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Journal Article


Erath A, van Eggermond MAB, Ordóñez SA, Axhausen KW. Transp. Res. Rec. 2017; 2661: 51-61.


(Copyright © 2017, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences USA, Publisher SAGE Publishing)






The indexes for walkability proposed so far refer generally to the closest amenities and public transport stops and the existing network structure. The weights of the attributes do not reflect the independently measured preferences of the users and residents. Design attributes such as the location and type of crossings and walkway design features are usually surveyed in walkability audits. However, such attributes are usually not considered when pedestrian walksheds or other accessibility-based walkability indexes are calculated. Nevertheless, these design attributes are very relevant for actual planning decisions. The proposed walkability index can be behaviorally calibrated, has been implemented as a geographic information system tool, and is published as open source software. The pedestrian accessibility tool allows the evaluation of existing and future urban plans with regards to walkability. The tool calculates Hansen-based accessibility indicators with the use of a customizable specification of the generalized walking costs, and it incorporates user-defined weights of destination attractiveness. The basic user workflow of the tool is summarized. Three case studies show real-world applications of the tool to support the planning of pedestrian infrastructure in an urban context. With indications of potential areas of improvement that have been reported by pilot users working in an urban planning department, hints are also given for future research.

Language: en


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