Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Association study of T102C 5-HT(2A) polymorphism in schizophrenic patients: diagnosis psychopathology and suicidal behavior,2007,9,1,97-101,De Marco Traumatic stress: effects on the brain,2006,8,4,445-461,Bremner Neurotoxicity of drugs of abuse--the case of methylenedioxyamphetamines (MDMA ecstasy) and amphetamines,2009,11,3,305-317,Gouzoulis-Mayfrank The epidemiology of schizophrenia: replacing dogma with knowledge,2010,12,3,305-315,Murray Sleep disorders as core symptoms of depression,2008,10,3,329-336,Nutt Neuropsychiatry of Huntington's disease,2007,9,2,191-197,Rosenblatt Post-traumatic stress disorder vs traumatic brain injury,2011,13,3,251-262,Bryant Neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings in traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder,2011,13,3,311-323,Brenner Post-traumatic stress disorder: The neurobiological impact of psychological trauma,2011,13,3,263-278,Nemeroff What is post-traumatic stress disorder?,2011,13,3,240-243,Andreasen Childhood trauma and psychosis - what is the evidence?,2011,13,3,360-365,Schäfer Neurobiological consequences of traumatic brain injury,2011,13,3,287-300,McAllister Complicated grief in those bereaved by violent death: the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on complicated grief,2012,14,2,210-214,Nakajima Complicated grief in Aboriginal populations,2012,14,2,204-209,Sareen Suicide bereavement and complicated grief,2012,14,2,177-186,Zisook Fear and decision-making in narcissistic personality disorder-a link between psychoanalysis and neuroscience,2013,15,2,191-201,Ronningstam Increased DNA methylation in the suicide brain,2014,16,3,430-438,Mann Increased DNA methylation in the suicide brain,2014,16,3,430,Mann Depression in adolescents and young adults with cancer,2015,17,2,171-180,Rosenstein A systematic review of the neural bases of psychotherapy for anxiety and related disorders,2015,17,3,261-279,Stein Prevention of suicidal behavior,2016,18,2,183-190,Hegerl Functional assessment in mental health: lessons from occupational therapy,2016,18,2,145-154,Holm Sex differences in addiction,2016,18,4,395-402,Becker Sex-biased cellular signaling: molecular basis for sex differences in neuropsychiatric diseases,2016,18,4,385-393,Valentino Sex differences in the developing brain as a source of inherent risk,2016,18,4,361-372,McCarthy The role of prediction in suicide prevention,2018,20,3,197-205,Large Prevalence and predictive factors of psychological morbidity following facial injury: a prospective study of patients attending a maxillofacial outpatient clinic within a major UK city,2018,20,4,327-339,Priebe The costs and benefits of cannabis control policies,2020,22,3,281-287,Hall Suicidality risk after using cannabis and cannabinoids: an umbrella review,2023,25,1,50-63,Shamabadi Neural correlates of negative life events and their relationships with alcohol and cannabis use initiation,2023,25,1,112-121,Potenza