'A long journey starts with a single step'--Waimakariri's journey into suicide prevention
?! A comprehensive approach for reducing the incidence of domestic burns in rural upper Egypt
?! Effect of vehicle characteristics on crash severity: Portuguese experience
?! Media analysis of road safety communication in China
?! Pedestrian injuries analysis in Cuernavaca, Mexico 2008/2009
?! Socioeconomic inequality in road traffic injuries in Tehran
?!Community based study of drinking and driving in North Indian city
?!Research and analysis on the uncertainty data cloud of Chinese road traffic injury
A 9 year analysis of drowning in children and adolescents aged 5-19 years in Australia, 2002-2011
A case study of the prevalence and characteristics of red light runners in Malaysia
A family intervention to increase the use of seatbelts on ROPS tractors
A model for evaluation of safe communities in low and middle income countries
A model to assess violence after disasters
A model to evaluate road traffic safety in Safe Communities (SC)
A novel training for occupational safety in agriculture using mobile training unit (MTU)
A population-based study of direct health care costs for treatment of paediatric concussions
A public health model for injury surveillance and control: perspective from the field
A safer candle project - South Africa
A score card to evaluate pedestrian safety in urban environments using walkability measures
A seat belt in non-motorised vehicle rickshaw--can it prevent roads traffic injuries in Bangladesh?
A study on road safety features and awareness in selected schools in Vellore
A study on undergraduate suicidal ideation and coping setback manner in China
A systematic review of pedestrian injuries on account of distraction by mobile phone use
Abusive head trauma incidence and prevention in Queensland, Australia
Access to vehicle and risk of crash in novice drivers: results from the drive study
Accidental casualties and deaths in India due to un-natural causes, 2009-2010
Active transport among Kiwi adolescents in the urban jungle: perceptions of safety and convenience
Active transport to school among adolescents in Otago: personal and family perceptions of safety
Acute poisoning fatalities and hospitalisations among children and youth in New Zealand
Adverse childhood experiences of young adults in Latvia
Advocacy for injury control strategies on way to safe communities in Jaipur city, India
Age pattern of drowning mortality across 44 countries
Alcohol and psychoactive substance related to road traffic injuries in Pakistan
Alcohol and road safety policy in Europe: successes and failures
Alcohol expectancies, binge drinking and alcohol-related injuries in university students
All-terrain vehicles on the road: a serious traffic safety concern
All-terrain vehicles: deadly on and off the road
Alternative dairy farm employment/dairy farm task sheets
An analysis of accidental drowning fatalities in Manipal, South India
An epidemiologic profile of trauma patients admitted to Maputo Central Hospital, Maputo-Mozambique
An intervention for students' bicycle injury in middle schools in rural China
An overview of drowning in New Zealand and associated research efforts
Analysis of child injury surveillance in Tongzhou district of Beijing from 2006 to 2010
Analysis of injury trends--show me the elbow!
Analytical laboratory safety in Kmutt, Thailand
Application of the theory of planned behaviour to predict young drivers' speeding behaviour
Applying the theory: public health partnership in practice
Approaches to drowning prevention in high income countries (HICs)
Aquatic safety signage recognition and comprehension
Are food delivery riders' motorcycle safety helmets safe?
Are road traffic accidents preventable among sleep apnoea patients?
Are schools in Macedonia ready to achieve children's environmental and health policy priority goals?
