Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Participation in torture and interrogation: an inexcusable breach of medical ethics,2006,15,2,202-203,Lee A child's life or a "'little bit of torture"? state-sanctioned violence and dignity,2006,15,2,188-201,Schroeder Questioning our principles: anthropological contributions to ethical dilemmas in clinical practice,2006,15,2,123-134,Sargent Bioethics social class and the sociological imagination,2005,14,4,374-378,Turner Does depression invalidate competence? Consultants' ethical psychiatric and legal considerations,1993,2,4,505-515,Johnson Infanticide and the vulnerable newborn: the Dutch debate,1993,2,3,259,Kimsma Secrets of the couch and the grave: the Anne Sexton case,1996,5,2,189-203,Pellegrino Sweden asks: should convicted murderers practice medicine?,2010,19,4,559-562,Appel Japanese psychiatrists' attitudes toward patients wishing to die in the general hospital: a cultural perspective,1997,6,4,470-479,Kuboki Letting compassion open the door: battered women's disclosure to medical providers,1995,4,4,459-465,Rodriguez The new Dutch law on legalizing physician-assisted death,2001,10,4,445-450,Kimsma Consultation and discussion with other physicians in cases of requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide refused by family physicians,2000,9,3,381-390,Onwuteaka-Philipsen Japanese death factories and the American cover-up,1997,6,2,240-242,Chen Physician involvement in hostile interrogations,2006,15,4,392-402,Allhoff Dual loyalty among military health professionals: human rights and ethics in times of armed conflict,2006,15,4,381-391,London Neuroimaging uncertainty and the problem of dispositions,2010,19,2,188-195,Arnason Moral responsibility and mental illness: a case study,2010,19,2,179-187,Broome Caretakers and collaborators,2001,10,3,275-284,Bloche Of terrorism and healthcare: jolting the old habits,2002,11,4,411-414,Trotter Workplace bullying psychological distress and job satisfaction in junior doctors,2003,12,1,91-101,Quine Human experiments and national security: the need to clarify policy,2003,12,2,192-195,Moreno Critical notice: why killing is not always worse--and is sometimes better--than letting die,1998,7,4,371-374,Kuhse The road less traveled,2012,21,1,131-133,Zellner Say it ain't so: "60 Minutes" on NHBD,1999,8,4,517-523,Agich Does the "sanctity of human life" doctrine sanctify humanness or life?,1999,8,4,557-560,Koch Disasters catastrophes and worse : a scalar taxonomy,2013,22,3,297-307,Kipnis Distinguishing professionalism and heroism when disaster strikes,2015,24,4,373-384,Fins Discoursive humanity as a transcendental basis for cognitive (dis)ability ethics and policies,2016,25,2,262-271,Häyry Giving voice to consciousness,2016,25,4,583-599,Fins Conscientious objection and "effective referral",2017,26,1,31-42,Trigg Concussion in sport: the unheeded evidence,2018,27,4,710-716,Gillett Self-inflicted gunshot wound as a consideration in the patient selection process for facial transplantation,2019,28,3,450-462,Rodriguez Mosaic decisionmaking and severe brain injury: adding another piece to the argument,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Fins The cannibal's gaze: a reflection on the ethics of care starting from Salvador Dalí's oeuvre,2020,29,2,276-284,Turoldo Precedent autonomy and surrogate decisionmaking after severe brain injury,2020,29,4,511-526,Graham Aiding and abetting suicide: the current debate in Italy,2021,30,1,123-135,Turoldo Well-being after severe brain injury: what counts as good recovery?,2021,30,4,613-622,Naci "When the Music's Over" then "Dancing with a Partner Will Help You Find the Beat",2021,30,4,631-636,Gillett Using antipsychotics for self-defense purposes by care staff in residential aged care facilities: an ethical analysis,2022,31,4,487-495,Soofi Moral distress under structural violence: clinician experience in Brazil caring for low-income families of children with severe disabilities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith-Morris Accepting moral luck and taking responsibility in public health crises,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tigard Exit duty generator,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Häyry Moral distress under structural violence: clinician experience in Brazil caring for low-income families of children with severe disabilities-ERRATUM,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith-Morris When suicide is not a self-killing: advance decisions and psychological discontinuity-Part I,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dowie When suicide is not a self-killing: advance decisions and psychological discontinuity-part II,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dowie The suicide note: Commentary,2002,11,4,428-430,Olick The suicide note: Commentary,2002,11,4,423-425,Lowenthal The suicide note: Commentary,2002,11,4,425-428,Marco Euthanasia for the Elderly: Multiple Geriatric Syndromes and Unbearable Suffering According to Dutch Euthanasia Review Committees,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buijsen Responses to Special Section: Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: Murder or mercy? (cq vol. 2 no. 1),1993,2,4,543-549, CQ sources. Suicide and euthanasia,1993,2,1,77-80, The suicide note,2002,11,4,422-431,Marco Iberian influences on Pan-American bioethics: bringing Don Quixote to our shores,2006,15,3,225-238,Fins Pesticides,2017,26,4,602-615,Cabrera Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Are Compatible with Palliative Care and Are Not Rendered Redundant by It,2023,32,2,254-262,Riisfeldt