Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A Chemical Study of a Case of Chloroform Poisoning,1924,35,,46-49,Stander A Pharmacological Appreciation of a Biblical Reference to Mass Poisoning II Kings IV 38-41,1919,30,,38-42,Macht Mytrol Poisoning With Comments Upon the Toxicity of Eucalyptus Oil and Myrtol in Human Beings and in Animals,1918,29,,215-221,Barker Gunshot Injuries by the Weapons of Reduced Calibre,1900,11,,20-24,LaGarde Studies on the physiology biochemistry and cytopathology of the cornea in relation to injury by mustard gas and allied toxic agents,1948,82,2,81-352,Friedenwald Biochemistry of some toxic agents. II. Some recent work in the field of fluoroacetate compounds,1955,97,1,21-42,Peters Biochemistry of some toxic agents. I. Present state of knowledge of biochemical lesions induced by trivalent arsenical poisoning,1955,97,1,1-20,Peters Effect of a shell-fish poison on end-plate potentials,1959,105,,233-238,Wagley The control of movement in normal subjects,1964,115,,447-464,Johns Indirect injury of the optic nerves and chiasma,1962,111,,98-126,Hughes A brief history of the methods of resuscitation of the apparently drowned,1913,24,,243-251,Cary