Arnon's model: the use of behaviour change process to reduce violence amongst youth
Assessing fieldworker reliability in a national study of injury mortality in South Africa
Assessment survey on knowledge of traffic law--Jujuy, Argentina, 2011
Association between swimming lessons, urbanisation, and drowning in Taiwan
Barriers and facilitators to hip protector compliance: a systematic review
Barriers to helmet use for drivers of all-terrain vehicles
Barriers to the safe transport of children to hospital
Bath mat drowning prevention project
Batteries not included: identifying disc battery injury in a health setting
Battery ingestion hazard mitigation
Be more careful: a national programme for the prevention of domestic accidents in the elderly
Behaviour Based Safety reduces risk for NZ truck drivers
Black spot overlap matching for motorcycles and cars
Blown away: cyclone related injuries
Booster seat use: individual, parent-child relationship and neighbourhood characteristics
Bow Wow, Wolf Wolf: prevention and perception of dog bites
Breaking the cycle of violence: detection of domestic violence in a regional emergency department
Bridging the gap between research evidence and real-world implementation: the NoGAPS project
Brokering information to support family violence prevention and intervention efforts in New Zealand
Building a sustainable Safe Communities network: the American experience
Burden and risk factors for road traffic injuries in two districts of Kenya: a descriptive analysis
Burden of injury in New Zealand
Burden of road traffic injuries in Egypt: strengths and weaknesses of data sources
Button batteries--a hidden danger in every home
Can lay educators be used to integrate injury prevention messages into home visitation programmes?
Can the feeling of being safe be dangerous?
Caring hands on harm's way: sharp injuries in hospital settings in United Arab Emirates
Caution! Paradigm shift ahead: 'Adolescent mobility health'
Challenges for injury prevention in low and middle income countries
Changing the face of New Zealand's national injury reporting
Characteristics of injured off-road cyclists
Characteristics, causes and consequences of hospitalised traumatic brain injury in older adults
Child injury prevention and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Child passenger safety practice in China: attention and action
Childhood drowning prevention: what approaches work?
Childhood injury surveillance in a Nigerian teaching hospital
Children and drowning in Vietnam
Children's road traffic accidents in Republic of Bulgaria
Choices: safer partying using theatre-in-education
Closing the gap: progressing from injury prevention research to safety promotion practice
Coaching our kids to fewer injuries: youth sports safety research
Coastal drowning deaths in Australia: Is a 50% reduction by 2020 within reach?
Coin battery modification to prevent gastrointestinal injury from current flow
Coin cell battery ingestion hazard mitigation strategies
Coin-sized lithium batteries pose an emerging global burn risk to children
Collecting road traffic injury (RTI) data: barriers and enablers experienced by research personnel
Communication strategy to prevent unintentional injuries 'accidents do not exist'
Communities are not all created equal: designing environments to prevent violence
Community based epidemiological study of injury in India
Community based programme for fall prevention in home dwelling elderly: randomised controlled trial
Community perceptions and experiences of alcohol-related crime and safety in entertainment precincts
Community safety with police volunteers
Completeness of injury outcome data in a cohort of cyclists
Consequences of husband perpetuated violence against women on child health and psycho-social state
Contextual factors putting DSM youth at risk for death by mob violence: a qualitative study
Contributing to the formation and harmonisation of injury data collection in the Philippines
Cost of falls injury hospitalisations in older adults: focus on age, sex, and area of residence
Costing of injury: a powerful persuader to initiate planning in developing countries
Cough mixtures abuse amongst adolescent students in Guangzhou, China
Creation and development of an Injury Observatory for Britain and Ireland (IOBI)
Critical situation of child passengers: pre and post - campaign assessment, edu-car plan
Cross-cultural comparisons of parents' knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to child safety
Cross-sectional study of injuries among school children in Ismailia governorate, Egypt
Curbing violence in emerging market communities in Delta state Nigeria
Current evidence on publicised sobriety checkpoint programmes: are they still effective?
Current fall prevention activities at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Cutcut project: a response to the prevention of child drowning in the Philippines
Data analysis of the smart sports injury registry for high school athletes
David's story--born to fail the perfect storm
Decreasing driver speeding on a simulated drive with feedback and reinforcement
Demonstrating the need for injury prevention services in an urban community
Design of a safer lithium coin cell battery
Design strategies to mitigate the hazard of button cell battery electrical burn injuries
Designing injury surveillance system for National Highways & Motorway police of Pakistan
Determinants of non-compliance in motorcycle helmet use in Bangladesh
Determinants of parent perceptions of dangerous traffic related to school travel
Determinants of speeding among bus drivers in Malaysia
Development and evaluation of campaigns to reduce rip current-related beach drowning in Australia
Development and validation of a parent survey for reporting child injuries
Development of a standard test method for assessing the firmness of infant sleep surfaces
Development of an on-road driving assessment for novice teen drivers
Development of assessment tools on safe settings for child and adolescent injury prevention
Development of consumer product design tools for considering child safety
Development of national injury prevention policy in the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka
Development, implementation and evaluation of low speed vehicle runover education intervention
Differences in the prevalence and characteristics of distracted driving in eight countries, 2011
Distance course for child injury prevention in Brazil
Distracted driving: mobile phone use while driving in three Mexican cities (Conference presentation)
Do visibility aids reduce the risk of motor-vehicle injury in bicyclists?
