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Journal Article


Thomas SP. Issues Ment. Health Nurs. 2024; 45(7): e665.


(Copyright © 2024, Informa - Taylor and Francis Group)






In the United States, use of Delta-8 THC products is increasing among adolescents, creating concerns about adverse events such as anxiety, confusion, and even hallucinations. A survey of high school seniors found that 1 in 10 were using it to get high (Monitoring the Future Survey, 2023, cited in Nguyen, Citation2024). Readily available to teens at convenience stores, vape shops, and gas stations in the form of vape pens, gummies, cookies, and candies, Delta-8 is viewed as "weed lite" or "diet weed" (Nguyen, Citation2024; Sreenivas, Citation2023). Adults who use it cite its benefits of relaxation or pain relief (Kruger & Kruger survey, cited in Kaufman, Citation2023), presumably because it boosts dopamine levels (Sreenivas, Citation2023). However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Citation2022) has warned that it is not approved for any therapeutic or medical uses.

There is no federal minimum age for Delta-8 buyers, although some states have begun to establish regulations regarding its marketing and sales (Kaufman, Citation2023; Nguyen, Citation2024).

Clinicians who counsel adolescents and their parents need accurate information about the health risks of using Delta-8. A CINAHL search did not reveal any articles about Delta-8 in nursing journals. Therefore, I was prompted to write this editorial, relying mainly on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA, Citation2022) and WebMD (Sreenivas, Citation2023) for the information I am sharing with you.

Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive chemical compound derived from hemp, which is a legal crop for farmers to grow in the United States, with no federal restrictions against manufacturers creating consumable products from it (Nguyen, Citation2024). Because these products are often labeled simply as "hemp products," buyers may view them as safer than the Delta-9 THC in marijuana, which sometimes creates paranoia (FDA, Citation2022). Delta-8 is also popular in states where buyers might prefer marijuana, but its use is against the law (Kaufman, Citation2023).

Reasons for clinicians to be concerned about Delta-8 abound. As explained by the FDA (Citation2022), the amount of delta-8 THC is very low in hemp. Therefore, to produce a marketable product, manufacturers often create a highly concentrated substance in the laboratory from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) along with various household chemicals that are potentially harmful (FDA, Citation2022). The buyer of the product has no assurance of the safety of this substance because Delta-8 THC products are not evaluated or approved by the FDA (Citation2022). There is no way to anticipate the strength of the "dose." Manufacturing can take place in unclean, unsafe settings that introduce contaminants. For example, one study found lead and mercury in Delta-8 vape oils (Sreenivas, Citation2023).

Given the serious risks that have already been identified, it behooves clinicians to remain vigilant about updated advisories from the Food and Drug Administration and research evidence on the effects of Delta-8. All sources that I consulted pointed out the lack of research...

Language: en


Humans; Adolescent Behavior/psychology; Adolescent; *Dronabinol/therapeutic use


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