Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Roles for the WOC Nurse in a Disaster,2008,35,3,282-286,Cullen Listen to the children,1999,26,5,226-227,Cullen Adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse as patients: two case studies,1999,26,2,60-66,Hudson Physical effects of heroin and cocaine: considerations for a wound care service,1996,23,5,248-256,Pieper Burn care in the home,1995,22,3,122-127,Bolinger Development and psychometric testing of the Honaker Suspected Deep Tissue Injury Severity Scale,2014,41,3,238-241,Honaker Severe dermatonecrotic toxin and wound complications associated with box jellyfish stings 2008-2013,2015,42,6,599-604,Thaikruea Acute neuropathic pain assessment in burn injured patients: a retrospective review,2016,43,1,51-55,Taverner Suicide risk in patients with bladder cancer: a call to action,2016,43,2,170-171,Klaassen Context for practice: pressure ulcer prevention suicide and urinary diversion continence and intermittent catheterization,2016,43,2,115-116,Gray