Documented evidence of agricultural injury in China
Domestic violence in San Jose De Ocoa, Dominican Republic 2008-2011
Domestic violence in the city of Beira
Drink driving prevention in Ha Nam and Ninh Binh provinces of Viet Nam
Drinking and driving in Vietnam: prevalence, and public knowledge, attitudes, and practices
Drivers of change in agricultural health and safety in Australia
Drivers' working conditions and private bus crashes in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Drowning in the great lakes of Uganda: a neglected problem
Drowning prevention in culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Drowning prevention programme in northern Iran--a closer look at the problem
Drowning risk assessment and communication using spatial analysis
Drug poisoning deaths by urbanisation and geographic region, US 1999-2009
Economic and health consequences in women subject to intimate partner abuse
Economic burden of various injuries in a low income community
Economic evaluation of safety laws and their enforcement
Effectiveness of control and repression campaigns on RTA mortality in a low income country
Effectiveness of the 100% motorcycle helmet use campaign in Thailand
Effectiveness of web-based expert system for substance abuse prevention in Korean adolescents
Effects of speed radar camera in reducing road traffic crashes: experiences from Kenya
Electronic recording of traffic incidents
Empowerment of school teachers for school based injury prevention and safety promotion
Energiser's approach to lithium coin cell battery ingestion
Enhancing fire department home visits through improved program monitoring
Environmental determinants of bicycling injuries
Epidemiological profile of hospitalised injury among e-bike riders
Epidemiological study on disability causes by injury in the Chinese population
Epidemiology of, and surveillance of, media worker homicide in Iraq (2003-2011)
Estimating the global burden of work-related fatal injury taking into account temporal changes
Evaluation of a Canadian primary care fall prevention training and resource package
Evaluation of a national home safety equipment scheme
Evaluation of enforcement programme to increase seatbelt use: a case study in precinct 8, Putrajaya
Evaluation of noise producing toys and the product standard criteria
Evaluation of pilot injury surveillance system in Sri Lanka
Evaluation of the child safety education coalition in England
Evaluation on Shenzhen primary and secondary school students injury surveillance system
Evidence of the role of CCTV in preventing alcohol-related assaults in a night time economy
Expanded measure of paediatric injury
Exploring a new method to promote perceptions of susceptibility and severity of childhood injury
Exploring patient perceptions of barriers and facilitators to recovery following trauma
External causes of injuries in Tehran, Iran: a household survey
Factors associated with functional outcomes 12 months after injury
Factors associated with intimate partner violence decrease in Medellin, Colombia. 2003-2007
Factors associated with ongoing traumatic brain injury-related symptoms among female offenders
Factors influencing the decision to engage in unsafe work practices: an air freight case study
Factors related to seatbelt-wearing among rear-seat passengers in Malaysia
Fall related injuries: a retrospective medical review study in north India
Fall risk and fitness among older adults enrolled in balance and strength training classes
Fall-related sub-acute and non-acute care and rehabilitation-related acute care: what is the impact?
Falls and injury prevention in older people
Falls in young and working age adults--should we be worrying about them?
Fatal injury in the ageing workforce
Finding balance: using collaboration and evidence to help prevent seniors' falls
Fire and burn risks to children: exploring the role of housing quality
First eye cataract surgery and hospitalisation for a fall
First standardised field sobriety test in Brazil
Focus on elderly people in terms of injury prevention in Rapla, Estonia
Football events and their association with interpersonal violence deaths
Forensic examination following rape: do skin colour and baseline injury matter?
