Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A Computer Profile of Mobility Coverage and a Safety Index,1992,86,6,249-254,Blasch Physical and Psychological Health in Persons with Deafblindness that Is due to Usher Syndrome Type II,2013,107,3,207-220,Möller Comparing fears in South African children with and without visual impairments,2013,107,3,193-205,Loxton The effects of brain damage on visual functioning in children,1990,84,7,372-376,Alexander Travel in adverse winter weather conditions by blind pedestrians: effect of cane tip design on travel on snow,2016,110,1,53-58,Kim Walking between the lines: nonvisual cues for maintaining headings during street crossings,2011,105,10,662-674,Bentzen The impact of COVID-19 on transportation of adults with visual impairments,2022,116,6,794-805,Zebehazy