210,Berner Causes of maltreatment of children by their mothers,1962,29,,375-385,Niedermeyer Study of childhood encephalopathies subsequent to burns,1962,29,,161-172,Schachter Brain injury syndrome subsequent to a bullet wound in a nine year old boy,1960,27,,161-169,Otto Medicopsychological and social study of incest as seen in the perspective of child psychiatry,1960,27,,139-146,Schachter The postconcussion syndrome in children,1960,27,,6-20,Otto Educational management of self-injurious behavior,1993,56,2,91-98,LeBlanc Aggression and self-injurious behaviors in persons with autism--the TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communications Handicapped Children) approach,1993,56,2,85-90,Schopler Behavioural techniques to reduce self-injurious behaviour in children with autism,1993,56,2,75-84,Howlin Autistic behaviour domains and their relation to self-injurious behaviour,1993,56,2,69-73,Poustka Self-injurious behaviour (SIB)--from definition to human rights,1993,56,2,65-67,Rothenberger Self-injurious behaviour in retarded children: clinical phenomena and biological mechanisms,1993,56,2,105-111,Buitelaar Legal aspects of retardation and acceleration,1959,26,,181-6 contd,Haerringer Behavior problems encountered in child psychiatric practice,1967,34,2,68-75,Demcsák-Kelen The instructive case (III). John's post-concussional neurosis from the Derbyshire Child Guidance Service,1961,28,,30-40,Salfield Historical aspects of juvenile gang activity,1966,33,6,183-187,Haffter The problem of vulnerability,1966,33,4,101-109,von Stockert Clinicopsychological and criminologic study of a case of infanticide committed by a mentally retarded adolescent,1966,33,2,40-48,Schachter EEG and Rorschach findings in a group of juvenile delinquents suspect of organic brain disorder,1966,33,8,251-258,Kohen-Raz Mortality among boys reported to the Stockholm Child and Youth Welfare Committee,1966,33,10,315-321,Nylander Father absence and antisocial behavior in Negro and white males,1969,36,6,186-202,Mosher Hysteria in childhood,1969,36,8,269-274,Creak Personality change by prolonged detention,1969,36,1,36-45,Sluga Sororicide in preteen girls. A case report and literature review,1993,56,1,47-51,Livingston Psychopharmacological treatment of self-injurious behavior in individuals with autism,1993,56,2,99-104,Rothenberger Traumatic psychoses in childhood,1973,39,6,126-131,Heintel The diagnosis of child arsonists,1981,47,3,151-154,Lowenstein Do we need in-patient units for child and adolescent psychiatry? Data on administrative incidence from 1980-1984 from Vorarlberg/Austria,1989,52,1,52-64,Amann Child and death,1970,37,4,137-147,Michaux Mediation between the parents and family therapeutic intervention by the assessor,1990,53,3,246-248,Traube Jactatio capitis,1972,39,3,66-68,Walen The assessment of psychophysiological dysfunction in children using the BSE scale before and during therapy,1992,55,4,203-206,Barthélémy General event representations of young children in a child psychiatric clinic,1992,55,3,135-139,van Hekken Social inhibition and motor skill performance in first third and fifth grade children,1992,55,2,107-113,van Rossum Legal prognosis of homicide crimes,1991,54,1,95-97,Strehlow Adolscent murderers through love (author's transl),1975,41,4-5,187-202,Schipkowensky Attempts to homocide and homicides committed by subjects under 20 years. Clinical and psychodiagnostical investigations (author's transl),1975,41,4-5,174-187,Schachter To the diagnostic of "incomprehensible" offences of adolescents and juveniles,1990,53,2,173-175,Lempp The integration of patients with a drug-induced psychosis into a clientele of polytoxicomanic patients,1990,53,3,204-212,Huck Social integration after brain trauma during childhood,1976,42,2,68-75,Kleinpeter Are variables in cases of self-damaging behaviour always identical? An introsubject experiment (author's transl),1973,40,2,65-67,Duker Father Absence and Antisocial Behavior in Negro and White Males,1969,36,6-7,186-202,Mosher The Development of Antisocial Behaviour in Children,1981,47,2,71-80,Nylander Play disturbances at pre-school age as precursors to learning difficulties of children and adolescents (author's transl),1974,40,6,214-220,Nissen "Sociosis"--an ethopathological concept of a social disorder of childhood,1981,47,2,99-107,Hellbrugge Visuo-motor dissociation in severely disturbed children: a study of Bender-Gestalt Test performance,1980,45,6,353-363,Cobrinik Children with problems in physical education in school. II. Physical factors and psychosocial problems,1982,48,1,33-46,Adler The meaning the way and the work of death in children,1978,44,1,23-32,Lang Therapy of aggression in children,1979,44,6,335-344,Wille The effects of a scientifically objectifying (self-) understanding on the psychosexual development,1989,52,4,302-306,Reinelt Characteristics in the development of symptoms in the in-patient treatment of aggressive behavioural disorders,1989,52,3,188-196,Hobrücker The incestoid family,1989,52,2,134-142,Frank