Fractures following falls in Sri Lanka
Getting research published: writing for biomedical journals
GPS tracking of quad bike use on Australian dairy farms
Grass roots suicide prevention in rural Western Australia (WA)
Guadalajara, Mexico: drinking and driving strategy
Guerrilla marketing in child injury prevention--winning the war to keep kids safe in New Zealand
Hazard regression models of early mortality in trauma centres
Health seeking behaviour of injured victims among community
Healthy alcohol policy as an injury prevention strategy
Helmet use among motorcyclists in Cambodia: a survey of use, knowledge, attitudes, and practices
Helmet use in BIXI cyclists in Toronto, Canada: an observational study
Helmet use in motorcycle taxi operators in Kampala, Uganda
Helmets for Kids programme increases helmet use among students
Home injury hazards and home injury in New Zealand
Homicide fall in Sao Paulo municipality, Brazil: the role of public security indicators
Hospital referral to a community programme for youth injured by violence: a feasibility study
How well do children estimate the time it takes to cross a road? A risk factor for pedestrian injury
How youth development and community collaboration contribute to safe communities
I have a bone to pick with you: the challenge of addressing dog-related injury in a rural community
ICD-based injury severity for land transport trauma
If it's about youth, involve youth: creating opportunities for youth engagement in injury prevention
Illicit and benzodiazepine drugs use among fatally injured drivers in urban areas of Kuala Lumpar
Impact assessment of Pappu Zebra road sense campaign in Indian cities
Impact of 'safe community' model in suicide prevention in Japan
Impact of intimate partner violence on women's health--a population based study in Nepal
Impact of wellness programme to employee health
Implementation matters: developing an injury prevention briefing
Imputation of chronic neck pain to a motor-vehicle collision: a Bayesian approach
Increased traffic fines and road traffic crashes in Sri Lanka
Inequalities in child injuries in Nepal: findings of a community based survey in Makwanpur
Influencing travel demand in Putrajaya
Injuries among children in China: results from national injury surveillance system, 2010
Injury among the aboriginal population of Alberta, Canada
Injury epidemiology and New Zealand military forces in World War One
Injury incidence among recruits in basic military training and related factors in China
Injury patterns and safety behaviour of child pedestrians in the ultra Orthodox Jewish Community
Injury prevention among friends: the benefits of school connectedness
Injury prevention counselling during well-child visits in the USA: rates and determinants
Injury situation in Vietnam in 2005-2010 and preventive strategies in 2011-2015
Injury surveillance at BIR hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal--initial 1 year report
Injury to Maori--does language hold the key to bringing about change
Intimate femicide in South Africa: comparing two studies 10 years apart
Intimate partner violence: the silent burden in Sri Lankan women
Investigating common trends in New Zealand cycling fatalities
Investigating the existence of blood alcohol content policy for commercial drivers in Nigeria
It shouldn't hurt: creating policies and places for injury-free active living for children
It's our fault: better defining earthquake risk in Wellington, New Zealand
Joint Action on Monitoring Injuries in Europe (JAMIE): development of a new Minimum Data Set (MDS)
Kava use and risk of car crash injury: a population-based case control study in Fiji
Kids can drown in inflatable pools too!
Leadership and culture under the Australian work health and safety strategy 2012-2022
Leadership practices related to unintentional injury prevention at schools
Learning from 20 year trends in unintentional child injury mortality
Legal risk management in the Australian fitness industry: identifying the public law risks
Lesson learnt in injury control: after 30 years what would I do differently?
Let's talk about safety--can injury prevention do more harm than good?
