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Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Year: 2023
Articles in SafetyLit: 29

A ten-year retrospective California Poison Control System experience with possible amatoxin mushroom calls

Amanita exitialis poisoning in five patients

An outbreak of severe coagulopathy in northern Israel among users of illicit synthetic cannabinoids adulterated with brodifacoum

Characteristics and circumstances of volatile solvent misuse-related death in Australia, 2000-2021

Clinical and pathological characteristics of acute kidney injury caused by diquat poisoning

Clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with paracetamol poisoning before and after restrictions of over-the-counter sale of paracetamol

Clinical features of COVID-19 rapid antigen test exposures reported by an Australian poisons information centre: a prospective study

Clinical features of snake envenomation in South Korea

Cocaine-involved suspected suicide attempts in individuals age 50 and older reported to United States poison centers

Colchicum autumnale intoxications: experience of the Poisons Information Centre, Austria 2002-2018

Comment on "lipid emulsion therapy during management of the critically-ill poisoned patient: a prospective cohort study"

Developing new antidotes for poisons with existing effective treatments: a case study of fomepizole in paracetamol poisoning

Dexamethasone therapy prevents delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae after carbon monoxide poisoning: a prospective registry-based study

Long-term health manifestations of hump-nosed pit viper (genus: Hypnale) bites

Measurement of an intestinal biomarker during poisonings from select toxicants and toxins

Monitoring trends in lacrimator exposures using the National Poison Data System: 2000-2021

Outcomes of pediatric ingestions of alcohol-based hand sanitizers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Overdose or self-poisoning: considerations for consistency in language

Preventing occupational chemical eye injuries: important lessons from poison information centres

Radiopaque rodenticide

Repeated poisonings in Denmark - a nationwide study

Severe outcomes following pediatric cannabis intoxication: a prospective cohort study of an international toxicology surveillance registry

Substance use and medical outcomes in those age 50 and older involving cocaine and metamfetamine reported to United States poison centers

Suspected stonefish envenomation in Queensland over eight years: a retrospective series

Suspected suicides and suicide attempts involving antipsychotic or sedative-hypnotic medications reported to America's Poison Centers, 2000-2021

The clinical toxicology of ketamine

Trends in concomitant and single opioid and benzodiazepine exposures reported to the California Poison Control System following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention release of opioid guidelines in 2016

Trends in pediatric nonprescription analgesic/antipyretic exposures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Unintentional poisoning from decanted toxic household chemicals