Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Reduction of Accidents to Children: An Experiment in Method,1964,7,4,176-182,Cullen Evaluation of an accident prevention campaign in a major Greek industry,1981,24,2,118-121,Harrington Directives for the transport of the handicapped -the sportive role of the health educator; a three phasic program in Baden-Württemberg,1978,21,2,121-123,Schultze-Rhonhof Elements for an alcohol control policy,1979,22,1,14-24,Dekker Television in health promotion: evaluation of a national programme in Finland,1981,24,4,238-250,McAlister Youth culture in the UK: independence and round drinking implications for health education,1981,24,2,77-82,Dorn A study of behavioural aspects of infant mortality in an Italian community,1977,20,4,248-258,Figà-Talamanca Health beliefs of the school-aged child and their relationship to risk-taking behaviours,1980,23,4,227-235,Dielman