Life Quilt South Australia--stitching the stories of life
Lives saved from declined drink driving behaviors in a Chinese city
Magnitude and associated risk factors of injuries among welders working in grill workshops
Making global road safety collaborations work: stakeholders' perceptions
Measuring the sustainability of a community safety promotion network: working from the inside out
Medical community role in global arms trade policy discussions
Methodological studies on injury comprehensive surveillance
Model of care for older adults abused in Mexico
Modifications of coin cells with anti-ingestion and encapsulation design features
Mortality and non-fatal suicidal behaviour in the 20 years after a medically serious suicide attempt
Motorcycle helmet wearing in children in Viet Nam--a comparison of pre and post law
Motorcycle non-standard helmet use in an urban area of Mexico
Motorcycle speeds at urban intersections
Motorcycle transport: a threat to road safety in a community in Sub-Saharan Africa
Motorcyclist injuries and use of safety measures in five cities in Colombia
National action plan for child injury prevention: launching a roadmap for an injury-free childhood
National leadership and interagency coordination to prevent family violence
National survey of the injury prevention activities of Sure Start children's centres
Needlestick injuries in agriculture
New approaches and audiences for behaviour change to reduce child injury risk
New techniques of victims recovery buried by homicides and natural disasters
New zealand estimates of the social and economic cost of work-related injuries
New Zealand estimates of the total social and economic cost of injuries
Now I lay you down to sleep: reducing suffocation risk in the infant sleep environment
Occupational ATV-related injuries in Washington State's agricultural industry, 2004-2008
Occupational skin disease--findings of a two years study in Auckland
On road riding practices among electric bikers in Suzhou
One voice--Safer Canada: merging Canada's four largest injury prevention organisations
Optimising seat length design to minimise extra passengers on all-terrain vehicles
Out of sight but not out of mind: rural drowning in Queensland
Pacific provider making a difference
Parental influence on adolescent risk behaviours: a strategy to empower parents
Participatory photography project gives voice to non-driving Pacific, Maori and Asian youth
Partnering with the community to prevent family violence
Passport to safety--from Canada to Australia
Pedestrian injury profile in Lagos (Nigeria)--the third most densely populated city in Africa
Perceptions and reality: measuring New Zealanders' attitudes towards injury risk
Photovoice: children's perspectives on road traffic safety in 10 countries
Pilot study on home injury risk assessment in two low-income communities in Karachi, Pakistan
Plunket car seat rentals, protecting New Zealand children for over 30 years
Policy analysis and evaluation of effectiveness of a suicide prevention initiative in Montreal
Policy interventions related to child drowning prevention in low and middle income countries
Pool fencing--can Australia go much further?
Pools2Schools - A watersafe Auckland Initiative for school aquatic education
Population attributable risk of unintentional childhood poisoning in Karachi Pakistan
Population based characteristics of fatalities and hospital admissions for acute poisoning in Fiji
Population based ED and office visits for paediatric concussion
Practical experience of gateway treatment in developing country
Predictors of long term outcomes following major trauma: a population-based study
Predictors of missing data in injury surveillance: an observational study
Pregnancy outcomes linked to intimate partner violence: a systematic review
Prevalence of drunk driving in Ghana
Prevalence of frequent fighting among youth: a cross-national comparison of 39 countries
Preventable: a social marketing campaign to prevent injuries in British Columbia, Canada
Preventing child maltreatment: is there a need for a European policy?
Preventing children falling from residential buildings: lessons of success from a working party
Preventing children from being extra-riders on tractors
Preventing fall injuries among elderly by shock absorbing flooring
Preventing falls in older people: the New Zealand experience
Preventing falls in under fives - a ten-year long intervention in Taranaki
Preventing lithium coin battery ingestion: a five-pronged strategy
Preventing violence: generating and using the evidence
Product safety--so who is responsible?
