A new approach to the analysis of multiple injuries using data from a national trauma registry
A randomised trial of hip protector use by frail older women living in their own homes
Buying a handgun for someone else: firearm dealer willingness to sell
Car seatbelt use during pregnancy in Japan: determinants and policy implications
Characteristics of drowning by different age groups
Differential ranking of causes of fatal versus non-fatal injuries among US children
Evaluation of Safe Kids Week 2001: prevention of scald and burn injuries in young children
Observational study of the extent of driving while suspended for alcohol impaired driving
Persistence of effects of a brief intervention on parental restrictions of teen driving privileges
Productivity losses from injury in China
Review of evaluations of educational approaches to promote safe storage of firearms
Risk compensation theory and voluntary helmet use by cyclists in Spain
Routine narrative analysis as a screening tool to improve data quality
Searching the medical literature
Sports and recreation related injury episodes in the US population, 1997-99
Sports and recreational injury: the hidden cost of a healthy lifestyle
Validation of a home safety questionnaire used in a randomised controlled trial