A systematic review of correct bicycle helmet use: How varying definitions and study quality influence the results
Analysis of the childhood fatal drowning situation in Bangladesh: Exploring prevention measures for low-income countries
Core competencies for injury and violence prevention [conference abstract]
Evaluation of an emergency department-based injury surveillance project in China using WHO guidelines
If you build it, will they come? Using a mobile safety centre to disseminate safety information and products to low-income urban families
Methodological approaches used to assess the relationship between parental supervision and child injury risk
Pedestrian injuries in school-attending children: A comparison of injury data sources in a low-income setting
Substance use among road traffic casualties admitted to emergency departments
Surveillance: to what end?
Unintentional injuries in school-aged children and adolescents: Lessons from a systematic review of cohort studies
Working conditions of bus drivers in the private sector and bus crashes in Kandy district, Sri Lanka: a case-control study