Progress in preventing injuries: a content analysis of national policies in Europe
Progress on child safety action in Europe: the results of the 2012 child safety country profiles
Promoting safety at work in cooperation with the local community
Quantifying the use of seatbelts and child restraints in three Mexican cities
Randomised controlled trial to reduce in-patient falls in hospitalised older people
Reducing alcohol related harm in Wellington
Reducing risk of entry into confined space manure storages
Regulatory approach to button batteries
Relationship between alcohol mangement plans and injury reductions in a remote Australian community
Relative and attributable risks of fatal crashes associated with drug use
Research about mother's perception and behaviour about accidents with children in Brazil
Resident advocacy to mitigate hazards of button battery ingestions
Results of safe community development implementation in Vietnam in the period 2002-2011
Rip current related drowning deaths and rescues in Australia 2004-2011
Risk and protective factors of self-immolation: a population based case control study from Iran
Risk assessment for LED lighting flicker
Risk factors for falls in cataract patients awaiting surgery
Risk factors for fatalities in small underground coal mines in the U.S
Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes involving civilian drivers and emergency vehicles in use
Risk factors for road traffic injuries among school children in rural Bangladesh
Risk factors for severe motorcycle injuries among motorcyclists
Risk factors of heat stroke in active duty U.S. Army soldiers, 2002-2007
Risk of assault among education specialists in the United States: a case-control study
Risk of injurious road traffic crash after prescription of antidepressants
Road safety challenges for the 21st century
Road safety practices of motorcycle riders in Multan, Pakistan
Road safety research and policy
Role of alcohol in hospitalised road trauma in Viet Nam
Rural health providers--improving farmer health and safety
Safe community evaluation in terms of child safety
Safe community movement in Serbia
Safe trampolining--a persistent challenge
Safer bars: reducing violence in and around licensed premises
Safety around the home: an interactive, evidence-based guide to creating a safe home environment
Safety in school sports (TEKO)
Safety on highway work zones and speed management
Safety rock: community-based art initiative to reduce driveway run over trauma
Say cheese! Equestrian helmet use in publication photos of horse organisations
Self-reported drunk driving among Finnish adolescents
Senior safety--a study of fall prevention in 16 Norwegian municipalities
Sexual violence during pregnancy and women's perception on current abortion in rural Bangladesh
Simplified injury severity scale for developing countries
Situation of child injuries in Vietnam and interventions
Solving the safety paradox--when making things less safe makes them more safe
Spatial analysis of fatal and injury crashes in Curitiba
Spatial inequalities and pedestrian injuries in Cali, Colombia
Sports-related concussion among high school athletes in West Central Florida
Strategies for injury prevention in Swedish agriculture
Street harassment: an unaddressed form of gender-based violence
Study on evaluation of life jacket utilisation in Vietnam
Study on occupational injuries visited and admitted to two hospitals during 2006-2010
Successful road safety initiatives in Dubai
Suicide ideation among medical students: a cross sectional study from South India
Suicide prevention: confronting public health challenges
Suicide-related mortality in Vietnam in 2005-2010
Supervision and risk of unintentional injury in young children (conf. abstract)
Surveillance of family violence a perspective of 5 years in Costa Rica
Survey of hot water temperatures in campgrounds: elevated scalding risk and energy wastage
Taupo bicycle study: follow up response, personal characteristics and injury outcome
Temperament and fracture risk among preschool children: a target kids! Cross-sectional survey
Tendency of assaulted casualties during Songkran festival
The 2012 action plan for preventing childhood agricultural injuries in the USA
The aging workforce: a population-based study of agricultural workers
The burden of alcohol-related injuries and violence-2020 a safer Aotearoa New Zealand
The burden of road traffic injuries in Guyana: time to prioritise road safety investments
The contribution of fate to under-reporting of road crashes and associated road trauma in Pakistan
The correlation between burn mortality rates and economic status of countries
The cost of managing injuries of bomb blast seen at hospitals in eight Nigeria states
The cost of managing injuries of bomb blast seen at hospitals in eight Nigerian states
The development of STEADI--a fall prevention tool kit for U.S. healthcare providers
The economic burden of all-terrain vehicle-related adult deaths in the U.S. workplace, 2003-2006
The economic impact of road traffic injuries on households in Kandy, Sri Lanka
The enhanced enforcement for helmet wearing and drink driving in Cambodia
