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Journal Article


Yirmiya K, Turjeman S, Shtossel O, Zagoory-Sharon O, Moadi L, Rubin E, Sharon E, Louzoun Y, Koren O, Feldman R. Psychol. Trauma 2024; ePub(ePub): ePub.


(Copyright © 2024, American Psychological Association)






OBJECTIVE: Identifying biomarkers that can distinguish trauma-exposed youth at risk for developing posttraumatic pathology from resilient individuals is essential for targeted interventions. As trauma can alter the microbiome with lasting effects on the host, our longitudinal, multimeasure, cross-species study aimed to identify the microbial signature of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

METHOD: We followed children exposed to war-related trauma and matched controls from early childhood (M(age) = 2.76 years, N = 232) to adolescence (M(age) = 16.13 years, N = 84), repeatedly assessing posttraumatic symptomatology and maternal caregiving. In late adolescence, we collected fecal samples from mothers and youth and assessed microbiome composition, diversity, and mother-child microbial synchrony. We then transplanted adolescents' fecal samples into germ-free mice to determine if behavioral changes are observed.

RESULTS: Youth with PTSD exhibited a distinct gut microbiome profile and lower diversity compared to resilient individuals, and microbiome diversity mediated the continuity of posttraumatic symptomatology throughout development. Low microbiome diversity correlated with more posttraumatic symptoms in early childhood, more emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence, and poor maternal caregiving. Youth with PTSD demonstrated less mother-child microbial synchrony, suggesting that low microbial concordance between mother and child may indicate susceptibility to posttraumatic illness. Germ-free mice transplanted with microbiomes from individuals with PTSD displayed increased anxious behavior.

CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide evidence that the trauma-associated microbiome profile is at least partially responsible for the anxiety component of the PTSD phenotype and highlight microbial underpinnings of resilience. Further, our results suggest that the microbiome may serve as additional biological memory of early life stress and underscore the potential for microbiome-related diagnosis and treatment following trauma. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Language: en


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