Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author On the changes of the blood sugar level and acid-base equilibrium in a group of drivers during an automobile race of long duration,1965,3,11,12-14,Indovina Report of two cases of poisoning by accidental ingestion of DDT and diazinone,1955,8,2,79-81,Marletta Aspects of athletic underwater apneic accidents with special reference to their prevention,1962,15,,439-441,Curatolo Fatigue and trauma,1962,15,,481-487,Volpes Further considerations on the physiopathology of the cervical spine in wrestlers,1962,15,,453-458,Gattuso The depth-induced syndrome. Experiments on animals,1962,15,,395-397,Albano The depth-induced neuropsychic syndrome. Experiments on man,1962,15,,391-394,Albano