The epidemiology of child homicides in South Africa
The epidemiology of cutting or piercing injuries at home among young and middle-aged adults
The establishment of school based injury surveillance system in Jiangsu, China
The evaluation of general swimming and safety swimming programmers
The exposure of farm workers to pesticides used in potato cultivation in Brazil
The flood disaster in rural Bangladesh: magnitude of injuries and parental violence in children
The growing use of motorcycles for commercial transport and traffic safety in Ghana
The identification and targeted pre-licence remediation of overconfident, risk-taking young drivers
The impact of socio economic factors on injuries in Tehran, IR Iran
The impact of the U-visa on stopping violence against immigrant women in the USA
The incidence of childhood injury following an 'Inland Tsunami': the experience of Toowoomba
The incidence of road traffic inuries in Kandy, Sri Lanka
The indigenous connection/Maori--Aotearoa (NZ) context
The it's not OK campaign: creating change to end family violence in New Zealand
The national coronial information system: a decade of challenges and achievements
The new tobacco--tactics adopted by quad bike manufacturers to not rollover
The prevalence of motorcycle helmet use in three Mexican cities
The relationship between payday and violence in Guatemala
The relationship between violence and mental illnesses in Guatemala
The relationship between walking to school and child pedestrian injury in Toronto, Canada
The unexamined falls: the student experience and their solutions
The validity of self-reported helmet-use among motorcyclists in India
The value of multi-source data harvesting for injury mortality data: the Jamaican experience
The venom patrol--an online resource for improving health literacy and for snakebite prevention
Through flashing speed limit signage to control vehicle speed limit for entering school zone
Towards safer roads in Putrajaya through community based programme
Towards sustainable pedestrian safety: the Bangladesh context
Training injury and violence prevention professionals to influence transportation decisions
Translating injury prevention research: a resource for state policy makers
Transportation safety issues: the student experience and their solutions
Trauma registries: what is the experience in developing countries?
Traumatic hand amputations among Greek adults: epidemiology and prevention dimensions
Trend of homicide in Sao Paulo city: an intra-urban analysis
Trends in hip fracture incidence rates among elderly in Sweden 1987-2009
Trends in medical certification of injured workers by general practitioners in Victoria, Australia
Trends in road traffic crashes and associated injury and fatality in Pakistan 1956-2010
Trends of road traffic accidents in Cameroon between 2007 and 2011
Tri-motorcycle accidents in Abuja Nigeria
Two year active surveillance of injuries in an industrially developing commune in Vietnam
Under-reported: child pedestrian road traffic injuries in Vietnam
Understanding anatomical injury severity of fatal road crashes
Understanding unintentional childhood home injuries: pilot surveillance data from Karachi, Pakistan
Understanding use of child restraints in Australian aboriginal families: a mixed methods approach
Unintentional drowning in urban South Africa: a retrospective investigation, 2001-2005
Unintentional injuries and the home environment: a qualitative study
United Nations community policing in conflicted area of Darfur Sudan
Use of geographic information systems in the watch area injury versus programmatic Jujuy, Argentina
Using accessible cost effective technology to save lives
Using attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours to shape a Cambodian motorcycle helmet campaign
Using change theory to elucidate complexities in child safety
Using crowd-sourcing to drive innovation in injury prevention--results of a pilot programme
Using GIS to assess pedestrian safety in Delhi
Using in-depth crash data to assess the role of driver inattention and driver distraction in crashes
Using social media to get our child injury prevention messages out there
Using spatial planning to prevent unintentional injuries
Victims of domestic injuries and suicide among women of reproductive age in Iran
Video based methods for observing pedestrians behaviour
Violence against individuals with disabilities: a synthesis of studies on prevalence and risk
Violent injuries in Nigeria: increasing occurrence but low priority on preventive measures
Vulnerability of riders and passengers to injuries in multi-occupant motorcycle crashes
Vulnerable users' deaths in Brazilian road safety 10 cities (RS-10)
WAI wise: a fun, practical and effective water safety experience for young adults
What do we need for injury prevention and safety promotion as evidence?
What has worked with recidivist drink drivers to reduce re-offending?
Who are you? Prevention of alcohol related sexual violence
Women's safety issues in export zones in developing countries in the context of a globalised economy
Workplace violence against nurses in hospitals in Guangdong, China